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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 2 glTELTON--MASON COUNT ff0URNA]E- Published in "Ohr{soasown, U.S.A.", heIton, Washing]on Thursday, Legal Publications CAUSE N(}. &apos;hi86 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S ,AI,E OF REAl, ETATE Umh, r Gom,ral h',xecution IN THE SUPE]{IOR C(HU{T OW THE STATE OF WASI=I INGTON F()R MASON COUNTY TED DEPOE. Plainliff. vs. OWEN MODLIN DefendauI Under and by virtue of a geueral execution issued out of and llnder tile seal of the Sul/erior COllrt of the Stale of Waslliugton. in and for said Counly, on the 3rd (lay of April. 1963. upan a iudgilleni r,ndcred ill said Court Oil tle 13th day of January, 19i 1 ill fay - of TED DEPOE arid a'alnst ()WEN MODLIN ]udglnent dehtor for the sum of Two Thousand. five hundred and ten Dollars together with attov- lqey's fees. inlcrest, costs and increased costs, and to me directed and delivered. I did on the 5th day of April, 1963, levy upon all the right, titte and in- terest of said i lids(bent debtor in and to tile following d,scribed property to vatisfy said judgment, to-wit: 1. A Iract of land in thai portion of tile Fractional Northeasl quarter (NE .)of the Northwesl quarter INW!:,) of Section 3. Township 20 Nll'th R-lnao 3 Went. W.M lying Northerly and EasteHy of the center line of the Coun- ty Road particularly described as fdhlws : I3EGINNING at the Northcast cor- ner of said Northeast quarter (NEPAl of the Northwest quarter (NWV4); Thence rcst. alonff the North line of said forty, to a point thereon 181 ft. East of easterly right-of-way lille of said County Road: thence South. paral- lel with the East line el said (NEll) of NW Ut, 5 feet. more or less. to tile Northerly right-of-way line of a pri- vate roadway; the, nce Southwesterly, alan g the Northerly line of said ln'lvale roadway to all intewscction with tilt? Easterly rigit-of-way line Of said County Road: th nee Southerly, along the Easterly right-of-way line of said County Road, 30 Feet. lnoye of less, tO the Northwest corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to L,,ster D, Elliott and Josephine E. Eiliott. hus- tand and wife, by deed recorded in Volume 145 of Deeds page 176 under Audior s File No. 145690: thence Easi. along the, North line of said Elliott I Legal Publications Iracl 25(1 fet to the lqorlheasl corner (if said Elliott l.l'act : theaee South :(long Ille East line of said Elliolt Ilqn'l ,"0 D'el IO the Southeast corner thore,ff being the North line of a tl'act of land Jlei't'lllflll'(" (qluvt'v,,d [o M. E. Wrighl, a I/'lchehn', t)5" deed recorded in V,)lullle 157 Of Dee(Is. page 431. under Auditm"s File No. 154198; thence []asl. along lhc North line of said WriKht Iracl. to tile Easl line of ,aid NE ; of lbe NW J : lhence Nqlrih. along lhe Iqasi line of said NE ,J of NW li I(, the point of beginning; 2. A tract of hind ill lhc South half IS 1:,) of the StKilheast qtlarter (SE 1) of Sot.lion 34, Township 21 Norlh }-{ange : Wtsl. W.ll., pariicnlarly dcs- crihvd as follows. I,)-wit: I BEGINNING AT THE quarter post on Ihr.'South line of Section 34. Town-, ship 21 North. Range :1 West, W.M.; laxocutriy thence East x'ar, 22 derces 30" E) F, ox 984 30 chains ; lhenc,* N'orlo 208 feet SitKa. Alaska thence West 3t) chains thence South ROBERT i SNYDER 208 feel, more or h,ss Io the l)oint of at ' begi;qning. (Nc(,p|ing lhel'efroul, how- Attorney Law 125-i N. 5th ev(l'. Ill(' \\;Vest nille|y (SU) leer thereof Shelion. Washillgton llel',ll)i()l-l, convl'yed Ill (1. Thlllnpson, Legal Publications Legal Publications NO. 3444 No'rICE TO CREDITORS IN THE S/JPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Ill lho M;ltt,',' of the Eslaie of RAY- MeND I., COLLINS. deceased. Myrtle A. C(dlins is lbe appointed n(l qualified Executrix of said estate. All persons hart'rig claims against said deceased are required te serve tile same in duplicate duly verified, on said Ex,cutrix by hcl atlornsy. Robert S Iv(h' ', a lhc address behw stated, and "ih t}!