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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Neffers First Win record to tennis on the local for their first ry match 5-0. a junior in the )sition, beat tt 6-0 and first match. Senior er beat the visitors' eft by identical 6-0 le number two match. lore Jeff Okano played s for Shelton and beat lgs 6-1 and 6-2. In an s match, Pete Kneeland ~st 5-0 and 6-0. kl lopp had the match th ; point, so did not ~, l~s best boys in the Sable to play some 0: his netmen to gain ~ir merly and Jerry lyl 1 first doubles, and ~nr ~tt and Fred Barnett rnq Lt and Jim Robirison .' i amber two doubles Carl Skogan and s Skogan of o- and 6-2. Ira ers had to defend it ;COrd Wednesday in .,t Unreportable at this re) also take on West th: : Friday on the local t p ay Vashon on that on ay ~}I, pp, is in his first he )n s mentor and is iou eSSful early season, • , matches in the ~m ip. er Nine ,b at, pn ng With their Junior ondmen leat of the Reeves Field Tuesday first game of the he Opposition got Combination of Ray Krumpols o Previous games, two no-ups. exploded for five inning and the third, while Singles in that ~3 batters in pitched, tie and whiffed ten in the pitch ngs, and gave up sixth. One run th the fifth and the visiting !uitenveld now the season. ey played in an Ontest at this I Split practice ;t Week, the .~r with .Won the first five hits to : had two hits Athletics. had the zt no one hon Inert on past game, the once again, ts. Cliff's t'- g up nree more of a triple, series. their runs Miller on because Zmgles for hits. Maxin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H~~ MEN'S COMMERCIAL SUNDAY NIGHT MIXED 4's Men's Hi Game: Jack Stewart 243 Men's Hi Game Jack Frost 213 Men's Hi Series: Jack Stewart 680 Men's Hi Series: Jack Frost 563 Standings: Shelton Trailers Women's Hi Game: Charlotte 36-20; Wolden's Chevron 35-21;Tobin 241 A. Roy Dunn 33tk-221k; Gott Oil ~ Women's Hi Series: Charlotte 32-24; Wilson Co. 311/z.24Vz; I Tobin 595 Zeigler's Cameras 30-26; Dan'sStandings: Jack Pots 39-17; Nite Hawks 28-28; Shelton Mobil Odd Balz 37-19; Farmers 33-24; 27-29; Verne's Clams 25-31; B&R Boads 32-25; Force-Em 31-25; Oil 24Vz-31Vz; Shelton Foods Whats Next 30-26; Timber Ducks We approach the 1970 f-ishing season with considerable anticipation and more optimism than some of those of recent years. Such is due to the fact that a maximum number of waters will be in production this year. Some few will not provide much if any fishing in the early season, but should come on to extend the GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY ABERDEEN, FAILOR AND SYLVIA-all heavily planted with legal-sized rainbow. Good fishing but expect crowded conditions on opening day. Catfish are now in Failor. Later in the summer these fish bite more readily. JEFFERSON COUNTY with rainbow fingerling and rainbow fry in 1969. Some carryover up to 15 inches. Fair spinyray fishing. PATTE RSON -spring fingerling plant in 1969 fry plant. Should produce some excellent sized rainbow during early part of season. Fry up to 13 inches. Good for perch and large catfish• ST. CLAIR-fair fishing for rainbow 9-12 inches. Some lunkers. Planted this spring with rainbow fingerling and with fry in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1969. Fair spinyray fishing. Silver " trout planted in 1968 should enter the catches this season. SUMMIT -planted with rainbow fingerling. Has fair population of silver trout. Fishing prospects could be excellent on opening day if water warms. Some very large cutthroat to 5 pounds. 