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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Savage Vice.President Of Ownership Leagle VVashington, D. C, (Spcca!)---i ElecLien of Representative cllarles I Savage" (D., Wash.) as a National Vice-President of the Public Own, ersl]ip League of America Was announced this week by Carl D. lmmpson of Chic.ago sec.reLary of the League. Congressman Savage, who has a long record of support for&apos;pilb- Iic power in the state of Washing- ton: both as a member of the Washington State Grange and tl]e State Legislatur will confine his activities in the Public Ownership League to a continued drive ,for support of the public power pro- gram. E. C. Rietdorf. Jr., Dies at Kamilche Home Suddenly Last Wednesday evening, Ern- est C. Rietdorf, Jr., well known farmer in the Kamilche Valley district, died unexpectedly at his home. He was 46 years of age and had apparently died while taking a nap after dinner, his death be- ing discovered about nine o'cIock by tle family. He was horn in Fort Wayne, Ind. and came to Kamilche Val- icy with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Rietdorf, St., at the age of six, and has lived there since. He was nmarricd. He is sin-rived by histfather, four bro- thers, Will'am and Fred of Elma. Otto of Olympia and Henry of Chicago; and two sisters, Mrs. retda Hoeft in Kamilcle Valley and Mrs. Alma Maxine of Olym- PiFuneral services were held in lills and :Mills chapel Monday af- ternoon starting at 1 o'clock. Cre- mation followed mid the Reverend Dwight C. Smith conducted the rvices. Use the Journal Classificds they really get results. SAVE TIME ! SAVE TIRES! TAKE A FERRY . BREMERTON - SEATTLE L, Seattle Lv. 12:30 A.M. 12:15 A. M. 1:30 12:55 4:00 2:45 ?5:45 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 1 9:15 ' 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 P.M. 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:O0 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:(0 4:15 4:40 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 6:00 6:00 6:30 6:30 7:15 7:15 7:45 7:50 8:40 8:30 9:30 9:00 10:20 10:00 OLYMPIA 11:30 11:10 BREWING COMPANY ,, ? Exgept Sunday 00,BLAOK BALL LINE .... New Weed Killer 2 4D Appears v.qr ,r ,v,,v , v v v ,qv ,w,v v,v v , v , v v v v v  by Frances Radlke Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson are the parents of a baby girl born in the Shelton hospital Saturday, April :13 at 4 p.m. The baby weighed 10 pounds and two ounces and was named Carol Sue, Mrs] Johnson was feeling fine. at last report. Her mother, Mrs. Sehna Spangenberg, is staying in Honda- port to (:are for the family for a couple of weeks. Mrs. William Gilbert is again baek in Hoodsport with her two grandchildren who retumaed with her. Mrs. Gilbert has been at- tending her daughter in Seettle who has been ill for the pasthev- on weeks. Mr. and Mrs. ,Tim Lundgren of Vancouver, WaSh., former resi- dents of Hoodsport, were Sm- day visitors of the H. E. Lock- woods. Week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bealle, were Mrs. Ger- trude Gnoose and Mrs. l-Ienry Kamp of Seattle. Mr and Mrs. Herb Dickinson spent Saturday and Sunday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yenter in Oak Harbor. , TM, rsday visitors in tiffs com- munity wer Mr. and :M:rs. John NeUdorfer, of Chtmicam. They ate hmch at the Herb Dib, kinson home. Wally Oliver p0StmaSter, was ill at hom.e for two days with his vaccination. Should we say he had the vaccination blues ? Monroe NanCe,:in company with his friend,: Mr, Trio of Dewatto, were Friday callers on his bro- ther J. Hardin Naice whose health does not seem to improve, Thursday visitors of the Nance family were :lVh', a:nd Mrs, ReiYipel of .Selton. Mr. ad Mrs. George Viles of Vancouver:, Wash,, speit one week with their nephew, D. O. Mathews arid family. Mrs. Char- les Sheedy is expected home from Barstow, Calif., around the first of June, Grapeview A was given for Gordon Peterson of Allyn last Saturday evening. He will leave for Alaska April 18th, the first of several men from this district who Will do carpenter work for the AlaSka Packes' Canneries on Bristol Bay. :Most of the men at- tending this party will follow :Mr. Peterson in a few weeks. Those enjoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Westberg, :Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Barrett, :Mr. and Mrs. Web Etherton, Mr. Joe Tschida, Mrs. Sarah Hansen. :Mr. and Mrs. Woodard and the honor guest. Mrs. Marge Borgford formerly of Grapeview, now living in Se- attle,' is reported on the sick list --a mild case of flu. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Gilbert, Jr,, entertained at dinner in their home last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Gilbert. Sr., Mr. and Mrs. L. Denton and son Jack, Capt. and "Mrs. 3ack Denton of Seattle and DIr. and rs. H. P'. Hillman f Bremerton-Tacoma Stages Schedule NORTHBOUND DALLY SOUTHBOUND Leave Shelton Leave Bremerton 7:15 a.m, 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m, 4:15 p.rn, 7:30 p,m, 9:35 p.m, Leave Shelton 7:00 a.m, 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m, Leave Olympia Taking advantage of the nice day last Sunday, Connie Bryant, Margie Schwinn, Leah McGraw and Clara Eddy took a spin ar- ound the country on their bi- cycles. April 18th and f9th will be Spring Vacation for our high school boys and girls. Naturally tlaey are happy about this short vacation but already they are counthlg off the days toward the laat day of school for the sum- mer; not quite six weeks, they say. The Contract Bridge Club met with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Merritt last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lombard annouce the egagement of :tletr ttau#/ti' lIariin b Jaxnes H. Bentley, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Benpley 9f,Eurk, Burnett, TeXs. THe Wdiih; Will ttke place dfiithg the summer. 5:15 a,m. 8:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 1:45 p.m, 5:00 p.m, 7:15 p,m, 10:15 p.m. 6:00 a.m 9:15 a.m 11:30 a.m 2:45 p.m. 5:50 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Le-aves Bremerton for Hoodsport daily at 4:15 p.m. except Sunday, Leaves Hoodsport for Bremerton daily at 6:15 a.m. except Saturday and Sunday ..... Leaves Navy Yard daily at 4:45 p.m. exeent Saturday and Sunday.. Pickup at Kuetts for H0odsport. Leaves Shelton dal9 2:30 p;m. ¥ir Breteoh via Unl0,. INTO THE ,N|A0000Ot l:),:awing close .er -L" thats one of the formed by both on their direct and fre North Coast the very heart of cities--within easy reach of business eStablfshment:s, of- fices, hotels, amusemeit cer/term 6HELTON BUS STATION - Phone 162 Bremerton-eom stages NORTH COAST LINES Safe for Cows Use of 2,:i-D in .praying Ires tnres has not proved injurious to cows nor sheep grazing on tim treated pasture, jn tests eondtlet- ed recently by the I. S. depart- ment of ag|'ieulture, says Ever- ette IOiezinger extension agro/l- omist at the State College of Washington. The tests gave no in- dieation that any of the chemical passed from tile digested plants into tim cow's milk. Even when the experimenters dded lmre chemical to the grain ration of a cow at the rate of 5.5 grams a day for more than 100 days, she showed no ill effects in weight, production of milk or in appetite. Monthly District ScoUt Leaders Meeting Toni Carl Quarnstrom, chairman of tlm MasOn District .Committee of the Tumwater Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, announces a district meeting of that organiz- ation for Thursday evening, April 18 at 7:30 o dock in the Shelton se.nior high school auditorium. Mison Oo0flty men tihd.Wohen In the Armel Fbroes to the Journal. KOREA WITH ARMY After a rough but cfrly inter- esting_ voyage; P£c. LeRoy Ha31, Son Jf :Mrs. LOuis Hall of 723 Pine St., 'arrived in KOrea with the U,S. Ariy of oCciipatibn recently, he writes his m6ther. Pfc. ]{all escaped the seasick- ness which gripped all but a very few members of his battalion on the trip icross the Pacific, he wrote. The Red Crbgs staged some interesting entertainment aboard the ,troop ship, he said. V0LD WmkERY ENLISTS IN NAVY Donald Eugen; Whine,T, son of :r. and Mrs. Edward Columbus Whinery of Camp 3 recently en- listed in the Navy atthe Olympia Navy Recruiting Station. ROBERT H. ALLAN IIOME IRO:M ' MARINES Lt. Robert H. Allan, Jr., re- ceived his honorable discharge on Friday, April 5, at Bremerton. He has been in Service for 32 months serving in the States, Sduth Pa- cific and China. SIIELTON MEN OUT OF SERVICE RECENTLY Shelton men to be released at Bremerton include George L Val- ley, SK first class, April 2; Har- vey H. Robbins, E M., April 1; Franklin P. Berets, SK third