& san,(' ,;¢ith tlw ('lerk of sai(i ('Otll't. hgctheF "4"it il prOOf of such sor\\;h'e, wit(bin six monllls after the dah' (,I fit's( publicalion I,f lifts notice or tb(' '<anlc will be barre(I. DATE 1" firsl I)ublicati()n: April 4. 1 q63 MYRTLE A. COLLINS NO'rICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be reccived hy the Bom'd of Dirc('tors o[ Shelton Consoli- dated School District No. 309, Mason C,)lllliy, Washington. for delivery All- onsl 15. 1963, for one sixty-one l)aa- .'e nMel" conventh)nal-type school bus, BtlS to be cquil)Pe(1 with all traction tiPes on real' whe*'is, hcavy-(luly gage- lille lnol(ll' a]tel'nator not less |hen 60 amp) instead oi generator (Delco {e y pPelerFed ). IHIC sl)aI(' wllcel. ]roll| all(-] l'e!r ]l('a|ers. powered ccil- inu" v(,,lts, windshield washers. RllhP, ub l'lol ii uovorlng, tl,(ly tladcrcoal, air bralo, syslc! aw opcvalcd windshield swii)o.", ahunlnlnll o1' ilon-coFro(ling ,,t eel WilldoW sash. ['oanl l'llbhel |n sal N. t aclloolelel* len-hlde wheels. elnev4enuy fill' bl'ake ill real' wileels. Tile bus lllUSl conf(wol to Washingtou Slate Scboot BUS Regtllations and Spc- a ba('h(qor, t)y deed re('orded ill VOiUlOC 138 of Deeds. page 37,. under Auditor's file No. 139985 and excepting road- ways. NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Friday the 10th day ot May. 1963. at l0 o'clock in the Forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described property, or so nluch thereof as lllay bC 'necessary tO satisiy said iudgment together with attorney's fees. interest, costs and increased costs, ill all amountiag to the sum of Two Thousand eight hun- dred sixty-one and 40/100 Dollars. Plus cost of publication and slleriff's costs. Said sale will lake place at the East door of the Court House at 4th and Pine in said County and State. and will he at public auc, tion. for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder. Dated at Shelton. Wash., this 5th day of April. I963. D. S. CLARK Sheriff of said County, By THORA EASSETT Deputy. 4/11-18-25-5/2-9 5t I NOTICE OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION F0R DEPUTY SHERIFFS The Mason County Civil Service Commission will conduct an open competitive examination on May 1st, 1963 at 7:15 prn Pacific Daylight Savings Time in the Auditorium of the P-. U, D. building in Shelton, Washington. The purpose of this examination is to establish an employ- ment list of eligible men for the position of regular Deputy Sheriffs. An aplicant must be a citizen of the United States, an elector of tle county in which he resides, able to read and write the English language and must have been a resident of the State of Washington for at least one year. Applicants must be in sound health with no physical handi- caps and must nevec have been convicted of a gross misdemeanor or a felony and have a High School education or equivalent. At the present time the entrance salary for regular Deputy Sheriffs is $400.00 per month. Application blanks for this examination may be obtained at the Sheriff's office or from the commission secretary, Jordan Clapper of Route 1 Box 30, Shelton, Washington (Phone 426- 4961). Blanks must be returned and in the possession of the sec- retary not, later than April 30th, 1963, to be eligible for this examination.  MASON COUNTY CIVIL SERV'E COMMISSION by Eugene E. TaylOr, Ohairman cificat ins. Sealed ldds will bc received at the ('h,vlCs Office, Evergreen Scimol. Ul) to 3:0(I p,nl., May 14. 1962. at which time lhe bids will be ol)ened and read ahmd. The P, oard i'eSel'VCS the right I.o rc- 4/4-11-]8 3t jecl any or all bids received. ........................... }]3' Order oF lhe Roar(I of Dil'cctors NO. 8398 NOTI('E (IF III,RING FINAL tI:PORT 8ND PETITION ' FbR "DISTRIBUTION IN THE 9UPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE "OF WASHINGTON FOR lfA St)'N COUNTY. (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of tile Estate of SVEN ERIK FORSBERG. