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The Mason County Department of Com-
munity Development is requesting theft those
interested in removing hay submit a proposal
for the following:
Property previously owned by Pat &
Blanche Clark at 421 East Bourgault Road.
Property previously owned by Cad Mease
at 180 & 140 East Bourgault Road.
Property previously owned by LaVerne
Zehrung at 241 East Bourgault Road.
Submittals need to include the number of
bales to be removed and the cost per bale you
will pay (the award would be to the respondent
submitting the highest per bale cost).
Further information may be obtained by
contacting Gary Yando, Director of Community
Development at (360) 427-9670, X270.
Statements of Proposals must be received
by Gary Yando, PP. Box 578, Building I, 411
North 5th Street, Shelton, Wa. 98584 no later
than 5:00PM on Fdday, April 30, 1999.
The person(s) selected to harvest the hay
will need to provide Mason County with proof
of insurance and a letter which holds Mason
County harmless in case of accident.
4/15-22 2t
(Amending Resolution No. 34-99, changing
closure dates)
to RCW 47.48.010, St. Andrews Ddve, County
Road No. 54650, shall be closed to all through
traffic at Mile Post 2.02, from 8:00 A.M,
Wednesday, April 28, 1999 to 5:00 P.M.,
Thursday, Apnl 29, 1999.
of County Commissioners have declared the
above described road closure a public necess-
ity to facilitate the Puget Sound and Pacific
Railroad's repair of their railroad tracks.
THEREFORE, the County Engineer is
hereby ordered and authorized to proceed as
prescribed by law,
ADOPTED this 13th day of Apnl, 1999.
/s/Cynthia D. Plain
CYNTHIA D. OLSEN, Chairperson
Excused Absence 4/I 3/99
/s/John A. Bolender
/S/Rebecca S. Rogers
Clerk of the Board
4/15.22 2t
There will be a SPECIAL MEETING of the
Skokomish Flood Control Zone District Advi-
sory Committee at the Skokomish Valley
Grange Hall Thursday, Apdl 15, 1999, at 7:30
P.M. to discuss a proposed project on Bambi
Farms Road.
4/15 It
district will
offer course __
on fencing
The Mason Conservation Dis-
trict will hold a class on how to
build electric and barbed-wire
fences on Tuesday evening.
The class, which will run from
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. April 20, will be
held at the conservation district
office at 1051 SE Highway 3,
Suite G in Shelton.
Those who plan to attend
should call 427-0437 to sign up,
according to conservation district
staffer Jeanene Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners will hold a
public hearing in the Commission Chambers
at Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411
North 5th, Shelton, Washington, on April 20,
1999 at 9:15 a.m.
SAID HEARING will be to declare Surplus
the building only on pamel #42118-22-00010 on
(Portion of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 18,
Twp 21, Rge 4W) Address is 4171 West Sko-
komish Valley Road, Shelton.
Also, building only on parcel 42115-32-
00070 on (Portion of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Sec-
tion 15, Twp 21, Rge 4W) Address is 630 West
Skokornlsh Valley Road, Shelton.
If there are any questions pertaining to the
hearing, please contact the Mason County
Treasurer, 360-427-9670, Ext 475.
If special accommodations are needed,
please contact the Commissioners' Office at
360-427-9670 ext 419.
DATED this 6th day of Apnl, t 999.
Is/Diane L. Zoren for
Rebecca S. Rogers
Clerk of the Board
4/8-15 2t
NO. 404
April 29, 1999 -6:00 PM
The Hood Canal School District No. 404
Board of Directors will hold its next regular
meeting on Thursday, April 29, 1999, begin-
ning at 6:00 PM, in the school library. This
meeting had been scheduled for Thursday,
April 22, 1999.
John L. Simpson, Superintendent
Secretary to the Boerd of Directors
Hood Canal School District No. 404
4/15-22 2t
I'VE NEVER PRETENDED to be a world
traveler. Which is not to say I've never pretended
to be other things. Like Bette Davis, for example.
But, then, that was before I swore off tequila.
Having traveled a lot, I have come to realize it
is easy to take stuff for granted. And why grant-
ed can't take care of its own stuff is beyond me.
But, then, I don't want to get into that right now.
As I was saying, when I'm traveling, as with
any other activity that I do on a regular basis,
certain things tend to go by unnoticed.
That's what I discovered the other day as I
was sitting around the house with nothing better
to do. Actually, I HAD lots of things to do. It's
just that sitting around is what I do better.
