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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 15, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 15, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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COUNTY COURT in Mason County Court Judge Victoria jurisdiction during Week include: the influence: Jose, 930 Pioneer, days, 310 suspended, rance, $480; Edward 130 East Merioneth $1,750, 365 days, ended; Matthew Roy 831 Golden Pheas- Shelton, $1,925, 365 ; Jacinto Pe- ter, 1403 Jefferson $925, 365 days, 363 while license sus- or revoked: Rhonda Harris, East 341 toad, Shelton, third ,90 days, 80 suspend- to transfer title, 85 suspended; Har- 4216 Thornton third degree, 90 SUspended; Steven A. Vaughn, four counts ,90 days with 60 sus- ), 90 days with 30 sue- and 90 days, 50 sue- Charles M. Varner, Highway 101, Shel- $500, 90 days, 80 ; Patrick J. Roberts, Andrews Drive North, degree, $200, 90 and second 365 days suspended. ,erator's license: artinez-Ramirez, 2020 Shelton, $200, 90 Uspended; Candy S. South Third Street, 90 clays suspended; r, 123 Moore Ave- 90 days sue- operator's license (FTA): Ed- 3320 SE Road, Shelton, and and speeding, insurance: Eric 421 West Maple Rock ock, $480; Diana K. kst 210 Panorama and speeding, ity insurance and Ardell Hernandez, Route 106, Shel- ; Mark A. Maier, 532 Road, Oroville, $527; 1911 Washington $527; Michele C. 111 Conifer Crest, and no seatbelt and gistration, $669; A1- a, 1830 Lake .Shelton, and no valid $1,007; Javier 1830 Lake Boule- and driving with roadway, $646; Fred dl, 19111 Old Ranch :r, and expired ve- ; Aaron Brad- ls, 6780 State Route speeding, $646. offenses: Mark 480 East Aycliffe speeding, $233. 'fttl hunting of big V. Page, 3200 Cap- deer without 365 days sue- forest products Stanley Lewis !7 Mullen, Olympia, Tran, 4428 Sixth Y, $200, 365 days Hal 5315 24th acey, $100; Dang South, Phill Van Ong, 5315 24th Avenue, Lacey, $200, 365 days suspended; Tu Nhat, 5315 24th Avenue SE, Lacey, $100; Tran N. Men, 5315 24th Avenue, SE, Lacey, $100. Assault in the fourth degree: William P. Beech, West 2141 Little Egypt Road, Shelton, do- mestic violence, $300, 365 days, 275 suspended; Clark J. Hagen, 361 East Agate Road, Shelton, do- mestic violence, $200; Stephanie K. Peyton, East 31 View Place, Shelton, fourth degree, $400, 365 days, 360 suspended, five on electronic home monitoring. Other offenses: Roy E. Justice, East 110 Coleman Road, Grape- view, criminal impersonation, $200, 90 days suspended. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munic- ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Sale Teila Wily, 809 South Eighth Street, Shelton, 365 days, 275 suspended, and driving with license suspended in the first de- gree, $3,185, 365 days, 230 sus- pended; Leo E. Henry, SE 169 T'Peeksin Lane, Shelton, $1,325, 365 days, 90 suspended, and reckless driving, 90 days, 30 suspended, and driving with li- cense suspended in the third de- gree, 90 days, 30 suspended. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Louis W. Weber, 405 Dearborn Avenue, Shelton, third degree, 90 days, 88 suspended, two community ser- vice, no insurance, $950; Slate Chaves Partida, 1907 Olympic Highway North, Shelton, first degree, $620, 365 days, 185 sus- pended; Joseph F. Durand, 70 North Harrison Avenue, Hoods- port, four counts third degree, $250, 90 days, 60 suspended, $250, 90 days, 45 suspended on two and $250, 90 days, 30 suspended, and no insurance, $480; Kevin B. Rhodes, 510 Grant Street, Shel- ton, first degree, 365 days, and hit-and-run attended vehicle, $365 days. No valid operator's license: Daniel Soto Morales, 1603 Union, Shelton, $250, 90 days, 89 sus- pended, one day community ser- vice; Pablo Estanislao Carrillo, 1907 Olympic Highway North, Shelton, no insurance, $960. No liability insurance: Karen J. Robertson, 481 Capitol Prairie Road, Shelton, $480; Francisco G. Castro, 376 Springfield Loop, Shelton, $240. Assault in the fourth degree: Steven Frederick Christy, 1818 Summit Drive, Shelton, domestic violence, 365 days, 335 suspend- ed. Theft in the third degree: Kel- ly D. Kowalski, 230 Fir Street, Shelton, 365 days, 362 suspended, and obstructing a law officer, $550, 365 days, 362 suspended; Jo- seph L. Isenbarger, 722 West Pine Street, Shelton, 365 days, 360 suspended; second count, $500, 365 days, 355 suspended. Other offenses: Rosealee Even Robbins, 2229 Walker Park Road, Shelton, shoplifting, $150; Martin Mar, 1403 Jefferson Street, Shelton, resisting arrest, $520, 365 days, 363 suspended, two days community service. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Debi Sue Lee and Ken Casey Lee. Johanna H. Halverson and Michael J. Halverson. HOME RULE CHARTER o00.ome 00ouo*00. COunt1 m Snohomlsh Km Pmrce Clallam lh' 'esinclud g ", ' g, ' , levie,a.tconl are already home rule counties. Some have reIlec'  their county charters and made substantial changes to r f% et!er government for these rapidly growing counties ... !vedlng fathers established '... a system of county tl, ',eat which shall be uniform throughout the state .... ' l%ttved for process of Home Rule so that citizens could Ip. ' County's governance to best reflect the wishes, desires, rl • , • ,, Prlortties of the people. Senator Tim Sheldon 35th Legislative District al Meeting: April 22, 1999, 7pm-9pm at Auditorium, 307 West Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584 rmore information call: Bill Quigley 360/275-0396 New Cases John L. Scott, Incorporated against Maurice Field St. and Anne E. Field, abstract of judg- ment. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation against David R. Thulin, Eveline E. Thulin and John and Jane Does one through five, unlawful detainer. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation against David M. McDoniel, Jan M. McDoniel and John and Jane Does one through five, unlawful detainer. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation against Diana L. Petersen, Dean A. Petersen and John and Jane Does one through five, unlawful detainer. Washington Department of Revenue against Glen D. Ar- rington and Elizabeth G. Ar- rington, tax warrant. Washington Department of Revenue against Constance W. Holman and Kenneth A. Hol- man, tax warrant. Washington Department of Revenue against Ridenoar & Thompson, tax warrant. Arnold A. Fox against Mark Greenfield and Amber York, unlawful detainer. Washington Department of Labor and Industries against Dwayne L. Finley, tax warrant. Wells Fargo Bank against Burton B. Cooper, commercial. Patrick L. Nelson and Virgi- nia G. Nelson against Brooke M. Pope, unlawful detainer. Washington Department of Labor and Industries against Zerferino Castillos, tax warrant. Washington Department of Employment Security against Richard W. Verse, tax warrant. Washington Department of Revenue against Robert D. Mc- Neill, tax warrant. Washington Department of Revenue against The Boatkeep- er, Limited Liability Corpora- tion, tax warrant. Patrick W. Steehler against State of Washington, micellane- 0US. Providian National Bank against Judith L. and John Doe Holden, collection. Sarah H. Boies against Justin C. Wood, Jane Doe Pratt, Jack Scott Cummins and Jane Doe Cummins, tort motor vehicle. Wells Fargo Bank against Kenneth R. and Jane Doe Wal- lingford, commercial. Olympic View Group, Incorpo- rated against Mickie and Ruth Quick and Michael Rea, unlaw- ful detainer. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits dur- ing the past week include: Richard Christensen, 670 SE Nelson Road, Shelton, residence, deck and garage, $82,700; Gor- don Lecair, 15820 East State Route 106, Belfair, wood frame building, $12,866; Barbara Nel- son, 41 North Dew Place, Hoods- port, change use of existing structure from storage to resi- dence, $41,338; Mark Nuttman, 411 East Cronquist Road, Allyn, garage, $35,324; James Babcock, 471 East Hyland Drive, Union, garage, $16,347; Walter Morrow, 220 East Rhododendron Place, Shelton, garage, $9,082; Jason Moore, 50 NE Fern Court, Ta- huya, mobile home, $43,000; Bar- bara Loudenbach, 51 NE Kathy's Drive, Belfair, residence and garage, $81,381; Debra Dewber- ry, 1480 NE Hurd Road, Belfair, residence, $46,053. Dave Bayley, 1189 East Island Lake Drive, Shelton, residence and garage, $108,325; Dennis Dixon, 470 East Gill's Cove Drive, Allyn, mobile home, $47,000; Gordon Brown, 272 East Libby Road West, Shelton, re- model bath and sun porch, $22,612; Terrance Shaw, 4972 East State Route 3, Shelton, resi- dence and garage, $146,697; Kenneth Jarstad, 7181 NE Ta- huya Blacksmith Road, Belfair, mobile home, $82,097; Charlie Lhotka, 230 West Manor Road, Shelton, garage, $10,898; Brian Bridge, 171 NE Lennie's Loop, Belfair, residence and garage, $74,276; Ryan Madison, 212 SE Crescent Drive, Shelton, resi- dence, $67,407; Steven Grout, 5721 East State Route 106, Union, resi- dence, $164,034; Tommy Matsu- mote, 50 NE Bella Vista Drive, Bremerton, garage, $7,568; Gary Lynema, 6693 SE Arcadia Road, Shelton, carport, $20,639. Bob Shoemaker, 140 East Cook Drive, Shelton, garage, $10,898; Jess Morris, 2436 East Brockdale Road, Shelton, garage, $27,245; Dale Robinsen, 1881 East Island Lake Drive, Shelton, shop, $18,163; Lynch Cove Division One, 150 NE Bryan Lane, Bel- fair, concrete reservoir, $25,625; Del Schnitzer, 160 SE Evan Boul- evard, Shelton, garage, $22,979; Daniel Michener, 61 East Sprague Avenue, Union, garage, $13,634; Will Satak, 31 SE Evan Boulevard, Shelton, garage, $16,347; Monty Bryant, 190 West Stardust Lane, Shelton, mobile home, $60,000; and Bob Hunger- ford, 13851 NE North Shore Road, Belfair, deck, $5,700. No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: Elizabeth Sullivan, 730 SE Totten Shores Drive, mobile home; Washington Department of Fisheries, 24350 North High- way 101, Hoodsport, remove one tank, install another; Olin Blystone, 1880 East Pickering Road, demolition; John Van Dyke, 681 NE Mission Wood Drive, Belfair, manufactured home, storage only. CITY BUILDING PERM1TS New construction and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: John and Wendy Allen, 1524 Mason Street, install drainage and underground power ditches; Doug Reitsch, 2121 Olympic Highway North, move sign, $500; Rick Krogness, 818 South 14th Street, replace sewer line. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT April 6:2:51 p.m. with Mason County Medic One, 100 East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard, assault in the fourth degree; 7:20 p.m., West Franklin Street, smoke investigation; 8:19 p.m., Fogarty Avenue, burn investiga- tion. April 7:2:09 p.m., 627 Dear- born Avenue, fire; 9:03 p.m. with Medic One, 13th Street and Northcliff Road, one-car crash. April 8:8:04 p.m., North 10th Street, fire. April 9:4:21 p.m. with Medic One, Summit Drive, injury. April 11:10:29 p.m. with Med- ic One, East Capital Village Olympic Dental Center • Crowns • Extractions • Bridges • Dentures F. Scudder, DDS 2026 Olympic Highway North, Suite 101 432.8379 • Shelton Most insurances and medical coupons accepted Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday Lane, property. April 12:12:39 p.m., Firwood Court, fire. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, April 6 A caller asked police to deal with about seven juvenile fe- males who were walking the fog line on Olympic Highway North. Two juvenile females were said to be harassing customers on the loading docks in the 600 block of West Franklin Street. Wednesday, April 7 Police were asked to inves- tigate a report that people living behind the Red Apple Store were dumping their garbage in the Red Apple dumpster. A caller from the 800 block of West Cota Street told police he thought his cat had been poi- soned. Thursday, April 8 A caller from the 100 block of West Kneeland Street said he was punched in the face in front of his apartment. A 14-year-old boy was trans- ported to Mason General Hospi- tal after he was allegedly as- saulted by another 14-year-old boy at Shelton Middle School. Police were asked to inves- tigate allegations of a "road rage" incident in which a wom- an was slapped at the Kneeland Shopping Center. Friday, April 9 Police were asked to stop chil- dren from playing basketball in the roadway on Division Street. A flute and some library books were reportedly stolen from a person waiting for the bus near the Wal-Mart Store. Saturday, April 10 Police were asked to help a fe- male in distress on the 900 block of Turner Avenue. A burglar alarm sounded at Shelton Lock and Key. A power line reportedly blocked Lake Boulevard after a car hit a utility pole. Sunday, April 11 A caller from 900 Alpine Way said a patient attacked a staff member by coming up behind her and yanking her head back hard. A caller from the 600 block of North Fourth Street said someone was using a Geiger counter to heat up a chair. A caller from the 1900 block of Washington Street said a group of people tried to break into a house. Monday, April 12 Medic One responded at 11:40 p.m. to the report of a disturbance on the 300 block of South First Street. A burglary was reported by a Hearing aids and care to help you hear your he00! If you suspect a hearing toss or wear a hearing aid, give us a call. Many of our hear- ing solutions go beyond conventional hearing aids, matching your unique hear- ing needs better than ever. See us for FREE hearing screen- lags, hearing aid cleanings, and other services.* Call today! *Hearing screenings and other services are not medical or diagnost,c in nature, and are not intended to replace a physician's care If you suspect e medical problem, please seek treatment from your doctor, Hearing e*da do not restore natural hearing. Individual expermnces vary depending on sever,ty of hearing loss, accuracy of eveluat,on, proper fit and ability to adept to amplification Only your Miracle-Ear  representative can determine which modets and options may be right for you. caller from the 600 block of Fir- . Road, Shelton. wood Court. A number of calls were re- ceived about bad checks written to a place on the 700 block of Cas- cade Avenue. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail, which was designed for 45 inmates and refitted in 1989 to house 65, recorded populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 97, Thursday 93, Friday 93, Saturday 99, Sunday 97, Monday 98, Tuesday 105. Efforts are currently under way to increase the capacity again. