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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 1970
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W~ I~...1 me_ Jk.Jt.dff . -. : 1~ summer l~reaen~a a special threat for drivers that can be more treacherous than ice. After a dry spell, a light rain or drizzle creates a thin, greasy film on smooth road surfaces. It is slick, and it is dangerous, because drivers are not concerned about skidding at this time of the year. Bald tires increase the danger. More miles are driv- en during the summer than at any other time of the year and without realizing it, tires may wear beyond the safe point. When there is less than 2/32" of tread remaining, ac- cording to tire experts, your tires are unsafe. Under dangerous driving conditions, reduced speed and extra caution are obvious accident prevention meas- ures. However, a double measure of safety is to keep your tires in good condition. ~m~ earn substmattally Ixx- crease tire llfe by having them rotated about twice a year. By putting tires in dif- ferent positions on the car (left front to left rear, left rear to right front, and so on around the car --- according to instructions for your make and model), your tires, in- cluding the spare, eventually will have taken their turns in all positions, thereby equalizing wear. This semi-annual proce- dure also provides a good op- portunity for your automo- tive serviceman to look for cuts, bruises or other dam- age. Another part of semi-an- nual tire care should be a check of wheel balance and alignment. Both have a seri- ous bearing on tire wear and will affect your car's han- dling ability and driving comfort. Once a month, have the air in the tires checked. An gaptdly at the outer edges, overtnflaUon causes wear at the center. One final tire care fact especially important during the summer: excessive heat is a tire's worst enemy. It re- sults from a flexing of the tire body. The faster you will flez. Get Sizzling Hot Tires can get sizzling hot at high speed on a summer day. When they hit 250 de- grees (considered their criti- cal temperature), wear is rapid and you may be in dan- con~ct ~e~wee~ you cud ~he road. Should they fall, you are in danger. Also, they rep- resent a substantial portion of the total value of your car. So, both in safety and in economy, proper tire care is like money in the bank. • II Built with 2 Fiberglass Belts for 55% more strength than our former supertred. Including Fed. Excise Tax 6:50x13 One Tire Only $27.5! Most Sizes In Stock 24 Hour Phone Service Evergreen Square - Shelton Her trip may be shorter than she's planned from the look of her tires. Some tire damage is not as obvious as this, so it pays to have your favorite serviceman inspect for damage on your next visit. A tire care kit that fits in a glove compartment is being made avail- able by the Rubber Manufacturers Association. The kit contains an air pressure gauge, a tread depth gauge, a set of four tire valve caps and a 16-page guide on proper tire care. A three-dollar value, it is available for $1.00 to readers of this section. To obtain one, ~end $1.00 to Tire Safety, Department CC, Box 726, New York, N. Y., 10010. The kit is not available in Canada. Aee mts Cam Happen to Safe Drivers, Too Play it safe behind the wheel of your car by making sure your car is in shape, keeping those seat belts buckled at all times, watching out for the other driver and being alert for emergency action, and ... being insured by Cascade Insurance. Be a member of the CASCADE GROUP Real Estate • Insurance 122 South 3rd 426-1641 WHY do more and more young adults finance their new and used cars with us? i:~!i~i iiili OOO Our young adult customers are happy with the dollars they save when they finance their new or late-model used car at our preferred low bank rates. Auto loans at National Bank of Mason County--where personalized service is our biggest asset--are tailored to their individual needs. Most importantly, they do business as cash buyers in a buyers' market. Main Office Shelton 426-8234 MEMBER F.D.I.C. Branch Office Belfair CR 5-2816 Your Home-Owned Full Service Bank " '-heaton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 16, 1970 Downtown Los Angeles on a clear day. -~ Photo by the Lol Angdes County .Air Pollution Control District Downtown Los Angeles on a smoggy day. Photo by the Los Angeles Cowaty Air Pollution CowtTo! ~ttriCt Clean air will be obtained sooner in this country if the motorist assumes his share of the