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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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601V S.E. 86th Ave portland, Ore / 18, ]963 Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A."' Shelton, Washington 26 Pages  4 Sections Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton. Washington. ]6 under Act of March 8. 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cola. 10 Cents per Cop Of Li# thing Damages Bill Redden ce On M t. Vie w Ta|ent Oontest En|fies Extended Entries in the Jaycee Talent Contest have been extended to this atternoon. Frank Kokett. Jay- cee chairman for the event said. Tryouts started Tuesday after- noon at 3:30 p.m. in U]e Junior High Auditorium Tryouts were also held Wednesday afternoon and will be held this afternoon. Kokctt said students in the Shel- ton School system interested in en- tering the contest who have not ah'eady entered should show up at the tryouts at 3:30 P.m. today in the Jupior High Anditorimn. The finals in the talent contest will be at 8 p.m. April 26 in the Junior High Auditorium. BUILCIING PERMITS Building permits approve d by the Mason County Commission Monday included Max Waldberger, new foundation and roof repair on residence. $1;000; Harry J. Rey- nolds, wood residence, $550; A. D. tester,, summer residence, $3i000; Walt Henderson, remodel reStau- rant, 2,000. and and of this Mason County's second thunder and lighthing storm in four days --a rarity in this country--paid special attention to the Bill Brown home at 2127 Madison street on Mt. View last mid-week. Fortunately for the Browns, the elements chose the only ten minutes they were out of the house to toss a lightning bolt which did considerable damage, some of which is shown in the adjoining pictures. Lightning hit the Brown tele- vision antenna, followed the lead- m wire into the house, burned a strip across the living room floor, blew up the elevision set, melted the telephorfe which rested on top of the set, and burned the spot on the wall behind the set to which four-year-old Shelly Brown points in the adjoining picture. HER MOTHER, Rea, points to a spot on the floor burned by the bolt and her father, Bill stands on a ladder pointing to the burned spots on the exterior where the lightning played its mean little tricks. At a point about a root be- low Brown's hand the electrical jolt followed a long nail through the wall and knocked oft a piece of plaster about four inches in diameter on the living room wall. The path of the lightning across the living room floor as it followed I the television lead-in ran directly under a davenport on which Mrs. Brown had been sitting just be- fore the family drove downtown I to complete an •errand ten minutes earlier. They were about a block away on their return when the lightning struck and they saw the smoke it created . "That's as close as we ever want to come to lightning," the Browns agreed. TIlE STORM ALSO caused extra work for PUD maintenance i crews. High voltage pmmary wires were burned out on 7th street between Cota and Railroad and at Park street causing power outages m the city center and north rural circuits, while a one- phase line at llth and Olympic on Angleside blacked out the south city circuit, mainly Angleside, Hiltcrest and southside. Several transformers suffered blown fuses and insulators were broken in sew oral places, according to PUD 3 asistnt manager Jay.Umphen- our. Other prinaary wires were dam- aged on the alley between Rail- road and Cota street, on Front street between Railroad and Knee- land, while transformers were hit which caused outages in Isabella and Kamilche valleys. A little earlier in the evening a trans- former was hit in the Binghan Creek area causing an outage at Matlock. An aftermath of the storm, Umphenour said. came this past Monday night when a big trans- former at 6th and Cota brow. The big" Rayonier stack on Hill- crest took several lightning jolts during the storm, too. Telephone company tr0uble- shoot said the storm caused only minor troubles on Pacific North- west. Bell installations in this area. Plans For Summer