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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Crus Thursday, April 16 10 a.m., court house. The Mason County Unit of ry Club luncheon noon Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 the American Cancer Society will :e Cafe. ' ' p.m., PUD auditorium, hold its annual "Crusade Kickoff" tmastersClub, 6:45 a.m., Goodwill truck in town. April 21 at 7:30 p.m., at the Restaurant, Phone 426-4847 for pickups. Methodist Church. A film will be Tops, 7 p.m. court Shelton Garden Club, 1 p.m., shown and crusade materials will WARC Clubhouse. be distributed. Neil Molenaar, commission rneetin 8 Dessert-Coffee hour, Bayshore Executive Board Member and courthouse g' Golf Club, 1 p.m.-3 p.m. 1969 Crusade Chairman, will vy Mothers Club, 7:30 featuring artist Eula Benefiel. conduct this kickoff event. UDeonferenceroom. Crusade section leaders this ad Canal Woman's Club, Tuesday, April 21 year are Mrs. Ray Rice, Mrs. a.m., Potlatch Clubhouse. Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Floyd Ridout, Mrs. Bernie Scoles, *,Iron Nimrod Club, 8 p.m. Timbers restaurant. Mrs. Kyron Wilson, Mrs. Ed use. ' City commission meeting, 2 Campbell, Mrs. Carmelita son County Democrat p.m., city hall. P'm',PUDauditorium. American Legion, 8 p.m., Shackelford, and Mrs. Marvin Goodwin. Everyone is welcome to on Benson Lake Auxiliary Memorial Hall ' attend this kickoff for the 1970 sale, PUD building, 10 Jaycees, 8 p.m., airport Cancer Crusade to be conducted p.m. clubhouse. Chess Club, 7 p.m., Library. en Age Club potluck P.m., Memorial Hall. 7:30 p.m., m. April 17 of Commerce board a.m., Timbers el Knott Orthopedic home of Mrs. Helen axiliary, 8 p.m., ~me Reed Orthopedic Hallmark Inn. April 18 license examiner, 10 P.m., COurt house Pinochle Party, 8 p.m., airport. APril 19 churches invite you the church of your Club Social, 6 p.m., APril 20 No. 3 commission 1 P.m., PUD conference COmmission meeting, Slated cational Seminar the National of Professional will be held on 9 a.rn. until 4 p.m. Yee in Olympia. Will be from 8 a.m. information call 426-8211. M eets Ton Orthopedic 2 in the home of elected for the were Bonnie ' President; Pat Vice-President; Mary and Gail n ,tr Force Technical -'man, son of Leman, for duty at lan, an aircraft technician, is the 416th Maintenance of the Strategic served at Cam is a 1961 S. Reed High erry, is the Tommy Rhododendron Society, 8 p.m., PUD auditorium. Lions Club dinner and Board meeting, 7 p.m., Hall mark Inn. Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple. Wednesday, April 22 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., court house basement. Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m., multi-service center. M a son County Hospital District Commission, l0 a.m., court house. Mason County Orthopedic Assoc., 7:30 p.m., conference room, PUD. David Ray Orthopedic Assoc. of Union Rummage sale, PUD. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, April 23 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers restuarant. Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court house annex. Shelton Chess Club, 7 p.m., library of Mr. View School. Georgine Reed Rummage Sale, PUD, noon to 8 p.m. Shelton Garden Club Annual plant sale, PUD building, doors open at 9.a.m. New Admissions Listed By WSU New admission to Washington State University include William R. Batstone, Joel D. Burnett, James D. Rotz, Steven N. Evander and Linda Kriebs, all from Shelton, and Carolyn E. Duncan of Sequim. Sale Scheduled The David Ray Orthopedic Auxiliary of Union will hold a rummage sale on Wednesday in the PUD building, starting at 9:30 a.m Red Cross Sets Safety Class The Thurston Mason County Chapter American Red Cross is offering a Water Safety Instructor's course starting April 21, at 6:30 p.m. The 30 hour course will be given at the North Thurston High School Pool. Classes will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. To be eligible a person must be at least 17 years of