Rummaging through a pile of junk on my cof-
fee table, I found an airline ticket from a recent
trip to Holland. I had a great time there and
found the most wonderful cheeses to bring back
Turning the ticket over, I saw in fine print
"Notices to Passengers and Conditions of
Contract." I have never read the fine print on the
back of airline tickets. But, then, when flying,
there are lots of things I never pay attention to.
Like checking in one hour early.
I'VE OFTEN WONDERED why airlines
ask people to check in one hour early. I used to
think it was to ensure an orderly boarding pro-
cess. But then I realized that's only what the air-
lines wanted me to think. The real answer is
anything less than one hour and they don't have
enough time to get my luggage to the plane leav-
ing for Tierra del Fuego while I'm traveling to
Anything less than one hour and they would
have no choice but to put it on the same plane
I'm traveling on. And what airline would want to
do that?
But I digress.
In reading the back of my ticket I was sur-
prised to find I was holding a legally.enforceable
document. And, as with anything legal, it was
totally confusing. So in the public interest I have
prepared a simple and concise explanation of
what the legalese means.
THE FOLLOWING information is real.
However, the sentences inside parentheses are
my commentaries of what the airlines are really
saying. (See, like this one. Except this is a com-
ment on my comments, so maybe it shouldn't be
inside parentheses.) More like this. But, then,
this too is a comment, so maybe it should be in-
side. (Like this.) Now I'm confused.
If you understand this (and if you can explain
it to me), drop me a note (be sure to enclose a
E.mail at
twenty-dollar bill to covez charges) and
I will be eternally grateful. (Well, maybe not
eternally. But at least I won't lose your baggage
in the process.)
Okay, here goes:
1. This notice forms part of the conditions of
contract between the airline and the passenger.
(We were hoping you wouldn't notice, so that's
why we put it on the back in such tiny print.) If
there is any inconsistency between the incorpo-
rated terms described below and the terms and
conditions in the passenger's ticket, these incor-
porated terms govern. (In other words, we don't
care what your ticket says.)
2. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to inspect the
full text of each transporting air carrier's terms
at its airport and city ticket offices. (Take your
time when you do. That plane for Tierra del Fue-
go is running a little late.)
3. Carriage and other services performed by
each carrier are subject to provisions contained
in this ticket. (Refer to paragraph 1.)
4. Carrier's name may be abbreviated in the
ticket. (This makes it more difficult for you to
figure out who we are after we lose your bags.)
5. Any exclusion of limitation of liability of
carrier shall apply to and be for the benefit of
agents, servants and representatives of carrier.
(We have no idea what this means either. We
just put it in so we could brag about having
6. TIMES SHOWN IN timetable or else-
where are not guaranteed and form no part of
this contract. Carrier may without notice substi-
tute alternative carriers or aircraft, and may al-
ter or omit stopping places shown on the ticket.
Carrier assumes no responsibility for making
connections. (And you STILL bought this ticket?
We can't believe it. Can you hear us laughing?)
7. No agent, servant or representative of carri-
er has authority to alter, modify or waive any
provision of this contract. (Sorry, we couldn't
pass up the opportunity to brag about our serv-
ants again.)
Lest any reader presume I have a grudge
against the airlines, let me put that erroneous
assumption to rest. In fact, I rather like that it's
been three weeks since my bags turned up miss-
ing. This has given me a wonderful opportunity
to buy all new clothes and also the satisfaction of
knowing that in some airline baggage place
about four pounds of unwrapped cheese is quiet-
ly fermenting.
i J
County proclamation:
Three weeks
as youth tribu
Three weeks this month will
be devoted to honoring children
and youth following proclama-
tions by the Mason County com-
missioners at the April 6 meet-
The first proclamation sets
April 17-23 as the Week of the
Young Child in Mason County,
as requested by Becky Allen, di-
rector of Gateway Child Care
Center, who was accompanied by
Joyce River from the Shelton
School District and Robin Wil-
liams of the Peste Child Develop-
ment Center at Olympic College
Allen said the purpose of the
proclamation is to emphasize
importance of early-childhood
activities and what is being ac-
complished by professionals in
the field.
She invited the board to the
Children's Festival of the Arts at
OCS, sponsored by Mason County
early-childhood education pro-
fessionals. The free event will
run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Satur-
day, April 17, and include infor-
mation for parents and activities
for children.
