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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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v : < i/'/ A/i PA ,E gEELTON--MAgON COTr! q " ,TOURNAE---Published in "ChriMma. tmvn, U.g.A.", ,qhelton, Washington Thursday, : P A lflVITA' BHAL', • ,voo '~ Despite l'n.~t company an 1 ' I Ton] Lo,ve broke a 24-y [ '- 11 Only a , |! , .~... ~,~l~..~f~W'--~f[ l L,-~..'.~i~ skeleton squad, Shcllon's gifted ISheltono ,~ . scimol record in the 100- 4th annual St1 ,.~ ....................................... track alllletes finished a str n~ y,ud dash and Brian Brickert and night t|'ack mee ~--~'~'B';BOb-~Jones . "WOMEN'S 1o'30 LI~]A(IUE 4th in the Daffodil .clays in Ta-the 880 relay tea,,, on wifieh hoth :'~ 25"." tl _ h..,gJx, IN ] .... IV L eoma's Lineoln Bowl Saturday, I fan set: a ll¢'~A' nlect record as they ~i B entr '~ * f-' '~'~=" SE. I .......... : .... o....:.^ e ,l, 42~z Coach Bob Slmd's athleles ac- ] led tlaeir Higheliml)er spike-mates %,2 .:~, ,, .... ,~ .... meet' ~'~IIC'ILi)II UIIIUII Del*Vlk',~ .... lO ,2 /2 ' ' : " Sll " ' ' ls]li ) O " e ,., Ellis ,~CtlI' Minnesota witll its revolu- Joh,l'S Richfield .. 59'256~,~ cumulated 38 pomt:s as they pu.~. :/~' tim.teals eh~m:l.~m!.." t f th2 ....... school, 215-athlete tionar driver-insur'ulee)ro- ||I / r.~,4 ~ ~rill 5{'}{' 65Vo ed Puyalhlp's thil'(t pmce ,it-point l'orlAngeles lnvKatmnal track :i :::": :~:':':! ,,..,..or neW LOt y , , • I ,~,,~a ................................. 2 ,. • . , . . ~: ; :: ::, , ~e ........ t m thc s otli ht ill ' , • ~ . r ,t, 69~ total Othcr team SeOl'lng x~ent, n'lcct S~tl.llrday. , :' ;:~L,:.: : i~ o~.*-d ovent | g,'a w, s - . P g I Neff s I ha/mac: ............ 46,., ,., • , ...... I . ::,," :::. ........... -- .... T'IaoIIIa[)Z l.~lneo|n'1~ ~LIt- 'cy • r : !~ my last column. This traffm I~ll [ ~ll.h [mme-Connie Cronquist M.t. ' . .~ :-'.-. . -..' ~ . I The h~ht-footcd Lo~e fle~ ov- hurdles. , safety roblem is the concern . ; . . • , . ----e~-~ o -- olunl ancI INol'II1 Tallrskon ZS, IVIt=~I-] e1, ti~e 100-y'trds ill 10.1 seconds :~llt;~l~:: ~ :~ ~ ~, ..... ufving . ...P ..... W~th heald~y margms m all, ent and he qls~ mmsed 10 days t 187 .... V-land 19~' Sumner 18 West~- • : ......... ~" " . ~. :;': .... ~,,- .l ........... OI all states, SO tOflay i'm ,' • ' • • • r ". . ~c," ~.~ . -', ', " to wipe OllE tile lo.z rceol'fl ilrsL "~"" I' th0' ........ three dwmlors the Blazers breez-]of conditmmng with the one-two] ttla'h selies---Connle Cronqmst ~. ...... ~.- :1~ Ortin,* 12t' Au ] ............. :~= : :::: ::: : .:~: been set fo . gomg to tall: about something" , . ~ , / .. . , " ~c.,~',~,. --, -- s ,a, " set oy the late l~l'anK waters in ...... ' :ee tll{ ._ . ; ..... ed to thor 27th consecutw, dnal-]shot put effolts of Dave Gllnl~A i475 ""~n 12 Ol"m"ia 11 I'cninslll'l 9 [ .... ' ............ effort to 1 . P • ""',.a~ *,**~"'( -l~all~,~ IS, C1OID°r Io 011I .... , / : , .... , . ou .Y P ' ]910 xnd tle(l I)~" l~OX~ e" as tile WlL ~ " O .'.~' ..... *' ...... trKtngular track victory on wmfly, t and Rollic Due~nam (ou-~',.2 alm i * * * Fedcr'll' W'/v 7 Sol'lth Kil'sao 4'/.'' .:. ~- ; " • E :' 4. [," :}17:~ cven so the P! .o own on the tralnc.~amage.t.t, rain-swept Leop Field Friday af-I 46-8)' with the exceptional broad Union Service 3 (Connie Cron-Cm'ti,~ 2 'Bellarmine 1 Clove~:] ~:~omcr~c t~emys m ,atom marcn young event ha~ ` ternoon, l Jumps of Mille Carpe," and Skip {guist 475) Cota G, ill i (Evadean Pq,'l:'0 ' ' l'°~. ............... po}nt where a2,.~; F.F'L.;%=~ "?.L:¢2';,,,,F,,~:~c The final count reaa: /Purvis (18-9:~ and 18-9); and the]Lo,,d 443) Nell's 3 (Dot Barna- Tom Lowc, fresh off his new _ !:rkcKert.. to}!,'eo roe nai: ml~e ,.,: .... llst.appe:ns ~L'n'e] light of the e::. g , . ..: Jefiersoli ............... 89 25 "4 88[ petition; with the vatflti:g of [__Z'_' .................................. h:i 102 Saturday as he ~,vo:, 'bo(hlmeet marks. Ne]lher were Shelton :::::.:::~4!:$:::::i Last year 48 of.' lowmg cars. :ralnc exp.erts so., ~[o,;d 't,',mai ........... 8 8 i8 ,,9]Whiteaker and Curt Cl:eney Mike] ..... ~. u,. ,.,:u,~';,,~,.( :;.,,,'~ -'d ~h,, fin- school records, however. ~:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :">:~ .nants Went on to: that in states wmen nave .... .' -. ........ ., ....... 'n in t'he 180 Wl~A~ t~ ..... v ............ ., ............ . i ,~ • ~ " • pul~ .......... ~ ,t. ........ ,~+~. ¢~.. Today the Blazers are heavy [ LaRose s Sml. ise wl . .. ' I,~, v,,~r, r ...... ,,,-,~* ,~ als in ~he centl ry while sohdly ,LOWL ALSO WON the 440 ~=,. : state meet in ~lt.lOlJLt.'tl Lll~ ltl2~/ ~l{;ttt=~ t.ltC , " / • ' " ~ ' , r CnL ill ,lie, l~" l.~l.fl~vi-l~yl~ly&~l:~--- • ~ " ' • • i . , : ! , i:::,~,, ./~:" !'~ ; r ' . . • favorites to make ~t 28 in a row/ Gene l~mws nnpio~em ... . -. whi - n~ two es co]allyfine In a foe 52.6 as he paced the ,::.!:: season~was ov0 ,- nunlbcr of rear-end collisions " ' • ~" anti thelow Anderson .I, Jim Olsan S, Rol! Pl- ~, ,-P.- • ,, , . :::..:. .... •. in a dual meet at St. Martms shot put m t2mss.., . . . ,, ..... ~ ~r. sot'inters in gtadi:m's Dave Rt- Chmber triumph and also tanthe As of TnesdaY ~,..l~lgh-sl.)eed. thorougl}fares Pre, hurdles swcep acnlevea ov t~eeI ...... 'e ......... -L-"~s "andMt Tahoma's Dick lead-off leg on the victorious Shel- ~':::\::. had'foi'mallv eat nas.oeen slg2~!netmuy rectu.r¼ea: Weather conditions were any-[Burfiend Clnlck Grytness and[ ' 100-YARD DASH--Don Bea,'d- '~."~io " ' " ton half-mile relay team. Briekcrt ~ n~ha,'.~ had (nforl~ Hl.g:nwayu on-~cla~:s ,~ay. tnat thing but conducive to good track [Dick Shr:lm,John Eagles' 4-4 tag.hi en HC, Robmson J, Wilson J. 11.8. ""P;n"t]cularly outstanding in oth- ran the following leg. ~~ ten;ions-of ente: ~'.'