April 15, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 15, 1965 |
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t5, 1965
IELTON--MAS0N COtrkVl"f 30trRNAL- Published in "Ohr4stma tow,, U.S.A.", @helton,
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~I Somali. ~rry boat wh/stle~, btudl:b~
broncos, tree-ftlltng, I~ial
chants, seagul]~, jazz bands,
It'i up to YOU to set the trap. Pacific Northwest and like that. If you can't oaa-
Boli will help provide tho bait. vince them by booklets and such, you're sum to mako a sale by
jtmt asking your fi~ends to play it by ear. We'll also send along a
l~T°t~ oneand Of ~Washlngton'S~adfie major Northwestibd~'Bell wantsF°r l~a$o.~to help m~rZ of hand~ ~itter-trappi~g Lit,,
brlng even more tourists to our green and lovely hnd. (Sel£mbI~ ,v=_~ zm~ for use in your ear (to help ..~~ 1
we realize that tourists make phone calls. Unse]Kshly: we grew ..x~p Washington even cleaner and ~~--]
uparoundhece.)TohMpyoulure, entice, and otherwise eonvin~ ~auter for both us natives and I~i~~w~_ ~ I
four booklets--we call them W2 thought you'd never ask. L-[ .~g[~ [J
'~he Conwnc~m" ,,-- that. ox- ~LI~nPlY thia: tourlabl spend money.
toll our state's many virtues. ~ hey provide employment, they boost tlm state's emnomy. ~ '
There's a special Convincer on another thing. If we're as good as we think we are, they'll ke~
fmhing, plus a complets ~t of coming back -- y~ar after year. (Deaides that, you get tl~ free
beautifalboold ts with litter bag,.)
Part of the Nationwide Bell System
P | | II | i niIN I I | n IIi nn | naniii iinaii (in iii|
I Dear I~cif/c Northwest Be// I
I 8ox 1300, Seattle, Washington 98#11 ~ I
I (Or phone MUtual 2-9000, Ext. 1106) I
I r~~ I
I ~ Zap I I getthe point. Send me a set of Convince I
I On second thought, better send me slong
I (__2,-----3,-----4, or~-5) sets boceuse I
I rm e pretty friendly fellow, (And don't forget I
I the free littor begs.) 1
I Name ............. , _ . : ............, ....
I Address ....... I
I City~ ..... ~tate __ ,Flp ,
Sam m n n m m m im n !m i I mz Im am i u Nim i ianiinaasnll inlB
washer or hi-fi equipment.
The information will tm oollect-
ed during the workweek staPti~
April 19 from selected households
in this area aa well a~ in 9ther
sample areas throughout the Un-
Ited States. '
Census Bureau interVieWea~ who
will visit families in this area
in April Include Mrs. Polly A.
Swayze, Shelton.
Atonemenl is
Soienlisl Sulijeel
What do Jesus' sufferings and
triumphs mean to us today ? This
is the underl~dng question to be
taken up at all Christian Science
churches this Sunday. The subject
is "Doctrine of &tenement.',
The Bible Lesson to be read will
nelude this verse from II Corin-
thians: "Therefore if any man he
in Christ, he is a new creature:
old things are passed away; be-
hold, all things are become new."
The theme will be carried through
in related readings from the
Cllristian Science textbook: "He
to whom 'the arm of the Lord' is
revealed will believe our report,
and rise into newness of llfe 'with
regeneration. This is having part
in the atonement; this i~ the un-
derstandlng, in whicl* Jesus suf-
fered and triumphed" (SCience and
Health x~qth Key to the Serlptures
by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 24).
~mtt]e.FkR h p|eued to am~otme~ that beea.~
ill now ]~ederal Housing Administration policies,
we. Call now offor favorable FHA financing t~rml
on property that previonsly would
not qualify'.
Until ~ecent]y, a home had to conform tO metro-
]politan construction standards to qualify for FH~
~anancing. Under the new policy, FHA will approve
loans on homes that conform to the construction
Itandards ~enerally prevalent in the town or area
in which t~e property Js located.
•his means that Seattle-First can now make FH~
teal estate loans in this area -- loans that we could
mot make in the past. We can also make FHA loa a
to refinance an 6xistlng real-estate contract.
Like to know more about this program and the
advantages of FHA financing? Come see us and
_we'll be,glad to explain the details. You're more
~a weacoma at ~eatfle-Fi~t.
National Bank