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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1946
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SIrI3,TON.MASON COUNTY JOI/RNAL 18, 1946. Dunbar Wei PORTABLE WELl ANYW] Tractor and Heavy Machine Shop Se: ALL WORK GL 4-Square Young People Enjoy Saturday Outing Forty yomg Pe)l,JC, /lccoYnpafl- led by ILev, and Mrs. P,. P. Ieich- )er. of tile ]onrsqltll:tl'e (hti'r,']l enjoyed a, dny or fellow;hip last Saturday at the Ever:;cm l tancl o. the Cole Road. A four-mile hike ihrofih tim woods was a treat allot the hmg" rains, alld ill the evening .t wtqD- er roast was greatly crljoyed, Joe Olal;son witil hi:: Fzuitar :rod ,hgmita l::tcichner with Iwl, m.eCOl"- Lutheran Church Bills Serwces Friday, Easter I,a.%er a(,rvices a,l: Mr. Olive Lu- tilers'ill C, hlll'ch \\;'gilt fcllttire t\\;vo s:wvice, o both Good Friday and Easter Sltnd;y, I?/.V. Walter M. Warigerin, pastor, announced this we(q{ ()l)ednK tiff:: ..ries of l)rograms will lm a ,IJ-minlll.e th,votton at i Children In Calvary Pentecostal Service Special Easter services will be h el d at Calvary Pentecostal Church, 120 East Pine. at ll n.m. Sunday with children oi' the church participating and featur- ing an Easter message by the pastor, Rev. R. I. Caddy. chapel on Hillerest. at Cascade Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday Services Given Details of the religious exer- cises and devotions p!almed for St, Edwards Catholic Church for 'Holy Saturday and Easter Sun- day were revealed yesterday by and Olyml)ic Highway, j Rev. Mark Weiehmann, pastor. Easter Sunday will feature a t Holy Saturday devotions opens sunrise service at 7 a. m, and a with Blessing of the Easter Fire dinn led a jolly can)pfire s¢,.':si,m, Pnrflmount Theatre an Good Miss Beret Orrc, stad ,)f S(ml,la Friday lit 12:30 p. m, The princi- "ras n visitor atld :;tles(; of Ill,9, pal s(:rvife :for (.ood I/'riday will party, bc heh| at 8 p,m, in the church GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES April 19, 1946 , PARAMOUNT THEATRE 45-Minute DEVOTION  i2:30 Noon Sermon Theme: "Jesus Resigns"Imke 23:46 PRINCIPAL SERVICE IN THE CHAPEL -- 8:00'P. M. Sermon Theme: "Jesus Judged and Condemned"II Cor. 5:21 EASTER SERVICES Sunmsc Servlc  .-- 7:00 a. m. Festival Service  11:00 a. m. Spee,al Choir Mnsic At All Services festival service at 11 s.m., Rev. Wangerin announced, S p e c i al choir music will 'be heard at all servic, es. Moun00 Olive Lutheran Church Hillerest .... Highway and Cascade , The Rev..Walter, 3// Vangerin, Pastor --- Tlephone 395M or 230 and the Paschal candle service at 7:30 a.m. followed by singing of the Prophecies, blessing of Eas- ter water and baptismal water, High Mass about 9 a.m., confes- sions in the afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m,, and in the evening from 7:30' to 9 o'clock. Easter Sunday low mass will be 8 a.m. and higl mass at 10:30 a.m,. the high mass to be sung by the £,hoir in honor of 'St. Jude Thaddeus by P, A. Kau- fer; The Kyie, Gloria, Sanctus; Benedictus and Agmis De:, the Offertory, Regina oeli Laetare, the Recessional, Holy God We Praise Thy Name sung by the whole cbngregation. Evening devotion will be at 7:30 UNITY CLASSES 420 Franklin St., Apt. 2 8p.m. Sunday--Preaching Setwtce MondayLessons in Truth Tuesday--Christ Enthroned Wednesday--Teach Us To Pray Thursday--Study at 2 p.m. FrldayTeach Us to Pray Leader M. Hookett CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of L. D.S. Sunday School .............. 10 a,m, at Odd Fellows Hall Listen to Spoken Word and Mormon Tabernacle Choir WI R O -,--8:30 a.m. Pres. A. L. Ferwerda Phone 296J or 52 /, Attend 00hurch Serwces w th Your Family and Friends Honor our Lord and strengthen your own spirit by attending church services this Easter. You, your family, your friends will enjoy the inspiring Service, the mag- nificent music, tim feeling of goodwill derived from the beauty and significance of Easter church services. The doors of your church are open in welcoming embrace to you this peaceful, glorious Holy Day in sacred celebration of His resurrection. Established 1895  t:;gL . Worship In Church Sunday 7, At The Easter Services (Editorial) This is a truly glorious Easter, this first Easter of a world again at peace, with happy families reunited. It is a day for rejoicing and devotion, for once again our prayers have been answered'and we see the fun fillment of many long months of hoping and waiting. In commemorating the magnificent resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, this year, out' hearts are filled with joy and happiness. We are deeply inspired to dedicate ourselves whoteheartedly to the rebirth of Peace as He dedicated Himself to showing us the way to Peace through love and brotherhood: Let not this blessed inspiration vanish, but rather let us give meaning to the symbols of eternal tran- quflity  the Church, the. dove, the Easter lilies and strive to keep the spirit and full beauty of this glorious day alive forever. ENJOY THE EASTER SERVICE AND MUSIC V¢ITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS IN THE CHURCH OF YOUR FAITH. Meth00ist Holy.Week Services Begin Tonight; 2 Services Easter Sunday Holy Week services at the First Methodist Churclt .will be con- ducted Thursday and Friday eve- nings of this week, according to announcement by the pastor, Rex,, Hardwiek W. Harshman. A beautiful Candlelight Com- munion service will be held on Thursday evening at 8:00 o'clock in the sanctuary of tle church, This service will be unique in that events leading up to the Upper Room scene as well as those fol- lowing in the Garden of Geth- semane will be portrayed in mu- sic and scripture. A special mixed quartet 'composed of Mrs. Kath- rye Steinberg, Mrs. Lillian Nor- vold, Guy Beckwith, and John Steinberg, will handle all of the musical backgrounds. Soloists for tins service will be Mrs. Katl- rye Steinberg, soprano and Jack Stewart, tenor. Following the colnlnunion ser- vice will be the Good Friday set'- vice on Friday evening at 8 o'clock when the church choir under the direction of Lynn Sher- wood, will present the major parts of tee beautiful, oratorio "The Crucifixion" by John Stain- cr. Soloists for this presentation will be Mrs, Opal Packard, Mrs. Kathryn Steinberg, Mrs. Bernice and John steinberg. Rev. H. W. Harshman will present two short meditations from "Words From the Cross:' during the ser- vice. In order to accommodate the Foursquare Loses Rev.i00. P, Re:chEer Re\\;,. and Mrs. R. P. Reichner, pastors of the Foursquare Gospel ChurclL have announced their coming departure to accept a new assignment in Alaska, on May 1, Rev. and Mrs. Dornbaugh from Centralia, Wash., will succeed them here. taking over the pas- torate on May 5. During the time Rev. and Mrs. Reiehner have been at the Four- square Church here *the Sunday School has doubled in number new Sunday school rooms, a ,young people's chapel, and' a full basement, constructed: at the chu(ch, which is located at 910 Dearborn Street. t "Singspiration" Heads Y0fih' Fbr :Christ Slate A "'sihgspiration" Will featnrc this Saturday's weetdy Youth for Christ 'meeting at' the Baptist Church with colored slides of the words of the hymns shown, Joe Brill McCleary pastor, will lead the singing and special talent will add to'the interest-of the meet- ing. All young people are invited to atten as the program is interde- n0mtnational. APPRAISERS APPOINTED Judge Wilson' appoifi'ted .Sam Theler, Nelson Barber and'.Henry Schumberg as appraisers of the Barney ,Vashinggon Bickie estate in superior c(iurt Saturday. ORDER PROIIIBITINfi RUNNING AT ,L&RG]2 OF IAVESTO(K THIS MKTTEI, CO:M[NG. on to be heard'on tiffs'25th da of.March, 1946, at'the hour Of '2:30 Cclock p.m, a the office of the Commissioners in the Court louse at' Shelton, Mason Coffh- W, Washington, upon the petitton of Howard Quimby, etal, for an order pr0bibling livestock to run at large in I1, certain arc,t; AND IT APPEARING to tim Board of County ommlsioners that notice pf th Heahng 0n:tllis petition has been given for the time and in the mnner l'edred by law, and 4he said oard having examined the petition, and said hearing having been held and the Board being fully advised in tile premises: NOW 'THEREFORE IT IS HERE- BY, ORDERED. that lio livestock and any kind, breed or character be per- mi[t ed to run at large within the fel- lowlR described area, to-wit: . Sections 1, 2, 3, 10, & 11, Townslnp 29 N,, Range 2 W. Sections 30 & 31, Township 23 North Range I W. 0 See£ions 2:q, 6,,4. 