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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IB, :IOB $HELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Publiahed in "CTiHstmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PACE 19 i i H, , i i i i it ination oI gum'- Lidity, safety to Ameri- U.8. Savings place in the :c of aleN ilOIIS0- Legal Publications NATIONAl, FORI,'~T TIMnI,:I{ FOR SALE ~Vyaooehee 1!)63 Na. I Pul)lic n()ti(',, is h,.l'(!l)y 14i\'(,11 t]lat I)III'NIHIIII tl} |}it! |)l'OVi.qi()llS of Sol'it(Ill 5 (d' Pul)lh" Imw 273, 781h C()ng'w,ss (58 Sial. 1112-16, II.S.C.A• 58:~-58'3i). lind\ IiIo (-~o()l)el'al ] v(l* AKl'e(qll(!llt fol' IIlo ~'llll~lgClllCIlt O[" lh(! Pttl'[ici])alin~ fro )erlies in the Slwlhm Cnol)(ira- i I'e SIIsl aln(,d Yi(,hl UllII ,'lit el'(!d illt() 1)3' and I)elwe('n th(' Unih,d Stall's of AIll(,l'i('a III1(| lho Sillll}NOa Tilll]lor (J()llll)llny, (lat('d D(,('ol)lb(,r 12. 19.1(i i i ..... Legal Publ)cations as cahmhll(M I)y Ill l,'or~.:~t Service ] foplhe thl'oe )PeviollS IIIQIll hs Nil,1 lhof()ll(,willg ))as(' illdit'(,s: l.)()llg'hls- fh'115.19 (El, w(,st('rn henri(,ok and ()lh('Ps )ecil,s 111.561A), w('sl(,l'll re(l- COd/IP Non(,. ~ll(!h I1( .111.~llllullts in the ,l'i('eroP stllllll}a~e shMI ho aPl)li- C;I1) elo I illlb*q' scll](?(] (hi I'i Ilg" llle t h I'('e-lll()lll hN |,*,rio(l f()lJowillp,' tile I|lUI1't0f ~, )l1 whi('h lhe lI(ljllSllllenl is COIII])II|otl. II1 Ill) (W(!IlI, II(;weveP shall |he ]K{ynl(!llt l'ales oP ol|('h q IIIll'I (q' )H' ](!SS |IuIII ill(' I)IlSq! 1")1ton as NltI|o(i all,lYe. "~Vhell lit(' adjHslod Pales l)y .¢~])('(!ieS el'(! l(,v,'el• tllan lhe IltlSe l'alos. th(! diff0ren,.(, I)etw(~ert the I(,I:11 d,)l- lar valu," of liml}(!r cut at ml usicd ra|os an0Ill ))ase rllloS W II lie ]'e- Col'ded for eflell Sllecies. of lhe rocoI'dml lw.Pumuhlt(.~ dit'f(~r= on ( 1 Ill ~l)(( lOS.l Il( ( 11(8|('(l I)V ..CO I } ' I P ~ ~ '" ' ' | ~" lho Stale of V, lls]lingh)n op I)y Gl'a3:s l-larbl)r (',I). lIP 1)3" ally l)el'Non (]lH"lll()d |O ]lltVe a rPa.~onal)lo interest ill tile speci('s, $2.80 fop w('slOl'll l'(',l('odar ~ PPOllo~od stlh", or ill its lC1'1118, a puI)lie and $0.,15 fl)r 81ttsll {iis])()sal for all :heaPhn.'." will lie hcl(I Ill ill(, office of 16 ACRE RANCH HOME Ires Come true!! WITH 5 BEDROOMS Sl)°('ics' lh' F ',,st Supor\'is()r P sl Office The l)ri('es bid f(,r sfmnmge shMl l:)uihling, OlynH)la, Washinghml nli ractive 3 bed- All ill grass, sub-irrigatcd, h(, (', ]Is I.r(.d :Is lent:~tiv' )':l ,'s rob- ill(' 17th day ,if April. 