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Lions Club seeks donations
Editor, Belfair Heraldz
Soon you may be approached
by a member of North Mason
Lions Club seeking a donation for
one of our many projects. I think
it is important to review the ac-
tivities and contributions the
North Mason Lions Club makes
to our community. During the
past year, and on into the coming
year, Lions continue their impor-
tant work.
We have provided hearing aids
and eyeglasses to people who are
unable to afford them. We have
collected over 500 pairs of glasses
that will be recycled and used
throughout the world. Our club
gave fimr $500 vocational scholar-
ships to last year's North Mason
High School graduates. The
Christmas giving tree, sponsored
by Lions, provided over 220 gifts
to local children who may not
have otherwise received presents.
We also sponsor two middle-
school contests, the Peace Poster
and an essay project. Many stu-
dents participate wlth the chance
of being International Lions win-
ners. In addition, the Lions gave
support to the Hawkins Middle
School Washington, D.C., trip, the
Boys and Girls Club, the Polar
Plunge, Grapeview School fund,
and donated over $1,800 annually
to the North Mason Food Bank.
Using the district Lions health
van, in December we screened
sight and hearing for 726 elemen-
tary students from Belfair and
Grapeview. Our club does road
cleanup on Highway 3 from Allyn
to Belfair.
North Mason Lions' major
fund-raisers include two pancake
breakfasts, Belfair Summerfest,
June 26-27, and Allyn Days, July
17. Each spring our club members
design and build an arbor which
we raffle at a dollar per chance,
the winner being drawn during
Allyn Days. The annual pecan
sale prior to Christmas generates
additional funds to support our
We sell Entertainment Books,
have newspaper recycling bins in
Belfair and Allyn, and the Lions
mints seen in many local busi-
nesses contribute to our budget.
In May, White Cane Day sup-
ports the Northwest Eye Bank lo-
cated in Seattle. The entire
amount collected on White Cane
Day, $2,000 each of the last three
years, goes to this important cen-
ter. Over 10,000 cornea trans-
plants have been performed to
date, helped largely by White
Cane sales.
Our club membership current-
ly totals 35. We are always look-
ing for new people wishing to be-
come active members. Anyone in-
terested should contact either Cal
Wartman at (360) 275-8391 or
George Chessum at (360) 275-
2496. We thank the community
for their generous support of
Lions events.
Giles Swanson
Supports Home Rule
Editor, Belfair Herald:
What makes our country so
great is our ability to effect posi-
tive change in our government.
When we are unhappy with our
government, we are very fortu-
nate to have very powerful tools
with' which to make change. The
freeholder petition being circulat-
ed in our community represents,
to me, democracy at its very best.
It is about Home Rule, local
control and a greater voice in gov-
ernment. While attending the
freeholders informational meet-
ing, I was struck with the parallel
between America's first colonial-
ists and the Mason .County citi-
zens in attendance: they both
spoke of the need for a greater
voice in their destiny.
The petition is the first step.
The second step is to ask a group
of fellow citizens to draft a county
charter that restructures our gov-
ernment. Then we will all have a
chance to vote on the proposed
The Home Rule petition is not
about taxes, growth management
or Bill Quigley. It is about the
average citizen's role in shaping
our local government. I whole-
heartedly support the intent of
the petition and urge my fellow
community members to get in-
Mike Greene
Disagrees with editorial
Editor, Belfair Herald :
I read with interest the editori-
al in the April 8, 1999, Belfair
tterald. Until, that is, I came to
the last paragraph. Mr. Rick
Stedman would have us believe
only "Professionals " can decide
what is right for "all" children.
Mr. Stedman, with that state-
ment, you lost it. This demeans
all men, women, mothers and fa-
thers. You failed to note Mrs. Lee
Anne Martinez is a "professional."
She has a major in Special Educa-
tion and a major in Elementary
It would have been much easi-
er for Mrs. Martinez to have ac-
cepted a substitute book for her
son and not gone through this
emotional turmoil. However, as a
professional, she felt she had the
duty to all children to draw atten-
tion to this book, which, has been
recommended for seventh grade
and up by the writers. Give us the
facts and let us decide.