"This is where our community
begins," Commissioner John
Bolender observed.
Infant Immunization Aware-
ness Week in Mason County
will be April 18-24 and coincides
with the National Infant Im-
munization Week. Steve Kutz,
personal health services director
who made the request, told the
commissioners the target goal is
to have 90 percent of children na-
tionwide immunized by the age
of 2. Although he did not have
figures for Mason County, Kutz
reported a statewide survey
showed current rates at about 75
percent and a study in Thurston
County was "somewhat in
April 25 to May 2 will bel
Volunteer Recognit
and coincides with
designated at Voluntee:
nition Month. Kutz
board to the fourth
volunteer recognition
celebration set for 7 p.z
day, April 27, at
Anyone who has
teers can obtain a
form for the awards
from Carla Huyck
department, 427-9E
April 19-2:3
Spring break
A Reminder
Free and reduced
meal applications
are available
throughout the year
in all schools.
Be sure and contact
us if you
need assistanO
Anyone living or worki{
Pioneer School
to join Simpson
Federal Credit UniOn.
The man who has planted a
garden feels that he has done
something for the good of the
whole world.
Charles Dudley Warner
526W. Cedar
ACROSS $4 Nalwe Indian time 2 Break out in
1 Descendents eoidmr 119 American a rash
of Sham SS Reedy to eat patriot' 3 Will-o'-the-
S Home of the $6 Roman diplomat --
Mete known Ior his 100 % .one giant 4 Large beer
9 Word of odes -- toe men- glees
regret §g Wings klnd" (Arms- § Marks in
13 Explodes el Deep mud trong) bowk
suddenly 02 Timber tree 101 Thompson of 6 Of an hour
17 Containmg 02 Branching, "Back to the 7 Fix the split
gold treelike mark Future" infinitives
18 =InvasiOn of 65 Allures 104 Those in 8 Declares
the Body S7 Refinery by- favor positively
Snatchers" products 108 Cheng's 9 Past
props 69 Fac,ng g/a- brother 10 Plasterer's
19 Trot or per direction 107 Sign the foundation
center 71 Contimrnate lease 11 Was under
20 Souvenir 72 Preose 1011 South Seas the weather
22 Mushy talk 7S Coming on island 12 Cubec meters
23 Pupil of 15 stie 1 f 1 Greek writar 13 Cornea
Down 7"/High note of tregeckss before in
25 Growing out 80 Wall Street 114 Athenian time
211 "Fether of anlmal oratu 14 Wine, as •
Med,c*ne" 81 Semester or 117 Native of prefix
28 "Father of quarter Tabriz 1§ Greek phil-
History" 113 Roman phil- 118 Greek tyrant olmpher
30 Have e oeo(er and of Syr'uae 111 Normal IX)el-
snack ataleeman 120 Skip the t,On
31 Cily on the 114 Child-ish wedding 17 Wimblodon
Oka word? ceremony wmner
32 Chat: colloq. 8§ H,ghiend 121 Regn Iouth 21 Tax. in Ire-
34 Hindu god dances of the land
38 CIAs tore- 87 Extremely Sahara 24 Peter and
runner emulPng per- 122 Greftod: Her. Ivan
36 Animals from Son: colloq. 123 London oaf 27 Caked depo-
guns? Ire'Actress Sue lery sit: sling
37 Narrow -- Langdon 124 Nasla of 211 Roman poet
groove IN) Ending for phealants 3.1 Vanegeted
31) Wife of play or pent 125 Hit the high 26 -- club
Rama. 81 Balance C's (s,nging
chendra ehoet entnes 126 Take five group)
41 Deluded I1,1 Smokeless 127 Digger 37 Sucrose,
44 Garment explosive 1:11 Close e lactose end
inserts INi "as wild -- hawk's eyes fructose
48 Take out fly to the wil- DOWN 3 Polyneman
50 Bibbcel name clarness" 1 TV role for demon
51 Soviet plane (Menclus) Dlahann Car- 40 President of
52 Double g7 tn a Short roll Mexico
41 Actress 79 War god
Adele 82 "In e -Senti-
42 Spnng hips- mental -- "
sore 04 Deytime TV
43 Greek dra- fare
metist 86" -- by
44 Prepare tot Woods on a
aCtion Snowy
45 Spanish . Evening"
drawing mm irooklyn
room plant?
