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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1964
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161 1964 gI-IELTON--t {Ag0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in e'Oh, rfstm,asto mz, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 7 Can Spoil Sundays Trout Seaso n Inaugural temperatures re- these plants eonapleted the past rely nlil0few days {so busy, possibly, that a I'os~lip li:d tIf the plants has been fln'- nished the ,lonrnal this year . Pile t)ron~ising" harhing~.~r of good • oI)~:lling" 0:tV fishing is seen ill re- imminent Spoiler would cent ca.tcll(~s coming out of Lake raill and/or ~A'ind. l lsahella. Usua.lly a late starter Will have Isabclta has been producing' rain- of legal hows up to 2'2 inches recently (it game department is one of the (}pen-yt'[tl'-al'ound bllsy g'etting w;ttcrs in this al'eal. t ere . slng of fnshz,g " stock. SAVINGS ,lUST IN TIME FOR AY'S FISHING SEASON, OPENER Street Phone 426-4321 COUNTY HONDA HEADQUARTERS • .... the family store FOR THE BUYS OF A LIFETIME DON'T MISS W.A.'S GREATEST SALE! Isla;l(i l,ak(~ has been giving up good bass (.'arches, too, according to r~,porLs reaching Verle's Sport- ing (]t)ods slid \Vingard's ~port Shop. Lake Cushman, another usually slow starter, is low but rising and should come into its own earlier than normal this year. Most. popular with the opening day angling horde, undoubtedly, will be those old favolgtes---Nah- watzcl, Spencer, Phillips,Lost, Benson, Trask and Haven. The game department has this to say about the lakes in ~'7£ason County for opening day prospeets: Benton --- 82 acres, should be very good for lainbow 8-9 inches long. t;ushman--Contains silver trout, cutthroat, Doll}; Varden, rainbow and spinyrays. Silver trout are unpredictable, but has l~een good for rainbow and cutthroat last two years. l)t;vereaux -- 94 acres, should again be good for rainbow 8-9 inc~es in length. Haven -- 69 acres, will provide excellent fishing for rainbow 9-10 inches long. It also holds some large cutthroat. Lost -- 127 acres, will be fair for rainbow 8-9 inches long and l silver salmon in the same sizel Spencer -- 230 acres, was one of ore. more heavily fished lakes htst season, so few carryovers are present. However, lake should bc excellent for trout 8-9 inches long. Tee -- 47 acres, should be fair for rainbow 8-12 inches long. Trails Ella -- 74 acres, will be very good for rainbow 8 inches hmg. A few fish to 13 inches arc present. Woolen -- 68 acres, holds a good population of rainbow in the g-9 inch chess. A few larger fish are present. Lake sltc~uld be very good. A number of smaller lakes throughout the county are planted annually and are excellent early in the season. A few of these are Aldrich, Blacksmith, Cady, Clara Paices, Robhins, Sieves, Trask, Twin, "U", Wildberry ~lld Wood. Clark's 614 Paces Wind-up To Pelersen Poinls Singles Play Lloyd Clark clicked for a 614 leading series as the Peterson Punts singles league wound up its schedule Friday at the Timber Bowl• His games of 222, 205 and 189 swept his ntatch against Jess Phillips. L. L. McInelly 1552) and Charlie Savage (585) also were 3-game class• Maggie --- 25 acres, is a very sterile piece of water and the fish are small, averaging al)out 7~fi inches• Ntdlwatzel -- 269 acres, should winners, from Ed Hurd (509) and be good this year for rainbow inDean Perry (425). 