Recreation Program Are Getting Started Shelton's annual summer rec- ] reation program flexed its wings] last week when the new city rec- I reation board held its organiza- tional meeting. WSU Scientists Talk Research For Yule-Trees The Washington State Univer- sity forestry staff is taking a team approach to helping Christmas tree farmers solve cultural and business problems. Last week at the Colonial House, Shelton, a crew of WSU forestry scientists met with a large group of Christmas tree farmers. Togeth- er they planned for a research program to explore some of the in- dustry's pressing questions. John Nagle, Pullman, Chairman of the Department of Forestry, headed the crew of Washington State University staffers. He told local producers that the initial phase of Christmas tree research work should be on the ground in Mason County, before the end of the current fiscal year. W. S. LOONEY, L. O. SELJES- TAD and Buck Armstrong, all of Shelton arranged the planning meeting. They brought in Christ- mas tree farmers from Mason, Kitsap, Pierce and Thurston Coun- ties to air their problems before the WSU scientists. Glenn Correa, Shelton, Presi-- dent of the Douglas Fir Christmas Tree Association, moderated the meeting. Disc u s stag informally Lhclr concerns. Christ m as tree farmers brnzht three major re- search needs to the specialists' at- tention: Nutrition, seed tree se- lection and marketing. In summary, Nagle complimen- ted the Chrkstmas tree growers for bringing their research ques- tions to the attention of Washing- ton State University in a consoli- dated manner. "The University administrators view your research needs with keen interest", he said. "We will take the points which we hav 4iscussed tonight back to Washington State University. In keeping with our talents and budget, we will determine how best we can help you with your problems". BESIDES NAGLE, the other scientists representing" Washing- ton State University at the meet- mg were Richard Dingle, Associ- ate Professor of Forestry; Richard BruCe, Forest Economist; Ray- mond Gilkeson, Assistant Profes- sor of Forest Soils; C. Gardiner Shaw, Chairman of the Depart- ment of Plant Pathology and Jack Rogers, Forest Pathology, all of Pullman. Edward Breakey, Entomologist and Darrell Turner, Outlying Test ing Specialist, represented Wash- ington State University's West- ern Washington Experiment Sta- tion located near Puyallup. Open House in New Pau/ey M o tors Building 5a turday BUD PAULEY 4-H Builders Make Field Trip The grand opening of the new Pauley Motors Dongs agency building at Railroad Avenue and newly opened Front street is scheduled for this SaturdaY, April 20. On hand. to help their fellow car dealer with the festivities will be the other Shelton dealership owners Jack Kimbel, Art Moll, Jim Pauley and R. B. Dickey. They will ehauffer demonstration eourtesy rides in 1963 Dodge and Dodge Dart cars as well as shm visitors around the new building. Coffee and cookies will be serv- ed by the Beta Zeta chapter of Epsilon Sigma/Alpha from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. The old Pauley Motors building, next door to the new structure was occupied by Pauley for the past 12 years. I1 is now being torn down to maze way tot ex- pansion of the Richfield service 'station on the. corner of first and Railroad. • A special four page yellow auto section is included in this week's issue of the Journal announcing Pauley's opening and listing the car dealers special offers for this event. Moose Lodge E/ects Officers Joe Cronquist was elected as Governor of the Shelton Moose Lodge recently. Other new officers are Earl Owen, junior governor; Russell Morken, prelate; Ioy Longacre, secretary; Cecil Crow, treasurer; Perry Rose, two-year trustee and Joe Anderson, three-year trustee. Other officers and committee chairmen will be named by the new governor after he takes office. The new officers will be in- stalled at ceremonies in the Moose Lodge at 7:30 p.m., April 28 and will take over their dutie Mo4r i, With songs of anticipation. 