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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JCKYi Ce Offer You CENT TURES }rescent GLE TUBE 3HTS )plete GIVE US THI Keeping Y( SIIIELDS trical Good 0 tt Fluorescent Light and beautify rays from tt lamps. f I With self=oper- 1' dll sting 16uVreS CITV Leggett and sis- G. Badge of t Sunday Classifieds-- results. ' oF hted *Mth resultm. box, IJholav Y PHARMACY ALt  a Reminder) W. S. C. S. Report ...... i-h2-=£.T222i.& •  " 10 ,puH vtvvutt; MeetmgOfAprll , . / .. -- The So00tay of Chris-i00lateo lwonoay ttan Serxice met in the Meth0dist ) The Shelton Woman's Club will Church parlors April 10 at 2 meet at the Colonial House on o'clock. Mrs, W. M, Elliott, presi- dent, opened the meeting with a 1}rayer. Mrs. William Brodt led the de- vol.ions. HA' siibj¢ct was "Whom Seeks Thou." Mrs. Robert C. Johnson was in charge of the progrtm assisted by Mrs. Purl Jenison and Mrs. William Wit- siers. Tlieir topic was "Peace Found in Latin America." Mrs. DonovP+ll Palmer sang, "Forget-Me-Not;" ' Spring Song" and "It Isn't Raining Ram Seeds. Slm was accompanied by Mrs. John L. Dotson. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Clive Troy and Mrs. David Logan. FROM MONTANA Mr. and Mrs. Alex MeLeod and sons, Bobby and Kemeth of Butte Mont., are visiting tliis week with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Morrison. ,%5 ,%1 | u.', ---------7- ii .= C  • . • ELIOT ELE "n ...... T '+ " tyll g • EQUIPMEN Titie'InsuraceBldg. .., @ ' ,"" £& ]i Jk, d? , . ' ( i:.. . . 'Dorothy Leonard • A / Effie00+ery 1 k  2¢:11 " / , Oiserat0rs of Dorothy's Beauty Salon . 1 ....... '":'"'"'"'"'""'"'"'"'"""'"'"'"'"'""'""""'"'""'"" -- i- nails are s/near. 'roof instantly alter yo :;.. a stil! your lacquer is .i,u"sP? The CPm,m;n, Ta, ioh! tide, too. It's a must for your %rYbody loves ice cream and it's the per- od to serve as dessert or midday re- (   i freshment. Our ice /: i !  . purest ingrbdmnts for Dig ] :O "| + ,   cream is made of the • "  "'>:'!"i ' "" rich "il',' "  .2!::i:.:.2: :.:.:'Q that , me ow fla- X l0  :. !i#::. '::: :i:: :.')vor you love Cele: : .'.,]  {!:./brate the Easter sea- '.:-/Z:.:.:,£, .... ...... " ' ..:-, '$",::Z"" son wlth our super= , creamed ice cream, itltner's Ice Cream Bar IIIIIlliillllllllllllllllllliilllllllllltllllllllllllll[ll]|lllllllilll' It is our pleasure to wish you, Your family and friends a ' 3ost joyous and glorkitiS aster. May the full beauty and happiness of this season : be With you always. TendercrUst Bakery Virg Smith Don Rernsber ./' " " "," ? i :WITH PHONE 143 ;lry :Monday, April 22, at 12:30 o'clock for a no-host luncheon. The new officers who will as- sume next year's duties ore; l}res- ident, Mrs. W. A. Witsiers; vice- president, Mrs. Robert Trenck- mnn]l; secretar'y, Mrs. Robert C. Jolmson; treasurer, Mrs. A. Al- maden: and 1}arliamentarian, Mrs. W. M. Elliott. Mrs. Trenckmann lms planned the afternoon program on Youth Conservation. It will be an open meeting to take I)lace at 2:30 o'clock. Speakers will be Mrs. Edna Quarnstrom, Frank Houston and R. W. Oltman. All who are interested in this important subject are invited to be at the Colonial House at that time. Easter Egg Hunt SOCIAL EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. Hill Return To Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Hol}ert V. Hill son and daughter-in-law, of the C. E. Hills of Lilliwmp, left for Seattle Sflnday after visiting for several weeks at the Hill home. Robert Hill, who was a band lead- er in the Army Air Force during the war and recently received hi:; discharge from the service, plans to organize a dance orchestra in Seattle. The young couple will at- tend the University of Washing- ton this fall, where :Mr. Hill was a music student before going into the service in February, 1943. Be- sides arranging rpusiC, he is a pianist and trombone player. Mrs. "Hill is the formei, Welma Hafisen of Madison. Wise. Sheltonites Attend Dinner In Seattle Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Martin and Opal Warner Weds Saturday Tim sanctuary of tle First Me- thodist