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ruth M? Lilds0Y,'Administratrix of the Estale of Svcn Erik Forsbergi de- ceased has filed in the office of the Cle'k'of said Court a final 'report and ptition for distribution, agling the ourt :to 'settle said report, distribute the property to the p'erson thereto entitled 'and to discharge %he petitioner as Administratrix; and that said re- port and petition will be heard on the 10th day of May, 1963. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or as soon thdreafter as the matter can-be heard at the court room of the above-entitled court, in the Courthouse in Shelton. Mason Coanty, Washington. at which time and place any person interested in said Estate may appear and file objections thereto and contest the same. Dated this 5th day of April, 1963. LAURA M. WAGENER, Clerk of said Court.- By Teckla Vermillion, Deputy. GLENN E. CORREA, Attorney for Estate, Bell Bldg.. 121 Soutll 4th St. Shelton, Washington. 4/11-18-25-5/2 4t NO. 3449 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of LYLE S. WILSON; Deceased. NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Kenneth L. Wilson has been appointed and llas qualified as ExecutOr of the Last Will and Testa- ment and of the estate of Lyle S. Wil- son. deceased: and that all persons having claims against the said estate or the said deceased are hereby re- quired to serw the same duly vecified in duplicate with the necessary vouch- ers attached, upon the undersigned Executor or his attorney of record at the law office of B. Franklin Heuston, Angle Building, Shelton. Washington, and file such claims together with proof of ,4ervice with the Clerk of the above entitled Court within six (6) months after the date of the first pub- lication of this notice, to-wit: 18 April, 1963. or all claims not so presehted and filed will be forever barred. KENNETH L. WILSON. Executor. Estate of Lyle S. Wilson. Deceased. Address : 8643-46th Ave, S. W,. Seattle, 16. Wash. B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for said Estate. Angle Bldg., Shelton. Wash. 4/18-25-5/2-9 4t of Shelton Consolidated School Dis- trio( No. 309. Shelton Washington, the 9th day of April. 1963. (Signed) DORIS K, HILLMAN. Clerk. 4/18-25-5/2 3t ADVEItTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Undersigned until 8:00 p.m. nu Tues- day. May 1.4. 1963, at the office of the Superintendent of Schools, Mary M. Knight Sehool District No. 311. Matlock. Mason Coltnly, Washington. lor archi- tectural, mechanical and electrical trades contracts for construction of all Elementary-High School for the Mary M. Knight School District No. 311. Mailock Mason County, Washington. Contractors nTay subnlit a separate bid on the architectural, ]l]echanical and (dccirical trades con'trats; or they nlay also sUbnlit a conlbination bid to inchlde arc]liteetural, lnechlnical and electrical tradcs undcr a general con- tract. Plans. specifications and contract docunlents nlay be obtained by bidder at the office of William Arild Johnson & Associates, 3506 Broadway Avenue. Everett. Washingon. Each prime contractor will be al- lowed one set of drawings and specifi- cations as follows: Archltectm'al ................. $25,00 Mechanical ...................... $15.00 Electrical .................... $15.00 Additional sets may be purchased at reproduction cost. Plan holders who do not enter a bona fide I)id and who do not return unnmrked and umnutilated plans and specifications prior to bid opening, shall forfeit their deposits. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond made payable to Mary M. Knight School District No, 311. in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid. plus all alternates, School board directors reserve the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in any bid or in the bidding, and may reject any or all bids. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereoL or before award of the con- tract, unless said award is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days. MARY M. KNIGHT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 311. MRS. HELEN STODDEN. Clerk of the Roard. 4/18a25-5/2 3t CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be received at tile office of the City Clerk City Hall, Shelton W,'ishington. until 11:00 a.m. Monday. April 29. 1963. at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud by the City Clerk for the fur- nishing of a one-half ton pickup truck Specifications may be received from the office of the City Clerk. The. City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. ALMA K. CATTO, City Clerk. 4/18-25 2t Ddnk g/a00se# of Milk every day Legal Publications COUNTY ROAD PROJFCT tl0 Ill the nlatIcl of C.R.P. No. 4]0 lo be COllStl'u('tcd (HI lason Coualy Road No, 170 known ]()calty as the Northcliff road. and on)r(' spe('ific:tlly h{.ated Scc. 18. Twp. 20 N R 3 VJ.V.M. IT IS Hh]I{EIY RESOLVED by lhe Board ill CoLlnty CtHllnlissitHlel'S l}lt!I it in their intentiml o iml.U',ve albz'n- n ent. rade, drain, and aPl)lY LBST for ;t 'distnncc ,u aPI)r(1Xilllat(qy 2/3 mile. Prinvil)le qllanlilios inv,flved: Cl!al'inR Itlld ,.l.llbbitlR ].5 aul'C. tOll/lllt)n oX('aV:ll ion - [0.0(l(t t'tl. y(i. . Concrete (?nh'orts - 180 l.f. Crravl'l l-las(,--I.6111 c.y. Sln'facillg- 7.8110 sq. yds. and tllut said wl'k is II} )' IH'l'[orllled by day label ill a(*ctt'dalw witll |he ,ashinghm State bnl(lal'(l Spot.if ice- lions for R(ald and P, ridg," Construction as adoph,d l)v Mason Cl,llllty. P,E IT FURTtIER RES)LVEI) lhat tilt. above (b,svribed COlln[y l'oa(l pro- jt!('l is ii,t'cssli'y and I)l'l)pel '. aad the (*sIilll:ltt'(I ')sls (}1" stt[d prl)jec( lll'e h{q'ewilb t'] OIl] II1 thqail as fdhws: En ° inc('ring 550.00 l-iffhl of W/Iv ZS0,()(I l{oa(t Ci)nsl l'tlcl ion 11.200.00 TOTAL . 12.000.00 The county road l)roject herein de- ]scribed is HEREY DECLARED to be a pablic ne(*essily and /he County Road Engineer in HEREIIY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to roporl and proceed there.on as by law pr(\\;'idcd. ADOPTED lids 15th day el April, 1963. BOARD .OF C(UNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON MARTIN AUSETH Chairnhqu Ilavry Ehnh/nd JOHN t:ARIEKMAN Attest : MERNA MIFFLIN. Delmty Clerk el P.oard. ,1/18 It CAI,L FOR Bll),g N(dice is hereby given lhat the Board of Comnfissitalers of Public Util- ity Districl N,,, "l el Mason C(,unty. Washington. does hereby invitc scah*d proposals for supplying alunlintnn c0n- ductors of various sizes and construc- tion to be delivercd to the District's warehouse in Shelton. Washing]on. in such quantities and al such limes as )uay meet the District's t'equironlenls during the 12 month period folh)wing the bid opening date. all in accordance with Specifications No. 102 obtainable froul the District upon requ0sI. Proposals f,r fm'nishing this con- ductm' nmst be sealed and filed at the District's office in Shclton. Washington on May 20th. 196;3. at 1:00 p.m. PaciFic Daylight Time. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond in an mltount not less than 5 of the amount bid for the nlinimmn quantity as described in the specifica- tions, with a corporate sm'ety licensed to do business in this State. and no bid will be considered unless accompanied by such bid bond. At the time and place named, such bids will bc Ol)cned and read and the Commissioners will proceed lo canvass lhe bids and may let the contract to the lowest respon- sible bidder upon the specific'tions, The Connnissioners reserve the un- qualified right in their sole and abso- lute discretiou to reject any and all bids. and to accept tile bid which in their sole and absolute judgnlent, will. under all circumstances best serve the interests of the District. The successful bidder, if any, will be required to sign an agreement with the District to furnish said conductors at the priccs and in the quantities and under the terms that are specified in his proposal, and to furnish a per- formance bond covering said terms and prices for the entire period of the agreement. