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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• " " Orthopedic Jan Turner Concert Review Association Is Initiated Vocal Group Is Acclaimed a, d ,ar, c¢ To Meet Her IntoJobies ,,oo,, nusua, lon me ,ey ,, • , A large and enthusiastic comic number, "The Philosophy ~a~~~~_ On April 7th, at the regular audience heard the Men of Song, of Logic", was added as an encore The annual meeting of the evening meeting of Jobs' a vocal quartet on April 7, before intermission. Mason County Orthopedic Daughters, Miss Jan Turner was sponsored by the Mason County After intermission, George • Association will be held received into membership by Community Concert Association.Livings sang arias from Mozart's -.-.~.v u.~ -,-,-~.--.: Wednesday at 7:30 p.m, in theinitiation. Awarded the bracelet This was the final concert of this "Don Giovanni" and Verdi's conferenceroom of the PUD ........ wo "w " season Rigoletto." His voice is a fine ..... ior Rest minatoryrK as veggy . - .' Duualng. vlger, ..... Lnap'lainReceiving the The varlet" " mane" up of clear tenor, and he sang with such Mrs Ward Doland from the . , ~ - .." .. , q '. ...... strength and pleasure that I .... ' , r. - , , . , Jooie ot the ~ontn award was George Livings, tenor; ~llllOrO ........... ~nilaren s urtlaopeaic t~osp~ta~ Sandy Denison A Birthday March Billions tenor Guy Waid regret!ca mat me program .e!a and Medical Center will be guest ..._~ ~.o~.4 .,,;.~. ~;..n.P..~h .... .. ' ....." -~_L.._~,,..not 1no June more operatic . ~ ~. .... wa~ .~u ~m, t.mua ,' anthony IVlIIIUUlt;IIU~ . speaker Election o! Olilcers Will winnm" the cake ' : "-elton Hall -JuRist numbers. be held, and information Mr.~ & Mrs.Robert Turner ;;SeSnedntheaprogramwith"PGod IsA ,group of folk songs was concerning, the Penny. . Drive may were introduced b"y their dau"hter" ~ My ........ ~ong ' and "iRe Lord" has'" somewhat .... u~sappomung-me very be obtained at this hme =on and Mr~ Terri Keene Jan's .......... tralmng and pohshed style which . ... ~, a. , " rteara My vrayer", oy LUdWig van ..... .~ Persons interested injolnlngan ¢;~to~ .~,~n v~, w,~.,~,~,~,~ c~,,,,, ,,r - ..... . _ , .~ were so ellectlve in me songs .... ~.o~. a,,.~ .,,~. ,..~.,~......~.~,, ~,, t~eetnoven A mira t~eetnoven f ,. orthopedic group are invited toBether No 37 was escorted and ........~aoa ~ ,.,...nle)e chan,,e rom uroadway and opera seemea '~)tend . , • , r, .... v ............. v, - ~' tess appropriate in these sHnpler • "" • introduced. .... ara of pace: a stirring, mdltary song songs. "Gambler's Song of the Big !~,~,, " " AtElectedthe nextWereregularmlSS meetingt~o, • entitleduacn"Theso g me se one Drums Are Beating these s rigs were givencomplexSandy River",,,~ by John Jacob /,.,,,,,,H.,,.,.. A~¢,--nr4 t~ammra, rtonorea t4ueen: ulane Loud," This was followed by two Miles and Put That Horn Down jUT'~H~ r'~H,~, ,%,~ Kokett, Sr. Princess; Chris Lord, interesting and musical songs of Gabriel" and "Noah" by Robert ~ Regional Meeting ~rnfnpeCgS;y J~eWde~a?:hda~; Frr:2~s,,SaChUber;atienNcie.g~,,t and Sc~ni~i;tZ,g w:rfo~;!