April 18, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Frank's 2,d Hand Store
201 East Plite
SLTON tASgN cor Jo.NAt,., ................................... .........................
Elinor Clptbr, O.E.S.,
lnstailed Offieers ,
Fur.day (welling, Apiil 9, l.ll-
nor Chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, {}nidn, hek a closed install-
el:ton. ]nst:alilng ot'ftcer. wore -
(}harles VVrlght tll]d lllYl. Avoy.
]['] fl'{o I{nowltoll Wn.s illstallil{ K
chaplain, M, inilie Hamilton, mar-
shall iirul illri, i.,lllssiliatl, organlst,
The officers lnsl;ifl led were '.
E 11 a Imnge, wortlly matron;
< (i 'li
z-- Reserve Now
.5 for SPECIAL
-- at
Y0'I Chicken Dinner Inn
Serving Noon to 10 P.M.
Telephone lJni0n 294
Adams worthy patron;
Orcutt. associate pa.tron;
Fred RasmussclL associate pit-
tr0n: Miilnie Satlers. .ecrethry;
Alma. Klein. tl'easurer; Francis
I{USOI1, conductress; Margret An-
derson, nssocia,te conductress; A1-
lie Ahl, chaphun, Betty Good-
paster, mai's!laii; Margret Suhr,
organist; Lau}'a Aselsdn, Adah;
Clare Bearden,. Ruth ; Willie Ras-
mussen, Estiler: Thelma Winters
N arthlf; M<il.di'cd Wilson, Electa;
F.loFa, L0cltwooO, warder; Lon
Webb. sentinel.
After the eereinontes guests
and members Whre Invithd to the
dining room for oyster stew scrv-
S0Cifl[ (V(ll
LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editol PHONE 100
Garden b
Slates Meet
The Shelton Garden Club will
meet Monday evening', April 22
at the home of Mrs. Eclward Fall-
bert at 8,o'clock. Mrs. Charles C.
Run aercs will t)e tile assisting
Gborgo Drake of tile Simpson
Logging Company has secured the
guest speaker. His .tqpie will bc
"Conserwttion and the Use of Nil-
tire Shrubs in Landscaping."
W, A. Eliot formerly of Port-
land, now re,lifting in Mason
COtillty and one of the best ati-
tll0rtties on picifte birds, will
also be a giicst spe'aker. He will'
show movies and brifig sainplcs
of Ibcal.nfitlve slqrubs.
Hood Canal P-T. A
lies Spelling Bee
An old fashioned spelliug bee
was held at the Hoodsport school
liouse April l.!1. as part of tim
Hood Canal P.T.A. program. First
prize wiimers Were: Ibiehel Gray,
oi'pha Hill, Loin Robbins and
Howard C. Wilson. Other prizes
were won by Judy Palmer, Gibby
Johnson. Dixie Johnson, Sharon
Winters and Jim Radtke. All en-
trants received gifts. Thanks go
to Miss LaRae Hahailton who pre-
pared lists of words for each
grade and Mrs. Louis Clifton who
helped play tea?hei'. We now know
that Hoodsport school boasts a
lot of very gdod spellers. Worthy
of mention was Bobble Beardon.
first gradei', who spelh, d six words
Martha Sheppard
Honored At Party
The engagement of :Miss Mar-
tha Sbeppard to L. O. Taylor was
announced during a ltuichean last
Tlnlrsday afternoon at the llonle
of Mrs. AI Sllcppard. Tile ln'lde-
elect is the daughter of Mr. aiid
Mrs. C. J. Sheppard of this city
nnd Mr. Taylor is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Taylor of Wiscon-
sin. No definite wedding date has
been set.
Miss Sheppard is a graduate of
the Irene S. Reed high school and
is well known m Shelton. having
served with ti}e Office of Price
Administration for three years.
At present he is employed in
tile credit office of tile Lumber-
men's Mercantile. Mr. Taylor has
recently received his discharge
from the Naval Air Corps.