By the way, I am qualified to
teach and test English as a sec-
ond language. Never once in 12
years of teaching non-English
speaking graduate students did I
feel it necessary to teach any-
thing but pure English and not
use the crutch of cuss words or
Margaret G. Bennett
Thursday, April 15
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
lunch served at noon. For information
or lunch reservations call 275-4898 or
9:15 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. Call Bey
Weston, 275-8282, for information.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC (Women,
Infants and Children) nutritional pro-
gram, North Mason Medical Clinic.
Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base-
ment at Saint Hugh Community
Episcopal Church in Allyn. For infor-
mation, call 895-1363.
11 a.m., Sarah Eckert Orthopedic
Guild, Allyn Baptist Church. Call
275-4963 for information.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness,
Hawkins Middle School commons, $3
per session, donated to North Mason
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for
6 p.m., Mason County Network
meets in the Grapeview School Li-
brary. For information, call 275-6769.
6:30 p.m., Bible study at Belfair
Community Baptist Church.
7 p.m., "Powerhouse," a youth
group for young people in sixth
through 12th grades is held at the
Belfair Community Baptist Church.
All young people welcome to attend.
For information call 275-6031.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Friday, April 16
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7 p.m., Twanoh Grange 1118, pot-
luck-followed by meeting, at the
North Mason School District office
building. Public welcome.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
women's meeting, NE 42 Old Belfair
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Men's Big Book study, Allyn Histori-
cal Church, Allyn.
7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
open, Belfair Community Baptist
9:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
candlelight meeting, NE 42 Old Bel-
fair Highway.
Saturday, April 17
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Sunday, April 18
9 a.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, Allyn Historical Church, Allyn.
Monday, April 19
Don't forget Dewatto! Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,,L1. •
Editor, BelfairHeraldz helping toprovideacommunity to thepublicattention'nasmany lIe,=, mg set
We just received the April 1, ways as possible.
A Belfair Urban Growth Plan-
We would appreciate it if
"Dewatto Doin's" could be printed
as often as possible for the same
LeRoy and Barbara Burgess
ning meeting will be held 6:30-9
p.m. on Tuesday, April 20, at
Theler Center. The meeting is
sponsored by the North Mason
Chamber of Commerce, Public
Lifesaving CPR
classes offered
1999 edition of the Belfair Herald
and were disappointed not to find
the "Dewatto Doin's" article for
the second week. Even though
our address is Tahuya, we live in
the Dewatto area. We look for-
ward to Lorraine Kelly's article
each week, and we believe it is
May we suggest that Dewatto
be added to the Belfair Herald ti-
tle page where it says, "Serving
Belfair-Allyn-Grapeview..." We
are constantly looking for ways to
promote the excellent chance for
recreation in the Dewatto area
and would like to bring the name
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7 p.m., Living for Today cancer
support group, United Methodist Of-
rice, Belfair, Log Plaza. Call 275-3714
for information.
7 p.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Chapter 1197, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. Weigh-in
from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Call 275-7504
for information.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Tuesday, April 20
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
lunch served at noon. For information
or lunch reservations call 275-4898.
8:30-10:30 a.m., TOPS #1357
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets at
the Prince of Peace Catholic Church
on Sand Hill Road in Belfair.
9 a.m., Mason County Board of
Commissioners' meeting, Building I,
Shelton. Call 275-4467 for informa-
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Noon, North Mason Kiwanis Club
meeting at Belfair Community Bap-
tist Church Fellowship Hall. Call
275-2529 for information.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness,
Hawkins Middle School commons, $3
per session, donated to North Mason
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for
6 p.m., Teen-2-Teen youth Bible
study for teens in grades 9-12, youth
center at the Belfair Community
Baptist Church.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymousl
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7:30 p.m., Fraternal Order of Ea-
gles 4226, aerie (men) only, meets at
FOE building, 23495 Highway 3, Bel-
fair. Call 275-6885 for information.
