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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LETTERS THE Technical issue with town hall meeting Editor, the Journal Thank you for printing the information in your paper regarding the town hall meet— ing with Drew MacEweu. To join the live meeting, you were asked to press the “star” key on your phone. After pressing this key for 10 minutes and getting nowhere, l hung up. in the future, it. would be nice to have systems that could handle calls from cell— phones. Maybe the system is only set tip for calls from a landline. i do not have access to a landline. Robert Aaron Shelton Plenty of ways to boost your immunities Editor, the Journal I believe and know it‘s still true that: A) Boosting one’s immune system is the best way to cut down any viruses. B) Medical enslavement and loss of our rights. closing parks. libraries, etc., comes from a four—based Vitamin D-3 deficient society. (’1 (inc can do their own research on what ruins an immune system, buy supple— ments from stores and other sources. Avoid sodas, ciga- rettes, cigarette smokers (sec— ond-hand smoke), drinking alcohol and plastics. Exercise or D) Go to a health food store. There is one in Shelton that sells immune—boosting supplements. They can help you too. PS. I find it very sad what Mason T 'ansit has done ac— cording to this week's S/u’l» lonsMosrm County Journal. Shouldnt buying food also be an essential transportation need‘.’ Faith Williamson Shelton BOCC and the Dukes of Hazzard Editor, the Journal I would like to commend you for publishing the Tom Davis letter to the editor Times: We continued from page A—4 1980. He died in China in 1982, the victim ofa virus, oddly enough. and he got. a neWs obituary in The New Yor/c Times that used the NOT BUSINESS A5 UbUAL FOR YOU LATELY WITH ALL THE Covrd. 19 AROUND, HUN? in your April 2 edition. His obser 'ations and comments about the current BOCC's disregard for the public trust, their failure to follow procedure and their ongo— ing malfeasance ofoffice, although scandalous. should not surprise any ofus at this juncture. Mason County today rc- minds me a lot ofthc 1.980s TV series "The Dukes ofHaz» yard" in as much as we seem to have a Boss llog leader of commissioners, where this one individual has the influ- ence no matter their chair— manship status at the time. The other twa commission members are just the Rosco P. Coltrane (remember the aloof minion sheriff character with the basset hound?) With the exception of one member, the other two draft have enough business experience to give them a headache. It takes business experience to manage a $120 million public funded bud- get. The home rule charter mentioned by Mr. Davis and in local consideration and discussion is long overdue. in Mason County and by its very concept should put an end to corruption and incommetencc concerns whether real or sus- pected. On another note, taxpay» ers should wonder about the benefits of taxpayer-funded improvements to an ar “a rep— resented by an elected official who has financial and real property assets in the area. Another Belfair concern of mine is this so—called Freight Corridor. So who owns the rights—oflway and property that will reap the only ben- efits from this boondogglc‘.’ Former King County Ex— ecutive Ron Sims became wealthy from his insider info that led to the construction ofthat eyesore. money-losing monorail that goes from Se- attle to Sea—Tac airport, just an example to think about. When we hopefully and finally get. a home rule char— ter, I believe it will eliminate graft and other assorted monkey business. I would like l also to see our local natural resource—based industries start to become better neigh— bors by paying a fee based on 3.5% oftheir gross sales collected quarterly. This subject has been brought to Mason (‘ounty commissioners on more than one occasion, including a private conver— sation with Commissioner Kevin Shutty and no traction was gained. To this date, we‘ve had no explanations. just more stonewalling than anything. Their r arson for the con— sternation is pretty obvious. (The Golden Rule. he who has the gold makes the rules). it's time to wake up. all us taxpaying suckers ofMason County. Patrick Burke Shelton Questions about lnslee’s response Editor, the Journal It’s hard to understand why the governor has not responded to Kim Wyman's March 17 letter requesting a postponement of the election. I know he’s been in town ~ is there something here that I‘m missing? This involves tax- payer money. Then consider that all the auditors and their constituents. not to mention the states chiefclections