35 and 38, Twp. 23 N., Range 2 W., lying north of orth Shore Road for a distance of one" (1) mile, and sonth of maid road. to Lynch Cove. (Hood Canal). IT IS FURTtEg ORpEIED, thai s oraer anau ,be punhsned once each week for l'om, consecutive weeks, as l)rw:tded by law. UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED his 25tll day of March, 1946. :BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OIe MASON CQUNTY, WASHINGTON. H. R, DICKINSON .LYLE O'DELL" ROY CARl1. ATTEST: HARRY DEYETTE. ClerM of the ]oard. ' 4-4-11-18-25-4t Baptists Close RevivM Service Pi'e-Easter revival sbrviees which have been held throughout this week will conclude at the Baptist Church Sunday, so the nsual Easter church program will not be presented this year, Rev. J. O. Bores mmounced this week. Iowever, special Easter music by the Intermediate Glee Club and au anthem "At Early Dawn" by the choir will be presented, along with an Easter message "A Chris,less World" by Rev. Bovee. The Baptist Sunday School is aiming at an attendance of 300 Easter morning, and invites par- ents who do not plait to send their children to any other church to have them attend the Baptist set'- vice. BABY BORN A baby Boy was born April 16 at the Shelton General Hospital for Mr. and Mrs. Walton Hum- phreys. Calvary Pentecostal Church 120 East Pine St. crowds two morning services lmve been planned for Easter Sunday: 9:30 and 11:00. At the 9:30 service the "mixed quartet will provide the musical back- grounds with Mrs. Bernice Stew- art singing Ashford's "That First Easter Morn" and John Stein- berg, baritone, singing "The Holy City" by Adams, The Confirma- tion Class will be presented and received into membership at this service. "Three Resurrections" will be the sermon topic. At the 11:00 o'clock service the full choir will be used in the pre- sentation of two beautiful an- thems: Stainer's "God So Loved the World" and "Alleluia to the King by Clemens. Mrs. Opal Packard, soprano soloist, will sing "Open the Gates of the Temple" by Knapp. Rev. Hal'shman will be speaking on the theme: "Tombs That Will Not Stay Locked;" Mrs. Loui Larson aecdmpanist, will be playing for both the Thursday and Friday services as well ,as the two services on Eas- ter Sunday. A cordial invitation is extmided to all to enjoy all of these ser- vices. Welcome TO THE Church of" Christ 10 a.m, and 7 p.m, Each Sunday Bibletudy, Friday, 8 p.m. 2021 Hay Street Shelton C. S. Hamilton, Minister Sunday Schooi--9:45 a.m, MOrning Worship--ll:00 a.m. Sunday Evangelistic, 8:00 p.m. Wedhesday Prayer Meeting, 7:45 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. R. D. CadcJy, Pastor GIRL A April 13 a the Sheltoll Mr. and Mrs. FIRST and I Formerly Triangle TION : OWNERS First Church ' Based on Facts SHELTON, WELCO Auth00 Sunday 4 PROPERT! Wednes&'y"::::::241 . . Sunday School -- • tfi)th Real an Reading Room . INring the 1 Insun , ATOJE|I... view of this fact emphasize tt Christian Scten ii,----_ • fig ai- [ -amzng insured pr( Church or on 1't', Branch of Tha te In a majority of • he First C: Cries is inadequate - scl=l:.! : alues of prior s:[t is_ evident years. that i :!! "aOUld be adjusted to ::, eat day replacement c 2asate for any loss t: You Full! ![l)oes the Face of seat the True Value of '] al Property--Today. ST. EDWARDS CHI)00 Easter  Sunday Masses at8"," ! Hig h Mass at 10:30 a. m. You are Cordially Invited to attend Easter services, with jreetings from Rev. Mark Weich HOLY WEEK SERVICES " Ca ndleiigh Communion ., Thursday  8:00 P.M. "TWO WASH BASINS" STAINER'S "CRUCIFIXION"' Good Friday 8:00 P. VL Clloir and :Minister EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 21 - ., • I, ,, 9:30 a.m. Three Resurrections 11:00 a.m. "Tombs I'hat Will Not Stay Locked" M, C. (NELL FIRST METHODIST CHURCH HARDrrICK W. HARSHIAN', Minister Parsonage 320 N. 4th. FourthandPine Telephone 27 5urance Bldg. Phones: Office 1( Oly= FO As Repre HUi Pla A Repair Service expert, experie chanics or of cars. O n d specializin raaintenance and lair Work on Hu, ars, Oly= IN THE and Mill Streets