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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Dunbar Welding Shop PORTABLE WELDING SERVICE ANYWHERE Tractor and Heavy Equipment Repair Machine Shop Service Available ALL WORK GUARANTEED J FIRST and HARVARD Formerly Triangle Service Station t thr°ugh°nt E TION hide at the day, so tile m&apos;ogram will year, Rcv. d this week. 0a0000o, m.00,climi_0000OWNER S. arly Dawn" e presented, message "A Rev. Bovee. Fi ty School is Lance of 3()0 [ " invites par- to send their t' chlu'ch I.o Baptist net'- tN orn April 16 ;ral Hospital iralton Hum- 3hurch e St. i." Based on Facts of Competent Authority 00unday a 4 PROPERTY VALUES Wednes£y':::ii:::. . . _ Sunday Scboo "1 ' l)th Real and Personal P _ INCREASED ' During the Last Few Years ] Insurance 'o, 180I NOTICE TO CREDITOR, , IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ely TIlE STATE OF WASHINGTON l"OFt TI-IE COUNTY O1  MASON In Ill,' Matter )f the Estate of G. R. M11AOURN. Deceased. N(ti(:e is lwreby Fwen that th(! un- (]q':illOd h;ls i}et'll /Ippoilltt'd P,n(t lilts qualili(,d t a(hllillish'ltor ,If thr.' ai)ov, ('lltiih'(] ('tLaIl!: that all ]I01'NOIIH httv'- izl ('[ailns aKainsl said deceased al'e ]l(.rhv required to sorve lIw sallle, dl :V {'el'ill d. on said adl/linisl.rtt|l,l' or llis' atttn'ney of record lit the addrt,ss below stat¢d and ['ile tile same with tiw Clerk o[ said Court. log(!lhcr with proof of Stlch s(rvl{'( ', wJlhin six lll()Iltlls afier tim dute of first publi- cation of this notice or tile sanlo will be barred. Date of first publication April 11. ]946. WILLIAM A. GLEASON Adl/linistl'ator Of said Eslale Address ,%'htr lt.t. 1. Box 458, Bl'elllel'lon. Wasilingtoll. JAMES MUNRO. Attorney for Estate Harrison Building ] rcmerton, Washington. 4-11-18-25--5-2-4t SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published every Thursday morning l%[ember of Washington Newsi)at)or PuMishers' Association and Na:ti,,nal Editorial Association Eniered as secnnd-class nmtler at lhopottofficc at Slmlton. Washington WILFORD L. JESSUI', Editor and Publisher =-Bill D___=_ i_et.iey=Sdv=trt[s}nK Mgr. Bessie Bohm, Business Mgr. ' Subscription Rates: $250 per year tn adwmee; 6 months $1.50: outside Mason County $2,75; Canada and Foreign $3.50, BIBLE THOUGItT OF THE WEEK Giviug Christ First Place in Our Lives "And He is the head of the body, the Church: who is the beginning, the first born from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence." Col. I:18 Snggested by Rev. Richard I. Caddy, pastor of the Calvary Pentecostal Church CAI,I, FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY (lIVEN, that sealed bids will be rec.cived by the Board of County Conullissioners of aSOll County. Washington. at their offic(, ill the Court House in Shelton. for tile purchase of LWO 19.t6 sedallS, to-wit: 2 DeLuxe sedans, wilh heater, de- froster, spotlight, safety glass all around, and life guard tubes, in t, be lower price bracket provided lm'iher tim[ two 1942 D,Luxe four d,mr Chev. sedans, heater, defrost- er and spotlight life guard tubes. .and six ply tir(s, shall be traded Ill t], a part of the puT'ellase price, also a 1930 Buick Pat(el known s a Paddy Wagon. Bids to be opened on Monday, May 6th, :1940, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. The Board resel'vos the right to re- ject any or all bills. Datedthis 3rd day of April. 19,16. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS- IONERS :MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. By HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Eoard. 4-11-18-25-3t Concrete w- 'v  'qw v v .,"v v w ' v'v 'v ",w-y-,y" tv v ,,w .y v'v ',w Allyn The Birthday Club celebrated Mrs. Hump Nelson's birthday Fri- day afternoon at her home, She was presented with a camellia bush as a farewell gift. The Eel- sons expect to move to Kamilche soon. Twenty-six ladies were pres- ent and several small fry. Mrs. Wallace Erickson and her two little sons from Willmar, Minnesota, and Mr. and Mrs. Sod- j erlund and son from Seattle were visitors at the Ronald Shepherd home last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Wells and Mr. and I Mrs, lack Sullivan made a trip around the "loop" last week end. The scenery was beautiful. Mrs. Dorothy Clark underwent an operation at the Naval Hos- pital in Seattle Monday. Her con- dition is reported to be good. Clarence Wilson is building a driveway to his place. Grandma Bud(rig's condition is about the same, She is still in the Shelton hospital. be over the week end. Mrs, Harry Wecklund is enjoy- ing a visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Young, from