47 Greek Stoic II0 Irreligsous
philosopher ones
48 Legal wrong 92 Spore case
49 "For Your -- clusters
Only" 114 "Yankee
(movie) Doodle -- "
51 King Kong or 95 Takes food
Godzilla 96 Inclination
$3 Openwork I)8 Sleepy one
structure 100 Tenant
545 City in Afg- 101 Hawaiian
hanistan wreeths
$7 Quote 102 God of the
58 School lack- east wind
ets 103 Plowed field
60 Babylon,an 105 River of
hero Pans
63 It bugs 107 TV's "-- 66"
crovord 1011 PositNe POle
puzzle sob 109 Force back
vers? 110 Utilizes
64 Italian nobte 112 "God
house dallghts --
66 Manipuiete odd number"
freudulontly (Virgil)
68 Ike's Secret- 113 Anagram of
ary of State to
70 Lew.making 118 Sahtb'e cou-
body sin
72 Hillside dug- 118 Author
out Wiessl
73 Signals for 118 Kind of profit
74 "The Red"
76 Descartes
711 Shopr s
memory aid
are on
page 28.
,00'00apital museum will
continue exhibit on
i[00/Iedmme Creek trea00r
The exhibition "Remembering
Medicine Creek" will continue to
run through February 4, 2001 at
the Washington State Capital
Museum in Olympia.
The 5,000-square-foot exhibit
is described as "rich in artifacts
and historic photographs.
Medicine Creek is the site of
the treaty negotiations between
Governor Isaac Stevens and the
leaders of the Squaxin, Nisqually
and Puyallup tribes, who ceded
2.5 million acres of their home-
lands in the Medicine Creek Trea-
ty of 1854. They were guaranteed
reservation lands and assurance
that they could hunt and fish in
their usual and accustomed
Representatives of the Squaxin
Island Indian Tribe were involved
with the development of the dis-
The museum is open from 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through
Friday, and from noon to 4 p.m.
Saturdays and Sundays. Admis-
sion to the exhibit is $5 for a fam-
ily and $2 for adults, with lesser
rates for children. Those under
age 6 can attend free with adults.
The Capital Museum is located
at 211 West 21st Avenue in
Olympia, just south of the state
April 19-23, 1999
Hood Canal Shelton
No school, spring break.
Breakfast prices: Lunch prices:
Elementary $0.80 Elementary $1.50
Jr. & High $0.85 Jr. & High $1.60
Reduced $0.30 Reduced $0.40
Adult $1.45 Adult $2.50
Milk $0.35 Milk $0.35
A Reminder
Free and reduced meal applications are available
throughout the year in all schools. Be sure and
contact your school if you need assistance.
Program benefits and services are available to all children without egard to race, religion, color, sex, handicap,
age, or nallorull origin is
Sponsored by L-
LENDER Formerly Centennial Bank
Hoodeport Shelton
• N. 24341 Hwy. 101 • 2307 Olympic Hwy. N
877-5272 426-5581
Come worship
Itorthside Ba
J 50 E. Island Lal¢
I (Corner of 5helton Springs
I Orate: 060)
Shelton churches invite I E.Malt: m
you to attend services I tnternet:
Faith Lutheran
)k)\\;LDIN Church, E.L.C.A.
. Intersection of
13th and 'C'
"P 2"O M O ''O Neil Thompson-
Worship ........................................... 9:00
Christian Education ............. 10:15 a.m.
Contemporary Worship ...... 11:15 a.m.
Lutheran C
Christian Education ............... :
Worship .................................
(Nursery Available)
Visit us on
1900 King Street Reverend Steve Schroeder
First Service... 8:30 a.m.
Sunday School... 9:30 a.m.
Second Service... 10:45 a.m. "Because we care ..."
The Episcopal Church Welcomes
Come As You Are
St. David's
4th and Cedar, Shelton
Sunday, 7:30 and 10:30 a.m.
Misa en Espaiiol Cada Domingos 5:00 p.m.
Rcv. D. J. Maddux, Rector Home: 426-2268 Office: 426"
210 W Shelton Valley Road • 426.2770
9:30 and I I:00 a.m. Saturday Paul Weigley,
201 W Shelton Valley Road • 426-'11
Grades K-8 • Candy Johnston, principal
Worship Service ............................ 10:30
Christian Education ....................... 9:00
Join us for worship and fellowship at our interim
Shelton Seventh Day Adventist Church, 210
Call us at: (360) 432-8696 Mail: P.O. Box 1891, Shcb
The Mason County Department of Com-
munity Development is requesting theft those
interested in removing hay submit a proposal
for the following:
Property previously owned by Pat &
Blanche Clark at 421 East Bourgault Road.