196,I. at 2:00 ~/a baths lovely fenced, with hay bal'll. Gentl,; i(,('1 to qllal.toP1v eal(~ntlaP 111t llSillH'nt P.M. PST. I~.o(IIICSIs fop lltlbllc hoar- ]replaee, pretty slope to salt-wa'ier. This con~° /It)V"/ll'(I ,"P do'~;nwar(I l)y 0.5 of lhe illg will not b(, (',,nsi(le)'ed unlosn re- (lifforonc(, ])(,tw(,ba Ihc av,u'age of tile eoivod ill tile office of the Forest (:In appliances, fortable big' holYle overlooks )lloldhly l)ouKhls-fir r0gion indices, ~/ll/el'viS, or..,,,. P qst Offi('e Building. {)lylll|)la~ Wa~lllnK1 on. Oil ()r before oom open ng to Oaldand Bay. The dining room .................................... April 7. 190.1. Dated March 24. 1964. Also a garage doubles fol~ family l'ooro. ExtrH : Lloyd 11. Gillnmr, F-resl Sill)el•visor Yard. Th s is a O v pitNationalForeM. a striking glassed-in veranda; " 3/26 ,1/2-9-16 4t )e preud to own makes, an exeeptional green- A LOT FOR A LITTLE ...................... an appointment, house. 2 car garage, etc. UnderThis is a very liwd}le modestly 5 miles to town. Only $16,500. priced home on a 100 x 300 ft. NO. 862I SUMMONS BY I)|iBLICATION ORES__ with $4,125 down on conven- lot with an excellent view. $5900IN THE SIIPEI~IOII COUI:Vr O~ TIlE : 2' bedroom home tional mortgage. Call John De,- will blly this cozy 2 bedroom STATE OF WASHIN(]TON :FOR hoI~e w{th attached garage, patio, MASON C()UNTY t AllpartialneWlYbasementdecor. 4666.ereux for appointment: 426-nice kitchen,~,. 9and many more lea- Plainliff,FLORENCEvs. W.]:;ELti,AIRHEIN rZE,sANDa widow,AND °ra9e and forced, lures, l ezms. Of course. GRAVEL COMPANY, 1NC.; lPRANKI M. SCHANTZ and ROSE SCHANTZ, ]e; only $7950 ,on 10 ACRE SUBURBAN HOME - .......... A. ROY DUNN ............... his wife; GORST READY MIX CON= 4 SUPER-SIZE BEDROOMS CRETE COMPANY. INC.; PENINSU- LA READY-MIX. IN(:. ; TERRANCE 18AN")ok, and a. con- Excellent Creek; finest [rout NEEDS WORK COGAN and JANE D()E COGAN, Ills fishing. Under 4 miles to new But easily done. This one has wife: CHARLES R. I{ARTMAN and Correciions Center. Even the 3 bcdrooms, living and dining JANE DOE ItARTMAN. his wife; WALTER ItALLOCK and .TANE DOE l 2 bedroom Utility is BIG in this home. room. Cozy kitchcn, utility, and ttALLOCK, his wife, AND ALL -~ living room! Living" room w/fireplace, fatal-is located on an excellent Mr. View OTHER PERSONS OH, PARTIES UN- CaPport, an~ ly room, nice ldtchen. Shop and lot. The price is only $4500 withKNOWN CAIMIN(I ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR ]NTER- Jildings--yours garage can park 5 cars. Only terms to fit a modest budget. ],]ST IN TttE REAL ESTATE DES- ~16,500. full price. 25~j" down. CR1BED 1N THE COMPLAINT HERE- Sh0wll by appointment. Call ........ A. ROY DUNN .... ~ .....IN. Defendanls. and TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON ; UNITED STATES 3ohn Devereux 426-4666. RENT WITH OPTION , OF AMERICA; SAttLBERG EQUIP- MENT. INC. Additional Defendants. d home featur. This 2 bedroom home with full THE STATE OF WAS]tINGTON TO ms, lovely llv- 3 LOVELY BEDROOMS basement is located on 1 acre of TIIE SAID BELFAIR SAND AND and dinette. Well located, like new. I olish- ground just V~ mile from town. GRAVEL COMPANY, INC., FRANK storage. Gee0 M. SCHANTZ alldRo3e SCHANTZ, aeresl! Close rms available. ~TMENT.~ of )tream; 2-3 shed triplex =g site and nellent income Iting for tvenient ed oak floor% massive fire- place, car pJrt plus storage. Furniture may be purchased separately. Generous sized liv- ing room. Bright ldtchen w/ d'ning area. $15,.100. FHA $750. down includes c~osing costs. 4 BEDRO01~,4S, ON CORNER Good Iocatlon, view too. Spot- less inside apd out. Ideal for young family. Living room w/ There is an excellent water sys- tem, oil furnace heat. Fruit trees and good view. If you have a good crcdit background and no down payment, we can work this one out for you. Better see it now~ .......... A. ROY DUNN .................... VERY NEAT This is one of the eleanest small homes in town. It features 2 nice bedrooms, living room and excel- his wife,; GORST READY MIX CON- CRETE COMPANY, INC,; PENIN- SULA READY-MIX, INC.;TERRANCE COGAN and JANE DOE COGAN, his Wife; CHARLES R. tfARTMAN and JANE DOE HARTMAN, his wife; WALTER IIALLOCK and JANE DOE IIALLOC[(, his wife; AND ALL OTH- ; ER PERSONS OR PARTIES UN- : KNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TI- TLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN TtIE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, De- fendants, and THE STATE OF WASH- INGTON : UNITED STATES ('}F AMERICA; SAItLBERG EQUIPMENT, family to condition Ilityhome large dinirg and full hardwood fleer well lighted kitchen, utility area. And look at the price; Only $8,800. FHA $500. down includes closing costs. 3 BEDROOM LOG-HOUSE 3 miles out, on about 1"./., acres. Concrete foundations. lent kitchen. Electric heat, nice laundry, garage• Private. Down- town location• Price is under $7,000• Owner needs cash so has listed at this sacrifice price. -: ........... :- A. ROY DUNN ............... $500. DOWN Don't miss this opportunity to Legal Pul)Hcations NATIONAL FOI{EST TIMV, I,~lt. I,'01{ NAI,I,;. NOlO'I'll ],'0111~ N],LOI(OMINI! 1963 NO. 2 PIll)li(~ Ih)ti('(! IS h,'",q)y gi\'011 i|l:lt l)lll'SIIIlllt tl) |he l)Povi.~()ns ()[' Sl,l!ttoll 5 of Pill)lit' I,aw 273, 7~lh ('('IIKI'I':4S (58 St:It. 132-16, U.S.C.A. 5N:1-5,'43i). ali(l the Co()l)era t i','o A gl'(,() Iil[ql| )'el' IIio 5~llll:lKulllen| of (Iw l'a,'ticil,atin|t [i'()l'- )!st l')I'()I)oI'|iey ht )he Sht}ll()ll (*,Oi)pol'-- ~tli;'(' Sustained Yi,qd IJlut entered 1)1.