age, hold a current Red Cross Senior Life Saving certificate and have a desire to teach others to swim. All participants must pre-register at the Red Cross Chapter House at 1407 Capitol Way, Olympia, phone 352-8575. Since the enrollment must be limited, interested persons are urged to contact the chapter as soon as possible. The Red Cross Chapter is a member agency of the United Good Neighbors. April 22 and 23 in Shelton. The 1970 crusade goal is $4,000. A similar kickoff will be held in the Masonic Lodge on the same evening with the Job's Daughters and Rainbow Girls preparing for participation in the residential drive in downtown Shelton. The Soroptomists's group will again conduct the business drive. The Mason County Unit of the American Cancer Crusade wishes to thank all who participate this year and asks all to remember to "fight Cancer with a check and a checkup". Craft Fair Deadline Told All craftsmen intending to participate in the Craft Hall Division of this year's Pacific Northwest Arts & Crafts Fair must submit materials for screening by 12 noon, Sunday, April 26-one month earlier than last year. A jury committee will screen materials at the PANACA office, 376 Bellevue Square in Bellevue, Washington. All materials must be picked up by 5:00 p.m. the same day. Participants in pottery, jewelry, textiles, weaving and print making will be expected to provide enough salable material for the three-day fair. Additonal information regarding submission of materials is available at the PANACA office or by calling GL 4-0234. Winners Named The Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club met Monday evening in the PUD building with seven tables in play'r' i' . Nort~.-South winners were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graler, Jane Bennett and Bruce Kreger, and Doris Christy and Gordon Bennett. Winners for East-West were Bill Batchelor and Mary Keller, Ann Batchelor and Etta Rector, and Vic King and Clyde Ruddell. No Charge For Camping The "Golden Eagle" charge program for use of Federal recreation facilities expired March 31, and a national substitute has not yet been adopted. Until a national program is adopted there will be no charge for use of National Forest camping facilities. Deferral of charges for use of National Forest facilities was announced by Regional Forester Charles A. Connaughton, who said a bill to extend the charge system is before the Congress. Action on the matter may occur soon after the Congressional recess, he said. Although a small percentage of the Pacific Northwest Region's 1200 Campgrounds are now open, National Forest, Campgrounds may be used free until further notice. nnouncln the opening of Melvin L. Arnold Home Phone 426-2729 Located at For All Your Insurance Needs A.utc lr Home Own Fir .L,. ers rBoat,kMob,le Homes Q NrlO . . sp| l,kSurg|cal,lkBus|ness & Comercial Life Insurance & Family Security Plans We Handle Hard To Place Risks SERVICES ARE continuing tonight, Friday night and all day Sunday, with Rev. and Mrs. Fred Morrow at the Shelton Foursquare Church. These folks are from Charlette, N.C., and will be singing and preaching the old fashioned gospel. Featured in each of the services is Mrs. Morrow who brings stories to the children. Barrom " At WSU Linda E. Barrom, a Washington State University sophomore from Shelton, recently was elected second vice Ronald Hill Awarded Medal Army Specialist Five Ronald K. Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kennth E. Hilt, Shelton, received the Army Commendation Medal during recent ceremonies in Germany. Spec. 5 ttill earned the award for meritorious service in the Office of the Adjutant General president of the WSU Young Women's Christian Association. Miss Barrom will attend the national YWCA convention April. 12-18 in Houston as one of four WSU student representatives. A mathematics major, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Barrom, Shelton. 