class, :March 31. CLIFFORD DUNSEATH RELEASED FROM SERVICE LL. Clifford Dunseath was re- leased from the Navy April 2 at the Great Lakes Separation Cen- ter, Illinois. FRIENDS MEET IN TOKIO; LIVE NEXT DOOR Cpl. Albert Sehuffenhauer, who is an M.P. in Tokyo, was very much surprised the other day while riding in a Jeep to hear someone call his name and when he stoppd, it was Keith Bennett whose home is in Skokomish Val- ley. They were stationed about 300 feet apart and had been for some time, but neither happened to see the other before. S. J. GILBERTSON RELEASED FROM NAVY Pharmacist Sylvan J. Gilbert- son, U.S.N,, was discharged on Api('il 2 from the ,Navy under the point System at Sea£(ld. BACK IN CIVVIES IL:w0:bn A. oVcnsefid, SKT 2/c, son of ,Mr- nd ,:Mrs. Joe Town- §end of R0fite 3, has been re- leKSed fr0m :the. NaVy at the .Na- val Air Station, Charleston, S.C. He served 21 months in tle ser- vice. iJoNALb SmTH BAK IN SIIELTO' Donald J. Smith, SC third class las completed his time in the Navy. He was released from ser- vice April 7 at Brenerton. NOW FIRST CLASS Gene S. Ktmbil; Son of Mr. and rs. Rby Kimbel has been ad- vanced to phs:rmacist first class. He has ]eeh statibned in Algska for more thn 'two "years, He writes that he has met El- mer Sjorbaum, former Shelton resident, GOLD STARARDED TO LT. DONALI DRAKE A Gold Star in lieu of the Second Air Medal has been awarded €o Lieutenant D0nall Lincoln Drake  of Shelton, WhO has been missing in acti0n since March 31, 1945, tlie' Thii'teenth Naval District announced t0day His wife, Mrs. Erline M. Drake, lives at 404 Laurel St., Shelton. The citation to Lieutenant Drake reads as follows: "The President of the United tates takes pleasure in present- ing the Gold Star,in lieu of, the Second Bronze, Star Medal to Lieutenant Donald Lincoln Drake, United States Naval Reserve for service as set forth iu the fol- lowing citation; For ,heroic Ser- vice as Engineering Officer of the llI.S.S. KETE during her Second War Patrol against enemy Japan- ese forces in tle Ryukyus in March, 1945. By his outstanding proficiency in the operation of the machinery in his department, Lieutenant Drake z'endered in. valuable service to his com- manding officer in launching a Set'!e of deadly toledo attaek Whidh i'esiilted in the sinking o; three enemy vessels totalling 12- 000 tons. HiS hbrblc,!cbfiiUbt lie- der the strain of prolonged way patrol was an ilisplration to. all with whom le served and reflects the highest= credit upon Lietten- ant Drake and the TJnited States Naval Service." Rain Comparison Given in Table For State Towns Re, in being the gener:d topic i1ncler diSellsSiou these clays lstiould we say under cussing), perhaps now is tlw appropriate time f<)r a ('ompnrison or tho 1)1'o - eipitation in varions parta or this eyel'gYeen I arid eveP wet1 state. The table below was gathered together by Delbert Prickett. E1- lna wear Fief observer, tll(] The Journal is reprinting it from the Elma Chroni(le of a r('cellt iSslle. If you think it has been wet here in Shelton tlis spring, take pity then on those who have to live and work. for instnnee, at the Wishkah headworks, Forks or Quinault. Here is the table: Elnia .............................. 67.99 Aberdeen ...................... 83.36 Oakville ........................ 56.2] Centralia ...................... 45.67 Olytnpia ...................... 53.51 Shelton ........................ 66.05 Tacoma t 2 83 Seattle .......................... 4.()9 Sequim ........................ 17.04 Port Angeles .............. 27.28 Forks .......................... 125.22 Quinault ...................... 14,).63 Wihkah Headworks 151.77 Vaneonver .................... 45.02 Yakima ........................ 7.36 Spokane ........................ :17.36 Valla Walla .............. 19.16 Bbllingham .................. 