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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,qTTE LTON--MAgON COU'hTT " JOIYI NAL- Publialled in eeol ,r¢stmasfc>Tr)7, TT.,q.A.", gholLou, Wn. hington $ 0 ¢ i g [ e H t $ HIGH SCHOOL SELECTED LASF WLEK . Society Editor • Marl Waters Phone 426-4412 APRIL ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED i.i~i.!~! ~! . SHELTON HIGH SCHOOL junior girls who will Terri Turner, Reta Carte, Teddi Travis and Joan i represent thbir school at Evergreen Girls' State Quimby. Alternates are Janet Maranville and Pan in Ellensburg this summer are (left to right) McComb. )[: 7; .!: i Announcement has been made of the four Shelton High school Spring Meeting Of [New Slate Of Officers .... ;: girls who will attend Evergreen Girls' State on the Central Wash- Oounty" Homemakers For SheI-Toa Guild ., ington College campus at Ellens- onbUrgtheJunebasis15oftOscholarship,JUne 22. Selectedleader. Xer0 Noxl Tuesday The last rcgult~r meeti~tg of the Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild of the ship, citizenship and physical fit- Mason Connty Homemakers' Mary Bridge Chiidrens hospital of ness were Joan Quimby, Reta Association Annual Spring Meet- Tacoma was held in the home of i Carte. Terri Turuer az~d Teddi ing will feature a program geared Mrs. Bev Edson with Mrs. Lois Travis. Janet Maranville and Pam- to the changing lives of women. Tibbits at co-hostess. Final plans .... : ela McComb were chosen as al- Part of the program will have towere made for the dance which ~.~ ternates, do with what's new in the home was held Ajril 4 at the Moose hall. ~. In Ellensburg they will join furnishings world with the special some 350 girls from throughout guest speaker as Mrs. Dorothy The highlight of the evening the state in a study of city, eoun- Chase, Home Furnishings Spec- wan election of officers with the ENGAGED TO Thomas Ward Kimball is Judy Lorraine Kelly, ty, state and federal government, lalist from Washington State Uni- following taking office for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kelly, Jr, The prospective The girls will take part in simu- versity. The annual all-county new year: President, Mrs. Nadia bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. AllenKimball. All are luted government meetings and meeting will be held thin year in Hovind: vice pres., Mrs. Luanne of Shell>on. No wedding date has been set. discussions stressing Americanism the P.U.D. auditorium, next Tues- Gibson; secretary," Mrs. Barb Rog- and the fundamentals of good citi- day, starting at 10:30 a.m. It will erson; treasurer, Mrs. Lois Tib- t zenshtp, go through the noon hour with a bits. May 8 Is Ad Show Junior girls are selected so they potluck lunch. All clubs are ask- The new officers will preside will have the opportunity to put ed to not only include food andover the next meeting which will Enlry Oeadline what they have learned into prac- dishes, but also tables for the be the potluck dinner May 7 at tire in their senior year. service of the lunch, the home of the new president. Today, Thurs., April 16 The deadline for entering the Evergreen Girls' State is spon- Skits are bei,lg" plauned by Hill- Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Arts and Crafts show to be spon-sored by tile American Legion crest Hol~emakers and the Pick- Ming Tree Cafe. sored by the Mason County Court-Auxiliary of Washington and is aering Ladies' Club. Po~ commission's meeting,8 cil of PTA May 22-24 is l~ay 8. part of the natioll-wide Girls' State Irvin McArthur, Public Assis- p.m., co~lrthouse. Entry blanks may be obtained by program, tance Director from Mason Coun- Navy Mothers Club. 7:30 p.m., calling Mrs. John Denison in Three of the Girls' Staters willty will give a short talk in the Memorial hall. Catholic church guild rummage Hoodsport, Mrs. G ,'a y u m at represent the local Fred ~3. Wiveli morning on training to go to CRestview 5-3414 in Belfair. or Unit No. 31 of the American Work. This wili include someofthe and plant sale, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., at Mrs. Robert Kramer, Mrs. Clyde Legion Auxiliary and its assisting latest iufo~'mation ou government t~le chLm;h. Ruddell o,' Mrs. David Deffinbaugh sponsors, the Kiwanis and the programs that will help people get Olympic League baseball, Shel- in Shelton. Zonta Clubs. The fourth girl will skills fur jobs. ton 'vs. Port AJ~gelea, 3:45' p.m., :The contest will nut be for be sponsored by the Hood Oanal Cooperating clubs are headed bv Loop Fidld. ¢~vards but to display the talents American Legion Auxiliary. Joan the ~ollowing: Mrs. Alfred ,lone.