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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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uple on By Corky Dorn HOODSPORT-Cousins by the dozens, family and friends numbering 75 gathered together in the home of Matt and Gloria VanLaanen, April I l to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKiel, Gloria's parents. A buffet was served, topped off by a lacy wedding cake decorated with the traditional Golden Wedding Bells, also following the gold for fifty theme was an eye catching center piece of gold chrysanthemums and yellow roses. Mr and Mrs. McKiel were married in Montesano, and moved to Hoodsport in 1923. Now retired, the couple at one time owned and opeated the Aquarium and motel in Hoodsport. Traveling from Studio City, Calif., to spend this happy occasion with her parents was Betty Barbar, Betty arrived via air last Thursday and returned to her home Monday. From Elma, arrived Mrs. McKiel's sister Mabel and spouse Earl Moran. Two other sisters and their husbands drove from PeEll, Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Luzader, and Mr. & Mrs. Mullenix. Yvonne and Julie Jo VanLaanen enjoyed watching their grandparents opening the numerous gifts they received, which included linens, silver, and just a little of everything the happy couple need to continue on for another 50. In Hospital Col. James Jeffries, retired from U.S. Army in 1950, was taken to Mason County General Hospital At its March meeting the Thurston-Mason Mental Health and Mental Retardation Advisory Board began action on the development of the 1971 plan for the provision of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services in Thurston and Mason Counties. By law such a plan must be prepared and submitted to the county commissioners as the qualification for receiving county money and state grants-in-aide money for community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services. Agencies participating in this program at the present time are the Community Mental Health Center (Thurston-Mason), Morningside, Inc., and Exceptional Foresters. The next meeting of the Advisory Board will be held on April 22 at which time opportunity will be provided for interested citizens to offer suggestions and express their views in regard to community mental health and mental retardation services. Robert Kimbel of Mason County is chairman of the Advisory Board. Other members are Mrs. Jessamine Sherman, Keith Goldenbuerger, Jack C. Martin, William Pickles, Leland Blankenship, Sister Claire Gagnon, J. V. Deshaye, M.D., Judge Hewitt Henry, James Bremner, MD., George Yantis, Jr., John Schreiber, William Hunter, Alvin Waggoner, and lrvin McArthur. Mr1. Gtl~ys ~ b act/roll, a8 part-time coordinator for the Advisory Board. Written communications should be addressed to the board at the Thurston County Courthouse Annex, Olympia, Wash., 98501. Final adoption of the plan will be made by the Advisory Board May 27 after which it will be referred to the boards of county commissioners in Thurston and Mason Counties for final approval and submission to the Department of Institutions by July 1. A record sum of $203,000 in state money has been earmarked by the Washington State Air Pollution Control Board this year to help support six regional air pollution control programs, Dr. Wallace Lane, State Director of Health and Board chairman, said today. The Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency leads the list with $167,417 of state aid scheduled for the 12-month period beginning July I, 1970, , reflecting a change in the ratio of state participation to compensate for declining federal funding. This compares with a grant of $60,900 frmff the state for the current 1~cal year. The State Board earlier granted five other regional agencies, operating on a calendar year basis, a total of $35,640, up from $28,610 in 1969. The Board is convening in Spokane on April 17 to resume public hearings on proposed statewide air quality standards which would establish limits of sulfur dioxide gas, suspended particulate (particles floating in the air) and particle fallout (dirt which falls to the ground). Second Lieutenant Ronald G. Orr, brother of Raymond A. Orr, Shelton, has been awarded U. S. Air Force silver pilot wings upon graduation at Williams AFB, Ariz. Lt. Orr is being assigned to Grifflss AFB, N.Y., for flying duty in the KC-135 Stratotanker aerial refueling aircraft. He will serve with a unit of the Strategic Air Comman, America's nuclear d eterrant force of long range bombers and inter-continental ballistic missiles. Ronald Orr fr Ortho Meeting On The lieutenant, a 1964• graduate