April 18, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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(near Ma-
rs. F. F.
ear Maple
4-18tfn. __
und nylon
nes, Hill-
Ln enamel
In good
"en, Route
for sale•
Box 102
ool suit;
mit. Both
,e 16. In-
tion. Mrs,
ladders ;
lie. P, A.
o 3J8, :El-
__ . ., _: April :i, ]946 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL
,n o oj : -:
00ce00T.00ks, m,"m'-- ---___7. "o" , " ........ :;00:lrack' ' S(:; ........................................ uad' Beaten' - 0ut , ....... Pin, ........ y Champ s,. Chum!)s
I .) , = |= ., , ,- ,
Race I lghtened Ol m la Sunday Detel nuned 1 i o z
I. belay by Monte, o7-,A, Elma 26 ff00hiP "; ' -"
the telephone f_rom.=lSl:, i " * , . : t. ! ......
.............. ,is ::,.°,.ten .o.,ts Th,. t-Iigh, l..l..,, w00.e ahead By Squeeze rmy ,.e,,ts, the ShelLon Loggers play., t00urrent 00eason
alelly, Editor
th l)revi(ms weeK, the Shelton]m]til the relay was run but tile (JOMMERCIAI. I()WIANG / their first fornml ball game of (I'I'Y IAAGUE B()WIJNG
insertion t0 save. exp.| How,1. , ......... IIighelimhLq' l r:u•k if'am eonHn- ]-:uitdoy4 qmu't(,t got back a ni(:e .... V I tile year next Sunday at Olympia " W 1,
t }:c ued to show inl)rovemo.nt butwas lead Highclimber le'doff man Moran Lumber. ............... 22 11 Instead of at Loop Field, then Active Chlb .................... 48 33
, bride and an nosed out in tne final rn(,e for Gordv Adams had given his mates Olympic Plywood .......... 20 ]:i will open their home schedule on Mason Latndry ............. 4, 37
sary ' maid is tl "
hi frl hem)'. 1 n tri 71 'v n(et to x;i te d(eidin,,' event by "t t nt's Service ]q A)ril 98 'toairst tim Contrails Sin son Lo " 43
't';;oT, ii ' . ... , c , .................... 14 l .... p. ..................... :s
nt M( ties no la,l l, vtt! V te 'n'd i ' thrillinp" f si iake Cushm'm lq Elks w th a doubleheader L M 10
.... . . ., , ., , , • • • .................... 1,t .......................................... ' .11
"('u,): [m(t an over- host school takng .,! ().?.,,}ts to Adams Harold Anker Cone Pantorium ........................ 17 16 Last Sunday's scheduled game Associated Oil .................... 39 ,12
][JSED 21!1 ' Shelton's 54 ano vAma s zu I11 Ill(, White and Bob Rico wcrc the Local 161 ............................ 1,i 19 against the Olympia Senators was Pastime .: ................ .......... 38 43
Th * * * final compilation, heavy point getters for the High- Kimhel Motors 11 22 first postpoied because of wet Reed Mill 38 ,13
I"=O=DSMOBILI';d, ,:,re, tragedy of a June
",es life, though, s when ............................ ; ................. climbers. Anker won a pair of
Phone 215R5, ,'w realizes how few new
TRADE 5-ton White °tOSses she can buy on
wheel base, good rUn_ What the poor dim wit can
seven 10-ply tires, ,IS ake,
ton truck with au.
wheel base. Fred ~ , ::, :;:
22F21. ill0fr, eollrse some times the while lice In'educed
FoR SALE: 1932 CI [10".g e doesn't work Imcanse the high sticks and
Good motor. $250. ,( orlde Ires to.
son, Hoodsport. pho
12W3. A * .... :
FOR SALE: Mod one of our customers
good condition. Tires uYS, men want women and
quire Route 2, BoX I m.nen want diamonds and
stlne Ferry Landing. t?. t keeps the men on the
FOR"ALE' '41 "plvlllotlt "
lu.]xe .•; two 'horse efeetrl..