36.,t,I Ntrthen Pacific Debt Reflueed by 56 Millions Northern Pacific rhilway's long- term mortgagq debt has been re dUced $56,i52,i00 since 1939, say-. itg $4;085,46 aflnual interest, President C. E. Denney reported to stdkhdiders at their annual me.ting in St. Paul in announc- irg that additional refim/ncing is llanned to further reduced fixed Charges. , , .ur v ,v v v v ,w ,w, v ',- .. v v v v 'v'v 'qr ' nF'v"w' Dewatto Mr. nnd 3Tr. lc>ht Looney and Ceo. Ctmnitghqll called on the Clensons Thursday, Mrs. Lnoney )'ecently F0|,llrl]e(] from .:% v, reok's visit with timir dallghters il] Ol- ympia The opening of the lnke trout season wls a very cold rainy day. A g]'enL llUIllbor of cars with boats wore Ollt this way but I'm afraid urday with the Guy Tiptons of Olympia to spend a few days with the Glcason family. Mrs. Ham- mend and Mrs. Gleason are sis- %e]'S. Mrs. ]-[anllnOtld and husband ]mve just recently retm'ned to Col- orado from Aberdeen, Maryland, wlw}'e Sgt. Hammond was in ser- vice at the Aberdeen proving ground :11[ during the war and Mrs, Hammond worked under Civ- il Serviee. They are nnw at home ngain on their cattle ranch in ollsLel'n Colorndo, like the Dewatto boys, they were .............. disappointed in the cnlches, buL ....... ' tbo trOlll arc thero. Mr. Iollner planted ample finKe]'linKs for "all Kood sportsmen and this rainy se'}qon will sm'ely be over soon. The road crow has pllt ill sonic hard work and good improve- n]ellts Oll ()ill" roads up this way. But how about that .poor eld bri(tge on the Bear creel( road. Somebody says its just 0vcr the line in Kitsap county is the reas- on they don't, fix it. Does Kitsap county know it helongs to them? Anyway it isn't very neighborly. Why not get together about it heforc some good citizens of King, Thllrs:on, Grant or some other eounty m" stato erashes through and takes its toll of human life. There are ])lenty of people fron'l plenty of counties and states who travel this roqd especially in rho- dodendron time. fishin and hunt- ing season that whoever is re- sponsible for that unsightly affair so/me people call a "bridg'e ' shoul be ashamed of it. :But we thank you a lot ft)r the good work you did this spring. G. W. I)ennis makes his usual week end trip here to be with his family. Mr. lair of Tahuya was n bus- iness caller at the Gleason ranch this week. Judith and tlelen Eak and their { mother, former mail carriers in tiffs section, were here visiting a short time ago. Cecil Nonce is the guest of his nncle, Monroe Nance. Mrs. G. T. Hammond from Hu- go, Colorado. is expected here Sat- FIREPLACE00-FURNACE and MILL WOOD Up to 24,Inch Lengths (Sold Strictly On a C.O.D. Basis) @ We Have Also Arranged to Have SACK COAL Available for your Pick-up Convenience at Eacrett's Hillcrest Service Station Co. Carl Morgan Fuel Phone 381-J 91 I I II HOME LOANS Convenient Terms * Reasonabic Rates * NO DELAY Mason Coulity Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. At Your Service.. The consideration that your car deserves is assured with our speedY, over-all service. Inside and out, your car will receive the utmost attention. All faulty parts should be replaced before serious damage results. Don't delay. Drive in today for complete ser- vice in less time, at less cost, for nbre satisfac- tion. MELL CHEVROLET CO, First and Grove Phone 114 "QUALITY PLUS SERVICE EQUALS SATISFACTION" ThurMay, A]n D1 24-HOUR Phone 6 Let us book your Morning the evening bef0 possible. Stand at Shclton YOUR HO INVESTME MAKE 'THE textured, smooth, t one that is v contribute more milk and its p, SHERWIN.WlLLIAMS COW has produ HIGHEST QUALITY minerals an( VARNISH health and] enjoy your S-W Mar-Not for influid,, floors, furniture, wood- can have the t work. Quick-drying. contributing to all the Beautiful, brilliantl clear.glos finish, gh maturity need for milk and PORCHI f4/00 Make your :  - 00.8o .wo,oo= u&l00v --- ful tou,00b" ' PKtE finish. ENAM E Colorful, hi-glos  eonamc ! mte to wa1 n. Fo  wo d, composi] tion, cement floors. HARDW I1[ NASH BROTHERS Announce a New Radio Repair Service Recently Honorably Discharged after ;3 Years Service in the U. S. Army Signal Corps WHO WILL ALSO HAVE CHARGE OF OUR RADIO SALES DEPARTNENT In Which We Feature-- Stromberg-Carlson Stewart.Warner ! Bendix- Majestic and Recordio Phone 334 123 S. Second Street "IF WE CAN'T SERVICE IT WE WON'T SELL IT" pr Actually wheat has ne the breMng process--€ U. S: wheat crop was u In accordance with naent policy, the brev w.heat whatever sin, OTHER MATE The other grains used 30%--that is, to 70% Wheat alone can sdv tlie tiUny. The grtiin is/tow restricted, are t normally consume orld as ibod. LESS BEEi gether, the brewin What the Preside 1, Save and slutre whi that te wheat, fa pastries anlt deep.frt oil--use boiled dressit 2, Buy and serve mm more plentiful ]oods, l 3. Waste NO food... 1 crust count with ma stungs. Take no mt unusable]at salvage