8-9 inch class. Some larger trout Champion Stan Ahlquist met are also present, defeat, 2-1, in his finale (552) Pifillips --- 117 acres, should be against Buck Mackey (566). Oth- very good for rainbow in the 7-8er odd-game victors were Ralph inci~ class. Davison (540) over Jack Stewart (490-sub for Chub Nutt), Joe An- derson 15111) over Lee Schuffen- hauer (546), Lionel Leman (518) from Joe Holt (519), and Dean Smith (497) front Bob Olson (452). Payoffs will be made this Friday night in a meeting at 8 p.m. at the Timber Bowl. The final stand- ings: Pts. Ahlquist .................... 274.40 Mackey ....................... 260.46 McInelly .................... 259.03 Davison ...................... 246.10 Hurd ............................ 244.18 Anderson .................... 243.47 Nutt ............................ 243.29 Leman ................ I: ...... 241.39 Clark ................... ....... 241.21 Schuffenhauer . ......... 24.1.17 Holt ............................ 237.49 Phillips ...................... 235.30 Savage ........................ 235.10 Perry .......................... 229.44 Olson .......................... 229.21 Ave. 198 188 186 178 178 176 177 176 178 177 17,i 174 170 173 166 '' Imperial Riding Mower Smith .......................... 223.42 166 , CLARY-GET-S-602 , 1.=,44.o,,ooo o,e,t.s .o Me.., pew. ,NOUSTRIAL LEAGUE W L _ ~:-~,I~ ......... "~ Powerful 4-HP, 4- Pantorium Cleaners .... 321/~19V, ~~~~ cycle Briggs and Lumbermen's Mere ........ 30 22 " f~." ....... ~,~.~l~ I ~ Stratton engine--- Clary Trucking ............ 29 , 23 ~~~]"*: ~~ recoil starter! Bob's Tavern ................ 27~ 24V, ~b~.~~'[~B~i~j~'~Tt~k1~JJJ~J:~ F-N-R gearshift!. 20th Century ................ 26'/./, 25~/~ '~ ~~ " (~-~JT~J~ Auto-type foot ~ ~ ~I~'~" |~I~ blade clutch disen- Canteen .......................... 22 30 2XC3444 ~~1~ ~.~'~ | "~-- gages blade while Morgan Transfer . ....... 21~.,~301/~ 5.95 F~wer ower~ riding! 4 cutting Cole's Mobil Service .... 19 :33 Se 'ctl n See Our N w Cat heights, Tow hitch! High games .... Hap Smith, ~. ISeke~ej'pn~ See Our New Catalog-~ii Wayne Clary each 213 High series --- Wayne Clary RUGGEO 22'# Wayne Clary parlayed209 ano aar.e.Q J i IMPERIAL MOWER finishing213 openerSwithinto a 602a 180 gameSeriCSas bYhe Set I n an=~emgr i~, 4.cycle, 2t~-HP,Brlggs & Strstton topped Industrial League bowling ..... u,== .,. engine! blew Jet Sweep" deck performances last w e e k. His ]!J _~ provides smoot.h even grass dis- Clary Trucking team blanked the Ji[ ~----~l~[ll~:.~fll~l~[~ charge. Easy Impulse Starter. Four L.M. (Buck Mackey 557). ___ NO MONEY DOWN Bob's Tavern (Gale Fenling 538) over 20th Century (Ray Rice 571), $9 lVforgan Transfer" (Hap' Smith 545) i over Pantorium (Bill Batstone 532), Cole's ~ervice (R. Riffey ~~ 6995 511) over Canteen (Don Brown 2X 441). S~anr*~Q~ew C~t¢log for ~.awn and Garden Valuesl ~rl~m~J~J]~JJJJJ1~ J]]1]1]]m1~J1~| JmnmH'J~ J~mlj~lJ JJm~ J~liJ |lJllfl i i i igllllnl i lllllllll|llUlUll ii i i nil i i i i iii i u iii iii IIlIU~ IN MASON COUNTY fillllUlilUiglU~llbfi IIIIIII~IlIIUI illlllJ]gllllglUnilUIIllJ Illllgt t ]lllnllnlu~nll~l gl~m~g~~g~ STEAMBOAT WATERS GOOD I,'OR