April 18, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 18, 1963 |
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18, 1963 SHELTeR--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", ShelLon. Washington PAGE 3
...... ' New Officers For
"What s Cooking" In Whose gltthen? /IShel-ToaGuild
ecipe avorites of County Residents Tea Orthopedic Guild was held
Usually kept quite
simple does
mean they can't be
is proven by June
for Pudding Cake.
Auditor's of-
She and her
, recently attended
Parents el senior
the all-night
and went
of the breakfast
their son, Geral,
this year
y, Jim 16.
L-gers live on island Lake
tmli yve it. I -- '
lea , the summer they
:tll!l- outside and snend as
; possible swi'mming
,38li::e winter June's
t0 a g and looking
with meat.
Corn, apple-
tuna on hot
and carrot sal-
Upside-down cake
[hili coil carne,
ter Sand, reg., wedg-
yding, milk.
!m'. ;:or turkey sand..
,, bro ted cheese salad,
lies, milk.
"Pctato s o u p,
d, grilled
If%kit Carrot and celery
fruit cup, milk.
'enamins from
00PP's Rexall
Phone 426-4642
JUNE RODGERS likes her recipe for Pudding Cake because it
just takes a minute to whip up. The pudding-like cake bottom is
topped with crunchy brown sugar and nuts. It is delicious served
with either whipped cream or ice cream.
1 egg beaten
Add 1 no. 2 can fruit cocktail
and juice
1 mile off highway on Cole Road
R " ppi
e 0ad Broiders $u y
It6ad Ph. 426-8224
i tsp. vanilla
Sift together:
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. soda
dash of salt
April 9 at the home of Mrs. Bev
Ndson with Mrs. Norma Carlson
as co-hostess.
An election of officers was held
for the coming year with the fol-
lowing results: President Mrs.
Rose Bye; wee pres.. Mrs. Lois
Tibbits: see.. Mrs. Lu Ann Gibson:
treas. Mrs. June Christensen.
The new officers will take over
their offices at the next meeting
which will be a potluck dinner
to be held May 6 at the home of
Mrs. Pearl Watkins.
It was reported the dance held
March 23 was a huge success anti
all proceeds were sent to the Mary
Bridge Children's hospital in Ta-
/t's A Date
Today, Thurs., April 18
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m.,
Memorial hall.
Bordeaux PTA. 7:30 p.m.. mul-
ti-purpose room.
ViTelcome Chapter No. 40. 12:30
p.m., sack luncheon Masonic tem-
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Mmg Tree Cafe.
Port comnqission's meeting, S
1.:.m.. courthouse.
Olympic League high school
baseball. North Mason vs. Shelton.
Loop Field, 3:50 p.m
Friday, April 19
Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild.
12:30 p.m. luncheon at the home
of Mrs Harold Nordeng.
VFW meeting, 8 p.m.. Memorial
Olympic League high school
track. Central KiLsap vs. Shelton,
Loop Field. 3:50 p.m.
Saturday, April 20
Drivers license examiner. 10
a.m. - 5 p.m.. police station.
VFW sponsored teenage dance.
9-12 p.m.. Memorial hall.
Sunday, April 21
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church of your choice.
Monday, April 22
Shelton Garden Club. 1:30 p.m.,
So cial Even ts
Phone 426.86 12
Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-442
home of Mrs. Gee. Brewer. St'.
Arid to first mixture. Pour into County commission's meeting ___,,
MRS. DOttlE PARSONS and Roy Mitchell were recently in-
stalled as Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron of the Order of
Eastern Star, Belfair Chapter No. 241. The beautiful public cer-
emony was held at the Belfair Masonic Temple, with many friends
and relatives in attendance.
greased baking dish. Cover with 1[ 10 a.rn. courthouse, WHITE GOLD AND AQUA SETTING
cup brown sugar mixed with lz Preliminary School Budget hcar-
cnp chopped nuts. Bake at 325 de- [ ing, 8 p.m., "Evergreen school. BELFAIR OES
grees for 50 rain. Serve with whip- Shelton Faculty Wives, 8 p.m.,
ped cream or ice cream, tServes 8) home of Mrs. B()b Dethlefs. The Belfair Masonic Temple gift table were Russell and Mil-
EDITORS NOTE: In nearly 3 Shelton General Hospital Aux- was eeenLly the scene of the {n- drcd K!sler. Mrs. Richard Gilbert
years of intmsdewing cooks and iliary coffee hour, 10:30 a.m. - 2 stallation of the new officers for t sang "Trees" to honor the newly
collecting recipes today's recipe p.m., home of Mrs. Dick Yacger. the Order of Eastern Star,, BeN installed Worthy Matron.
for Pudding Cake is the first one Mt. View PTA, 8 pan, at the fair Chapter No. 241. I Also present and deeply ira-
to be offered by two cooks, and school .... Being installed as Worthv Ms- I pressed, by the beauty, of the in-
oddly enough, toth in the same Tuesday, April 23 tron was Mrs Dollie Par sons stallahon, was Past Worthy Grand
weal<. Next week's cool<, Mrs. Hal:'- Kiwanis Club hmcheon, noon, while Roy Mitchell was installed l patro} tester Farrar ?. B{'eme!--
old Cramer, had planned to use it. Memorial hall.