30-30 Carbine rifle. V(il! ' Vv'hih" we suppo,e is the
Star Route 1, BOX 18',' ,uun-t-ao":WhY
- . _.12, ,s SO often ,,,;t,,,+ -ni
1 cle t ''""' .'%---
FOR SALE : 933 . e,.
flatbed, long wheel 0,
all steel cargo boa ::' * *
dump. L. W. Bonner,
yO can save a lot of
-mzal b t
ta e Y ak,ng advan-
SALE: '37 O]ds sl Vlu ef Our saving ser-
....... Warren. .rje/ 1 ...-e' YouWe always strive to
Stop at Mason
W e the most for the
Fl. : °ney,
of your Kodagal
See Andrews "
FOR SALE: Wrecked. 1!
car, whole or by par.,
Service, 4th and CeL
H ml
:rials. Six
820 Fair-
;10 mare,
rkey eggs
. out.
less, plow, FREE ESTI
pair, 320 Write P.O. Box 1,
]e stunlp
hone 403J.
mt locker,
Route 2.
.'ord loads.
50. Never A.K.
.0. Sos at
All-8tfn Personalized
.rm silent Address:
oration at
Way and
7758. Phone:
allow well
First- and
ding does.
w-8-2 Eliot Electric
hot water Title InsuranCe
0.,. 2183.1 Phone 645
air cooled W ight andS.
inger, Le- r
Olympia. LAWfEI
• ll-15tfn
line of
Licensed Em I
,to 1, Box
Valley). W.A. Wltstel.
[c-,1-11-5-16 Phone 180 - - Sh
-.- ,
luck eggs, ,,
Olympia I
4-s--. [I ELLIOT B.
mete type, I I
rder, with,[ I Aocountlng
Star Rtc. II
4-18--5-2. ]1 Bookkeeping
ty cement tl 123 4th St.
., ms S. I
4-18tfn. t
lus bulbs,
ts. Earl's IN
south of
Iwa ,
tt,('k wire
• Chokers,
lling saws, Office at Angle
ek Hudson I
o No, 905
brooders John B
n oil' hey- ATTORNEY
l Fashion Shelton,
tHlent cou- Office at
ings. Mrs.. t1 "x
ast Elinor
Stay on the job more days
and mi les because O.K.
treads are of the best mater-
ials and are welded firmly
to tires under greater pres-
qa Cigar Store SH
St. - Phone 18 Franz T. 0atPcher
- _- .... . - Hillcrest
• : - I I
first places in the century and
220 yar(l (1;mhes, White won the
110-yard lfigh hm'dles and took
,;e(:ond in the ,1.10 and high jump,
Adalns had n see.end in the con-
tllry ,gild thirds in the 220 and
bread jump,
seeonds m
Shelton's best events were the
hroadjump, where the Red and
Black took the first three placeq,
the 100-yard dash and high hur-
dles, where they took first and
second placcs and the slmtput
and 220-yard dash, where they
gathered first and third places.
The summary:
ll0-Yard High I-Iurdles--4hile
(S), Rice (S), Crass (M), B0gda-
novieh (N[). 17.4
Pole Vault-:-Monjay (E) first,
Meyers (E), Davidson (M) and
Crass (M), tied for second, 8 feet.
Shotput .--- (Mrdlnal (S), ]oust
(El, Oltman ($), Foss (M). 39
feet. 2,a/4 inches.
200-Yard. Low Hurdles --- Wince-
wlcz (M), Seraggins (M) Rice
(S), Smith (S). 27,4.
Hiffh Jump -- Holloway (M),
White (S), Wisdom (M), Bukich
(M). 5 feet, % inches,,
Discus--Foust (E). Durrin (M),
Oltman (S), Foss (M). 114 feet.
2 inches.
100-Yard Dash .... Ankers (S),
Adams (S), Michael (E), Murphy
Moll Chevrolet .............. 10 23
Olympic Plywood and Lake
Cushman Resort joined hands to
materially tighten up the e, om-
mercial bowling league standings
in last week's play, their efforts
consisting of a pair of shutout
triumphs which shot the veneer-
men up to second place only two
games behind the leading Morgan
Lumber quintet and boosting the
resort team into a tie for third
plaec only three games out of the
Cushman's victims haPl)cned to
be the leading lumbermen, which
was a mighty convenient detail
in putting on the squeeze play,
" All' team captilins and offi-
cer. of the commercial bowling
league , pltm as many bowlers
as desire to, are urged by I,ea-
guo Seereiary Wally Dundan to
, atiend ' meelinl'ttt the Imwl-
ing alleys nell,• Mnnday eve-
nlnff at 8 O'clock to,dlseus soy-
oral imlmrtant matters pertain-
ing to the leagtte's operation.
