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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 15, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 15, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Chamber hears about 'Jammin' firm noble ideals and youth with era- : ployment skills. By AI, Fern) The Jammin Company, a youth job-training program sponsored by the Boys and 3irls Club of Mason County, was the program fi)r the April 8 Shelton- Mason C, hamber of Commerce membership meeting at Alpine Way Retirement Center. I)aw Ison, director of the Boys and Girls Club in Belfair, spoke about: Boys and Girls Club. He said it serves between 95 and 100 youths a day in the Belfair area. A program is being planned in tlae Shelton Gynmasium for this summer and the group wants to have two sites in Shelton in Sep,- tember, The Jammin Company, he said, is a job-training program in which the participating stu- dents run their own company, doing market research and de- veloping job skills. They learn what it takes to start a company, he said. THE PROGRAM is one which started in Napa, California, about six years ago, Ison said, explaining that he was involved with the California enterprise before coming to Mason County. Marcia Hamilton, who will be in charge of the program here, told the chamber members the fledgling firm will involve 20 students, half boys and half girls, with half from the Shelton area and half from the Belfair area. It will start in mid-July with a two-week orientation and a trial run. The program this year, she said, will involve making blackberry jam. The students will start by picking about 200 gallons of blackberries, which will be frozen. They will then use those blackberries to make 2,000 jars of jam which they will sell. The participating students will be paid for 220 hours of work at minimum wage. In the process, she said, the students learn software and planning. The objective, she said, will be to select students who really want to work. HAMILTON, WHO has an office at the CHOICE High School, said the program will be evaluated as it progresses, and plans are to move into a winter program and additional pro- grams next summer. One, she said, will be a landscaping com- ponent. Those participating have to be in school, she said. Jammin, she said, stands for job ready, attainable career goals, meet needs of educators, meets needs of law enforcers, in- terpersonal communications skills and negotiation skills. Company, she added, stands for communicative critical thinkers, occupational compe- tence, marketable skills, prob- lem solvers, accompish tasks, AT THE BEGINNING of the meeting, Dick Taylor, who was recently named chamber direc- tor, and Mary Martin, who is working as administrative as- sistant, were introduced. Taylor said the chamber office is planning to move into new space in the Mercantile Mall and is getting a new computer sys- tem. He said the chamber has been active in working with businesses in Hoodsport to assist them with problems being creat- ed by the landslides which have closed Highway 101. Marsha Hamilton tells about plans for The Jam- min Company. t G,.v, Έ i::** ;  Dave lson describes and Girls Club pr at the chamber i 1st Annual Mason County Christian School FUNDRAI$1NG y ,.m. AUCTION Available 221W. Sulto D ............ Saturday, May 8 ( SI[[I0 €IS[AS glderbrook Inn/Crista 4/20/9.). 24-HOUFIMOVIEINF0426-1000 :'"'"'"'*." The TIDEWATERS Conference Center Union, WA OLYMPIC VIDEO 2104 Olympic Hwy. N. • 426-1596 Half on nner  Buy any dinner entree and receive half off a :cond di mere ntree € equal or lesser value. CARRY-OUT DALLY 1:45, 4:15, 7:00, 9:15 Silent Auction 5:30-6:45 NEVER BEEN Dinner 7:00 p.m. Try Our " Live Auction 7:30 p.m. Dessert only $5 per person IlnaIaILU | P IE .,w .mmM_. . . RESERVATIONS Made wh h Roc kV Road DAVID ARQUETTE t I': .... i ice c,',,a,u ! MOLLY SHANHOH REQUIRED " ' • {:all Diana Hilburn 43?-9307 877-6450 DAILY 12:30, 2:20 or Kristin Roy 426-1904 ()/,,.,,(h./y 7,.m.-,S'/,..,. D,'b, Ca.@ VOU'tt OIG OOOGl 270 7 North tt(qhway 101. 3 ,,ife., north of Hoodsport Aw,,. ,,, , ...... 'I,, '/,!,:',i"/d',,?',',,l, ' *"  ;=, .... _________,__,__ II00l| April 16 & 17 [ |URGERS|STER I °A'L*':*'° : i,,,,,RgGE ! BUY ONE BURGESTER-- ] |CARRIE2 I GET ONE FREE I O O K I 1/4-lb. patty, 100% beef, special relish, | ||L, .J CAN KI I.L lettuce, pickle, tomato, melted cheese I ![ [] "k,',',',', I on a toasted bun. the tops, I I------nalL-V.----'-- | Coupon cash value 1/20'  I I Nol valid with any other oiler, Expires 4/21/99. Illllllllllllllll | • T II F, "---------------------" ]M:00RIX now offering KEANU REEVES Formula Shell Gasoline i LAURENCE FISHBURNE [] ........ :!?:.?'Eq:  Gates open 7:30, show at dusk @ 3OO1 Olympic (360) Q ' Adults and juniors only $5 / HwV. North 426-7224 •1 517 W.iFranklinm r-=--St" SheltOnpERSONAL ' Children under5 miles south12 free with parentof Shelton, II r., WYVl ..=.-.' c.Ecs access via frontage road off Taylor Towne i W  .................. WELCOME MED. I-TOPPING $4.99 Shell onMt. View Fax 426-7407 Shell 24-hou.___.r phone 426-4707 OR LG, 1"TOPPING $6.99 ..... -. ,,. , ' *   ,,,,,, c:,,,o,o,. ' Drop in, Neighbo  WE BAKE mYOU BA 00GREAT PIZI I (d,ti v:lt.l’.! 1/,?()C. t Xpll(:?S 4125199 Shelton • " at Little Creek Casino W/TWI STY BREAD ,,,,o, MONDAYS " 99 ,,,,.,,. i , .... --.. s.,og. 15@9 9R/GINA CRUS GMNT.$1ZE g I • PEPPERONI I (h.ot:, d'J ,, , htly exrla Nor valid with , , , ,,,, .,,,.,:,,,,m,,o,,.. o,. ,..o,. ,,, i • 2 pancakes, 1 egg, and • 8oz. Top Sirloin t • i ,:,,, vdh;e, I/),'0c [xpires 4/2S/99 StK/I[Offl i sausage or bacon • Red Potatoes IiJ  FIgaro',ltallan Kitchen Zesty pepperonl and 100"/o real cheese. I _,,,.,--r,*.,,,,,,:.:;.,:,:-__z;'JZ°2 I -or-  Vegetables ,  dnn GIANT-SIZE . .. ,.,o,,,.o ,,z,,,s"""" I 00$i99 , ' '.'' IFIGAIRO'$. CRUSTi ' ' bkddaSPla. SPEClALplITZA for'tforW k' II $ 41 f=99 I I='VERYDAY lOAM-NOON . YOU also get this stake: Canadian style bacon, pepperont, beef, 100% real cheese and fresh.sliced t Figaro'= ItmlMn Kitchen -,.....-,r ,, , $5 matchplay, or 2121 Olympic Hwy. N. • I g ,,.,, I FRIDAY, SATURDAY |IPNI'6AM • w., ,,.,,:,,,on ,io.o,. o..o,.,,o I SUNDAY'THURSDAY I t PM'2AM • coupon for Megamama/Flashcash '' I h,q! I) d,t Slqhtly extra Not valid with Shelton I ,:)[I ’., offers, qhelton Domlno Pizza only 34 North I st:, I 42T-5366 L--J | 427-87OO I  11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. -" " I ,.Ch:U:lrH,oT[ new ,ours: ,..,, ., ..,..,., ,0= ,o ,=, ,...,.,y=,.6.