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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, pril 18, 1963 SHELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAI5 Published in "Christmastown, U,S.A.", Shelton, Washington Temperatures will average below normal for the next five days with highs in the 50's and lows in the 30's and low 40's. Precipitation will be moderate ;__11111111111111111111111111111111 Lowland Lake Fish=hE Season Opens Sunday; RIG BASS. CUTTHROAT "Wold, hogged the headlines with FEATURE FISHING NEWS their catches. T. V. weighed it] a Mason County Waters Hold Bright Prospects Fishermen--man your boats! Opening of the lowland lake trout fishing season next Sunday is expected to find a horde of angl- ers swarming onto Mason County's dozens  of good fishing lakes with bright prospects for excellent catches. Only a mean weatherman--who has been mighty mean of late--- stands in the way, for the fish are there, as the 1962 trout plant- ing record attached hereto strongly suggests What anglers want from Lhe weatherman is a mild. cloudy day with just enough breeze to ripple the ,surface. The State Game Department lists the following information about Mason County lakes which will be among those open Sunday for the summer fishing season: BENSON 82 acres, should be LOST---127 acres, will be fair for rainbow 8-9 inches long and silver salmon in the same size class. MAGGIE 25 acres, is a very sterile piece of water and the fish are small averaging about 7½ inches, NAHWATZEL 269 acres, should be good this year for rain- bow in the 8-9 inch class. Some larger trout are also present. PHILLIPS--117 acres, should be very good for rainbow in the 7-8 inch class. SPENCER--230 acres, was one of our more heavily fished lakes last season, so few carryovers are present. However, lake should be excellent for trout 8-9 inches long. TEE--47 acres, should be fair for rainbow 8-12 inches long. TRAILS END--74 acres, will be Following is a list of fry plants mRde in 1962 and the legal rainbow plants of tllis spring in Mason County waters. This should approximate the numbers of fish available to the fisher- men this opening day, the Game De- partment says. Aldrich, 5.000 rb. 1.000 lg. Armstrong, 5 088 EB. Bennetson. 29.400 st. Benson, 37.809 rb. 6,000 lg, Bingham. BP. 2.112 st. 1932 ct £. Blacksmith. 1,000 lg rb, Cable Pond. 2.100 ct. Cady, 5,000 rb. 1.000 lg. Carson. 2 968 laB. Cloquallum. BP. 4,400 EB. Clara. 5.000 rb. 1,000 lg. Collins. 4.947 rb. Cushman. 1,829.940 sl. Cushman, 302,742 rb. Deer Cr.. BP. 1.080 EB, Deer Cr. 2,112 st, Devereaux. 66.970 rb. 15,000 "lg. Dry Bed. 8,056 EB. Dry Creek. BP, 3,000 eL. Elk. 4.215 st. Emmons. 2,968 EB. Frigid Cr.. BP. 914 et. Gibbons Cr., BP. 2.742 ct. Goldsborough, BP. 828 EB, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I =-I Clark'i Gardner Rack 600 Counts -5 TEAHS IN 2-GAME MAJOR LEAGUE half title .seeks Timber Bow1 ............... 24 18 half 1oo in its Northwest Evergreen _.23.,:: 18½ LaBissoniere and Salmon took a back-seat to two finny cousins in the fish family news this week. T. V. Dunning and a vacation- ing visitor to these parts. Gordy Mayfield Dam Lake To Be Exceptional Recreational Area 3-lb. searun cutthroat Laken off Miller's Point in the bay Satur- day while Gordy boated a 4L/-]b. smallmouth bass out of Lake isa- bella Lhe same day. Salmon activity was good, how- ever. Los Todd and AI Butler. fish- ing together, each limited on Hood Canal blackmouth (all small), dur- ing a Tuesday cruise last week. and Virg Morgan had another limit Sunday (4-12, 3-2 and 2-10 fol- lowing a pair taken earlier in the week on one Lrip at 4-4 and 2-0. Ken Fox was another tak- ing a limit, off Bald Point run- ning to 5 lbs. Monday. The week's weightiest fish went to Virg Johnson at 6-12. taken off Harstine Island Tuesday, the only non-canal catch reported The father-son combo of Ed and Stan Osterberg had three Satur- day with Dad being outfished when Stan not only came up with l he odd fish but also the biggest Development of Mayfield Lake as a recreational center will be another step in Tacoma City Light's continuing policy of power and recreation working together. Here are some of the previous milestones in City Light's park and playground and fish deveL- opment program: Assisted financially in Lhe con- struction of five different fish hatcheries Green River Puyal- lup Maplewood Springs South Ta- coma, Mossyrock and George N. Adams in Mason County. LaBissoniere Agency .... 