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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 15, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 15, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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commission roundup" 00hange order okayed for meeting rooms Shelton City Commission, Monday, took ac- creation of some n.eeting rooms in the Shel- Center now under con- COmmission accepted a Order totaling $74,049 for movable walls to create up Small meeting rooms in use area inside the cen- Len Williams said lee of the panel walls is a )f $10,000 from the origi- In addition, the contractor was granted a extension for installing If all 60 days are need- work, the completion the project would be Au- through the civic center property. In another civic center matter, commissioners authorized a call fbr bids for medium-grade furni- ture inside the center. IN OTHER business Monday, the commission: • Approved an amended agree- ment with Mason County for jail services that increased the con- finement fee to $54 a day for pris- oners. The increased cost reflects an increase in the cost of operat- ing the jail, commissioners were told. City Administrator Mike McCarty said without the city&apos;s community service program and electronic home monitoring devic- es, which keep certain Shelton Municipal Court defendants from going to jail, the costs would be twice as high. • Approved a voucher for $14,011.73 to Titus Will Chevro- a.s said Mason County Is working on routing Powerlines underground  New 00rrival$ u Villa-Martinez on April 9 at Mason to Estela Marti- and Ruben Villa . She weighed 8 4 Ounces and was 21 are Pedro Villa Luisa Rosiles, and rtinez and Natividad Mexico. l Marie Smith on April 9 at Mason )ital to Suzi and of Shelton. She POunds, 1 ounce and laches long. Parents are Charlotte trgis of LaPine, Ore- Linda Kerley of Por- alifornia, Jo Ann and of Visalia, California, Smith of Tu- Raeanne Borden on April 8 at Mason to Brenda and Orden of Shelton. She POunds, 6 ounces and laches long. rents are Doug and and Bill and Eileen of Shelton. HUtchinson on April 7 at Mason to Fintan and Utchinson of" Shelton. 6 pounds, 9 ounces inches long. Parents are June and of Shelton, and James Hutchinson of Ire- Q' RUssell on April 7 at Mason to Shelby and Sell of Shelton. He POUnds, 3 ounces and inches long. He joins 14, and Ricky, age Troy Eugene Lewis Jr. was born on April 6 at Mason General Hospital to Casey and Troy Lewis of Hoodsport. He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 21 inches long. He joins Jus- tin, age 7, Riley, age 6 and Kait- lynn, age 1. Grandparents are Jack and Dorthy Lewis of Hoodsport, and Bill and Donna Oskarn of Brin- non. Priscilla Christine Saeger was born on April 6 at Mason General Hospital to Mary and Daniel Saeger of Shelton. She weighed 7 pounds," 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. Grandparents are Mark and Kathy Olander of Shelton. Great- grandparents are Wilma and Ar- nold Saeger 0f She!to.n. ........ Brianna Elizabeth Light • was born on April 5 at Mason General Hospital to Susan Steen- sen and Dave Light of Lacey. She weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces and was 201/2 inches long• Grandparents are Gall and Jim O'Neil of Arizona, and Art and Ercel Winterbottom of Idaho. Aliyha Hope Broumley was born on March 24 at Capi- tal Medical Center in Olympia to Stacie and Aaron Broumley of Olympia. She weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces and was 191/4 inches long. She joins Oriana, age 31/2. Grandparents are Bob and Cleora Graham of Union, Frank and Jenny Carkhuff of Shelton, Dan and Jonell Broumley of Lacey, Kathy and Larry Fair of Tumwater, and June Renega of Salt Lake City, Utah. Jeremiah Nathaniel Tyler was born on April 5 at Mason General Hospital to Marian Arndt and Jeremy Luke Tyler of Shelton. He weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. He joins Rebecca Arndt, age 19, and Emil Arndt, age 15. Grandparents are Helen Clem- mons of Tacoma, Rhonda Jerni- gan of Shelton, and Timothy Wayne "Jeremiah" Tyler of Ocean Springs, Missouri. rents are Gene and of Bonney Lake, Marie LaRock of George Shay of arents are Shelton, and Alice bid You Know... {]ntil recently, there has only been °ne funeral home in