April 16, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 16, 1964 |
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By Mrs. Ray Kratelu~
SOUTHSIDE --- PTO met last
Monday evening and the meeting
was opened with the flag salute
given by the Girl Scouts Troop
118. This was "Father's Night",
~vith many f,tthers in attenaance,
Mr. Cool and Mr. Montgomery
served. Doris Jackson, program
chairman presented some pic-
tures and the history of how the
Southside school was way back in
Naming Saeger's old home and
l:~utledge's home as being used as
school houses at one time. Mrs.
Josephine Moss, nee Josephine Nel-
son Cross, went to school in this
district, later returning to teach.
Mrs. Remple, one Of Southside's
teachers years ago, gave a short
talk on her experiences as teacher
here. Mrs. Alma Hurst taught
here also for many years, with the
Southside seniors of Shelton High
.School almost all started in the
first grade with Mrs. Hurst.
Now her daughter, Mrs. Betty
Wolf, is teaching here, Mrs. Wolf's
~laughter Karen will be a teacher
soon, maybe Southside will be
lucky to have her someday.
. Mrs. Jackson's program was
~nost interesting to the Southside
residence. Mike Bay, Robin Bakke,
John Deshon, Greg Richey, Jean-
~m Campbell, Leah Swayze and
iScott Puhn gave demonstrations,
using the new science equipment
!the school has recently purchased.
Mr. Pike, the science teacher, says
this unit is one of the finest in
,the schools.
PTO will be a week later next
,month and will meet May 11.
:Don't forget the Maypole program
CMay 3 at 1:30 p.m. Be watching
'for announcements on the May-
pole. Mr. Crank's 7th grade won
the room count.
Paul De Meiro, son of Mr. and
iiMrs. L. R. Christensen of Arcadia
arriveH home last Thursday from
Valdez, Alaska. Paul, who is 14
:years old, went up to Valdez in
iAugust to spend the school year
there. He Was staying with his
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sather
of Vahtez and they were among
:those in the Alaska earthquake
March 27. Paul says it; was pretty
shaky and he was on his way
home from a ball game. He stop-
ped and stayed at an orphanage
mttil it was over. He also told of
the dock lhat went down and the
oil tanks catching fire. They had
. i
Aitken, Kim
Allen, Debbie
Angle, Rick
Asche, Lce
Auscth, Sebcrt
Bacon, Bill
Ba rnei.t, Dave
Batstone, Patsy
Baze, Steven
Beardcn, Charles R.
Bcrgeson, Melissa
Sac, I)ana
Boc, Gary
Borek, Karen
Bollrgault, Michael Allen
Bransford, Brad
l:hlcchel, Rieky, Union
l-hlrger, Gary
Ca rlsen, Terryl
Ca)'Ison, Alan
Carlson, Christy
Carr, Debbie
Chase, Dave
Clinton, Chris
Cole, Karen
Connolly, ,llmmy
Crow, Cindy
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Chrisimastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
to evacuate until morning.
The next day they left for Lyn-
allen and had to stay for two days,
then left for Fairbanks and waited
iwo days before Paul and l~rs.
Sather could catch a plane. Paul
says he wouldn't go through it
again. He is now attendFng school
at Soul, side.
bers met at the home of Marie
Neal April 8 and Guild members
finished making arrangements for
their card party, which will be at
the PUD April 18. Members dis-
cussed the "Penfiy Drive" which
is from May 1 to May 14. The
door prize was won by Joyce Sny-
der. The next meeting will be at
Marie Neal's May 13 and it wiR
be the last meeting of the year
and the guild would like to have
more new members.
Thunderbirds 4-H chtb members
met at L~slie Snyder's April 2.
Steve Herrick gave a demonstra.
tion on a nesting box for rabbits
and Leslie Snyder gave a demon-
stration on flowers of the North-
west. Camp theme was discussed
and several suggestions were
Club members are planning e
plant sale for May 9 and will have
tomato and cabbage plants. 4-H
members will have potted flowers
for Mother's Day.
Four Leaves 4-H club members
met Thursday at Bakke's with re-
freshments served by Mrs. Bakke.
The next meeting will be April 30.
Kathy Ness opened the 4-H
meeting and Cindy Mell led the
flag salute, minutes were read
and approved. The club has $86.09
in the Treasury. Club members de-
cided to have "Holland" for their
theme for 4-H camp, members dis-
cussed buying 4-H sweat shirts
and also decided to have their
swimming party for their Easter
party. Gall Bailey adjourned the
meeting and members practiced
demonstrations for Demonstration
members going on about a 25-mile
"Trail Ride" Sunday on the power
line and gas line up by Mason
Lake. Taking the ride were Ralph
Bariekman, Phil Hardie, Lowell
~Iardie, Kathy Sutherland, Leo
Bishop, John Oakes, Red Rowe
Cleo Rowe and All" Ribbons.
Southside Grange regular meet-
ing will be Friday evening.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Verne Schuffen-
2, I O0 In County
Get Social Security
About one out of every eight
residents of Mason County is now
receiving a monthly social security
check according to figures releas-
ed by C. A. Skinner, Olympia so-
cial security district manager.