while tlm plywood y.itina'ied sev=
enth place K:imbel Motors with
Percy Tank firing the telling
shots. Jack Roles, Hank Durand
aiad Allie RobinSon all lind a hand
W°rkGuaranteed't Now Open ,or Business
F E 0 p] "" ' "
Rt, "2, ;;ox lS,
PHONE 14" ' .In Our Location on
Bctweelx 5 an d'_
Mountain View
Mr. andMrs.I-L ll,f, .
d-:-of--Port %.,. Sh robe
ellen Lu r
Hall, sister of Mrs;^i '
oft-ngela; I
Levitt a.ewwee4, to visit a few weekS, '. C party
Due to present concutions our services
Profol;a/| :!i'Will be limited for some time, but as
B. Franklin II!
PHONE 6;,7
P. O. BOX 598
Charles T. wr,
Virginia G. Fi
Angle Building, Sbl
119-121 South
Bell Bull
Shelton, Wasbl
tle Inura_¢. "
Phone 28 - "
_ ,,j
2"d At Railroad Phone 89
Th.ere are a2 least 10 different substances
(p.rovitamins) which are known to exhibit
Vtamin D activity/, but only two are known
to be of major "imporf'ances Vitamin .D
.(Called calciferol in England and viosterol
.n the UnitedStates), and vitamin D3 or
elsterol, the natural vitamin of fish liver
o!ls. Vitamin D is. abundantly present in
?j.sh liver: oils and'fish that have nuch body
ut; especially salmon, sardines, herring,
eUna, and mackerel. Egg yolks, animal fats,
milk and butter contain fairly good amounts
el this vitamin. Deflciencu s/mptoms are
rCkets in infants a'nd inqmu"ng children,
aracterized by softening of the bones,
Which results in malformation and enlarge-
ent of the 'elbows and wrists, bowed legs,
maging forehead, andprofuse perspiration
'of thd head. Rickets of the adult is called
eomalacia, and occurs especio21y in we-
during and after pregnancy, but also
.s been noted in men and women of all
The general symptoms are the sar,
thosc of baby rickets. If you suspect
nat you or one of your family has a vita-
min deficiency, don't take a chance with
your health--see your family physician. He
S trncd to recoanize vitamin deficiencies.
. he elves ou a ?)rescription we can #ll
t for you with reliable,' fresh drugs, prompt-
Y, accu'ratcly, and economically.
When ill see your physician, then bring
,scription to PRNPP'S PRESCRIP-
ARTMENT. • We carry a corn-
line of biologicals, chemicals and
laceuticals in order that YOUR pre-
may be filled exactly as YOUR
in' Lake Cushman's victory, whictt
(M); 11.1. was achieved despite the fact that
880.-Cra.s (M). Beieker (El, Bud Forbes again paced the cir-
Newman (S), Iiart (S). 2:21,3, • cult's individual scorers wittl his
4.10--Tennefoss (M), White (S), 535 total,
Taylor (M), Gleason (M).,159.4, Tailend Mcll Chevrolet came
220 Yard Dash--Anl¢(fs (S), within a game of popping out of
Michale (El, Adams (S), Mur- the cellar with a 2 to verdict
phy (M). 26. • • over then-second-place Grunert's
Broad Jump-:F'raser (), Rice Chevron Service with Ray, Bah-
(S), Adams (S). McCully (El, 18 cock, Alex Toncy and Paul Stop-
feet, 6% inches. " plea' scoring strongly. Pantorium
Mile---Harris (M), Parker (M), decisioned Local 161 by the odd
Sheffer (El, Millich (M). 4:59.4. Iam¢ Bill Iesch leading the seer-
800 Yard Relay ..... Montesano ] {fig
(Spraggins, Bogdanovich, Wince-] hree veeks remain in the
wicz, Murphy).. 1:36. I schedule. The lincups:
....... I Csuhznn (3) lorgan (0)
n_ 1 & 1 1 I' handicap 2491 handicap 195
l%avmon{l Awaroe(1 H;Durand 509f BX orbeS, 535
: :, - I I Roles 5031L Sergeant 493
na*.om,*.oh;n {{j Carlson :lS C:Morgan 352
.l]Utllbl[|¢l,l[OllLl I A':Robinson 514 t MelMorgan 505
J.Forrest 471 B,Morgan 456
] Total 2664, Total 2536
[Moll Ch(.v. (2') Grunerls (1)
I handicap 5011 handicap 348
! R'.Babcock 452[ C.Bare 528
A.Toney 438(R.Brown 416
H.Wiseman $481J.Stevenson 411
R.Gerhardt 419 B.Kenyon ,4g$
[ P.Stoppler ,l.391L.Struthers 460
Total 25971 Totals 2591
I Plyv(ood (3) " Kimbels (0)
Trophy saturday
By vote of theirfell0W mem-
bers of the northern division of
the Southwest Washington high
school athletic conference, Ray-
mend became the first annual
possessor of the Shelton Chamber
'of Commerce sportsmanship tro-
phy, it was disclosed Saturday
evening at the presentation ban-
quet in Elms.