- lo |)y and I)l.twcon tilt, Unit(,d Stales ()1' Alll('l'i('ll and )he Sil}ll)soa` Tillll)(,i (~'()lll- 1) in,, I1 ' l Do ealbeP ]2,1 191(i, MI m('r- ('hllnl {,bit~ lilll|)('l' I I HtI']tH)d 4)1' (],,.-lig- llat('(l fop ('Ill:In)4 Oil :111 a|'etl ellll)PtIc- ilU4 541 II('I'OS• IIIOFC Ill' l('a:~, withhi Si,(!|in]ls 2, 3, .t, 6, 9. 20, 2R, 29, T. 22N., R. 5W., Sect i,ms 31, :{2. :{3. T. 2~N'.. H, 5~V., paPtlaIly sHPvov,'(|; Sm'li~ms 10, 15, T. 22N.. IL 6W.. S~'('(i(ms :H. ;{5. T. 23 N., lL 5W., So,'tiolls 25, 2(;. T, 23N.. R. 6W•, II1L~IIPV(~yo'|. ~,V.I~,'[. ~gl:.oIL(Hlii.q}l l:lh)ck, Mnsoll el,lint.v. S}wiion (NIl)lie1'- alive SIIsl aillt,dYil,]tl ]llli[. (.)]ylll],i(: , Nali()ll:ll :Fo]'*'~l. Stale of IVashillgtl)a, wilt bc sold t() lh(' Sillll)s(in TilllhoP (~l)lllt)all.V, Soatllo, WaSII[IIKI()II, Oil h'llly 11, 1 ,qii-I. Tile (,sthllatoll 'cOitl),/(,s el'(': 2:),700 M }.)ca I'd f('('t (if fh)U~4'h,s- fi)', 5,200 M I)oal'd f('*,t (if w{,s[ (~1"11 IiOIll},)(.k and oth(q' Sl)(!('i('s, .100 M .board re(') of w('sl- el'n ,'(}d('o(llIP." The tlLillillllllll at•cot)lab]t! bid I)('1" M hoar(l l'('et iS I1S /'()]lows: I)ouglas- fh" $]9.70, western hellllr),~¢ aIld otilcl' sp6ci(~s $11.S0, "~v(~st(,l'n r,!d- cedar $11.65. This hll'ludos the fol- lowinff l'at(!s, 1lOP M I},/at'(t feet f(H" Stllnll)IlgC (il'tClll(lillK dcl)osit fol• sale {ll'ea bet(erln~!nl). $.q.00 Lla,'h, Pat(' l)hls an addilional $16.20 fop Dollg'hls-fir. $2.00 I):lsc rate plus all addili()nal $9.30 for xves|oI'n h(~llliocl{ atilt olhof :q)octes. $11•15 for western r('d(~,'dar, and $0.50 fop slash' (]IS])OSIll fOl' lilt spe,'ies. 'I'h(, lU'ices bid for SIllllll)Ilg'e, sllall bo considered as lcnhltive rat,!s Sllb" Joct t,) qtlarhH']y calelldllP ll(I]tlStlll*!nt llpwal'~ OP dowllward t)5" ().,5 of 1he diff(!r(,n,'0 bl,twoen the {iVel•ago .,it' lho lnonthly DOtlg]as-fh• roghHl indices, a8 ca|(?ll]at(~d ])y the IPOI'OS| St'l'vi(:(' I'(H" the thr(!e liFt',lolls illonlhs, till(| tilt: 1oll0winK I,a.~'e illdices: Donglas-fiP 109,281D). woslcrn honl- hick and (,lheP Sl)eeh!s 91.561A). wcsl- erll l'edc{.dal' None Sll !l a ]jl Sf onls in the I)Picc fop st/nllpllg',~ ' shah I,e applical)le lo timber scaled during the t h l'pe-lll()|llils period fnllowing t}le quaPtor fop whietl 1he a'djtlsi)llenl is (!