Property previously owned by Cad Mease
at 180 & 140 East Bourgault Road.
Property previously owned by LaVerne
Zehrung at 241 East Bourgault Road.
Submittals need to include the number of
bales to be removed and the cost per bale you
will pay (the award would be to the respondent
submitting the highest per bale cost).
Further information may be obtained by
contacting Gary Yando, Director of Community
Development at (360) 427-9670, X270.
Statements of Proposals must be received
by Gary Yando, PP. Box 578, Building I, 411
North 5th Street, Shelton, Wa. 98584 no later
than 5:00PM on Fdday, April 30, 1999.
The person(s) selected to harvest the hay
will need to provide Mason County with proof
of insurance and a letter which holds Mason
County harmless in case of accident.
4/15-22 2t
(Amending Resolution No. 34-99, changing
closure dates)
to RCW 47.48.010, St. Andrews Ddve, County
Road No. 54650, shall be closed to all through
traffic at Mile Post 2.02, from 8:00 A.M,
Wednesday, April 28, 1999 to 5:00 P.M.,
Thursday, Apnl 29, 1999.
of County Commissioners have declared the
above described road closure a public necess-
ity to facilitate the Puget Sound and Pacific
Railroad's repair of their railroad tracks.
THEREFORE, the County Engineer is
hereby ordered and authorized to proceed as
prescribed by law,
ADOPTED this 13th day of Apnl, 1999.
/s/Cynthia D. Plain
CYNTHIA D. OLSEN, Chairperson
Excused Absence 4/I 3/99
/s/John A. Bolender
/S/Rebecca S. Rogers
Clerk of the Board
4/15.22 2t
There will be a SPECIAL MEETING of the
Skokomish Flood Control Zone District Advi-
sory Committee at the Skokomish Valley
Grange Hall Thursday, Apdl 15, 1999, at 7:30
P.M. to discuss a proposed project on Bambi
Farms Road.
4/15 It
district will
offer course __
on fencing
The Mason Conservation Dis-
trict will hold a class on how to
build electric and barbed-wire
fences on Tuesday evening.
The class, which will run from
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. April 20, will be
held at the conservation district
office at 1051 SE Highway 3,
Suite G in Shelton.
Those who plan to attend
should call 427-0437 to sign up,
according to conservation district
staffer Jeanene Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners will hold a
public hearing in the Commission Chambers
at Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411
North 5th, Shelton, Washington, on April 20,
1999 at 9:15 a.m.
SAID HEARING will be to declare Surplus
the building only on pamel #42118-22-00010 on
(Portion of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 18,
Twp 21, Rge 4W) Address is 4171 West Sko-
komish Valley Road, Shelton.
Also, building only on parcel 42115-32-
00070 on (Portion of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Sec-
tion 15, Twp 21, Rge 4W) Address is 630 West
Skokornlsh Valley Road, Shelton.
If there are any questions pertaining to the
hearing, please contact the Mason County
Treasurer, 360-427-9670, Ext 475.
If special accommodations are needed,
please contact the Commissioners' Office at
360-427-9670 ext 419.
DATED this 6th day of Apnl, t 999.
Is/Diane L. Zoren for
Rebecca S. Rogers
Clerk of the Board
4/8-15 2t
NO. 404
April 29, 1999 -6:00 PM
The Hood Canal School District No. 404
Board of Directors will hold its next regular
meeting on Thursday, April 29, 1999, begin-
ning at 6:00 PM, in the school library. This
meeting had been scheduled for Thursday,
April 22, 1999.
John L. Simpson, Superintendent
Secretary to the Boerd of Directors
Hood Canal School District No. 404
4/15-22 2t
I'VE NEVER PRETENDED to be a world
traveler. Which is not to say I've never pretended
to be other things. Like Bette Davis, for example.
But, then, that was before I swore off tequila.
Having traveled a lot, I have come to realize it
is easy to take stuff for granted. And why grant-
ed can't take care of its own stuff is beyond me.
But, then, I don't want to get into that right now.
As I was saying, when I'm traveling, as with
any other activity that I do on a regular basis,
certain things tend to go by unnoticed.
That's what I discovered the other day as I
was sitting around the house with nothing better
to do. Actually, I HAD lots of things to do. It's
just that sitting around is what I do better.
