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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 15, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 15, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1985 I- ,LTON--MAfi0N COUNTY JOERNAL-- lbIi hed in "Ch m ow fihelton PAGE 15 'Of God Firsl Christian Sets Mr, Olive Church SkokomisS, Church Foursquare Church Sets Easter Services 0ri, Servlces. U..,,:..l IB..,..... eA.u|A 111',, (2k.,u [zlmin The Teen-Choir of the Four-[a wandering world• God's great 0 SON OF MAN! ~ce' lUMP)BUell i'lU ld|ll n|OllO I~CIOIUI q,ll~11111aG IU q,lllUW ill l( " " G ] square church will present the I'~)ve will be pm:trayed in this bean- Many a day hath passed over thee whilst ~ors of the Shelton The public is invited to attend I Mt. Olive autheral~Chu}n'ct~willI "A Christian in Connnunist Easter CantaI'~ by John W Pet- , tntl! prese~}t,at,mn. ~ . ~ thou hast busied thyself with thy fancies d Will begin Sun- , . . . . sponsm m outaom bum~se ~e,v , . ~ ,,. xnere wm oe participation o~ and idle imaginings. How long art thou ~:dabY the Mason :'i : • "" .', ~ '. -', ~" ,. "'~" '." 'ii',l .•:!. ~:" 'i")~ ~, ),s .. ",' :v~l"." ,~.. " ~ ' ~'t r :,., . " .'~'', ,~, :~ • : ~ :' ~' ~'• ' '" '" " ' • ~ headt° shnnberfrom slumber,°n thy forbed?the sunLifthathUPrisenthy ~vn, ":" ~ssociation. : :~ to the zenith, haply it may shine upm~ ~aUreh.~g~ ~e held in the i ~.'~ t ' ' ' " "" I ~ I e i.' c)rdiall) " ' . [ Chm'eil Easter Stm ' y at, 7 p m, ! ~ " '~ ~ . . .". [ ~.. • . . ) ' t.,~: " , thee with the light of beauty. , :::;! ;:?i ::v 2+,;: : ++ ++ +++ ++ ,+ ++ ,o+oc+, he,+ +,+ + 001 Will ~ nt~t*s3.n[ff]eff THeall;0 :p~igR~l~. !~?~!~ H~:~ii, ?ceo2:~:~g to c " BAHA'ULLAtt classes for all . ~?he~!l~ h? 12alw#y: w~rYgunday BA]H[A'IS O~ SHELTON tae ehild, en ofi 1 ~ for information write Rt. 1, Box 619 11 Wll' " "the members of the choir will be di- the ange'ls' message to the women "A Christ u ist .! ", ,• I:" •. y • - al: 9:i5 a.m. mid there are classes -.~ presentall £ ' ~'~ /YIL'S, 2"&.l a*U*~ VV iNLUn, when Llley IOllnQ Ine LUI|Iu UpUH "-~*~**~'~ *~ a ~ J, .~. , -- .-- - .:' .. " • _ ..... • .. ~ I . '. ~ ........... ua Th~ ...... ., ,. ...... ^ .... ~-+ ......... I . • i, . "'" ~'. ........... I o,.~... ,~ - *~melv true to V¢o quenuy expresseo in tne vicarious fo, all ages um cnurch will also :e~.~Ie~asagePaSt°rfoll)wWill Another musicq.l program will and Jesus' body gone. The Mt drama of a Christian leader and ~eatn or rns boo.what outer ]2e participating with .the Easter tra. " " • - "" : ..... Olive Senio~'" cl "'" altici)at'' . l tneme nas inspireo more music, /sunrise service being neld at the SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD -e presenteo at toe t:nurch at 7 . ~. r ~n )Jr Will p ' l e llOVV he faces imnnsonment tor • : -. * •• •' ..... : ' : ." •. ' he Young eo 1 ...... : " ' unde ..... -- -* **- Phili--I ~" . , -ipoetry painting or other ereadve l6 a m hour sponsorea oy tne p m Nnnoay teaun•mg the k'uget r Ice otreel.lOH of J.Vt~, P ture death "et remains tl21e to . •.; •_ .... • ~ : ~ . • , . , •. - 130 East ,Pine Street Mason Younglund till -._ P p e of ..... •' . ....... ,Sto~.. , . •* ._ "... ~ [art than that or uoo's rove tel" I Minis~erial Association ~., " , , • I ] . calling w g ot I ....................... " ........................................................ and ~resent special ~ouno wonege or um l~lDle cnoir ~ ~-,'~ his hen~:ne retellin ........ me campus cnoir, unaer direction In case of rain, the Sunrise the Resurrection Story gives him [i EASTER SERVICES "--~a_emen ~v*ay entitled,Well.,, of Professor Ray Renzema, lea- [ Service will be held at the same new life andcourage•See him II tures a men's quartet and several time in the chapel Olympia High- [make a decision between freedomll FOI R,qOIIARF, women's trios The -ublic is also' , ..... ' .... , ....... CHURCH S nday School ..................................................................... .......................... ,•. A.M. Sunrise Service (First Baptist Church} 6:00 .• P {wa) bourn ano uascaae, l ana martyroom• 11 910 E Dearborn P--tor Lewis B ........ { Easter Program by Sunday School ................................ 10:30 A.M. invited to attend this program. [ Easter Festival Services will be J The story is axcitim~ly real and II " ~= : • ,y~ong I Morning Worship -- following Program he ....... Rev. Charles Wigton, pastor of [ ld at Mr. Olive Lutheran at 8:30 [ colorful a~i* ~ nortraved a~ainst J | ]1~ A ~rl~I)I%a/'~XT~T~ ~r%~.~.r~ 1 1 ~ **# I Shelton First Christian Church land 11 am at the chapel Thel+~.^ 1. .... %.~_'~f~,..,~r,,n~ ...~ll-',z-~xJu~ ~,a.JJ~X~lJ.~X vv,U,l~lllr ---- JLJL 2"~.i¥I. [ Evangelistic Service ............................................................ 7:00 P.M. will deliver a sermon Sunday en: I sermon theri, e for these ](lel,tical ItS: uot~st~;';%Pn~* *set'[~ni2" ~hoto: J l Children Partieinntin¢ I (Young People Participating) titled "Christ In His Glory". [services will be "The Fear and [~ranhod nn th: Communist Bur-]l r-----m [ + ............. - +o FiSHEeN.,,SOLUB t - The special Easter sermon will ] So) of Easter, based on Matthew I tier I 7:00 P.M. ] exnlain how *ho ~lorv of oh~+/28:1-10. The ~/[t• Olive Childre~sl " ~ I I .~ J .... " ...... " .... 66 99 . still exists ill the world today and lCh°n" will stag m the early serv-I I I~-~,~#ar | :~nf,.~iu ~Ja ~'~.Pauiae T I • • • ice and the Senior Choir will sin !_1_ O-L--J..I-- [I a-~u*Jvv. ~-/,~,a,~,~,4A ~. ~v u~.~a~.,l 3L.,~V%~ I ]S pro3ected through Hm people./ ...... g IRsn|,..,~ _~..n.i.iu ,I His glory was not only in the res- I mtne.llo.ciocK service. I I~1~11%~1~ ~k~q~llq~UIMIIV J l Presented by TEEN CHOIR J 3rd & Cota I~J~kN,.X3-I~ _ _ urrecti,,- ~'u+ -l-o throu-'~- ,,.^i uooo ~'rmay an evening serv-~m, . i ..... IS ........... ~ P.U.D. Auditorium Iil~'a.,)~rJr I return o'f' H~s+sn~r~t.. s ..... lice will be hel'd starting at 7:30ll:asl+r AOIIVlIIOS I I tl:mo sunday School -- Classes for All I /p.m. The sermon will be based on [ East+. ~, ,.