April 16, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 16, 1970 |
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MARGIE CREEKPAUM gives a recipe for an old
Czechoslovakian recipe which has been enjoyed by her family
for many years.
Margie's "Pigs In Blankets"
Make A Wonderful Meal
Margie Creekpaum was born
in Shelton and has lived here all
of her life. She and her husband
Richard were married on Dec. 14,
1968, and he left for Vietnam on
December 27.
Wounded on April 13, 1969,
he was hospitalized in Guam and
se n t home in May to be
discharged last September.
The Creekpaums now live in
the Rex Mobile "ffourt and
Richard is employed by ttoovcr
Pontiac in Olympia.
Margie sews, and makes some
of her own clothing; she also
knits. She enjoys reading and likes
to play pinochle, tier husband is a
hunter and a fisherman and she
sometimes joins him on fishing
expeditions "'when the weather is
Both Margie and Richard are
members of the Lutheran church,
where they serve as greeters.
Margie is skilled in ~eneral office
work and hopes to find suitable
Her grandparents came from
Czechoslovakia, and the recipe
she shares is an old family
Mix together:
1 lb. Ilamburger
IA Lb. Pork sausage
I tsp. garlic ~alt ~"
1 Ineditllll onion, diced
I egg
V2 cup rice
Also needed are:
I head cabbage
1 qt. sauerkraut
Roll mixture into balls and wrap
with cabbage leaves. Place half of
sauerkraut in baking pan. Add
meat rolls and top with remaining
sauerkraut. Bake at medium
temperature for I hour, or until
cabbage is thoroughly cooked.
Serves four to six persons.
Lynn Carol Nelson
Engagement Is Announced
The engagement of Lynn
Carol Nelson to Edgar Allen Lane
is announced by the parents of
the bride-to-be, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Nelson of Belfair.
Her fiance is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Lane of
Mossyrock, where he was
graduated fr0m high school in
1965. He has served in the United
States Army and is currently
employed by the U.S. Plywood
Co. in Morton.
Miss Nelson is a 1968
graduate of Shelton High School
and is now attending Washington
State University.
July 4 is the wedding date.
lien ug
with dark olive green ribbons ~"~" ' ,~
decorated the United Methodist ~::,~, ~
Church for the March 21 wedding
of Dawn Ellen Daugherty and D.
Richard Tumbull. White candles
held by turquoise and green ...... F
ribbons graced the altar for the 4
p.m. ceremony performed by the
Rev. Horace Mounts.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.
Daugherty of Shelton, and the
parents of the groom are Mr. and
Mrs. David M. "lUrnbull ot
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride was attired in a
floor-length satin gown of empire
styling, ornamented with alencon
lace and pearls. The sleeves were
long and the neckline round, with
a funnel train of satin falling from
the empire line. Her veil was a
four-tiered float attached to her
headpiece with accents of lace
and pearls, and she carried a
cascade of white roses and
Matron of honor Mrs. Mary
Johnson, and bridesmaids Mrs.
Janie Crapo and Mrs. Joy Wood,
sister of the bride, wore
floor-length turquoise crepe
trimmed with green velvet, and
carried bouquets of white
carnations with accents of
turquoise and green.
Best man was Tom Johnson,
and ushers were Larry Turnbull,
brother of the groom, and Ron
The mother of the bride wore
a pale green double-knit suit, and
the groom's mother chose a pale
blue dress.
Musical selections "Hawaiian
Wedding Song" and "Because"
were rendered by cousins of the
groom Connie Fenton, Carolyn
Knowlton, and Karen Tilley.
Organist was Mrs. Morton.
The flowers and the colors of
the altar bouquet were repeated
in the decorations for the
reception held in the church, after
which a family buffet was served
at the home of the bride's
Mr. and Mrs. D. Richard Turnbuil
The wedding trip will include
a week at San Francisco and at
Lake Tahoe; the couple will reside
at Sumner until the completion of
the new home now being built on
Lake Tapps.
The bride attended Olympia
High School and the University of
Puget Sound, where she was a
member of Pi Beta Phi sorority;
the groom is a graduate of
Sumner High School and of
Western Washington State College.
Both are employed as teachers in
Jan Danford, Society Edit:
Norma Taylor
Is Installed
Installation of officers was
held by Welcome Chapter No. 40
at 8 p.m. on Saturday in the
Masonic Temple.
) Norma Taylor was installed as
Worthy Matron and Gerald
Samples as Worthy Patron, others
installed were: Associate Matron,
Daisy Smith; Associate Patron,
Oscar Stensager; Secretary,
Norma 'argo°; Treasur0,, ~0ss,e
Sutherland; Conductress, Dorothy
Phillips; Associate Conductress,
Hazel Stensager; Chaplain, Eva
Faye Samples; Marshal, Helen
Stansbury; Organist, Violet Cole;
Adah, Catherine Armagost; Ruth,
Violet Hicks; Esther, Catherine
Foseide; Martha, Betty Marshall;
Electa, Marie Story; Warder,
Loran Armagust; and Sentinel,
Alex Smith.
A musical interlude during the
recess was given by Ronald and
Marcia Whitener.
Installing Matrons were:
Florence Taylor, P.M., Florence
Weeks, P.M., Edna Auseth, P.M.,
Helene Biehl, Jr. P.M., and Esther
Northrup, P.M. of Beulah Chapter
No. 132.
Installing Patrons were: Carrol
Northrup, P.P. of Beulah Chapter
No. 132, Alex Smith, P.P., and
Leonard Cole, P.P.
