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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 8 II r I ] I I I I I I III I J ] J 311. I i i I I  Yours for the telephoning! One call and we'll pick up your laundry, do it up "hos- pital clean" in our modern,  scientific plant and return it to you packaged and ready for use. Mason County Steam Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 88 Poul en Established 1895 [ ,'I'ATE OF %YASIUNGTON Office og Sui)erviser of Hydraulics Olympia NOTICF, OF WATER RIGIIT APPLICATION NO 7004 TO WILOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby gven that Jesse A. Thweatt of Bremerton State ot Washington, under date of March 27, 1946, filed with the State Supervisor of ltydraullcs, Olympia, Washington, an application for a permit ,to divert the public waters of an Unnamed Stz'ealn. in the amount of 0.05 second- Cause No. 4402 NOTICE OF SIIEIt|FF'S SALE OF REAL ESTAATE Under General Execution IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIlE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. MARION M. CLINE and ESTELLE N. CLINE. husband and wife. Plain- tiff --vs.-- G, G• FISItER. Defendant finder and by vlrtue of a general execution issued out of and under the t',,ot sub jeer to existing rights, from seal of tile Superior Court of the State April 1D t. October 1 oI' each year for of Washington, in and for said Coun- the pul'])ose of h'rigation, and con- ty, on the 5th day of April, 1946, upou tiuuousiy for (hmwsiic supply that a judgment rendered in said Court on the, approximat, paint of diversion is the 27th clay of February, 1946, ill h,catcd within NW,, of NW/t ,if Sec- favor of Marion M• Cline and Edtelle ti,ul 16, T(,wn,hip 23, N., Range i W• N. Citric• ]lusband and wife, and W. M,, in Mason County• A map against G, G. Fisher judgment debtor showing the loc,%tien and plan of said for tile sum of One thousand six iluu- divcrsitm and the plsce of tb( pro- dred forty-four and 601100 ($1644 6)) posed use is on file iu lhe oifice of Dollars, t})gether with attorney's fees, the tlate Supervisor of Hydraulics, interest, costs and increased cost., and Olympia, Washingtml, to'etber wJtll such other information as ia required SHELTON-MASON CO JOURNAL i iii i i i i May 1 Final Day Farmers May Fill Out Plan Sh00ts May 1 is the ason county farmers and ranchers will be able to fill out a farm plan sheet enabling them to participate in the 1946 Agricultural Conser- vation Program, Bert Rau, county ACA chairman, stated today. Rau urged fazTners and ranch- ers to stop at the county ACA office in Shelton as soon as possi- ble to sign a plan sheet for their farm if they have not done so already. to me dh'eeted and delivered. I did on Signing a plan slmet gives each the 10tll day of April, 1946, levy upon by law. Any pers,,n, firm or corporation all the right, title and interest of said faTm operator an opportunity to whose right will be injuriously at- judgnlent debtor in and to the follow- share with Uncle Sam the cost of Ing dcscr/bed property to satisfy said maintaining and improving water feeted by sUCh applicahon nlay file Judgment, to-wit: with tim State Supervisor of Hydraul- and soil ,resources on his farm. its, at Olympia Washington such ob- Snuthwcst Quarter (SW!4) of jectlons ¢)r repre,entations, lu writing, S,)uthwest Quarter (SW,) except "This year farmers and ranch- as he may desire to make, within Right-of-Way, 'Section 22, Twp. ers must have all conservation thirty (30) days aft,r date of last 20 N, Range 5W, W.M., South- practices approved for payment publ{eathm, which date is April 18, west Quarter (SW)of Southwest Quarter (SW,) except Soutil half before carrying them out, to be 1946. Witness my hand and official seal (S) of Section 10, Twp• 20 N,  'eligible for AAA assistance," Rau (his 3rd day of April, A, D, 19,16, Range 5 W, W•M. said. The practices this year have RODNEY RYKER, East 60 ft. of North three-fourths State Supervisor of t'[ydraulics. (N') of Southeast Qtlarter (SE:i) been designed so that at least one of Southwest Quarter (SW1/,), See- or more can be carried out on ,--7-7-,, ;,,-.