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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iq iJ PACE 10 TW, T,TON-- IJA ON COTTN'I " JOI NAL--Publi, hed in "Chr;, t,m, /own, r, A ,, ......... , llotlon, WaMfinffton Thu Journal Wanl Ads BLUE 0X I"HEAT E THURS. - FRI,- SAT• ONE COMPLETE SHOW OPENS 6:45 7 P•M• 4t Engagement Of Mrs Jansson Is Former Sheltonian |" New President For VFW Auxiliary Is Announced • .. M,s ,oh,, l,'m'mer P, helton residenLs, Mr, O O n ~ . , president of the La(ll(,s Atlxiliitrv ;lll{I M,'s..lames S. I,'llllk, now of t() the Veteran.; .()i' l"oreig'll \V:!I'S Alamo, Calif.. have ,/llnl~ilnce(l the A ceramic arts and craft bene- fit show will be sponsored by Eag- les Aerie No. 3 'h~ TAcoma next Month. The show will be held in the Carpenters imll, 1322 "Ta\v- eett Ave. from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. May 2 and from noon until 7 p.m. May 3. Proceeds will benefit re- tarded 'children. Many displays of interest in- i cluding ceramics, stoneware, glass, i chtna paintings and agates will !be shown" As an added interest original oil paintings and flower arrangements from some of the finest studios in the state will be shown. Free demonstrations will be giv- en alF day, both days, on the new- est products for ceramics, stone- ware and glasses. Both amateurs and professionals will be repre- sented in the large dmplay of con> )ctitive work in all fields. Golden Age Club Invites Membership A 6 p.m, poLlnck dinner will be held by the Golden Age Club at the Memorial t=Iall next Thursday. The club has extended an invita- tion to anyone 55 years of age or older who wotfld he interested in joi~ng. Meetings are held twice a monLh For the 3rd time in three years, Fred Lorenzen takes the grueling Atlanta ';500" at the wheel of his Ford. with each person bringing a hot dish• A potluck meal and enter- tainment is enjoyed by everyone. New officers will be elected May i4. There were 49 present for the last meeting with sevcral missing , ...... ]~a i I because of illness. I RD "NO-N'AME" BRIDGE CLUB HAS APRIL MEETING II ~ i The April meeLing of the "~o- Name" Bridge Club was held last SaLurday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Powell with four tables Latest,win gives lord incredible history of victories in virtu- Because Ford enLers open eompett- in play. Series trophy was won by ally every kind of automotive event tion, the cars at your Ford Dealer's ~r. and Mrs. Ron Ahlf, after hav- ing been retained fm two consecu- n out of/ast 12 possible--from ~tock car races to eeon- are stronger, better handling, safer andtive months by the Dave Hart. omy run~, from rallies to endurance tests, thriftier in the long run. They're builtroans. NASCAR 500 milers! This is the dramatic way to show for total performance. The next meeting will be held that Fords have changed.., and the May 9 in the Russel Stuck home. SPENDS A LITTLE sure way to be certain they keep on TRY TOTAL PERFORMANCE. ORTHOPEDIcGEORGINE REEDGuILD .i. SO SPEND A exhibitionATLANTA'of totalAprilperformance,5: In a blazingace changing.Ford enters special cars in open FOR A CHANGEI The April luncheon meeting of the Geo'rgine Reed Orthopedic LFA~'iId Look for Oil Heat in any new home. It's a sure sign that driver Fred Lorenzen piloted his spe- competition, in addition to its exten- Guild will be held at 1 p.m. this cia||y modified '64 Ford to a stunning sire laboratory and test track programs, Friday at the home of Mrs• Roy builder is concerned with quality. In a new Oil-Heated home you will victory in the Atlanta "500" before a because competition provides an in- McConkey with Mrs. R. O. Yea- cheering crowd of 75,000 spectators, tensity of testing that no proving ger assisting, generally better materials and construction This victory marks the 11th time ground atone can provide. Falcon.Fairlane.Ford.Thunderbird' FINAL CARD PARTY than in homes with gas or electric heating that Ford has captured a NASCAR The lessons Ford has learned in rac- FOR SKOKOMISlI CLUB systems. Compare them for yourself. Your stock car event of 500 miles or more ing have already led directly to such WINNER, OF MOTOR. TREND'S The Middle Skokomish Improve- builder makes an investment in your comfort starting in May, 1962. refinements as a stronger rear axle, CA~ OF TIlE Y£AR AWARD ment Club will sponsor a pinochle Ia the past two years, tough, depend- streamlined "fastback" styling, better card party this Saturday at the and safety when he installs modern Oil Heat. able Ford-built ears have carved out an brakes and an impraved ignition system. ~ ~ m~ community clubhouse. This will be the final card party of the season. It pays off for you with added family protec- Play will begin at 8:15 p.m. Set- Lion and lower monthly heating costs. ies prizes will be awarded at the end of the evening. The publfc is welcome. Look for Oil Heat... it's the sign of 501 Railroad Avenue R MMAGE SALE a home with extra quality built-in. Laurel Court No. 2 Order of ~~ Amaranth will hold a rummage OIL HEAT INSTITUTE OF WASHINGTON sale thts Friday and Saturday aL m RID~ WALT DISNEY'$ MAGIC SKYWAY AT THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY'S WONDER ROTUNDA, NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR m the PUD buildinff.