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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 15, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 15, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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15, Iff65 SHELTON--MASON JOURNAL-- Published in "Oh stmastoton, U.S.A.", She!ton, Washington PAGE 1't Legal Publications NO• 3627 'ORS TO NOTH!E TO CREDITORS CLAIMS IN THE SUPEIt1OR OJIJB.T OF el0 THE Titl,] STATE (iF WASitlNGToN Felt FOil MASON COUNTY of Jalnes and tlmt against the are le same duly the neces- Pen tile un- Building, file such f of service ave entitled after the Robert L. Snyder on of tills no- Attorney at Law 1965. or all 125V., N. 5th and filed will Sllelton, Wasifiugton In the Matter of the Estah~ of Estate )of C'LARA L. I~ARRIMAN, Deceased. SSEY, De- Soatth,-Firsl Nati(mal Bank is tile uppoini(,d and qualified Executor of said (,stair. All I.}~q'SOlLq having clailllS against Imid (ieclmsed see requird to serve tim Sttllle 121 duplicate, duly vet'i- fi(,d, on said Executor or its attorney, Robert L. Snyder, at tim address be- low stated, and file tile satne with tile Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, witilin six months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, or ttle same will be barred, DATE of first publication: April 1, 1965. Seattle First National Bank by Louis V. Carlson, trust officer P. O. tqox 750 Vancouver, Washington 4/1-8-15 3t NO. 3578 NOTICE OF BEARING FINAL Lce:al Publications (!OITN'I'Y IIOAI) I'IIOJECT NO. ,14(i In lh(, mailer (d' C.R.P. No. 4,10 to br e(lllsiI'tl¢,l¢.d I*II M~lSoO County |{o/|(i Nil. ;¢00 ](]lc*W;l [,)(';lily aS the Aucadia lbaui, :ln(l Slmcifivally localed in S~,ciion 25 & 26, 'i'ownsidp 20 Nol'til, I~:tnm, :l W('st, W.M. 1T iS llEIdEBY RES()LVED T~Y TIlE V,)AI{D (}F COUNTY COMMIS- SI()NEI~S that is i:~ their intenhou to re(~onstru('t t(( FAS standards 0.993 lnih..~. Princilde (loantities are: Cleaving & (D'ubbing 5 acres lhmdway Excavation 23.700 c.y. Gravel Hase 3900 c.y. (h'ushed top com'Sc :1550 e.y. Cuh*ert pipe 810 l.f. Asphalt :18 T. and tiud said work is to be performed by coniraet ill attcordanee witil tile Washhlgton State Stander0 Specifi- Cations f.r Boad (tnd Bridge Construc- tioll its adopted bv Mason County. F,E IT FITBTHI',]R RESOLVED tilat llw almvv described County Road Pro- jecl is neces.~al'y and l)roper, and tile estinl,lh,d vosis of said project are iwrewith set oui in detail as follows; Envineerin,~" & const. .$4,106.40 Right of Way 125.00 Road Construction 41,064.00 TOTAL $45,295.40 The County Road Project herein described is HEREBY DECLARED to lie a public necessity, and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED Legal Vublic ttions- NO. 3568 NOTICF. OF IIEAItlN(; FINAL REPORT AND ]qCTITIt)N F()lt I)ISTRIItlTTION IN THE SUPERI()H. COI~iiT OlV THE STATE OF WASHIN(ITON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE Ill tim Matter of the Estate of R. If. LARIMORE. De(eam,d. NOTICE IS IildREP, y GIVEN that Ethel H. Larimere., Executrix of the Estate of R. H• Larinmre. dece lsed his filed in the office )1' the' Cle~'t- ',,e said Court a Final Repol~t and i~[~i;'~i,~".