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 3 OF MASON COUNTY. Commissioner- J.A. COLE. President Comnlissioner--E. W. TAYLOR Secretary 4/18-25-5/2-9-16 5l LIQUOR SALES Sals at the State Liquor Control Board Store in Shelton during March were $26.145.85, it was re- ported this week. They were com- posed of $23.398.93 in retail sales and $2,746.92 in class H sales. rl i I i r \\; FRIGIDAIRE BEST BUYS FRIGIDAIRE range with instant heat! Thrifty FRIGIDAIRE Washer with AUTOMATIC Soak Cycle! Legal Publications Harstine Island Social Club NO. ;{437 (!N I'IIOILTE/ Ill the Ma[l,q" o[ the ='Slale of 1NEZ 51. SI-It)RTER deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY G'IVEN that ELEANOR J. BOOTH in hel ('apacly as adIllioistratlqx of lhe above usla[e. will soil al private sah, and ]'OF cash fin(I/el' I)n ('(Hlll'at'[ lbe fol]owin dl,s- (.l'[I)od real 0sta|e: Tracts -t5 and t(i. Phil of Oakland }h.a(.b. a(.(.ol.dillg 1() lhe i'e('ll'dc(l plat lhcre,)[ in lho i)tfi('e oI the • Speed-Heat surface unit gets red hot in seconds then cuts back to regular cooking heat automatically. • Cook-Master control minds oven cooking for you. • Unlimited heat settings for all surface units. Storage galore in full- width storage drawer. Enjoy Frigidaire dependability! Reg. $249.95 '2099s w/trade easy terms • New 12.1b. "bi wash" capacityl • Fresh running water rinses! • Spins clothes driest of all! Reg. $224.95 '188oo • 3-Ring Agitator action cleans w/trade clothes inside and 0ut! easy terms Ask about exclusive 15-Year Lifetime Test! Audih,r of Mason C,( lty. excepl- war(len be stationed on the Is]and in i}l('l'¢,fl'ola the rollowing tract (.o veycd It) (h,orgo A. Ic(7olopte [hrollhout tl]e season. They also an,'l Aih,on M IA,C,)n|ple. hnsl)and ............................................ and wife. by deed dated. May 15. 1945, leinnill al u point (ill [he %V,'sl lilw ,)[ said Tract ,16 68.,(i t(.ct Sotllh ([ the Noltbwost c(iFller I]l(,l'elll; i})el|(.e St)(Ilh I-I 0t' East 47.9.9 rv,,! . |}it,n(.(, SILll]! 37" 30' West 51.75 feel. nmre .I h,ss Io Ihc Wcsl line of said Tract 46. 68.86 Nol'ih ah)nK the \\;V('st line i)f said lrH(.l 77.,(12 Fe(,t nl(ll'e (,r less to llw ttoinl of be4inninK. AND Lois 7 anti 8. |]lock ] h Ncedhanl lind Day's Addition II, She]loll. Washing(tin. Io Ihe ilig'iwsl and be'st bidder, lids nlusl be SIlblllille(i I1 wl'itinN and lnay b,, left with lhe administralrix al ]21 S-ulh F,,urth Slrcel Shelton. Wash- ina'ton. Bids will be received until lhv date el sale. The sale will he made on or aft0r May 3. 1963. The a(hninistralrix rc- seJ'vcs lhe rit:ht IO reject any and all bids. ELEANOR J. BOOTtI, A(hninistrah'ix. GLENN E. CORREA AItrney for Estate 121 South Fmn'th Street. S]/ell,n. %Vashing[on. 4/18-25-5/2 .'It NO. :3448 N()'rI(E TO CRFDITOR,q IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. (IN PlgOBATE) In the Matter or the Estate of GEORGE E. HALSELL. Deceased. No/ice is hcrel)y given that 1he undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Exeeuhu' of the cs- tale of GEORCE E. HALSELL, De- ceased: that all I,'vsons having c]ailns ag'linst said deceased arc hereby re- quired to serve the sanle, duly verified. on said Executor or His attorney of record at the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. together with proof of SUCh service within six lnonths after the date of first public-alien of this notice. t,r the same will be bnrred. Date of ['irsl publication April 18, 19671. CURTIS A. CAMMACK. Execulor of said Estate. 