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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.... i,r ¸ un n  " u m Hnenne s Taxm.Grocery FIRST AND PINE PHONE 392 Open E, " -- Sundays Offer SERVICE for ICE IOFT ])RINKS --- Plus HUNTING AND FISHING EQUIPMENT RICHFIELD OIL PRODUCTS  AUTO SUPPLIES PHONE 392 for TAXI SERVICE No Motor Vehicle In History Can Do • As Many Things As • WILLYS JEEP Universal $1090 F.O.B. Exclusive of federal and state taxes, preparation and delivery clm rges. The Universal Jeep Actually is a 0. 4- IN.-1 MOTOR VEHICLE • 1. it&apos;s A TRUCK 3. It's A RUNABOUT 2. It'S A TRACTOR 4. It's A POWER UNIT UNIVERSAL JEEP POWER Goes To the Job, Wherever It Is Distributed in Mason County by BILL PEARSON Sales and Service Temporarily Located at the SHELTON GARAGE FIRST AND COTA PHONE 52 Folks using RPM DELO, the Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil that stretches time between overhauls, say it cuts repairs as much as 50%. And that's right, neighbors--RPM DELO Oil [rotects your Diesel, gives it longer life. Compounds in RPM DELO Oil make it stop ring.sdcking and cord :osion, cut carbon and sludge, sticl to hot spots. The Navy uses it, too. Try it today! C. C. Cole 122 South 3rd St. TELEPHONE SHELTON 87 GENERAL ' S CON{1RAGTOR Estimates and Aid Fuk,lshed Gladly by Our Staff vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Tahuya The hundreds of swallows that usually build their nests in the barn and other buildings on the Knowlton ranch must have miss- ed the boat. Their habit has been to arrive in March. but up to date only a very few have put in an appearance. The Jess Whitman family are rejoicing over a new addition. Little Dane Forest was born to Martha Whitman at Roosevelt Hospital, in Bremerton on April 6Lb. On Wednesday evening, April 3rd, Jessie Wyers and Frances Huson gave a shower for Betty Beauchamp at the Wycrs home. Games, refreshments and the us- ual opening of the many lovely gifts occupied the evening. Those present were: Lillian Johnson, Dorothy Akers, Gladine Drake, Ruby Wheeler, Dolly Parsons, Christine Ahl, Eleanor Oreutt, Dorothy Wren, :Mabel South, Mrs. Scott, Betty Nfattus, Ran k a Rendsland, Effie Knowlton, Myr- lis Whitman, Jessie Whitman, Helen Huson, Sally Wylie. Bon- nie Watson, Frances Huson, Jes- sie Wyers and the honor guest; Betty Bcauchamp. Douglas Clare arrived home from San Diego on furlough the 8th. He left here to return to his base on Friday evening. h's. Blair, Mrs. Witherall and Mrs. Knowlton attended the bible class at the home of Mrs. Erick- son the afternoon of the 2rid. Mrs. Frances Huson, Eleanor Oreutt, Mrs. Henningson and Ef- fie Knowlton went with the Rain- bow Girls to chm'ch service in the Port Orchard Cl]ristian Church the morning of the '4th. Dan Griffith filled the high school bus with youngsters and took them in to Bremerton for ice skating. Those from this side who at- tended the installation ceremony at Elinor Chapter O,E,S. last Tuesday evening were: Gladine and Larry Drake. Christine Ahl, Eleanor Orcutt, Margaret Shure and Effie Knowlton. Helen Mit- chell and Frances Huson were both too ill to attend. Dorothy Akers went along, also. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wyers and little daughter, Frances Ann, spent a few days with Leslie's parents at the Ocean last week Ranks Rendsland and Esther Nelson had tea with Anne King and her neighbors at Dewatto on Friday afternoon. Frances Huson is up and ar- ound again after a very bad week of high temperatures and con- siderable pain due to her recent vaccination. Sally Wylie is down, presum- ably from the same cause. Alex Battelle is visiting the Wyers having just returned from service in Korea. Harold Darling arrived home from Japan last week. He has already received his discharge and is visiting witti the Orcutt fam- ily. " IL, m the Journal Classifieds-- the5, really gel results. 325 Fireproof Outside Rooms Dining Room. and Coffee Shop Garage in Connection Located ithin the Seattle industrial, shopping and iheatre districls. Directly across ihe street from the County-City Bldg. B. L. "Barney" Lang, Hotel Manager MAin 8303 Associated Hotels: e01 lrst &e. 1431 or Reservations Assured ,/t; ,i ) fl'.! t P PHONE 530 132 Park St. III , i Bordeaux P.-T.A. Elects Officers For Coming Year Bordealx P.