~ for Distribution. asking til9 Coui"t'"{~ settle said report, distribute lhe prop- arty to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge the petitioner as Executrix; and that said report and petithm will lie heard on tile 14th day of May, 1965, at 10:iX) o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or aa soon ilmreaftev as tile nultte.r can be heard at tile court roonl of the above-en- titled court, in the Courthouse in Shel- ton, Mason County, Washington. at which time and place any,.person in- terested in said Estate may appear and file objections thereto and con- test tim same. DATED th s 9th day of April 1965. LAURA M. WAGENER ' Clerk of said Court By Tcclda Vermillion, Deputy GLENN E. CORREA REPOItT AND PICTITION FOR DISTRIBUTION AND AUTHORIZED to report and Attorney for Estate Bell Building _ . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE proceed timreon as by law provided. 121 South Fourth Street STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR i ADOPTED this 12til day of April, Shelton, Washington 98584 i%fASON COUNTY IN PROBATE 1965. 4/15-22-29 5/6 4t In tile Matter of the Estate of] Board of County Commissioners DOROTHY F, KRONA, Deceased. : t)f Mason County Washington NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HARRY ELML~JND Chairnlan NOTICE ¢~ IIEARIN¢~ .... Ray C. Krona Administrator of the, MARTIN AUSETH ' App.. ,-~L2f*_, _.¢.~ ....,%.url * *I'A'I'IUN ]YUI& I'ItANCIIISE Estate of Dorothy F• Krona deceased JOHN BARIEKMAN T~ ,~, '.....~.~ ....... has filed in tile office of 'tile Clerk!Attest- "';~.~.u~&*r.~.~.~,'.'z'~-rl.m.'.-A~PLI" t| 02 said Court a Final 1lepers and Pe- C NOLAN MASON .., .............. AKE ]l .... . wa&a~ 'JU• A ~..xJI~-Jt'U~ATION tltion for Distribution, asking the Clerk o! tile Board 4/16 It Fr~ t.m~..&'¢~vr~ ^~w a*,... ..... ' I1 Court to settle said report, dlstrib- ~ i~l~.'~4"~¢~?~v*A~;~.~-~',~¢~r~rt" Ill ate the property to U . pns there-; v. ........ .--I ............ ]l • ~r~A'A'J~, JL[ND mAILMTALL~ WATE to entitled and to dmcharge the re- NO 3559 D ..................... R [l r ' ~, ,LI~ IB O'l"lO~ yllalfilalfll/~S UN titioner as Administrate ; and that NOTICE OF IIEARING FIN#LL D ..... " [| • i will , ~ " ----- ml~ AND ACROSS ROADS AND rtunity to said report and petit onA rll be ileard REIORT AND PETITION~ ]FU]m HI""~*x~w~x~ ................... ll~ "£lim uuo~'£y OF Ill on the 23rd day of p , 1965, at[ DISTRIBUTION -- MASON n,vam~ n~ xtra_~t*IMr~-~ .... ]l bedroom 10:00 o'clock In tile forenoon of said I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE W--~.~,uz"?.~ ~ ".'.~'~ ?'-'~e~.~" Ill ot right in day, or as soon thereafter as the i STATE OF WASHINTON FOR W~.~_~may, the Tra.!l S ~'nu LaKe Ill --.~ .tcr t=o a eel elation, has here matter can be heard at tile court l MASON COUNTY IN PRO~AT~ to£." ..... •" ..-~P "-- . .% " 1~ :S of fruit . ~¢rv~,v *vre illeU wltn tile ]Joal~loi Eoun room of the above-entitled court, in l In tim Matter of the Estate or ~**~" Con ......... ~ "- ty ]11 orgarden areathe Courtlmuse in Shelton Mason ] NIFRED V BEARD Deceased I o• -~nmsloners or mason uoUrLt.y, State Ill the County, Washing%on, at which timeI NOTICE "IS HER~,BY GIVEN that] Chapter" wasmngton,187 LawsUnaeroi 193~.rovtsl°nSan appiica°f I| kids and place any person Interested in]Edana B. Strickland Administratrix~tion for " ": " '" Painted out- said Estate may appear and file ob-i of the above entitled 'estate has fil ]o c-.