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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.PAGE 4 ii, i ul itlfl i nit] i t i ! ,,, ....,. ,... , , , _ HELTON--MASON ul t COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Uhristmastown, U.g.A.', Shelton, Washington Thur City Eliminates Most O[ Angle Parking Hem Thc Shellon City Commission] Tuesday approved the removal of ngle parking cm all city streets excepl in ft'ont of ShelLon Gen- eral Hospital. The action was taken after a suggestion from Police Chief Paul Hinlon lasl week Hinhm told tile commissioners Tuesday ho had checked with the property owners iuvolved and that t h e y had ag'eed to the removal of angle parking. The commission set ]] a.m. I April 29 for the opening of bids J for a '-ton pickup for ti'le Fire Department. The appointment of the city ecrealion committee of Bernard Bailey anti Mrs. AI LaBisstonlere. hold-over members and Mrs. Cliff Starkey, Smny Lowe and Jim Doherty were made by Mayo]." Frank Travis. Jr. The commission authorized City Engineer Pat Byrne to prepare ptans and specifications for bids ,m the removal of the parking strip and widening of Pine Street hetween Third and Fourth Streets. widening the radius at the inter- sections of First and Cote Strects and Fifth Street at Alder and lgirch and the repair of about lq/2 blocks of sidewalk on First Street runmng ahmg Kneeland Park. The eye is the window of the soul: the intellect and will are seen ]1] it. Hiram Powers. O MAKING MAY WEDDING PLANS [M Cross Fund Drive Gets s1,817 O The 1963 Red Cross campaign for members and funds in Mason County is 99 percent complete with 585 members registered and 1.817.37 in funds deposited at this point. More than 100 Mason County residents were involved in the ::ampaign this year including {'he followin2; people whose names did I:ot appear in prior publications: M]s. Donald Brown. a. M. Taylor, Mrs. John Denison. Roy Asieson. Mrs. C. Roberson. Mrs. J. \\;V. 51hm'tsleeves. Mrs. David Carstairs. ?,{rs. L. A. Sandvig, Francis Wright. Mrs. Ray Sehweitering, Mrs. Gemgia Miller. W. Gerald Byrne. Walt Clayton. Jr.. Julius qtoek. Roy Castle. John Ragan, a, nne Simpson. Mrs. E. L. Mclnel- 'v. Peter Piller. Ken \\;Volden. Phil Durand. Phil Murphy, Mrs. Glenn orrea Mrs. Fred Snelgrove. Mrs. E A. Stewart. Mrs. Gunner Sjo- holm. Mrs. Thomas Gibson Mrs. lZiehard Angle, Mrs. Robert Tan- her. Mrs. R. E Miller. Mrs. Lester Ioslin. Mrs. Leroy Milieu,. Mrs. \\;Falter Marble. Mrs. Gene White nd Miss Kay Hillesland. New members registered this year are encouraged to attend the annual meeting scheduled for next December at which time the bud- get for the next year wilt be determined for Mason County. Fund drive Chairman Bob Tan- ner aclmowledges with thanks the financial and moral support given by the residents of Mason County. EXCHANGE RINGS AND VOWS MRS. LEWIS E. CALLANAN announces the marriage of her daughter, Faye Erline, to Mr. Clifford Linn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Linn, Shelton, on April 13. The evening wedding took place Any person who did not have an in the First Methodist church with Rev. Robert Rings officiating opportunity t0 make a contribu- at the double ring ceremony• A reception followed at the home of MR. AND MRS• JOHN E. REBMAN, Union, announce the engage- tion earlier may mail it to Ameri- the bride's mother for relatives and close friends. The bridegroom ment of their daughter, Joan Elaine, to Gerald Allen Rohr, son of can Red Cross, Shelton, Washing- is employed by Simpson Timber Co• Following a honeymoon in Mrs. Betty Crook, Olympia. Both young people are graduates of ton--Attention: Treasurer. Canada the couple will make a home in Shelton. Irene S. Reed high school. The bride-elect is employed by the De- partment of Natural Resources• Her future benedict is employed ve-r-- C-["b- P -s o- fiy-o00n by J. Hofert Christmas Tree Co• A May 31 wedding is being planned. J0urn-ai Ads Pali A00N00FOU,00(continuea 1:rom page l/ Attend lambor, ee, Have Trail Ride Meeting Held fellows with the dogs deserve a By Mrs• Ray iiratcha pans and size to use for baking. NEW YORK, Shareowners at- Electric Home Heating 0 Clean As Electric Light The cleanest way to heat your home is with built-in ELECTRIC home heatingthe modern system that cre- ates heat instantly, silently, automatically. Electric heat is as clean as electric light--and as safe and silent, too. O lot of credit. In the daylight those searching on foot would have found him, but. in the dark the dogs were what was needed". Sheriff D. S. Sam) Clark who directed the operation expressed thanks to all the vohmteers who assisted and especially to the other counties which sent their search and rescue units. Conservation Tour & Students Planned Friday Mason Colmtv sixth graders will get a look at" the methods used [0 conserve Olll forest resources when thev go on the annual