~ .... " .... e~'in wit-Jl , EASTER g UNBAY. A.PRIL 18 -- ~.~~~ J~ ----~ ~u." *Ju,~u~j V~ 111 D m "- I I J°hnjes s'19:40" part of the account. °lithe =.,,,o~' ,~,,r,~=='-"¢~'~ ~,..o~.~,-e..~ , .s,,o--u ,_ I 9:30 a.m. Film: "1 Am The Resurrection" ~-~ ~.~'~Nial~r,~ I"Wz" u, burial, andr will be tztled,,, I sored by............ Lne .LVltt~on ~.ount"~ Minis .... [ ' ~' 10:00 a.m. p~ 1 th Linen Myr h, and Aloes hel They ly Get Results i ' " , • [ terial Association, to be d at I I ~Tg~l~Tl.~gll"~ 1)ai3~T~nn rlllrgTT~,r~cr I i Maundy Thursday, celebrated]th,~ w,.2, ,~+,~+ ,~ .... h .~ ~J| ~-'~'~J+l~ SaoaJueJ~ J~Z'~LIJ~,~JL %Jl-i.ldJ[%&)J~L l b • h ........... ............... 0 I "A New Life Guaranteed" ol"nzarnnl W¢=.t ~,]= J y t e Chrmtian C urch as the an- I.m ~.o.;., .... ;o ~m] h~ furni.~h I I East E St. Seventh-Day Adventist School Buildin ........... • ~ .... ,uo [ niversary of the institution of the ! =:,'"LZ~" ..... • ..... "Z_ ..... .TY_ -.':Z.~,~.'_': } I _ . ] ! ~. ., = ..... |vu uy memoers ~rom me varmus II Smatl Enough l t??l~ Sa ~;PP?2;' g2~A%i::s~':r~a- Ichinches in the..commu.nity _a~_d. a [I Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. To Need You, Big I " Teen chorus w*u sing Tflis s~rylce ~l~I~l~I~lllpl~l~~ lice starting at 7:30 p.m. this eve'lwill also ~o heard "over staUon[I W r h,p ........................ 11:00..a.m. Enough To Serve You I ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ning The sermon for this service "~ • Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington I! I ~e ~lg lI~ I ~lP~ I...: ........ _ I KM_AS. The guest speaker m to be I J .... I MWII~ m uuea m a t~oom Apart, and ................. , , The Rev. Clarence A. body, Priest k%lVltl I_. ,_ -" ...... [Hugh Sahsbury of Seattle PacificI Ill~:a~~'-~llatlon ~-~ i m oasea on ~UKe ZZ:JL% I Colle~e I, ..... Furni • Mt. Olive Lutheran Church ex- e,. , ture Repair "-'---11 tends a cordial invitation ta vnu I ~o,,ow,og the6 a.m. service, the [I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH [ Maundy Thursday -- April 15 --- 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion 10:00 A.M. -- Holy Communion i Re-airln,, ~nd R-':-'-k:--[J and your family to worshi~-x~ithlY°Ung people of the Baptist II and Lake Boulevard J 7:30 P.M. --- Holy Communion & Sermon LEy, INC. I I ~ " = =-,,,,=,,,,,u I | them at aP nf the~- ..... ,o[ .... [Church will attend a breakfast be-J[ Charlee D. WIgton ! On AI ...... ~" ......... " " ' Good Friday April 16 7:30 P.M. Good Friday Servico I I SMITH FURNI ........... I/ ........ ~---' iitorium, li Wormblp ......I:L:~ I.m. l~mlly Service 6:80 p~n. [ 8:30 P.M. -- Baptismal InsLruction I I I Types of FurnitureI ' ices and also throughout th~ v~r I ginning at 7 a.m. m the PUD aud- J I ~bla ~fl~ool .... 9._45 ~m, Youth Meetia~ 6:80 p.