April 15, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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15, 1965
SI-rELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ--- Publisl/e in rCOhr s masfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, WasMng n
At Belfair PT
on all
Ph. 426-4302
BELFAIR--An interesting pro- Tcnnins Courts" in sl)ecial appre-
gram is planned for tonight whcncial:ion for land hc has donated to
the school a8 well as his interest
the Junior-Senior High PTA meetsthrough the years. The North Ma-
st 8 p.m. in the cafeteria. Shelton
tcaeher, Miss Ruth Koenig, who son Stage Band added a festive
note and the GAA served coffee
was in Mississippi last summer to and cookies in the cafeteria, most
help in voter registration will tell welcome on a chilly evening.
of her experience in working with
Civil Rigitts groups. Also on the ONE OF THE most ambitious
and successful of tht annual "Mus-
agenda will be election of officers ic Blasts" was enjoyed last 2Mes-
for the coming year. day evening in the North Mason
Thenewly completed tennis Gym. Although director, Doug
courts at the High School were Corliss, solemnly announces each
duly dedicated last Friday evening, year that this is a serious pro-
Speeches of thanks and apprcci- gram, it is done with "tonglm-in-
ation to all who made this pro- cheek", as this is really a "blast",
ject a reality were made by Supt. as the name implies and is a lot
Norman Sanders, Principal Robert of fun for participants and audi-
Larson and Board Chairman, Rich- ence alike. This year, for the
ard Rasmussen. A special surprise first time, many more were involv-
came when a dedication plaque was od in the program than ever
unveiled to read "Albert A. Snell, oefore. In addition to the band and
chorus, others in the cast were
the Drill Team, Rally Squad,
Majorettes, the Yachtmen and
members of the Faculty. The pro.
gram was put on earlier in the
day for all the grade school
students as well as the junior-sen-
ior high.
Grandparents T ,ie fii ts
per day of attcndcnce credit from
Mason County Commissioners;
participation in the new Fcder-
~al Economic Opportunity Act,
Title 1B; and adoption of a reso-
lution to transfer $5,000 in invest-
led funds from Savings & Loan
Association to district building
i funds to meet obligated expenses.
:The Board heard a report from
Sanders on his investigation of
Chlorination or other purification
of watcr supplied by the Bearcat
Water System to the elementary
buildings, a report on the pro-
gress of the Bond and Levy elec-
tion to be held April 13; a final re-
port on sale of surplus hot lunch
equipment for a total of $1,095 to
be placed in the general'.fund ac-
count; and receipt of a portion of
Fe,lcral Funds (P.L. 874) allotted
to Federally impacted school dis-
trmts. Sixth grade teacher, Mrs.
Jayne Howard, was granted leave
of absence from April 20-23, With-
out pay. Board accepted resigna-
tion of custodian, Stan Freeiin,
who is going into private business.
They granted permission to Sand-
ers to attend a State Superinten-
second Monday of the month. New-
ly elected Board Chairman, Dick
Rasmussen, presided. Motions
passed by the Board included ac-
ceptance of tennis courts as per
contract with Earl Lincoln; adop-
tion of proposed 1965-66 school
calendar, rehirlng all staff teach-
The reguar meeting of the North dent's meeting in Seattle, April
Mason Board of Directors was 19-20. Authorized purchase by
held April 5 instead of the regular Supt. Sanders of two tanks to be
installed underground at the high
school site for firefighting pur-
poses. Supt. Sanders announced
that dedication ceremonies for the
tennis courts would be held Fri-
day, April 9 at 6:30 p.m.
Bethel No. 43, Jobs Daughters
will hold a rummage sale at the
ers, non-certified personnel and Shelton P.U.D. building Thursday
administrators for 1965-66; adop- and Friday, April 15-16 from 9 to
Lion of resolution requesting 17¢ 5 p.m.
NEW COLT --- This colt, born on the Gene Allen ranch on Little
Skc~okum Bay, is half Hoflinger, a breed of horse which comes
out of the Austrian Alps. The father, "Marzwind" is a registered
Hoflinger stallion owned by Heisdorf and Nelson farms, Kirkland.