President S. B. Anderson of the
Shelton Chamber made the an-
nouncement but the trophy itself
has not yct been received fron
the jewelers nor was Raymond
I represented at the hanquet to re-
ceive it. Tlte award innor was
kept secret until the time of the
All other schools were repre-
sented by players, coaches and
principals at Saturday's banquet,
which was attended by about 65
persons. Coach Chet Dombroski,
Principal Gorge Hermes and five
players rel)resented the High-
Use the JournM CIasstficls--
they really get results.
Shelton, Wash.
Thursday Saturday
" A'rll 18 ="20
Red Ryder
Virginia Bruce
Sunday - ,Wednesday
April 21 - 24
Roy Rogers, Gabby Hayes
Thursday - .Friday
April 25
:handicap 483 handicap 405
H,Ahlskog 432 Christinson 45].
I-I,Bohn 387t J:Puhn 359
J:Evans 354 W.R,Earl 418
P.Funk 513 G.Frisken 375
K,RoSe 419 W.N.Earl 42
Total 2588[ Total 2450
Pantoriu,n (2) Local ]61 (1)
" handicap 3661 handicap: 468
E,Lindeman 4581 Wright 404
G.Ltndberg 405: Lunsf0rd 341
&Howard, 493 Dittman , 331
I-I:Gruver 377 Rains 397
B.Besch 46(}" Westhmd 2t.53
Total 2559 TOtal 2394
Climbers Travel
For2 Ball Games
Fdllowers'0f "the HthC!imber
diamond aggregation wont get
'another Chance to watch the team
in action until Friday, 'May 3,
When they engag the Olympia
Bears in, their next home" 'assign-
Before that time they will hit
the road for a non-conference tilt
at Hoquiam next Tuesday and:a
Conference engagement at Cle.
halts April 26. The'Highclimbers
are playing centralfa at 'Loop
Field'as The Journal goes to press
in their first confererlce game.
They were rained Out: o!f'a prac
the gathe at Bremerton last
Sportsmen To Nominate
0fficers Next Thtirgay
Canal" Sportsmer{s Asen
members will nominate officers
for, the next term and, enjoy eol
ored motion pictures taken in
the Olympic mountains by Los
DickinSon' of Hoodsport .at the
April meeting of .the 'body April
25 at thc HoodsporC'sehooL Presi-
dent L. D Hack reminded mem-
bers today.
• . , to and know how to
align frdnt dar wheels tO
provide easier and Safer
Steering, and sae'tirest0
last more SAFE miles. -
24-Iour Wrecker Service
1st &Cola" Phone 52
grounds at Olympia, then was Beclewith's ......................... 35 IG
hurriedly re-sehodnlcd Sunday Final Maiehes I,'riday
morning and played on Loop Field 7 Laundry' ,,,, P'lstimo"
as nn informal practice skirmish Beclewilh v:; Simpson
when neiLher team was able Lo 9 .Aetivinns vs l qd
field its complete roster, The Son- AsSociated vs L. M
stets earned a 7-4 edge. AeLivians wrapped up the 19,16
The Easter contest at Olympia city bowling leagu9 championship
will sLart at two o'(,.19clt and will P'riday nifflt witl :t shuLout vic-
find the Loggers donning their tory over Lulnbermen's Mercan-
natty new uniforms for the first tile which gave thema four game
• lead over second laee Mason
time. Latmdry, a gap toÜ big for the
stlds chasers to close with only
Macs Corner Wins t,,.ee gan, es ,oft o,, the achedn,e
So tomorrow night's kiss-off to
amm ,u.. p"L='p'=':='r T,.l][l the season will be just for the ex-
ercise, and what cltanges it might
1,:em bownng " "' "--= "0oplJ bring in the middle of tl,c stand-
ings. Mason Laundry continued its
winning streak with a 2 to 1 vie-
WOMEN'S BOWLING tory in its second l)laee duel with
(Final Standings) Sintl)son Log so.took a one game
W L lead for the runner-up position,
Mas's Corner . ............... 51 :13 which is still a duel between tim
Cash Grocery ............ 50 :,! two teams.