-T.A. held its an- nual election of officers at the regular meeting last Thursday, electing Mrs. A. L. Ferwerda, president; Mrs. Howard Meyer, first vice-president; Mrs. Alfred Michaelson, second vice-president; Mrs. Bruce Schwarck, treasurer, and lVIiss Betty Wilcox, secre- tary. A $200 profit was reported from the third annual garden and rummage sale which was held last month by the organization. Thanks were expressed to all those who helped to make it such a complete success. It was voted to continue the sponsorship of tlm Cub Pack for another year. Richard Hudson, principal, an- nounced that the annual Pre- school Clinic was being planned for the early part of May. It was announced that more playground equipment was avail- able. and Hillcrest fathers were invited to help with its installa- tion. The sixth grade won the privi- lege of seeing a free moving pic- ture, which is ,the reward given each month to the room having the largest percentage of parents present at tim meeting. The program consisted of piano solos by Jimmy :Moore and Rod- ney Miller and a duet played by the boys, Jimmy's number was "Salute To The Colors" and Rod- ney played "Now The Day is Over." Their duet was "Ameri- can Patrol." Earl Jordan, program chair- man, led a round-table discus- sion on topics of interest within the home, school and commun- ity. Some of the subjects touch- ed on were the hot lunch pro- gram, discipline in the home and in the school, and juvenile delin- quency. Delicious refreshments were served by the mothers of :Miss Wilcox's first grade with :Mrs. Fred err in charge. /ssisting her were :Mrs. Harold :Mead, :Mrs. John Cole, Mrs. Glen Storey, Mrs. Vincent Adair and Mrs. John Hardin. Troop 95 Scouts Swim In Olympia Y Saturday Troop 9o of the Boy Scouts of America enjoyed a swim party at the Olympia Y.:M.C.A. Saturday evening between 7 and 8 o'clock according to Scoutmaster C. H. Bantham.. Glen Edgley accom- panied tlm boys and those mak- ing the trip were Bud and Don Helser, Don Rutledge, Fritz Priz- net', Don Cole, Jim Nhtt, Jim Tay- i lot, Jim Johnston, Ian Sytsma, Jack Davidson, Terry Brehmire, Gerald Warmoth, Warren Edgley, Bonnie Combs, LeRoy Dale, Bob Heisnig, Bob Stewart, Don Young, Harold Cart and Edward White. Plans are being made to spend the Easter week end on a hildng trip to the Wynoochee. Union "To err is human"--well some- one erred last week but perhaps there is time for a correction. The words "at 9 a.m." were left out of a Sunday school announcement that beginning with Easter Sun- day, Sunday Schobl would meet at 9 a.m. during the summer months. There has been considerable moving about. The Lamons who have been at Aldcrbrook Center fox' a few years, have purchased :Mrs. Harry Young's new home and are now living there. 1¢rs. Young has moved back to her old home, which was sold to the :McCormicks. The McCormicks haye moved into a new home they recently built which is across the highway on the water. Thursday evening a. surprise was staged on the Vaughn Ab, rams who were at the Dalby home for a farewell visit. A. "Potluck Dinner," which meant a table loaded with delicious food. startecl off the evening. Those seated at the table were :Mrs. Dalby, David Dalby, :Mr. and :Mrs. Abrams, :Mr. and :Mrs. Stark, :Mr. and :Mrs Wyatt, Mr. and :Mrs. Andersen, :Mr. and :Mrs. Walker, :Mrs. Wood- row Young and Curtis Grout. At a separate table were the Walker and Abrams children. In the eve- ning there was much merriment over the drawing contest of song titles. As the losers had to sing the songs, it resulted in a musi- cal program, The Abrams left Saturday fox' Long Beach, Calif., where tttey plan to make their home. Mr. Abram's parents are residents there. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wyatt went to Portland Saturday evening and returned Sunday. Mrs. Irvin :McVay is out agaiu after a serious attack of the flu. Her father, :Mr. Patrick of Ehna, was with her all last week. Mrs. Curtis Grout and daugh- ter Judith are visiting relatives in Oregon. Mrs. Gertrude Hayes and her sister, :Mrs. Loffness of Fairbanks who is a guest at Dunrovin re- turned last week from an exten- sive trip in Califomia. The Union Sunday School now has new hymnals which are much appreciated. There were 39 in at- tendance last Sunday who heard the announcement that there would be a' special Eastern pro- gram at 9 a.m. next Sunday and all interested are invited to attend. On Sunday tRere was a family gathering for dinner at the An- dersen home. :Mrs. Clare Bernsen was the co-hoStess