~gh~fULuWlh~ly( \~ The Regional Jaycee meeting Installation will be held May 9th. ,~ . • .... ' was held Saturday at South Bend segment ofnthelnprogramCwas musical°arran,,,-ments which-well with the Willapa Jaycees and their there w~!l be an honor rote for extremely well done, but they displayed the talents of the wivesash° tsMn hl oS esMei is were ,amaranm. lost in effectiveness by being quartet. Tenor George Billions M . an . . grouped together. ! felt that "Ave sang a moving solo of the selected as the outstanding Jaycee D,,..,--LI: .... hi_._ Maria" b Bach Gounod would ' • ~[~Ui311COfl~ 1"1131"1 , Y - , spiritual "Sometimes I Feel Like couple of District 15; Mrs. Rogerr" . have been more appropriate i.u..,...~,o~ Pt.;,.~ ,, Ander;on wasMDi, sBicb ~i~;sY;:rs Tuesday Meeting earlier in the program, rather than .... ~L';!n'g'~a;p~lause prompted the memb r, and sandwiched between the "" "-e ublican ' " " group to return for three encores" District First-year Member. The Mason County R p " whimsical"'TheFarmer's Wife ......... " • , "mary rtaa a t~aoy a comic Awards for the past year were Womens Club will hold its regmar ln~t Her Cat" by Mozart and .... ' ~- ...... " .......... e P U D ..... ~ presentation ol the "'figaro" presented lrom u~stnct I ann meetmgonluesaay, atm • • . "Russian Picnic" bv Harvev rnomo-"~rnm ,,,~~ _ ,,TU.. ~...~... ..r from District 15, and new at one o'clock. Please note the new Enders A brilliant piano S'evi£ie' "andSfinal-Iv _BlesstThisO,~,o,~ u, Regional officers were elected, meeting place and change of day. accomnaniment added to the "",,~o'" ' ~' Shelton Jayettes attending with Mr John Schreiber directorof excitement of the last piece ta°-Durin ..... • " " ' wi 1 be , g intermission me their husbands were Mrs. Bob the Exceptmnal Foresters 1 which was based on Russian folk ...... ~__ _~ Mrs. Dick Andrews, Mrs the guest speaker. The boys choir tunes memuc~. ~ t.c omH,ass°~a~-mnoe'e~teUcneW- o o.a[_u..ea~ Strachila, Mike Grimm, Mrs. Bob Mills, Mrs. from the Exceptional Foresters A" medle- of son-s b'" Lerner ...... s' y " Jerry Swartos,, and the c~b~ willing.. .... v ......end and Lowe ;Yrovided gsomYe of the Gn~Yoarec~g t:gwe;e~;aeF;°y., newest,member, mrs. u lrle puonc ~s m ltea to art . most en'ol y'able moments of the mrs. ..... K. e. Jonnson,' " mrs.'" uuy'~ wormer, evening. The group's obviously Lusignan, Mrs. Dean Palmer, Mrs. Mike Grimm and Mrs •mrs Z" . . ...... 7" ~ .~ .... ~., . well-trained voices and somewhat Thomas Pappas and Rand jerry awartos Will assist at ire t_', ~|d i~/,11ii a~.. ................ he ~,~u~u II III/VI~I formal, polished style are Peterson. New officers are MARJORIE TUCKNESS has grown this large and healthy weu-uaoy Cnmc to oe nero at t md of re 1 en .... h "" merit todd The The Rachel Knott Ortho edic particularly suited to this kp sd t, Clyde Knight; first vice Healt Depart y P d palm. She received it as a small dish garden plant. . ....... • ................ music. Smooth transitions president Harold Hanson, secon Jayettes wm cater a oowung LiUlm WlU meet rrmay m me ..... wce ' " ....... • between numbers an up-neat president Mrs Klcnaro banquet on Saturday w~th Mrs. home of Mrs. Helen Ferguson .... ' ....... ' . " ,~ , Marjorie Tuckness Grows Jack Webber aschairman and Mrs. Nomination and election of :f~°';:u~ :l~:enUd°;rS:o~;~hne T:;nt;le S::detat%'as2re;' H?