April 16, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 16, 1970 |
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bgal Publications
tO, 671
of C.R.P. No.
=ted on Mason
8379 known
)n Creek Road,
tlly located in
Township 23
that it is their
)mplish minor
to reconstruct
)ridge eastward
cipal quantities
~ation, incl.
• • • 5,700 C.Y.
........ 1,500 C.Y.
.......... 300 C.Y.
~',; ....... 140 L F
'., ...... 7,500 S~YI
hu Work is to be
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vith the Washington
rd Specification
,idle .. s for
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~ason County.
J that the above
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......... $I,000.00
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r)ty Road Project
~r'bteg is HEREBY
• De a public
a the County Road
IONIZED to report
theron as by law
D_ this 13th day of
Court of the
for Mason
f, vs.
ington to
;ummoned to
aye after the
ublicat on of
it, within 60
ay of March,
I the above
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answer the
and serve a
upon the
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Legal Publications Legal Publkations Legal Publkations • • " I I" "."
.n, ,n .,e o, ,our ,.i,ure ...... ....... o,,ec,,ons oTTe ISSIOnOry visiting
so to do, judgment will be SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION accompanied by a two dollar
rendered against you according to IN THE SUPERIOR COURT (2.00) recording fee and filed
the demand of the Claim which O F T H E S T A T E O F with the Department of Water By MARY VALLEY speaker Wednesday was Dr. Dixie Olympia. in honor of Mrs. Carol Taylor and
has been filed with the Clerk of WASHINGTON FOR MASON Resources with thirty (30) days K i s Anne Ray Lee from the Science Center, A number of Skokomish her brother, Bob, at the Justin
said court, from April 16, 1970. S OKOMISH-M s . ,
Ahern a mi~innarv to Africa speaking on environment. Bills Grangers attended the Friendship Taylor home at Oyster Bay
The object of this action is to COUNTY Witness my hand and official ........
TONY JENSEN PLYWOOD, seal this 16th day of March,1970. where she is serving with the wife, Carol, accompamexl hlim, night at Progress Grange Friday Sunday.
secure an absolute divorce. INC. a Washington corporation, GLEN H. Fiedler
DEAN PONTIUS Sudan Interior Mission in the enjoying a very wlnay anay evening. Mrs. Billy Godwin and
Attorney for Plaintiff Plaintiff, vs LAWRENCE A. Assistant Director
260 Second Street BECHTO LD and PEGGY Division of Water Republic of Somali, will be at the day at the beach, by wayoz Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter, children of Shelton spent Sunday
Bremerton, Washington BECHTOLD, husband and wife, Management Skokomish Community Church looK mgoutamotelwindow. J Mrs. Edna Hunter and Mrs. afternoon with her parents, Mr.
Defendants. Department of Water thi~'~ ounuay,°" -~ .... ~l~m-" ~,'" ~,u^-A win" :11 u~'~ weeKena visitors at the Arvio rtorence Jaylor of Kamilcne and Mrs Max Latzel
98310 3/12-19-26-4/2-9-16-6t T o T H E S T A TE OF Resources sneakin- durin- "he Sunda'" Johnson home were Mr. and Mrs. attended a joint birthday dinner " "
N O~RS WASHINGTON: 4/9-16-2tSchool~hour and ~w" t e showill b m~g ....... Run Shipley and daughter Julie off ~ h/~?#h
To the said Lawrence A. ~ -':-' ..... '- ..... " ..... -'~ *nne uomeu, KicKy Johnson, son o
NO. 4110 B e c h t o I d a n d P E G G Y • . wesley Jonnson ana ~ar ana mrs
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BECHTOLD, husband and wife, WATER RIGHT APPLICATION was raised m the valley and has ... . • •
" " es to uon Mdler of Edmonds
O F T H E S T A T E O F NO. 10709 many friends here ana hop A - ~ J ~ ""
WASHINGTON FOR MASON defendants: ..... o'luck numoer oz people /rum me
COUNTY IN PROBATE. Y O U A R E H E R E BY STATE OF WASHINGTON meet many ot mere A p t .........