(lllll)llted. Ill no event howevcl" S]lIII] the I)aylllOnt l'lltes foF ea('h qllal'toP I}0 lOSS than lhe basv Pates as stated a|)ove. Whcn the ad jllst e(| rates bv ,~pccies are Iow(!r li/ali 1he llas(~ I'ate~, tile {liff,q',qn:e I}elwoen the ]ot}ll (h)l- lal• val(io (>f titIll)eP ctlt al adjusted ra|es and at base rates will he l'CC()l'd- ed fill' cac]l spe(fies~ The Sill]Ill)age 'vales fop ;iny sI1ecies will nol b0 it){!)'cased II])OV(~ the hase vale lIIltil |]11' sulls,!quent au'juMe(l rales :ll)l)vo 1HISe rifles (tOV(qOD an tIc- ellllllllato(l total (],)]lIll' vaille ill ex('l'ss of the Pocordod aCCllllllllIlle(I dif|'t!Pen('c for all s),o('h,s. If l'Oqtlosl('(l })y t)11! Stale ,If Washillgt,)ll ,)p 1)y ~:ls()n or Grays llal•l)or C,Klllties el" i)y ally ])0f SOIl (~leelln!d to ha\•(~ a I'easonable tn- tere.t hl the I}roDosed sale, ,/1' hi its t(~]'lllN. It llllhli(~ II(!~ll'illK will 1)(" h(!id hl the ~)ffic(" ,If t|lo li'oP(!st SlI1)(!I'ViSOl', P()st ()ffi('o ]~tlil(lillg. Olyllll)ia, Wash- ington. (,)) th(' 301h day of A1)ril, 1964, at 2:00 P.M. PDT. iNC., Addilional Defendants: I Reel ('gts re' ,)~]hli,, h,,n,,h,,~ x~rill n,'d YOU_ ARE lt.EREB.Y SLMMONI~ID I1)e ('.l)nshler,,d unless r,~(~eived il~ the TO APPEAR V, :1In SIX)3 {la.~s aflLr (dflle el the Ol( t 11 I ( ) • ' " • " .'" ! ' ' ' .' F '!.~{ Sul)~'v's}l', ] ))st ttle date of tlle first publlealion of Offiee Ruilding, Olynlpla, Washlnghm. this Sumnlons, |o-wit: within sixtyon or b(q',)re April 22, 1964. Dated days after the 20th day of March, 19{14, ApPil 3, 1!}6.1 Lh)yd (I. Gilhnor. Forest and defend the above-{.nit:led action SllI)ei'visr)P, Olylnl)ic Nati,)nal ~()r,,st. ill the above-entitled C,)urt, and an- 4/9-16-23-30 4t sw('r ihe conll)hlint of 1he ):)lain)Ill, .......................... aIld serve a ci)l}y of youP answel' /it)on A man who reforlns bimself hag lhe un{lel,stgn(!d atlorlloV for l/lain- tiff, at his office below statcd; an(t contributed his full share towards Legal Publications NOTICE O1,' ~AI,E OF VALI~Anl,I,: MA'l'lqillAI, I)N S'I'ATE LANI) STATIC ( )li" WASH INGT()N, DEPART- MI,]Nq' (H0 NAq'URAL RESOURCES, Ih')'l I, (Ndo, I~{)llll]ll.~,SIOllO1' Of Pill;lie ] ~tlll(Is N()lh'o is h('I'('i)y I~ivell lllal on Mon- thly, tiw 271h day of Ai)lil, I!)(11, ('oln- Illl!ll('ill!4" 111 toil o'('h)( It ]11 the fol'e- ll()()ll "l" said dny, n| Ihc Sho][,)n, Dis- lri('l Ih'1,(hlllI,Plol's, Inclded al Shelloll (~()llllty el MII.~IOI1. Sill1:' of Washing- lon, iw lhe Dish'i(q At~uflnistrni()r of said Dislrict. lho lillll/el ell Iho follnw- iD~ d~,.-;cl'ibed s(IiIc land will be sold at I)uhlic au('ti()ll h) the high('sl bid- thH', ko-Wi|: AI)l)liealion No. 29221, Smllh ]hH'Istine Ishlnd No, I hleat('d al)1)P()xi)il:11c]y 20 Illih's n()l'lhoasl of Fh,,Iton. 'l'h,~ sah~ is ('(n,lposed of all tilnl)oP nlark('d with blu(, i)ainl, within ))fill'k('() .~ql](' al'l?il I),)lln(l~:ll':v. (Ill l)al't Slq!i NE~i all(t l)al't tC!2 SE!:i of See- (ion 36, T-wnshil) 20 N(n'lh, Range 2 W('sl, W.~I,, ('on|aillhlg"