°e~t Tom Myers as co-chairman, officers will be held. Members are ............... ' " " attention o! the audience mrougn LinKer Many Plants From Seed On Sunday, the Jayettes will reminded that plants to sellmay visit Madigan, taking handmade be brought to all meetings gifts from which the men willthroughout the year. r~ . e,. . ~ft" r l t__J MarjorieTuckness came tothe peonies, columbines, gloriosa s e l e c t M o ther's Day I"al" aworros url'lcers r'lecteo remembrances for wives and ...... _ ... .. . r.~ rt . .. SheltOnmoving herearea fromab°utMalone, a smailSiX years ago, onedaisieS'of herand favorite°thers annualsin the mothers The J ayettes will I"IA [o Meet nows ra nnngs lnet m attn. f theOfficerswere elected at the provide cake, coffee and juice for The Bordeaux PTAwill meet Pictures by Pat Swartos will be on AuOxilia'~e{~eifi'on°Apni'3 intl eVFW community near Elma. With herMexican Zinnia. the ws~t and wall mad the , at 7 30 m toda m the school d~splay m the Mann Real Estate husband, Russell who ~s . '" , " Her rose garden includes 24 .... : P. • Y " " " ' " Memorial hall. packages for the patients, auditorium Election of officers office until the middle of May - • , employed at Camp Govey as a • hybrid tea roses of many types • _ ...... " Mrs. Larry Godwin ~s the new mechamc and her two sons • " , ' , and colors, and her lawn has been . will be held. Mrs. awartos nas been painting m pre__dent.~i ..thersO _lectede were Donme__~, hand s ~ q~:~:~.,Emmett she has i~Avilimg a Chritt~~ta .~Y"°t'h~s' p~ Forest Festwal • , colorful with hyacinths and In slow walking 200 calories_The Mason Robinettes will oils for the past three years. She ........... Mr~ Ram M-o.--er,aornd ~_mo_~e " r made her home in the Skokomish daffodils for several weeks er hour are expended by the perform and 5th and 6th gradestudied art in college, and has also ..~_~ den.,~i ...... • , Mrs Carl E Valley. She was born in Delano, - • - - average person, and 500 calories gym students will give a tumbling studied under Velma Graves, Art Hellman/junior vice'-president~ (y :a~i:s. shh ehr-: ;h:n I~;de :~':te Io~ ~]I:~!Y ?oiiCi!e nd~:!n g~;'?7?nm are expended in running, exhibition. TaylorAbeytaof°fElmaOlympia. and Henry MrsMrS" JessieGe°rge Cox,Wltcraft" chaplain'treasurer;Mrs.' ~Washil~tonfot 21.¥¢iZL .. . , a t - She is an active member of "ere K ......... }a'" If I" . vallo, er Wal, C ctr~ss; "~"' ~ contributed to their recent Ar ...... ' . : ~ a t~ll~r.&'~]iPtl~i~- 'iTiilU frill in hi.rim ' the Shelton Adult Art Group and /~ ~.~...~;~ "o~.;-v .. ,,~. "g;,A 'wt,.,. ; beautiful flower be~m'~ny" of ................. ~i~ ~ ........... A rotter, mree year trustee. ;~Crlolarsnlp bROW; sue has entered .. ,~ . • .,, the plants having been grown She collects salt and pepper ~ . mrs.bOUWln Will announce paintings m the Catholic Xrt from seed Two years ago she shakers, milk glass and antiques; ..... ~ " " " ; her appointive officers at a later Show, the McCleary Art Show started Easter lilies and Day lilies, through the winter months she ~ ' date, and the installation date will both of which should bloom forcrochets ann does, crewel ~~~ Anacortes Arts and Crafts , , . the first time this year embroidery; she just can t wait to ........ =~ ~. ........... also be announced. ":