4-H Builders Club members of Mason County boarded a charter bus on Monday and headed for Seattle and Tacoma for their annual edu- cational field trip. Their plans were made by a committee headed by Lentz Robinson. The trip included a visit to the Health Sciences Center at the Uni- versity of Washington, where they were shown the medical and nurs- ing schools. From there they were guests of the personnel at McChord Air Force Base. A trip to the Washington Historical Mu- sel|rl] ill Tacoma was also on the agenda. Members included Bill Roberts. ken Brewer, Stan Leon. Rodney Mayte, Judy Rains, Karen Smith, Janice Morford. Marty McCallum, Lentz Robinson, Linda Clark, Da- vid Valley, Kay Loertscher, Loren Gee, Melvin Evans. Barney Lam- bert, Jerry Marcy, Faye Fischer, Janice Blake, Sandy Lyman and Judy Smith. Special geusts of the members were Clovis Creamer, Larry Schneider. Becky Hail. Joe Brown, Dick Nelson, Connie Stevens and Tom Trotzer. Chaperones were Mrs. H. Blake, Mrs. Ed Valley and lVr. cn Drake, Bernie Bailey, a holdover from previous boards, was elected chair- man. Other members include Mrs. Cliff Starkey, Mrs. A1 La- Bissoniere (also a holdover), Son- ny Lows and Jim Doherty. After outlining in general the kind of program the board wishes to conduct this summer, a call for applicants to direct and assist the various phases of the program was issued by chairman Bailey. Indbzidual interested in work- ing in the swimming, tennis, pee- wee baseball basketbalP and pos- sibly golf phases of the program are invited to apply. A bus driv- er is also needed. Track, another facet the pro- gram. is already headed by Bill Brickert, junior high coach. The program will start shortly after school is out for summer vacation. 4-Hers To Ally. Bey, 2, Fou00Id After Saturday There'll probably be a scramble. in many Mason County homes this Saturday, April 20th, getting mem- bers from 19 4-H clubs into Shel- ton to do demonstrations for the county contest being held at the Grant C. Angle School starting at 9 a.m. Scheduling for this contest has been done by the 4-H leaders' county committee headed by Mrs. Laurence Bedell, assisted by Mrs. Austin Hicks. "Mrs. A. H. Wetter, Mrs. Lueille Gribble and Mrs. Charles M. Jackson. 12-Hour Hunt By Searchers Cas cede Natural Gas To Open Ofh'¢e Here June I The new office ,#ill be in the former Telephone office. 122 S. Third St. WARD WAS INTRODUCED at the Shelton Chamber of Commerce meeting by Ed Roberson. district manager for Cascade Natural in Bremerton. Roberson also told the Cham- ber members the eomp'ny was planning to start work on clearing the right of way between Shelton and Bremerton in the near furore. Ward, his wife and one , :ngn- ter have moved to Sbelton _.m lm is commuting to Bremerton_ The gas company, ill the past few months, has obtained fran- chises and righ-of-way from the city and county in preparation to installation of its iine from Shel- ton to Bremerton. El Paso Natural Gas, the firm which supplies Cascade Natural Gas with gas, wit construct a pipe line from Oly,iua t.o Shelton where Cascade wnl connect on to obtain its supply. The two hnes will join in the vicinity of Deegan Road west of Sheiton and the gas will be con- neeted re the existing Shelton gas lines. TOM WARD The arrival of natural gas in Shelton appears closer with the announcement this week by Cas- cade natural gas company that it plans to open an office here June I and has named a naanager for Sheiton. Tom Ward. Yakima will be man- ager of the Shelton office when it opens. He is presently working out of the Bremerton office and will transfer here June 1. i.ess Parking Area Promised Addition To Post Office Gray, Mayor Frank Travis and other city figures who had join- ed in the protest against the ex- tensive surfacing plans were ela- ted at the message from Mrs. Hansen's office. Assurance that excessive pav- ing will be prevented behind the addition to the Shelton postofficc was given city leaders this week by Congresswoman Julia Butler Hansen. The demonstration contest for Mrs. Hansen's office secretary, ] clubs in the North Mason County Don Brown, told the Journal in a 1 areawill be Saturday, May4, at telephone conversation that after I 5Ch 0l Badger the North Mason High School, conferences