Shelton. ]V°h' YOlt have Q ChOice ? ! let for a used car to be used by de- tectives from the Shelton Police Department. Earlier, commission- ers issued a call for bids for a used car, but no bids were re- ceived. • Approved a vroclamation rec- ognizing Shelton Fire Depart- ment volunteer Bob Williams, re- cently named Volunteer Firefight- er of the Year by the Shelton Vet- erans of Foreign Wars Post. Wil- liams has 14 years of service with the department and nearly 12,000 hours of volunteer service. • PROCLAIMED this week as National Library Week in Shelton and encouraged residents to visit the William G. Reed Pub- lic Library at Seventh and Alder streets. Reference Librarian Mike Potts presented commissioners with buttons bearing the library's slogan, "Discover the Power of Your Library." • Proclaimed the week of April 17 through 23 as the Week of the Young Child in Shelton, recogniz- ing early-childhood professionals and services. A kids' fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Satur- day at Olympic College Shelton, commissioners were told. Three hurt in crash at Sand Hill intersection Three people were injured Tuesday when a Datsun pickup rolled over at the intersection of State Route 300 and Sand Hill Road. The incident occurred around 2:30 p.m., according to the Wash- ington State Patrol. MateD S. Lu- cas Pedro, 54, of Belfair was driv- ing westbound on State Route 300 with two passengers, 28-year-ohl Veronica M. Rivera of Shelton and 17-year-old Alisha Darby of Bremerton, Troopers said the pickup left the roadway on the right and rolled after hitting an embank- ment. Pedro was airlifted to Har- borview Medical Center in Seattle with a broken clavicle. Rivera was treated and released from ttarrison Hospital with scratches to her face. Darby was treated and released from Mason General Hospital with a bump on her head, Tomorrow & Saturday OnLy ON customer o ° WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD We wil.t match our petitors prices* NEXT DAY DELIVERY Tuesday-Sa{urday ,ilc:. on setected in-stock mattresses ,-^. FREE DEL.IVERY. with $599 minimum mattress set purchase FREE REMOVAL with $599 minimum mattress set purchase OUR PRICE PROMISE No games. No negotiating. The tow price marked is the price you pay. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE We'LL resolve any concerns you have in the first 30 days after delivery - no charge, no questions. 1.800,555.BEDS for phone order convenience with purchase of mattress stytes starting at $99 twin, ea. pc. Queen 2-piece and king 3-piece sold only in sets. Mattress purchases may require a 72-hour turnaround Ume hom dale of purcha,e to ou warehou,.,e, Delivery olfer( do n(d appl' to dear:race rnattre,s:, Free delivery offer applies within our Puget Sound, Kennewick. Yakima, Spokane, Boise and Missou[a areas. Next day delivery avaiLabLe between Everett and (]tympla Ask your sale a;,.,oclale o detai!s ReguLar and/or original prices appeamg in this advertisement reflect offering prices which may not have resulted in actual sales. Gate ends April 17, 199q *If you find a tower price on a comparable mattress at any other fu[t-hne furniture, mattress or department store in the sarne Local area as your Son Mach ,lore. we wdl meet it. ]hit plce matching ofle is valid for 30 days from your date of purchase, Bring in a current ad from a competitor for a comparable new mattress from the ::mine manuh.<turer with the ,arne quality of components and construction leg., upholstery, coils and foundation]. Certain restrlctmns apply, including exclusions on dose-outs, floor samples and clearance mattresses: and ofle a,oplie':; only to math eg:,, nol to dehvery or other related charges, See store for details. q: EST F U N E RA:L ::t"ID M E a CE M E[ 313 W. Railroad. Shelton, WA 98584 360/427-8044 • Olympia: 360/943-6363 1800 §§S BEDS SHOP FOR MATTRESSES IN THESE LOCATIONS: ,::HAUG: MO S H 0 P P I N G B Y P H O N E Downtown Seattle, 206 506-600[] • L'/nnwood Furnaure Gallery. 425 712.6850. Redmond Funltme GatLery, 425-643 9723 . ]tkwila FurmhJre [;,diel y 425 6!i6 t87 t • Nm th{}dl" Mat1 ,'Ot.&41)66MI • [ A R N M (3 R I;" 7 DAY S A W E E K Bellevue Square, 425 688 6000 • Alderwood Mail 425-712-6000 • EvereU Mall, 425-71( -b00O . 