of» ticer, made the request. You also mention in the April article the possibil— ity oflosing out on the $8.3 million from the Coronavirus Aid, Economic Secu— rity Act if both the governor and the Legislature don't ap— propriate $1.7 million. Our elected officials need to act now. Here in Grapeview, if the North Mason School District levy doesn't pass, it can have devastating effects for we tax— payers who don‘t have a high school here. The amount we pay to North Mason School District based on the mun— ber oftlrapcview grads who attend North Mason High (currently about Tl ) would increase dramatically ~-~ at this time the exact number is not known. Where is the governor when we need him? «Jim Stark Grapeview County should release location data Editor, the Journal The April 9 Journal had a front—page story about coronavirus in which Mason (‘ountys health department states it does not provide location data for positive coronavirus cases. Why not? The department is tasked with protecting citizens from health—related issues. If there are county hot spots of coronavirus. id like to know. I respect the need to protect individual identities, but in this case the department bal- ances the welfare oftens of thousands of people against the small theoretical pos- sibility ofone or more people being individually identified. That’s an easy call for me. i urge county leaders to review this policy. Secondly. Mr. Arthur Roh— lik opined in a letter to the editor that he didn‘t under- stand why Sierra Pacific is an essential industry. While S-l) is primarily a lumber producer, they also produce significant by—products used by pulp mills to produce paper products, including toilet paper. Iftoday‘s bare store-shelves are any judge. the public considers TP and other paper products as es— sential. i sure do. My thanks to the men and women of the forest industry. from for- est workers to the delivered product. Bob Dick Shelton The difference between logs and lumber Editor, the Journal C()Vll)-1$i, environmental catastrophe. economic woes, edu ‘ation challenges, etc.. are all on our minds. But the news that got my attention in last week‘s Journal causes me to get involved. Thursday, April 16, 2020 — Shelton-Mason County Journal — Page A—5 CORRECTION A story in the April 9 issue of the Journal gave the incorrect hours for the North Mason Food Bank in Beifair. It is open from noon to pm. Monday, Tuesday and Fri- day. The Journal regrets the error. To the staffofthe Journal: "Logs" are long and round. They used to be vertical. but not anymore. "Lumber" is also long but with corners. Lumber has been removed from logs during a process called sawing. while the logs are in ’a horizontal position. The photos posted last week contained at least three er- rors identifying logs as being lumber. ’l‘hought you'd like to know. .lerry ()bendorf Olympia Thank you to those who helped Editor, the Journal ljust wanted to take a minute again, on behalfof my family. Russell Harvey, Jeff Harvey. Greg Harvey, Angie Harvey, Julie Milam. Lexie Hunter. Jesse Hunter, Alysha Collins, Kegan Collins, Alex- andra Howe, Beau Harv ey, Emily Harvey, Rylee Harvey. Cade Collins, Renlee Hunter, Al Burke and Ryan Richards to thank everyone for helping find our mama. Debi Harvey. We feel truly blessed that so many people truly care about our family. To all ofour search party (and boy, there was a ton), friends. family. grandkids, old classmates and even people who didn’t even know her (I couldn't begin to name you all. you know who you are). Again. thank you. Thank you for all the prayers everyone 'as sending out. Thank you to the people that called and prayed to me directly. Thank you to silver alert. broadcast on KIRO and K()l\rl(). And thank you to the over 12,000 shares on Face- book. to the detectives and SAR. W i are all so blessed and happy to have our mama home. Kimberly Howe Allyn see LETTERS, page A—6 can only contemplate the future, not act in it word "futurist" to describe him in the very first sen- tence. in his 1978 book “Think- ing in the Future Tense,“ Lindaman wrote, “We can— not act in the future tense h we can only contemplate. And because the future is unknown. w 1 are forced to contemplate a universe of alternatives. But here is the critical point: We contem— plate not only possible op— tions but also preferred op— tions. This involves deciding, choosing. And once we cross this magic—like barrier. some— thing dramatic happens. We are instantly transported back to the world ofthe pres— ent tense. where we must consider the impact ofour day-to—day actions on that. future." I Contact KIT/t El'lcson (ll lsll'lrc"masonct)unlyi‘inn.