with postal engineer-/ 0 The clubs that will be demon- ing officials assurance had been I Hearing Monday strating this Saturday include: given by James Symbol, regional] Southside Eagles led by Mrs. Ray director for the U.S. Postoffice 1 Bracy and Mrs. Don Wilson; Department, that the plans would / Thunderbirds and Southsi de be changed 'to the complete sat- Bachelors led by Mrs. A. H. Wet- ter; Busy Belles led by Mrs. Charles M. Jackson, Mrs. John Holtorf; :Tiraewatchers led by Mrs. Laurence ,].CdeD and Mrs. Arthu Moll; Four Leave led by r s. Arthur Bakke; Live Wires led by Mrs. Frank Wolf; Matlock Adven- turers led by Mrs. Andrew Stud- den and Mrs. Lucille Gribble; Guys & led by Mrs. Stanley Ly- man and Mrs. Roger Williams; Shelton Valley Clovers led by Mrs. Eugene Evers; Little Egypt Wranglers led by Mr. James Hick- son, Mrs. Ed Valley and Mrs. Clif- ford Evans; Agate Tip Tops led by Mrs. Martin Auseth, Mrs. Vic- tor Auseth, Mrs. Joyce Olsen; This & That led by Mrs. Robert Vhit- marsh. Mrs. Joe Boul'gault, Mrs. Ethel Richert and Mrs. Saudra Carney; Rough & Ready are also led by these same leaders; Mill Creek What Nots led by Mrs. Ben Drake; Sew & Sews led by Mrs. John MacRae; Barnacles led by Mrs. Austin J. Hicks, Mrs. Art Nicklaus and Mrs. Jerry Hill and the Lake Nahwatzel 4-H club led by Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hickson. Judges are be!ng sent in from Grays Harbor ,,ounty 4-H Lead- ers' Council. They include Mrs. T. C. Corrigan. Mrs. Clarence Paul- sen and Mrs. MeMo Sudderth of Hoquiam; Mrs. Gertrude Floyd, Montesano; Mrs. Ellis Mouneer, Mrs. Thomas Boyd, Mrs. Robert Trenckmann and Mrs. LeRoy Mann of Elma'and Mrs. 'Bert Le- Vering of Humptulips. This is part of a reciprocal arrangement be- tween leaders' councils. Two weeks ago the following Mason County leaders were judges at Grays Harbor contests in Brady a'nd Elma, Mrs. Frank Wolf, Mrs. Ben Drake, Mrs. Richard Kelley, Mrs. Eric Sjoholm and. Mrs. Ed Valley. isfaction" of the community. The Shelton School Board has set 8 p.m. Monday as the time and Revised plans to be drawn by date for a hearing on the prelim- the architect will be shown to city inary budget for the 1963-64 leaders, Brown said. for their ap- proval. " Postmaster J. PL Gray had pro- tested to postal authorities at sev- school year. Supt, R. W. Ottmn'lg;pi'ela:- ing the preliminary budget, but does not have it quite completed. oral levels against the plan to blacktop the entire surface behind Oltman said preparation} of the the present postoffice building 1 buIget had to wait £or 'tl/e leS and the extension which will be]lature to determine how lhuch started this year, feeling' it would 1 money would be available, not only do much to snoil the pres- I He received forms for the bud- ent outstanding beauty of the pos-I get from theState Department of tal grounds but would be far I Public Instruction Monday and more parking area than post office I was then able to begin work on staff members could possibly use. the'preliminary budget. A :,vo-year-old Alyn boy was back .vith his family in good heatth Wednesday morning after spending about 12 hours in the "woods. More than 300 volunteer search- ers from four counties combed the area from mid-afternoon Tuesday when Fred Ivan Dishon was dis- covered missing until he was found at 2:50 a.m. Wednesday by a bloodhound from Lewis County asleep in a patch of ferns about three miles from home. The boy had been playing out- sidd u ith his Cocker Spaniel dog and apparently wandered off some- time between 2-2:30 p.m. Tuesday, AFfER HE WAS discovered missing the family and neighbors looked about an hour before noti- fying the sheriff's office. His father. LeRoy Dishon, said the l:oy apparently followed the road into the Dishon home for .a waw; -,d then turned up onto an I old logging road. I When le was round, lm was about 150-200 feet off the logging road in an area which had been used far Christmas trees and was covered with grass and eIumps of ferns and brush. The boy was found by a blood- hound named Pat whose trainer is William Wiester of the Lewis County Sheriff's office. Dishon said the boy's pet Cock- er