.'~. "=~'=:..~"..,'",~:.:''~-~- marks. Because of the elements[ jump, Jonn ~'lower's surprme wm/ 50-YARD DASH--Anderson ~, er Climber 'l)crformanees of the The Highclimbers shaded South . ' next Monday. - t w~e.',~nYe, l~!o~so:~h~ve~c~!ec~?e Blazers pole vaulters were ha]ted]in the shot put (.28~l~,~) ana rler-[Bearden HC, Dennis Whiteaker S. day were Brian Brickert's 51.9 Kitsap, 52 to 44 5/6 for the PA~~ ' -,.::.-.s~ . /". .... " from going after higher all tudes| gert s poe vatut m t~lass w. ] 6 3 quarter as anchor for the mile re- Invitational title with other ent- I TOMMY LOWE l, ail llgnts, anti Lnat the new ...... ~ " " He in all' ........ 7"- S-'I" of the' ...... , r. • ,., ~. ...... a~ter cuncmn~, wcto ' ~S | lfMDl¥1D[ &a~ S'l'A ~ ' I HIGH JUMP--Olson S, Bert-lay Learn, Duane Wilson s a-8 rants scoring as follows" Port An- ] ,.,-.. t,,.~,.... ~...,., ~ri,,~ ~ /~ pla~es wu2 ~)e:p...remeuy the three divisions--Chief.Clayton,meet however turned out to belran J Jay Cook S 4-8 high jump and Ed Latham's 140- geles 301/3,' East Bremerton} "~" "~ ........... ~ .......... ~ ~|lll~ proment ot vmmmty, and Bob Erick~on at 10-3 in Class~ Hood Canal's 'David Rose, xvl:o I 180:YARD DASH---'Mike I a- foot discus toss.~ ' ' " 22 5;6, Central Kitsap 13, North l -------'--------'-----' .... A ]] Ill~ QUALITY SERVICE at a ~AIR A, Dennis Whiteaker at 10-6 in] was a triple winner in Class C in I ~ .... ~ n,,ee .T.,a,h ~ W~l'son'JBrickert overtook two other an- Kit~p 6 Joyce 3 ClallamBay i B~;~ ~ ~||~|| ~ ~k= II II~ ....... • ..,~e ............................ [. Ilkl/ " ....... ...... Class B and Larry Hergert at| the two short sprmis aud the l~ ~ chormen who took leads into the2 Neah Bay 2 rm~| ~ ~uit~ r~ ~ ~.~ l'~l~l[l~;t- , , l¢'or ali your /IMI= e ' * ~ 1 ..... ' ' " " I " -ott,~,~ " Ba~,t'~B 8-0 in Class C. All are fine mark. i broad Jump, Hood Canal s on y I RELAY Shelton (Whiteaker final lap as he carried the Climb- Shelton scored inall but two ~ ~lUll~l~ ~AIlll I~U~Ull iV t~=.~ ............. , even so. | other winner of the (toy was Don .... --- .~ . ~..~. c,,..,' ers to victory in their heat Sub- events the hiEh ilion and the iilHOleR DUWL umamr . a, TRUCK or TRACTOR... NEW CLAYTON AI~SO. had a very/ Be arden in the. Cl~fis. B century. I ~o~n'53.~an ,owms, ~, ...... .r sequent heats, however, dropped high 'hurdles o in" accumulating[ Desnite Harry Peterson's 605 ~ -| ME~V~: Tit~TcA~vaflabl;st at , ~om~,en:l,~loe,~ ~,itt3,~o~k ~en~gnl/ The scO, mCgi,~2,Amons . SHOT PUT--Gene. P,,rvls S, Al- Sh~:~:o,~,° ~l.~, d£,as his career best tahn~rBti'.~l~'~v~n~nrge 52hP°o~nn:y' :n~Vve_ ~eor~lS ~}r ;he ~pp:rSi~o~ :~mbw~: R I1 ..... , ..... " " " :place on the basis of misses: ~[ 120.YARDLOW HURDLES --I]an Swope S, Mobbs J. 34-7. (he missed 5-]0 by a hal,') as he klual Hig'hclimbe~" winner's but'in, cham..