-- "-- " .... " - ed a nancnme to use cross and s a Pal tial he e "' aid Cupy tne roans ann nigllWaYs In the Jeetions thereto and contest t.. sam. ]in the office of the Clerk of s 1Co .......... $7,950 and ,i ton for the purpose of locating and DATED this 19th day st March Court a final report and petition for unty o~ mason, -~tate or washing. 1965. [distribution asking the Court to set- ) • ~sh that's re- LAURA M. ,WAGENER, tie said relaort, distribute the Drop- c(.~nst 'uction. water dmtl'• 'ibution p'p~.e for an ap- Clerk of said Court ertv to th~ persons thereto entitled ~m~s along..under, and scl.Jss tile r i li n D u " " .... .., • aus ano Illgnwa ,s In said eoul By T0ckla Ve m 1 o , ep ty and to discharge the Petitioner as ~u- t _ i ........ ~' - . . . Ity GLENN E• CORREA nlinistratrix; and that said report a_nc~ t w tam ale plat or Trails ~na ~ake as Attorney for F~state on tile ~Jra Lor petition will be heard ;~o~v~ded In the office of the Audi - -~ ..... ,--,- ;-. uqon CountyWasilingtanox(( )t day of Aprill~o at ±u'tN O'Ctu~,~ ,- .. " ~ ' " sat- - ' -con tllose roads inchlded in the f~an(idse the forenoon ot u uay or as ~ I i ": " * ' ' ' ' " thor^-ela, n,t the matt~,-may be . -g'anleu to Trails End Lake Water Co : . . . " . "2.~ "y, ...... I lnc on Match 22196o NOW THERE com~Ptetely 3/254/1-8-15 4tnearu at ule court roonl oz t~,O ttuuvo-I ~,~A~. '~ , ; ' "- i eurtl~ entitled court ia the Courthous~ n N ' There ...... ' ...... v-~.u,.=ton i OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that r n aZ'mg Wli! D0 held on Much apph at which time and place any pe so.. . ' . • . '- interested in said estate may appear canon, b,,v the Board of Mason County I ~;omnusslonels Ma~ )n Count~ Wash and file objections thereto and con: " • '.. .'. • - test the same. ington, at their regular meeting plsce DATED this 19th day of March, in the Courthouse at Shelton, Wash- [t 1985. inuton on Monday, the 3rd da~, of May. LAURA M. WAGENER 1965, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock llting Ifor Clerk of said Court or as soon thereafter as sucil hearing' By Teckla Vermillion, Deputy.may hc had. GLENN E. CORREA DATED at Shelton. Wasilington. this Attorney for Estate 12th day of April, 1965. on a 80' X Bell Building Mason County Board of ewalks and 121 South Fourth Street Conmlissioners ~ts. Shelton, Washington 584 By c NOL^N MASON are Clerk of the Board There lots uf 4/15-22 2t and a fenc. OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST, plus a double SKOKOMISH 1965 SALVAGE SALE, NOTTCE OF HALE Of TAX that future locato~wlthin T, 22N., R. 5W., T. TITLE I'ROPERTY 23N., R. 5W., T, 22N., R. 6W., T. (58) 23N., R. 6W., W.M. Public,notice is NOTICE IS HEREBY GTVEN flint hereby given that pursuant to the pursuant to and in conformity wltll provisions of Section 5 of Public Law en order of the Board of County Com- 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16, mtssleners of Msson County. Stale ,if ase I/2 bloc~ U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the Coopers- Washinglon. duly aladc and cntm.ed tire Agreement for the Managment of on the 7th day of Al)ril. 1905. ord,*r- SO we sug- the Participating Forest Properties in in~ ~ile undor~ir.