ISLACKMOUTll B~sL fish takes of tiae past week have come from the salt chuck around Steamhoat Island and the IO\VCI' Ptlget ~Ollnd al'ca Let) Henry reported 10-lb. an(1 12-1h. blackm,mth off Stoamboat Saturday while Alex ~milh had a 12-7 to go with his 6-:/ off Johnson Point Sun(lay, where Ills fishing partner, Bill Gott Jr.. took a pair at 6-3 and 4-7. Harstine Island iN yielding, al- so, :tc('or(tinff to reports. Art Me- Laughlin look a conple of black- mouth to 6-8 in two recent trips. Hood Canal has been spotty . . . lo;ll g,)o(l tlI tilnes, real poor Ill .)l hers. Stee.lheaders are still getting good results from the Skokontish although fow are actually weigh- ink in lheir catches. However. the fish are nice and bright, accord- mg to thoso who report. '64's FIRST--Bill Evers, Mason County's premier trapper, bagged his first bear of 1964 near the Mary M. Knight school last week. The picture was taken by Joann Tupper at Tupper's Resort on Lake Nahwatzel. WILLOUR IVAI,I,OFEIIS NAB CLIMBERS WIN AGAIN 19th HOLE GOLF LEAD Bob Walker and Bob Jeffery led Clint Willour's Lean] pushed in- the Highclimbers to their fourth to the lead after the second week straight, golf victory Tuesday on of play in the men's 19th Hole the Bayshore links, Port Angeles Club golf league play last week going home on the short end of a by scoring eight of a possible 12 111-80 count after 18 holes ot points for a season percentage of play. .625 at this point. It was the first Olympic Leag~e This was the best record of the match of the season. Sholton's day, edging the 7-of-12 for Buck success string faces a tough test Price's team. The standings at this Friday when the Climbers go the end of two weeks: to Bre.merton to meet East. Week ~eason pet.SHELTON ..111 P.A ................... 80 (~int Wiilour S/.1225/2.1.625Walker 78 ....... 29 Schulcr 90 ........ 17 Clyde Coots 7/14 14/24 .583Jeffery 80 ........ 28 Hargraves 90..20 J. Thompsmt 6/10 14/24 .583Kicburtz 88 .... 20 Raccardo 87....22 Buck Price 7/12 13/2,1.542Hanson 89 .... 19 Jeeger 103 ....... 9 Don Pauley 7/14 14/21;.538Heuston 92 ...... 15 Halcomb 103._.12 Boh Klehurtz 7/14 14/28 .500 * * * * Gary Nieh)y 6/14 14/28 .500WOMEN'S PLAY RESULTS Frank Travis 5/12 10/22 .455Martha Cole, Gert Batstone and OlivE;r Kelly 4/10 10/24 .417Nits Kimbel have been winners Ivan Myers 7/14 10/24 .417the past three weeks in low net competitions held on Ladies Day The scoring by inoividuals: ;it the Shelton Golf Club. Thompson 6/10- Jerry Thump- Mac Munro won the. competition son 2, Guy Beckwith 2, Ray Rice for fewest putts last week. 2, Bill Dickie 0, Harry Peterson 0. Three inter-club visitations have fn an earlier Travis 5/12 --- Fr~tnk Travis 1,i)o.en calendared so far for the -- Ray Walker 0, Jim ~'letcher 0, Bob ladies next Thursday Olympia • Otson 2, Jim Morrissey 2, Bert \\,ill he here, May 7 Aherdeen Hoard 0. COmeS here, and 31113, 16 Shclton Nieloy 6/14 -- Gary Nieloy 2,' goes to Aberdeen. ' ROcky Hembroff 0, Jnn ~,lc(=~,)ntl:) 2, Pop Hulbert 2, Boh Coots 0, O~poRTLUMBER Wall. Clayton 0, Mardy Stroud 0. HO0 T l~lyers 7/14 -- Ivan Myers 0, Phil Bayley 1, Bean Dani~ls 2. Wll!q~S FE, PLAYOFF t3ob Turne~' 2, Glen Ferguson 0, -t~ e ~ l-lar i,'~ t accd Hoodsport Don Johnson 0, Ken Broughton 2. Kiehllrtz 7/J4----Bob Kiohul•tz Lnlnher, 211fl