Con- servation Day Field Tour Friday. The youngsters are taken by bus to the Panh-tndle Lake Tree Farm. owned by the Mason and Grays flarbo 4-H Groups. They will be conducted on the tour by forest, soils, water and wildlife conservation experts. Francis Wright district admin- istrator for the Department of Natural Resources in Shelton. is chairman of the group planning the tour. April 22 and 26 have been se- lected as alternate dates in ease of bad weather Friday. County To Purchase Loader For 'Road Depadment Work The Mason County Commission set II:30 a.m. April 29 as the time for opening bids on a front end loader for the county road depart- ment A petition from George Matson and Randall Updike to vacate about 250 feet of First Street in Union was received. The commis- sion set 11 a.m. May 13 as the time fo ra-hearing on the vication C. B. Coselman presented a plat for additional area in Paradise Shores Estates and the commission set 2 p.m. April 29 as the time for a hearing on the proposed plat. No one appeared at a hearin K on the relocation of North Shore Road at 11 a.m. Monday. SOUTHSIDE.---Silver Star Rid- ing Club met at the George Mag- nett residence recently. Carolyn Brewer is a new member, wel- comed into the Silver Star Club. The Riding Club zs going to at- tend the Pacific Zone Jamboree on April 24, and the club has a trail ride scheduled for April 27. starting at 12:30 p.m. The ride will be around fifteen miles mini- mum and anyone may enter for the trail ride and they will qualify for points to enter in the trophy. The riding club will practice for the parade on May 5. and are going to attend the parade in Olympia on May ]1. A new addi- tion to the George Magnett resi- dence is a little filly named Becky. The next event of the Silver Star Riding Club is looking forward to the Mason Connty Forest Festival. Vernon Stuck. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck of Cole road re- enlisted in the Navy for six years. Vernon will be aboard the U.S.S. Point Defiance. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stuck who have been liv- ing in Bremerton. left Tuesday for California. VISITORS OF 1)IR. AND MILS. Harry Newman last Monday were theic daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Robertson Jan and Randy of Monroe. Mill Creek VChat Nots 4-H club members met at the home of Lawrie Craig. Members gave the flag salute, pledge, roll call was taken and minutes read. The club discussed new business and also discussed the food sale for April 13. Dorothy Gunter gave a demon- stration on home beautification, on how to arrange flowers. Theresa LaChance's project is cooking and Theresa gave a demonstration on how to sift flour properly, and Vicki LaChance's project is "let's bake" and Vicki told of the proper The next meeting will be held at Simpson's next week. The meet- ]ng was adjourned and Lawrie Craig lserved refreshments, b'e- ported Lawrie. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sehuffenhuver and family Tuesday evening were Eva Getty, Martin Brownfield and Mike. Mrs. Sehuf- fenhauver had a birthday cake for Eva Getty's birthday which was Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newman last Tuesday visited Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Miller and family of Port Angeles. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck of Cole road Saturday were grandson. Mr. and Mrs. John Hub- bard and family of Silverdale. John Hubbard recently returned from Okinawa and the Hubbards are leaving for Peteluma, Calif. BIRTIII)AY GUESTS of Mr. and Mrs Verne Schuffenhauer and family Thursday evening were Mrs. Effie Brownfield, Martin Brownfield and Mike, Eva Getty, Pearl Brownfield and Keith Satter- waite. They all helped Mr. Shuf- lCnhauer celebrate his birthday. Surprise guests of Mr'. and Mrs. Harry Newman Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. William Blogett and family of White Swan. The Blogett's were overnight guests of the Newnlans. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stuck and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Schuffen- bauer and family were Easter din- net' guests of Mrs. Effie Brown- field of Kamilche. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Janiee, Easter Sun- day, were Mr. John Kratcha, Jr., David and Kathy of Bremerton, Dolly Clark of Bremerton and Dan Cormier. tending Rayonier Ineorporated's annual meeting here at the Wal- dorf-Astoria Hotel heard that the chemical cellulose producer's bus- iness prospects for 1963 are fa- vorable, with first quarter earn- ings exceeding • the like 1962 period but somewhat below last year's final period. However, Russell F. Erickson, president and chief ex- ecutive officer, declared that he believed the company will produce and sell more chemical cellulose and paper-making pulp than in 1962. Erickson reported net sales of 833,751,089 for the first three months of this year. Although this was below the $34,593,968 for the like 1962 quarter, earnings rose to $2,675,619 or 44 cents per ahare as compared with $2,252,620 equal to 37 cents pet' share for the same quarter of the previous year. Junior High Concert Planned This Friday night, April 19, the Annual Spring Concert will be held at the Shelton Junior High Audi- torium. More than 150 junior high students will participate. The Mixed Chorus, under the direction of Pat Havens, and the Advanced Band, under the direction of Gary N. Nicloy, will be featured. Both groups will feature music they performed at the Southwest Music i Contest two weeks ago, along with -a variety of interesting music. Tickets may be purchased from any music student or at the door. Price is 50c for adults and 25c for students. The time is 8 p.m. at the Shelton Junior High Auditor- ium, April 19. With warmth-by-wire, there's no fuel, no storage requirements, no flue, no fumes--just the even warmth that you can control, room by room, with individual thermostats. Your walls, your draperies, carpets and furniture will stay clean longer. Ask for the facts about the home heating system of tomorrow that's here todayclean, quiet, comfortable electric heat. t t o I///z Hml00:t**crR+c00zr 5tttltliBW'00 MASON P.U.D. NO. 3 JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, vice president; ED TAYLOR, secretary JERRY SAMPLES, manager LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY II J ' i i I CHICKEN DINNNERS 3 Choice pieces  fries - salad - roll * Crazy Eric's * Soft Cones 5¢ * Crazy Eric's * Grazy Eric's DriveIn - 1st & Alder A MOTHER'S MEMORIES • . . her greatest joys! Mothers are the nicest people • . • so warm and Sweet and giving! So busy being mothers there's little time to enjoy it until children are grown and gone. That's when mothers really apprecite fine professional portraits of children and grandchildren. RIGHT NOW . . . Dean will photogaph any Mother's Child (or children) and she will reap the benefit of his "2 SITTINGS FOR THE PRICE OF 1" sale. You pay for sitting of a group, Dean will photograph any other two without charge. You pay for sitting of 1st child, Dean will pay for sitting of 2nd child. Phone NOW for an appointment - 426-3272 DEAN'S SPRING SPECIAL will be available for a limited time only. (pd. adv.) What's Doing Among Our SERVICEMEN Victor M. Otto, fireman, USN, of Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Otto helton, is serving aboard the dock landing st]ip USS Spiegel Grove, I currently embarked on a "people-[ to-people" goodwill cruise in the South Atlantic. The ship was in Freetown, Sierra John D. Bert, Leone, Africa, early in March. In been conunissioned the two and one half days spent at Freetown, the Spiegel Grove's officers and crewmen renovated the interior of a school, deliveyed books and other needed materials to worttlwhile foreign organiza- tions and welcomed approximately 1,900 visitors aboard the ship. Army Pvt. David A. Replinger, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. tenant in the Force upon ricer Training AFB, Texas. Lieut. letted for the through with other college being reassigned N.]V[:, as a The lieutenant Replinger, Shelton, was assigned gree in to the 82d Airborne Division at from the Fort Bragg, N. C., April 2. ton. iNs parents Replinger, a cannoneer, was last Mrs. Jolm D. stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. He entered the Army in August 1962 and completed basic training at Fort Ord, Calif. Marine Lance Corporal Mitchell April 10 ................ J. McAuliffe, son of Mr. and Mrs. April 11 ................ J. A. MeAuliffe, Sh,elton, is serv- April 12 ................ ing with Marine Aircraft Group 16, based at Marine Corps Air Fa- April 13 ................ cility, Futema, Okinawa. He re- April 14 ................ ported March 28, and has been as- April 15 ................ signed duties as an Electrician. April 16 ................ : f 0 / *\\; The bride sent At Point wedding Make your wedding a success too--send Art ding invitations; yott will be so glad go= did, .... Come in tad set the €omplete selection vitations and wedding accessories styled for yot Point Studios, "The House of Weddings." $t4.95 for 100 and up; double extra charge. .f reel with O € Virg|n|t booklet. Ask for iou= €opt All our floor models of TAPPAN and GIBSON RANGES MUST Io make room for new merchandise coming in. YOU S AT these ROGK.BOTTOM ThoCro 'R .... ........... This lovely Ultra one LADY G The top-of-the-line model no rmallyi $49g with trade. SLASHED TO $' • Double oven capacity in 30 • 3 high-speed surface units. • 1 high-speed thermatic unit. GIBSON ULTRA 40 inch range -- stripped down SPECIAL -- $' Slightly scratched (you have see it) from demonstrating. TAPPAN EAB-4 SPECIAL -- $' LEM WARREN Sales -- 127 So. 2nd St. -- "It's The Service After the Sale That Count