Church was the settino; April 13 for the wedding of Miss Opal Warner, daughLer of Mr. and Mrs. Ehner L. Price of Gi Itarbor, and Frank W, FouL% son of Mrs. Gertrude Fouts of Brem- orlon. Wash. The beautiful single ring cere- mony was read by Rev. Hard- wick W, Harshman as the young couple sLood in front of the altar decked with greens and palms. The bride clmse for her wed- ding a black dross with white se- quins and wore a beautiful eel sage of pink camelias. Her only attendant, Mrs. Mildred Cozad. wore an aqua dress with corsage of red camelias. Jack M. Cozad was best man. Following a wedding trip to California the young couple will St. Martin's Now Offering Flying ses Again h mtrnc, tiou in .))l'Olllld school av- iation ('ourneP. is being offered at St. 3.1art in':; Colleg'e tgain for the firsL l:ilnP s;il{'o the start of the war when the co!h'ge',; fliffht a](l ground school had gained state- wide nolicc for its+ high percent- age of sttccesl;flllly trained pilots. Registration for tlm ground school and flight school aviation COII/':{] ar(2 flOW being taken at St. Martin's. the Reverand Mein- rad J. Gaul. deAl-of instruction in charge of thd aeronautical courses, said. The clas In Pri- mary Aria.Lion at St. Martin's will start immediately after the Spring holidays which end on April 23. Actvanc.e courses will be offered with the be,irming of the snmmer session ill June. Ground school courses, to bb taugit at St. Martin's by Frank Sl'sen who served as a Navy flight Slielton Dance Club Plan Saturday Party Long dresses will .be tli*t: fa- shion for the Buruly Parade, tim monthly canoe the Shelton Dance lub is sp0nsoriug this Satnrday ev{'ning', Aprtl 20 at; Union. Mr'. and Mrs. Peter Zopolis ape eh a.irlll ¢11 of the affair, Other members of tile committee iu- elude Mr. and Mrs, Steve Ru.. pert, M:r. and Mrs. Edwin Lovell, Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Pearcy and Mr, and Mrs: Louis VanArsdale. RETURNS TO CHICAGO Mrs. F. Rnssell Pearson left Seattle last week for her home in Chicago, following the dea tl recently of her husband, who was an employee of tim Rayonier l r- corporated. [OIIN KUBIK ESTA'E ;Iudge Wilson signed al. order setting the date 6f SatUrday, May 18 as the time for hearing the final rep{)l't and petition for dis- tribution of the John Kttbik estate in superior court Saturday. Beautiful flowers convey best your felicitous greetings on this day and happy Easter. Arid when yod order from us, you're sure of quality, fresh- ness and original, artistic ar- rangements, Order your Eas- ter bouquets, corsages and Given At Andrews Dr. and Mrs. M, C. Meleum will instructor until recently, will be ......................................................... plants now, Mrs. George Andrews and be attending the dinner honoring make their home on South West- held every Monday, Wedtlesday ern Avenue m LOS Angeles and Fridae, veninffattheeolfege. USE la Flowers telegraphed daughters, Arlene and Nadine, Mrs. Walter Craven, national where Mr. Fouts is employed a Plig'llt sct{ool will be cbndtlcted at " UUO . A,ywhere were ,hostesses L0 tim Brownies president Of the American Legion a roofer, the Olympia Airport under the di- 'and Girl Scouts of the Bordeaux AuxiliarYandin.= " --Seattle' Thhi+sday, ,r:,:- "a-..,4...+--- AeronauticsrC'cti'n el: instructOrSgroup, and equip- COLD PgEPAIIATiON i 0ral S5 scho01 at their home for their April 18. r---- Fi,ank w. Widle ,uent approved by the Civi,lan f Trav s F! 0p fourth anuual Easter party. Following" games and an Easter [ro Mrs. Legett Yxx tu= , l;'m'nler ,ervicemen seeking av- LIQUID, TABLETS, SALVE, Phone 32 egg hunt the girls enjoyed roast Entertain With Dinner . Frank W..Wflde of.Shady S,de: iation training wili be able to take Caution NasSeEoDnRO:tDieected Iillllllllllllll|lllllllllllllllllllllllllll|l /vlazylano, ls S }enalng sove/ 11 he O {r vceiners and two movies. