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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'il 18, 1946. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL t i 00aturday Night r PARK HALL000000|, .U'S ORCHESTRA ', McCARTY AT T, HE , King" of I the D elton Eagles Aerie No. 2079 :30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. BELIEVE IT'S $ • , :::  We would : . * know what dry li does for clothq I,: ihg clothes in the haJ[ ...' our expert dry ¢10ra emerge new, reviV ready to practically life {ll over agaii • L your\\;wardrobe to l life .y. s e n din g"  ,cloths to us today,:;'i • ...... 00LEANSRS TA00LO00| }rvice R ::HOME : BUSINESSI ,NE 196 or 92 £  ROUND MASON COUNTY the word "tree" naturally / ,i  brings the stately Douglas fir to mind- for this vers- atile forest giant is indeed an important factor in the , =community's economic life. It is the basis of a varied industry  an industry which can become even more important in the future. - The uses of primary forest products will certainly • expand in future years. Vast building programs all over the world will require lflmber, ,plywood, doors, and - other millwork. Small wood parts and assemblies are being purchased in the lumber regions for final installa- tion in finished goods being manufactured elsewhere. New uses for these products vill be'--- are being  developed. In addition, there are scores of new products which will utilize the tree even further. Authorities say that we .til'_e approxi- mately 35% of the tree, whereas the Germans utilize ,80% and the Scandinavians 70%. Plastics and many chemical compounds are being mass--produced in the U. S. from saw- dust and wood fibers. A great variety of combinations of' Wood and plastic have been developed. Even the bark of the tree has. been transformed into fabric and marketable chemical derivatives obtained from the bark in the process. All thesd things mean new opportunities for Maso n County. Each development holds the inherent promise of new industries--new jobs new purchasing power for the. community as a whole. Thousands of men and women will find enlarged opportunities in the logging camps, the lumber and plywood mills, the factories and fabrication plants Maso: County.---aud all America--was founded and built on . the fu]]damcntal principle that any man or woman should have the right to work--should have tim right to st'art [. 'bunincss f his own and to enjoy the fruits of his labor. /s zt r(.:su1, no other nation hi the whole world can approach the industrial migh f Americm In no other nation has the standard of living risen so high for the individual willing to work for it, This results from the American Way of Life, and is, the pathway to an even greater America. Why change it? The s[)osoi' of this series of tdvertisemtnts devoted to col- muaity betterment are citizens of this community, They own homes here. Their children go to school here. They have  deep sense of responsibility to the indiJidual citizens stud to change which will affect the community. They are interested in dcvcl- opir/g a healthy community following the :Americah Way of Life, and thus keeping America and lIason Couhty strong for the g'enerations to .come. both the established plants and the new plants as well. " Before these opportunities can actually exist, however, the new industries must be created the established factories expanded. Such creation and expansion of opportunity depends to a very large degree on the right kind• of political and economic "weather." There is nothing very complex about it. It is, in fact, exceedingly simple, When conditions are favorable, men and women are given encouragement to create new enterprises- to expand and develop established businesses. In any business, Iarge or small, one basic, fundamental factor must be considered. For after the investments are made, the wages and salaries met, the taxes and upkeep paid, there must be something "left over" to compensate the men and women who risked their time and money to establish the venture---regardless of whether it is a corner grocery store or a factory employing thousands. In America, this has always been the case..America has said to all men, in effect: • "Build new industries. Create new ventures. If you fail, that has been your risk. If you: succeed, your communities will benefit and you will be entitled to enjoy the fruits of your honest labor." Thissimple idea  this ideal -- has made America great. It made possible the incentive, the drive, the ambition which has built cities as well as industries.., schools as well as factories.., churches as well as stores. It has given to America a standard of living enjoyed by no other nation on the face of the Earth. It will give merica  and Mason "County  an even higher standard  living in th future: For when• men and women know that their work is not in van they will create greater opportunities, for others as well as for themselves. ' One o a series of advertisements devoted to community betterment. SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY @ RAYONIER INCORPORATED • LUMBEMEN'S MER,CANTILE • ROY KIMBEL ENTERPRISES e GEORGE M, GRI,SDALE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY • SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR LOCAL UNION5 OF SHELTON ® SHELTON KIWANIS CLUB • WINE INDUSTRY OF MASON COUNTY