Pastime .................... 49 :;5 The only other apparent cinch
Pantorium ............... 41 43 to hohl its present position thrn
McConkey Pharmacy 40 4,i the last night of play Is cellar-
Mason Laundry ........ 39 45 holding Beckwith's, wlmse three-
Werberger Winery .... 35 49 game deficit can hardly be wiped
Wilson's Cafe ............ .'}1 53 out. The jewelers won an odd-
game verdict last Friday from
Championship jitters gripped tlte Pastime in a duel of atrocious in.
three teams jousting for the fern- dividual scoring On both sides but
inine bowling leagm title Tues- faited':to gain gromtd wlen sew
day night with the result that all enth ])lace Reed Mill also won a
three took shellackifigs from pair, from Associated Oil, in an-
teants without a chance for the other struggle ,singularly lacking
gonfalon on the final night of in individual achievements.
play. The night's best pinwork came
The net result was that Slelton in a losing cause when Paul
Cash Grocery and Pastime blew Freckon hit 636 for Simpson Log
beautiful chances to .snatch ties but his single flame high of '2,!4
for first place and left Mac"s Cor- was the shot-in-the-arm which
ncr holdinff the pennant despite a brought the loggcrs their • lone
triple defeat at the hands of Pan- verdict.
torture Cleaners. Two tie games marked the
night's play, the Activians hebtg
Cash Grocery, league - leaders forced to go clear, into the third
most of the season until ousted frame of the fotlowtnff game be-
last week, could have earned a fore breakinff an 835-pin tie in
clear-cut title with a three game the fi'st struggle with the L.M.
victory ovcr sixth-place Mason
Laundry, hut instead suffered a fractionand carningof a thCpin then.decisi°nThebYsec-a
2 to, 1 defeat hen Inez Dodds end game was settled bY only
kicked through with the niglWs eight pius. Beckwith's won the
be:t individtml scoring for the roll-off of nn 812-pin.second game
dirt chasers, deadlock with, Pastime and fol-
Pastime could have tied for the lowed with a l5-pin decision tn
top rung with a shut-out win but the finale. .". .•
in.;tead, lost an odd-game decis Outside of first and last places,
ion to seventh plaee Werberger all other rungs c(,)uld change
Winery. Tailend Wilson's Care holders ,in tomorrows final me,t-
made it a big night for the sec- ches. The lineups:
end division clubs with a 2 to 1 Associated (1) Re(w1 Mill (2)
verdict over McConkeyPharmacy, handicap 71 handichp 111
a factor which combined with Daniels 483. M.Fre:dson 567
Pantorium's triple victory to boost Noblett 4161Drummond 394
the cleaners into fourth plRce and Skelsey 512}W.Snelgrove 497
drop the pharmacists into fifth: Young 466 Carter 499
The year's best scores: Edna Gustafson 5601Forbes 552
Robinson 228 and 563 in individ- Total 2558 t Total 2620
ual competition, Pasti*ne's 905 and Mason Ldy. (2) Simpson (I)
879 in team single, games, Mason handicap 2191 handicap 141
Laundry s 2t)3o and 2532 in team DunbarW'W°°da 422|552/PetersenAr°ns°n 425472
3-game scores, D.Woods 468I F,Snelgrnve 497
Smith 53,1t Funk 392
Friskens Mixed 00...Woods ,0005P.00,cdso,t
Total 2580, Tote I 2560
Cha Actlvians (3) L,M. (0)
Doubles mps handicap 29,1 handieap' 117
B ish0p 46 Stewart 526
Three arried 'cupleg tdpped Schneider 487 Gibler 407
the prize list in Sunday's mixed McCaslin 3961P.Roberts 456
doubles bowling competition at Fourre : d01 I.indeman 505.
the Shelton Recreation bowling Westhmd 499 Total 2it48
drives with Rubye andGib Fris- 'Total 2545tGavareski 437
ken lugging home the biggest pot
of gold when their 1251 combined MILES E. ELLIOTT ESTATE
total earned the $32 first prize Alice G. Elltott, s u r vi vi n g
award, spouse was appointcd executrix of
Margaret and Bab Stewart the Miles E: Elliott estate by
were runners-up to the Friskens Judge Wilson Saturday and the
with a 1222 total, which earned will was admitted for probate.