~. Forest Festival workers meet- of local e, itizens. Main classifies- Quimby's sponsor 1'~ Shclton Amer- Picketing H o m e m a k e r s: Mrs lag, 8 p.m., PUD 3 conference ,tions will include drawing and ican Legion Auxiliary IFred B. Rich~lrd L,~onard Dayton Ladies' room. painting, graphics and design, Wivell Unit No. 31/: Terri Turn-Club: Mrs. Claude Dtmielson. Friday, April17 three dimensional art and photog- er, Hood Canal American Legion Friendship ChJb; Mrs. L. J. Ross- Rachel Knott Orthopedi¢'. Guild, raphy. Auxiliary; Teddi Travis, Zonta rosier. Matlock Ladies' Chlb: Mrs. Club; and Reta Carte, Kiwanis Louis Themure, Hillcrest Home- 12:30 p.m. luncheon, home of Mrs. Dorothy Jessup. Laurel Court Amaranth rum- mage ~ale, PUD bldg. V~FW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Mem- orial hall. Catholic church guild rummage and plant sale, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., at the church. Georgme Reed Orthopedic Guild, 1 p.m., home of Mrs. Roy Mc- Conltey. S~turday, April 18 Laurel Court Amaranth ruin- mage sale, PUD building. Sharlyn Byrd Orthopedic Aux- iliary card party, 8 p.m., PUD auditorium, Middle Skokomish Improvement Club card party, 8:15 p,m., com- munity clubhouse. Mt, View Community Club card party, 8 p.m,. community hall, Drivers license examiner. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m,. police station. Sunday, April 19 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Yacht Club .~ocial. 6 p.m., PUD auditorinm. Monday, April 20 Shelton Garden Club Conserva- tion luncheon 12:30 p.m., Colo~t- ial house. PUD No, 3 commission's meet- \ \ In Washington... Club. makers: Mrs. John Holtorf. Souih- ing, 1 p.m., PUD commission ............................. side I-Iomemakers: M~'s. Allan Ks- room. dra. North Mason Homemakers commission's meeting, kl Mrs. Chet Richards, Kamilche County 10 a.m., courthouse. III Ladies' Club. Shelton Bridge Clul:,. 7:30 p.m,, M rriage Licen""a--'----:=---se PUD building. Brownie Troop 172 Caua[ Cotu't Amaranth soci:tl Brownie Troop. 172 held its S club meeting, noon. home of Mrs. April ]3 meeting in Mrs. M'ess' Applying for a ,marriage license Mamie Kaare. classroom at Evergreen school, at the Mason County auditor's Tuesday, April 21 Roxannc~ Wilson served treats with office this past week we~'e: Terri Ramsfield helping her. Fredrick W. Gordon, 53, Shelton, Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Each member read from the and Ava Van Buski~'k. 52. Shelton. Memorial hall. Brownie hanclbook. A circle was City commission's meeting, 2 formed then the flag salute was songs were suug. p.m., city hall. Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Amcri- given and some of the Brownie . . . Ci~eryl Tabor, scribe can Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. Shelton Rhododendron SerieS:/. 8 p.m. PUD building. Wednesday, April 22 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m,, police station. Beta Zeta Chapter ESA Ha- waiian Luau and election of offi- cers, 6:30 p.m., home of Mrs. Bob Wolden. Junior high school baseball Shelton vs. Jefferson of Olympia, 3:30 p.m., Loop Field. Thursday, April 23 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Care, at a picnic, beer is a natural When you re relaxing at your favorite outdoor beauty spot with ricnds or family, and your thirst's whetted fresh air and exer- cise-that's the ideal tfme for a cool, refreshing glass of beer: In fact', you can name your rccreation-swinlming, hiking, or lust ,,. watching TV-and chances are nothing in the world fits it quite as well .,as beer. Your familiar glass of beer is also a pleasurable reminder that we live in a land of personal freedom-and that our right to enioy beer and ale, if we so desire, is just one, but an important one, of those personal freedoms. InWashington,beer goeswith fun,with relaxation UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Music Club Members E! j y Light Opera At Brenter en Meet JUNE 6 WEDDING DATE Fourt(?en mon]bt,z's of the Shel- t(m MusH', Chub were the gnests or the }'eninsula Mnsic Club last Frid~y ~it the home of l~4~'s. A1;ln F~'y in Yircme|'to~}. 