5o hcentet, 425-t)56 60(}0 • Seara( Matt, 206 529 6(lt)o • !oulh Ftdl Mall, 2!H 8;/) /[)011 * In{ ,lna Z!II 4;1 6t[](/• ::,dvel,l,de Jli{J , I t ¢,8!i)(J Thursday, April 15, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15 commission roundup" 00hange order okayed for meeting rooms Shelton City Commission, Monday, took ac- creation of some n.eeting rooms in the Shel- Center now under con- COmmission accepted a Order totaling $74,049 for movable walls to create up Small meeting rooms in use area inside the cen- Len Williams said lee of the panel walls is a )f $10,000 from the origi- In addition, the contractor was granted a extension for installing If all 60 days are need- work, the completion the project would be Au- through the civic center property. In another civic center matter, commissioners authorized a call fbr bids for medium-grade furni- ture inside the center. IN OTHER business Monday, the commission: • Approved an amended agree- ment with Mason County for jail services that increased the con- finement fee to $54 a day for pris- oners. The increased cost reflects an increase in the cost of operat- ing the jail, commissioners were told. City Administrator Mike McCarty said without the city's community service program and electronic home monitoring devic- es, which keep certain Shelton Municipal Court defendants from going to jail, the costs would be twice as high. • Approved a voucher for $14,011.73 to Titus Will Chevro- a.s said Mason County Is working on routing Powerlines underground  New 00rrival$ u Villa-Martinez on April 9 at Mason to Estela Marti- and Ruben Villa . She weighed 8 4 Ounces and was 21 are Pedro Villa Luisa Rosiles, and rtinez and Natividad Mexico. l Marie Smith on April 9 at Mason )ital to Suzi and of Shelton. She POunds, 1 ounce and laches long. Parents are Charlotte trgis of LaPine, Ore- Linda Kerley of Por- alifornia, Jo Ann and of Visalia, California, Smith of Tu- Raeanne Borden on April 8 at Mason to Brenda and Orden of Shelton. She POunds, 6 ounces and laches long. rents are Doug and and Bill and Eileen of Shelton. HUtchinson on April 7 at Mason to Fintan and Utchinson of" Shelton. 6 pounds, 9 ounces inches long. Parents are June and of Shelton, and James Hutchinson of Ire- Q' RUssell on April 7 at Mason to Shelby and Sell of Shelton. He POUnds, 3 ounces and inches long. He joins 14, and Ricky, age Troy Eugene Lewis Jr. was born on April 6 at Mason General Hospital to Casey and Troy Lewis of Hoodsport. He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 21 inches long. He joins Jus- tin, age 7, Riley, age 6 and Kait- lynn, age 1. Grandparents are Jack and Dorthy Lewis of Hoodsport, and Bill and Donna Oskarn of Brin- non. Priscilla Christine Saeger was born on April 6 at Mason General Hospital to Mary and Daniel Saeger of Shelton. She weighed 7 pounds," 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. Grandparents are Mark and Kathy Olander of Shelton. Great- grandparents are Wilma and Ar- nold Saeger 0f She!to.n. ........ Brianna Elizabeth Light • was born on April 5 at Mason General Hospital to Susan Steen- sen and Dave Light of Lacey. She weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces and was 201/2 inches long• Grandparents are Gall and Jim O'Neil of Arizona, and Art and Ercel Winterbottom of Idaho. Aliyha Hope Broumley was born on March 24 at Capi- tal Medical Center in Olympia to Stacie and Aaron Broumley of Olympia. She weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces and was 191/4 inches long. She joins Oriana, age 31/2. Grandparents are Bob and Cleora Graham of Union, Frank and Jenny Carkhuff of Shelton, Dan and Jonell Broumley of Lacey, Kathy and Larry Fair of Tumwater, and June Renega of Salt Lake City, Utah. Jeremiah Nathaniel Tyler was born on April 5 at Mason General Hospital to Marian Arndt and Jeremy Luke Tyler of Shelton. He weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. He joins Rebecca Arndt, age 19, and Emil Arndt, age 15. Grandparents are Helen Clem- mons of Tacoma, Rhonda Jerni- gan of Shelton, and Timothy Wayne "Jeremiah" Tyler of Ocean Springs, Missouri. rents are Gene and of Bonney Lake, Marie LaRock of George Shay of arents are Shelton, and Alice bid You Know... {]ntil recently, there has only been °ne funeral home in Shelton. ]V°h' YOlt have Q ChOice ? ! let for a used car to be used by de- tectives from the Shelton Police Department. Earlier, commission- ers