Spaniel had apparently stayed with the boy throughout the time up until bloodhounds frightened him away when they-got close to where the boy was, THE COCK'JR SHOWED up at home and an oJder brother Was on the way back to the search area with the dog. when the word came that little Fred had been found. The Search and Rescue Unit of the Mason County Sheriff's of- fice and most of the members, of the Sheriff's Office staff [mned out. to answer the call. Search and rescue units from Kitsap, Lewis and Grays Harbor counties also assisted along with volunteers from the area. Bloodhounds from Grays Harbor County, with trainers Herb Her- rick and George Patrick also joined in the search. Fearful that the boy might have wande;ed into the water, rescue unit of /he Mason County sheriff's office was on hand with its skin diving equipment. DfSHON SAID, "I think those (Continued on page 4 S.hoo, nu,,,io" --' .6pen-House.Apr00 30,-, Public. inspection'.of the new.d  6ition to the  Graxd;.oAngle. seh0oi - is invited during open house hours scheduled for Tuesday, 'Xpril" 30, Principal-: George  Hermes:: ;:al- nounced yesterday. " - ,: There will be no formal ,p0- gram but there will he coffee refreshments for visitors, who ae invited to look over the addition between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. Forest Festival Buttons Am Here Rice To Head Youth, Welfare Advisory Group Bob [glee was aanled chairman of the Mason County Juvenile and Welfare Advisory Committee at its organizational meeting last week. Marvin Christensen, juvenile probation officer, and h'vin McAr- thur, county welfare administrat- or, will act as secretary and re- corder. The group discussed problems which they might study and de- cided to begin with the problem of S" high school "drop out, . hwitations will be sent to all high school ind junior high school Tlie 1963 Forest Festival but- principals and counselors to at- tons are here and have gone on. tend the next meeting of the group sale replacing the membership ] to provide i}ffm-mation for the cards which have been sold since 1 starl, of the study, the first of tle year. ] Also to be considered by the several organizations in the I group for study are the problems county now have the buttons El-I of juvenile drinking and the de- ] nor Oiseo, Rotary chairmm of the ] velopment of employment upper- button sales campaign said. tunities for youth. " • I Among them are the IWA to. The group set their meeting cal, W.S.C.S. of the Methodist time as the first Thursday of the Church Kiwanis. Lions, Agate month at 7:30 p.m. in the Jnven-i Grange, Sheltm Valley Grange, ile Probation Office in the old' Skokomish Grange, Toastmasters. , Deer house across the street south Eagles, Jaycees, Moose Veterans from the courL house, of Foreign Wa'rs, Anleriear/ L- FOREST FESTIVAL BUTONSThe 1963 Forest Festival buttons made their appearance in Shelton last week as the first of them were sold at the Chamber of Commerce meeting last Thursday night. On hand to sell the first but- tons was Gus Olafson, ci.qlzt, who has gotten the the first button for a number nf years and is known as the top "button seller" in town. With charge of the*sales this year. In front of Olsoe is Olafson's red hat which sports buttons from past Forest Festivals for a number of years. glen, Fair Harbor Grange and Ro- tary club. Olsoe said that no 1Tlore mere. bcrship cai'ds will be sold. and, that holders of membership card can now turn them in for a b, lt tot]. Arrangements have been nlade. ith, se' oral youth organizations in the city and county I-.o sell the buttons on a 10 per cent commis- sion basis. Olsco said. Those selling the buttons will be wearing two or more. he com- mented. The Forest Festival Association will meet at S p.m. April 25 in the PUD Conference Room to dis- cuss plans for the  Festival. Groups planning entries in the window display contest were re- minded this week to start plem- ning for their displays. A new classificationl junior ho, bleatS,_ has been added Ghis ye0X. Windows can be reserved a/rex My i. The committee in charge of the window displays will halve more information on 'the contet next week.