with Mrs. An- dersen. Mrs. Katherine Walker, Mrs. Jean Pike and clildren El- eanor and Harry came from Van- counver for the affair which was in recognition of the birthdays of. Ed :McReav/ aad Erve Gardner. Others at the dinner table be- sides those nentioncd were :Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. :McReavy, Iud An- dersen and Sandra Brnsen. The Gardners moved into Seattle on Monday where Mr. Gardner has been in business for some weeks. SHELTON-MAON COUNTY JOURNAL Careless Shaver Small cuts appearing In bathroom towels may be traced to the man who wipes his razor on any towel that is handy. GS tO Words, "what thinking about, Some study and We've a vast variety of fine.quality easter foods as fresh as P'NUT a newly-hatched chick! Savory mqats . . . luscious fruits and vegetables . . . farm-fresl eggsALL the foods you need for Rock Dell a gala Easter Dinner have been gathered together---displayed 2-Lb. for easy selection--priced to make buying economical. So fill Jar your entire Easter Menu at the Lumbermen's Mercantile where you can be sure of getting the height of variety and good-tasting goodness at the lowest prices. Our Easter Values set the style for savings! DRY  "' Sun Sweet - Hi-Ho I I Pkg. JJ00, }i':': ,':::a, a!  ;i !i  ,:<: I 21€ . I Berke's American DOZ. 8 5 € FLr°asaa Chocolate, Chip COOKIES Del Monte In Fancy, Round Can C 0 R N 75¢ Cream Style ', 00erl6 9 (In Carton for Mailing) DOZ. • i Clarirox ROAST COOKIES " Large Box Easter Egg Can 50¢ C 0 L 0 R S Plant o SWEET Now! i] 3 Pkgs. "25€ Lge. pkg. of 9 selected colors HOT CAI00 Soft-As-Silk 25in49 € pkg. CAKE FLOUR Protect tender plantS, frost, storm or insectS. Pkg. we carry a complete 1 Limit Puget Sound Seed Ferry's _ II - / and Lilly Baker's Premium. CHOCOLATE :l/e-Lb. 17€ I I S & W Mellowed COFFEE Pound300¢ I ri00e, Post's GRAPENUTS- .-I FLAKES EASTER BASKETS O In a Variety of Sizes and Shapes- "Top" ORANGE JUICE 46-Oz. Can 43¢. KEEP WELL STOCKED ON CITRUS JUICES Get those Your Garden m A $1.00 bottle :Makes 12 gallons Spray the leaves the roots. HOMELIKE '=" so the world can earl BO WIL and His TEXAS Bro=£ht to You bY Fisher Flouring " Dial your Jarorite ARC 9 P,M. TUESDAYS And Get a 32-Page CIRUS BOOK FREE! Just 'Arrived-- A fine assortment of Birth- day Cake Decorations, @audits and Candle Holders. OUt.' Mason county had forest fire loss and rate of any like of Washington, can be largely of edu- waged to forest destruc- ton Green auxiliary move- County Forest has been a rusade, and much results attained county's princi- come from the has been cre- The an- fete, started is to be continued because of the en- supporters, can commun- will have much the public preserva- It also has of calling atten- of the Green of which Shelton takes fuel and the wheels of and it takes such commun- , If business inter- minded citizens will Small donation as the future of the will free- the Festival. Workdrs on be- Will call on all funds to of the affair. partici- up to the per- if he will but as an in- future dividends great forest provides a living Will be no hesi- mittee members is to be an out- year and the the ea- se that ourselves by those at stake. has a great fu. can be it to that coopera- assistance is the Festival an in tim accomplish-  period for filings here, more pub- being turned to and particularly Established 1895 and state ,far, not all the on both been filled, left for added competition and the probably be close. It is positions gone past years Di e list, we lass has been dr, fifth class I provides in salaries, I W future officers an month, to ar- te money is not sic - Parlous econom- ( these increases sp( doubtless be a cm gn this fall and W for our county ha, of the Journal, de- an, pro- Ko enthusiasm part of the te county, are W the activities six of the coun- the ,rogram un- ca( sty Agri- qm strom col influence here much of atten- ess of our boys they choose, in life and that will aSeful as citi- The 4-H programs of inter- clubs .have and de- lines. Car- sewing, house- Other domestic The 4-H pro- purpose of of citi- of the nation, rural chin for bet- county record of from of equality Atten- the 4-H club Part, of this trices have histories, in fit- round holes, made a bar- the case of trig- )ert and citizen, years of ex- mrgy in pen- eeping Fess might have Of his"cap- most need- Foss ' was Kiwanis he has some and navy that and fol- lost to the inefficiency, than Dace three)