~nshi.,] in thF roll-off ---- GOTA . , . a,.t~-aloa. Coach Bill Bricgert was pleased I $1m Biehl S, Bates J Olbertz J I POLE VAULT--WhiteakerS led Shelton to a tie for second in Coach Bo'- Sund s swiftles ,~icked ! ~- .. v_ --Y -.,,~ ...... w,~ Firm •1 ' " ' 'd " - ' " , ' ' ~, , ; " ~. . " ' " ~ • t. WI[H P4orLnwesI: ~Jv~.~c~.,... ....- Copr. l 0Std. FeatureaofWn. p,th. Jlm. :B,ehlls 120-ya . low 16.1. Curt Cheney S, Lew,s J. 10-(,. theh,gh .]umprelay. onOrrwent up two places in four events--Idav night with a 2 20-2082 edgo • • laurale v~ct.o~,y m 1o..]. s!nce ]~ [, 100-YARD DASH---Rucker if, ] " BROAD JUMP---Anderson J, 5-6 and Dan Olson 5-4 for an ag7 Don Clary a 3rd back of Lowe in in ~tot~° sins and ~, 2-1 mar~in in |~11| x.vas sis malcleH ellort in talS ev l le ate 16 8 Lmcoln ~on it at --- ,- ' " " " ] Skip PurvinS, Gor~ell J. 11.1,I Lt~rry Diek S latRose S. 17- ¼.g '.K - '- • " " ' the 100, Paul BroWTt second behind ~amea - ~ ' ," - ~i ~"- 50-YARD DASH--Borchardt J, CLASS C 17-0. . . .. Brickert in the 880, Terry LaBis- i ~' ~- - ' .......... nd 195 ~2._~ I - .............. . ..... I[Mike Carper S, Olbertz J. 6.0. I 100-YARD LOW HURDLES-- Latham failed to pJacem tne ~oniere and Clary 2nd and 4th inI ~ r~etson, n~ ~,oz~,,~ ~am. I | ~||| ~'~ ]I~l~' | ~ ~ [I 880-YARD RUN---Brooke J I,e~ Bnrflend S, Chu(k (Irytne.~s discus but his toss was ms c:~reer the 220, Ed Latham and Bob Mil-[ ~""~.~.~ "~" '~'°m~,~"',~,.~7,~"~'~ ! I~ I,~a! ~lUm~ mmna~a |]Dan Davh! S, Dave %Villiams IIC. S, Di('k Shrum S. 153 " best. . ler 2nd and 3rd in the discus. Mil- ~.~ls~'~cl~et:~c ~o~'e~ ~oi'n~.~Tl~a~ |~ mm~ ~~ ~mm mm~m~ ii~.~l9 I - .~^ ........ :.. ..... Brickert anchored a relay quar. ler also won the Dole vault An- ' P ' .~ P -" - .- I ' .... I I ..... .~ ._ ~ ] 1UU-YAI~I) I)A~I-I----I%ODDlnS J. ~_.., .~¢ r~t..~, o.~.. ~i1..~ Brickert ....... " - ' ~ came in l:ne opener wnen Dotn | I I SHOT PUT--Dave i,unter a,/~r.-, -'qbb S Bill 1)aniels S 12 5 ............................ diner line ~netmn periormancel ............. ' m )bell "":" ~" ' *" ' •and Paul Brown and also ran the ' secon in fast teams toned poony, o~-blu. A:- . Rollle Duekham S, Jody Ctt l was Stu Looney s . d a . . setter on b , I NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING li.. =.o o,. 1 50-YARD DASH----I)ave Hose third le. on tl,e 880 foursome ,~.~,,,. Ire, tha the pin s w y .-.~ ,,v-~v2. • " ' " • • ~-'"~" r Th HC, Robbms J I)arr(ll Gr~tn(ss wluch t~ed for second eonmstm i 722 689 and 728 707 ma gins e i =~-. ...... l/ 180-YA~RD DASH--Mallgren J,/ ~. ' ~ " "" '' '- ' " ' "' g TODA~ TItE Climbers facea,, ". - " I l'Ul~tSllBk~]E~ I]Duekham S, John Kunkle S. 20.8} S. 6.,). , of Lowe, Brown and Terry La- serious threat to their 25 consec- scormg: ! I I BROAD JUMP--Mike Ca.rl)er S,[ 75-YARD DASH-- Ro,~, It(,, Bissoniere. . , . utive victory s{ring in dual meets !