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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lfi, 1.964 flIIELTON---MA 0N C01 T " J01IRNAIJ--Publi hofl in Ct llrL tn?a. tmw?, U.,q.A.", helton, Wa. hin on PACE 17 EXTERIOR HI-HIDING WHITE OR EXT. PRIMER GAL. GAL. 9x12 PLASTIC DROP CLOTH SPECIAL INTERIOR LATEX GAL. ,[ $1.19 VALUE CLEAN-UP KIT WIT 1 GAL. OF FULLER'S • NEST LATEX PAINT AT GAL. 7" PAN and ROLLER SET QLYMP!G CLOSE OUT GAL. 16 OZ. CAN t~ERVING "~HELTON SINCE 1895 1st and PINE - bIAL 426-4393 M01~day. Frida ~tu Y 8 a.m. till 5:30 p.m. ..... rday ' . ~ o a,rn, till 4:30 p,m, Skokomish Ghurch Plans Annual a arina Business Meeting Apri 25For he Summ, Season By Mary Valley SKOKOMISH - The SkoRomish Community C}lllreh will lmhi its anntlal I)llsiness meeting and pot- luck dinner Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hnnter drove to Aumsville, Ore. Simday, for a visit with relatives. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Barkley. Mrs. Reynolds Mason of Island Lake entertained at a stork show- er in honor of Mrs. Herb Baze, Saturday eveninG with Mrs. Marie Linder assisting. About 30 friends and relatives were present. Out- of-town guests were Mrs. l=rayes Davis, Mrs. Dick Davis and Mrs. Robert Harrop, all of Seattle. Af- ter the opening of Gifts the hos- tess served a delicious lunch. Rae Ann Caulkins celebrated i her Z0th birthday with a skat-I ing parry at the roller rink Sat-[ urday afternoon. Those enjoying[ the party were Pare Hnnter, Ja-[ nie Hunter, Curt and Billy Hunter[ and David Rose. " ! VERNE ItILL JR. of Idaho ] Falls, Ida., aftended a class re-I union at Clover Park High school I in Tacoma. This was a reunion ofI the first graduating class. WhileI here he visited his parents, Mr. ] and kMz's• erne Hill Sr. I George Valley, Sue and Jazz of Island Lake were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley• Mrs. Doris Sjoholm entertained the Women's Stewardship of the Community Church Tuesday eve- ning. There was an election of of- ricers during the evening• MR. AND ~HtS. DON Cress and family Of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr• and Mrs. Cal- vin Gravatt. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gravatt made a business trip to Olympia Monday. Skokonfish Grange held its reg- ular meeting Friday evening. The Lecturer's program consisted of a piano selection by Rae Ann Caul- kins, a duet by Pare and Janie Hunter, a reading by Mrs• Velma Doak and a skit by Harold ttun- ter and Chester Valley• Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert Friday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor en- tertained at a dinner Sunday in their Kamilche home, honoring the birthdays of Mrs. Justin Taylor and son Billy of Oyster Bay, and Bob Hunter ar(d son Stanley of Seattle• Those present in addition to the honor guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter, Edwin Tay- lor, Justin Taylor and children, Mrs• Bob Hunter and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Johnson made an overnight trip to Ellens- burg on business. The friends of Mrs. Anne Flan- nigan extend their condolences to her and her family in the recent death of her daughter, Georgianna. ed tile Home Show in Seattle this \\•eelG We are real hal)py to report Pal 1)oherty has retllrned to Hal'- stine ariel' spending over a year ill the Southern states. Glad to ]lave yell back Pat. By I)om,th~ (;la~er ]IAI{STINE - Good news this weel% folks. The Gar¢)hl's Cove Marina, o\vned by tile 'J'(,(| Nesses \\'ill ]:)e el)on April 25. The Marina closes ¢!ach year ;~fter lml)or 1lay [tnd ul]|il it i'ei)l)ella ii'l lhe sDi.ill~4" we e:m't buy a quart of milk or h}af of bread with(mr (!rossillg" tile . ft~l'l'y, which as yell ]{lie\v, costs ]50 cents each way and (t~es add COlZsidel'Kbh~ exl3euse to Olll' gl'oc- ery bill. The Nesses are building a show- er }llld loclior roonl, l'eereation room with phuls fol' a lmmdry to be added later. Also they are fin- ishing two apartments over-h)ok- ink the Cove. Also happy lo re- port Betty 'm(t ItaroM Sebering are on their way from l-tayf()rl¢, Calif., and will manage the Ma- rina. Michael McAuliffe, son of Ella and Jim McAuliffc, has retm'ned to the United States from a one year tour of dilly ill lhe f, • r~.,~t Okmawa, South Vmt Nam, Guam, Philippines, Thailand and Japan were included in i~is tour with the U.S. ~V[arines. Fie arrived at Treasure Island Thursday and does not as yet know his "next duty station. The Harstine Island Social Club met at the Hall Friday night. It Douglas Fir Mill Produclion Is Up PORTLAND (Special) -- Pro- duction at Douglas fir region saw- mills for tI~e month of February averaged 177 million board feet a week which is'111 percent of the 1959-63 average. Orde/~s averaged 184 million hoard feet weekly, ev- en though There was a drop in buy orders during the last half ot the month, the West Coast Lum- bermen's Association reports. Shipments did not measure up to production and orders, but were charted at 172 million feet weekly through Febrnary. The in- dustry's unfilled order file stood at 720 million board feet and the inventory topped one billion feet very slig'htly at the