Wednesday, April 21
7:30 a.m., North Mason Chamber
of Commerce trustees meeting, Bel-
fair Cafe.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC
(Women, Infants and Children) nutri-
tional program, North Mason Medical
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Club
meets at the Canal Room of the Ta-
huya Market. Call 275-2098 for infor-
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
12:30 p.m., Keenagers Senior
Group potluck, meeting follows, Allyn
Baptist Church. Call 275-3248 for in-
formation. "-
6 to 8 p.m., Pioneer Club for chil-
dren 4 years old through eighth
grade, Belfair Community Baptist
6 to 8 p.m., "Man to Man," weekly
men's fellowship group held at the
Belfair Community Baptist Church.
All men welcome to attend. For infor-
mation call 275-6031.
6 to 8 p.m., "Woman to Woman"
Bible study will be held at the Belfair
for April 20
Utility District 3, and Mason
County and is open to the public.
Bob Fink, Long Range Planner
for Mason County, will facilitate
the meeting, which will focus on
amending the current county plan
to align with the state's Growth
Management Act.
The results of this Urban
Growth Area planning meeting
will have long-range effects for
North Mason. The Growth Man-
agement Act calls for establishing
I !eros of Note
Free adult CPR classes are a 20-year plan. "Planning is dull
available this Saturday, April 17, but the impact is phenomenal,"
Grapeview Day VariousApril 18,prizesfrOmhavel0 a.m.beentOdonated5 p.m. Women to decorate at the President's Hall, Kitsap says local Realtor Don Cady.
celebration 00.nlans by local businesses. Proceeds will charity.._ ... soup bowls County Fairgrounds. Classes A final planning meeting is
be used to buy plants to refurbish start every 15 minutes from 9 also scheduled for Thursday, May
Grapeview Day is coming up
soon! Its time to celebrate this
community on Saturday, May 8.
Mark your calendar for this day
of fun, tbod, parades, 5K fun run,
and visit to the maritime museum
on Stretch Island.
is this weekend
There will be a putting contest
in the Belfair QFC store on Sat-
urday, April 17, and Sunday,
the banks and hillside at Belfair
Elementary School. For more in-
formation, contact Bob Patterson
at school, 275-2863.
Tahuya scholarship
applications are in
The Tahuya Community Club
Scholarship applications are now
available in the counseling office
at North Mason High School. Ap-
plications are due by Saturday,
May 1.
P,O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfair office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in Beynon Center.
RICK STEDMAN ............................................................ Editor
BRENNA WOODWARD ..................... Advertising Manager
LINDA THOMSON ..................................... Editorial Assistant
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
The Women's Forum welcomes
all women to the Thursday, April
15, potluck dinner and meeting at
6:30 p.m. at the Outlook on Alder
Creek. Women will be decorating
bowls made by the North Mason
High School ceramics class re-
cently. The bowls will be placed in
local restaurants during the week
prior to Mother's Day. They will
sell soup, and the purchaser may
keep the bowl. Proceeds from the
"Empty Bowl" project will be do-
nated to the North Mason Food
Bank. Call Joni Cagwin at 277-
3343 for further information.
Do You Know Why?
a.m. to 3 p.m., and last from 2-1/2
to 3 hours.
6, beginning at 3 p.m. at the Thel-
er Center.
• Your chin is too close to your nose?
• You can't see your teeth when you smile?
• Your lips have disappeared?
• You can't chew anymore?
• Your teeth look darker?
Do you really think you have to live like this?
Private Insurance • DSHS
23152 NE Hwy 3 • Belfair • (Across from Library)
A section of The She/ton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfalr,
AUyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
Page 2 - Belfatr Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 15, 1999
Over a vast number of
years I have spent thou-
sands of dollars on my
teeth, all of which has not
been a successful experi-
It has been a gratifying
experience to come in
contact with a practitioner
with as much concern for
his patient and the quality
of work that is performed
as you have.
Many thanks,
J. Taylor
Letter on file
Community Baptist Church. Child-
care available; open to public. For in-
formation, call 275-6031.