of Shelton High School, received his B.A. degree in 1968 from Washington State University and is a member of Beta Theta Pi. He was commissioned in 1969 upon completion of Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Tex. His wife, Elizabeth, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Somers, Mercer Island, former Grapevie.w residents. Guild Holds By Vivien Olson LI LLIWAUP-The April meeting of the Blanche Radtke Orthopedic Guild was held last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Wallace Mohrman, of the Star White Addition. President Joyce Smith called the meeting to order and final plans were laid out, in preparation for the big yearly bazaar and Art show to be held on May 1, at Holiday Beach Club House. A great variety of finished projects were brought to the meeting and all members were busily working on unfinished ones. By all indications, this has been a fruitful year for the guild. Much credit is due our president, Joyce Smith, under whose guidance and inspiration every member has contributed much time and effort toward a successful May I st affair. Attend Seattle Wedding Faith and Lewis Evans attended a wedding in Seattle Saturday evening, April 11. The bride, Kathleen Sellen, is the daughter of the Evans' long time and dear friends, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sellen, who were both killed in an automobile accident almost two years ago. The SeUens were acquainted with many Canal residents, having made numerous visits to the Canal over the years, as guests of the Evans'. • I I n y Discharged with Honors Electronics Technician II, Michael D. Bloedel, U.S.N. received his discharge with many honors. Young Bloedel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloedel of Star White Addition, was awarded the Bronze Star, National Defense Service Medal, and Republic of Viet Nam Campaign Medal with Device. After a trip east where he will visit Diane Calkins in Milwaukee, Wls. and spend some time with his brother in Alexandria, Minn. he will return home to take a three week vacation trip to California with his parents. To Return Home Terry Indahl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Indahi of Blue Ox Beach, phoned his parents from Alaska on March 19 to inform them he would be released from the Navy the following week. He plans to stay in San Diego long enough to finish his Instrument Training for flying~ Terry and his wife Suzanne and their son Kyie will be home in early May. His immediate plans include driving logging truck for Alpine Log Co. at Forks. The Indahls eagerly anticipate getting re-acquainted with grandson Kyle. Community Club Don't forget the pinochle at the "'Kukbuk Headquarters" on Friday night. Your Lilliwaup Community Clubhouse, of course. All Kinds ROUGH ncin are available at • 1332 Olympk Hwy. S. Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 16, 1970 D nnlversary April 21, by his friend and neighbor, Joe Frint. The Colonel just hasn't been up to par, and is admitted for a check up. Wedding Bells Faye Modrell of Port Angeles became Mrs. Whirley Priest last Saturday in Aberdeen. The happy twosome drove to the home of their friends Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashcraft, who in turn accompanied Faye and Whirley to the judges chamber where they took their vows. Mr. and Mrs. Priest are making their home at Lilliwaup. Very happy about Dad's wedding are Betty and Randy Priest. A Star is Born Richard and Elaine Bates took daughter Becky to Seattle last week to see the play Sam Stiller Private Eye, which is playing at the Seattle Center Playhouse. Playing the part of Sam Stiller, is none other than Hoodsport's own Don Beardon, who is attending the U. of Washington. After the play the Bates took Don to the Spaceneedle for dinner. Other friends might like to know that the Seattle Junior Program will be at the Capitol Theater in Olympia, for a three day engagement, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Party Time Many friends and co-workers of Jim, Donna and Pat O'Neil celebrated their new home last Saturday and in lieu of the circustances, which was a raging fire that destroyed their home a few months back, the gathering was not called a house warming, just referred to as Party time. Scout Meeting Plan's are well underway for Gary Brown Joins General Electric Gary G. Brown, a 1969 electrical engineering graduate from the University of Washington, has accepted a field engineering position with General Electric's Installation and Service Engineering. (I&SE). Brown will attend I&SE's Field Engineering Development Center in Schenectady, primary site for the development of new I&SE engineers, to