end of Feb- ruary. TIIE WEEKLY average of West Coast lumber production in February was 177,037,000 b.f. or 111.7 percent of the 1959-63 av- erage. Orders averaged 184,485,- 000 b.f.; shipments 172,092,000 b.f.; weekly averages for Janll'~ry were production 165,509.000 b.f., 104.4 percent of the 1959-63 av- erage; orders 183,138,000 b.f.; shipment:~ 153,584,000 b.f. Two nlonths of the 1964 cumu- lative production 1,469,490,000 b.f,; tWO nlonths of 1963, 1,315,55(1,000 h.f.; two months of 1962, 1,276,- 09'1,000 b.f. Orders for tWo months of 1964 break down as follows: Rail and truck 1,200,048,000 b•f.; domes'No cargo 283,127,000 b.f.; export 62,- 178,000 b.f.; local 35,023,000 b.f. was decided lo enter a float t'0r our scho()l. Geo)'t3' W'dte .h'., is t'htlil'l/l:llZ. I,OIS of real good ideas W,'l'e prt~.~i(,ut('d :lll(t a .Ill'in for I.h(' float \yes acct,pted. TIIE IIARWrINE Island Wo- lllell'S Chlh lllet IlL the llon3e of Mrs. Thorn Seward \vilh Mrs. Dot Smith as co-imstess. Gncsls were Mrs. Earl Gillelte, Mrs. lake Zig- gler, Mrs. Jqll?es Al'('her and son, and Mrs. John Hitehcock. Good news too, fro' the inert- folk of Harsline. VVe now have a licensed barber here. Gary Preshour, gr'~ndson of the Stan Yates, is visiting his grandp'u'- ents and has set t'p his barber shop in their home. Also Gary's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Freshour and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Yates and falilily of Seattle, spent the weekend with the Stan Yates. tlarley has just returned from Mesa, Ariz., where he was em- ployed. Little :Melissa Bergeson, grand- danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bergeson has entered the Journal Bicycle Contest and wouht apprec- iate any subscription renewals you would care to give her. Mrs. Hulda Wilson has rettm]ed to the Island after spending the winter months with her family in Seattle and Tacoma. It sure will be nice to see lights in the Cove again. Gets real lonesome during the wm~er. Glad to have you back home again Hulda. SATURDAY NIGIIT the Jacih Meeks hosted a birthday and card party honoring our own Dot Smith on the occaston of her "Over 21" Birthday. Those attending were the Larry Jerrells, George T. Waite Jrs., Irvie Wingerts, Andy Stamborsky's, Tom Tierneys, James McAuliffes, James Archers, Mrs. There Seward, Helen Lain- el's, Dot Smith, Grace Williams and Ben Rigney. Last FrTday the S. S. Japan Mail (American Mail Line) un- loaded 9,000 cases of oyster seed atthc port dock in Olympia. Much of the seed went to Mason County oyster growers and in four years will add much to our county's economy. Ferry service was limited Fri- day while the county crews work- ed on the rudrler. Naoma and Jim Lohrer and Glenn and Carmen Yates attend- Edna \Vilson Mitchell appeared on the Kathryn 'Wise TV show lasl \veel~ and demonstrated floral ~1 rl'Illl~~nlellt S. Harstine Grange will meet Fri- day night at 6:30 p.m.' at the Comnmnity ttall. Belated birthday greetings to Dot Smith and MI Moore, who cel- ebrated their anniversary this weel(. The Nels Baunsgards had as their guest this weekend Mable's sister-in-law, Mrs. Wallace Minor• The Sid Baunsgards had danghter Mr. and Mrs. Berry BulWhlTlter and children, Mary, Fran and Ri- chard, all of Lakcwood. TIlE ISLANDERS who give to the all-Ishmd floral fund will be interested to know that we re- ceived a very nice letter from the principal of the North Central High School in Spokane thanktng everyone for their contribution to the JimSimmons Memorial Schol- arship fund. Friday Mrs. Sid Madge and Mrs. Celih Glgser journied to Seattle to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russo. Mrs. Russo taught school at the South end' many years ago. Much to Mrs. Glaser's surprise a meet- ing had been arranged between Mrs. Glaser and Mrs. August Pe- derson who had gone to school :together in Tacoma and had not seen each other for 60 years. Mrs. Pederson lives on Hood Canal and is well known for her lovely shell displays. What a wonderful time these two had, catching np 60 year.~. The Archie Doolittles and friends of Sunmer spent the week- end at their summer home at the north end. You Can Have a in your home ............ • Trial Plan • Organ, Music Book, 6 lessons all for $25.00 SHERMAN-CLAY 205 W. 5th, Oly. 352-3791 BEA LARSON Local Representative 426-3376 Presents LANNY SLATER and THE TRIUMPHS MARY and ELMER,Your hostess and host T" 9:30 to 2:00 * Open 8:30 * $1.25 On the old Olympia---Tacoma Highway Telephone ¥oue Cheveolet dealer about any type of truck FIRST & GROVE STS. SHELTON 426- 26 EFFECTIVE I APRIL / Rath . Needs No Refrigeration ............ 3 LB. Tin Verifine "Quality Contnolled" ................ lb. Verifine .......................................... LB. Local Ran(~h Extra Large .... Doz. School Boy 3 pound Jar Dennison's Bigl Big! 40-oz. Tins Libby's Perfect For Sandwiches 12-oz. Tins II Zee White or Assorted 4 Roll Pat Potatoes u.s. No. 1 - 10 . 49 Huskie Brand Plio zL:g ~¢ Gelery A,, reon California ................ Each Fancy Outdoor Local Rhubarb ,rst o, tho Season Spinach L°ca' " A,, 2/19¢ Gredn ......... Bunch "%., 1612 0iympi¢ Fly. S. I IIIII il I rl IIIIII II IIIII I I 1¸