April 16, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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16, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
L were united at a March family get-to-
ittle Skookum community hall. Orman Gowin
D. (seated) made the trip for the occasion•
• Phillip Hardie (left) is the mother of Mrs.
;iht), who, in turn, is mother of Robert Marcy
generation s represented by Robert's daughter,
-=s. held by her grandmother. Mrs. Hardie and the
new home in Shelton. About 40 members of the
?or the reunion.
held Men-
board pas-
that the 17c
ace money from
wa needed by
to Operate the
Sets Budget For 1964 At $164,975;
a Is Held At The School Friday
News Hoodsport school April 20 at 8:00
the school
coting was also held
~;on the di,shict's
mary budgel, and
P.resented for
Passage of the
for teach-
anllll~llly \v~ls
mnlor adjusL-
pcrcent ;tulnlal
fol~ all non-cer-
of the district. It
salary adjust-
ne With other
John P$11
du{-ing the
Stan Ly-
egislativc rei).
school board
the Wash-
bard of Di-
T="H,k Me.(~t--- Shelton lst; Jef-
ferson 2nd, and Hood Canal 3rd.
Dave Rose, 3- 1st C- Division
75 yard 9.5
50 yard 6.5
B~'oad Jump 16'4"
Larry Allen 2nd C Class pole
Don Bearden 1st 100 yard 1L8
B line
Jody Campbell 3rd Shop Put A
Class 46'-73/4" and 4th dis-
ells 93'
Dave William 3rd 880 A Class
Next Track meet will be April
24 at Shelton.
tg of the war-
e deeding over
~VIiddle Skoko-
OVer to the
school yealt
Some cxtm{sive
for a fukt, fe
field in ex-
remain ~{s
In commlll~-
Eight And Forty
Dinner Meeting
Held Monday
Spring flowers decorated the
tables Monday evening when 11
partners of Mason Co. Salon No.
508 Eight and Forty were served
a delicious dinner at 7 p.m. by
hostess partners Mamie Earl, Ann
Levin and Beth Johnson.
La Chapeau Virginia Wallin
convened the meeting at 8 p.m.
according to ritual. Regular re-
ports were given. Child Welfare
chairman Partner Agnes Alexan-
der presented her report from the
National publication The Hat Box.
Individual contributions from part-
ners toward tile. local foreign
scholarship fund were received by
La Secretaire-Caissierre Shirley
Cl in toll.
The May meeting will be no-host
at Nita's. Following the ooligation
the meeting adjourned.
Shelton General H.ospital
Mr and Mrs. Jerry King, Star
Rt• 1, Box 68, a boy, April 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crawford,
1503 So. 2nd street, a boy, April
Mr. and Mrs. William Swisher,
111 Delaware street, a boy, April
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence B. Coop-
er, 618 Laurel street, a boy, April MR. AND MRS. THOMAS P. LeCOMPTE former Shelton rest-
14. " dents, now of Aberdeen announced the engagement of their
...... daughter, Annette Marie, to Robert Warrington Owens, Jr. at
Viewciui a family supper Easter evening at the home of her paternal
Mt. grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. George A. LeCompte, of Bayshore
• Road, Shelton. Mr. Owens parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert
1o mc[ umcers w Owens, Sr of Chicago, ,,, M,ss LeCompto's materna, grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Williams of Millbrae, Calif.
Next "" "lVlonday A late s~mmer wedding is planned.
The Mountain View Community
Club will hold its monthly meet-
ing Monday at the cm~lmunity
hall adjacent to the Mt. Vie~r
school. Tile club has been reae- Senior Class To Sponsor IIootenanny Friday
tivated and election of new offi-
cers is slated for this meeting. Night; PTA Plans Dinnm In New Cafetorium
All residents of the Mr. View
district are eligible for member-
ship and are especially invited to
attend the meetings. The club
would like tile ideas and cooper-
ati(m of many more people in the
t)lanning of all projects.
There is a nice hall for meet-
ings and social gatherings and
seven acrcs of land to be develop-
ed into a playground for chil.
dren. Phms have been drawn up
for the latter and it is hoped some
progress can soon be made toward
this ,')reject.
A coffee hour and social get-
together will follow the short busi-
ness meeting.
Junior Prom Is Scheduled For Friday Night;
Parents Of Seniors Meet To Organize Senior Party
B; Molly Murdey plied to the purchase of Pep Club
The annual Junior Prom will membership pins. Another car
take place from 9 p.m. to midnight wash is tentatively scheduled fm
this Friday evening in the multi-
purpose r()om. 9'his dance is spon- May. • • • ,
sored by tile juniors in honor of A PLAY DAY for the Shelton
the seniors,who are admitted
free. . .