Thef engagement was revealed
in an Easter egg' hunt, when each
guest found a colored egg bbai'lng
the words, "Martha alld Oliver."
Tile hmcheon table was decor-
ion Our Shelve We Offer You
a Complete Line of
Including Fluorescent
$10.50 Complete GIVE US THI
Keeping Y
FLUOR - O - SHIELDS trleai
for 40-Watt Fluorescent Light Fixtures
to direct and beautify rays from
Fluorescent lamps.
Ventil ati wit00 soil opor
., It' all ating 16tWres
]% 194i.
Leg'gett and
G. Badge of
Classifieds-- o
ed by the gentlemen of the order. The first ammal Rhododendron
shOW under tlle auspiees of the
Arborotnni Fouhdation of thb Un-
held Sattii'day arid Suiiday, May 4
Your Easter Bozznet iversity 6f Washington Will be
altd 5. Ti4e sl'low Will in'elude com-
....,................... petitk:e classes S well as trade
iifitdbbr dXMblts, t r.b o r L t u nl
[.:!!it:::::;.TF:i;:i'*lT" ''+ :*": llcthbers efin attena fi.ee of
' has ,{ff ,ii:;i!i! ::i c,%ber.
arrived ::i::7!!{::;;iiTJ Heads Auxihai T
- presidentof the. Maon County
at the regular meetlng on Friday,
tile bfficers ;h.o, were installel
Ji i i iii (::ii7i::7::!::77iii77::i::!i{ili;.i7:ii:::2'7!:::'L presenterican Lake(if theGardenSlocal Auxiliary.and past
Mrs. W. F, Compfon arid <Mrs,
31, COta Street ,,, PIIOne 228 i
Robei't sprihger were the install-
.................... ', ..... ' ....... ,% , .",,'< ..... "r, , ing hshers. ,. '
The following 0fflcei's whre fn-
' ' stalled April 5: Mcs. J. H. Gray,
pi'esident; Mrs. charles Clark,
• ' ' senior vice-president; Mrs. Alma
. • Os<ear Levin, sderetry; Mrs. Nu-
."-" itsler I art S0rie/.00 go.he Marttn, ehdpl,in; Mi's. Char-
les Hanson, conductress; Mrs,
Nellie Jordan, gttai'd; Mrs. Grace
. . Petty, patriotic instructor, and
i Mz;,. Rbbert Springer, tfistorian.
Color bearers, Mrs: Daniel Cor-
n2ie, .i.rS. Larry 'Godwin, Mrs.
Keith ,vans and Mrs. vVally An-
/ Hansei]. . r
E ATS Gifts were presented to the in-
stalling officers and gifts of ap-
preciation were given to faithful
tli,ltll ()fficers and chairmen.
Following the ceremonies re-
i freshments Of tee cream and cake
":t waistline. ..... w00,.o .
,. General Wre Club
Slttbg Party Saturd'ay
The General elfare. Club will
hold a card and bing6 pa.ty this
Saturday, April 20, in the Odd
Fll6we tiftll at 8 ,p;m.
Lunch will bc ,erved following
the games,
ne ,,, OU# *,W
waisti, - -
,, ........ .- ,.,. iiiFTS - JEWELRY
: the stralght.lined Ches 129 Railroad - Phone 143
, dretMengthor_¢Uh$|iil/fiiied'and;' G' A ff
Neutrala with quiet A
Fri - SatUrday
" 'AHI 19-I0
"B T
a; Constance Cummings,
'2 Itex Hai-rison
] Sllliday - Monday - Tiiegliay
April 21-23
-ea ,:4_ Denhig D;Reefe,
Mrlo MD61ild
A, Faahion A+ • " " " ......