...... "" " the vauey attended the 30th weeding
IN THE MATTER OF THE SUMMONED to appear within DEPT. OF WATER RESOURCES alnner wm De servea alter r i., ' I
ESTATE OF ALFRED J. sixty (60) days after the dateof OLYMPIA mormng service ...... reception of Mr and Mrs Albert. "" " n at
TURNER, Deceased. the first publication of this TAKE NOTICE: That ..... last t~earaen, ~aturaay axternoo ,
Biit taunter spent the " "
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN summons, to wit: within sixty CHEROKEE STRIP WATER ........... maian Assembly Church at
that the undersigned has been (60) days after the 9th day of COMPANY of Belfair, Washington weunesaay and tnursaaYhe attendedat me'~ Junction"
on March 18, 1970 filed Ocean Shores, where
appointed and has qualified as the April, 1970, and defendthe application for permit to withdraw th- o... ,t. .... Washin"ton Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley,
personal representative of the . ..~ OUULIIWU~L
Estate of Alfred J. Turner, above-entitled action to the public ground waters through a ........ mmissionersMr and Mrs George Valley and
UIStrlc[ OlLOunty . " . • . .
deceased; that all persons having above-entitled court, and answer well situated within Lot A of the_ . " eeers Featured Jan (/rove to Alderwooa Manor
claims against said deceased arethe Complaint of the plaintiff in plat of Cherokee Strip of Section an(] county engm ......... / I I ,,;,~,,~v,, u,,),~,~,v,,_ I
hereby required to serve the same, the suit for damages, and serve a 1, Township 22 N., Range 2 W.W. bunoay, where mey were Eilnner / Alliance Church
................. =.., guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve I [ !t's.on.18Washingtonstations
duly verified, on the undersigned copy of your answer upon the amountM" in ofMason500 gallonsC°unty'per minutein the ....... ~.v__.__~. .... Valley. On their way home they / Sunday School .. _ 9:45 a.m. I I !nc=uamg: I
or his attorney of record at the undersigned attorney for plaintiff subject to existing rights t jal Publications stopped at the Tom Marshall/ MorningW ro ship . .ll:00a.m. I I 9:00a.m. KXA 770k.c. I
address below stated and file the at his office below stated; and in continuously, each year for the -~~--=-------=-~---=, home in Tanglewi]de. | A. ¥.F ........... 6..00 p.m. I I 10:I5 a.m. KGY 1240 k.c. |
court,Same withtogetherthe withClerkproof°f theof suchSaid case of your fa,_'lure so to dopurpose of community domestic | Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. [I ................ I
service within four (4) months judgment will be rendered supp,y. (Evers Bridge), until l 1:00 AM. Shaw. Johnson. son of Mr I Prayer Hour (Wed.) . 7.-30 p.m.I I BI PIE I
after the date of first publication against you according to the Any objections must be Monday. April 20. 1970. Plans and Mrs. Haldane Johnson was
of this notice or the same will be demand of the Complaint, which accompanied by a two dollar including specifications and taken to the Mason General t ~ ........ vv
barred. . has been filed with the Clerk of (2.00) recording fee and filed with proposal forms, are available at Hospital where is is undergoing
Date of first publication:saidCourt, the Department of Water I[NORTH-~ID~ !~. II}! ~'nUKt'n/~P~-i
April 16, 1970. This is a suit for damages on Resources within thirty (30) days the Mason County Engineer's some tests
from April 23, 1970. OfficeC ~ ~ ,~ . . Mrs. Cliff Gendreau of Island
/s/Alfred J. Turner, Jr. an express contract and to recover Witness my hand and offical ~ne ~ounty Lommlssloners L .......... I - Phone 426-3827 I
...... e'ect an and a~e was a umner guest at mrI 123 W. C St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. Paul ButterfieldI
Personal Representative the same from an interest in seal this 6th day of April, 1970. reserve me ngnt to r jy an ........ "
ll bi" "" acce-t onl" thoseu ~rs Artnur Jonnsonon
AttorneyGLENN E.forCORREAEstate property in the State of Glen H. Fiedler a as anu to p y W - - " I Sunday School ............................. 9:45 a.m. I
Bell Building Washingtron which the defendant Assistant Director bids deemed most advantageous eanesaay. | Worship .......................... I 1 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.|
121 South Fourth St. has. Division of Water to the County Mr. and Mrs. Bert Deyette | Training Union ............................. 6:30 p.m. I
SHIERS, KRUSE & ROPER Management DATED tlais 6th day of April, attended the 25th wedding I Midweek Service ....................... Tues., 7:30 p.m. I
Shelton, Washington4/ By James D. Roper Department of Water . ~- .