She says iL is one used very often City commission's meeting, 2 as Worthy Patron I ton wno was aceompameu oy ms
ior her church dinners because of p.m., city hall. Other officers installed were: ' wife.
a-o qate matron Mrs Harve- After the installation, officer;
the ease with which it can be serv- Salvation Army truck in town. ,.s c " ' .... ' " ' ' "
ed, plus the fact that everyone Phone 426-656 'or leave at 325 Rice; associate patron, Merrill Is- and guests rehred to the dmmg
thinks it is delicious. No. 5th st. on" secretary Mrs Alice Pope; room where retresnmens were
Shelton Music Club, 8 p.m., treasurer, M'i's. Alice Rice con- served.
home of Mrs. A. W. Frank. ductress, Mrs. Ann Westberg: as- ............................
There is no true security for the XYednesday, April 24 soeiate conductress, Mrs. Richard _h, | IPI
individual except as he finds it in Drivers license examiner, 10 Gilbert: chaplain, Mrs. A. G. Pur- h .HDu =H
the security of all:--Edwn Mark- a.m. - 5 p.m., police station, dum. ,
ham. Thursday, April 25 Marshall, Mrs s. c. DeLeo00 or- Attend Oonfetence
Golden Age Club. 6 p.m. potluck ganist. Mrs. Lloyd Suhr: Adah. Seventy-five girls from Shelton
Memorial hall. MYs. Merrill Ison; Ruth Mrs. M. Junior high school attended the
Rotary Club luncheon noon
Ming Tree Cafe.
""=-EW I /
Shelton General ltospitai
Mr. and Mrs Frank H. Clark.
Route 3, Box 599, a boy, April i2.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rodgers,
Route 1. Box 98. a girl, April 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bostrom. Is-
land Lake Drive. a girl, April 16.
Lt. j.g. and Mrs. Peter E. Rcqua
nee Diana Young became the
parents of a baby boy April 7 in
Waipahu. Hawaii. Grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Young, Sr.,
Our Lady of the "Woods Guild
of St. Edward's Parish will hold
its 4th a]mual primrose sale this
Saturday at the Safeway store.
The primroses are purchased from
Springhill Farm at Gig Harbor.
Half the things that people do
not succeed in are through fear
of making the attempt.---James
D. MeKay; Esther. Mrs. William
Taylor: Martha. Mrs. Charles
Beck: Elects. Mrs. Tom Gibson:
warder. Mrs. Ethel Randall; sen-
tinal. John R. Huson.
The Installing Matron was Past
Matron Alice Pope assisted by
Mrs. Orville Kager. Junior Past
Matron, The Installing Chaplain
was Past Matron Levina Williams
and [he Installing Marshall was
Past Matron Mrs. Norman Ras-
nqussen. Mrs. Clinton Townsend
was the Installing Organist and
Past Patron Earl Anderson was
the Installing Patron.
The chapter room was decorated
in white and gold with aqua ac-
cents, the colors chosen' by the
Worthy Matron. Large white bas-
kets of golden forsythia, and daf-
fodils were in evidence throughout
the chapter room. Three large
white styrofoam circles, each cen-
tered with a white Bible inscrib-
ed by the Worthy Matron's motto,
"Faith. Hope and Charity" were
set in a blanket of aquamarine
net and nylon at the base of the
Worthy Matron's station. In the
West was another Bible inscribed
with "Loyality". the Worthy Ma-
tron's watchword for the year.
lV[ary Jane Lewis of Bremerton
sang several selections. The pro-
grams were passed by Becky
Ward and Cindy Armstrong, nei-
ces of the Worthy Matron and
Girls' League Conference held in
the Miller Junior high at Aber-
deen March 30.
Shelton girls presented a Skit
on "Conservation of Natural Re-
sources". Mary Connolly, Shelton.
was the conference secretary at
this meeting.
The delegation from Shelton was
accompanied by Mrs. Norman
Remme. the girls' advisor.