' April 24-25
GIRLS BLOUSES They've Earned Stripes! %%e(lesday Thursday
The Nursery School 8el BOYS
9s 69c
" -AD---
Girls wlm wear blouses may
' T '
be beginners rt school---bt The best dressed little gh'Is .... S, t!N,GE
know the vahle Of smart tat- " CONFESSION"
it's plain they're experienced lored skirts . . . And these Comfortable, w a s lz a b 1 e,
in fashion! Wlflte washable with pleats and suspenders brightly striped crew neck ..... - i ;
blouses-plain and mlffled--- are especially attractive for p01o shirts for boys Who , '!BELLS 0F,
look nice with any skirt or young fry! In an assortment want comfort and style. Of ST. rMARY S'
of colors. Wool-and-rayon.
suit, Tlley come iu sizes 1-6. Sizes 3-6. sturdy sorted colors. S-M-L. April 2(i - 30 ,D:
ated with bowls of.Trilliums.
Open ImUse was held ill Mrs, Guests included Mrs. Carl• Ems-
Estelle McGhec's room. Tlere ley, Irs. Arnold Sd.eger and son
vee.re interesting exhibits of Chii- RaliJh, Mrs. Warren, Toby, Mrs.
eSe ai'ticles, hand drawings and Kenneth Cox, Mrs. Iarold Ridley,
other works of art jnade by the Mrs." Carl Morgan, /4rS. Leonard
students of the first and second Anderson and daughter Coralie,
grades. Additional features were Mrs. Leslie Balcom and sob John,
speliifig papers, pussywillow pic- Mrs. Fay Clark, Mrs. Lewis Bare,
lures and Easter bmmy crayon tlie honor guest, MiSS Sheppard,
bbloi.lngs, " and the hosteffg.¢
Ann hinroe,.fifst grader, sang ,
shireHii delightful poptilai - nulTl-
bets. ac<:olpnied at the piano Liiiiwaup CommUnity
by ler m stier, Mrs. Mildred Mun- Reports summer Met
rd;ile'e +were 40 guests at the About' 35' enjoyed tie potluck
potluck itiniir, a ttozen or more supper and social evening, spon-
aii,tvitig later for, hb slmrt bust- sored by the Lilliwaup Commun-
n,e,s iiieting anl program. Dui - ity Chib Friday eveifing th the
liig th bushess +session, election community hall. A suiprlse tea-
of 'offleei's 0r the coming yetr ture of the supper was tim pre.-
to6k place wth,. Mrs. Dorothy sentation by the club of a birth-
Palmer elhctgt pi-eSidcnt, Mrs, day cake ,to Mr. Jans Br0ten,
Miry Eliine Dickinsofi, vice-prcs- whose 70th anniversaiw it was.
tdent, Mrs. Alma Hill, ecretary, While the adUlts were playing
and Ml:s. Milly Deschaiil)s; treas- pinochle, the youngsters at tlle
Uir. It was iaenti0ned that there party enjoyed games under the
will be a P.T.A. inovie Frlday, leadership of Miss Virginia Pru-
April 19 Which has been arrang- sia. The children contributed lin-
ed by J. Lotiis Shapley and Mrs. promptu entertafnment by as-
Dbiothy T'atitihr. , sembling on tile stage and sing,
• ' U ing, including a llearty rendition
Music Study Cl b of "Happy BiIhday to You" in
honor of Mr. Broten, Who is Very
0iy pi >Oln, hu' in the community.
Meets In m a
Tim Shelton Music Stuiy Club
has accepted the ilivitation of JACK MOFFETT
Mrs. O. M. Hfiseby, a foimer
mbfibei" of the club': to hold its D A N C I N G
next meeting at her lmme ill
Olympia. The meeting will be L E S S 0 NS
held 6i Wednesday, April 24. Mrs.
Lynn sherwobd will have charge
of the study topic, "The Sym- TAP, TOE, BAL ' , ..
phony." BALLROOM and all STYLES
All members who plan to take
cars as well as those desiring a Every Wednesday
ride, are asked to contact Mrs. 2 to 6 p.m.