23 19 Dan's Nite Hawks ........ 22 %2 191/ Jim Pauley, Inc ........... 22 20 Olson's B&B Shop ........ ii 31 High game- -Lloyd Clark 228. High series--Lloyd Clark 631, Dick Gardner 600. Lloyd Clark and Dick Gardner fired the loud salvos on the indi- vidual front Friday in i,:lor league bowling play, but Lhe boom each other's green is paired the only team nmg. TIGHT FINISlt JUt00|OR PiN JUNIOI Angle Agency Jim Pa,uley, Inc. rowe, ca on North- Hembroff AgenvY west Evergreen had a far more Joslin Insurance telling effect. I Bloomfield Logging " Clark banged a 631 series (201- Beckwith Jewelry 228-202) and Gardner hit the The Hut magm mark right on the Snout High series with 192-213-'195 games, but the High game Pauley performance had the le;eel- --'-' ing effect of jamming five of the Angle Agency six league teams within a two- 503): squeezed t game spread as the circuit heads I into the final night of play this Friday: Lionel Leman led the Pauley's to a whitewash win over the brush-pickers and that knocked them out of first place. Timber Bowl ,Glen Roessel 590) took over by a half game despite a 2-1 de- feat at the hands of Gardner and his Dan's Site Hawks. who pulled ior Bowling League on a 2-2 split with ance. taking a half Hembroff A 543); 3-1 loser to ging Company as inLo its last Saturday. Several fine marked Kneeland hitting Most likely occuring Thursday and Friday and again Sunday or Monday. You'll Be Comfortable with Shell Modern Heat GOTT OIL GO. BAYSHORE ROAD - 426-3322 very good for rainbow 8-9 inches long. CUSHMAN Experienced a very poor season last year be- cause of the abnormal drawdown on the lake, should be better this summer. Lake contains silver trout, cutthroat, Dolly Varden, rainbow and spinyrays. DEVEREAUX--94 acres, should again be good for rainbow 8-9 inches in length. HAVEN--69 acres, will provide excellent fishing for rainbow 9-10 inches long. It also holds some large cutthroat, HELLO, SPORISMEII! as Ihe NEW 0WHERrS of WlNGARD'S SPORT SHOP... WE'D ENJOY VERY MUCH THE PRIVILEGE OF MAKING YOUR ACQUAINTANCE AND INVITE YOU TO STOP IN TO SEE OUR WIDE VARIETY OF TROUT FISHING SUPPLIES AS YOU GET READY FOR NEXT SUNDAY'S OPENING! Farnum and Lilly Loilz very good for rainbow 8 inches long. A few fish to 13 inches are present. WOOTEN68 acres, holds a good population of rainbow in Lhe 8-9 inch class. A few larger fish are present. Lake should be very good. A number of smaller lakes throughout the county are planted anmmlty and are excellent early in Lhe season. A few of these are Aldrich, Blacksmith. Cady, Clara, Prices, Robbins. Stoves, Trask, Twin, "U", Wildberry and Wood. Aldrich and Clara lakes have newly developed access areas this season, so there should be no park- ing problem. PREP TRACK RESULTS West 60, East 31 Elms 79. Raymond 56, Montesano 13 Aberdeen 761/2, Fort Vancouver 45, Centralia 26/fi Central Kitsap 74, East 52 North ThursLon 103 3/4 White River 22 / PREP BASEBALL SCORES Ehna 11. Montesano 5 FIoquiam 3, Long 0 Olympia 4, Aberdeen 3 North Thurston 2. Montesano 0 Grays Harbor College 6, Monte- sano 1 Hoquiam 7-3. North Thurston 4-5 Ferndale 12-9, Port Townsend 1-2 ........ I[ THEY'RE NOT HOME TODAY MORE THAN 19 MILLION WOMEN ARE WORKING AWAY FROM HOME TODAY AND CANNOT BE REACHED BY DAYTIME TV OR RADIO. BUT THEY WILL BE REACHED BY THE NEWSPA- . PERS. MOREOVER, HUNDREDS OF MASON COUNTY NEWS EVENTS ARE NEVER BROADCAST ON RADIO OR TV, OR PUBLISHED BY ANY OTHER NEWSPAPER BUT THE . . . / SHELTON-MASON COUHTY JOURNAL i The PRINTED WORD as it appears in the Journal is MORE RELIABLE than the spoken word and it cannot be refuted because it's more easily available for re- checking. More accurate information is obtained by READING than by listening. The spoken word lasts but a second -- THE PRINTED WORD IS ETERNAL. /[ I' il Grass. 1.250 rb. Harems Harems. 5.000 lg rb. Hanks, 8.100 rb. Haven. 44,835 rb. 10.000 Ig. Howell. 4.947 rb, Isabella. 14,520 EB, 35.910 st f Johns Cr,, BP. 4,337 EB. 4,392 rb f. Larson. 4.947 rb. Little. Island. 2,968 EB. Lost, 49,600 rb. 20,800 ss f. Lost 15.000 Ig rb. Maggie, 7.500 rb, 5.000 lg. May, 5.320 EB. Mill Cr.. BP, 2.664 EB. Miller Marsh. 2,100 ct. Mud Lakes. 2.968 EB. Nahwatzel 50,000 EB 20.000 lg rb. Nalley Pond, 1.552 ct. Rigger Slough, 1.250 rb. Panhandle. 8.430 st. Phillips, 62,300 rb, 10,000 lg, Prices. 