_ , TIMBEI~BOWL ..... ~'~ I a~ ~n " Tn nmm{ ;nn li Purvis S, Rucker J. 18-9~. [ Bantz J, John Eagle S. 9.4. A Clim~)er quarter n:ile remy when they go to Port Orchard to ~esca ~ ~zo l~--~v~ • v/~, .J.. ~.~,.~ta~.***~ a..~.~**,~.o--..u vv**.**-.~.,-.-. II aan var¢~ ~ELAY -- Shelt0n/ BROAD JUMP--Rose HC, Kar- team o: ~owe, umon ~a~Msson- ence ~o"th Kitsan the team which ziegler ±o5 zvu x~u--oa,~ ~_[,]11 I Char~es II (Carpe,"TB'ie"hl--Purvis, Duckham). ]pnleon J. Ed Adams S. 16-5. ]ere and Don Clary finished sec- ~'~ve'~them the %ig rub at Port i Roessel 137 191 180--508 I o I/49 0 | HIGH JUMP--Eagle S, Bur- end to account f(n' the other Shel- Angeles Saturday. McInelly 182 205 192--579 I ' " _ II HIGH JUMP--Re]Icy J, Chief [ fiend S and Nunn J tied. 4-4. ton points. Next Wednesday the Chmbers 670 722 728--2120 • S011sht~nd ~@ / ....... ..... ,,, i "/ Frlckson, , .... S, Roiley J "10 3, '' and' Doug ~Vright S tied 8-0 ::sent years il LooneYHIGHS,HURDLEsLitch SK. _10'31Holtlne0'. SK Clyde Zle'.gler 687earned689 tl707:e season2082 . r0rtable, :':! ~1, ! ~eacock PA, Wilson. CB, Erickson award as the nmst improved bowl- NK, 15.2. (Br(me om inv~anonm er, Jim Archer had the season ' record of 15.4 set in 1938 by Lee high series at 680 and Stan'Ahl- ]}I~CT of PA). quist the season high game at 100---Lowe S, Hawkins SK 269. Chary S (tie) Cook E, Denny PA, liAVEA • * * • • • Nail SK 10.1. 880--,Brh'leerl; S, Brown S, A. Sand]son PA, YeaKer NK, 2:06.0. SHOT PUT----Williams E, Eb- TO OUR SCENIC bert SK, Speaker PA, Batstone S, ii 52'9 ~,~''. ' on t41 STOREHOUSES OF POWER JAVELIN--Okoniewski CK, Ro- temark CK, Ward NB, Barring%,r PhOne SIC, 144'-7 3/4". We Se 440--Lowe S, Py'per SK, Knies "where power and SK, Atchison NK, 52.6. POLE VAULT---Miller S, Perez recreation work together." SK, Shildmyer E, (tie) Rice PA . and Crough E, 10'6". LOW HURDLES--Holtine SK, Dearing E, I,aBissoniere S, (tie) Newest of these is beautiful Mayfield Lake with c. Sand]son PA, Rose S, 21.9. :::. ::, 220--Howkins SK, Coleman PA, its 33 miles of scenic shoreline. This 13-mile long LaBlssonlere S, (tie) Nail SK and body of water, with its 4 new bridges and ad- cla.ry s 24.0. MILE--Walt PA, Johnson S, jacent improved highway, provides a setting that Shepa~'d NK, Swanson NK, 4:40.6. DISCUS--Peacock UA, Lathmn is destined to become one of the most scenic and s, Miller S, Ebbert SK, 140' 4". BROAD JUMP---Thompson SK, attractive recreational and tourist centers in M. Rose S, Cook E, Kenoyer SK, Washington. 19' 3/4". MILE RELAY--Central Kitsap (Rotemark, Creehnan, Ungren, Anderson), Shelton, Port Angeles, The State Game Department has planted famous mast, 3:47.7. 