h:ttf ehanlps, to a tight 12-pin victory over first hall 0, Dick Yeager 1, Bud Pauley 2, flaK winner Shelton Hotel in the Jaek Kimbel 2, ~Bud Knutzcn 0, Jim Archer 2, Jim f)oherty 0. women's City bowling league play- off Tuesday' niRht at Shelton Ree. Willonr 8/12 --- Clint X~Jilh)uv 0, Tile luln[)er ladies \vt're 30 pins Heinie Hilderman 2, Lloyd Van down going into the last game Blaricom 0, Andy Tuson 2, Arn Cheney 2, Ed Fa(lhert 2. hut Vi Hicks picked a 5-6-10 split Coot~ 7/14 -- Clyde Cools 0, to go with Helen's 167 game in L. L. Mclnclly 2, La~'ry Larson 1, the come-front-behind effort. The Bob Miller 0, Steve Hale 2, Dan hotel quartet had won the first Carl 0, Frank Smith 2. two games hy shol't margins and Kdly 4/10 --- ,lack Stewart 0, were led bv Dot Summers and Dot Rutherford~, each with 4,t4 series. Fred Stuller 0, Bill Ba:ts~to~s ~e. 0, Other split picks were: T~dy Chris Curtis 0, Bill Gott 2, Donn Ellison 6-10 and Helen Spaulding Nelson 2.. Pauley ~/14 --- Don Pauley 1, 6-7. Joe Holt 0, Purl Jentison 2, ,lack l'he league awards dinner will Gray 0, Jim Pauley 2, Val Sienkobe held nt the Hood Canal Wom- 0, I~rosty Koch 2. an's Clubhouse at Potlatch next Price 7/12 --- Buck Price 1, Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Sonny Lowe 2, Laurie Carlson 2, I~.D~-~T-~Li--Ta-Jg~'~ Harr3r Cole 0, Darrell Dennistou nuuzenl oun nMro 2, Art Bennett 0. 625 IH SIMPSON Climbers Rained Out At North Kitsap OLYMPIC BASEBALL LEAGUE ton errors spoiled lefl'y La.~e Bur- W L rf ra SHELTON .................... 1.0 513 North Kitsap .............. 1 0 3 1 Port Angeles ................ I 1 8 9~ East Bremerton ......... 1 1 8 8 Central Kitsap ............ i 1 7 7 South Kitsap .............. 0 2 3 6 Last Week Ccmiral 4, South 2 Port Angeles 7, ]~ast. 6 Today Port Angeles at Shelton Far more rested than they wish, the Highelimbers return to their rain-delayed baseball activities to- day on Loop Field when they host the Port Angeles Rough Riders in an Olympic League contest scheduled for an opening pitch about 3:45 o'clock, All Coach Chet Dombroski's pitchers are ready and raring to go after last week's rain-out at North Kitsap, a game which is yet to be re-dated on the Climber cal- endar. Dombroski most likely will nom- inate his junior lefthander. Tim Rose, for today's slab assignment. Rose beat West Bremerton, 4-1, on a 3-hitter in the season opener. Another potential starter is Bob Whitnaarsh, senior righthander, as a result of his brilliant, game- saving relief job against Central Kitsap. Brian Snyder, junior right- hander, who didn't survive the first inning against Central, is also ready but probably will open at third base and swing in the pow- er section of the batting order. Next Monday the Climbers go to Bremerton for a non-league re- turn game with West, then a week from today entertain South Kitsap here in a conference encounter. BOWMAN HURLS NO-HIT WIN FOR B-SQUAD LeRoy Bowman pitched a no- hit, no-run game as Shelton top- ped Olympia, 4-0, in a B squad baseball game on Loop Field last Wednesday, striking out nine and walking none in the process. The only Olympia runners were two aboard on Little Climber er- ]'ors (one Bowman's own) in the fourth and seventh innings. The 4th frame runner got Lo third, the 7th inning runner wa~ wiped out at second on a fine throw by Mike Fredson on a ground ball through tile middle which otherwise would have been a base hit. Shclton scored all the game's runs in Lhe third on Dan Bar- rum's single (booted into two ba.