~ned io sell. in the s choice Soutn the Shelton Cooperative Sustained manner TI,'nvided hv law. the under- Y' Water and Yield Unit entered into by and between si~ncd will on Fri(lav. |he '10th d,,v ~roperty and the United States of America and ,if Am'il. ]965, ~d ihe h,)ur of Ton the Simpson Tinlber Company, datede'clnck, in the foreno~m of said dr, y, of Oakland Deeember 12. 1946, an estimated 5.000 nt the f,',mt dnnr of the Cmlrthou~P 0Je. M board feet of timber marked or in tlm City (ff Shelton. said C,mntv otherwisedesignated for cutting will nnd Sta|e. offer for tulle 'd net le,~ be sold to thc Silnpson Thnbcr Corn- ~hnn the tninillllul~ price IIs se| flit'Ill pany. Seattle, Washington, on May for each dcm, vinthm. Dills IIdI'erf;~itl~ 11. 1965. The mintmum acceptable bid c,~t,, io ttlc ilir~he~| nnd begf t'fi¢ldl!r~ ag and se- per M board feet is: Douglas-fir rill 1he rlp'ht tit]e, pad intera,! nf mtid $25,75, western hemlock and other spe- Mnson C~lln|v $1nd e¢~,lCsinin[r fqr- cies $11.90, western redeedar $11.46. elm' ~he ev~o~thm~ nnd rc~ervntion~ Rates shown include $1,40 for slash ~'t (~llt in (~hsl~tOr lq ,~f ,qe.~ien Lnx,,~ disposal. Rates will be subject toof lhe Stnia of %V~sbe~u'fon fro, 1943 adjustment during the period of sale ~r ss amended, in nnd t~ thn f¢)ll.w- as provided by quarterly adjustment tag d,'~.~c,'ibed ronl m'onnrtv, situated provisions of the timber sale contract, h~ ..hl Cn,,ntv and Stnlo. ~-wif': in the Matter of the Estate of If requested by the State of Washing- T,,~f~ ~0 t,, al -rid ~R t,~ r,6 h,~h in- CHARLES J, BAISCtI, Deceased. ton or by Grays IIarbor or Mason ~hl~h-e. ,,n,~ T,.~ot~ E ana 1") r~ ~e~, 4' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tiler Counties or by anv person deemed to ~,,t~ ~ f~ 90 ;n,qu~h.~. T~l,w~ 6: L,~t~ a beautiful the undersigned, Josephine Gems has have a reasonable 'interest in the pro- '2R tn 4~ tn,.h,oh'~, ~l~wl~ 7" T,n1~ 1 to ]h beam Ceil- been aPl)ointed and has qualified as posed sale, or in it~ terms, a public ~6 ~neh,~h~. ~,~e~ ~: I,~L~ I to ,~ in- rOOm and a Executrix of the Last Will and Testa- hearing will be held in the office 'o~iU'~i"e' ~oeli~ ~: ~ls ~l~ 1.~ ,nd 24 aPS for $21,- ment and of the estate of Charles of the Forest Super~'isor, Federal J. Baiscil, deceased; and lhat all per- Building. Olympia Washington, on 42 hn h ",o u. , B ck in: 1,et.~ sons having claims against the said the 30th day of April 1965 at 2:00 1 to 4~ inchmh,~. ~l~ek 11' L~ ~ to estate or tile said deceased are imre- P.M, PDT. Requests f()r public hear- ~.~ ~.oh~h,~ ~-elr 19, ~! in th,~ P~nt ¢~f T,.h-P~trnod Pln! ~, Mn.~nn C'm,ntv by required to serve the same duly ing will not be considered unless re- ~.~}~b~Ftnnpccc~rdlnff to fhe Offlci~le verified in duplicate with the necessary solved in the office of the Forest~l~t tb~vo¢~f rcenrdot] in the nfflce o vouei~ers attached, upon the under- Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, tbe AudHor of ~¢~nn Coontvr and I0 this cozy 2signed Executrix or her attorney of Washington on or bfore April 21, Vz acre out record at the law office of B. Frank- 1965. Dated' April 5 1965. Lloyd G. Lnts 1 te 24 and 29 to r,6 bntb inclu.