He was imported from Austria. The mother, "Cracker" is Quar-
ter Horse and Morgan.
By Joann Tupper Mrs. Jessie Tupper, Mrs. Jean-
LAKE NAHWATZEL ....... Mr. nie Diggle and Mrs. Sandra Sore-
and Mrs. Clifford Ford are the merfeld attended the haby shower
proud grandparents of twin girls, for Mrs. Be(ky Jaeobson at the
!born April 7 to Mr. and Mrs. horn (ff Mrs. Margl|rite Lemke
Richard Boothe, of Seattle. last: ']'hursday evening.
Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Clifford ...............................................
i u,, i m , i
Ford and grandson Steve Crape
drove to Seattle to see the babies.
The girls were named Juli Ann,
and Joni Lee.
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Joe
Peterson of Lost Lake visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit.
Weekend guests of the Tveits
were Mr. and Mrs. Cleze Drom-
Mr and Mrs. James Leggett and
family of Aberdeen were dinner
guests Friday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Archic Kelley.
Sunday evening ]V[r. Alvie Chap-
man stopped in to see Archie Kel-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rothrock
and family, of M&tloek visited Mr.
and Mrs. Hector Barbour Satur-
day evening.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Barbour visited Bud Glick and
his mother, Mrs. Berle Van Nor-
man of MaUock.
Mrs. Clifford Reeve's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Heilala of As-
toria, Ore., were visitors for the
week at the Reeve home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Evans
attended their son and daughter-
in-law's reception April 10 at the
Kamilehe Grange Hall.
Mr. and Mrs, J. P. McClanahan
were gamsts at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Frank Cooper.
Cancer Drive chairman for the
Freshman John Koch Rows Hammersley Inlet a Lake Nahwatzel area is Mrs, Jes-
sie Tupper
Each Morn To Get To Raseball Practice At 7 ff ..... .... _-_ ____ __
~~----,= .... By Lintht Creasey By Llz Allison same would be framed, labeled, GETS PROMOTION
XKYLINI and Llnda Hathaway HARSTINE --- Last week a lady and hung ill the Hall. Gene is an: A Belfaii" junior at Eastem~
living on' Harstine who needs a xious to obtain more pictures to Washington State College, Roy
~;~t~h0 -- "'-- John Koch, a freshman at SJ~-IS, job heard of some available era- ^ ............ d *~ "h .... lle .... r'E. Bead ha~ won promotion to
ImBIIUI~ IIElI TIll~JII wouldn't miss baseball practice for ~ .... ,s~ w ,1 ......~ ~,,~ ..... , .
ur. Straw Hat from head to toe MnlwE:=aR anything. John, living several Lion: "'Anyone interested should ...... ,Reserve Officers Training Corps
!pl0Yment on the local radio sta- _. 1 ..... ~e " leo- " r cadet first sergeant m the college
l~lease a I yOU 010 tinrs K IO
ms beauty-wise travel s ze
01Ogne . - , - " trio of 24 H. Phon* aoa a'rnv miles out of town, attends base- Ioclntaet tiie State Employment old pictures taken on theIsland. tunit. Boad, son of Mr. and Mrs.
........ " .... ball practice each morning at 7 ~'ervice". She went there at once Leave them with Gene toenlarge lRoy Boad, is a 1962 graduate of
had' oathto eachP°Wder and soa Gate Opens 6:45 - Show At 7a.m. How he gets there Is quite and was told that, "you are not and the originals will be returned. North Mason High School and is
'hate P
t:ab,,.:-': other in a boat acros Hammersley's In-
FRI. - SAT. - SUN. a tale. Each morning, John rows available for work I~ec,ause you The Club decided to have every i majoring in industrial arts at
. ~ge s rollicky, frolicky fragrance for fun.., let, where an awaiting car trans- live on Harstine Island . This is other meeting a business meeting EWSC.
