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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 15 Pharmacy Phacts Frotll Nell Evander OaterpiHars And Mushrooms Are Topics For Beachcomber Club The Beachcornber Garden Club that we put on theof the Allyn, Victor, Grapeview foe _ fill for you~n'ea held ils regular meeting la:~t c YOUr protection.Thm'sday at the home of Mrs. Do YOu really Earl Terrell. The meeting was read this label~conducted by the prcsiclent, Mrs. Yes, I know LhatEmil Gaetana. Affairs of the chin We tel1 you how were discussed and voted on until to Use the pro- the noon hmch hem'. scription w h e n You receive it, The afLernoon session was Laken ut, for yore" own np with a discussion on caterpil- Sake, please do ]ars by Mrs. Laura Knoell. Mrs. ~%nn Westberg chose the subject read that label. It of mushrooms to report on, telling contains impor- of the safe and unsafe kinds which information can be fonnd in the vicinity. for its rite pains in because the ~escription in com.. for its having you. Please do please do tel- carefully. Dally 9:30 t,o 7:30 "-" 9:30 . 6:00 Final plans were made for tlle Peninsula District hmcheon at which the Beachcombers wiil en- tertain next Tuesday. Mrn. Win. Calder of Allyn is taking reser- vations for the hmcheon. Her phone number is Crestview 5-2284, Plans for planting flower boxes al. kllyn House nursing home was discussed and a committee ap- pointed to take care of the WOLJC a~ the proper time. Sixteen members and one visitor were present at tile meeting. Club members welcomed Mrs. Orin Soulc back after an absence of several months which she had spent in California, 426-3327 ! DOES YOUR INSURA ICE PROTECT YOUR HOME AGAINST ITS GREATEST t [Y Carry fire insurance fo protect your home. Yet, I-in-200 that your hous~ will be totally * , , fire is not the greate0t danger fo le ehence.s ere l-ln.8 you won't live to pay off a And ifyou're 40 years old the chances are Insurance oft'ers two new protection p]ans. One ,y°ur morta,ge ~when you're disabled, A Is policy is the premium waiver clause. ) pay for the policy while ;t pays off your ~r plan pay= the mortgage when you die. Both ~ousa ;s probably your most ;mportanf invest- nsure it~ protect it for your faintly with o policy by LIFECO. yOU an~ thi~ roof Prgtocthm. INSURANCE St. 426-3357 DEMOLAY TO INSTALL TOM LOWE AS MASTER GO :HCILGR THIS SATORDAY Gold Star Mothers WSU STUDENTS ENGAGED Attend Convention rAK PA T /N Colorfol Held ' ' Mrs. "W. S. i~cmpcl and M;>: f;r;~cc Holt aLl.crated the Washing,- Star Mothers (,,o~lV(qltion ]'~r~lrl ill the, Wmthrol) betel in Tat'.onm last Thm's(lay and F'ri:lay Tlw l)ro.~:id- ing officer was Mrs. George Gal- With BOTH Music braith ('f 'Faconu~. and Home A n, cmorial service was held fo'" the parents who had cdcd I)ee )rating Ideas. st)me the last convention. Thc Ta- coma Chamber of ColllnleFco fur- nished Lhe daffodils for this im- pressive service. Mrs. YV~Jlter Michel of Olvmpia, ehaphfin, con- ducted ti~e service. Mrs. Dan Bige- low of Olympia, State of V~t.'sh- ington's Mother of the gear, sang several numbers during the ser- vice accompanying herself on the zither. The reception was held Thurs- day evening with the Nalional president, Mrs. Mary Nicman oi Binghampton, -New York as gill, st COME ~ ANO 0H vaua KIo Hi.~t R/co,o of honor. At the |)tiNiness SdSSlOd BARGAIN! A COLLECTIONOFFAMOUS ~l]'S.'l ~,{c(Jee of VVenatchee Afl~ OOLOKFOL FOLK SORES 7RAI HAVE was elected president for the en- IEGOME A PART OF OUR HERITAGE FOR ONL~f suing year, NOTHING MORE TO BUY" The banquet for nin(tv mothers and their guests was held Friday A ~vening in thc Crystal Ballroom RE6ULAR of the Winthrop hotel. Enter- .... ~ :"'::" 12"L.P, RECORll .ainment was furnished by grant1- : ~>'--- VALUE! :hildren of three of the mothe;-s. ":: ( An'iong the entertainers was 3onl $ O0 Selden of Tacoma who has per- " I :ormed on Ted Mack's Amatcur Aour program. The mothers stayed over until Saturday and enjoved the Daffo- 111 Parade, retmning home that .... ....... ~: ,.t 2vening BRiDE-ELECT--Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Auseth announce the en- Membe s ESA gagement of their daughter, Neva Elizabeth, to Richard B. r ' MC Lemore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton C. Mc Lemorc of Walla Walla. Miss Auseth and her fiance are both attending Wash- "to Attend May ington State University. No wedding date has been set, State C ti ,,.:., ' onven on A,:T SIIOU'ING SLATED IWrs. Bob SeiherL was nosLess l.o A silver tea and arL showing Swan Island and McLean ' t Has New "''|~J,l~J[~~:"~'~"c~ thc April S business meeting c,f will be sponsored by the Miriam Beta Zeta Chapter, ESA, in her Circle of the Methodist church NOTHING MORE TO BUY The Donnie J. Orthopedic Guik home. from 11 a.m, until 9 p,m, next held its April meeting in tht An invitation from the Alpha Thursday at the church. You'll want this heritage building next to the Public Librar3 Rho Chapter ill Chehalis to at- The ptlblic is invited. The church BEST SELECTION to complete preparations for e tend Washington State convention will rcceive 20 percent of all pie- Of home decorating ideas, tool rumntage and plant sale and t(in May was read by president Lure sales. See 10differenl. Sl~cctro-malicColor. elect new officers. Madeline Ra( Mrs. Bill Kimbel. Several Beta" .............................. Cooke's Feed f.ul Heritage Roonts, each with all mad M'u'gareL Ogden were hos- Zeta members plata to attend thin IN COLLEGE CLUB tcsse';. :we day conclave. Michael Smith, Shelton, was exciting color scheme--30 new color~ New officers elected are: Presf- A $25 donation wi~ be sent t5 among a group of men students d~ ]H[ardw~re . in all. Also valuable painting tips. It'll dent, Phyllis Hansen: vice pres. the City Recreation fund by tb~at. the Universil.y of Washington 219 South First yours--free for the asking[ Made!toe Rae, secretary, Doren( chapter, initiated recently into the Surf Rue; and treasurer, Billie Hohn,Due to the absence of so many dodgers. VISIT US TODAYI The rmnmage and plant sak :nembers, clection of officers was ........... .,a, ...... I I I I '- .....; ........... , .... ""'~ ....... .. held A1)ril 2-3 was successful. AIposLponed until April 22. That ~',~..~-.,~,,,?}~,,o..--.,~,,~; procccds will be sent to Mary meeting, a Hawaiian Luau, will '-. Bridge Orthopedic hospital in Ta- be held at the l]ome of Mrs. Bob ~a~'h .... conlll. W;o]den, All lllelYlh(ws ~lre llrgCcl ~ ~