7 p.m., North Mason Lions Club,
Belfair Community Baptist Church
Fellowship Hall. For information, call
7 p.m., Trauma Anonymous Sup-
port Group, will be held at Westpark
Christian Church, 5204 First Street
in Bremerton. For information call
7 p.m., Healing Hearts, a support
group for victims of domestic
violence; for meeting place or more
information, call 427-1263.
7:30 p.m., Belfair Cemetery Dis-
trict, Ray's Barber Shop, Belfair.
7:30 p.m., Nuel Curtis Post 5372
Veterans of Foreign Wars meeting,
431 NE Old Belfair Highway. For in-
formation, call Dave Mundy, 275-
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, Belfair Community Baptist
7:30 p.m., Port of Tahuya commis-
sioners' meeting, Tahuya Fire Hall.
Thursday, April 22
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
lunch served at noon. For information
or lunch reservations call 27548991
9:15 a.m, TOPS (Take 0ffP0
Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair0"
munity Baptist Church call
Weston, 275-8282, for inforraati0'
, C
9:30 a m to 4"30 p.m..,
(Women, Infa'nts an(t" Childrena
tional program, North Mason "
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off P°$.
Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting,
ment at Saint Hugh Co
Episcopal Church in Allyn. For '
mation, call 895-1363.
Noon, Alcoholics
open, NE 42 Old
Exterior and
painting and stainlr
Since 196 7
De Haven
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Free color and technh
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We Ask You
Why is it a man wakes up in tte
morning after sleeping under an
advertised blanket on an adverti.e
mattress and pulls off advertise°
pajamas. He takes a bath in an
advertised tub, shaves with ao
advertised razor, washes with a
advertised soap, puts on adverti-e
clothes, sits down to breakfast W
advertised coffee, puts on an
advertised hat, rides to his office in a
advertised car, writes with an advertise_ °
" ertl.¢'
penctl THEN, he refuses to adv
saying advertising doesn't pay. A
then, if a business isn't good enoug t
advertise.., he advertises it for
If you believe in your busineS
and want to build it...
in the
Brenna Woodward
Lions Club seeks donations
Editor, Belfair Heraldz
Soon you may be approached
by a member of North Mason
Lions Club seeking a donation for
one of our many projects. I think
it is important to review the ac-
tivities and contributions the
North Mason Lions Club makes
to our community. During the
past year, and on into the coming
year, Lions continue their impor-
tant work.
We have provided hearing aids
and eyeglasses to people who are
unable to afford them. We have
collected over 500 pairs of glasses
that will be recycled and used
throughout the world. Our club
gave fimr $500 vocational scholar-
ships to last year's North Mason
High School graduates. The
Christmas giving tree, sponsored
by Lions, provided over 220 gifts
to local children who may not
have otherwise received presents.
We also sponsor two middle-
school contests, the Peace Poster
and an essay project. Many stu-
dents participate wlth the chance
of being International Lions win-
ners. In addition, the Lions gave
support to the Hawkins Middle
School Washington, D.C., trip, the
Boys and Girls Club, the Polar
Plunge, Grapeview School fund,
and donated over $1,800 annually
to the North Mason Food Bank.
Using the district Lions health
van, in December we screened
sight and hearing for 726 elemen-
tary students from Belfair and
Grapeview. Our club does road
cleanup on Highway 3 from Allyn
to Belfair.
North Mason Lions' major
fund-raisers include two pancake
breakfasts, Belfair Summerfest,
June 26-27, and Allyn Days, July
17. Each spring our club members
design and build an arbor which
we raffle at a dollar per chance,
the winner being drawn during
Allyn Days. The annual pecan
sale prior to Christmas generates
additional funds to support our
We sell Entertainment Books,
have newspaper recycling bins in
Belfair and Allyn, and the Lions
mints seen in many local busi-
nesses contribute to our budget.
In May, White Cane Day sup-
ports the Northwest Eye Bank lo-
cated in Seattle. The entire
amount collected on White Cane
Day, $2,000 each of the last three
years, goes to this important cen-
ter. Over 10,000 cornea trans-
plants have been performed to
date, helped largely by White
Cane sales.
