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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 16, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 16, 2020
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Last, but not forgotten At 8:20 pm. Friday, the lights at Shelton High School’s Highclimber Stadium turned on for the final time to honor the Climber Class of 2020 after the 2020 spring sports season and remainder of in-person classes were canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Jack Stark Field at Highclimber Stadium will undergo a significant makeover before the scheduled start of school this fall with a new artificial surface playing field, track and lights. Journal photo by Justin Johnson POST Tl’iursday, April 16, 2020 -~ Shelton—Mason County Journal ~ Page A—37 SHS Class of 2020 receives its moment in the light ometimes a little ges- ture can go a long way. Around 8 pm. Fri- day, I pulled in the parking lot at the Hufl"n’ Pu ll' trail across the street from Shel— ton High School. I’d seen a post by Shelton High School athletic director nity to swing by and get a photo for this week’s Sports pages. When I arrived, here were, already a handful of cars and trucks lining the road outside the stadium. Many were backed in so that their drivers could sit in the back Trevor Leopold on the school’s By JUSTIN of their truck and watch the Facebook page earlier in the JOHNSON lights come on. day that the school was going -——-—_.._.._ A lew small groups gath- to turn the lights at High climber Stadium on 211,8:20 p.m. (that‘s 20:20 l'or those folks using» the 24_}mur clock) and leave them on overnight in honor ol'thc (llass ol'zt)2(). With “‘0 “Pm‘th‘ world at a stand. still. it seemed like .1 30ml 0!”an cred some weren’t practic- int:~ social distancing as we“ as they could have been w and conversed as li‘iends and teamn‘iates that Won’t. have the opportunity to wear a High. climber unil'orm again. 'l‘he stadium scoreboard counted down, eventually reaching zeros and the lights began to brighten. It was a quiet moment, somewhere between a funeral and a celebration of lite. “This makes me a bit sad.” I texted Leopold. He agreed. More than 40 seniors missed out on their final track and field, golf, girls tennis, boys soccer, tastpitch and baseball season at Shelton High. as did those from North Mason and Mary M. Knight high schools. While it certainly isn’t the same as playing a game, i thought it was pretty cool to see the school give its athletes a special moment. The light went oll‘Salurilay morn» ing and for those particular lights, it was the last time they‘ll ever shine down on Jack Stark Field at High— climber Stadium. ln a few weeks, they’ll come down and be replaced with new lights as part of the stadium project that will bring a new artificial surface playing field and a new track to Highclimber Stadium. And I honestly can’t think of a bet- ter reason for those lights to shine for one last Friday night than to honor those who toiled under their glow. I Justin Johnson is I‘llt’ Sports (9 Outdoors Editor off/(u S/H’Hlfiluxtiifillll (viii/lilyJUN/71H]. He can be rcoc/icd by cmoi/ (Ifji'l‘h'fl'lll-Hlllilfitll?l"()lr’i[f_\'.(‘lllll.