Installing Marshall was: Violet
Ferris, P.M.; Installing Chaplain
was Evelyn Ellison, P.M.; and
Installing Organist was Kay
Presenting the Past Matrons
Jewel was Marvin Biehl, P.P., and
presenting the Past Patrons Jewel
was Violet Cole, the Robe
Ceremony was conducted by
Florence Taylor, P.M. and Violet
Ferris, P.M. and Courtesy Officers
were: Bible Bearer, Florence
Taylor, P.M., Prompter, Florence
Weeks, P.M., and Registrar,
Chester Marshall. Following
the installation, a reception was
held in the dining room with
Daisy Smith and Oscar Stensager
as greeters. Attending the guest
book was Hazel Stensager, with
Janet Taylor in charge of
programs. Candles were lighted by
Georgia Clayton, W.A. and Linda
Koch, H.Q. In charge of the
dining room was Laura Miller,
assisted by Ann Phillips and Susie
Swayze. Christie Samples, Bertha
Waldrip and Carol Taylor served;
Elsie Seljestad attended the gift
> ....
~:~i¸: ,
NORMA TAYLOR is the third generation of Taylors to be
installed as Worthy Matron of Welcome Chapter. Florence
Taylor was installed in 1929 and Ellen Taylor in 1919.
Think of it as a small,home improvement.
pacific Northwest Bell
Rainbow Girls
Plan Spring
Style Show
"Through the Rainbow" will
be the theme for the spring
fashion show to be presented by
Assembly No. 19 Rainbow Girls
at 3 p.m. Sunday in the Masonic
Temple at 4th and Cedar Streets.
Featured fashions will include
items from Millers, Mode O'Day,
Lloyd's, the Knit Shop and Bob's
Shoe Tree, as well as home-sewn
Intermission entertainment
will be provided by guitarists
Michelle Drengson and Mary
Painter. Refreshments will be
served and a door prize will be
The public is invited, and a
donation will be requested at the
Golden Wedding
To Be Celebrated
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hughey Will
be honored on Sunday at an Open
ltouse in celebration of their 50th
wedding anniversary.
The reception, hostessed by
Mrs. Hughey's twin sisters, Mrs.
Nels Johnson and Mrs. Irwin E.
Campbell, will be held in the
Hughey home at Rt. 3 Box 333,
Sedro-Woolley, located on the
south side of the Skagit river, at
Day Creek.
The Hugheys were married
April 17, 1920, in Seattle, and
resided in Shelton for 20 years,
where Paul ttughey was for five
years Chief of Police. tte was
employed by the State for nine
years, and for 20 years they lived
in Westport where Paul was a
commercial fisherman. He retired
in March, 1966, and for the past
two years the Hugheys have lived
at Day Creek.
It is requested that no gifts be
Red Cross Course
To Be Offered
A Red Cross first aid
instructor's course will be given in
the Thurston-Mason County
Chapter House at 1407 Capitol
Way in Olympia starting April 27,
from 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.
Classes for the 15-hour course will
be held April 27, 29, amd May 4,
11, and 13, and will be taught by
Dan Bruner, Jr.
Only persons at least 17 years
GEORGIA CLAYTON, Worthy Advisor, and
left, model fashions to be shown at the style
by the Rainbow Girls. Georgia is chairman of the
I Meeting
The Shelton
meet at 1 p.m.
speaker will be Mrs,
By Jan Danford
1 am filled
With wild elation
When 1 look
At a Dalmation,
of age holding Red Cross ~A~tendtoe-a-ow
Ad~a~c-~/~'l~il~ ~-eer~ri~ Especially jot~7~'~ ~"~÷ ...............
elegible. ~':
When confronted
Please write or call the Red
Cross House at 352-8575 for With aCollie.
additional information, and to * * * *
enroll. It is important that He who happily composes
persons desiring to take the For himself a bed of roses
course enroll by April 20, 1970. Loudly his discomfort mourns
When he learns about the thorns.
Ritual Planned Insomnia,
Epsilon Omicron Chapter of By rights,
Should happen days;
Beta Sigma Phi will hold the
Not nights.
Ritual of Jewels on Monday in
the home of Mrs. AI Egg.
Participating will be Mrs. Terry I've just learned a vital truth
Mullane, Mrs. A1 Egg and Mrs. Joe Which gave me quite a wrench
Lovato. A gourmet is a glutton who
Can over-eat in French!
I would tear the pages from
My calendar quite gaily
And spend them in one
sudden sum
Instead of day-by-day-ly.
Supper Planned
The Golden Age Club will hold
a potluck supper at 6 p.m. today
in the Memorial Hall.
A business meeting will follow
the supper. The program will
include music, dancing and card
Strange are my waking
Thoughts,caught in the glow of a
Half-remembered dream.
from Lumberrn~
Center who will
and Other Plants."
Members are
bring "white
plastic bags,
Tuesday for the
plants and Thursday
at the annual plan
in the PUI)
The March
was celebrated
cake. Mrs.
Marie Baker, and
were hostesses.
Set For Ton'
'lhe Republi
dinner honoring
Mrs. Dan Evans.
held at the
today, at 6:30 p.m.
speak, and the men
"The S
Because of no
sales having been
to help offset
The public is
to attend.
Q. I am goi
summer at
counselor, an
time to
can I style it so
minimum am~
A. Start witl
and shaping.
been cut
tends to ht
Body is r
is to hold a
straight, a
give it
set If your ha
relaxer will
are also hel
keep the
the set. i'
Watch for . . . DEAN'S Story Book Portraits . . . coming
soon! At prices you can't afford to miss . . . May lst, see
your child in natural color, in Story Book Portraits-by
(pd. adv.)
Fifth &
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 16, 1970