Our club membership current-
ly totals 35. We are always look-
ing for new people wishing to be-
come active members. Anyone in-
terested should contact either Cal
Wartman at (360) 275-8391 or
George Chessum at (360) 275-
2496. We thank the community
for their generous support of
Lions events.
Giles Swanson
Supports Home Rule
Editor, Belfair Herald:
What makes our country so
great is our ability to effect posi-
tive change in our government.
When we are unhappy with our
government, we are very fortu-
nate to have very powerful tools
with' which to make change. The
freeholder petition being circulat-
ed in our community represents,
to me, democracy at its very best.
It is about Home Rule, local
control and a greater voice in gov-
ernment. While attending the
freeholders informational meet-
ing, I was struck with the parallel
between America's first colonial-
ists and the Mason .County citi-
zens in attendance: they both
spoke of the need for a greater
voice in their destiny.
The petition is the first step.
The second step is to ask a group
of fellow citizens to draft a county
charter that restructures our gov-
ernment. Then we will all have a
chance to vote on the proposed
The Home Rule petition is not
about taxes, growth management
or Bill Quigley. It is about the
average citizen's role in shaping
our local government. I whole-
heartedly support the intent of
the petition and urge my fellow
community members to get in-
Mike Greene
Disagrees with editorial
Editor, Belfair Herald :
I read with interest the editori-
al in the April 8, 1999, Belfair
tterald. Until, that is, I came to
the last paragraph. Mr. Rick
Stedman would have us believe
only "Professionals " can decide
what is right for "all" children.
Mr. Stedman, with that state-
ment, you lost it. This demeans
all men, women, mothers and fa-
thers. You failed to note Mrs. Lee
Anne Martinez is a "professional."
She has a major in Special Educa-
tion and a major in Elementary
It would have been much easi-
er for Mrs. Martinez to have ac-
cepted a substitute book for her
son and not gone through this
emotional turmoil. However, as a
professional, she felt she had the
duty to all children to draw atten-
tion to this book, which, has been
recommended for seventh grade
and up by the writers. Give us the
facts and let us decide.
By the way, I am qualified to
teach and test English as a sec-
ond language. Never once in 12
years of teaching non-English
speaking graduate students did I
feel it necessary to teach any-
thing but pure English and not
use the crutch of cuss words or
Margaret G. Bennett
Thursday, April 15
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
lunch served at noon. For information
or lunch reservations call 275-4898 or
9:15 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. Call Bey
Weston, 275-8282, for information.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC (Women,
Infants and Children) nutritional pro-
gram, North Mason Medical Clinic.
Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base-
ment at Saint Hugh Community
Episcopal Church in Allyn. For infor-
mation, call 895-1363.
11 a.m., Sarah Eckert Orthopedic
Guild, Allyn Baptist Church. Call
275-4963 for information.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness,
Hawkins Middle School commons, $3
per session, donated to North Mason
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for
6 p.m., Mason County Network
meets in the Grapeview School Li-
brary. For information, call 275-6769.
6:30 p.m., Bible study at Belfair
Community Baptist Church.
7 p.m., "Powerhouse," a youth
group for young people in sixth
through 12th grades is held at the
Belfair Community Baptist Church.
All young people welcome to attend.
For information call 275-6031.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Friday, April 16
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7 p.m., Twanoh Grange 1118, pot-
luck-followed by meeting, at the
North Mason School District office
building. Public welcome.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
women's meeting, NE 42 Old Belfair
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Men's Big Book study, Allyn Histori-
cal Church, Allyn.
7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
open, Belfair Community Baptist
9:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
candlelight meeting, NE 42 Old Bel-
fair Highway.
Saturday, April 17
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Sunday, April 18
9 a.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, Allyn Historical Church, Allyn.
Monday, April 19
Don't forget Dewatto! Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,,L1. •
Editor, BelfairHeraldz helping toprovideacommunity to thepublicattention'nasmany lIe,=, mg set
We just received the April 1, ways as possible.