629 Cote Street. Shcllon. Washnigton. 5OHN C. RAGAN. Attorney for Estate. Title IllsLn'ance Building, Shclton, Washing'((re. 4/15-25-5/2 $i 8anquel Honoring Top ISR Seniors Is May 2 A public banquet honoring graduating Irene S. Reed seniors with a B or better grade average is planned for May 2. Speaker will be Dr. Franklin Thompson, president of the Uni- versity of Puget Sound. The banquet will be held in the Evergreen School auditorium and is being sponsored by the Delta Kappa Gamma of Shelton. Tickets may be obtained from Miss Irene Burright at the high school. The banquet was inaugurated last year as a means of honoring" the students who had good grades. Beautiful refrigerator Model DA-12-6: 11,6 cu. ft. bargain! • Most beautiful Frigidaire styling ever -- yours at budget price. .. Full-width freezer chest holds 63-1bs. of frozen food. Re. $239.95 'i88oo w/trade easy terms • Sliding Chill Drawer keeps fresh meat fresh and it quick chills food, • Full-width fruit and vegetable Hydrator plus storage in the door. • Frigidaire dependability, too.. By I)euette R. turned the fire truck HARSTINE. The Harstine Is- Jerrells and land Social Club met at the ball pose of il to Friday night for their regular who is trying to monthly meeting. It was decided trict They alsO to eil'culale a petition requesting a work party to the game department have a Garolds Cove "Bucks (llJy" season on Harstine pare it for this year and also that a game The Harstine FBIGIDAIRE THE FAMILY REFRIGERATOR Industrial & Builders Supply I sl and Pine Streets Phone 426-4393 Legal Publications CAUSE N(t, 801 NOTICE OF NIIFRIFF' SAI,E OF REAl: ESTATE IINDI]R GENERAL EXECHTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O]4' TtlE STATE OF WASHINGTON /OR MASON COUNTY FRANK M. WISER PlaintiFf vs, MAX ISKRA and HELEN ISKRA. his wife, and SLAtlKO ISKRA. Defendant Under and by virtue of a general execution Jss(led OUt of and under the seal of the Superior Courl of the State of Washington. in and for said Couuty, on the 20th day of March. ]963. upon a judgnlenl l'endered in said Court on the 16th day of Noveinber. 1962. in favor of FRANK M. WISER and against MAX iSKRA and HELEN ISKRA. lis wife. and SLAUKO ISKRA. judgment deh- tors for the sunl of FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($5000.(}0) dollars, to- gcl]ler with attorney's fees. intccest. cosls and increased costs, and Io Ine directed and delivered. I did on the 20th day (d" Marcll. 1963. levy up(hi all the right, lille and inlcrest of said jndgment debtors in and to lhe fol- lowing described prop.rty to satisfy said judgnlcnt, lo-wit : In Mason County. Washinglon, and described as follows: Tcact 11. Eleven. Plal of Totten Shores. as per plat Ihereof recorded in Volmne 4 of Plats. at page 77. records of Mason County. All that portion of the following' described tidelands and shorelands of second ('lass lying be- tween the East and West lines produc- ed South of Tract 11, Plat of Totten Shores. as per plat recorded in Vo- lume 4 of Plats. page 77, nlm.e parti- cularly described as fSIlows, to-wit: All tide and silorelands of the second class, suitable for the cultivation of oysters as couveyed by the State of Washington described by nletes and bounds as follows: Beginning al the Meander Corner to fractional Sections 1 and 6, Township 19 North Ranges 2 and 3 West. W.M.. and running thence North 71°30 ' East 21.06 chains, thence South 18°30 . East 5.60 chains: South 71°30 ' West 18.91 chains; Thence North 39°30 ` West 6.00 chains to the point of beginning. NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Friday the 26th day of April. 