g°ai :ttable, packable, pretty and practical[ -%'~-~/'/- ~7"ti|he~lrAo:llk'~JR|~n, au--~,- |1 ports, him to the junior high school just another example of why a. with al t e rnate meetings a
Stu ,. iftin ~ ''.~ i field. The woman works at an occu- be business in The "Hall, bill the
-" nat Trip-let 3.50 seg ' ~ mw--~m-~lF-m~-m |1 round of concerts. April 6, the sev- pelion which requires hem's which June meeting a potluck hn Or out
I ~ B~~ [i enth grade band and 8th grade are not conlpatible with the ferry of hall depencling on the weather.:
~Y'~'""~ ~ !' fflee clubs ve~forrned while enter- schedule Which makes its first trip I The following Committees for the
t -I~0[~[~:~N0[0S'~.[| tainmant last Tuesday was provid- in the early morning and its last year were appointed: Entertain-
~-,J~---..~0~&~[~0~R~o~ ed by the 8th and 9th grade band, at 6 pm. in the evening, ment, Mrs. Garfield Williams and
I Mzs Go~don Snnmons, Building
the mixed choir, and various en- Special trips, which would be "" " " *" ' "
[-']~)b~0I'l~leI0~(tt0~q[J~fli[1J-] sembles, necessary if she was to get back Committee, or tla.ll maintenance,
Today Shel~.on will be the i~ost to her home, are expensive, cost- Tom Tierney; Bridge to Harstine
I ~Hope"'?~ "~,,I to St. "Martin's track team in a tng $2.50 for each one. Committee," The President, Sid
meet here at 3 p.m. Marcus VVhit- To review the Subject for the Baunsgard, Mrs. Tom Tim~ey;
Sunshine Committee, Mrs. Gene
• :~ man Jt, nlor High will be tile rival benefi~ of some mainlanders un- Seward. Members were reminded
.~.~_ • ~ Tuesday in a-baseball contest, der the impression we Islanders that club dues are overdue. Host-
.... do not v~nt a bridge. There are esses in the Coffee hour were
98 registered voters on HarstineMrs. A[ Pridlmm and Mrs. Ervie
Journal Want Ads Pay island.pt'in~a'yseven ty'tl'''eeclectlO,1 'vh~'~v('tred Bl"idgei'~ tl~e Wi~ge,.t" , , ~
Bond issue was on the ballot.. Six, I HE ItARSIINE (3 R A N (3 E
" ...... d - • join.'d with Agate Twanoh and
!~y-seven vo[en zor ~rl ~ge ann sxx . , "._ . ... "' , ....
a~ainst Fan' r~arnor uranges m a Frmnn-
=~. ~ ." ... .... , ship night April 9 All met in SheN
~U*-'~:0 SIROW eonflll:lons lasE ~Mlno , r .
• . ..... [ ton at The Mmg l?ree Clnnese res-
tel'Mason t3otinty~CflOOlS were ....... , fo- -~¢ ....... * a .a ....
' " " " ---r-0 " [t,,,,'~.L ,' u,,,,,,~- ,,--, u:ou v.,-.
closes several nays. Tne e~ re tne ..~:,..~ ~.. ~.~..... ~_.o .... ,-,~, v..,
master vacation XVIII De a long . - "~,~ ,': ....
w "e - i'l -eel Good F ' I lowentne nmner. Tne regumr
eeJ¢ nil W tl no sen tl ~-
., " .... 2 - "'lmeeting of Harstine Grange will
~ay ann ~astm: ~x~onoay
• ' " " I be held April 16 in The Harstinc ~
Dr. and Mrs A. B. Carson and Hall J
grandsons Ronnic and Brad, Dr. .." ......... B_,.~.s ,.^~ _..
' • . IV~I'. ann Mrs. l£,l'Ille ) tl'." lliltl ~
and ~Vh's Johnson and chxldten ar- . ...... ; ........
• " " ' .... l . l:uelr glleSl;s laNE weeK, ;vtFs, ~:),yt'['s ;
rives Yrom Oakland {3Slit, asl; . r " " - ....... " ....