A Belfair Urban Growth Plan-
We would appreciate it if
"Dewatto Doin's" could be printed
as often as possible for the same
LeRoy and Barbara Burgess
ning meeting will be held 6:30-9
p.m. on Tuesday, April 20, at
Theler Center. The meeting is
sponsored by the North Mason
Chamber of Commerce, Public
Lifesaving CPR
classes offered
1999 edition of the Belfair Herald
and were disappointed not to find
the "Dewatto Doin's" article for
the second week. Even though
our address is Tahuya, we live in
the Dewatto area. We look for-
ward to Lorraine Kelly's article
each week, and we believe it is
May we suggest that Dewatto
be added to the Belfair Herald ti-
tle page where it says, "Serving
Belfair-Allyn-Grapeview..." We
are constantly looking for ways to
promote the excellent chance for
recreation in the Dewatto area
and would like to bring the name
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7 p.m., Living for Today cancer
support group, United Methodist Of-
rice, Belfair, Log Plaza. Call 275-3714
for information.
7 p.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Chapter 1197, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. Weigh-in
from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Call 275-7504
for information.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Tuesday, April 20
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
lunch served at noon. For information
or lunch reservations call 275-4898.
8:30-10:30 a.m., TOPS #1357
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets at
the Prince of Peace Catholic Church
on Sand Hill Road in Belfair.
9 a.m., Mason County Board of
Commissioners' meeting, Building I,
Shelton. Call 275-4467 for informa-
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Noon, North Mason Kiwanis Club
meeting at Belfair Community Bap-
tist Church Fellowship Hall. Call
275-2529 for information.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness,
Hawkins Middle School commons, $3
per session, donated to North Mason
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for
6 p.m., Teen-2-Teen youth Bible
study for teens in grades 9-12, youth
center at the Belfair Community
Baptist Church.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymousl
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7:30 p.m., Fraternal Order of Ea-
gles 4226, aerie (men) only, meets at
FOE building, 23495 Highway 3, Bel-
fair. Call 275-6885 for information.
Wednesday, April 21
7:30 a.m., North Mason Chamber
of Commerce trustees meeting, Bel-
fair Cafe.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC
(Women, Infants and Children) nutri-
tional program, North Mason Medical
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Club
meets at the Canal Room of the Ta-
huya Market. Call 275-2098 for infor-
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
12:30 p.m., Keenagers Senior
Group potluck, meeting follows, Allyn
Baptist Church. Call 275-3248 for in-
formation. "-
6 to 8 p.m., Pioneer Club for chil-
dren 4 years old through eighth
grade, Belfair Community Baptist
6 to 8 p.m., "Man to Man," weekly
men's fellowship group held at the
Belfair Community Baptist Church.
All men welcome to attend. For infor-
mation call 275-6031.
6 to 8 p.m., "Woman to Woman"
Bible study will be held at the Belfair
for April 20
Utility District 3, and Mason
County and is open to the public.
Bob Fink, Long Range Planner
for Mason County, will facilitate
the meeting, which will focus on
amending the current county plan
to align with the state's Growth
Management Act.
The results of this Urban
Growth Area planning meeting
will have long-range effects for
North Mason. The Growth Man-
agement Act calls for establishing
I !eros of Note
Free adult CPR classes are a 20-year plan. "Planning is dull
available this Saturday, April 17, but the impact is phenomenal,"
Grapeview Day VariousApril 18,prizesfrOmhavel0 a.m.beentOdonated5 p.m. Women to decorate at the President's Hall, Kitsap says local Realtor Don Cady.
celebration 00.nlans by local businesses. Proceeds will charity.._ ... soup bowls County Fairgrounds. Classes A final planning meeting is
be used to buy plants to refurbish start every 15 minutes from 9 also scheduled for Thursday, May
Grapeview Day is coming up
soon! Its time to celebrate this
community on Saturday, May 8.
Mark your calendar for this day
of fun, tbod, parades, 5K fun run,
and visit to the maritime museum
on Stretch Island.
is this weekend
There will be a putting contest
in the Belfair QFC store on Sat-
urday, April 17, and Sunday,
the banks and hillside at Belfair
Elementary School. For more in-
formation, contact Bob Patterson
at school, 275-2863.