'Phi> i3:!illbl'i¢lg'e Light Opel'a C~), who ()l~l)' tl!t! l)l'(3vious llight : suI'Ye~'('Lt ll~e t~'~gi¢: loss of iis re- hea~':~:tl hail and a ll:~rge, coliectiou of costm:~e:~, g~tve a delightful protg'r:tm with highly diveFsi[ied IIUIllJ;~'I'S l'~'()l ll past pl'O~lLletions ~tn(I gi'om the Vagaboud King wii('i~ it will present i~ ,]m~(~ ,)n l ;~li:~hri'.!~!,e Is~m(I. 'l'l~):~e aLl,ending f~'o,n f~h~.!!.on t~Ia;.~.:/ Ca~'lo, n. Donovan Palmer t i,~tl'~"," C~:I,']r)U, C-usti Golds;zh']~i~l, l:~;~lph f.~tn't(m, ill'liCe K]'eger, ('.h:ll'!t~:~ Let:tz, R~)?' I2e:'tc~r, \V. F. Rot)orL.~:, t'.~'rie Smith, ll;e['ni',:e SL~w:~rL, Ralph "vVagrler, H:Ina Wcbber, t~c'nh.t~':l V£ini:el:i :me A JUNE 6 WEDDING date is being planned by gam,~; ]~:tl...oi~,l. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook, and Early this mo~'ning Mc.~:dames Mr. and Mrs. John Hale. I~th sets of'-parentS Harry Carlon, Donov~l Palmer Miss Cook resides in Bremerton where she is and I~.alph H(}/'ton left fez' El!e.~s- her own flower shop. Her fiance is living in burg to atteud a three day s.s~,;ion for Western Electric. They are both Shelton High of the ~vV~shington St~te t;ed¢,r- " ..................... alien of Musi(~ Clubs coz~':e~lti(,lt. MONDAY NIGHT ON They will be joiued Friday 13y folu' BRIDGE CLUB WINNERS [ Three St more members. Mesdames James Winners in duplic:tte play at ine Drebik Bal'rom Bruce Kreger, Roy Rec- tor and Ber~liee Stewart. Monday night's Shelto~ Bridge lJanice L. . i winter q~farter The Sheiton Music Club is af- Club game for the north-south tral "vVashin filiaLed with the State and Nat- were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Becker, Ellensbur$. ional Federation of Music Clubs. Community Club Slates CardParty The Motmtain View Community Club Will sponsor a card party at 8 p.m. this Saturday night in the Duane Schultz (from Portland.) and Gordon Bennett, Jane Bennett Mrs. Jim and Dick Souliere. and Etta East-west winners were Mr. and Bill Lucke. MEN'S-- WOMEN'S-- '62 VALIANT SIGNET 2 DR. HARDTOP '60 CHEVROLET V-8 4 DOOR SEDAN '58 FORD V-8 RANCHWAGON '57 DODGE V-8 4 DOOR SEDAN '57 PLYMOUTI r-3 4 DOOR SEDAN '56 FORD V-8 2 DOOR SEDAN '53 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4 DOOR '61 FORD ECONOLINE PICKUP '60 INTERNATIONAL ½ TON PANEL '60 GMC 9 PASSENGER CARRYALL '55 DODGE TON PICKUP '53 DODGE 3 - 4 YARD DUMP TRUCK iiiii i '46 WILLYS sEEP - Good Mechanically '55 WILLYS JEEP - 4 Cylinder '50 WILLYS JEEP PICKUP - Heater '58 INTERNATIONAL A-120 PICKUP '61 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT PICKUP We have several older models of cars and trucks In stock for your selection AUTHORi .ZD DE,¢LER MOI'0R8 CORPORATION 707 So. First 8helton Chrysler--Plymouth--Valiant International Trucks • I iiii community hall at K and Laurel streets. The public is cordially in- cited. High scores at the April 4 card party were made by Lucille Speece and Claude Richaz'd. Second hil~3h went to Ruth Yule and Art Hazel- quist. Lueille Speece and GrPce Patterson held double pinochle a~.6 Lttcille ,Speece and Roy l~Ioore held a thousand aces. JOINS ASSOCIATION William Bourgault, Shelton, has been elected to membership in the American Angus Association at St. Joseph, Me., announces Glen Bratcher, secretary. This member- ship was one of 812 issued to bree- ders of registered Aberdeen-An- gus in the United States during the past month. I • • 0 0 0 • • • • • GOODYEAR NATION-WIDE "NO LIMIT" GUARANTEE / No limit on months. No limit on miles. No limit as to roads No mit as to speed. For the entire life of the tread All new Goodyear Auto Tires are 1 workmanship guaranteed against defects i~ . and materials and normal road hazards, excep~ repair. able punctures. If a Goodyear Tire fails under this guarantee any of more than 80,00.0 Goodyear dealers in tile United States and Canada will make allowance on a new tire based on original tread depth remaining and current "Goodyear Price." SIZE 6.70 x 15 6.70 x 15 7.50 x 14 TYPE /ii:i /!, Famous All-Weather with and BUY 1st TIRE AT NO TRADE-IN PRICE Tube-type $11 ~ blackwall Tubeless $1 5 s blackwall Tubele,s $1 ;5 9 5 blackwall All prices shown olus tax. WHITEWALLS ONLY *2.00 MORE PER FINEST QUALITY WE CAN FIND LOWEST PRICE WE CAN OFFER 1 VAi IET¥ OF COLORS Reg. Price $4.95 19TH & PAC. AVE. TACOMA FRONT & GROVE SHELTON OET ] AT / %! 5TH & E MAI,_N PUYALLUP