Skinner's report listed the num-
ber of Mason County beneficiaries
as 2,100 at the end of 1963. The
dollar benefit amomH.s total nmre
than 1.8 million yearly.
Retired workers are the largest
single group of social security
beneficiaries in the County. There
are 1,200 in this group and their
old-age insurance benefits total
$100,000 monthly.
bauer and family were birthday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
O. Schuffenhauer Wednesday eve-
ning. They celebrated Mr. Verne
Schuffenhauer's and Mr. A. O.
Schuffenhauer's birthdays.
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Kadoun, Steve and Kim Saturday
evening were Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Kadoun and Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Kratcha and Janice.
Visitorg of Mr. and Mrs. Verne
Schuffenhauer and family Sunday
evening were Mr. and Mrs. James
Cormier and family of Skookum
and Mr. and Mrs. George Bloom-
Silver Sars Riding Club mem-
bers met last Tuesday evening at
the George Magnett home. Re-
freshments were served by Mary
Beth Magnett, Dick and Steve
Tibbets. The next meeting will be
held at Drew Cole's May 5.
Stopping at the Ray Kratcha's
Wednesday evening was Art Nic-
klaus of Grapeview.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Madsen of Arcadia spending
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, R. B. i
Stubblefield of Seattle.
VISITING ~rdI~. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Madsen last Thursday af-
ternoon was Mr. Trex Madsen of,
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kock
one day last week were Mr. and
Mrs. John Ewing (formerly Mrs.
Gould) and son Henry Gould of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Madsen
last Wednesday toured Copalis
and Moclips.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and
Janice motored to Quilcene Sun-
You can be deprived of your
money, your job and your home by
someone else, but remember that
no one can ever take away your
honor. --Win. Lyon Phelps
By Joanu TUi)l)er
Sunday opens the fishing season
at Lake Nahwatzel and otimr lakes
in Mason County. The Resort will
open at 4:00 a.m. Sunday with
breakfasts being served from 7
to 11 a.m.
Visiting :Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Ford were Mrs. Deeny Reed of
Seattle and Mrs. Dale Taylor of
Olympia. Mrs. Taylor wanted to
show the Fords their new grand-
child, born a couple of weeks ago.
Weekend g~msts at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit were
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sills of Ray-
mond, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward
md son of Bremerton.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coo-
per were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mc-
Cta~ahau of Shelton and Mr. and
Mrs. Al Bowman and son of Olym-
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clancy
and family of Olympia visited Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Reeve last Sun-
VISITING Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Adsero last Sunday evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper and
daughter, Susan.
Mr. and Mrs. A)'ch'ie Kelley ,were
visited by Mr. and Mrs. Russell
McClintock of Tucson, Ariz., and
Mrs. Clara Pearsall and children
of Elms last Tuesday afternoon.
Spending the weekend with the
Kelleys were their grandchildren,
Steve and Susie Leggett of Aber-
deen. Sunday Jim Leggett of Ab-
erdeen visited with them.
The Kelleys received a letter
through the Postmaster at Mat-
lock regarding. Mr. Kelley's uncle~
Mr. George ~.elley who lives in
Decker, Mich. I~e is 96 years old.
The Kelleys were very surprised
when they received the letter, for
it has been 30 years since Mr.
Kelley had seen his uncle.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Barbour
visited with Tom Webb at Union.
Later in the evening they visited
with the Pete Dodge family at
Don't let insecurity overshadow
your future years. Invest in U.S.
Savings Bonds today for a secure
tomorrow--for both yourself AND
yam" country,
By Betty Criss
BELFAIR - The ~'irst conmmn-
ity use ef the new cafeteria on
the North Mason High School
grounds will be Saturday evening,
when the Jur.ior-Senior High
school PTA will stage a chili and
oyster stew fund-raising dinner..
Dinner will be served from 5 to
8 p.m. Adult tickets are selling
tot' $1.25 and children under 12
will get in for 75 cents.
A special family ticket may be
purchased for $3.50. Mrs. John
lluson is genera! chairman assist-
ed by Mrs. Wils:on Fortman, Mrs.
Graver Fleury, .~*frs. W. W. Dreher
and Mrs. Wayne Allen.
Don Barra, Principal at Or-
chard Heights Grade School in
Port Orchard will speak on his
travels in Russia and Sweden at,
the Junior-Senior High PTA this'
evening at 8 p.m. Discussion of fi-
inal plans for the fund raising din-
net' and election of officers will
be held during the business meet-
New officers of the Elementary
PTA, elected last Thursday eve-
ning, are Virginia Grande, presi-
dent, Joan Corliss, Vice President;
Bee Sande, secretary, and Mrs.
William VeLters, treasurer. The
group also voted to hold a com-
bined meeting in May with the
Junior-Senior High School PTA on
the second Thursday of the month
at which time a joint installa-
tion of officers will be held.
hibit, sponsored by the Mason
County Council of PTA, will be
More than 7,000 medical re.'
search projects are being con-
ducted in facilities of the Veterans
Administration by some 3,200 pro-
fessional personnel with more than
1,100 technical and administrative
held in the I.W.A. building in
Shelton during the Mason County
Forest Festival May 22-24. Mrs.