~es) behind three walks and an Olyntpia error. Barroms' single was the only hit of the game. fiend's two-hit pitching nnd sub- jected the Little Climbers to a 5-2 defeat at East t3remerton. Tt{e Little Climbers outhit l~st by a 5-2 margin but were out- scored by that same difference. Dave Johnson and Roll Cole got two hits each a~'~d Fredson the other for Shelton. Yesterday the Little Climbers were scheduled at Tumwater, Fri- day East comes to Loop Field, and next Wednesday they flu to North Thurston. The short scores: RHE Olympia ........ 000 000 0--0 0 3 Shelton .......... 00,t 000 x 4 1 2 Batteries Aukcrman and Doug- las; Bowman and Sheedy. RHE Shelton .......... 110 000 0.-..-2 5 7 East .............. 011 020 ,x.--5 2 1 Batteries.--.Burfiend and Whitener, Dyer; Beck and French. CANAL BOSTON WHALERS 13' 3" std ...................... 13' 3" sport .................... SABRE CRAFT 15' Pacer ........................ 1;" Impala $1220 Sport ........................ 17' Impala $1 Custom .................... S45 SPECIAL 17' Bell Boy Lapstrake with 55HP Homelite demo $2845 value NOW EVINRUDE and HOMELITE Sales argt S~rvice Union Wn. 898-2252 $ 4/5 QT. Code No. 572F Sq PINT Code No. 572P Save Today on The'se :?:::::::::::: Lawn & Garden Bulldogs Blam ked Twice, Lose Three $pecRalS Diamond Starts; Net Team Suffers Too ~~!i i ~i!!::::::iiii~::::ii~:: ::il Oscillating Sprink- $~99 ~i~::::::~ ler Covers 1800 sq ft ~ by Dennis Shelly ving two men on base. The terriers ~!~!~i~i~::~:i:::~iiih~:: 3-Cu. Ft. Wheelbar- $~ BELFAIR_The North Mason then took over by slamming two ~ii~ii~i!i~!t}iiii::i row. Balanced ~ baseball team lost their three re- doubles, a triple, and produced ,.:.. ""::}~:i:. :?.}:i:hi:....:::~:i~:i::'.!:~:}:::k:i:~!:'~ ~~}ii{~ 30" Spading Fork. $~88 cent games to "VCest Bremerton, five runs. NM was able to get ~i!ii!~ Forged tapered tines! ~ Sequim and Charles WriI~ht re- across just one run in the sixth, $8,49 ~i~i!ii Pruning Shears. Sets- $~29 spectively. • The double-A~ Westand again left two men on base. ~~~:¢~ sors type! 9-inch! ~ Bremerton first strin~ put the CW then produced another three vice to the Bulldo'~s rnakin~ it a runs and the game was called to ~i~!it 50-Ft. Rubber Gar- $~75 9-0 contest before~the tean~s re- a close. NM's seven errors were ¢~$'::V~. :h.. '%% ',i:~ • ~ oll 1 illlng, den Hose. Flexible. tired in the seventh inning" The partially compensated for by a ttle oPeners, only Mason hit was by "~ubsti- triple play in the second inning. lute Start Dishon who tallied aThe bases were loaded when a FULLY EQUIPPED Boy's and Girl's 26" Sabre Flyer Chrome fenders, rims, forkcap. N'- ~c~0~0,~ beam headlight, cominental handlebars! Vinyl grips, two-toae saddle! Safe, ap- proved coaster brake, white sidewalls! Space weight frame adds style, strength~ Western Flyer... Chosen $,0"00~000 T/rues! Wizard 18" Folding Brazier Lightweight! You can fold it, put ia ia trunk and take it to a picaic! Chromed grid raises~ low- ers---deans easilyl ,.the family store R. A. WELWOOD Home Owned and operated 321 Railroad 426.3515 single early in the seventh inning. The Wildcats ran across nine rnns on seven hits for their victory: w " RHE est 105 x 0 ................003 --9 7 --~i88 N. Mason ...... 