~ j Ph, #,26-8231 I I ...... "~"*'" I/ I There will be two morning wor-II --- Bible Study ~ l~cayer -- 7:80 p.m. I Saturday -- April 17 -- 4:00 P.M .... Baptisms "~-~ I i .. ~o. zna st. 426.8577 lidS| / A/ I Iship services, 8.:15 and 11 a.m. II ~nuaua~lservleeAva~ableat11:00Servlee I L l:nilrnll IThe Sunday School period is atl' ....... (Easter Even) EASTER DAY -I~ vm~t I~II~IIVll 19:30 a.m. J ": Sunday -- April 18 --- 7:30 A.M. ~,~. Holy Communion & Scrmon t .LUg ___ IIeatmg," J l~I ~ I I Sunday. evening" beginning" " at 6 II i 9:30 A.M. -- Family Service, Presentation of Mite p.m. a Baptismal Service will be "~ rhaula--'-'--'--~iIgnition I J . Safety check I]rlans li0nd [held At 6"30 the color film "The Jl Tile METil0DIST 011UR011 I 11:00 A.M. --B°XesHoly &EucharistMaking of&thesermonFlOral Cross " ' l ....... w • • ,, , I I . C ean-up . [J i Tony Fontane Story will be [I North 4th and Pine 8tr~ [ The Church is Always Open for Meditation and Prayer • ~-mor & ma3or re airs • • '] ~terizing P , shown instead of the regular 7 REV HORA I ST ' . • CE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER I I[FrldavServlce [p,m. eveningservme. II I ----- • ,~,[514]r~ ~--'"i='~- Ellinor 42 ..... I| dl | ~ |1 9:4§&.m. ChttrchSchoolforaflages-6:30p,m. YouthFelloW~lthp I CO nitySu,.. t, I/ By Mary Valley ["THE TONY FONTANE STORY" [' ~| SKOI¢OMISH--TheSkokomishi This 80 minute color film ts to J | ' ___ mmu nrise ervice - [Community Church will hold a]be shown at the First Baptist'[ I~|~'I' ~.U ' _ Landscaping ..... /Good Friday service starting at [church Easter Sunday evening at/III IIIll~ll uIIUROH OF 0HRIST, S01ENTIST J ';, ,2~',"" ~aites. I I .Lawns, rockertes, trees ],7:30 p.m. Rev. Elmer Smith, thel6.30 pm /I ,02 A|der 8t., Shelton, Wa, h. U~ Zk~r~°lls .Cake;~'Bun;°"'Ill shrubs |[newly appointed minister, will con-i ""Th; Tony Fontane Story" is ][ Sunday School 11:00 a.m.- Chur'-. j HOODSPORT S _ OOL 6 A.M. ,I .g I/. ... .. .... • "]the unbeliexable, yet true story/I y g o y m etinga 8 p.m. REGULAR SERVICES . Top soil, tilhn , levelm duct the service The Easter ser , I Wedne~da eventn testtm n eg II ~./kKERy . I " . Free estimates ~,vme win begin a~ ~t A.M. I ..... "-tld's -neatest/I Reading room located in church Readin room hours 2 tO i;~M~ iV[1and N[ 0Z one OZ me wu' ~' ." • SUNSET LANDSCAPING terta;ned wit~S'aS~l%~neJ,°h~2~nr(~n" singers. Tony acquired nation-wide 4 p.m. ~ron. & Frl. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. 9:45 A.M.-- SUNDAY SCHOOL , .t,.,, I .,+l/ 11:00 A,M.---- MORNING SERVICE Herbert Baze 426 4 Y ' ..... ~ J I/evening in honor of Miss Edith/ .......... , ........ ,~._.. ~1.--~ 6:00 P.M. -- YOUTH FELL()WSFIIP -'/Johnson who will be leaving soon/W°J~ r~.ear~ , ~mu ,.u~ ~,~,. '~|I -- -- i 7:00 P.M. -- EVENING SERVICE |for Co]umhia ~, ,h --._ _.:__ tminion copies, ne recoroeu ouzer/I ~[rll~ dIT][ITl~ 1 ITqI~][.[]I~I~&~T d"rlL~I"TD[~IL~ I encal 'whe]e ............... .hits lnCluQlng "~yncopateo UlocK ,! ...... I ...... t~ , " ~uu wm De oomg mmslon-i .... Back The Thrill" andI| MISSOURI SYNOD I HOOD CANAL COMMUNITY CHURCH i'~ ~. SWitches J | AI ....................... I/ary work. Those present were i,,~r~ng ,, ^ ...... * o,, oist' Ton- Olympic Hwy. So. Cascade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor I ,-...'