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, April 6 Fire District 4 and Medic One responded at 7:55 p.m. to the re- port of an injury at the intersec- tion of SE Arcadia and SE Alder roads. A caller said juveniles in the gravel pit by the C Street overpass were throwing rocks at oncom- ing traffic. Deputies were asked to inves- tigate a burglary 2.4 miles out East Pickering Road. Wednesday, April 7 Fire District 4 responded at 12:42 p.m. to the report of a chim- ney fire at 103 SE Spring Place, Shelton. Fire districts 11 and 16 re- sponded at 10:35 p.m. to the report of a brush fire on West State Route 102, Shelton. Deputies were told that a wom- an was brandishing a knife in a Belfair store. Deputies were asked to inves- tigate allegations that a sexual assault had occurred. Skokomish Tribal Police were asked to investigate a burglary. Thursday, April 8 A burglary was reported after someone cut a hole in a shop on SE Arcadia Shores Road. A caller from East Sherwood "Creek Road said someone was cutting holes in his chain-link fence and going through his property to fish in the creek. A caller compained that someone had failed to register as a sex offender. Friday, April 9 A caller from Belfair reported the rollover of a pickup truck on East State Route 302 in Belfair. Deputies were asked to inves- tigate a sex offense. Saturday, April 10 Fire District 4 responded with Medic One at 10:04 p.m. to the re- port of an injury on SE State Route 3, Shelton. Fire District 11 responded at 10:32 p.m. to the report of a brush fire on East Batstone Cut-off Bausch & Lomb = Programmable hearing aids come in many sizes and models. A remote control lets you adjust hearing aid settings discreetly from your pocket or purse. Find out more/Call or step in today/ r |inillilli|lililNlllilli ,:IoOFF A =...,= = t=.u" , price of a Bausch & Lomb ® Programmable hearing 1 system (2 instruments). . i, Good only from participating Miracle-Ear representatives, One coupon good I I 01999 Dahlber9, Inc. 560163-237/A A caller from the Mission Creek Youth Camp said a 17- year-old youth had escaped from the facility. Burglaries were reported by callers from near milepoint 22.5 on NE State Route 3 in Belfair, from a home near mile 36.5 of Highway 101 in Lilliwaup and from a home on East Timberlake Drive, Shelton. Sunday, April 11 Fire District 4 and Medic One responded at 1:50 p.m. to a mo- torcycle accident on SE Binns Swiger Loop, Shelton. Fire Dis- trict 4 responded at 4:55 p.m. to the report of a brush fire on West State Route 108, Shelton. Deputies were asked to inves- tigate the theft of oysters from a beach near mile 4.8 of NE North Shore Road, Belfair. A caller from Cronquist Road in Allyn said a vandal had cut down eight trees on his lot and then left them where they fell. Monday, April 12 A caller said that users of off- road vehicles were disturbing the peace in Belfair. A caller from Belfair had in- formation about the possible theft of cremated human remains. Burglaries were reported to a cabin on North Kokanee Ridge Drive in Hoodsport and to a busi- ness on West Franklin Street. WCC weapons testing set for April 15, 16, 21 The Washington Corrections Center will test for weapons qual- ification today, tomorrow and next Wednesday, says WCC Ad- ministrative Program Manager Alan Adams. Testing will be conducted at the prison north of Shelton from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. today, April 15, and Friday, April 16, Adams said. Additional testing is scheduled for 2 to 10 p.m. on Wednesday, April 21. by Bill & Leslee McComb EASING A SPOUSE'S LOSS Words cannot adequately express the loneliness and sadness that may overwhelm spouses who lose their life partners, It is not surprising, therefore, that older adults are at increased risk of death and disability after the recent loss of a loved one. Equally important is that strong social and emotional support can ameliorate the impact of be- reavement. Thus, friends and family are urged to help older adults ease their loss by be- ing open to signs of emotional need. It may also prove help- ful to bring up the issue of loss themselves, encourage so- cialization, and give grieving spouses the time and place to express their grief. As Jo- seph Fort Newton said, "People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges." During a time of sorrow, kindness and empathy are the best things you can give anybody to help them through this period. Just knowing there are people to lean on is a comfort. At McCOMB FU- NERAL HOME, 703 Railroad Avenue West, we are here to help you and your family dur- ing this time of need. For pro- fessional assistance, call 426- 4803. Grief counseling is also available. QUOTE: "If there is any- thing better