19-37;Lumbermen:s14%-41Vz. 28-28; Hooters 28-28; Sun productive period into the CROCKER-is heavily planted • D E S C H U T E S Lumbermen's O, L.C. Lemen Downers 25-31 ; The Bolerz summer and fall months-a with legal rainbow, fish 7-15 inch • RIVER-provides good rainbow 498; Gait Oil 4, Jack Stewart 24-32; Pin Spotters 19-37; • and cutthroat fishing. Will be 680; Shelton Trailers 1, Don Prospectors 12-44. pleasant prospect indeed, available, and should be excellent. Paulson 501; B & R Oil 3, Bill Force-Era 4, Ted Blair 541; The winter has not been long Also contains spinyrays, planted in April and June with , marked cutthroat legals Besch 552; Wolden's Chev. 3, AI Prospectors 0, Mike Hughes 462; and cold, and no particular LELAND-planted heavily Tickets for Shelton High School s Winter Sports Banquet" " " • ChubRassmussenNutt 529;504;Vernes'sDan's Hawksclams 3,1' TimberHooters Ducks2. Gene2' JaCkBenedictFrost 557:563; problems are anticipated. Most of with legal rainbow, fishing should to be held April .... 21 at the Mountain View Multi-Purpose ........... BLACK RIVER-will be Corky Dickinson 514; Shelton Pin Spotters 1, Gene Strozyk 472; the lakes are usually ice-free by be excellent. Rainbow 7-15 inch. ,., ,- , piantea w~tn sea-run cutmroa[ m Foods 1, Jack Howard 524; A. Farmers 3, Wayne Clary 517; Sun mid-April and they should be this As the water warms the Koom are now on sale. the spring and also provides good Roy Dunn 4, Bud Franklin 518i Downers 4, Charlotte Tobin 595; year. A few small marginal waters spinyray fishing improves. SomeThey call be purchased from students arid at Beckwith's, native cutthroat fishing. Mainly Wilson Co. 0, Ray Rice 546; Jess Odd Balz 0, Del Hartwell 485; Mobil 1, Jess Philllips 531; The Bolerz0, Art Pleines441; might suffer winter kills, but this of the smaller lakes in the eastern Eell's and Valley, or Ferguson Hardware for S2.50 each. fished by boat. Also has good Zieglers 3, Dean Perry 552. What's Next 4, Dick Johnson 491; would not detract from the part of the county have been The banquet, which was originally scheduled as a potluck population of whitefish. Boads 1, Ruth Bold 423; Jack overall excellence of the fishing of planted and should be af " " ld WARD LAKE-fry planted fan" for April 15 aud was rescheduled as a good o ............... SHELTON JUNIOR Pots 3, Gay Wentz this region, good-Horseshoe, Ludlow, Tarbo, ralnoow ~may lvovl v-Jz inches, Men s Hi Game: David Stole 197 Silent and Devils. banquet, will houor the basketball, wrestling and swimmingshould be better than normal due Men s Hi Series: Mike Nutt 539 W9ogrnen's Hi Game: Connie Fuller 309ers MASON COUNTY LAWRENCE-poisoned in teams, to increased winter survival. Men's Hi Game: Dell Abelein 220 BENSEN-should be good for 1969, replanted with large legalsit will start at 6:30 p.m. Men's Hi Series: Jack Swansonrainbow 8-10inches. plus a few yearling Donaldson fish _ - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~_ W?Fen's Hi Series: Connie Fuller 485 ~r~-- --- Sta ndings: Joslin Ins 39-13; lW6°1men's Hi Ga me: Dot Rid out CUSHMAN-should be very (1 pound apiece)this spring. ~~~~~~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -DANCE good for cutthroat trout that LONG-spring rainbow / Trailblazer'sV F W P OStl 27-25;1 694Shelton35-1jC7;s Women's Hi Series: Dot Ridoutwere raised in the new rearing fingerling and fry plant. Good 27-25; Beckwiths 26-26; 423 Trailblazer's II 23-29; Merv s Sta ndings: Scholars 35-13; areas called Standstill Lake, also spinyray fishing. Usually produces d B tt | Tirecap21-31;HembroffAgency Don't Bees 29Vz-18V2; Duncessilver trout, Dolly Varden, some real big trout. Airman Day, orne Kamilche Grange Hall : 12"4vOFw Post 1694 3, Rahn 271/z'201/ZDropouts 22-26;FlunkiesAdministrations25-23; rainbow and spinyrays. Fair for MclNTOSH-rehabilitated in 22-26; Repeaters 22-26; rainbow. Should be another good 1968, replanted with rainbow Redman 459; Trailblazer's II 1, Latecomers 22-26; Professors year for Kokanee. 