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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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C,a,a Furl s,er Marr e Dies Oan Friday Licenses %*%L LT* L Hospital at the age of 60. She was Applying for marriage a 41 year resident of Shelton. She licenses in the Mason County was a member of the First ion County Justice Court James Womack reported four auditor's office this week were: Christian Church. ~Peanng on the docket in plastic chickens taken from his M i ch ae 1 H a r t h u n, 2 5, She was born March 19, 1910, ~Ounty Justice Court lawn. Judge GlennCorrea during Donald DeVaney reported B remerton, and Sherrie in Albia, Iowa. She is survived by :tweekwere: vandalism to a vehicle with BB Thompson, 15, Belfair. her husband Eber, of Shelton; . guns. William Riker, 18, Shelton, two daughters, Mrs. June lashington State PatrolErvin Nestell reported an and Jean Cook, 18, Shelton. McQuilken of Shelton and Mrs. ~dtoL~ Co_._ffey, 224 East E. electric drill missing. Charles Pcdwell, legal, Rose Horvath of Seattle; seven , ,nmor consuming The door to the Grant C. Brinnon, and Cary Vagel, legal, g r a n d c h i 1 d r e n ; o n e $50 fine; Kenneth Pa son Angel School Building was found Seattle. great-grandchild; and a sister, Mrs. ~Box 2419, B'^- y- ' open. 4 , ,~merton Terry Lowry. 2 1, Port Blanche Campbell, Glendora. operator s license v Information ,,. ,_~mg Sheriff's Office Orchard, and Alice Eaton, 17, CaM. • '. tv OlIlcer, :Wmle license sus Balls Food Center reported a Olalla. The service was held in the le pended '$10susDenn,,a.A,,j ,lock torn off a shed. Donald Christiansen, 37, Batstone Funeral home on sUSnena.a-j .':~", -,u uays Willie Wilson reported a picnic Winslow, and Mable Lammers, 41, Monday. Officiating were the ned ~'~:~.'~, unver's license "- ~Jx months, table and two benches taken. Bainbridge Island. Rev. Ed Chamberlain and the Five signs were reported down Sheriff,s Office in the Webb Hill area. e~lhgaetl..Franklin, Shelton, George Richert reported atire ,,u closely, improper lost. ', $15 forfeit. A break-in was reported at the ~i"elp Gremlin Grocery. al Department Pier~e, St Rt A Mr. Riley reported ~helton _ • . • 2, Box vandalism to a tent. ~...~ - spee0ing, $20 Fred Taylor reported food, an ""tuon Smith, 225 Dr. ~. Island electric clock, a jacket, field 'eat,'d~n.elt°n, defective glasses, bedding, two step ladders - uVmg while license aetl, $165 fine, 20 and an extension cord taken. Susn .... days m Art Tozier reported a car Ider,~6~ule:u;r William windshield broken bv arock. tg, $20 forfeit el, Shelton, Signs were reported taken from the ltoodsport Ranger '.Unty Building Permits Station. t~isnognP~mits approved by Gas was reported taken from ~ounty Planner's Hood Canal Junior High School. uurin, t Ernest Nuler reported a cabin "n"'-6,t,~ v-E~e Past week were broken into. $800 teeman, ,summer $4,00n! Al!ce .ORourke, William Merrifield reported ati^" nemrich Gedi • his wife had lost her wallet. !ll'l'.~o~¢Cabln, $2,0~)k~,. James Lerow reported a ~/ingat'"cer, cabin, $2 500: trailer house broken into. ); r~?' recreation cabi,,' Fire Department uurot . . -,, :lice ~. _lay Hulslngh, April 9, 3:49 p.m., car fire in all , ~a it/& in $3,500 He car belonging to Ray Campbell, ~alski,' su- ; nry $10 damage. J; R., ,miner cabin, ~. ~pn Bills, sum City Building Permits ~e3"000;Pete Krisl~moer Building permits approved by t3,000; John the Shelton City Commission t, service station B,,..-h ., $15,000"durin~ the oust week were to ; Rlas~,r"~, rebuild roofI Richard McNamara, fence, $100; "" reterson, cabin Stephen Robertson, fence, $238; Time Oil Co., self service gas Shelton Police station, $18,000. e Peden reported Superior Court Le.hind the Co*.hc'e found Default Divorces % " ta ,.Jrlll. ken.nrlstensen reported a John Bernsten from Maria ~Olmes reported hisBernsten. L: oy another while it w New Cases ~nglot" as Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vernetti "~orine Jeffery re oragainst Mr. and Mrs. James !k.en. p ted a Enochs, recision of contract. ~ Peachy reported a wallet Acorn Investments Inc., against American Homes Inc., abstract of judgement. ~n.e Benedict reported Darrell Harthun and Sherrie .aken. a Thompson, marriage waiver. ard F. Wonch Barbara Roessel r,..$°turday Dies In Hospital 'ain t~e ,yonch died Barbara J. Roessel, 201 Alder, mason General a~v2e years' died last Thursday in the Mason age of 71 General Hospital. She was 42 ,o.,'_'~ in Shelton and years old. ~aty for the a "~ w- Pst 41 as a retired She was born March 24, 1928, ~nd3.a member oftruckthe in Shelton, and had lived in this dge. area all of her life. She was 'as born July 24.1 !rd, low .... . 