- rOomy kitch- lin Heuston, Angle Building, Shelton, NatlonaIGilhn°r" Forest.F°rest St~rvisor,__ Olympic hnthtX'e' RloCk~ncln,~;ve,2: Lot=~lackl to3:24Lotsnnd 291 tnt° 4n ~g living room Washington and file such claims to- 4/8-16-,~2-29 4t T,ntn 1 to 4 nnd ~ to ~e, l~etb inclusive ~Ched garage ~rethor with proof of service with the nnd 47 tO 56 bo¢11 tnr'lnsivo. ~:lnck 4: Clerk of the above entitled Court with- ~!o,,k 5: T,ntq 1 to 12, 17 to a0 sad utility. $10,- in six (6) months after the dale of NO. 3560 AL 45 to ,~ ;nehtsh'~. ~l~c~ 0: T.nts a tile first publication of this notiee, NOTIOE OF IIEARING FIN ~o 92 ~nd 24 t,', 45 ho(h ;nolu~;,,- P,l~elr to-wit: 15 April 1965, or all claims REPORT AND PETITION FOR R: T,nts 1 tn 22 .cA 1o 27 ~)tld -~ to 4~ not so presented and filed will be DISTRIBU~IOIq tncln~tvc. T~lock 9: Lot~ 1 to 22 end 24 forever barred .... IN THE SUPERIOR coURT OF THE to 45 1)¢~fh ~chl~ivc l~lnok 1~" T,nts JOSEPHINE OEMS, Execuu'lx, STATE OF WASHINGTON FOI~ 1 to 2~ n~d 24 to 45 both inclusive, Estate of ChaHes J. Baisch, MASON COUNTY IN pROBATE ~loek 11: Lots 1 ~n 2P. and 9A to a~ Deceased In tim Matter of the Estate of RETA hnth }n~h,~tve. ~loolt 12. n11 in tb- Address: 618 Dearborn, Shelton, PeON MOLE, Deceased. GIVEN tl ~olnf t~f T.n~'o~'ood Plnt T M.S,w~ Cn,,-- Wash, NOTICE IS HEREBY _ the Es[nat tv. ~r.~htnr~ton sccordh~ t,'~ lb. O¢tq- B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, , vi..i-n Ca~ Executrix ot taleeta 1.¢ tho-o~¢n #~tl in the, Of- Attorney for said Estate, of'Beta DO~6 Mole, deCeaSed, has filed ftc~ ~ the ^,v~1*~ec0fv Mason County, Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wash. in the office of the Clerk o.f ~a~a UoU~t ApPr.;~.l eP~ ~ 50 ' , Y0Ur at- 4/15-22-29 5/6 4t a Final Re oft nd petition for Din- t~l-I~'B o~;r trlbution, ~kin? the ~Qgu~tO ~se.ttle ;Pre~u'e~" of"Mason OI,Y~L---~tEST, said report distrlbt~te tn.u,v~-v?,~y }0 (SEAI) ' 4/15-~2-89 3t CANYON RIVER SALVAGE 1965 Sale, the persons thereto enuu~u to " _ ..... located within T. 21N., R. 6W., T. --char as ~-uUtrix discharge the ptiu ....... " 22N., R 6W,, T. 21N., R. 7 W., T. and that said report anapfft~onwill WOTTC~. O~ WEA~*WG hereby given pursuant to 5 l Provisions of Section 5 of Public Law t 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat, 132-16, as the ma~e.r oan. be eh2~l~ld~at the ~am..a~ 0enntv, that'tL);e Board of %oun- U.S.C.A, 589-5831), and the Cooperative court room of the abOv%~iton~'~,°urt, ty t~ommissioners Will, at 11:00 A.M.. Agreement for the Management of the in the Courthouse In ~.-~..hi~.~xap~n ~'~ 1wonder, the ~ih dnv of April. Lq65 Participating l~orest Properties in the County, WashingtOn, _a~ia['~re~,'^tlm.e cnn~tdnr. A.he advisability of adoptlne' Ufiit entered into by and between the United States of America and the Slmpson Timber Company, dated December 12, 1946, an estimated 4,200 1965. ---~NER [be' held at th'o office of said Board M board feet of timber marked or LAURA M..'W~,~rt , [In the Oour¢ House, at Shelton. Wash- otherwise designated for cutting willN~Ni~,:Te~cfklRR~t'hion, pep ut y. ln~B~ ~a~t t~!i 2~u~:! ;~:~o~ be sold to the Simpson Timber Corn- a 5, GLE Pany. Sesttle. Washington. on May , , y . Estate 10, 1965. The minimum acceptable bid Attorney for ~ For Mason County. Washington per M boa~d feet is: Douglas-fir I Rell Building --rest i C. NOLAN M/kSON urth ~ 121 South 1~o . '=5"g4 I County Auditor and Ex-Offieio $28.35, western hemlock and other I Shelton, Wa~h~gten ~/25 4/1[ Clerk o~ the