a $24 sum butit barely edged
a third married team, Mickey and Sq'ATi,: 0i"WASB[t)N
Emery Lindeman, who tied with Office ol NUl)rvisar of ilYdraulies
Lodga Kimbel and John Dots0n OlvmI, la
for third place, each having 1219 NOTICE OF "WATER RIGIIT
pin scores and $12 apiece ut the API'LI;ATION NO. 70L4
end of the contest. TO WHOMIT MQ-'ONCERN:
Mrs. Kimbel, and Dotson were ,-Notice de hereby given that William
the only non-marital combination C: F. and BOssteWolfe of Ttoodsport,
State of, Vetmhizigton, under date or
among the 20 teams entere in lareb,29,'.,:fg6, ,filed with the ,[ate
the one-day tneet whtch managt supervisor ot Itydraulics, OlymDia,
to bite off hunk of the pri Washington, an UPl)lication for a l)P,r-
cake. ,,, , , : mit tq divert, the 1)tlblic wa,er8 ot,.Itll
" - unnamed spring tributary of 'Hood
Canal,. in the amount of .1Q second-
foot. subject 'i.o• existing rlght,, ,for
No, 1805. the 'purooa6 ef domestic, supply 'fdr
NOTICE TO 4.REDITORS, resort and fire protection contJntlou,-
IN THE SUPEI_O,R COURT OF ly: that tim aPIwoximate po[;nt of di-
rTHE STATE O', WASHINGTON verslm,is l qcat_.e,0 wi.tl)ln Gov't Lot I
FOR MASt)N,, COUNTY. t :' ',' " '. 0fjSction t4,,.'J.0jwnsm E 22- N,, Range,
In the Ma/rLo, the Estatd of GUY 4 W. W, M,, !a aason uounty. A map
HATHAWA,Y,'NOTICE I Deeia,d. GIVN'" " tlmt" dvevon'-and the place 0f. 'the, pro-
:1tERmly sh'0wihg the |oeation and plan of s0.1d
the undersfgned. Ph|ll Elw0od Hath- posed we i. on,'file in the el'flee ,of
away, has ,bealt .aiipoinledild ', has the,Bta Supervisor of Hydraulics,
qualified as' Exseutr of.the lstate of Olympia.' Washington. tog%,fker 'W, lth
(uy Hathaway:, dec,asad, and. that all such other information as Is requii'ed
persons 'nawig (tangs agart, tl)e )y law.,. :. , ,.
said estat are' !mrabY *'e¢lttired }30 ,Any. person firm or corporatmn
serve the smne,.duiy verifies Upon tile yhose tight'will be injuriotmly af-
said Executor or:.up0a..,her duly: ap- 'ectd by said ,application may file
pointed agelnt or attorney namet be- ith the State Sujiervlsor of Hydraul-
low at his office .4n. ,suite 5 "Govey es. at Olympia, ,washington, such ob-
Bldg., Sheldon, Washington, the same ections or repreapntatiens, in wriJAng,
having bedesigrt|•a the plgc t,he, lnay,,.,eslre to make. within
for the traisaction bf' the buidnesff 6[ h|rtr (80) days after date of last
the said eslatc, and file tim sanw., with )tblication which (late h April 18,
the Clerk of abow entitled .curt;tti' }46it.es my.hand.W
gether with proof of sunh ssrvice.
within,six months after the date 'of .ms5tn day ot April, A. D. 1946.
first publication of lhis notice, to wit, RODNI!iY RYKER,
April 4th, 1946, or said claims will be State Supervisor of Hydraulics, '
forever barred. 4-11-18-2t
Executor of said Estate, No. 1811
301.55th St. vevett, Wash, NOTICE TO CREDITORS
J. W. GRAHAM, Attorney for IN THE , SUPJRtOR. eO.URT OF
Executor. Govd M 'Bldg,, " THE, STATE" OF WA'SHINGTON
Suile ,5. SheRon. Wash • For MASON COUNTY
• 4.4-11-18-25-4t In Probate
In the Matter of tte Estate of
PATRICK . LEE, Deceased.