R. W. Norvold at 19oj before
Monday, Aprn 2. Shelton Egles Hall
D.U.V. Po h°neVnt°"
Form Tent Here
Mrs, Ransom L. Bartran, chair-
man of the Organization Com-
mittee for the Daughters of Un- The Original
ion Veterans of the Civil War, ' UTAH
Department of Washington and
Alaska, would like to contact any WOOLEN MILLS
One eligible to belong to tllis or- Jack Frost Pure Virgin
All daughters of honorably WOOLEN WEAR
discharged sbldirs, sailors and
marines 'who served in the Union Ladies' and Men's Tailored ....
Army or Navy during the rebel- Suits
lion of 1861-1865, whether mem- Ladies'Silk & Knit Dresses
bcrs of the Grand Army of the Taflore •Sweaters and School
Republic or not, who have attain-
ed the age of 15 years, are eligible Sveithz's .
Yor membership. Eligiblity is JaCk Frost All-PUre Vii'gin
through lineal descent only and Woo1 Blankets
not through adoption.
Any one interested in organiz- Pearl Bradley
lug a Tent of Daughters of Union Sales Representative
Veterans in Shelton eau contact
a a Reminder}
i NEED I /
LAMPS,, ' , "
I .:z:p I EQUIpMENT0000
,+ / ,
l lllii.00i, Dorothy's Be
tt ]! : , P, hone 7 - -
- ' " " :'.'.i:::?o I l'<t '-:1 IIIIII!111111111111111111111111
/' " " ! ' ..... r-proof instandy after i :
man;cure! ... You can run your hands through your halt,, t::llll-
You can pull on your gloves! ... Y6u can apply t-
make-up!,,, still your iacqer is u,,sp.0 the
• Your nails stay lovcly! The oil in Fast Dry is an !0. = ,v ,,H, .
your cuticle, too. It's a must for your an,c" od . loves ice ere
" i d to serve as d
Prepp% Dtug
Mrs. Bartran by.writing her and
she wil be glad to give further
information regarding the organ-
.zation. Her address is 123 N.
Rodgers St., Olympia, Wash.
Mrs. Winston Scott
Attends G. O. P. Meet
Mrs. Winston Scott, vice-chair-
man of the Mason Couhty Re-
publican Women's Club attended
the two day session of Republican
ineetings in Seattle last week for
.hM. Dawley, Republican State
The session was for all county
hairmen and vice chairmen and
members of the Interim Policy
advisory committee.
The local women's club met
Tuesday evening with Mrs. John
Mr. Hooper has been appointed
hairman of the Mason County
epublican group to replace Regi-
old Sykes, who has resigned.
Mrs. A. L. Huerby
ntertains Club
Mrs. A. L. Huerby entertained
the members of her bridge club
at her home last Thursday aftr-
noon. Mrs: Winston Scott and
Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale were
guests of the club.
Members attending were Mrs.
Joe Forrest, Mrs. F, dward Fau-
bert, Mrs, Victor Lihby, . Mrs.
Horace Skelsey and Mrs. S. A.
Hatcher. Mrs. Skelsey won hon-
ors. Each member also received
motif wa carried
floral decorations.
Belfa|r Women's ClUb
Slates Spring Dinner
, The regular meeting of the BeN
air Women's Club was held on
.Wdnesday, April 10, at the Bel-
fair school.
Mrs. Marion Gayland, St., was
guest'speaker of the evening. To-
pic of her talk was Short Book
Reviews arid disbfiSsion of Several
Of the Current books.
The business meeting c6nsisted
mostly 0f mal¢ing final plans for
the coming Spring dinner to be
held April 27 and the .appoint-
met of committees for the com-
ing year.
Plans were discussed and made
for sponsoring of the Girl Scouts.
Following the medting refrcsl-
ments were served.
San Francisco are the parents of
.Mr... and Mrs. David Huff of
San Francisco are ttm parents'of
girl born March 30. Mrs. Huff
will be rememhered here as the
former Gloria Salin.as.
P.O. Box 82 - Shelton
Write for Appointment
. 2nd and Railroad
• %
Your family and f
19, 7,st joyous and
laster. May the fu
• and happiness of thi
be With you always.
Virg Smith Don
Gifts -- Jewelry PHONE 143