Friday fez an cxt'etaoeo" '~ sta'y in tile tx~o sisters, Mrs. ~llzaoetnol kierlltZ,
.~ • !( " ~'~ =: . : ..... and Mrs Thiele Cann I of Seattle;
warson nome on lwcMiicgen /Sl~ii(l. ....
Large Stze
17 %', Square
3" Deep
Vinyl Cover
l~oam Filler
3rd & Railroad
('Always Shop Miller's in Shelton First!"
IT !
Located North East of Ballow, Me-
Mieken Island becomes a part of
Harstine at low tide.
The Eric Christainsons of Spen-
cer Lake come to Harstine ahnost
every day to work on their house,
across from tile John Budd farm.
Let's hope they finish the house
soon and move back to our Island.
beautiful new Mercedes-BenZ, a
super automobile. It is Horizon
Bhm and the leather seats are a
desert sand color, Wednesday Mrs.
Tierney took the new car into Ta-
coma for a check-up. Mrs. Jim
McAuliffe accompanied her as did
Ben Rigney. The ladies were all
worn out after tramping the
smwiced. Mighty glad were they,
to get back home on the Island,
to our uniform of tennis slices,
blue jeans and sweat shirts!
Mr, and Mrs. David Allison and
son Peter of Pnllman spent Friday
at The Maples. The Allisons at-
tend WSU where he is working in
the Chemistry Lab for a mas-
ter's degree, planning to go back
to teaching Chemistry in High
School next year. Mrs. Allison is
a senior in Art Education at WSU.
Thi.~ week is Holy ~Veek and
elsewhere in The Journal yon can
read that the many churches in
Shelton will hold special setwices
with the climax of Easter SerV-
ices and beautiful mnsic. Let's
hope you were able to find an
4 pp.
Assorted Toys -- International Costumed Doll, Sand Cart,
Hot Rod Road Grader, Boat Carrier, Machine Gun, Golf Set,
Juice Set, Steam Shovel, Truck Fleet, Rote Mower, Race Car,
Croquet get, Tap 'N Bat, Fishing Outfit, Soda Fountain, Babe
Ruth Ball Set, Tractor, Baseball & Dart Game. $ Crystal
Tissue Box, Whisk Broom, 3 pc. Bar Set, 5 Cell Flashlight,
Straw Waste Basket, Quilted Satin Glove Box, Tie Rack,
Pick-Up Duster, PLastic Tub, Plastic Bucket, Plastic Waste
Basket, Plastic Clothes Basket, Plastic Scrub Tub, Plastic
Dishpm~, and many other items at ........................................ 77.¢
Ct~romc Plated
With Cabinet
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Glaser were
Sunday g~ests at The Maples.
They delighted their host and host-
ess with gifts of grape vines, lily
of the valley plants and home-
made noodles. Mrs. Glaser is fam-
ous foe the noodles she makes with
duck eggs.
Mrs. Justine Vqhite and son
Schuyler of Seattle will be visit-
ing the Martyn Goctsehes Easter
weekend. Palm Sunday, Schuyler
was baptized in a Seattle church.
Without m u c h doubt, the
most e:.:pensive drug is thc one
that isn't av~ilable. The cost of
this drug is extremely high. It
may even be a la U m all life,
yours or one of your loved ones.
To alleviate this situation, the
Ameriean~ pharmaceutical in-
dustry, w hie h embraces the
manufacturer, the wholesaler
and the retail pharnmeist, has
a marketing and distribution
system ahnost as miraculons as
the drugs they sell.
Literally, within hours after
a new drug has been released,
it is in pharmacies from Maine
to C'llifornia. Just as impor-
tant, information on the use,
action and safety of the drug is
in the hands of physicians who
can make it available to you on
a prescription.
We at NeWs Pharmacy are
proud to be a member of the
health team which has made iL
possible to eliminate this one
ve,'y costly drug -- The Drug
That Isn't There.