Tahuya scholarship
applications are in
The Tahuya Community Club
Scholarship applications are now
available in the counseling office
at North Mason High School. Ap-
plications are due by Saturday,
May 1.
P,O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfair office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in Beynon Center.
RICK STEDMAN ............................................................ Editor
BRENNA WOODWARD ..................... Advertising Manager
LINDA THOMSON ..................................... Editorial Assistant
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
The Women's Forum welcomes
all women to the Thursday, April
15, potluck dinner and meeting at
6:30 p.m. at the Outlook on Alder
Creek. Women will be decorating
bowls made by the North Mason
High School ceramics class re-
cently. The bowls will be placed in
local restaurants during the week
prior to Mother's Day. They will
sell soup, and the purchaser may
keep the bowl. Proceeds from the
"Empty Bowl" project will be do-
nated to the North Mason Food
Bank. Call Joni Cagwin at 277-
3343 for further information.
Do You Know Why?
a.m. to 3 p.m., and last from 2-1/2
to 3 hours.
6, beginning at 3 p.m. at the Thel-
er Center.
• Your chin is too close to your nose?
• You can't see your teeth when you smile?
• Your lips have disappeared?
• You can't chew anymore?
• Your teeth look darker?
Do you really think you have to live like this?
Private Insurance • DSHS
23152 NE Hwy 3 • Belfair • (Across from Library)
A section of The She/ton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfalr,
AUyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
Page 2 - Belfatr Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 15, 1999
Over a vast number of
years I have spent thou-
sands of dollars on my
teeth, all of which has not
been a successful experi-
It has been a gratifying
experience to come in
contact with a practitioner
with as much concern for
his patient and the quality
of work that is performed
as you have.
Many thanks,
J. Taylor
Letter on file
Community Baptist Church. Child-
care available; open to public. For in-
formation, call 275-6031.
7 p.m., North Mason Lions Club,
Belfair Community Baptist Church
Fellowship Hall. For information, call
7 p.m., Trauma Anonymous Sup-
port Group, will be held at Westpark
Christian Church, 5204 First Street
in Bremerton. For information call
7 p.m., Healing Hearts, a support
group for victims of domestic
violence; for meeting place or more
information, call 427-1263.
7:30 p.m., Belfair Cemetery Dis-
trict, Ray's Barber Shop, Belfair.
7:30 p.m., Nuel Curtis Post 5372
Veterans of Foreign Wars meeting,
431 NE Old Belfair Highway. For in-
formation, call Dave Mundy, 275-
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, Belfair Community Baptist
7:30 p.m., Port of Tahuya commis-
sioners' meeting, Tahuya Fire Hall.
Thursday, April 22
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
lunch served at noon. For information
or lunch reservations call 27548991
9:15 a.m, TOPS (Take 0ffP0
Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair0"
munity Baptist Church call
Weston, 275-8282, for inforraati0'
, C
9:30 a m to 4"30 p.m..,
(Women, Infa'nts an(t" Childrena
tional program, North Mason "
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off P°$.
Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting,
ment at Saint Hugh Co
Episcopal Church in Allyn. For '
mation, call 895-1363.
Noon, Alcoholics
open, NE 42 Old
Exterior and
painting and stainlr
Since 196 7
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Free color and technh
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We Ask You
Why is it a man wakes up in tte
morning after sleeping under an
advertised blanket on an adverti.e
mattress and pulls off advertise°
pajamas. He takes a bath in an
advertised tub, shaves with ao
advertised razor, washes with a
advertised soap, puts on adverti-e
clothes, sits down to breakfast W
advertised coffee, puts on an
advertised hat, rides to his office in a
advertised car, writes with an advertise_ °
" ertl.¢'
penctl THEN, he refuses to adv
saying advertising doesn't pay. A
then, if a business isn't good enoug t
advertise.., he advertises it for
If you believe in your busineS
and want to build it...
in the
Brenna Woodward