Gordon Grayum is chairman for
the North Mason District. Any!
adult or chihl in the community
is welcome to m:tcr. Exhibits in.
Harold Van DeRiet. During the
program the extension agents
'gave talks shov.'hlg how the ex-
tension service relates to W.S.U.
Two members gave demonstra-
tions. Sue Allen showed how {.o
make and use a buddy burner and
Bonnie Grayum dentonstrated the
art of drawing a thread from ma-
terial in order to cut on a straight
The Evergreen Garden Chlh will
meet today at the home of Mrs.
elude painting, flower arranging, Pl~ill Rarey, with Mrs. Earl An-
shell craft, driftwood, carving, derson assisting as co-hostess. Roll
mosaics and any other such craft, call will be answered by each
Deadline for entering is May 8 member's favorite flower to work
with for corsages. Program will
]and entry blanks may be obtained consist of a corsage demonstra-
I bY calling Mrs. Grayum at Cr. 5- tion and workshop. Plans will be
3414. made for the Club's participation
The Belfair Girl Scout Motor in the Cross-Sound District meet-
Corps are being honored national-
ly by the Red Cross for their work
and training in setting up an ent-
ergency canteen ann in first aid
work. April 5, the North Mason
girls met with a Soulh Kitsap
group at the Belfair State Park
and put on an emergency pre-
paredness exhibition for Red Cross
md other leaders. The girls made
30 sandwiches in less than five
minutes and also demonstrated
transportation of people with var-
ious types of injuries.
This group of girls, under the
leaderahip of Mrs. Eleanor Fedenk,
have been in attendance at many
school and community events dur-
ing the past year, ready to aid in
any emergency.
SHARON DAVIS reports that
!the Chuck Wagon Raiders 4-H
group visited the Poulsbo Slaught-
ering House on March 3 to observe
slaughtering methods used on beef
and pigs.
Last weegena tney appeared be-
fore the Active Club of Port Or-
chard to demonstrate various
things they have been learning
and doing in their 4-H work.
The Ayahut 4-H Club held'a
family night dinner at the Tahuya
Community Hall April 10. In ad-
dition to members and their fa-
milies, guests included the VFW
Auxiliary No. 5372 and extension
agents, Mrs. Jane Windsor and
Please Don't
Please Don't
ing in May.
will be held
meeting which
Free 'til
• Don't "just rush-into" home
Do yourself a favor first. Take a
look before you finally decide.
St. Anne & St. Elizabeth Catholic Guilds
Thurs. & Fri., April 16 & 17
Third & Pilm Sts. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
There are as many financing
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But, only Capital offers the
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We know you'll find Capital
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In Shelton: Kurt Mann, Loan
121 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-
' and
DeMiero, Barbare,
Dunbar, Barbara
Frank, Dave
Fuller, Jan
Gibson, Tami
Giddings, Joe
Goodwin, Joan
Grubb, Mark, Hoodsport
Henderson, Phillip
Hcrgert, Greg
Hicks, Alice Louise, Grapeview
Hickson, Chris A.
Howard, Randy
Howell, Pam
Hulbcrt, B, nsty
Hunter, Billy
J Oln?S, Fred
Kadoun, Steve
Kamin, Dave V.
Kelley, Kathy
Koch, Lind}~
Kytta, Scott
Laugen, Judy
Leaby, Shawn
Look, Dean
Looney, Tad4
Losacco, Joe
Luhm, Mike
Lund, David
Lynn, Greg /
Makoviney, Sharon
Mallinger, Melody
!Wann, Jerry
McCh, rc, Mike
Maloney, Pat, Union
Munro) Diane
Munro, Jerry
Nutt, Dave
Nutt, Mike
Nye, Wendy
Oakes, Jimmy
Orlne, Brandt
Orlne) Tad
Parr, Shatm
Patterson, Allen David
Pierson, Don
Quimby. Bobby
Rem~er, Cheryl Anne, Cush-
)nan No. 1
Rice, Cynthia
Rodgers, Trudy
Rogerson, Jim
Rollevson, Debra, Lake Cush-
Settle, Robcy
Sewell, Dsnny Guy
Shefler, Stuart
Smith, Theresa
Sparks, ]Hike
Squire, Donald Alan, Bclfair
Squire, Paul, Belfair
Steinberg, David
Stewart, Carol
Stone, Sandy
Strickland, Valerie Lywf
Sand, Brian
Sushak, Wayne
Tabor, Mary Ann
Ta.~lor, Clifford E.
Thompson, Dana Lee
Thomurc, Loi~,
Taler, Kay, Hoodsport
Townscnd, David
TylczMq Lisa
Tylczak, Margie
VanderWal, Chuck
Whalcy, Bruce
White, Neal
Whitner, Suzanne
Wittenberg, Mark
p one boys or "
office if you wish as we will