1963. at 10 o'clock in the Forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described property, or so much Lhereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, together with attorney's fees. interest, costs and in- creased costs in all amounting to the sum of Six Thousand. six hundred and seventy-six and no/100 Dollars ($6,676.- 00) Plus Advertising and Sheriff's Costs. Said sale will take place at the East door of the Court House at 4th and Pine in said County and State, and will be at public auction, for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder. Dated at Shelton. WaMl.. this 20th day ef March. 1963. D. S. CLARK Sheriff of said County By There Bassett Deputy 3/28-4/4-11-18-25 5 t To Late To Olassify FOR SALE--3-hed{'oom family-room suburban heine OU 2 acres 3 miles from town. Easy terms to qualified buyer capable of finishing and sav- ing $2.000. Call 426-4000 evenings. W 4/18 g'OR SALE--TD-6 International Bull- dozer, bludo, drum and cleariug teeth Call eveaings, 426-4000. W 4/18 lUST LISTED --Cute and cozy, well located on :t % acre Angleside View lot. This charming 2-bedl'oom home is in A- condition and it can be yours for only $6.750 with $1.000 down. Call Vinee Hindie at Mann Real Est:lte. for lucre inforutation. 426-6592. 4/18 7 i,--H-0-P.SE - Merc-ffr};-K-----tbTcl meter. 'ood condition. Used about 20 ]lours, $65 Phone 426-4711 S 4/18-5/2 3t F- SALE--195,q =Chev. pickup, 1959 Pontiac convertible both good condi- tion. Phone 426-6417. O 4/18 V'XN'iEE)LZIady for light house work, 1 ve in $100 per montb. Write Box B. c/o The Journal. 4/18-25 N-O-R--CE-washer and dryer, $200 for set or sell separate. Singer 320 power sewing machine $125, 120 in ])added work table $40. round dining table and 4 chairs $20. 426-2290. John Long, 728 Cota. L 4/18-25 FbrtN-T--One 3-bedroom unfur- nished house, electric heat. Also one 1-bedrooln pa,'tially furnished. Call 426-3198 m" 426-8452. Mc 4/18 tfn PLE metal laundry tub on casters $8. Also 9x12 grass rug" $12. both nearly new. Phone 426-8020. P 4/18 tfn I hd a l)icnic at t!ae Saturd'y afl ernoom' canle pot hwk. were: Cindy, Cheryl and Mike Hugh Laur. Bill & Rth ringert. Dan MeAuliffe. Larr Mitchell. Steve Weiteheldorfer. ful. sunny day a, real good die. THE SID their and Richard ney and Leslie wood. with them week. Mi Moore. ette Glaser, cnjoyed a home of Mrs. Cove. We all Mrs. Wilson back Harstine Wednesday a cation. The the only ones Sue, we hear, in long division. The Saeger ont of school we nnd and also Ed and were also on the back when day. Wanda Sunday through folks in Seattle and ready to grind" again. We are Capt. Bill Gortz from the hospit ing at home. home on an the marines, has Pahns, Calif. HARSTINE will meet Friday the hall. served after the Harstine Directors atte meeting in night At their board John for over 20 resignation the school year, seeing John in but realize he earned retireme Harlen JerrellS Yakima to for his Carlson. He day. We offer ily ,Our Herb Spahr on Point Wheelises of Doctors were ,: week home". The known to a month at the year. THE NELS had as their Mr. and Mrs. Graham. The Irvie dinner Seberings all of ning their Mrs. Gene The Archie ner were out working on THE IL A. a visit SaturdaY ter. Mai, garet Dan and pare Sunday the with the R. They had a Glasers from per with the Mr. and Mrs; to thank the : who sent the spray to their QUALITY USED € KilI BEL HOTORS, 0 CHRYSLER -- PLYMOUTH  S @ INTERNATIONAL TRUCK 707 SOUTH FIRST ST. '59 RAMBLER Amb. 4-dr. H.T. 48.60  Auto. trans., radio, heater Power steering and brakes. '59 CIEEYROLET Belair "6" 4-door sedan. Radio, heater 4,  automatic '59 CItEYROLET Parkwood Sta. Wag., auto. trans., rad., heater, pwr. steer, and brks. '58 RAMBLER American 2-dr. Sedan, heater, overdrive Good Transpc '54 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan '53 Cadillac 2-door Hardtop '53 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan '51 Pontiac 2-door Sedan '50 Buick 4-door Sedan '49 Pontiac 4-door Sedan '49 Plymouth 2-door Sedan