California. W, E. Morgan and family made a trip to Ocean Beach Sunday. Shelton Valley Dance I Orchestra Well Liked I Local dance fans gave an en- thusiastic reception to the Shelton Ramblers, a new orchestra group, ! in their debut at tim Shelton VM- ley grange /hall last Saturday[ night at the resumption of the weekly dances there. The Ramblers will play each Saturday night at the Shelton Valley grange hail. They feature Mac McDonald on the violin. Law- rence Saeger on the drums, Mih'e Grimes at Lhe piano, Lyle Bern- hart on the electric guitar, and Mr. Williamson on the clarinet. Dancing is from 9:30 to 1:30 p.m. Potlatch ,qv .w '.'",v v v v v " v"r "v v -Iv 'ww v v vv'v "w "e ' (By Ida O. Hussman) No. 4677 SUMMONS FOlt PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHLNGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. KASPAR KEISER, Plaintiff, GEORGE SOKOOL. Defendant. TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON to GEORGE SOKOOL. Defendant: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO APPEAR within sixty (60) days after the (late of the first publicatioa of this sunnnons, to-wit, wzthln sixty t60) days from the 4th day of April 19't6 and defend the above entitled action ill the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff lind serve tt copy of your answer upon tim nndersigned attorneys for the plainLiff at their office below stated and, in ease of your ,faihlre so to do, judgment will be rendered against yo 1 according to the delnand Of the coo- l)htint, which has been flied with the Clerk of said court, Ttds is mz action for tile recovery of money advanced by plaintiff for the nse and benefit of defendant in which a writ of attaclunent ires been issued against the following described property, situated in Maon County, Washington, to-wit: An undivided one-half interest in and to a tract of land in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 22 North, Rauge 1 West W.M,, par- ticularly described as follows: Be- ginning at tile Northeast corner of said See.(ion 31; thence, wesL along the north line thereof 860 feet; thence south 650 feet; thence east 660 feet to. the east line of sahl Section 31; thence norti along the cast line o saht Section 31 650 feet to the point of beginning ex- cepting therefrom right-of-way for Secondary State Highway No. 14A as the same is now con- strutted and in use over and across said lazy/, tlYLAND, ELVIDGE & ALVORD, Attorneys for Plaintiff OFFICE AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS : 910 Dexter Herren Building, Seattle, King County, Washington, 4-4-11-18-25--5-2-9-16-7t ('ALL FOR BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tbe City of Shelton calls for bids to be opened on Tuesday, the 7th day of May, 1946. at 2 o'clock P, Nf. at the City Commissioners Rooms in the City Hall in. Shelton, Washington, for --(a) one four-doe** sedan, credit tn amount specified by bidder to be al- lowed the City on a tradein on a 1941 Ford Sedan Delivery; (b) one four- door sedan, Separate bids shah be submitted on above (a) and (b) calls. Rids shall state approximate date of delivery. Dated this 18th day of April, 1946. ALMA K. CATTO, No. ltl0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of EDWIN JUSTUS DALBY. Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the uudersigned has been appointed Execute:ix of the above estate in this court and hand been duly qualified accordingly, and that all prsons hav- ing claims against said deceased are required to serve suct olaims, duly verified, with the necessary rout'hers, upon the nndersigned at Union, Wash- ington, or upol her attorney of rec- Page 3. ' i ord at his offic et Haas Building, Port Orchard, Washington, and flht such claims with the proof of such service in the office of the Clerk of the above named court at the city of Shelton, Washington. within si months after the first pubiteatioa o this notice, or they will be forever barred. Date of first puMication of this no- tice is April 4, 1946. ETIIEL DA LBY, Executrix of said estate. H. t1. SCIILEE. Att0t'n!y fOP Estate, tfaas Build ing', Port Orchardl Washington. 4-4-11-18-3t Dancing Every Saturday SCHNEIDER'S PRAIRIE Wally Lee and His Orchestra 9 P.M. TO 2 A.M. I EX-SERVICEMEN! The Veterans of Foreign Wars Urge You to Masonry Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson and Judy of Olympia spent the week end with their parents, Mr. For the last four weeks a class I numbering about 50 juniors be- tween the ages of 9 to 13 years has been meeting on Tuesday eve- Acting City Clerk. Hold that Government Insurance If Your N.S.L.I. Policy Has Lapsed Re-Instate, or Re-Instate and Convert If We can Help You, contact Commander'Lyle O'Dell, phone 6-F-14 Adjutant J. H. Gray, pImne 352-J Sunday, ,< 4-18-25--5-2--3t. a m ' "DEC,"'"," "- • Units for and Mrs. W. E. Morgan, n,...a m , ATO,,,k,,.lleW of this fact I feelit my respons. Mrs. Lucille Floreck is home ning's at the home of Mrs. Chas.