NO.TICE OF I!EARIG OF FINAL the undeI:sigaed ,Doria,Lee,.Craddick,
REPORI ' PEFP|ON FOR" (DI - has been SrppOinted and has qualified
TRIBUTIOI, , (AD..• I)I$(It[ARG'. as ,Executrix oLthe last Will and Tes-
O1: ADMINISTRATOR. tamcnt and of the estate of 2atriek
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF E. Lee, deceased;" and that all persons
THE STATE' OF, WASHINGTON claims tigaint lhe said de-
IN AND FOR TlqE COUN'IY OF ceased or the said estate are hereby
required to serye the same, duly ve,'I-
MASON. (In Probate) fled.with the necessary vouchers at-
In the Matter of the Estate of tached, upon the undersigned Execu-
ttERMAN REITDORF, .Deceased. , trix or her attorney of rscord at Lhe
Notice is herbv g iyen that Ernest law office Of Clm), R. Lewis, Bell
R(itdorf, Jr,, Almmstraor of ,the Building, 119 Se.,F0urth Street, Slml-
estate of Herman, Rettaorf, (leeeaibd, tolL, Maser County, Washington, the
has filed with the. Clerk of .the u- same being designated as the place
pertor Court of aid County and State for the transaction of the business
his final report and petition for dis- of said estate, and file .sucll claims
tribution of said estate; and that Sat- togetier with proof of service wi|h
urday the 4th day of :May 1946,. at the Clerl¢ of the above entitled eom.t
10:30 o'clock A,. M',.. in said Sue
witlzin six lnonths after tle date of
petter Court, aL Shelton, in said the first publication of 1his notice,
Countv, has been duly fixed by to-wit: April 11, 1946, er all elainm not
so served and filed shall be forever
our Superior Com't for the set-
tlement of th'e ai(l Final Report at barrel.
which time: (,the ourt is asked to DORIS LEE CRADDICK,
settle such report, distribute tile prep- Executrix of tlze estate of Patrick
ertv to ths persons entitled thereto, E, Lee, dec'd,,
and discharge said Administrator. Bell Building, 119 So, Fourth
WFI-'NESS, the Hen, D. F. WRIGHT, S tyeet: halt0n, .Man County.
3udgs of the above entitled Court, wmunln¢ton, -.
CF[AS,. R, W]'S, ._
nnd the seal of said Court affixed this Attorney for sMd estate Bll Building
day of March, 1946.
CLARE ENGLESEN lt9 So F0,urth StreeL Sltelten, M on
Clerk bf'uatd ,,Supri(F Court, Connty, Wmdi,'
4'-4-11-18-2,5-4t 4"11-18-25--5-2-4t
r m, I ,, ....
APPRAISERS APJ'OINTED f A. Magoon appi'msers in the Guy
,hldgL' Wilson el)pointed G. N" Hathaway e';tat,e m a superior
Adams. R. P. E(Idy an(I Vv'nlter ('o/irt [l(.|:lOll tas[ ,%,H:m'(tny,
x..J, Lrom where I sit ... / Joe Marsh
,,,- Mut Fsher versus
Mat Fi:her's our local weather
man.., and planning :for the pica
nic of our town Improvement Club,
Mat persuades us to poslpone it
unLil Tuesday--since it's g(,ing to
rain for three (lay.:, sLarting SaL-
urday ihe 8th.
But Ed Whortle claims he eau
feel rain in his big toe--and he
says "ltere isn't a t]rOl in l)ro:qe;'L
for at lea:d throe days!
Well, it's bright and sunny on
the 8th---and 9th---aml 10th. But
come the day of the picnic, it pours
rain like Jupiter Pluvlus.--and we
hohl it in M:t IIoskins' parlor,
(trinkil' t,ecr and roasting hot
Of course. Ed razzcs 31at no end.
lhlt nobody's sore. In ['act. they like
Mat jw:t a little belier being air
Cxl)er|' and being Wrol|g, (And front
.where ! sit, a storlny day indoora
before a lire ntakcs a ]u)t ti0//]"all
a fflass of beer extra ;Hq)etizing!)
Copyright, 1946, Uaited 5tales/tre.ers l,bu,Maion
I [ ...... I I '' - --, ........
Let us quote you
'our terms . . low
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Telephone 7551 Security Building
Olympia, Wash.
Shelton Valley
.. $C McDONALD., • Violin
" ILE: G RES .... Piano
. LYLE BARNIIART... Eiectrie Guitar
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sure to et a lot more for .your money in these fine
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ou nothing to have a look at our QUALITY mer-
209 Washington
Bremerton, Washingto]f