7-12 inch. Should be in top U ..... J i lnit I Every First&Third Terry Knight 484; Beckwiths O, 19"29; Redin' 16-32. DEVEREAUX-shouId be production this summer. Fry !1 nul'lort~u v | SATURDAY Dana Thompson 507; Joslin Ins 4, Scholars 4, Ralph Ervin 458; good for rainbow 8-12 inches. Connie Fuller 518; Shelton JC's planted rainbow will be 8-10 Airman First Class David E. control for the USAF. 1, Mike Nutt 539; Tra!lblazers I 3, Redin' 0, Jean Temple 363; Don't Bees 3, Don Anderson 423; HAVEN-excellentfishing for inches. Some carryovers of 14 Barnett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Airman Barnett graduated in ) ....... Maurice M Barnett, Shelton is a1966 from Shelton High School |MUSIC Dy 11:110 lane loppers Clay Keith 482; Merv s Tirecap 4, Flunkies 1, Dell Abelein 470; rainbow 9-10 inches. Also holds inches, member of" a unit that has earned and attended Tacoma Colmnunity ~ Admission $1 AgencySUZi Gruver0, Mike Nolan467; 336.Hembr°ff ProfessorsDUnces 2, 2,OleLarryAnders°nLyle 438;434; silverSLosT_willand somebelargegoodCUtthroatS.for 9-9 OFFUT-planted this spring the U.S. Air Force OutstandingCollege and the University of 1_ BANTAM Repeaters 3, Lloyd Goodwin 468; Administration 1, Jack Swansoninch rainbow and some silvers in Unit Award with 'V" for valor. Mississippi. -------------------------------------- Men's Hi Game: Larry Wood 189 485; Dropouts 1, Lois Ervin 343; the same size class. Airman Barnett, an Men's Hi Series: Larry Wood 319 Late Comers 3, Rand Peterson NAHWATZEL-shouid be k ---- k administrative specialist in theI=" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-- ~ ~ ~ ~--- ~ Women'Sstepper 151 Hi Game: Glenda 446. good this year for 8-10 inch COO S Ta es 1880th Communications ~ .... ____=.. t Women's Hi Series: Glenda FRATERNAL rainbow and cutthroat, and some Squadron, Binh Thuy AB, I ~ ia a a TEAM . Tiffe v v, --.--or-or-.. .-. Stepper 234 Men'sHi Game: Jerry Mallory larger cutthroat available. | dm "etnam, will wear a distincti e | Standings: VFW Aux 33-9, 222, PHILLIPS-rehabilitated in,.eauue service ribbon to mark his i /mUAUI If IMICUID I Women of Moose 24-18, Eagles 221/z-19Vz, The Hu! 22-20, Lions Men sHi Series: Jerry Mallory 1968, should be very good for 7-8 556 Cook's Plant Farm finishecl the affiliation with the unit. ~ ~ n PLm r • v i1 e n • r I Club 22-20, Cooks Plant Farm Standings: Bull Moose inch rainbow. The 1880th was cited for I l 20V2-211b. Dahman Oysters 20-22, 421/z-17%; Fuller Const. 411/z-18Vz; S P E N C E R- s h o u 1 d b e Bantam league s top first half team merit orious service from July I This is the Last Weekend to qualify I Nimrod Women 19Vz-221/z. The Moose Antlers 33%-26z/z; Rotary excellent for 8-9 inch trout with and played off with VFW 1968 to June 1969 for its direct ~ in the House Eliminations! Journal 18½-23½,WillourIns. Club 32-28; Lions Club 31-29;some larger holdover trout auxiliary, who won the secondcommunications and air traffic l 8-34. Shelton Hardware 29-31; Nimrod available, half, Wednesday, but the scoring control support of U.S. and ~ Sunday midnight, April 19 is the deadline! All Eagles 2 Dave Hanson 292; Club 28-32; Eagle Aeries 28-32; Shelton Journal 1 Steve Coleman Kiwanis Club 28-32; IWA 38 TRAILS END-very good for was not available at this writing. Republic of Vietnam Air Force i Shelton Teams are welcome to participate in . s ]n nkes this tournament at the 202; Cook s Plant Farm 2, Terry27-33; Moose Heads 26-34; 7-8 inch rainbow, rehabilitated inThis Saturday, each bantam unit " launching air st - I Dion 250; Lions Club 1, Bob Shelton Jaycee's 13Vz-361/z. Morken 266; The Hut 3, Larry Moose Heads 0, Chuck Wood 319; Willour Ins. 0, GaryFunkhouser 477; Bull Moose 4, Moore 231; Nimrod Women• 2, Lee Schuffenhauer 553; Nimrod Glenda Stepper 234; VFW Aux 1,Club 0 Lee Eakin 431; IWA 38 4, Tony Benedict 192; Women of Cedric Casey 506; Kiwanis Club Moose 3, Dianna Warren 234; 1, Gene Benidict 552; Fuller Dahman Oysters 0, Rusty Plienes Const. 