Rummaging through a pile of junk on my cof-
fee table, I found an airline ticket from a recent
trip to Holland. I had a great time there and
found the most wonderful cheeses to bring back
Turning the ticket over, I saw in fine print
"Notices to Passengers and Conditions of
Contract." I have never read the fine print on the
back of airline tickets. But, then, when flying,
there are lots of things I never pay attention to.
Like checking in one hour early.
I'VE OFTEN WONDERED why airlines
ask people to check in one hour early. I used to
think it was to ensure an orderly boarding pro-
cess. But then I realized that's only what the air-
lines wanted me to think. The real answer is
anything less than one hour and they don't have
enough time to get my luggage to the plane leav-
ing for Tierra del Fuego while I'm traveling to
Anything less than one hour and they would
have no choice but to put it on the same plane
I'm traveling on. And what airline would want to
do that?
But I digress.
In reading the back of my ticket I was sur-
prised to find I was holding a legally.enforceable
document. And, as with anything legal, it was
totally confusing. So in the public interest I have
prepared a simple and concise explanation of
what the legalese means.
THE FOLLOWING information is real.
However, the sentences inside parentheses are
my commentaries of what the airlines are really
saying. (See, like this one. Except this is a com-
ment on my comments, so maybe it shouldn't be
inside parentheses.) More like this. But, then,
this too is a comment, so maybe it should be in-
side. (Like this.) Now I'm confused.
If you understand this (and if you can explain
it to me), drop me a note (be sure to enclose a
E.mail at
twenty-dollar bill to covez charges) and
I will be eternally grateful. (Well, maybe not
eternally. But at least I won't lose your baggage
in the process.)
Okay, here goes:
1. This notice forms part of the conditions of
contract between the airline and the passenger.
(We were hoping you wouldn't notice, so that's
why we put it on the back in such tiny print.) If
there is any inconsistency between the incorpo-
rated terms described below and the terms and
conditions in the passenger's ticket, these incor-
porated terms govern. (In other words, we don't
care what your ticket says.)
2. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to inspect the
full text of each transporting air carrier's terms
at its airport and city ticket offices. (Take your
time when you do. That plane for Tierra del Fue-
go is running a little late.)
3. Carriage and other services performed by
each carrier are subject to provisions contained
in this ticket. (Refer to paragraph 1.)
4. Carrier's name may be abbreviated in the
ticket. (This makes it more difficult for you to
figure out who we are after we lose your bags.)
5. Any exclusion of limitation of liability of
carrier shall apply to and be for the benefit of
agents, servants and representatives of carrier.
(We have no idea what this means either. We
just put it in so we could brag about having
6. TIMES SHOWN IN timetable or else-
where are not guaranteed and form no part of
this contract. Carrier may without notice substi-
tute alternative carriers or aircraft, and may al-
ter or omit stopping places shown on the ticket.
Carrier assumes no responsibility for making
connections. (And you STILL bought this ticket?
We can't believe it. Can you hear us laughing?)
7. No agent, servant or representative of carri-
er has authority to alter, modify or waive any
provision of this contract. (Sorry, we couldn't
pass up the opportunity to brag about our serv-
ants again.)
Lest any reader presume I have a grudge
against the airlines, let me put that erroneous
assumption to rest. In fact, I rather like that it's
been three weeks since my bags turned up miss-
ing. This has given me a wonderful opportunity
to buy all new clothes and also the satisfaction of
knowing that in some airline baggage place
about four pounds of unwrapped cheese is quiet-
ly fermenting.
i J
County proclamation:
Three weeks
as youth tribu
Three weeks this month will
be devoted to honoring children
and youth following proclama-
tions by the Mason County com-
missioners at the April 6 meet-
The first proclamation sets
April 17-23 as the Week of the
Young Child in Mason County,
as requested by Becky Allen, di-
rector of Gateway Child Care
Center, who was accompanied by
Joyce River from the Shelton
School District and Robin Wil-
liams of the Peste Child Develop-
ment Center at Olympic College
Allen said the purpose of the
proclamation is to emphasize
importance of early-childhood
activities and what is being ac-
complished by professionals in
the field.
She invited the board to the
Children's Festival of the Arts at
OCS, sponsored by Mason County
early-childhood education pro-
fessionals. The free event will
run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Satur-
day, April 17, and include infor-
mation for parents and activities
for children.