." ....... y u,u,§ ~,,ywnere [[Rev. and Mrs Charles Knautz of, ...... -~--o o< , _~ II I .o.+o. i0 i ~mmozers - Loaaers r'umps Tacoma ' appeareQ on many nationa~ 'rv " " I : I?atio~l"S'suesI I ~ . [l , Rev.. and Nh's. Gene [shows, as The Ed Sullivan Show, I I Maundy Thursday Communion Service I ]~oldlng Banquet Tables [/Knautz and Dick, R.e.v. and Mrs. [the Steve Allen Show, The Hoagie 7:30 .m. I ,; AUTy SALON I [ & Chmrs, Hospital Beds, Etc. I/A1 Sandoval and family, Mrs. Win. [ ....... ]l P ;~ LEWRENT ummmnam~now Good Friday Se ice S Randle and Mrs. Aldrige of Mon- " , • • • . 12216 E, 4th Olympia 357-7731 I/roe and Lhe honored guest, Miss [ Tony s wife, the former Kerry/i Good Friday Service --- 7.30 p.m. [ '-- I[Edith Johnson [Vaughn, was a professional ac-/I ~r~ ~ ¢~ " °er-" . .......... I / y Mr. and Mrs. ~tan " • " [a ...... . ~C~ ~" --__ / Sunda ' ' --, Itress when she and Tony we, el| J asser unrlse. vmea ne ew nuren l e it rv Re ta.,,r .,t ]Johnson entertained again, with a [married. Tlmy entertained .in/I 2nd/g Wyandotte --- 6 a.m. • , Open I ' "'- --'-'~ ....... I I family dinner honoring Miss John- [ night clubs and Hollywooa circles I I -- ...... i ,u(~61treet Ill .... vv,e :,u~u IIson. Guests were Mr and Mrs. tf°r many years making reeords/J Easter FesUva, ervices at the Chapel I a.,,prl, ,e,u -- 12 noon --"""-,:uu p.m. 2 ,1¢ ,ed Thurs Firsl Baplist Ohurch . ' ,Randle and Mrs. Aldrge of Mon-inurseryforpre-schoolchildrenwillJi ~i==--J- D----S.--= fl-- ..... I_ ' 5th & Cot~ .... [ roe and Mr. and N[z"~ Arwd" John. Ibe provided at 416 Cota St., begin- II rlr l n lllll lu ,,=v inllrrn I ana, t rave ,Ison. Ining at 5:45 p.m. II ai alil+ak ira' ir• 11, llllll bll I + - '-' t et( Ls ],o 110 "'u- ,t',v Sl=RVICl¢. I + I t ; +551 i | UT. Church; ' [I c:t; : .-- First Service Rev E C Knautz, Pa=toP il Theme: ,"1 -- uPPlies actor Work I • VI=W '1 CRUCIAL WORDS FROM CALVARY I ohns Cr k Sand ravo, IIof tho Beardens . th Wedding a -II III " ~, ~.~ a 352-1367 I 426-35S2Norm Anderson IIniversary• .. -. - [I Washi.-t ...... °'- III I "Word of Concern" I, JI Mr. and Mrs, Arcme vaugnnll v ..... "" III t il I I III • Im I [-~ ~.e~.~.~ Ivisited Mr. and Mrs. Ken mvans II Sunday Sc~oo~ ............ 9:~. a~ III "lk~ Ic41q~l~F ill~e~l~** I "Word of Compassion" ,t to Service Station II III uoo= , I "Word of Comfort" '~ ~1~e¢ ..l~lisheI For Good Service IJVaughns attended t " " rll Evening Service 7'00 pra. Ill ' 15 , d '~ N'" rph°lstery I see usl IIcounsel dance at the Tacoma_At. I| Prayer Hmlr (~W~')" 7~80 p'm. I][ 9:45 a.m. -- Sunday School I • ,=° °''" I AH Work Puffy Guaranteed ll++o~;,otot:,o~,o~,~*~ll ,,.. o. ,o,~ ,,o, III Classes for All Ages I "Word of Conquest" . +m +lc co. I c & L Time Service Station I1vi'sit with his brother a. Wife. I' " I "Word of Championship" "-=~ 1.0, so ,.st :har,,ne,,lo,,Ij;;~i?en~:~~!~:;~!:~[i ~ III II:00a.m~IRO,~o~TdI:~er.v'2C..eOO..KMAS j "Word of Comp!etion" ter ~tlon "Word of Committal" . s .