Resources. 1970. anniversary reception, in honor of
Attorney for Plaintiff 4/16-23 MASON COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Pat Feeny of Lacey [ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH -- !
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Shiers, Kruse & Roper COMMISSIONERS Sunday. Later in the day the| Arcadia and Lake Boulevard ]
NO. 4106 720 Prospect Street NOTICE TO CREDITORS uy Kum t~ uoysen De
..... - ~. . yettes called at the home ofI ED CHAMBERLAIN. Minister I
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT P.O. Box 126 NO.4109 t~lerk otthe tloara Mr .....
O F T H E S T A T E O F Port Orchard, Washington IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 4/9 ]6 2t . an(] ~rs. uennie Berndson of~1.Bible~Sch°°l . .... ; 9..45 a.m. Family be" rwce..7:30 p.m. I"
I worsnip .........~ !:UU a.m.
WASHINGTON FOR MASON 98366 O F T H E S T A T E O F I Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. I
IN THE MATTER OF THE 4/9-16-23-30-5/7-14-6t COUNTY (IN PROBATE). M " *-" t ~ 1
GREEN, Deceased. ESTATE O E J.
The undersigned is the NO. 10671 LABISSONIEREdeceased. First Church of Christ, Scientist
Administratrix of said estate. DEPARTMENT OF that the undersigned has been 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash.
Persons having claims against the WATER RESOURCES appointed and has qualified as the Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Church 11:00 a.m.
deceased are required to serve the OLYMPIA personal representative of the Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8:00 p.m.
same in duplicate, duly verified,
on the ndersigned or the
attorney o? record at the address
Estate of Leslie J. LaBissoniere,
deceased; that all persons having
claims against said deceased are
Reading room located in church. Reading room hours
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mort. & Fri., Wed. evening (3:45 to 7:45
stated below and file the same T h a t H O O D C A N A L hereby required to serve the same,
with the Clerk of the Court, H IGHLANDS COMMUNITY duly verified, on the undersigned
together with proof of such CLUB of Seattle, Washington or her attorney of record at the
service within four months after 2 98109 on February 26,1970 filed address below stated and file the Auction Service |
April 1970, or the same will beapplication for permit to same with the Clerk of the saidI Complete
forever barred, withdraw public ground waters court, together with proof of such | AUCTION SERVICE
MARY JO GREEN through a well situated within service within four (4) months I Farm Sales -- Equipment Sales
Administratrix Government Lot 3 of Section 18, after the date of first publication I and other type auctions
I conducted Anywhere. Anytime
P.O. Box 108 Township 22 N., Range 3 W.W. of this notice or the same will be I GARY LEAVITT
Union, Wash. M., in Mason County, in the barred•
B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON amount of 125 gallons per Date of first publication: April 1385-1517 Port Townsend
Attorney for Estate minute, subject to existing rights 16, 1970.
Angle Bldg. continuously, each year for the LoisJ. LaBissoniere
Shelton, Wash. 98584 purpose of community domestic Personal Representative
Contracting , Fishermen's Club
COMPLETE BLUEPRINTS. From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. every Sunday
Michael J. Byrne Bldg. Co.
426-6435 SUNDAY. April 19. 1970
ce below 4/2-9-16-3t supply. G L E N N E. C O R R EA Auto Glass i Dru~ I
Attorney for Estate I II -He'ena Rubinstein Il
" "~ ' --'---'----'----"--'--~-'--'--'--'----"--~'--~-" ~-----'--'--'------'------- Bell Building
(:an ,, Glll, S I --Cosmetics I St. David's Episcopal Church
121 South Fourth Street Expert Installation I --Prescriptions I
~ , " .... I --Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics[ Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington
, Shelton, Washington4/ t ,,, PAULEY, INC. J I NEIL°S PHARMACY I
• If Y O Buyi ':~ l ....... ~ CALL '"
ou Plan n NOTIGE OF WARRANT |Sth&Ra,,road Ph. a26-823, J |Sth&Frank,m Ph. 426-3327I Ttle Chu~rch is always open for meditation and prayer.