& k, A A 1 Food stamps welcome on "You-BaKe ORIGINAL CRUS1 ORIGINAL CRUSI Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 15, 1999 Chamber hears about 'Jammin' firm noble ideals and youth with era- : ployment skills. By AI, Fern) The Jammin Company, a youth job-training program sponsored by the Boys and 3irls Club of Mason County, was the program fi)r the April 8 Shelton- Mason C, hamber of Commerce membership meeting at Alpine Way Retirement Center. I)aw Ison, director of the Boys and Girls Club in Belfair, spoke about: Boys and Girls Club. He said it serves between 95 and 100 youths a day in the Belfair area. A program is being planned in tlae Shelton Gynmasium for this summer and the group wants to have two sites in Shelton in Sep,- tember, The Jammin Company, he said, is a job-training program in which the participating stu- dents run their own company, doing market research and de- veloping job skills. They learn what it takes to start a company, he said. THE PROGRAM is one which started in Napa, California, about six years ago, Ison said, explaining that he was involved with the California enterprise before coming to Mason County. Marcia Hamilton, who will be in charge of the program here, told the chamber members the fledgling firm will involve 20 students, half boys and half girls, with half from the Shelton area and half from the Belfair area. It will start in mid-July with a two-week orientation and a trial run. The program this year, she said, will involve making blackberry jam. The students will start by picking about 200 gallons of blackberries, which will be frozen. They will then use those blackberries to make 2,000 jars of jam which they will sell. The participating students will be paid for 220 hours of work at minimum wage. In the process, she said, the students learn software and planning. The objective, she said, will be to select students who really want to work. HAMILTON, WHO has an office at the CHOICE High School, said the program will be evaluated as it progresses, and plans are to move into a winter program and additional pro- grams next summer. One, she said, will be a landscaping com- ponent. Those participating have to be in school, she said. Jammin, she said, stands for job ready, attainable career goals, meet needs of educators, meets needs of law enforcers, in- terpersonal communications skills and negotiation skills. Company, she added, stands for communicative critical thinkers, occupational compe- tence, marketable skills, prob- lem solvers, accompish tasks, AT THE BEGINNING of the meeting, Dick Taylor, who was recently named chamber direc- tor, and Mary Martin, who is working as administrative as- sistant, were introduced. Taylor said the chamber office is planning to move into new space in the Mercantile Mall and is getting a new computer sys- tem. He said the chamber has been active in working with businesses in Hoodsport to assist them with problems being creat- ed by the landslides which have closed Highway 101. Marsha Hamilton tells about plans for The Jam- min Company. t G,.v, Έ i::** ;  Dave lson describes and Girls Club pr at the chamber i 1st Annual Mason County Christian School FUNDRAI$1NG y ,.m. AUCTION Available 221W. Sulto D ............ Saturday, May 8 ( SI[[I0 €IS[AS glderbrook Inn/Crista 4/20/9.). 