issued a call for bids for a used car, but no bids were re- ceived. • Approved a vroclamation rec- ognizing Shelton Fire Depart- ment volunteer Bob Williams, re- cently named Volunteer Firefight- er of the Year by the Shelton Vet- erans of Foreign Wars Post. Wil- liams has 14 years of service with the department and nearly 12,000 hours of volunteer service. • PROCLAIMED this week as National Library Week in Shelton and encouraged residents to visit the William G. Reed Pub- lic Library at Seventh and Alder streets. Reference Librarian Mike Potts presented commissioners with buttons bearing the library's slogan, "Discover the Power of Your Library." • Proclaimed the week of April 17 through 23 as the Week of the Young Child in Shelton, recogniz- ing early-childhood professionals and services. A kids' fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Satur- day at Olympic College Shelton, commissioners were told. Three hurt in crash at Sand Hill intersection Three people were injured Tuesday when a Datsun pickup rolled over at the intersection of State Route 300 and Sand Hill Road. The incident occurred around 2:30 p.m., according to the Wash- ington State Patrol. MateD S. Lu- cas Pedro, 54, of Belfair was driv- ing westbound on State Route 300 with two passengers, 28-year-ohl Veronica M. Rivera of Shelton and 17-year-old Alisha Darby of Bremerton, Troopers said the pickup left the roadway on the right and rolled after hitting an embank- ment. Pedro was airlifted to Har- borview Medical Center in Seattle with a broken clavicle. Rivera was treated and released from ttarrison Hospital with scratches to her face. Darby was treated and released from Mason General Hospital with a bump on her head, Tomorrow & Saturday OnLy ON customer o ° WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD We wil.t match our petitors prices* NEXT DAY DELIVERY Tuesday-Sa{urday ,ilc:. on setected in-stock mattresses ,-^. FREE DEL.IVERY. with $599 minimum mattress set purchase FREE REMOVAL with $599 minimum mattress set purchase OUR PRICE PROMISE No games. No negotiating. The tow price marked is the price you pay. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE We'LL resolve any concerns you have in the first 30 days after delivery - no charge, no questions. 1.800,555.BEDS for phone order convenience with purchase of mattress stytes starting at $99 twin, ea. pc. Queen 2-piece and king 3-piece sold only in sets. Mattress purchases may require a 72-hour turnaround Ume hom dale of purcha,e to ou warehou,.,e, Delivery olfer( do n(d appl' to dear:race rnattre,s:, Free delivery offer applies within our Puget Sound, Kennewick. Yakima, Spokane, Boise and Missou[a areas. Next day delivery avaiLabLe between Everett and (]tympla Ask your sale a;,.,oclale o detai!s ReguLar and/or original prices appeamg in this advertisement reflect offering prices which may not have resulted in actual sales. Gate ends April 17, 199q *If you find a tower price on a comparable mattress at any other fu[t-hne furniture, mattress or department store in the sarne Local area as your Son Mach ,lore. we wdl meet it. ]hit plce matching ofle is valid for 30 days from your date of purchase, Bring in a current ad from a competitor for a comparable new mattress from the ::mine manuh.<turer with the ,arne quality of components and construction leg., upholstery, coils and foundation]. Certain restrlctmns apply, including exclusions on dose-outs, floor samples and clearance mattresses: and ofle a,oplie':; only to math eg:,, nol to dehvery or other related charges, See store for details. q: EST F U N E RA:L ::t"ID M E a CE M E[ 313 W. Railroad. Shelton, WA 98584 360/427-8044 • Olympia: 360/943-6363 1800 §§S BEDS SHOP FOR MATTRESSES IN THESE LOCATIONS: ,::HAUG: MO S H 0 P P I N G B Y P H O N E Downtown Seattle, 206 506-600[] • L'/nnwood Furnaure Gallery. 425 712.6850. Redmond Funltme GatLery, 425-643 9723 . ]tkwila FurmhJre [;,diel y 425 6!i6 t87 t • Nm th{}dl" Mat1 ,'Ot.&41)66MI • [ A R N M (3 R I;" 7 DAY S A W E E K Bellevue Square, 425 688 6000 • Alderwood Mail 425-712-6000 • EvereU Mall, 425-71( -b00O . 5o hcentet, 425-t)56 60(}0 • Seara( Matt, 206 529 6(lt)o • !oulh Ftdl Mall, 2!H 8;/) /[)011 * In{ ,lna Z!II 4;1 6t[](/• ::,dvel,l,de Jli{J , I t ¢,8!i)(J Thursday, April 15, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15