Fifth & Franklin St. 426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 - 6:30
Managed & Operated by
Christensen's for Shoes
t3 rcmerton
alligator lustre calf
lights up the scene •
Town & Country Shoes
Make your entrance into spring in the
beautiful pump aglow in alligator lustre oalf.
"l~vo Shelves
s Depariment
Skirts ...................................... $4
........................................ 6
"short length - corduroy ...... $9
rnity Dresses .................. $5 & $7
Wool - flannel - pastel ..$6
s ........................................ $3
s. Blue Denim, side zipper ..$1.88
cotton - solid color .............. 25¢
Slacks, plaid .................... $2.77
Jamaicas ................. $1.77
Dresses .iiii iii.i ...... ' .... $3- $10
G!rls' Departmeni
p;'YQo;£t7 -corduroy .......................... $6
" solid colors and laids ........ $6
i)-,,ael Pajamas .......... P ............. '1.99
sp :.1"-Sses " $
Saetti Stra ,2.9 & 3 99
'' 0ttoa .................. $ 9 $ =,..
Dress Shirts
es .... $1
- short sleeves ...... $1.66
cotton knit ................ 2 for 77¢
cotton knit .......... 2 for 77¢
Shirts 3 - 7 .................... 66¢
Shoe Depariment
Sandals ................................ $1.60
Men's Deparimeni
160 only sport Shirts. asst.
s'hort sleeves .................................... $1.99
21 only White 'Dress Shirts
short sleeves .................................... $1.99
27 only sport Shirts, asst. short sleeves $2.99
66 only Pajama Bottoms - blue only ........ 77¢
40 Pr. Socks - odds and ends ...................... 44¢
bonnet this year that does
11 Pr. Wash Slacks . limited sizes ........ $2.99 1oo1¢ like m~ astran0ts helmet
10 only Sport Coats - ,assorted ............ $24.88 ,vith a rose on top, front or side'
The cutest straw hat we have seen
Home Furnishings Departmeni ,vas being wo,~, by Mrs l~aymond
McCulloch. It Was yellow ~vith a
white chiffon under chin tie. Mar-i
garet was "sweet little butte~chP''
8 Cans Aqua Net
16 .. , Hair Spray 57¢ (plus tax) wearing that bat!
14 Boxes O ies . 2 pound box .................. 66¢ Tin,: ,,ARST,NE ,SLAN. So-
cial Club had a long and important
68 : ye v b aY boxed ...................... ........... meeting at The Hall last Friday
night. The new President,,.A1 Prid-.
t ",r'~; haul, presidcd most ably and a
grea! deal was accomplishcd. Er-
10 only Web Patio Chairs ........................ $3.44 vie Wingert reported tl~at a work"
party held t'eeently pickedup all
the large rocks in The Cemetery,
the grass is not up enough yet to
be mowed. Cindy Waite represent-
tug, the teen-agers on' Island pre-
sented the Club wHh $6], carned
by the kids ~at a recent dance and
card party.' The money is to be
spent on needs in The Harstine
Hall. More Card Tables and cl~airs
are needed a'nd all members nre to
look for good buys and rcport next
meeting. It was decided Harstine
will not enter a float in The For-
lest Festival parade this year. Gene
i Seward brought several pictures
of former days on Harstine for the
to see and it was decided
16 only Padded Patio Chaises .............. $14.88
84 only Bamboo.look Vinyl Cafes 48x26 66¢
77 only Bamboo-look Vinyl Valances
52x9 ...................................................... 66¢
52 only Baraboo.look Vinyl Cafe 60x30 $1.49
28 only Bed Spreads - quilted, solid
color s or
" prints ................................ $8.88
36 only Printed Bath Towels ........................ $1
6 sets Dinnerware. 4 p ace setting
Melmac .............................................. $5.88
Colors in Malt & Avocado. Hand bags
to match at $9.99 & $12.99. Matching
Shoes and Handbag at $22.00 and $25.00.
Managed & Operated by
ten e s
Chris s n' for Shoes