24-HOUFIMOVIEINF0426-1000 :'"'"'"'*." The TIDEWATERS Conference Center Union, WA OLYMPIC VIDEO 2104 Olympic Hwy. N. • 426-1596 Half on nner  Buy any dinner entree and receive half off a :cond di mere ntree € equal or lesser value. CARRY-OUT DALLY 1:45, 4:15, 7:00, 9:15 Silent Auction 5:30-6:45 NEVER BEEN Dinner 7:00 p.m. Try Our " Live Auction 7:30 p.m. Dessert only $5 per person IlnaIaILU | P IE .,w .mmM_. . . RESERVATIONS Made wh h Roc kV Road DAVID ARQUETTE t I': .... i ice c,',,a,u ! MOLLY SHANHOH REQUIRED " ' • {:all Diana Hilburn 43?-9307 877-6450 DAILY 12:30, 2:20 or Kristin Roy 426-1904 ()/,,.,,(h./y 7,.m.-,S'/,..,. D,'b, Ca.@ VOU'tt OIG OOOGl 270 7 North tt(qhway 101. 3 ,,ife., north of Hoodsport Aw,,. ,,, , ...... 'I,, '/,!,:',i"/d',,?',',,l, ' *"  ;=, .... _________,__,__ II00l| April 16 & 17 [ |URGERS|STER I °A'L*':*'° : i,,,,,RgGE ! BUY ONE BURGESTER-- ] |CARRIE2 I GET ONE FREE I O O K I 1/4-lb. patty, 100% beef, special relish, | ||L, .J CAN KI I.L lettuce, pickle, tomato, melted cheese I ![ [] "k,',',',', I on a toasted bun. the tops, I I------nalL-V.----'-- | Coupon cash value 1/20'  I I Nol valid with any other oiler, Expires 4/21/99. Illllllllllllllll | • T II F, "---------------------" ]M:00RIX now offering KEANU REEVES Formula Shell Gasoline i LAURENCE FISHBURNE [] ........ :!?:.?'Eq:  Gates open 7:30, show at dusk @ 3OO1 Olympic (360) Q ' Adults and juniors only $5 / HwV. North 426-7224 •1 517 W.iFranklinm r-=--St" SheltOnpERSONAL ' Children under5 miles south12 free with parentof Shelton, II r., WYVl ..=.-.' c.Ecs access via frontage road off Taylor Towne i W  .................. WELCOME MED. I-TOPPING $4.99 Shell onMt. View Fax 426-7407 Shell 24-hou.___.r phone 426-4707 OR LG, 1"TOPPING $6.99 ..... -. ,,. , ' *   ,,,,,, c:,,,o,o,. ' Drop in, Neighbo  WE BAKE mYOU BA 00GREAT PIZI I (d,ti v:lt.l’.! 1/,?()C. t Xpll(:?S 4125199 Shelton • " at Little Creek Casino W/TWI STY BREAD ,,,,o, MONDAYS " 99 ,,,,.,,. i , .... --.. s.,og. 15@9 9R/GINA CRUS GMNT.$1ZE g I • PEPPERONI I (h.ot:, d'J ,, , htly exrla Nor valid with , , , ,,,, .,,,.,:,,,,m,,o,,.. o,. ,..o,. ,,, i • 2 pancakes, 1 egg, and • 8oz. Top Sirloin t • i ,:,,, vdh;e, I/),'0c [xpires 4/2S/99 StK/I[Offl i sausage or bacon • Red Potatoes IiJ  FIgaro',ltallan Kitchen Zesty pepperonl and 100"/o real cheese. I _,,,.,--r,*.,,,,,,:.:;.,:,:-__z;'JZ°2 I -or-  Vegetables ,  dnn GIANT-SIZE . .. ,.,o,,,.o ,,z,,,s"""" I 00$i99 , ' '.'' IFIGAIRO'$. CRUSTi ' ' bkddaSPla. SPEClALplITZA for'tforW k' II $ 41 f=99 I I='VERYDAY lOAM-NOON . YOU also get this stake: Canadian style bacon, pepperont, beef, 100% real cheese and fresh.sliced t Figaro'= ItmlMn Kitchen -,.....-,r ,, , $5 matchplay, or 2121 Olympic Hwy. N. • I g ,,.,, I FRIDAY, SATURDAY |IPNI'6AM • w., ,,.,,:,,,on ,io.o,. o..o,.,,o I SUNDAY'THURSDAY I t PM'2AM • coupon for Megamama/Flashcash '' I h,q! I) d,t Slqhtly extra Not valid with Shelton I ,:)[I ’., offers, qhelton Domlno Pizza only 34 North I st:, I 42T-5366 L--J | 427-87OO I  11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. -" " I ,.Ch:U:lrH,oT[ new ,ours: ,..,, ., ..,..,., ,0= ,o ,=, ,...,.,y=,.6.& k, A A 1 Food stamps welcome on "You-BaKe ORIGINAL CRUS1 ORIGINAL CRUSI Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 15, 1999