"This is where our community
begins," Commissioner John
Bolender observed.
Infant Immunization Aware-
ness Week in Mason County
will be April 18-24 and coincides
with the National Infant Im-
munization Week. Steve Kutz,
personal health services director
who made the request, told the
commissioners the target goal is
to have 90 percent of children na-
tionwide immunized by the age
of 2. Although he did not have
figures for Mason County, Kutz
reported a statewide survey
showed current rates at about 75
percent and a study in Thurston
County was "somewhat in
April 25 to May 2 will bel
Volunteer Recognit
and coincides with
designated at Voluntee:
nition Month. Kutz
board to the fourth
volunteer recognition
celebration set for 7 p.z
day, April 27, at
Anyone who has
teers can obtain a
form for the awards
from Carla Huyck
department, 427-9E
April 19-2:3
Spring break
A Reminder
Free and reduced
meal applications
are available
throughout the year
in all schools.
Be sure and contact
us if you
need assistanO
Anyone living or worki{
Pioneer School
to join Simpson
Federal Credit UniOn.
The man who has planted a
garden feels that he has done
something for the good of the
whole world.
Charles Dudley Warner
526W. Cedar
ACROSS $4 Nalwe Indian time 2 Break out in
1 Descendents eoidmr 119 American a rash
of Sham SS Reedy to eat patriot' 3 Will-o'-the-
S Home of the $6 Roman diplomat --
Mete known Ior his 100 % .one giant 4 Large beer
9 Word of odes -- toe men- glees
regret §g Wings klnd" (Arms- § Marks in
13 Explodes el Deep mud trong) bowk
suddenly 02 Timber tree 101 Thompson of 6 Of an hour
17 Containmg 02 Branching, "Back to the 7 Fix the split
gold treelike mark Future" infinitives
18 =InvasiOn of 65 Allures 104 Those in 8 Declares
the Body S7 Refinery by- favor positively
Snatchers" products 108 Cheng's 9 Past
props 69 Fac,ng g/a- brother 10 Plasterer's
19 Trot or per direction 107 Sign the foundation
center 71 Contimrnate lease 11 Was under
20 Souvenir 72 Preose 1011 South Seas the weather
22 Mushy talk 7S Coming on island 12 Cubec meters
23 Pupil of 15 stie 1 f 1 Greek writar 13 Cornea
Down 7"/High note of tregeckss before in
25 Growing out 80 Wall Street 114 Athenian time
211 "Fether of anlmal oratu 14 Wine, as •
Med,c*ne" 81 Semester or 117 Native of prefix
28 "Father of quarter Tabriz 1§ Greek phil-
History" 113 Roman phil- 118 Greek tyrant olmpher
30 Have e oeo(er and of Syr'uae 111 Normal IX)el-
snack ataleeman 120 Skip the t,On
31 Cily on the 114 Child-ish wedding 17 Wimblodon
Oka word? ceremony wmner
32 Chat: colloq. 8§ H,ghiend 121 Regn Iouth 21 Tax. in Ire-
34 Hindu god dances of the land
38 CIAs tore- 87 Extremely Sahara 24 Peter and
runner emulPng per- 122 Greftod: Her. Ivan
36 Animals from Son: colloq. 123 London oaf 27 Caked depo-
guns? Ire'Actress Sue lery sit: sling
37 Narrow -- Langdon 124 Nasla of 211 Roman poet
groove IN) Ending for phealants 3.1 Vanegeted
31) Wife of play or pent 125 Hit the high 26 -- club
Rama. 81 Balance C's (s,nging
chendra ehoet entnes 126 Take five group)
41 Deluded I1,1 Smokeless 127 Digger 37 Sucrose,
44 Garment explosive 1:11 Close e lactose end
inserts INi "as wild -- hawk's eyes fructose
48 Take out fly to the wil- DOWN 3 Polyneman
50 Bibbcel name clarness" 1 TV role for demon
51 Soviet plane (Menclus) Dlahann Car- 40 President of
52 Double g7 tn a Short roll Mexico
41 Actress 79 War god
Adele 82 "In e -Senti-
42 Spnng hips- mental -- "
sore 04 Deytime TV
43 Greek dra- fare
metist 86" -- by
44 Prepare tot Woods on a
aCtion Snowy
45 Spanish . Evening"
drawing mm irooklyn
room plant?