Molly Tay:or and Joan Qmmby
submitted t'he theme, "When You
Wish Upon A Star", and are in
charge of decorations. Floyd
Barnes, junior class president, will
organize the affair as genm'al
chairman. Music will be provided
by the Gary Tobin Combo from
St'. Martin's College.
caine off ~" ;:' ':'
and was Parents of seniors held• their
c(nmnittees 1 first meeting to organize the Sen-
ders(s, deco- [ ior Party last night in the library
nraent did of the Angle Building. Chairmen
were selected and plans for this
:affair wa, "all-night party in honor of the
~Corations ' graduating class.wm,'e begun.
Sophomores and juniors arrived
at school with hair neatly combed
to have tileir pictures taken. The
pictures are mainly for use as
identification on next year's stu-
dent body tickets, but students al-
Tos left so use them to trade with friends.
* * *
games The Pep Club held a car wash
)er of last Saturday from 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. at tiae Enco Service Sta-
~.s Were Mr. I lion with Liz Seiners as chairman.
and :Mrs. Charging $1 per car plus 25 cents
for white walls, approximately $30
meet at was made. This sum will be ap-
rage sales don't make
:hem doi Mason County
PUt enough money in
~Y to send one or two
Confereace in Pullman
art of their community
Program. Part of the
to right, Mr=. Luther
Junior High School GAA was
sponsored by the higl] school Girls'
Athletic Association last Saturday
from 10 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Girls
from Hood Canal Junior High also
The girls pmyea games and ran
relays. Hot dogs were served for
lunch. Sandy McArthur organized
the play day as general chairman.
A group o; seniors traveled to
Olympia during spring vacation to
picket the state capitol in favor
of lowering the voting age to 18.
Included in this, picketing group
were Carl Dugger, who started the
movement, Bonnie Burnett, Patsy
Caulfield Bill l~Iaddox, Stan Linn
,and Jan' Pearson. They hope to
picket for this cause again soon
and anyone interested is invited
to join them.
OES Rummage Sale
Planned Next Week
A rummage sale is being plan-
ned by members of Welcome Chap-
tel: No. 40 OES to be held April
24-25 ill the PLID auditorium.
Anyone having articles for the
sale is asked to call Elsie Seljestad
at 426-4207 or Bessie Hall, 426-
3124 and arrangements will be
made to pick them up.
~ ~:iI'
Rodgers, Mrs. C. H, Clark, Mrs. Waiter Bain,
Mrs. Robert Herrick and Mrs. Tony Kricfels. All
but Mrs. Clark are members of the Southside
Homemakers Club. Other clubs cooperating include
Pickering Homemakers, North Mason Homemakers,
Hillcrest Homemakers, Matloek Ladies Club, Ka.
mllche Ladies Club, Dayton Ladle= Club and
Friend=hip. Club.
By Margie Greeu
The Senior Class will sponsor a
hootenanny t:omorrow evening at
7:30 p.m. ill the gymnasium. Par-
ticipating will bc North Mason's
own Yachtsmen and Bewce Trio,
Janice Miles from Olympic Col-
lege, Joe, Jenny and Barbara from
Central Kilsap, a boys' quarter
from Central, and a, duet by Nortll
Mason students, Dee Griffith and
'red Gim'ke. Other gr*,f, ps arc in
the planning. Prices for the hoot-
enanny have been set at $1 for
Adults, 75 cents for non ASB
card holders, 50 cents for ASH
card holders, and 35 cents for
elementary students.
• Following the hootenanny, the
GAA will hold its annual sl'umber
p~'ty in the g'ym. The girls plan
to also prepare the decorations for
the up-coming tolo dance which
the club will sponsor next week-
T e
h North Mason Jumor and
Senior Higl~ PTA will scrvc a. chili
or oyster stew din ler in the new
cafetoril,m this Saturday from 5
to 8 p.m. The tickets ~{re 1)riced
at $3.50- family, $1,25 - ad fits. 75
cents-students. Tickets may be
purchased at tile cafeteria door.