pursue on-the-job and classroom instruction in electrical and electronic field engineering. the forming of The Hood-Canal Boy Scout's of America Troop. The troop is being sponsored by The Hood Canal Woman's Club. First meeting for all interested will be April 23, at The Woman's Club at 7:30 p.m. A film on Scouting was shown this week at The Hood Canal Junior High, and all concerned are hoping for a good turn-out and acheiving a merit winning troop. Having A Good Time Wish you were here is the letter Ruth Johnston received from daughter CharEll who is having nothing but fun on her spring into summer vacation. CharEll is now visiting friends in Anaheim, Calif., and is making quite a study on fish, via the many aquarium's located in the area. Week Ender's Bob and Lois Reed drove over from Bremerton for the weekend with Lila and Lou Spalding. The Spalding's bringing their trailor to be located on their lot at Lake Cushman. There wasn't enough time for the foursome to see all their friends but said they shall return this coming.weekend. More Remodeling Town improvement still underway. The Old Mill Care now being black topped and though many missed the handy laundromat while it was closed it will be well worth it when it reopens Thursday, complete with new washers, one being a thirty pounder, which will enable proper washing of those heavy rugs. Night Climber Per chance you were driving by the Hoodsport Marina late Saturday and witnessed a fellow or two climbing very suspiciously over the locked marina fence? It was just Jim Smith and party from Elma, who had much trouble with his boat, but luckily Jim and his Canal crew made it to the welcome dock. Birthdays A dual birthday celebration was in order when The Goddings got together up at Mart's and Alice's home at Lake Cushman. Alice and her brother-in-law, Har Gadding, had quite a day, both claimed 29. Also birthday felicitations are in order for Carol Hiembigner. Many Happy returns to you all. Please Remember A native of Shelton, Brown is When you have any news, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon visitors, party plans, or club Brown of Shelton. He presently " 'mee~i~n-g~z~ ltlie "-li~am~O~~ in i. resides at Route 2, Box 929. ~ Hoodgport is 877-5713. lS Apparently, they grow young super-salesmen in Hoodsport. For the second week in a row, Kenneth Drake of that communi.ty won the $10 prize for selling the Fhost NEW subscriptions to the Journal during the past week. Two more prizes winbe awarded in coming weeks. Debi Aitken 1017 Dearborn Kenneth Aitken 1017 Dearborn Tim Allen 633 Arcadia Doug Anderson 1521 Summit Lori Asche Rt. 3 Box 450 Vern Bailey Rt. 3 Box 347 Sharlene Barron Rt. 2 Box 260 Jill Bergeson Rt. 2 Box 25 Tammi Blackwell Star Rt. 1 Box 47 Larry Bradley 629 Fairmont Blain Burgess 1103 Fairmont Brian Chambers Rt. 3 Box 365 Doug Christensen 1316 W. Harvard Alan Clark 123 Moore Cecelia Clark 519 Grandview Ave. Robbie Coker Rt. 1 Box 191 Jeff Coleman 303 Kineo %mCres , ., ,, 805 Tu/fier .....' Diane Crow 2122 Island Lake Drive Lenny Crume Rt. 3 Box 334A Kenneth H. Drake P.O. Box 313, Hoodsport Virginia Ann Dundas Rt. 3 Box 400 Liana Ford Rt. 2 Box 908 Sandra Frary 224 South 12th Debbie Frost 2018 Ferry St. Gail Fuller 1617 Center Joni Gibson 505 South 8th Sheri Goodburn 1919 Hay Gene Greenfield 634 Dearborn Carrie Lynne Hawley 1805 Jones Road Dan Hergert 529 Birch Kevin Hopper 2214 King St. Kirby Hopper 2214 King St. Doug Howard 204 East C St. Greg Hunter Star Rt. 1 Box 76 John Hurst 127 Roosevelt Mark Hurst 127 Roosevelt Jack Jensen Cushm No. 1 Hoodsport Danny Johnson 818 So. 14th Dave Johnson 818 So. 14th Debbie Johnson 818 So. 14th Kevin Johnson 922 Kineo Sharon Johnson Rt. Box 378 Ed Jones Rt. 2 Box 304 Julie Kamin Rt. 3 Box 490A Paul Kamin Rt. 3 Box 490A Cheryl' Lynne Kelley Rt. 1' Box 169 Dan Kempton 223 West H: St. Mike Kratcha Rt. 1 Box 233 Karen Kytta 626 Grandview Ave. Gene Lanman 1130 E. Fairmont Doug Lane Rt. 4 Box 20 Trudy Lindberg 1126 Laurel St. Debbie Lisoskie 920 N. 7th St. Diane Look Star Rt. 2 Box 8 Brad Lowe 227 W. Laurel Jeff McGee 1819 King St. Scott Metzler P.O. Box 90 Union David Mirka 534 Ellinor i Gary Mirka 534 Ellinor Terri Mirka 534 Ellinor Dennis 433 Ellinor Charlene 626 W. Pine i Scott Myers 1316 Mason Eve Nelson Star Rt. 1 Lori Nelson Star Rt. 4 Belfair, Wn. Ryan Orme ' 806 So. 14th Bolmie 245 Isl. Lake Rusty 1 11 2 Cota ; Jean Ann 1519 Center Joe Rae Star Rt. 1 Brett 729 Cota St. Kay Roller Rt. 3 Kirk Scoles 1220 Ba Cheryl Rt. Ted 818 So. Mike S 301 East B John Stewart 925 O!, David Rt. 2 Box Annette P.O. Box 65 Mike Rt. 2 BoX Debra Star Rt. 1 Carll 627 Teri Weaver 1321 Tracy 1139 Tammi 2034 Tracy P.O. Box ¢