Bonnie Funk. daugtater of Mr.
and Mrs. James S. Funk. ShelLon.
was one of 20 University of Wash-
ington coeds tapped for member-
ship in Mortar Board, senior
v¢oraen's honorary, at a recent
meeting. Membership is in recog-
nition of outstanding scholarship
and leadership service.
The Shelton General Hospital
Auxiliary will hold a coffee hour
from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. next
Monday at the home of Mrs. Dick
Yaeger on the Allyn road.
Admission will be a gift dona-
tion for the hospital showcase.
The Catholic Youth Organiza-
tion will sponsor a teenage dance
from 9-12 p.m. this Friday at. the
The annual Crusade for Strings
program was presented at the
April meeting of the Pizzicato
Club. The "Crusade" prograras
are a project of the National Fed-
eration of Music Clubs and are de-
signed to stimulate greater inter-
est in the playing of stringed in,
Guest speaker of the evening
was Mrs. Oliver Ashford who pre-
sented an interesting program in
which she described the members
of the stringed-instrument family.
Special emphasis was given to
the cello which is her instrument.
Mrs. Ashford's performance of
Bach's Arioso demonstrated the
points concerning cello tone. range
and technique that she had spo-
ken of earlier in the evening.
Club members enjo'yed the many
little anecdotes Mrs. Ashford told
concerning her experiences as a
cello player.
During the business session re-
Iorts on the Washington State
Federation of Music Clubs Junior
Day convention held in Seattle
March 30 were given by Diane
Frank and Cathy Seth. The club's
award winning achievement rec-
ord book was displayed.
The recording chosen ¢or this
month's addition to club members
"listening" repertoire was Tchai-
kowsky's Piano Concerto No. L
Hostess for the evening was
Vicki Valley. She as assisted by
Connie Cheney.
Shelton Faculty Wives will meet
at the home of Mrs. Bob Dethlefs
next Monday. Mrs. Irving Vick will
be co-hoste.
Mrs. Jane rindsor will speak.
There will be a meeting of the
Shelton Garden Club next Monday
at the home of Mrs. George Brew-
er, St. All members desiring trans-
portation are to meet at I p.m
at the Episcopal church parking
Want Ads Pay Off
Two social events are on the
calendar for the Pizzicato Club
within the next few weeks. A
progressive dinner is slated for
this Saturday evening with re-
freshments being served in the
homes of Cheryl Scott, Judy and
Diane Antonsen Linda Barrom
and Diane Frank.
During National Music Week
i (May 5-12) a musical tea will be
presented for the m0tbcrs and
friends of club members.
Bordeaux PTA will meet at 8
p.m. tonight in the multi-pro'pose
room st the school. Election of
officers will be held.
The group will vote on a pro-
ject for spending of accumulated
money. Members must be present
to vote.
Why Not --
We're selling the best tiller
available anywhere, Let us give
you a demonstration on your
ground to prove it.
Cooke's Feed
& Hdwe.
219 So. 1st St. 426-2412
Private -- Confidential -- Economical
Your Privacy our first concern
Cheerful Service
Emergency Air and Communication
Wide choice of Boxes
$5.00 Yearly (plus tax, key, deposit)
Shelton Branch
Thurston County Federal
Savings & Loan Association
Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 by the F.S.L.hC.
9 A,M, 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday
10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays
Home Office Branch Office
5th & Capitol Way lid 313 Railroad Ave.
Olympia, Wash. Shelton, Wash.
DAY APRIL 22, 1963
Hours -- G p,m,
Emily Kister, neice of the Worthy
Patron. The guest book was pass-
ed b Jody Ward. In charge of the
IWA hall. Music will be by the
Jayvees of Bremerton
Admission charge will be $1.
• Private, Confidential, Economical
Aid Center is a branch of the oldest hearing aid company in the Northwest.
New Audiphone Company which has been doing business in Seattle for the ' '
mrs, servicing the hard-of-hearing. Our highly skilled staff will now be
Cot Street, Shelton. Washington. The electronic hearing aids that we ° Rocker
=n Your area will be the finest that there is to be had for your help. The follow-
eS, the brands of merchandise we will have:
g Aids are licensed under patents of American Telephone and Telegraph
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W°-year unconditional guaran tee, and has its own power unit, so thatyou
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"A Joy to Hear" "A Thrill to Wear".
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"- 12 Transistors
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Where nothing else will work.
(15% Discount Opening Week Only)
100% Nylon Cover
" Storage compartment in sofabed
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" Aqua, Beige, or Brown in stock,
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ONLY $8.00 down and $8.00 per month
Oisen Furniture Company
328 Cota Street
Phone 426-4702