- Sign Lettering tion ~ervice at the .Mi'~sion COy: ~i $~ ,, ,~ mte~. I _. . Ilenant Church, and thewnie~_.e ~'--II I J J'l ."5 PT1 III M~ n..~lar D~,,^. , h "'~,,.-- Oh I ~lgns an¢l ll3anet John n wa, co Jirm II I • • I I I I ] lil llgUlUgtValgWl l I . Sponsored By ? 0ore + ~me~ to - "°., I Show Card Lottering L.m Humo~t ~,tu~ .ram II I • J I I I I I'~ III I I Vernabelle Rice Ilthem afte[n Pe% m ge me weekendII '|' . MASON COUNTY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION . "I~ ~i.l(~l~pE I ........ flat th,. Job on _. ~r ana -- il III 6:oo p,m -- Baptismal Service I 426-4266 I ~.none +~'o-bzt)9 II Sunday re,eats u, .~ , u -,~rs II ~ III " I I , IIcalvinqmvatt w. ~r a.~ P-~" II CHRISTIAN "mE"C' III + ,,............ I ~ ~'- ere Mr. and " IGlen ~onnson an u _~;__ ...~ II RAOiO ~KRI~a Ill o: UD m. -- THETOI IX I ......d dau,-*+rsret .+~ ............ • ......... " ~ ,t'ommun'-y • :~ ~ . ~ua uowem a. y. . • Tire Service .I LORES GEI~ tla~ "V UI~, ed toll Sunday, April 18 Ill 79 minute color film on the true i ~ "°+,I :~:: o~,, ,,ll~r2;~ ++~x'2;~~ IIii "Our Part in t,k, eRe eetmn III gSt°ry°f oneofthe world'Sg ,I + ppmg his parent, • • n surr reatest sin ers. • Used ......... here the Gees and*...- III ~. ~Ikletles I il~ee, wmz~ . tO Mt Ve ~"~" il III 1 !1~ lacy I llen madeatr'P. -" .st+non for,| 10:1' a.m.'--- 1240 KC |/| Public Invited Nursery Pr~vlded 416 Cota St. I, Sunrise Service I OK TIRE STORE8 visit with their a augnter aadll uGY Rad;^ n,.._ - ,- .w, v, ... ia " ' 4=6-33 I Mr. View Ph, 426-4832 |l,omil,, Mr and Mrs. ~'rank Nelson I| " ' III I, ~ + . i ~ 6A Ap" +~ ~ .M. rl118 q )Pli a, - ,,First Ba sl Church (Broadcast KMAS) ,~ . ..- ~ graphs _. Mike of L_. "~rs T~-~ at the home 8:30 Early Festival Worship Service--Senior Choir will sing I , u~ z-way ramo IJof Mr, aria • .... u ~ticnert Sat- II Professor, Seattle Pacific b I L ................. I|urday . II 9:30 Sunday School Worship Services--downstairs for nursery, I t u.ege I, 4 ~, I ,-H;uv ~ iv ~Hvl~*- II -'at'bY Jonnson of Edm~,,a- ~ il 4-year olds, kinder rten children and their arents I M - r. ....... - ga p . t View Ph 426 3172 er Eastcr "- L • l lspending ~earents :Vacation withII Sanctuary for all Others. I " lher granpP , +vtr. aad Mrs./I Children's Choir Will Sing. I Music: Shelton Teen Choir I Arvid johnson II I iii tin.. .... n,,one wishing to .... " 11:00 Festival Worship Service--Senior Choir will sing. I +Pk ervlce --il *~- ~,, Nmma Rich...... obtain a II I Steve Archer, Director copy u, " h "~,~ s history oz Fast and Guaranteed • Skokonus Valle ...... II '. I ,~r ...~ ...;.^ ~>~-,~ire ilth - mMrs A--.y may getJl The booklets, HeIs Risen ,wdlbediatnbuted to a . Ii - I .Antenna: a~_d. P ar~ Servia:e *'thuV'/~;;enll carl J. Carlsen, Pastor Ph. 4=*-,611 I Sponsored By I ~rmagost Tv-~aalo ~erv II .... r~ ~unu~y ~ernoo. ,.., ..... • Jl 11 MASON COUNTY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION I ,9,9 KI.. st. (Mt. VieW) II+;; %o X, l r m li}} II It L 426-4342 Jl Gendereamand Lake 'I,i I I I I II III I I I I III II , +