Notice is hereby given that the 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion
following Mason County Warrants
are called for payment a't the office 9:30 a.m. -- Church School and Adult Bible Class
New Ca= Wifhin fhe o, the Treasurer of said County, Auto Repairing I FloorCovering I
S " 16, 1970:
Nex÷ 3 Mon÷h CURRENT EXPENSE I --Brakes&Ignition 'l--Linoleum --CarpetingI
FUND--Warrant Nos. 8102 to I --Welding & Tune-ups | --Tile --Formica
8275inclusive- - I SpeoalWinterizing I Faith Lutheran Church
"" FUND--Warrant Nos. 2035 to I ED'S SERVICE I |Mt. view Ph.426-2292 I 7th and Franklin
2190 inclusive; _ | 219 So. 1st 426-1212 I
' Thi EQUIPMENT RENTAL& WORSHiP: 8:30 and11:OO a.m.
t R EVOLV I NG FUND--Warrant
q Nos. 5306 to 5343 inclusive; j CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:30 a.m.
F I R E D I S T R I C T N o. Beauty / income Tax Service , Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service
1 1--EXPENSE FUND--Warrant j --Complete Hair Care |J Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone 426-861 !
No. 110; ..
SCHOOL DISTRICT No. I --Wigs - Wiglets - Switches I • Experienced Assistance
pport nih 311-GENERAL FUND--Warrant I--Merle Norman Cosmetic~ i I • Prices Reasonable
NOS.scHOOL6445 to 6485DiSTRiCTinclusive; No. I --Free Demonstrations | I • 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
403--GENERAL FUND--Warrant | ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON i j Phone426-4900 United Methodist Church
Nos. 6815 to 7006 inclusive; I 6th & Laurel 426-45821 G and King Streets
r No. 1181. Bicycles I Masonry 9:00 and l l:00 a.m.
Worship Services
JOhnTreasurerB. COleof Mason County J New and Re-Built | I --Fireplaces 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages- 6 p.m. Youth Fellowship
rs (SeaSi ~ate of Washington | Factory Trained Mechanic|
I --All Brick and
I Complete Line of New Parts |
undreds of olla Oated atShelton, I and~,oo,,o,'o, I -~,oc. Work
April 16, 1970 4/16 It I Open 7 days week, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. 1 I MASON'S MASONRY
I 3 blocks east of Airport Grocery on I I Phone 426-2278 MISSOURI SYNOD
I ,L I c,,~o,~-~, | Sprlng Road Phone 426-4989 | 206E. Wyandotte EDW|NCoZSCHOCHE, Pastor
SUNDAY, April 19, 1970 Divine Service 10:30
MASON COUNTY Building Supplies Refrigeration Service Sund,W School and Bible Class 9:15
n 1970 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT --Sherwin-Williams Domestic andcommercial
FURNISHING PRESTRESSED Paints-Carpets-Wallpaper 20 Years Experience
• CONCRETE DOUBLE-TEE --Complete Building Supplies 24 Hour Service Theme: THE UNFORGETABLE VISION"
: ~, BRIDGE UNITS L --Plastering & Supplies
' rolef Cars and Trucks ..so
50-0.15 Nye Co. Building Supply SE RV ICE r
We are paving th A. Free De.very Phone 426-8537 * *
Sealed bids will be received [,426-8224 OnColeRoad rst Baptist Church
• wa for the annual M Y- for furnishing Mason County
J.U_NIL. $ ~Ya Highway Department / (CONSERVATIVE)
Chevrolef Sale mpaign by offer|ng approximately 620 square feet ~ulldozer Service Rental Service / Fifth & Coti Sts. Rev. Jerry Lir~on, TH.M. Tel. 426-8461
tional savings on factory order cars that (deck area) prestressedreinforcedconcrete bridge sections for the I *Clearing I AIm°stAnythin9Anywhere / Sunday, Apr, i119,1970 , "~--~-'~--:"
COmplete superstructure I *Leveling I Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps / 11:00a.m.' Shall Never Perish! ' I M°rnin9W°rship I
"(~"oe delivered fo you not later than June 30 (excluding guard rails) for Mason I *Excavating IF°ldin9 Banquet Tables / John 10:27-31 i Broadcast over I
' / 9.30a.mBib eSchoo I KMA.¢; '
L OUnty Bridge No. 50-0.15 I JOHN MAKOVINEY l & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc.