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett had days with Mr. and Mrs. I,u. l.. tlm GI ]3ill ot: Rights. Father About 50 girls attended. Two '+ ' [ -. '" t . e llcs, aviation courses under -- • ' glests ,were, Mrs. Mildred Golter as their dinret: guests )ast week, Martin' before• etmntng' ' to lu; M(fnrad stated. Those interested and Mrs. Ernest Bbysen. Tim Mrs. Lots Price and san Stanton home. in taking the c0m'sos are urged to .............. ' " ....... ' ................... . leaderswere Mrs. Merrill Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Black, all +. Mr;Wilde wa:s diseharg+ed from arrange with the college.autlmri- of Elms. ne a.vy uts 'rmay at rcmer- ties immediately so that they can arid Mrs. Howard Meyer. " Mrs. Price is a cousin of Mrs. ton. provide for the necessary equip- I,'R/NK CIIASE uNDER Eeggett. ,  . _  menL and personnel far theil' • . ]KNIFE . " . .. -r---:-, . Frank L. Chase Of Shelt6n un- Geraldine Chrlseisen Kalnoow loners framing. derwent a successful major oper- Eii;ageiiiieiit Aiiiiouneed Schedule Meeting ........... -=--- atton at SWedlstl hospital in So- The Rainbow Mothers Clu 1} .will , AGATE GRANGE .:... ,,,' -' . • aLtle last ThurSday aid is repel't- Mrs. V. L: Christensen an- mee't with Mrs. Frank Fenimen rle Agate Grange. will sponsor ), ed recuperating as well as ex- nounces the engagement of her at 423 Grant Street at 8 o'clock a dance Saturday night, April 20. pecte.d by attending physicimis, daughter, Geraldine, to Lester L. on Thursday, April 18. Everyone is invited. ' " Hamlziofi, 'M.3I.M. 3/c, U.S.S.R., --TO .+----SPOK-:A-N-'E--- of otympia ......... . ....... Mrs. E. M. Keyser, Who has TKe @edding will taice place ........ ' ' beeh visiting her son and his wife, DegreeApril 28 at theeClu'istensen home.. "¢:': ::-   . '" Dr. and Mrs. Louis S. Keyser the _ _--E_ .--+ or +,,:',": ..... past 12 days, left Tuesday" for her lmme in Spokane. She. was return- ;::;i: ::f ing from Cdlifornia wliere she had Meeting Tiie'sday spent the winter. The Degree of Honor wiI1 meet :!:?;-,"" in the I.O.O..F. hall on Tuesday, Tip Apr 23, at 8 p.m. for a business iiii!i:) NEW ALL-IN-ONE MAKE.UP S on HOW To There will also be a shower for iii:iii:i!i YOU'VE DREAMED ABOUT! meeting and hobo party. i:;::::;iii%z Plan That 1946  .,ember who had the misfortune i::!,:!F'.'.,!:,::.:#:::.;i]!i  .... to lose her home and contents by . ::ii:: .......... =, HOW' ' : Home Garden Here fire. :i,,,:,,,!,,!,;11:% {[.nEA! [A][]E .P What are the questions to ask Townsend-ub Slates ;,:;i::: ":-:- .-:.:::;;:.:. +2".:-,: :% -' ".:: f ¢ yotirself in planning the 1946 gar- Meeting Saturday Eve + :,::::,';:'::::;:,:" : • ' Ai HALF PR.ICEI denTo many gardeners just wait The Southside Townsend Ch,b @iiiil/ __. will meet on Saturday, April 20 !::i!'.::!i!!:!iiiii::!!::i:i!:::. till the last minute, then spade up at 8 p.m. , ::::!!::i:!iiii!i!ii:i:ii:!:!!ii::ii:!i! ;' r" some ground and'go down town to Bingo and refreshments will be . ;:.ii!i/!ii(;ili!i.i!ii:):,):!):, Q/" buy some packages of seed and enjoyed following the business come home and plant the whole meeting. ' ......... .>•' ....... |GU£&R PRB¢ $ 1 L ' ;.:, ;..:.....:.;. :,,:;.,,. ............... ,.:......: works!" decares John C. Dodge, The publicds invited to attend. assistant extension horticultur- . + :: %, ^. : ist at the State College'of Wash- Lincoln PA. , , i#' + But the really smart gardener, Schedules Meeting $1.00 l,t,, tx says Dodge, asks himself such The Lincoln P.T.A. will meet . ¢ questions as the following three: April 25 at 3 p.m. in the school "Do I have the right soil to house. produce strong, vigorous plants(?" The summer roundup for pro- . .tU  --You can judge whether your school children will be held May • ' ' soil is properly fertile, Dodge 11. The committee has boen.ap. £ouve longed for it, you'll love it-tlHs points out, by looking at its past pointed .... We o you'll e dellgtged %. fllb r I performances. If it produced good new kind of make-upthat's base and pew- kn.w w|fll h)s fomous cosmi¢ deodoran). We knowl vegetablesit,s in prettylaStgoodYear'conditionChances arefor Amaranth-odal Club der all-m-one .' • ) Smooth t" on+ w.h' finger-, this year. Most soils are improved Meeting' On Hood Canal you', want to continue using it, when either manure or commer- The Amaranth