[ HEI--SEE:M- ' :, s'o0 p m Uty to emphasize the importance of re- Walls and from the hospital and doing nice- Everett for Bible study. The, ]Y. ' . class is an enthusiastic group and.J THINGS AS T .ASO00 COUNTY .OST NO 169,, V.F.W. ' " . " " Christian Scien, Pr-" " " : Meeting, a-bl-e-at- aIl F lSlng insured property. Jack Lindsey is the proud own- seem to be deriving as much ben- (ConUnued from page 1) • er of a new boat. eft as pleasure from the gather- I ........................................................................................................... c}ici:o:t°;  tecino a majority of cases present pro- Foundations Entertaining "and educational ins. Contrary totheusualsched-[ apparel, but I confess my inabil- LCOME Saturday night. The next show the Hoodsport Community church giving this department an ae" le el " ; I "me ,'lrs; .uc]*,' - . n is inadenuate since it is based on pictures were shown at the movies tile the meeting is to be held at[ity to do a professional job in .... i y, Pastor cz ,,, , VS[ll • . -a . will be April 27th. this Tuesday.  [counting of Shelton's Parade of I B°sStc0  ] it i s of. pmor years. In these instances 0 Economical Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wells lefL Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson and I Fashi°ns here last week. Only ------------. sL  evment that insurance coverage Monday for their home in Flint, two sons and Mr. and Mrs, Fuller with other reluctant husbands, I e:gUld be adjusted to conform with pros-  Strong Michigan. of Tacoma were" guests aL the attended the fashion show, open- Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Noble vis- Frank Morrison home last SUn- sored by the Lincoln School P.T,A. | nt day replacement costs--to fully com- it--ll/z_Pouls- at the Junior high school and I r o   Peasate for any loss that might occur. • Permanent .......................... dars. Schrimpf was an Olympia Henrytake theBacon,OCCasiOnmanagertO complimentof the peniug Friday, , Mr. and Mrs. Cook of Tacoma HafT(s, head of the ready to wear ,re y '   Lodge No. 6 were Sunday'visiLors aL the Neff department of that ShelLon and ............. ou Fully Protected. helton , visitor two days of last week. Lumbermen's Mercantile, Pauline e o Offer You ';2:-:-: Oes the Face of Your Policy Repro- MASON Simmons home. Mr. Cook is a Mason county institution and ev- W Meats - Grocer(( SK 3/c Lloyd Smith of Shelton provided a fashion parade spec- ....................... =-'::(] at the True Value of Your Real and Per- MATERIALS "/>.';" I.O.O.F. brother of Mrs. Simmons. cry individual participating who Meets Eyery Wednesday was a guest of Mark Husson at tacle that could well be acclaimed e Dairy Products Successors to  p.m. dinner Monday evening. Lloyd, with pride by much larger corn- meal Property--Today?, S. ELTON CONCRETE LO.O.F. HALL who has been stationed at Nor- munities, ),WARDS CHU unday Masses at 8'a. ss at 10:30 a. m. 'ou are Cordially Invited to ttend Easter services, with reetings from @ [ii Rev. Mark Weieh! SERVICES o Candleligh Communion "TWO WASH BASINS" STAINER'S "CRUCIFIXIOiq" Choir and :Minister g, APRIL 21 Lions" ill Not Stay Locked" d Pine Telephone Groceries M. C. (HEll) ZlNTHEO il [e Insurance Bldg. -. Shelton, Wash. Phones: Office 157 -Res. 183W The merchandise, show- PRODUCTS CO. VisiLing Members will be folk, Va,, after nine months of sea ing the latest of re(lady's aLtire C and In A-Little While PHONE 123 Seventh SL, Bridge Cordially Welcomed ELLIS WELLS, N.G. GUY CALL, Secretary ............................................. Ruhy Rcbekah Lodge llecls ond ad Fonrth l]'ri(hy Elizabeth Simpson, N.G. Elizabeth Butler, Secretary the Appointment of Olympic Notor Sales FORMERLY THE GENERAL SUPPLY COMPANY As Representative and Distributor h This Territory for HUDSON MOTOR CARS Place Your Order Now for Early Delivery of A 1946 Hudson- An Outstanding Automobile Repair Service Y expert, experienced echanics on all akes of cars. A a d specializing in '.aa.intenance and re- pair work on Hudson ars. In Our Parts Department We Stock-- Large supplies of parts for all popular makes of cars  especially for Hudson Qars. We Buy and Sell Used Cars See us for' Premium prices on your car be- fore you sell it. duty, is now on temporary duty at Seattle. Ken \\;Vallin. Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gray spenL Monday in Seattle,,on buniness. Rev. aud Mrs, John Forsyth of Seattle and Rev. and Mrs. Picker- ing were g]lests of,Mr, and Mrs. E. Wurl at dinner on Sunday. Rev. ForsyLh is the guest speak- er at the HoodsporL Community church each evening this week, except Saturday, at 7:30. Mrs. Pickering has been con- fined to her home dm'ing the last week with a bad infection in her le- due to a burn, One more Potlatch landmark of days far gone is in tile course of being converted into present day usage. The old school house has been sold and it is reported iL is to be rebuilt into a modern home. Camp Three Due to high water in the valley Thursday the Camp Three Wom- en's club were very disappointed in not being able to meeL aL the home of Mrs. Gee. Clifton in Shel- ton as previously planned, there- fore the meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Dammann at which time club officers were was of wide range of variety and qualityl and covered raiment for ewwy occasion from sports gar- ments to the proper uniform for formal afternoon wear and running into proper things in which to appear during evening ftmctions. The models were well trained, perfectly poised and con- tributed much to the success of a demonstration that wan almost professional in its performance. The editor has further reason to be proud of the showing, because three associates in The Journal nominated as follows: President, Mrs. ,T. R. Howell; vice-president, J, It, Gray, Q.M. Adj. Mrs. K, Myers: secretary, Mrs. Phone 352J Vaughn; treasurer, Mrs. H. Mc- _, ........................................................ Nish. KaLhaleen Lee of SeatLle is spending a few days in camp with Mrs. -Grace Craddick and Mrs. Jack Dammann. Mrs, Alex Miller h ml apology coming. We atSowish give her credit for being hostess with Mrs. Vaughn at the. last card party. Max Schmidt, Jr., was home from the University of Washing- ton over the week end, Miss Leota Pickerel and Miss Gyntha Mac Whinery were host- esses at a party given at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Myers, A pleasant evening was spent by all. Mr, and Mrs, Orrin Galloway spent the week end in Taconla with their son, Weldon Galloway and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cartwright spent the week end aL Lakewood Center aL the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tex Miller, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wiley,, Mrs, Bertha Make, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Make, Jr., of Centralia were din- ncr ghosts Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Miller. Mr, and Mrs. Ned Ruc'ker en- Lcrtained Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulbert and daughter, Ann, wiLh a birthday dinner Thursday eve- ning and later attended the violin concert at the high school audi- torium. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whincry, Jr., and son, Eugene, spent Fri- day in Bremerton. Mrs, Fred Reitdorf of Elnm, Olympic Motor Sales w_ ter, Gwendolyn, of Aberdeen and \\; D. S, RcndLchm of SaIL Lake City, ULah, were Monday dinner guests of [t'. and Mrs. Chas. Dahlnlan, 'Ihere will be special services and music EasLer Sunday aL the |.. IN THE LOCATION FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY GENERAL SUPPLY CO. ' Sad Mill Streets STAN WHITE, MGR. Phone 550 schoolhouse. Everyone is urged to attend, Sunday School is at 11:15 a ,nl. Use the Journa/ Classlfieds-a thx_really get results. O m e GROCERY BELFAIR'S FIRST AND ONLY SODA FOUNTAIN Mrs. 01son's and CMi E [ERIA were among the performers, and  ................................................ , .......................................................................... helped along with the success. Bessie Bolen, Lillian Warren and Maxine Briggs, who each day per- form their mundane and efficient newspaper chores, in their fashion modelling certainly displayed qualities, the Boss little suspected. Mason County Post No. 1694 Veterans of Foreign NORCO VENETIAN BLINDS Wars REFLECT QUALITY THROUGHOUT Regular Meeting • STYLED CORRECTLY Friday, April 19 -- 8 p. m, • RUSCO TAPES AND CORDS • 'POSITIVE ACTION" ,HARDWARE Memorial Building • BAKED ENAM EL FINISH Lyle O'Dell, Cmd, Phone 6F14 • ALUMINUM STATS • 10 DAY DELIVERY NEED A estimate given by experienced personnel or bring in your mea , ! PLUMBER ii 49¢ Square Foot ! Phone 48 i[] Measured and Installed I . L. CATO Ill K LYNCH I__00tPI DIC 328 SOUTH THIRD PHONE 623MX Money to Loan $50 to $500 Informal Personal Confidential EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE UNDER STATE REGULATION %