000 000 0--0112 ! Batteries: (NM) Workman, Mil- let (4) and Anderson, Uldrickson (3) and Mul-h . _ . "p y (5); (West) She- re, t:ostelle (5) and Holt, Stuart (5). The followl .~. • . . ng I~ today the team traveled to Sequim for a post- poned game, only to come back with a 13-0 defeat. North Mason was zero for four, while the Wolf- pack batted across 13 for 13. Both teams committed.five errors. Se- quire scored h ' • '. Barfly in the second mnmg of play, added four more runs m the fourth inning, and en- larged their already winning score by three in the last inning: Seq:tim 150 403 x--.R 1~3 *x. ~vtason OO0 000 0-- 0 4 5 Batteries: (NM) Miner ana Murphy; (S) Echternkamp and Blake. $ * * Then on the next Monday, the Bulldogs hosted the Charles Wright Academy and lost 9-2. Neither t~a, ra scored until the fourth inning When CW legged across a single tally dogs rallied in the top'of Thethe Bull-fifth marching across one ~*un and lea- pop-fly was caught, leaving the three men off base, two of which were thrown out im~nediately. R H E C'W 000 153--9 5 2 000 011--.2 3 7 Batteries: (NM) Milleran(a d Mur- phy; (CW) Shanaman Ellis (5) and Lincoln. The baseball team next travels to Bainbridge today, then to Va- shun, attd then they host Charles Wright for a rematch on the 28th of April. $ q: The tennis team has had much the same luck with two losses in two outings. The NM team first. lost to ,~equim, and secondly to Charles Wright, the latter: ot which follows: o 1st singles: Bruee McKendry v- er Tom MeKay (NM), 6-2, 6-1. 2nd singles: Chuek Wight ow~r Dennis Shelly (NM), 6-2, 7-5. 3rd singles: Phil Paseoe over Alan Cady (NM), 8-1. 4th singles: Chris Overly over Mike Campbell, (NM), 8-2. 5Lh singles: Beb DeLong over Charlie Drake, (NM), 8-1. 1st doubles: McKendry-Fish- bttrnd (CW) over Tom McKay- Shelly, 8-1. 2nd doubles: S!ikes-DeLong (CW) over Drake-Campbell, 8-1. The NM team will host Bain- bridgetoday, Vas!ton next Thud's- day, and travel "to Charles Wright on the 28th of April. DIS'f H tl[O II IIIRAM WA[.KI'I MEN'S COMMERCIAL L B & R Oil .................... :/2 ,~0 Ril nets l-Iighballers ........ 29 23 Ziegler's Camera Shop .... 28 24 Wingard's Sport Shop .... 28 24 Moose Lodge ......... .....i ....... 24 28 Verle's Sporting Goods 24 28 Wilson Contpany .............. 23 29 Gbtt Oil ................................ 20 32 High games ...... Gleml Robertson 225, Roy Petty 224, Ed Hurd 223 High series .... Glenn Robertson 625 Glen Rohertson pegged a 625 series on games of 20,t, 196 and 225 in the men's commercia.l league last week but his Moose Lodge team failed to take ad- vantage of it, losing a 1-3 decision to Verle's Sporting Goods (Bob Cleveland 548), which came ~H) with a 1005 opener. Q P} (~RIA, ILI t~01$ Real b0m'b0n people reach for E ( WALK RS DELUXE They enjoy the extra flavor of the extra, years. STRAIGHT BOURB0N WHISH(X • 88.8 PROOF - HIRAM WALK£R & SONS INC., P[ORIA, ILL. SHORT 2-MONTH LEAGUES FINISH JUST RIGHT FOR VACATION-TIME We're Open Every Afternoon and Evenmg For Open Bowling All Different Types of Leagues Designed For Fun Only GIVE US A TRY! WE PROMISE YOU A LOT OF FUN II q ! {: ): ql