Social Club will tips. Its velvet finish slays lovely hollr That's:Why we're offering it to yov cial fertilizers are added to them. meet at Cami El Monte on Hood after hour. It is acrcam, so it's good for At this late Season, however, Canal April 23 at 8 p.m. for a llmiCed time at half prlcel manure nr compost used should be Carrie Cline will be the hostess well-rotted. See your county ex- tension agent about just which fertilizers to get. "&tst hoW many vegetables can I wisely plant and what ldnds?" --Have enough of the kinds that you like for the table, i4s well as those for canning, freezing and storing. But don't plant any more than you can take the proper care of, Remember that certain vege= tables, particularly peas and sweet corn, never taste so Well from the market as when fresh from the garden. These slmuld certainly be grown in the home garden, if slpace is available. Remember, al' §b, that several plantings of some kinds of Vegetables at intervals of one week or 10 days will pro- vide the gardener with a contin- uous supply over a longer period, piekering by Mabel L. Wylie Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lundquist moved last Saturday from their temporary home at the Lowman place to their new home at 803 Cots Street in the T. D. Deer apartiiients. The Lowmafis are ex- ected to be here from Pomona a few days. , . The, Picketilg Club will  meet Thursday, April 18. Mrs. L. A. Fitts and Mrs, Jay Cole are the hostesses. .. /T. R. Graham 'G. P. Wright ghd Roy Maltby, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pet- erson.. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gra= ham 0f Portland spent foflr Ltays with the Petersons last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phipps, of Ab+eixleen andMr, and :Mrs..Nick- erS6fi of Portland we but .this past Week for a couple of ]ys looking over their new bulling site on upper Picketing btween the T. C. Thomas place and Her- man DeWitts place. Rpy Phipps is a, P.U.D man and Mi2 Nick- ei+s0n W oi-ks ,for the foretr,.y de- part m6n.t. T&ey intend to clear tle lalla and do s0ie ltilld0zing this summer and build next sum- mer after tley retire from busi- ness. Mr. and MS. Lawrence Gibbons from Clear Lake and Mr. Gib- bon's sister, Mrs, Kitty Davis Of Mr. Vernbon; 4tore guests of Mrs. J. E. Jones on Sunday, pril 14th, and Edward Lindsay of Shelton spent from Friday until Monday with the Sunday, April 14 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Westby entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Yates and fam= ily of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harett and family of Port Orchard. The occasion was the 0ube wedding anniversary of the aretts and the Westbys. Paiuting Time ! Paint authorities point out that ex- terior pa!nting should be done only in dry weather, and vhen the thermom. ter registers at least 40 degrees. Cbid weather )nd moisture are apt to interfere with getting results. and Margaret Anderson will be co-hostess. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Gaff P. Harris, 22, of Elms and Barbara 5ohnston, 19, of Olym- pia, April 12 at Shelton. C. A. Elstone, 56, and Lucile M. Cooley, 44, both of Bremerton, April 13 at Shelton. Vernon Lord, .20, of Shelton and Judy Owyens, 21, of Port Town- send, April 13 at Shelton. M ATLObANC E There wil be a dance at Mary M. Knight school on Saturday night, April 20,fr0m 9 to 1 o'clock. Public is welcome. dry skin. Five shades, keyed to today's costume colors, to keep ),our facc in smartest fashion. MCCONK00Y'00 FIR DRUG PRESCRIPTION 213 Railroad PHARMACY, Phone 63  329 Railroad Ave. Prescriptions Phone 303 MeCONKEY'S Prescription Fir Pharmacy . i Drug 4th & Railroad 313Railroad Ptione 303 ' Phone 63 .•+ L:ovely women have learned to depend on Tussy Cream Deodorant to guard their charm, their clothes. It's gentle to the kin and to the finest fabrics. Leaves a haunting fragrance. Stays fluffy and creamy Iongpr. Hurry to get your jar. This sale happens 'only once a year! "l00e¢O FIR DRUG 2:13 RMlroad Phone 63 Prescriptions NK00Y'$ PRESCR][] TON 329 Railroad Av. Phone 303 @