898, in Ire 1._ a. ne xs survived :e ~ene, of Shelton. and 2~1~xrs" Georgia Beaver of t~neral service tatir,,,, . was held, "" took place. ;rolund In osp,tal ~nh W. Gronlund r the - died - Mason Gen lle .... eral was 84 years old d been a resid Mason Cou,.,!ent of ' was a re" ,try tot b5 en t~red logger and -~. employed by th ta~aber o,, _ e 'as born ~l"~reh ~d, and i- -- 10, 1886, survived by a ;nA:eg~ust. Gronlund, a ~*eral nieces, all in Arthur Frey Jr., legal, Rev. Lewis Wysong. Burial wasin Spokane, and Beatrice Jackson the Shelton Memorial Park. legal, Yakima. Js Mason General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sturza, 214 Wyandotte, a girl, April 9. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Williamson, P.O. Box 371, a boy, April 10. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O. Stewart, 305 East 1 St., a boy, April 10. Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Huston, Rt. 3, Box 272, a girl, April 11. Mr. and Mrs. Billy D. Warner, Rt. 3 Box 308, a boy, April 12. - -Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Hickam, Rt. 2 Box 1012, a girl, April 14. Mr. and Mrs. Alan MacAlevy, Route 2, Box 966, a boy, April 14. These tides are for the Union area. For Shelton and Oakland bay, add one hour and 45 minutes and 2.5 ft. Thursday, April 16 High ..... 2:11 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low ..... 8:23 a.m. 5.8 ft. High ..... 1:17 p.m. 8.4 ft. Low ..... 7:35 p.m. 2.9 ft. Friday, April 17 High ..... 2:35 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low ..... 8:53 a.m. 4.7 ft. High ..... 2:29 p.m. 8.9 ft. Low ..... 8:23 p.m. 3.4 ft. Saturday, April 18 employed by Dr. Carte as office High ..... 2:59 a.m. 11.1 ft. manager, and was a member of St. Low ..... 9:23 a.m. 3.6 ft. David's Episcopal Church. High ..... 3:23 p.m. 9.5 ft. She is survived by her Low ..... 9:05 p.m. 4.0 ft. husband Glenn of the home; a Sunday, April 19 daughter, Susan of the home; and a brother, William P. Groshong, High ..... 3:17 a.m. 11.1 ft. Tacoma. Low ..... 9:47 a.m. 2.4 ft. The funeral service was held High ..... 4:11 p.m. 10.1 ft. in St. David's Episcopal Church Low ..... 9:47 p.m. 4.6 ft. on Monday with Father ClarenceMonday, April 20 Lody officiating. Interment was High .....3:35 a.m. ll.1 ft. in Shelton Memorial Park. Low ..... 10:17 a.m. 1.3 ft. In lieu of flowers, donations High .....4:53 p.m. 10.7 ft. to St. David's Episopal Church Low .... 10:23 p.m. 5.3 ft. were requested. Tuesday, April 21 High .....3:53 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low ..... 10:47 a.m.-0.7 ft. High .....5:35 p.m. 11.2 ft. Low .... 10:59 p.m.5.9 ft. ~e:t~it:n w a s~ he ld Tuesday Stor Ke VUneral Home ~lgel BU~a~ethaR°binson raorial Park m the Wednesday, April 22 -------------------'--'---'---'----"-----~ High 4 : 17 a.m. 11.2 ft. High Low Precip. " .... April 9 5142 1.43 Low ..... 11:17 a.m. -1.5 ft. April 10 57 40 .62 High ..... 6:17 p.m. ll.6ft. April I 1 54 36 .07 Low ..... 11:41 p.m.6.6 ft. April 12 56 36 Thursday, April 23 April 13 53 29 High ...... 4:41 a.m. 11.2 ft. April 14 58 29 Low ..... 11:53 a.m.-2.2 ft. April 15 65 36 High .....7:05 p.m. Di k and Virg Lanning Present at Fr!d°y, April 10 .... 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Frld°Y, April 17 .. 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Fr'd°Y, April 24 i 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 877-5264 " . and have a Hoodsport "Ball" If an oncoming driver fails to dim his headlights after several "flashes" to alert him, it could be a sign that he is drunk. State troopers often recognize intoxicated drivers by this technique. The Graduate • EP-404 The Graduate rates summa cure laude for value. It's RCA's lowest pnced color portable, but ,t packs a lot of features ,n ~ts compact cabinet. Th,ngs hke RCA's Computer-designed p,cture tube. a 19,000 volt chassis, built-in antennas plus luggage type handle And s,nce ,t weighs only 40 Ibs. The Graduate ,s exceptionafly handy to carry. Plast,c cabinet m beautiful Hawest Walnut-grained v,nyl with Platinum M,st trim (Match,ng rollabout stand available, opt,onal, extra ) H--14'4". V~--20", D--17" 14" diagonal picture NEW JAYCEE officers and directors are, left to right, front row, Gary Plews, president, Bob Strachila, past-president; Jack Webber, director; front row, Dick Andrews, state director; Dick Wormer, director; Mike Grimm, internal vice-president; Tom River, director. Not in the picture are Bill Wolden, externa, vice-president, and Chuck Ruhl, seer eta ry-t rea surer. up your notion of what color t "Sweet 16" New Vista® Sportabout Color TV Meet the lightweight champ! Powurbal 21.500-v~.~lt New V~sta chassm pr~)v~des wv~d color (tuahty C(m~pact cabinet wqh h~ggage- type handle weighs less than 60 IbS One set VHF fu~e IttnHl(] New Vlsti V~iF tuner, th(; most powerh~l IVpO ol tLH';t?( HI [~le ,~dustrv, combines wdh sohd st,~te UHF tun{~r t,; prov,de excellent s,gr/al pull~lW power ¢~rl ~lll amzt!ve chal]nels. Budt m VtIF and UHF antennas Plast,c cabinet wqh ~ holce of Oark Mineral Gray wnyl or Mist White fln*sh, both with Platinum M,st trm~ H--17~.". W--23~,,~'', D--I 9]/~". 18" diagonal picture Thursday; April 16, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3