than to be loved, it is loving." Anonymous ii i i Thursday, April 15, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal. Page 19 COUNTY COURT in Mason County Court Judge Victoria jurisdiction during Week include: the influence: Jose, 930 Pioneer, days, 310 suspended, rance, $480; Edward 130 East Merioneth $1,750, 365 days, ended; Matthew Roy 831 Golden Pheas- Shelton, $1,925, 365 ; Jacinto Pe- ter, 1403 Jefferson $925, 365 days, 363 while license sus- or revoked: Rhonda Harris, East 341 toad, Shelton, third ,90 days, 80 suspend- to transfer title, 85 suspended; Har- 4216 Thornton third degree, 90 SUspended; Steven A. Vaughn, four counts ,90 days with 60 sus- ), 90 days with 30 sue- and 90 days, 50 sue- Charles M. Varner, Highway 101, Shel- $500, 90 days, 80 ; Patrick J. Roberts, Andrews Drive North, degree, $200, 90 and second 365 days suspended. ,erator's license: artinez-Ramirez, 2020 Shelton, $200, 90 Uspended; Candy S. South Third Street, 90 clays suspended; r, 123 Moore Ave- 90 days sue- operator's license (FTA): Ed- 3320 SE Road, Shelton, and and speeding, insurance: Eric 421 West Maple Rock ock, $480; Diana K. kst 210 Panorama and speeding, ity insurance and Ardell Hernandez, Route 106, Shel- ; Mark A. Maier, 532 Road, Oroville, $527; 1911 Washington $527; Michele C. 111 Conifer Crest, and no seatbelt and gistration, $669; A1- a, 1830 Lake .Shelton, and no valid $1,007; Javier 1830 Lake Boule- and driving with roadway, $646; Fred dl, 19111 Old Ranch :r, and expired ve- ; Aaron Brad- ls, 6780 State Route speeding, $646. offenses: Mark 480 East Aycliffe speeding, $233. 'fttl hunting of big V. Page, 3200 Cap- deer without 365 days sue- forest products Stanley Lewis !7 Mullen, Olympia, Tran, 4428 Sixth Y, $200, 365 days Hal 5315 24th acey, $100; Dang South, Phill Van Ong, 5315 24th Avenue, Lacey, $200, 365 days suspended; Tu Nhat, 5315 24th Avenue SE, Lacey, $100; Tran N. Men, 5315 24th Avenue, SE, Lacey, $100. Assault in the fourth degree: William P. Beech, West 2141 Little Egypt Road, Shelton, do- mestic violence, $300, 365 days, 275 suspended; Clark J. Hagen, 361 East Agate Road, Shelton, do- mestic violence, $200; Stephanie K. Peyton, East 31 View Place, Shelton, fourth degree, $400, 365 days, 360 suspended, five on electronic home monitoring. Other offenses: Roy E. Justice, East 110 Coleman Road, Grape- view, criminal impersonation, $200, 90 days suspended. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munic- ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Sale Teila Wily, 809 South Eighth Street, Shelton, 365 days, 275 suspended, and driving with license suspended in the first de- gree, $3,185, 365 days, 230 sus- pended; Leo E. Henry, SE 169 T'Peeksin Lane, Shelton, $1,325, 365 days, 90 suspended, and reckless driving, 90 days, 30 suspended, and driving with li- cense suspended in the third de- gree, 90 days, 30 suspended. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Louis W. Weber, 405 Dearborn Avenue, Shelton, third degree, 90 days, 88 suspended, two community ser- vice, no insurance, $950; Slate Chaves Partida, 1907 Olympic Highway North, Shelton, first degree, $620, 365 days, 185 sus- pended; Joseph F. Durand, 70 North Harrison Avenue, Hoods- port, four counts third degree, $250, 90 days, 60 suspended, $250, 90 days, 45 suspended on two and $250, 90 days, 30 suspended, and no insurance, $480; Kevin B. Rhodes, 510 Grant Street, Shel- ton, first degree, 365 days, and hit-and-run attended vehicle, $365 days. No valid operator's license: Daniel Soto Morales, 1603 Union, Shelton, $250, 90 days, 89 sus- pended, one day community ser- vice; Pablo Estanislao Carrillo, 1907 Olympic Highway North, Shelton, no insurance, $960. No liability insurance: Karen J. Robertson, 481 Capitol Prairie Road, Shelton, $480; Francisco G. Castro, 376 Springfield Loop, Shelton, $240. Assault in the fourth degree: Steven Frederick Christy, 1818 Summit Drive, Shelton, domestic violence, 365 days, 335 suspend- ed. Theft in the third degree: Kel- ly D. Kowalski, 230 Fir Street, Shelton, 365 days, 362 suspended, and obstructing a law officer, $550, 365 days, 362 suspended; Jo- seph L. Isenbarger, 722 West Pine Street, Shelton, 365 days, 360 suspended; second count, $500, 365 days, 355 suspended. Other offenses: Rosealee Even Robbins, 2229 Walker Park Road, Shelton, shoplifting, $150; Martin Mar, 1403 Jefferson Street, Shelton, resisting arrest, $520, 365 days, 363 suspended, two days community service. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Debi Sue Lee and Ken Casey Lee. Johanna H. Halverson and Michael J. Halverson. HOME RULE CHARTER o00.ome 00ouo*00. COunt1 m Snohomlsh Km Pmrce Clallam lh' 'esinclud g ", ' g, ' , levie,a.tconl are already home rule counties. Some have reIlec'  their county charters and made substantial changes to r f% et!er government for these rapidly growing counties ... !vedlng fathers established '... a system of county tl, ',eat which shall be uniform throughout the state .... ' l%ttved for process of Home Rule so that citizens could Ip. ' County's governance to best reflect the wishes, desires, rl • , • ,, Prlortties of the people. Senator Tim Sheldon 35th Legislative District al Meeting: April 22, 1999, 7pm-9pm at Auditorium, 307 West Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584 rmore information call: Bill Quigley 360/275-0396 New Cases John L. Scott, Incorporated against Maurice Field St. and Anne E. Field, abstract of judg- ment. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation against David R. Thulin, Eveline E. Thulin and John and Jane Does one through five, unlawful detainer. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation against David M. McDoniel, Jan M. McDoniel and John and Jane Does one through five, unlawful detainer. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation against Diana L. Petersen, Dean A. Petersen and John and Jane Does one through five, unlawful detainer. Washington Department of Revenue against Glen D. Ar- rington and Elizabeth G. Ar- rington, tax warrant. Washington Department of Revenue against Constance W. Holman and Kenneth A. Hol- man, tax warrant. Washington Department of Revenue against Ridenoar & Thompson, tax warrant. Arnold A. Fox against Mark Greenfield and Amber York, unlawful detainer. Washington Department of Labor and Industries against Dwayne L. Finley, tax warrant. Wells Fargo Bank against Burton B. Cooper, commercial. Patrick L. Nelson and Virgi- nia G. Nelson against Brooke M. Pope, unlawful detainer. Washington Department of Labor and Industries against Zerferino Castillos, tax warrant. Washington Department of Employment Security against Richard W. Verse, tax warrant. Washington Department of Revenue against Robert D. Mc- Neill, tax warrant. Washington Department of Revenue against The Boatkeep- er, Limited Liability Corpora- tion, tax warrant. Patrick W. Steehler against State of Washington, micellane- 0US. Providian National Bank against Judith L. and John Doe Holden, collection. Sarah H. Boies against Justin C. Wood, Jane Doe Pratt, Jack Scott Cummins and Jane Doe Cummins, tort motor vehicle. Wells Fargo Bank against Kenneth R. and Jane Doe Wal- lingford, commercial. Olympic View Group, Incorpo- rated against Mickie and Ruth Quick and Michael Rea, unlaw- ful detainer. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits dur- ing the past week include: Richard Christensen, 670 SE Nelson Road, Shelton, residence, deck and garage, $82,700; Gor- don Lecair, 15820 East State Route 106, Belfair, wood frame building, $12,866; Barbara Nel- son, 41 North Dew Place, Hoods- port, change use of existing structure from storage to resi- dence, $41,338; Mark Nuttman, 411 East Cronquist Road, Allyn, garage, $35,324; James Babcock, 471 East Hyland Drive, Union, garage, $16,347; Walter Morrow, 220 East Rhododendron Place, Shelton, garage, $9,082; Jason Moore, 50 NE Fern Court, Ta- huya, mobile home, $43,000; Bar- bara Loudenbach, 51 NE Kathy's Drive, Belfair, residence and garage, $81,381; Debra Dewber- ry, 1480 NE Hurd Road, Belfair, residence, $46,053. Dave Bayley, 1189 East Island Lake Drive, Shelton, residence and garage, $108,325; Dennis Dixon, 470 East Gill's Cove Drive, Allyn, mobile home, $47,000; Gordon Brown, 272 East Libby Road West, Shelton, re- model bath and sun porch, $22,612; Terrance Shaw, 4972 East State Route 3, Shelton, resi- dence and garage, $146,697; Kenneth Jarstad, 7181 NE Ta- huya Blacksmith Road, Belfair, mobile home, $82,097; Charlie Lhotka, 230 West Manor Road, Shelton, garage, $10,898; Brian Bridge, 171 NE Lennie's Loop, Belfair, residence and garage, $74,276; Ryan Madison, 212 SE Crescent Drive, Shelton, resi- dence, $67,407; Steven Grout, 5721 East State Route 106, Union, resi- dence, $164,034; Tommy Matsu- mote, 50 NE Bella Vista Drive, Bremerton, garage, $7,568; Gary Lynema, 6693 SE Arcadia Road, Shelton, carport, $20,639. Bob Shoemaker, 140 East Cook Drive, Shelton, garage, $10,898; Jess Morris, 2436 East Brockdale Road, Shelton, garage, $27,245; Dale Robinsen, 1881 East Island Lake Drive, Shelton, shop, $18,163; Lynch Cove Division One, 150 NE Bryan Lane, Bel- fair, concrete reservoir, $25,625; Del Schnitzer, 160 SE Evan Boul- evard, Shelton, garage, $22,979; Daniel Michener, 61 East Sprague Avenue, Union, garage, $13,634; Will Satak, 31 SE Evan Boulevard, Shelton, garage, $16,347; Monty Bryant, 190 West Stardust Lane, Shelton, mobile home, $60,000; and Bob Hunger- ford, 13851 NE North Shore Road, Belfair, deck, $5,700. No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: Elizabeth Sullivan, 730 SE Totten Shores Drive, mobile home; Washington Department of Fisheries, 24350 North High- way 101, Hoodsport, remove one tank, install another; Olin Blystone, 1880 East Pickering Road, demolition; John Van Dyke, 681 NE Mission Wood Drive, Belfair, manufactured home, storage only. CITY BUILDING PERM1TS New construction and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: John and Wendy Allen, 1524 Mason Street, install drainage and underground power ditches; Doug Reitsch, 2121 Olympic Highway North, move sign, $500; Rick Krogness, 818 South 14th Street, replace sewer line. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT April 6:2:51 p.m. with Mason County Medic One, 100 East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard, assault in the fourth degree; 7:20 p.m., West Franklin Street, smoke investigation; 8:19 p.m., Fogarty Avenue, burn investiga- tion. April 7:2:09 p.m., 627 Dear- born Avenue, fire; 9:03 p.m. with Medic One, 13th Street and Northcliff Road, one-car crash. April 8:8:04 p.m., North 10th Street, fire. April 9:4:21 p.m. with Medic One, Summit Drive, injury. April 11:10:29 p.m. with Med- ic One, East Capital Village Olympic Dental Center • Crowns • Extractions • Bridges • Dentures F. Scudder, DDS 2026 Olympic Highway North, Suite 101 432.8379 • Shelton Most insurances and medical coupons accepted Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday Lane, property. April 12:12:39 p.m., Firwood Court, fire. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, April 6 A caller asked police to deal with about seven juvenile fe- males who were walking the fog line on Olympic Highway North. Two juvenile females were said to be harassing customers on the loading docks in the 600 block of West Franklin Street. Wednesday, April 7 Police were asked to inves- tigate a report that people living behind the Red Apple Store were dumping their garbage in the Red Apple dumpster. A caller from the 800 block of West Cota Street told police he thought his cat had been poi- soned. Thursday, April 8 A caller from the 100 block of West Kneeland Street said he was punched in the face in front of his apartment. A 14-year-old boy was trans- ported to Mason General Hospi- tal after he was allegedly as- saulted by another 14-year-old boy at Shelton Middle School. Police were asked to inves- tigate allegations of a "road rage" incident in which a wom- an was slapped at the Kneeland Shopping Center. Friday, April 9 Police were asked to stop chil- dren from playing basketball in the roadway on Division Street. A flute and some library books were reportedly stolen from a person waiting for the bus near the Wal-Mart Store. Saturday, April 10 Police were asked to help a fe- male in distress on the 900 block of Turner Avenue. A burglar alarm sounded at Shelton Lock and Key. A power line reportedly blocked Lake Boulevard after a car hit a utility pole. Sunday, April 11 A caller from 900 Alpine Way said a patient attacked a staff member by coming up behind her and yanking her head back hard. A caller from the 600 block of North Fourth Street said someone was using a Geiger counter to heat up a chair. A caller from the 1900 block of Washington Street said a group of people tried to break into a house. Monday, April 12 Medic One responded at 11:40 p.m. to the report of a disturbance on the 300 block of South First Street. A burglary was reported by a Hearing aids and care to help you hear your he00! If you suspect a hearing toss or wear a hearing aid, give us a call. Many of our hear- ing solutions go beyond conventional hearing aids, matching your unique hear- ing needs better than ever. See us for FREE hearing screen- lags, hearing aid cleanings, and other services.* Call today! *Hearing screenings and other services are not medical or diagnost,c in nature, and are not intended to replace a physician's care If you suspect e medical problem, please seek treatment from your doctor, Hearing e*da do not restore natural hearing. Individual expermnces vary depending on sever,ty of hearing loss, accuracy of eveluat,on, proper fit and ability to adept to amplification Only your Miracle-Ear  representative can determine which modets and options may be right for you. caller from the 600 block of Fir- . Road, Shelton. wood Court. A number of calls were re- ceived about bad checks written to a place on the 700 block of Cas- cade Avenue. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail, which was designed for 45 inmates and refitted in 1989 to house 65, recorded populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 97, Thursday 93, Friday 93, Saturday 99, Sunday 97, Monday 98, Tuesday 105. Efforts are currently under way to increase the capacity again. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, April 6 Fire District 4 and Medic One responded at 7:55 p.m. to the re- port of an injury at the intersec- tion of SE Arcadia and SE Alder roads. A caller said juveniles in the gravel pit by the C Street overpass were throwing rocks at oncom- ing traffic. Deputies were asked to inves- tigate a burglary 2.4 miles out East Pickering Road. Wednesday, April 7 Fire District 4 responded at 12:42 p.m. to the report of a chim- ney fire at 103 SE Spring Place, Shelton. Fire districts 11 and 16 re- sponded at 10:35 p.m. to the report of a brush fire on West State Route 102, Shelton. Deputies were told that a wom- an was brandishing a knife in a Belfair store. Deputies were asked to inves- tigate allegations that a sexual assault had occurred. Skokomish Tribal Police were asked to investigate a burglary. Thursday, April 8 A burglary was reported after someone cut a hole in a shop on SE Arcadia Shores Road. A caller from East Sherwood "Creek Road said someone was cutting holes in his chain-link fence and going through his property to fish in the creek. A caller compained that someone had failed to register as a sex offender. Friday, April 9 A caller from Belfair reported the rollover of a pickup truck on East State Route 302 in Belfair. Deputies were asked to inves- tigate a sex offense. Saturday, April 10 Fire District 4 responded with Medic One at 10:04 p.m. to the re- port of an injury on SE State Route 3, Shelton. Fire District 11 responded at 10:32 p.m. to the report of a brush fire on East Batstone Cut-off Bausch & Lomb = Programmable hearing aids come in many sizes and models. A remote control lets you adjust hearing aid settings discreetly from your pocket or purse. Find out more/Call or step in today/ r |inillilli|lililNlllilli ,:IoOFF A =...,= = t=.u" , price of a Bausch & Lomb ® Programmable hearing 1 system (2 instruments). . i, Good only from participating Miracle-Ear representatives, One coupon good I I 01999 Dahlber9, Inc. 560163-237/A A caller from the Mission Creek Youth Camp said a 17- year-old youth had escaped from the facility. Burglaries were reported by callers from near milepoint 22.5 on NE State Route 3 in Belfair, from a home near mile 36.5 of Highway 101 in Lilliwaup and from a home on East Timberlake Drive, Shelton. Sunday, April 11 Fire District 4 and Medic One responded at 1:50 p.m. to a mo- torcycle accident on SE Binns Swiger Loop, Shelton. Fire Dis- trict 4 responded at 4:55 p.m. to the report of a brush fire on West State Route 108, Shelton. Deputies were asked to inves- tigate the theft of oysters from a beach near mile 4.8 of NE North Shore Road, Belfair. A caller from Cronquist Road in Allyn said a vandal had cut down eight trees on his lot and then left them where they fell. Monday, April 12 A caller said that users of off- road vehicles were disturbing the peace in Belfair. A caller from Belfair had in- formation about the possible theft of cremated human remains. Burglaries were reported to a cabin on North Kokanee Ridge Drive in Hoodsport and to a busi- ness on West Franklin Street. WCC weapons testing set for April 15, 16, 21 The Washington Corrections Center will test for weapons qual- ification today, tomorrow and next Wednesday, says WCC Ad- ministrative Program Manager Alan Adams. Testing will be conducted at the prison north of Shelton from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. today, April 15, and Friday, April 16, Adams said. Additional testing is scheduled for 2 to 10 p.m. on Wednesday, April 21. by Bill & Leslee McComb EASING A SPOUSE'S LOSS Words cannot adequately express the loneliness and sadness that may overwhelm spouses who lose their life partners, It is not surprising, therefore, that older adults are at increased risk of death and disability after the recent loss of a loved one. Equally important is that strong social and emotional support can ameliorate the impact of be- reavement. Thus, friends and family are urged to help older adults ease their loss by be- ing open to signs of emotional need. It may also prove help- ful to bring up the issue of loss themselves, encourage so- cialization, and give grieving spouses the time and place to express their grief. As Jo- seph Fort Newton said, "People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges." During a time of sorrow, kindness and empathy are the best things you can give anybody to help them through this period. Just knowing there are people to lean on is a comfort. At McCOMB FU- NERAL HOME, 703 Railroad Avenue West, we are here to help you and your family dur- ing this time of need. For pro- fessional assistance, call 426- 4803. Grief counseling is also available. QUOTE: "If there is any- thing better than to be loved, it is loving." Anonymous ii i i Thursday, April 15, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal. Page 19