3, Bill Johnson 499; Moose 262 ; Antlers 3, Ernie Dahman 530; Shelton Jaycee's 1, Bill Hicks 459; Lions Club 3, Jerry Mal!ory 556; Rotary Club 1, Min Okano 495; Shelton Hardware 3, Frank Willard 469; Eagle Aeries 1, Lionel Leman 530. WOMENS COMMERCIAL Women's Hi Game: Jean Ream 194 Women's Hi Series: Jean Ream 510 Standinqs: Timber Bowl 37-23, Richfield 36½-23½. Ming Tree 361/z-23~k, Kellys 35-25, L. M. 31-29. Apex 30Vz-29Vz, Fullers 29V2-30Vz; Ogdens 28-32, Gotts 26Vz-33Vz, Eells & Valley 26-34, Certified 23-37, Pauley's 20Vz-39Vz. HOUSEWIVES Women's Hi Game: Evelyn Nelson 2O5 Women's Hi Series: Colleen Yorke 536 Standinqs: Hood Canal 36-24: B&R Oil 33-27; Dean's Gun Shop 33-27; The Old Mill 31Vz-281/z; Walter Drilling 29V2-30Vz; Hunters Tree Farm 29-31; WSP Academy 26-34; Waterwheel Groc. 22-38. B&R Oil 2, Shirley Weaver 477; The Old Mill 2, Pat Noreen 436; Hood Canal 2, Pea Brandt 428; Walter Drilling 2, Marge Witcraft 480; Hunters Tree Farm 3, Colleen Yorke 536; WSP Academy 1, Rosalie Warren 418; Waterwheel 0, Verna Kolowinski 402; Deans 4, Evelyn White 460. League 16 Meet A areas, you are urged to come to the meeting. New officers for Babe Ruth ,are Ron Ring, President; Mark Fredson, Treasurer; Jim Sharp, manager of Ok Roofers; Bob Corbett, manager of Pauley Ford. The manager position on the Lumbermen's is still open. e There will be a Babe Ruth baseball meeting at the Colonial House at 8 p.m., April 16. Coaches and player agents are still needed, and a secretary must be found. The new bylaws will also be adopted for the administration of the league. If you can help in any of the above Join a Summer League und enjoy the fellowship and competition with friends! The following leagues are now forming: * SUNDAY-Mixed 4ers * MONDAY-Teenage Trio, mixed or otherwise * TUESDAY-Mixed Fours * WEDNESDAY-Men's Trio * THURSDAY-Ladies Daytime Trio, 11:30 a.m. Adult Junior, 7:00 p.m. * FRIDAY-Red Pin Night * SATURDAY-Monte Carlo 426-8452 Call, or better yet, drop-in for more details at the 633 So. 1st 1968. WOOTEN-good population of 8-9 inch rainbow. Few larger. Should be good. THURSTON COUNTY BLACK-spring rainbow fingerling plant. Good spinyray fishing. CHAMBERS-open year-round. Not planted with trout and provides good fishing for spinyrays. CLEAR (Bald Hills)-rehabilitated in fall of 1968. Fishing will be excellent for rainbow 9-14 inch. Angling pressure will be intense. ELBOW-good for spinyray. DEEP-planted with rainbow and should provide good fishing for trout 8-10 inches. The fry planted rainbow (May 1969) are small 7 inch possible due to increased sculpin population. HICKS-heavily populated with small crappie. Planted this spring with rainbow fingerling and will provide fair fishing. Fry planted rainbow enter the catches as 10-13 inch, second to third week of season. Advanced fry planted May 1969 are marked by clipped Adipose fin. / /' /;~" ......................... The new Lawn-Boy MAG 19 is excellent for the small lawn. Fast, sure Starts with exclusive primer, twin-sPark ignition and patented gear system. With grass catcher and 5 Position handle with standul:) lock for storage. Variable speed settings. Model 5269. AlSO available is the MAG 19 (without grass catcher), Model 5239. Both are available at ..... MOTOR SHOP 1306 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4602 bowler will roll two more games in against the enemy. I a singles tourney, with a party The squadron is part of the i following, and the presentation of Air Force Communications the trophies for the top teams and Service which provides global other achievements, communications and air traffic 633 S. 1st 426-8452 Right, Sheriff. All you have to do is check Dart's resale value to prove that it's America's favorite compact. That's because Dart seats six. Looks great. Is strong and economical. And with all its roominess, our Dart Swinger model is America's lowest priced hardtop. So if you're out for America's biggest compact deal, price a Dart Swinger now. At the Dodge Boys'. AUTHORIZED DODGE DEALERII CHRYSLER MOTQR800RPORAnON Front & Railroad Shelton, Washington 98584 Thursday, April 16, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11 J i iI