--,--a- tion 2, Twp, 19 N, Range 6 W, each farm in this county. PLUMfllNG Skok i hV II Near TIIEREFORE, NOTICE IS vvvvvvvvvvvvv ttEREBY GIVEN, TImt on Saturday, the 18th day of May, 1946, at l0 om s a ey o'clock In the forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described prol)erty. w,v,P,,,w, H EiTiN G or so much thereof as may be neces- Boys of Scout Troop No. 8, ac- sary to satisfy said judgment togeth- er with attorney's fees. intcrest, costs companled by Mr. Hutton and Mr. and Increased costs, in all amounting Rosenberg, enjoyed a trip to Se- re the stun of One thousand six.hun- attle Saturday, where they at- dred sixty-three and 68/100 ($1663.68) S e Delia'•s" ,tended the Boy Scout Circus, and ervlc said sale will takeplace at the East also visited Woodland Park. Gene door of the Court House at Shelton Irwin, Jim Hunter, aonny John- in said County and State. and will be F,. E. Roberson at public auetmn, for eash in hand to son and Bob Hunter, were among the highest and best bidder, those making the trip, along with George Strandwold Dated at Shelton. Wash., this 10th several boys from the lower val- 528 Cedar -- PHONE 181J day of April, 1946. E. F. MARTIN, ley. Sheriff of said County. r. Neal Peterson, small son of Mr. I 4-18-25--5-2-9-16-t and Mrs. Orville Peterson, spent several days last week in the local hospital with pneumonia,' Marion Smart went to Oregon last week to visit his brother who is Critically ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ferris and family of Olympia visited rela- tives in the valley Sunday. With them was Pete Dickieser who lived here several years ago. Monday evening, April 8, sev- eral local 4-H Club leaders at- tended a meeting of Thurston u Lady Meat-Cutter Opening Grocery Store At Belfair Belfair's celebrated lady meat- cutter, Mrs. A• M. Olson is going into business fdr herself after many years working for others. She is opening this Friday a new grocery and cafeteria in Belial, and will shortly add to it that community's first and only soda fountain. Being a licensed meat-cutter in her own right, Mrs. Olson's gro- cery will feature a complete meat department which she will handle in person, She had charge of the freezer units at the Pope Store which burned a few weeks ago and did all the meat cutting and packaging as part of the job. Mrs. Olson has lived in Belfair for 24 years• She has had a con- crete building constructed to house her new business, which will also include gas and oil pumps for automobile service• S h elt-0n i:a-n,D-ie-s At Sanitarium Gus Backland, 67, died Friday in the Oakhurst Sanitarium, afte'r a lingering illness. He was a fell- er and bucker for the Simpson Logging Company for 40 years. Rites will,be held Saturday, April 20 at 1 o'clock from Wit- siers Funeral Home with Rever- end H. W. Harshman conducting the services. He is survived by two brothers, John and William of' Shelton and a sister, Anna Lindstrom of Wisconsin, He was born in Finland, Aug- ust 5, 1878. Pallbearers wiII be Emil Simp- son, Bill Becklund, Fred Martin- son, John Carlson, Charles Carl- son and Joe Grolund. DIVORCES GRANTED Judge John M• Wilson granted the following interlocutory and fi- nal decrees of divorce Saturday during Superior Court: final de-' crees were granted to Edith Yen- ter from Edgar Yenter; Arnold Burnett from Elsie May Burnett; County 4-H leaders, at South Bay and Beverly J• Paul from Don E. Make certain of an Easter Sunday dinner that's perfect• Buy at Grange. Thosc attending from the Paul. Safeway, where everything is guaranteed. Choose your meats, your valley were: Mrs. Howard Bail- Interlocutory d e c r e e s were fruits and vegetables, your oceries--each item you need to ]?re- ey, Mrs. John Irwin. Mrs. Paul granted Marie Bearden from Den- pare a delicious feast--all with complete assurance of satisfaetlon. Hunter, Mrs. Ted Richert and v6r H. Bearden; Howard E. Rose Mrs. Eric Sjohoim. In Olympia from Mary M• Rose and Jean F. they were joined by Mrs. Hunt- Pike from Harry E, Pike. Hot Cross Buns "="18 0,s daughter, Miss Gayle Hunt- -- --N OF 6 C er. SUMMONS Members of the Young Worn- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINOTON en's Club met Wednesday at the FOR MASON COUNTY. home of :Mrs. Bert Deyette. ttARRY J KEPPERT. Plaintiff. Sweet Peas 10 GARDENSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Sigm'd Johnson ]-IELEN L. KEPPERT. Defendant• STND. 20-0Z iC and children, of Forks, visited in STATE OF WASHINGTON to HElen the valley last week, L. Keppert, Defendant: Mr. and Mrs. John Hitchcock, You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after tbe date • daugilter Pauline and son Lyle, of of the first publieath)n of this sum- DcREFiM' CAbRN 2/25 / Harstine, were dinner guests of mons, to wit. within sixty days after Mr. and :Mrs. Patti Itunter last March 28, 1946 and clefond the above entitled act on in the court aforesa d Sunday. and serve a copy of your answer upon wvvvvvvvv,'9,..