Committee chairmen include
Mrs. Huson, general chairman;
Mrs. Allen, tickets; Mrs. Cady,
publicity Mrs. Fleury, salads and
Mrs F'0rtman, pies" Tea, coffee
and milk cohaplete the menu. Come
and see OlU" ne'Ar cafetorilun alld,
at the same tin]e, enjoy a fine
meal. All funds will be turned ov-
er to the Student Seholarslfip
At tile SeicJace Club's Bea.tle
Party Sa/urda.y night, first prize,
which was a hand-drawn picture
eft the Bcatles, was won by Elaine
Crosswhite. Second prize was a
hand-drawn picture of Lhe Yachts-
men and was won by ~Tayn,~ Mul-
Ion. TMrd prize, wlli('>.~ was a gen-
uine Beatle certificate, was v¢on
by Vi(.ki Amacher.
Tryouts for Rally Squad will be
May 4. All girls interested m
cheerlcading, contact Mr. Haw-
kins for further information.
Mr; Aasness came Mop.day an~t
delivered Junior, Class rings. For
those who were absent Monday, he
will be back sometime next week,
st) be sure and bring your., ring
Paul Furchert, Honor Society
president, held the latest Honor
Society meeting April 14. Phms
are being made for the Honor So-
ciety Induction April 22 at 8 p.m.
in tile cafetorium.
Anlcrlcsns today have nearly
$47 billion invested in U.S. Sav-
ings Bonds---a powerful answer to
the people who threaten to bury
us economically.
Home Of Mrs. Earl
ALLY N .... The Beachcomber
Garden Club met April 9 at M,'s.
Earl Terrel's with 15 members and
one visitor present. A lovely pot-
luck hmcheon was served final
plans for the Peninsula District
hmcheon were made. The date was
set for Aprn 21 at tbe Belfair
Community Baptist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Von Osten
spent a lovely Saturday evenrng
attending their dance club at the
community center in Bremerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duppman
and family spent a lovely day
Sunday driving io Seattle to cole-
brate their anniversary.
Mr., and Mrs. Earl Terrel on-
terra ined Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Hirsch and Arlie Davis from Rich-
land for dinner Sunday.
Birthday club met at the home
of Rae Brcr~,n Wednesday with
~ potluck hmeheon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Von Osten at-
tended their square (lance club
Friday evening at the community
center in Bremerton.
MR. AND MI{S. Robert Noel
of South Colby were dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Terrel Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harding ell-
tertained Mr. Harding's cousin,
Mrs. Toby Halts and family of
Port Townsend Saturday '
4-H Cornucopia Sewing'class will
be meeting Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. June Harding Tuesday.
The girls will be working on their
cobbler aprons. 4-H demonstra-
tion day will be held April 18
for Mason County in Shelton. Se-
nior naembers will be attending.
Neighborhood birthday club met
April 7 at Mrs. June Harding's
Tfiey celebrated the birthdays of
Sally Piland and June Ha{'ding.
Mrs. Harding received materiai
f,n' a dress and Mrs. Piland receiv-
ed a beautiful pail' of gloves. A
lovely potlucR luncheon was serv-
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Janes of
San Pedro, Calif., da~lgbter of Mr.
and Mrs, R. O. Baker are tile
proud pa~ents of a neW baby bog
born April 2, weighing 7 ponnds
91fi ounces, measuring 19{,:, inches
ill length. He is named after his
daddy, Jerry Lyle Janes Jr. His
sister Terrie Lynn is also very
)roud of him.
Congratulations go. to Rlcha.rd
and Barbara Knight, who were
married recently. '~]ey will be
making their home here in Allyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernan Strand and
daughters were Sunday afternoon
visitors at the Reg Engman home.
Mrs. R. O. Baker returned home
March 31 after spending a month
in Califovaia with her daughter
and family, Mr, aud Mrs. Jerry
L. Janes and Terrie. Mrs. Baker
had a lovely visit and visited many
interesting places. While in Calif-
ornia Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vasbin-
der and daughter Cindy visited
also with Mrs. Baker. '
Knren Van C)s:en cch,brated
her third birthday April 3. Help-
ing her celebrate i~is birthday
were Dannie and Karen Beeson,
Marie Cangdon, Kalhy Duppman,
Lillian Hemplull of Bremerton,
Bev \Vang of Brcmerton, Joyce
Congdan of Brcmerton and Vivian
Mast of San Francisco, Calif. Cake
and ice cream were ~:erved. Among
her many gills Karen received a
baby puppy.
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A Qualily Tire
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Closed 6 a.m. Sunday 'til 6 a.m. Monday
• Naugahide Cover
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head-rest c3ver
• Real Comfort
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328 Cota Street
Phone 426-4702
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You'll get more value, too--thlngs that cost
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