47 Greek Stoic II0 Irreligsous
philosopher ones
48 Legal wrong 92 Spore case
49 "For Your -- clusters
Only" 114 "Yankee
(movie) Doodle -- "
51 King Kong or 95 Takes food
Godzilla 96 Inclination
$3 Openwork I)8 Sleepy one
structure 100 Tenant
545 City in Afg- 101 Hawaiian
hanistan wreeths
$7 Quote 102 God of the
58 School lack- east wind
ets 103 Plowed field
60 Babylon,an 105 River of
hero Pans
63 It bugs 107 TV's "-- 66"
crovord 1011 PositNe POle
puzzle sob 109 Force back
vers? 110 Utilizes
64 Italian nobte 112 "God
house dallghts --
66 Manipuiete odd number"
freudulontly (Virgil)
68 Ike's Secret- 113 Anagram of
ary of State to
70 Lew.making 118 Sahtb'e cou-
body sin
72 Hillside dug- 118 Author
out Wiessl
73 Signals for 118 Kind of profit
74 "The Red"
76 Descartes
711 Shopr s
memory aid
are on
page 28.
,00'00apital museum will
continue exhibit on
i[00/Iedmme Creek trea00r
The exhibition "Remembering
Medicine Creek" will continue to
run through February 4, 2001 at
the Washington State Capital
Museum in Olympia.
The 5,000-square-foot exhibit
is described as "rich in artifacts
and historic photographs.
Medicine Creek is the site of
the treaty negotiations between
Governor Isaac Stevens and the
leaders of the Squaxin, Nisqually
and Puyallup tribes, who ceded
2.5 million acres of their home-
lands in the Medicine Creek Trea-
ty of 1854. They were guaranteed
reservation lands and assurance
that they could hunt and fish in
their usual and accustomed
Representatives of the Squaxin
Island Indian Tribe were involved
with the development of the dis-
The museum is open from 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through
Friday, and from noon to 4 p.m.
Saturdays and Sundays. Admis-
sion to the exhibit is $5 for a fam-
ily and $2 for adults, with lesser
rates for children. Those under
age 6 can attend free with adults.
The Capital Museum is located
at 211 West 21st Avenue in
Olympia, just south of the state
April 19-23, 1999
Hood Canal Shelton
No school, spring break.
Breakfast prices: Lunch prices:
Elementary $0.80 Elementary $1.50
Jr. & High $0.85 Jr. & High $1.60
Reduced $0.30 Reduced $0.40
Adult $1.45 Adult $2.50
Milk $0.35 Milk $0.35
A Reminder
Free and reduced meal applications are available
throughout the year in all schools. Be sure and
contact your school if you need assistance.
Program benefits and services are available to all children without egard to race, religion, color, sex, handicap,
age, or nallorull origin is
Sponsored by L-
LENDER Formerly Centennial Bank
Hoodeport Shelton
• N. 24341 Hwy. 101 • 2307 Olympic Hwy. N
877-5272 426-5581
Come worship
Itorthside Ba
J 50 E. Island Lal¢
I (Corner of 5helton Springs
I Orate: 060)
Shelton churches invite I E.Malt: m
you to attend services I tnternet:
Faith Lutheran
)k)\\;LDIN Church, E.L.C.A.
. Intersection of
13th and 'C'
"P 2"O M O ''O Neil Thompson-
Worship ........................................... 9:00
Christian Education ............. 10:15 a.m.
Contemporary Worship ...... 11:15 a.m.
Lutheran C
Christian Education ............... :
Worship .................................
(Nursery Available)
Visit us on
1900 King Street Reverend Steve Schroeder
First Service... 8:30 a.m.
Sunday School... 9:30 a.m.
Second Service... 10:45 a.m. "Because we care ..."
The Episcopal Church Welcomes
Come As You Are
St. David's
4th and Cedar, Shelton
Sunday, 7:30 and 10:30 a.m.
Misa en Espaiiol Cada Domingos 5:00 p.m.
Rcv. D. J. Maddux, Rector Home: 426-2268 Office: 426"
210 W Shelton Valley Road • 426.2770
9:30 and I I:00 a.m. Saturday Paul Weigley,
201 W Shelton Valley Road • 426-'11
Grades K-8 • Candy Johnston, principal
Worship Service ............................ 10:30
Christian Education ....................... 9:00
Join us for worship and fellowship at our interim
Shelton Seventh Day Adventist Church, 210
Call us at: (360) 432-8696 Mail: P.O. Box 1891, Shcb