A,.Ip• We plan on sell na 200 new cars and trucks (Knight Bridge), until 11:00 I Bulldozing | LEW RENTS | 6:00 p.m. ,,Youth Groups , I.....'2"tz.u ":",, =:t.~ a m |
~:[ .d! A.M., Monday, April 20, 1970. I, Phone426-1289 " F216w 4,h.O,ymp,a. 3S77731 [ 7:00p.m. Teaching andExhorting' ~,z,u--,].:l~a.m.|
'ng_ .he period beginningMay Isf and en ng Plans including specifications and
proposal forms, are available at I
._ "e In order fo do thls iob we must sacr,f!ce the Mason County Engineer's Shoes SN|LTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD
:O't P Office. iable TV I II Famous KNAPP Shoes ] 1521 Monroe St. Ma.n Younglund, Pastor
S.f 9' our normal rofff and offer you the The County Commissioners I Saf-T.t* Dr.,s* Casual
fantastic deals you have ever heard of. reserve the right to rejectanyand For Service Call I Sports*Work
all bids and to accept only those l I Sizes up to laD I Sunday School ..........................9:45 a.m.
bids deemed mo, t advant eous i 1691 I' Men,--Women's--Children"
P. solute ¢opd liar for your Crude |n. to the County. ri' | Personal Shoe counr~lor$ and Fitters / Mornin9 Worship ....................... 1I:00 a.m.
wdl ayab o DATED this 6th day of Ap ', I |D-onAnderson JoeKnight J J Christ's Ambassadors ..................... o:00p.m.
| Evangelistic Service " • .................... 6:00 p.m.
:~? 1970, ~'"" ~. ....... 426-1080 I REVIvALTIME, Sunday, 3:00 p.m. KGDN
Pos|fively will not be undersold by anyone. COMMISSIoNERsMASON COUNTY I Wednesday -- Family I~ight ................. 7:00 p.m.
By Ruth E. Boysen Chain Sews I Travel -
fYPes of available financing EZ terms Clerk of the Board I New and Used -- Rentals I --A,r-Rai,-Steamsh'P
Z 4/9-16-2tl Oregon Chains & Accessories I --Bus - Hotels - Tours
I Small motor tune-up & repairs I ,o~.,,.~,.,~,o, ou,~.,,,- Foursquare Church
or fhe DeaJ of a Lifeflme i Hours:8a.m. to6pm..da'yIAngleTraveIRes. Center 910East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor
MASON COUNTY HIGHWAY I Mike's McCulloch shop 1 401 Railroad Ave.
. DEPARTMENT 12215 Olympic Hwy. N.,426"46391 426-8272 426-4]'34 REV. AND MRS. FRED MORROW
FURNISHING TREATED Tonight, Friday -- 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Sunday
STRUCTURAL Singing, preaching, story hour for Children
"R O oncrt lit
BRIDGE 9010-23.35 " I--Ready-mix Concrete
. Sealed bids will be received
tor furnishin~ Mason County I --Concrete Culverts & Blocks
H i g h w a y "D e p a r t m e n t I --Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone
apProximately 26 MBM Treated I --Fireplace Screens & Tools
Structural Timber for Mason | GRAYSTONEofSHELTON
ounty Bridge No. 9010-23.35[ 7th & Park 426-3344
4~One "Walks': Away From Capitol Chevrolef
phone 357-5515
CAN BE HAD 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Youth Mtgs. 6:00 p.m.
Prayer Mtgs. Wed., 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 16, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Pa e ] 7