Board. species $8.20. Rates shown include g2.20 fnr slash disposal. Rates will l 8 15 4t I 4/8 It be subject to adjustment during the Period of sale as I)rovided by quarter- ly adjustment provisions of the tim- bet. salo contract. If requested by ~ihe State of Washington or by Grays I nrhor or Mason Counties or by any deemed to have a reas*nable ROAD~ Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street town to this Shelton, Washlngton 98584 here and Why not appointment. NO. 3577 NOTICE OF HEA1RING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOIL I)ISTRIBUTION IN TIfE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of HELEN MAY BUHL, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Donald R, Gates Adnlinistrator of the Estate of Helen May Buhl. deceased, has filed in tile office of tile Clerk oI said Court a Final Rsport and Peti- tion for Distribution, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the prsons thereto entitled and to discharge the petitioner as Administrator; and that said report and petition •will be imard on the 14th day of May, 1965, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or as soon ti~ereafter as the matter can be beard at the court room of tile above-enTitled court, in ti~c Courthouse in Shelton, Mason C,)unty, Washington, at which time and place any person interested in said Estate may appear and file eLi- jections thereto and contest the same. DATED tiffs 9th day of April, :1965. LAURA M. WAGENER Clerk of said C(mrt By Teckht Vermillion, Deputy GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Wasi}ington 98584 4/15-22-29 546 4t ~t~u on i NO. 3628 Will provide NOTICE TO CItEI)ITOI{S TO You need I'ILESI,]NT AND FILE CLAIMS In fact, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THF STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ere is even an MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) YOUr in-laws. On the main 2nd 6"3369 Call: nerson ~ ~ in interest in the proposed sah, r its terms, a public hearin~ will he held in the bffice of the Foreet Su0- ervisor. Federal Eullding. Olympia. Washington. on the 80~h day of April. 1~. at 2:00 P.M. PDT. Re0uests for Public hearing will not be considered nniess rcceived in the office of the ~orest flttDervisor. Federal Building. (SIvmpia• Wnshlngten. on or before April 21 1.q6~. Dated April 5. 1965. oLlOyd G'. Gl]lmer, Forest Supervisor. lymplc National Forcst. 4/8-15-22-29 4t WO. 9A23--'---- NOTIDE TO CREI)¥qPORR N T~, SI)'PERTOR. CT)IIRT OF THE RTATE O~ WASI~'TN(~q~ON ~OR MAgON C~IrNTY~IN PRORATE . ialn the Matter of the Eatate or RAhTT(" H. GAT,T,AC.HER, r)oeeased~ t. NoTICE IS HEREBY ,GIVEN tha_t ne undersia'ned has been apDotnted~ 9rid has qualified as the Executrix o~ the Estate of l~'ank H. Gallagher, u eceased; that all persons having ~mlms against said deceased sre ~°TebY required to serve the same, uuly verified, on the undersigned Ex7 ~Utrix or her attorney of record at ,ne address below stated and file the Same With the Clerk of the said court, ~o~'ether with proof of such scrvtC~ ~t,nin six montbsnfter the date o til st or the • • Publication of this notice Same will be - ~ "5 19~a?te Of first puhlicatiou: Marcn ~, PEGGY YVONNE BECHTOLD Executrix GLENN ~ CORREA _Attorney for E~tate Bell Bulldin~ . Shelton, Washington 3/25 4/1-8-15 4t OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 • . EVEN INGS: PHONE 426-3530 WALTER GEORGE . ASSOCIATE BROKER PHONE 428-3530 (1) 76 Acres, apProxim - - ately 35 cleared. Good Christmas tree grouna ana SOme timber. Full price $12,500.00. Terms. (2) owner leaving Unite ..... ell a . - ^ be~ a ~mtes must e t discount excel- lent z uroom he 1 *-,~+ Full ~,~,- me, elect, heat• C ose to shopping dis- " nftirnished $6950.00 or furnished $7500.00• (S) ~are:r~)°m~s'J:)ining Room, Fireplace, oil furnace, 2 car s --o-, - ,~re. , cleared. $12,500.00. Easy Terms• • . . , . ( 4 ) SRE~ef~h0?~ ia~: d ~°:m~ 1H°~ye "81 n s u~r~pl? C~l o P:ttt° ' t oBU in1 t .in. s: (5) "--'ilt ins" • • 1500 Sq. Ft. 3 Bedrooms, fireplace, ~6,500 000 no end: Hardwood floors, carport, in town... (6) 155 Ft. on l'lammersley Inlet. $65.00 per Ft. Terms. (7) private lake plus 30 Acres, some timber. $25,000. Terms. (8) Excellent 2 bedroom home, 2 firsplaoes, auto. electric heat, first Class barn, stalls for 3 horses, tack room with toilet and ahower. A real show place. $13,500.00. Terms. ' lil IIIIlllll I Ill II I I II III I ........... :/ AND A Aitken, Brad Allen, Debbie Anderson, Danny Angle, Rick Asche, Lee Auseth, Sebert Bacon, Bill Barnett, Nancy Barron, Billy Baze, Mike Beardon, Charles Blacker, Linda Bourgault. Diane Bracy, Dale Bransford, Brad Brown, Bey Brown, Mike Bruce, Barbara Bueohel, Ricky--U nion Carlsen, Terry Carlson, Alan Carlson, Christy Cart, Debbie Anne Chambers, Cheryl Chamber=, Clark Clark, Cindy Coohran, Linda Crow, Cindy Danlels, Wllma Davldson, Pat Dol~erty, Cam Dor0y, Kevin DUokham, Mary L. Dyer, Mary Edmiston, Darlene Fox, Robert Giddings, Joe GoodwIn, Donna Greene, Laura Jane Grubb, Mark--Hoodsport Hatchett, Mike Hawley, Rioky Henderson, Phillip Hergert, Greg HIIdebrandt, Jenny Lou Homan, Randy Howell, Pare Hulbert, Rusty Hunter, Billy Hunter, Curt Knutson, Douglas Kytta, Scott Looney, Todd Losacco, Joe Losacco, Tim Lynn, Greg Malllnger, John Manh, Jerry Mann, Tom Medoalf( "Dean MIttenbeegee., Soott Oa kos, Jimq~e Jensen, Jenny---Cushman Dam :#1 .: Patterson, Allen David Johnson, Karen Johnston, Laura Jones, Fred Julian, Bill Kadoun, KIm Kamin, Dave Kelley, Kathy Kelley, Reggle Knutson, Doborah Pierce, Cindy Pierson, Debra PRts,: Julie Rice, Cynthia Rou sh, Marvin Seweli, Danny Sheffield, James Sheller, Jennifer Shefler, Stuart Simpson, Brad Sparks, Valerie Stansbury, Dianne Steinberg, Dave Stewart, Dan Stewart, Merrilee Stockwell, Steve . . Sund, Cindy Tabor, Pamala Thomas, Nate Thompson, Dana L. Thomure, Lois Toler, Kay---HoodIport Townsend, David .,.. Townsend, Martin Tweed, Riohard---Cushman No. 2 Tylcza k, Lisa Utzinger, Patti Lee Whaley, Bruce White, Neal Wilbur, Andrew Wilbur, Jo Anne Wittenberg, Kathy Wolden, Michels TO EARN OASH I)OMMlSSlONS @ $1.50 cash commis- sion will be paid for each new subscrip- tion. @ $1.00 cash commis- sion will be paid for each . renewal sub- scriptmn. '10 SATURDAY, APRIL 17 ..... to the boy or girl turning in the most NEW sub•- scriptions between 5:30 p.m. April 10 and 5:30 p.m, April 17. $10 SATURDAY, APRIL 24 ...... to the boy or girl turning in the most NEW sub- scriptions between 5:30 p.m. April 17 and 5:30 p.m. April 24. JOURNAL OFFICE OPEN EACH SATURDAY FROM 9:30 TO 5:30 DURING THE CAMPAIGN TO ASSIST PARTICIPANTS AND SUBSCRIBERS, / "