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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1970
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THE SALTY SASHAYERS circle the floor in a round dance. GENEVA AND BERT DEYETTE, president couple of the Christmas Town Rounders, execute an intricate round dance routine. It's gayety! It's laughter! It's music! It's fun! and what's more, it's good for you! Where can you get a bargain like that'? In square dancing. The Salty Sashayers, Shelton's square dance club, and tile Christmas Town Rounders, the round dance club. and many similar groups throughout the world meet regularly to enjoy this happy healthful, hilarious recreation. It's a family affair, very often, appealing to the young and old and to everyone m between; it is not uncommon to see a pre-teen and a Golden-Ager as partners. It is pure, unadulterated, uncomplicated and unspoiled human enjoyment. The beauty of the minuet is blended with the enthusiasm of modern dancing, and liberally sprinkled with the grace of the old fashioned waltz, the energetic action of the polka, and the precision of a drill team. with a steady glow of concentrated joy making the whole procedure a wonderful thing for a spectator and heaven itself for the participants. It offers a relaxing respite from routine chores. The gay, full-skirted gowns of the women, bouffant over ruffled petticoats that swirl wide to reveal matching pantaloons,-the super-fancy ties worn by the gentlemen, and the shirts that are often fashioned of material identical to that in the dresses of their wives the rhythmic and melodious voice of the caller it all embodies a touch of the Mardi-Gras with the wholesome atmosphere of a family picnic. A favorite story of the Salty Sashayers is the tale of the couple who wandered into the hall when a dance was in progress, believing themselves to be at the site of a meeting for which they were bound. Each was snatched up by a partner and they were whirled away and caught in the maze of a procedure which was totally unknown to them and for which they were, to say the least, completely unprepared. When the initial shock had subsided, and they had extricated themselves from the surrounding chaos and sat panting on the sidelines, they exchanged shy grins, forgot about the meeting, and two new square dancers emerged from their cocoons. There is also the incident of the man in the wheel chair, lte attended dances with his wife but. confined to his chair, could only ~vatch the activities. There came the ,evening when the dancers were lacking one gentleman to make up a set, and he volunteered to attempt to "walk through" the routine, lie has been square dancing ever since; his wheel chair is forgotten. Square dance clubs are open to membership. It is required only that one like to dance and be willing to learn. Periodically, lesson sessions are held and beginners become acquainted with the routines and learn to followthe instructions of the caller. The square dance is performed in sets of four couples each, who move through routines which are made up of basic steps and maneuvers. In the round dance, couples execute identical routines while moving around the floor in a large circle. The Clubs hold conventions, and they travel from one city to another to host each other at get-togethers. At certain fairs and celebrations, they have sometimes built entire dance floors for the occasion, often permitting the use of lhcir structure for other events as well: the floor is disassembled and removed upon the conclusion of the gathering, to be rebuilt at another time and place. Square dancing is simple enough to be within the capabilities of all, and yet it is sufficiently challenging to warrant pride in accomplishment. It is therapeutic, too. Watching the waistline'? Square dancing burns up the calories. Of the potluck suPPer but even so one game. Joints goigg dancing limbers sorry for y and forget it! SKIRTS WHIRL in a fancy SQUARE DANCERS# kRDELLE AND PAT FEENEY celebrated their 25th wedding ml iversary at the last meeting of the Salty Sashayers, held at 'the fair grounds Saturday evening. Pat served as guest caller. Bennie Berndson, who has called for the Sashayers for seven years, is taking a year's leave of absence. Page 24' Sh'elton-Mason (County Journal- Thursday, A'pril 16, 1970 sQUARE DANCING, The Salty Sashayers meet twice a month for this sort of recreation. ELLEN AND RUSSELL STUCK, presiden Salty Sashayers.