responsibility. According to George M. Galster, director of automo- tive technical services for Champion Spark Plug Com- pany, "the auto industry has already made and will con- tinue to make tremendous improvements in achieving cleaner air. In a few years the internal combustion engine promises to be virtually free of harmful emissions. "However, clean air will not be attained until the operators of these vehicles maintain them at levels and at intervals somewhere near those recommended by the manufacturers. "Very simply, cars with en- gines in sub-standard condi- tion are reducing the effects of improvements being made by the auto makers," Mr. Gaister said. He cited Champion studies, reporting that a five percent incidence of engine misfiring will increase harmful emis- sions about three times the normal rate. This is true whether or not the vehicle is equipped with an emission control device. The misfire can due worn out spark plugs, wrong plug application or by long Pump Primed to Spark "Winners" in . . . Not very often have the scrawls on walls been used in a serious attempt to sell products or ideas. However, grafitti is very much a part of today's scene and, as such, is an important communica- tions medium. So, with this view in mind, an international graffiti con- test was launched by the Car Care Council. The topic, naturally, is car care. The Council is priming the pump with lines like "A worn out muffler can give you a bad trip," "Stamp out smut- Change your Air Filter." Prizes, by some standards, may leave much to be de- sired. Nevertheless, they should appeal to graffiti fans who delight in being recog- nized for their ingenuity with words. First prize (of which there will be 50) is 1) a certificate (suitable for framing) with blue ribbon and 2) the glory of having your graffiti splashed on bumpers, bill- boards and service station windows throughout the country. Second prize (there will be 5,000 of these) is the same as the first prize, but with a red ribbon. Honorable mentions will receive the same as the first prize winner, except that the ribbon will be white. If grafllti's your bag, rush New-Car Care by your favorite Bring your car in-no mat- ter the make-for inspec- tion regularly-and let us keep it in shape for most economical and safe op- eration. assuring you the best in skilled work- manship at the hands of expertly trained and experi- enced mechanics, in a modern service department equipped for every Car Care need. Fronf & Railroad 426-8183 periods of slow speed, or start-stop driving. Other ig- nition or fuel system mal- functions also can increase unwanted emissions. Mr. Galster also referred to an independent study showing a seven percent re- duction in unburned hydro- carbons and a 10% reduc- tion in carbon monoxide emissions after a tune-up. Mr. Gaister remarked that well over half of the vehicles in the United States need at least minor tune-up work, and the majority of motorists are not aware, or do not care, that their cars are operating inefficiently. umor your car care one-liners to C/C/C, Box 2432, Detroit, Michigan, 48226. And enclose a self-addressed, stamped business size envelope (for your certificate, should you be a winner). Mr. Galster said, "The in- sidious thing about this situ- ation is that the driver of the modern V-8 engine can expe- rience a considerable amount of misfire without knowing it. At constant speeds there csuld be as much as 10-20 percent misfiring without the driver being aware of much difficulty." He said to make sure emis- sion control efforts by manu- facturers achieve maximum a. _ results, motorists should schedule maintenance on a regular basis. To keep en- gines in tune they should al- so remind their favorite serv- ice outlet to follow manufac- turers specified tune-up set- tings. HOT NEWS ON BRAKES In an average day's driv- ing -- and stopping -- your car's brakes build up enough energy to heat your home. REPAIR 1817 Olympic Hwy. No. -- Mt. View Complete Automotive Service For Appointment Cull Alex Toney Tire To date, we have passed all tests and meet all government proposed standards. We, at Merv's Tirecap, specialize in tires and aligning those tires for your car. Come In Today and buy more than "Just A Tire!" Let the TIRE EXPERTS take care of your needs! Also stop in and have the front end of your car aligned. You'll be amazed how it can stop tire wear. 1st & Cota "The Men Who Know Tires Best" 426-8104 Thursday, April 16. 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page S-7