-,vvvvvvvv'v Rt Ills office address hereinbelow = : elton Valley to do 00ud00,nent will be l onde, cd U O F C¥, 4  N stated, and in case of your failure, so TOMATO JUICE19 5i agahmtyou aceordingta the demand -vvvvvrv,w.w of tilt} eonlp[aint, which has been filed  Two of our local service men, with tlm Clerk of said court. Sgt. J. Keith Bemlett and Corp. The object of said action is to ob- 3&0z, 490 1 T000Yi0000 N i taia a divot:ce upon tile ground of i parents, Mr• and Mrs. Dewey Ben- z. W; GRAI=[A1V[, A. Lee Schuffenhauer, write their cruel treatnmnt. nett and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Attorney for Plaintiff. Schuffenhauer, that they met un- Office Address, Covey Bldg,,' expectedly in Tokyo recently. Shelton, Wash. 3-28--4-,t-11-18-25--5-27t L 1 ing soon, when Keith, walking AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING or pan and hoped to arrange a meet- M along the street, saw Lee passing, GLASS INSTALLED i YUfl/rU U/4/K 0000C " in a jeep. During their pleasure • and excitement at meeting it was R I D L E Y' S RITZ CRACKERS 27' discovercd that they are station- ed just across the street from ! each other. Lee, sn M,P., is in Body and TS lb, 2// the provost marshall's office Fender Works ........................ while, KetCh, in the Gen. Head- quarters Publicity Section is in an ,   n ...................... 5 office in the Dai-iche Building. PICKUP T,0,,',, .,,e,-..., .,.t, i, t I 1/4-0z. 25c Keith has been in the army since and November, 1944, and Lee since  ,,, .w. rs,o i, a,,,,,..=. I -III I .'1C January, 9 DELIVERY .... ..',, ..i. '., . .... v .,,. o'.o,,, ,a.. SERVICE TANG PREM, TREET "=o :,: 12-oz I 0gg$1 All moat.--thore's no wastol Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bennett of BLENDED JUICE ................ : ....... 46.0z. 38C Shelton, Dave Bennett of Pros- set, the latter's grandson, Wal- Tep.Spot Beverago 1 PIHEAPPLE ORAHGE .............. / 37c Asstd, flavors, beverage powder KOOL.AID .................................... Pkg. 4c - __ - _ _- - _ • CALIFORNIA WINE @ Bring fuller enjoyment to your dinner... Full se- lection of wines at Safeway' SWEET WINES FIFTH PORT, SHERRY 1.17 or MUSCATEL CLARET I BURGUNDY Hcrshey' s BalMg Chocolate, .................................... -lb. 13c C & H Powdered Sugar. ......................................... l-lb. pkg. 8c Selected Wabu Meats, bright ............... . .... .lb. pkg. 9c Imitation Vanilla, Weslag ................... : ............ 8-oz. bet. 10c Mrs. Wright's enriched Bread .................... 1 .Ib. lgc. 13c Apple Butter, Musselman's ............................... Z8-oz. jar °6c Yellow Cling Peaches, Highway ....................... 2 can 23c Fancy Grapefruit Juice, Town House ................. 46-oz. can 31c Luckics, Raleighs, etc. ( [or $1c) ............................. CTN. $1.55 • Fifth ... 75¢ "WASHINGTON CO-OP PRIME ..... For Easter Dinner T U R K E Y S .... -per lb. 41€ llump-ne;ttc0, tcndcr full-fhivored hens. *FRICASSE CHICKEN, "A" N.Y. Dressed ......... lb. 39¢ *ROASTING CHICKENS, "A" N.Y. Dressed ...... lb. 45¢ "' "' 37¢ LEG 0' LAMB ROASI lb. Yonnl', i;endcr Spring Lanlb,.Wlole or half LAMB RIB CHOPS .................................................. lb. 40¢ *LAMB STEW ......................................................... lb. 19d *SHORT RiBS ................................................................ ]b, 21€ *BOLOGNA .............................................................. lb. 34¢ *' $$€ HAIJBUI .......... lb. Steak nr 'Roast *SILVER SALMON STEAKS ........................... lb. 38¢ *SHELLED SHRIMP - ready to eat ..............., 65¢ ASPARAGUS lb • r California, long, till-green tender spears. *NEW PEAS ................................................................ lb. 15€ CELERY, Calif, tender ............................ lb. 9¢ *RADISHES. Firm, crisp, large bunches ........ 3 bchs. 13€ ,TOMATOES, Firm, fine for slicing ........................ lb. 29¢ 25¢ NEW POTATOES. 4 lbs. Texas, red, Bliss Triumph *CARROTS, Fresh, eat for health, clip-top ............ lb. 7¢ *YAMS, Serve candied for Easter! ........................ lb. 13€ ,GRAPEFRUIT. Sweet, delicious, juicy Florida .... Ib. 9¢ *CALAVOS, Grand for Easter saladsi .................. lb. 29¢ E... 19€ PINLAPPL ..... lb. About 1-Lb. Each . . Fully ripe. NO SALES TO DEALERS; Prices for. Friday & Saturday, April 19 and 20, 1946, subject to market changes and slocks on hand. lace Boyer, of Delta, Colo., and a Wes Thompson, were visi- tors Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Baker• WaN lace Boyer, recently discharged from the navy, is the son of Mrs. Kenneth Cross (Ann Bennett) al- so of Delta. The Crosses visited in January. wr. and Mrs, Howard Robinson of Shelton and Mrs. Signe Knee- spent Tuesday evening at Farm. Pineohle was the ,hie f amusement. The regular meeting of the Grange will be held Thursday niglt of this week, April 18. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Knceland were business visitors in Tacoma last week one day. Mr. and Irs. Dick Kimbel ad sons Ray and Diekie drove over from Tacoma Saturday to spend until Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rut- ledge. Mrs. Signe Kneeland and ZIrS. Dewey Bennctt were callcrs at Alder Brook Farm Saturday af- ternoon also. Mrs. Sige Knceland visited in Shclton Friday at the homc of Mr. and MrS. Harry McConkey. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ricc of Shclton and Mrs. Dcwey Bennett drove to EIma Sunday afternoon where they visited Dewey Ben- nett and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bennett, as well as looked over the horses at the stables, some 20 odd, and watched some of them bcing trained and exercised. On their rcturn Mr. and Mrs. Rice spent the evening at Echo Farm. Mrs. Wayne Clover and Mrs. Signo Knceland attended the meeting of the W.B,A• in Shel- ton Wednesday at the home of Ralph Paulson. The lat- ter and Mrs. Glove, are sisters. Mr. and Mrs, Mell Saeger from Isabella Valley were callers at Echo Farm, Monday. DeMolay Inter-Chapter Meeting Enjoyed Here DcMolay members of Shelton and Aberdcen enjoycd an inter- chapter meeting in tl Masonic Temple hcrc Monday evening, an activity tlm Shelton chaptcr hopes to repay somotimc in May when tlmY take several candidates for membcrship to the Grays Harbor chapter for initiatory ceremonies. The Grays Harbor delegation included Robert Peyton, advisor, Jack Hasps, Degree of Chivalier, Louis Gerhardt, mastcr councilor, Ned Baker, past master councilor, and Ned Schiulmin, Charles Wil- 'son,'Loren Mercier, Bob RodKers and Bob Anderson. WORK GUARANTEED 1 Mile South On Olympic Highway ROGERS BROS. GARAGE Phone 218R-2X iii!! d • A0*** DANCING .ll II Every Saturday Night DELIGHT PARK HALL ON LAKE ISABELLA BERT RAU'S ORCHESTRA Featuring MADGE McCARTY AT T, HE P!ANO Eddie White, King of the Drums I Sponsored by Shelton Eagles Aerie No. 2079 Dancing 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. , _ , I.. WOUII) YOU BELIEVE IT'S T][-][]' a I la:. We would because i " - .... know what clry cle89 :J -,'" does for cloes. ' &  clothes in the haUd [l/,k, / I- .?- our expert dry cle' .' A jAW emerge new, revived NY  ready to practically lI" J..u  life all over again. * iJ T  your'vardrobe to a 6 life sending'" IF cloth00s to us todaY. ! II • M CLEANERS.& TAILOI 215 S. 2nd St. Phone 86 ............... II ii Toots Wrecke00 Service exos00tl .647 oIL sTovE BUSINESS I j We'll fill u our tank romptly with better burning, morePeYendable APssociated " fuel oil i ] PHONE 196 or 92 g ' , We Have a SUPPLY of STORAGE TA. from 50 to 1,000 gallons for new oil burner insta Frisken Oil Co,00[ Mason County Distributor for Associated Oil Prod The SERTA 7.A -- Is the -- .oo?so ,,Has-- + CONSTRucTION TACHED TO A NO-SAG BASE. 3. LIGHT, SOFT, STAPLE 4. CAN BE TURNED'WITH 5. FOR SOFT, LuxURI0I COTTON MATTRESS A FLIP OF OUR COMFORT IT HAS " TOP. HAND, EQUAL. Yes, of all the Mattresses we have seen so far, we still believe t this SERTA 7-A is THE BEST BUY TODAY! ELECTRONIC BLANKETS by Simmons Will Be ]Iere Soon -- Watch for Them J Olsen Furniture Co. "FINE FURNITURE 321 Railroad Avenue -" FOR THE HOME" Phone 102 18, 1946. lion in finishe ill be'-- are which will ut raately 35% c and the Scan( compounds ar dust and woo, Wood and pla the tree has t chemical derb All thesd thinl Each develo industries  l community a find enlarged and plywood IMPSON LOGGI