880 RELAY--Shciton (Lowe, Kamloops, Rainbow trout and Silvers in Mayfield Brickert, Clary, LaBtssoniere), .i: SK, East, 1:35.4. (Broke old rec- Lake already a favorite fishing and boating area. ord of 1:36.5 ~et in 1958 by PA). HIGH JUMP--Ruddell PA, Ke- Tacoma City Light has provided 157 acres for thenoyer CK, Pharr E, Coleman PA, ';: proposed Mayfield Lake State Park; 13 acres for 5' 10". : ::: Lewis County Park and 56 acres for Mayfield Lake Youth Camp. BAG, BASHES 600 double decking or SMAOK ON BUTTON " MERCHANTS LEAGUE City Light has invested more than 4 million dol- w L lars for fish protection facilities to move fish up, Kimbel & Whitey's ...... 33 23 ~iller's.. ................... 31 25 ' ' i: ' around and down again to pass Mayfield Dam. Olympic, Plywood ..... ::: 2927 Stewart S FOo~liner .:..:. 28 28 ~/ .... : To date more than 140,000 fish have been trans- Prepp s Rexall Store .... 27V~ 28~/~ Ral h's Serve.U 27tA 28~ P .......... ported upstream via these facilities. Bill's Shell Service ........ 25 31 Old Mill Tavern ~ 23 33 High game--Web Etherton 251, High series---Ed Bac 600. We need BOTH, fish and power. Power and :,, . • Ed Bac rammed head-on into a recreation CAN work together. 6oo series in the Merchants league last week with his string of 197- 185-218 games, but it availed his Old Mill teammates only a 2-2 ::,::,~::::::~:~:::: stalemate with Ralph's Serve-U market. , : Web Etherton had a 600 poten- tial after his 251 middle game hut Milk makes wound up at 562 after sandwich- a ing it with 164 and 147 slices in another stand-off, Kimbel & Whit- ey's with Stewart,s (Don Brown 542). Still a third draw for the Pour a glass--tall and cold aBd came as O1 night. , y'mpic Plywood (Jim Baxter 49% and Bill s Shell could anything so great-tasting be Service (Bill Johnson 532) strug- gled withont decision. The one winner of the night y0U! But, then, that's Milk. No was Prepp's Rexall Store (Rus~ Morken 556), Which bhmked Mil. quite like it. Whole Milk su let's. youngsters and adults our bodies cannot store We must LAKE CUSHMAN--A deep blue, crystal oiear body CUSHMAN RESORT LODGE--This new and ALDER LAKE--Located in the shadow of Mr. them daily. What a re]rtshing v)a) of water near Hoodsport on the Hood Canal High- modern lodge, overlooking the water, is another fineRainier, Alder Lake is a ruggedly beautiful body , of water, 7 miles long. Thirty miles south of Tacoma way. One of the state's finest fishing lakes, Lake facility of Lake Cushman Resort. There also are on the Mt. Rainier Highway, Alder Lake provides ~ood healtht, Cushman also offers outstanding scenic attra¢- modern all-electric cabins, boat rentals, trailer all-year-round activity--a public boat launching tions . . . including 45 miles of natural and primi- Space, picnic and cam: :'q facilities, children's play area, a resort with boat rentals, trailer space, picnic .£ rDon't forget the week tive shoreline, area and a ncarby boat launching area. grounds and light refreshment., "r"LKeep plenty of Milk on ' HELPIN~ TO BUILD A GREATER WASHINGTON WASHIN~TON DAIRY PRODUCTS COMMIS$ Representing the Dairy Farmers in __ i