1 have never been free; the world, my kin, my neighbors, have always enslaved me. Edgar Watson Howe Personnel Actions Branch, Company A, U.S. Army, Europe I YouHave More Talent and Seventh Army Special i Troops. He entered the Army in Than You Know, i March 1968, completed basic I WeWill Teach You To i training at Ft. Lewis, and was last I Stretch & Sew! stationed at Ft. Dix, N.J. l 1962 graduate of Shelton High School, the 25-year-old I I soldier recieved a B.A. degree in House of Knits elementary education in 1968 from Seattle Pacific College. His • 220 N. 1st-- 426-6627 Marilyn, is with him in ~ Daisy Smith, 426-8476 wife, Germany. 1~ ~ .~, ~.~, .4~-..~,-.~. ~ 3 DAYS ONLYI Thurs., Fri. and Sat.! Regularly $1.64 ea. NOW FOR Regularly $3.04 ea. NOW FOR NEO-SYNEPHRINE NASAL SPRAY Reg. $1.57 ea. FOR OPEN MON. thru. SAT. 9:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. EVERGREEN SQUARE 426-3456 icar ame avl I Rev. Donald J. Maddux has been named Vicar of St. David's Episcopal Church here. The appointment was made by The Rt. Rev. Ivol Ira Curtis, D.D., Bishop of Olympia, the Diocese of the Episcopal Church of Western Washington. Rev. Mr. Maddux will succeed Rev. Clarence Lody, who retired last month after 10 years of service in the church. The new vicar is presently serving as vicar of two Diocesan mission in the Tahuya-Allyn area which he was instrumental in forming. He will continue his ministry to this group along with his duties at St. David's here. Fr. Maddux was born and raised at Castle Rock and graduated from Oregon State University with a BS Degree in Agriculture " in 1960. He subsequently attended General Theological Seminary in New York City and upon graduation in 1964 was ordained a deacon and in 1965 was ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church. Iris first assignment was as curate at the Church of the Ascension in the Magnolia District in Seattle. From 1966 to 1968 he lived in England, serving as curate in the Bassingham group of parishes in the Diocese of Lincoln. With his rector, he served seven small congregations in that many villages. Upon returning to Washington State in 1968, he found no immediate vacancy and joined the Department of Public Assistance in Bremerton as a child welfare case worker. In his spare time, he began a ministry and in 1968 opened St. Nicholas' mission in Tahuya and in 1969 St. Hugh's mission at Allyn. The two congregations were joined earlier this year as a Diocesan mission with Fr. Maddux as the first full-time wicar. He will assume his duties here May 1. His wife is the former Carolyn Freelin of Belfair, to whom he was married last year. She is currently teaching at Annie Wright Seminary, an Episcopal Girls' School in Tacoma. 1 would like to see the whole world free-free from injustice-free from superstition. Robert G. Ingersoll & PIANO at Used Lowrey Starlet Organ ............ $319.95 Used Lowrey Holiday Deluxe Organ ..... $825.00 Used Small Upright Piano ............. $250.00 New Farfisa Organ, Was $4695 ..... NOW$595.00 New Farfisa Organ, Was $495 ...... NOW$395.00 all at 205 Cota St. • 426-4302 ij Mrs. Floyd Ridout's sixth grade has the distinction of being the first class to attain 100% banking in the school savings program. M. M. "Bud" Lyons, manager of the Shelton branch, is shown awarding the 100% Banking Award for the week to the class teacher, Mrs. Ridout, during a celebration party Monday. Also shown in the picture are Martha Sewell, Gail Fuller, Peter Francis, Janice Barned, Carleen Schumacher, Doug Anderson and Mr. Jack Swanson, principal of Bordeaux school. The young people pictured and more like them, are receiving a more rounded education by learning the responsibility of handling money and to save their money for the purchase of needed items by saving at Thurston County Federal Savings and Loan Association. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OLYMPIA. SHELTON • LACEY • OLYMPIA Home Office Fifth 6, Capitol Woy • LACEY • SHELTON Branch Branch 4131 Market Square313 Reilrued Avenue Thursday, April 16, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal ~-Page 9