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One of the plesmu~ o1'
driving a new car Is being
able to go over a rugted or
bumpy road wlt~ou$ any dls-
co~Lf ort.
As mileage adds up, how-
ever, that new car ride dis-
appears, particularly if
you've neglected mainte-
According to TRW, proper
car care in the front end
system and suspension can
continue to give that new car
feeling for years to come.
Front end and suspension
systems should be checked
every three months, says
TRW's senior product engi-
neer W. Louis Cohn. And the
front end should be lubri-
cated as specified in your
owner's manual.
If you neglect these serv-
ices, your car will give tell-
tale signs that something is
wrong, according to Cohn.
Your ear will tend to wan-
der all over the road, even
though you hold the steer-
ing wheel firmly. Anothe
sign that the steering systen
1st & Railroad
call uS
SOb Franklin
If your ear were hooked up to an oscilloscope, measuring the ride,
here's the difference a new set of shocks would produce. Comfort,
the kind you enjoyed when the car was new, would be restored and
there would be less stress placed on vital components like tires.
is malfunctioning is the pres-
ence of irregularly worn tires.
Parts of the front end sys-
tem that need particular at-
:ention include the steering
linkage -- the idler arm, pit-
man arm, center link and tie
rod assemblies. Have your
mechanic check these next
time your car is on the hoist.
Also have him check the
dust seals which keep dirt,
water and foreign material
out of the working parts of
the steering linkage. If the
seals are broken or damaged,
it is an indication that the
parts are wearing out, pre-
• quspensions Need Attention
If you notice that the front
end of your car appears low-
er than the back end, it may
be a sign that the front coil
springs or torsion bars are
sagging. The condition may
also indicate worn upper or
lower control arm bushings.
In the case of torsion bar sag,
it is ofte~ possible to adjust
them. Sagging coil springs
must be replaced, as must
defective control arm bush-
Bad or worn shock absorb-
ers can be detected by loose
bushings, leaks of fluid
around the seal, or by bounc-
ing the car. If the car bounces
more than one and one-half
times after you have rocked
it, the shock should be re-
The function of the shock
is to hold the wheels on the
road, and a bad or worn
shock cannot do this. Driving
a car with bad or worn-out
shocks will give the driver
the feeling of being in a boat.
says to go down the
street to have your new
windshield installed
the other says to go up
the street.
to have a
m isat --
3rd & Grove
"Where Your Windshield
is Guaranteed Not to Leak"
a tow truck ride...
a trip delayed...
a broken date
rain down your neck...
a dirty shame...
An untuned car is all kinds of trouble! But it's trouble
you can avoid right now by getting a Champion
Tune-Up. That's a new set of Champion spark plugs
plus other basic tune-up items your car may need.
You'll enjoy quicker acceleration for safer passing,
and better gas mileage too. And make sure you
specify a Champion Tune-Up. More than 20 million
motorists have already switched to
Champion from other brands. The
reason? Better performance! Tune
up with Champions once a
year--or every 10,000 miles. The heart of a tune-up!
Conscientious Maintenance Can
4ssure Motorist Vacation Trip
Without Breakdown
"Use it up, wear it out;
Make it do, or do without."
This bit of doggerel was popular in a more simple, less
affluent yesterday. The trick was to make things last as long
as possible, whether it was an all-day sucker or a suit of
It is ironic that today, when the philosophy seems to be,
"Use it up quickly and get another one," some products are
actually built to endure longer.
Take the modern car, for example.
There is no question that today's automobile is built to last.
Tires, for example, can actually give service ten times
longer than they did years ago.
Paints are more durable, bodies are better prepared to
withstand deterioration.
Engines are better built to cope with punishment that was
undreamed of only 20 years ago.
In fact, every component has a lab-tested durability going
for it.
The secret of taking advantage of built-in strength lies in
a conscientious program of maintenance. By practicing such
a program, you stand to save in several important ways.
First, you preserve your car's vital components from pre-
mature wear. A timely squirt of lubricant here, a quart of
oil there often can prolong engine and chassis life, avoiding
lengthy and expensive sessions in the service bay.
Periodic service also saves you money as you go. Tune-ups
save gasoline mileage and cut short chances of engine dam-
age and road service calls. Proper wheel alignment and
balancing add miles to tire life.
Frequent washing and waxing stop body and paint deterior-
ation. And when you do trade in the car, the money you spent
in maintenance also will be returned, at least in part, by a
higher trade-in value.
Even if good car care weren't economically wise, you'd
still benefit measurably from its practice m especially at
this time of year. Nothing can ruin a spring and summer
holiday trip like a breakdown which at best can cost you
time and money and at worst could lead to a serious
Somehow the most scenic road you can travel becomes
a drab, miserable stretch of highway when your car has
quit running on it.
Champion Spark Plug Company urges you to stop by
3'our favorite service outlet who will make your car run better
and last longer. And don't be surprised if more frequent stops
for necessary maintenance lead to more frequent stops to
your bank -- to add to your savings, not take from them.
If you're going on a long
trip this year, you're almost
assuredly going by car. About
86 percent of all traw~l over
100 miles is done by automo-
bile, mostly for visits, pleas-
ure or outdoor recreation.
The average age of a mo-
tor car in this country is 5.6
years. The average truck is
7.6 years old. It's a sign that
built-in quality along with
good maintenance helps any
car run longer.
All Replacement Parts you need
for ANY Small
Swift service on a full line of NAPA Small
Engine Parts-for any repair from a
tune-up to overhaul-on any popular
engine in the 2 to 12 H.P. range-plus
wheels, replacement blades, and other
accessories... All made to the high
NAPA standards of quality and
guaranteed to equal or exceed
original equipment specifications.
Also-parts for all makes and
models of cars, trucks and farm
tractors; plus outboard and
inboard marine engines.
Carburetor Tune-up Kita
Starter Springs
Valve Sprinl~
Governor Spring~
Piston Rlnlli
Spark Plup
229 South I st.
r •
Is Estimated By
Safety Council
What are a driver's chances
of having an accident In his
lifetime? According to the
National Safety Council, it
depends partly on the dis-
tance he drives.
A person who drives 12,000
miles a year has one chance
in three of having some kind
of an accident. There is one
chance in four that damage
will be limited to property,
one in 40 that there will be
at least one injury, and one
in 1,300 for a fatality.
One who travels 8,000 miles
a year stands one chance in
five for any accident, one
chance in six for a property
damage accident, one in 55
for an injury accident, and
one in 2,000 for a fatal one.
A driver who goes 4,000
miles a year has one chance
in 10 for any accident
Free Booklet Lists Information
Sources on Where to Go Camping
A free list of sources of Plug Company, P.O. Box
camping information in 910, Toledo, Ohio 43601.
the United States and Can-In Canada, the address is
ada, is available. To receive Camping, Champion Spark
one, send a self-addressedPlug Company of Canada,
stamped envelope to Camp- Box 910, Windsor 12, On-
ing, c/o Champion Spark tario.
For an
and Brake Jobs
See the finest
Now Serving You at our New Location
Drive In for
Free Estimates!
For Service Call
p? •
Plan to
For Complete Automotive Repair
See Us or Call
Pete VanderWal
Care for your Car at One Location!
Page S-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 16, 1970 Thursday, April 16, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page S-3