37.440 EB. 5,000 lg rb. Robbins. 5,000 rb. 1.000 lg. Richert Pond. 2.100 ct. ]Rose. 1.998 EB. Shoe, 4,947 rb. Spencer, 225,187 rb, 20.000 lg. Spider, 5,920 EB. Steres. 3,000 rb. Tahuya, BP, 4,250 ct. Tee. 30,780 rb. 8.000 lg. Tenas, 5.920 EB. Trails End. 17.568 rb. 5,000 lg. Trask 6,000 lg rb. Twin. 6:402 rb, 4.000 lg. U. 5,000 rb. 1.000 lg. Wildberry. 5,000 rb. 1.000 lg. Wood, 5.000 1.000 lg. Wooten. 30,000 rb. 12,000 lg. Legend: lg--legal, rb--rainbow, st-- steelhead, ss--silver salmon. EB--East- ern Brook ct--cutthroat (f-fry). sl-- silver trout. Unless otherwise identi- fied. all legal fish are rainbow. R01]ERTSON'S 621 rGLOSES SEASON SIMPSON MEN'S LEAGUE (final 2nd half) W IJ Engineers ........................ 38 18 Mill 2 ................................ 36 20 Railroad .......................... 36 20 Mill 1 ................................ 30½ 25/ Loggers ............................ 29 27 Loaders ............................ 211& 34 V2 Shops ................................ 2I 35 Insulating Board .......... 12 44 High games - Glen Robertson 256. Glen Laugen 223, Aub Block- berger 221 John Lund 220 High series Glen Robertson 621. Glen Robertson produced a time- ly and telling finale to the Simp- son men's league season last week when his 621 series enabled the Engineers Lo capture a pennant- clinching 3-1 victory over Insulat- ing Board .(Gone Tucker 496). The triumph held the Engineers out of reach of challenging Mill 2 [John Lund 548), which finished with a 2-2 draw with Railroad tStan Ahlquist 576), two games behind the champs, Since the Engineers also won Lhe first half crown there will be no play-off and the post-season awards banquet will be held this evening at 7 o'clock at Ritner's Broiler. The other finales gave Mill 1 iGlen Laugen 568) a 3½-½ suc- cess over the Loaders (Jim Sim- mons 558) and the Loggers (Norm Castle 526) a 3-1 verdict over Shops (Roy Petty 526). MERCHANTS LEAGUE W L Bill's Shell Service ........ 35 17 Prepp's Rexall Store .... 31½ 20½ Kimbel Motors .............. 26 26 TimJer Appliance ........ 26 26 Olympic Plywood ........ 24 28 ThursLon S & L ............ 24 28 Ralph's Serve-U ........... 23 29 Old Mill Tavern : .......... 20½ 31½ High game -- 3ira Baxter 211 High series -- Jim Baxter 591, SIMPSON WOMEN W L Research .......................... 36½ 23½ Lumber .......................... 36 24 Olympic Plywood ........ 36 24 Accounting .................... 31 29 Loggers ............................ 29/ 30½ Purchasing ...................... 25 35 Engineering .................... 24 36 Insulating Board .......... 22 38 High games -- Betty Olson 223, June Loving 211, Phyl Ziegler 201 High series Phyl Ziegler 590 Split pick -- Jane White 8-10 WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL Gott's Oilerettes ................ 41 19 Timber Bowl .................... 35 25 Bill's Shell Service ............ 34 26 'Allyn Shell Service ............ 31 29 Darigold .............................. 31 29 Eells & Valley .................... 26 34 Ming Tree Cafe ................. 22 38 Richfield Oil ..................... 20 40 High game Joan Sowers 212. High series---Ann Cole 536. Split picks--Phyllis Collins 5-6- 10, Bern Nelson 4-6. RAYONIER RESEARCH Silva Foxes ................... 40½ 19½ Maintenance .................... 37 23 Acetate Aces .................. 33 27 Rayonettes ...................... 32 28 Pin Curlers .................... 29 31 Water Boys .................... 28 22 Wood Birds .................... 23½ 36½ Four Fowlers .................. 17 43 High games--Jan Chase 172, Jess Tobler 210, High series--Marj Waters 460, Don Lund 551. LAKE CUSHMAN, created by Cushman Dam No. 1 and many times larger than the original nat- ural lake, attracts as many as 2,000 fishermen each week during the season and is recognized by the State Game Department as one of Lhe finest fishing lakes in the state. In cooperation with Eatonville Sportsmen's Club, Tacoma City Light built a freeboat-launching area and pmnic grounds at Alder Lake. Improvements have been made during the past winter. Tacoma City Light has provid- ed over10 250 acres of lake area for recreation behind Cushmaa, Alder and Mayfield Dams. PROVIDED MORE than 500 acres of land for Lake Cushman State Park, which is being devel- oped by the State Parks Com- mission. Invested approximately $500,- 000 to clear and beautify Alder Lake on the Tacoma Mount Rainier Highway and Lake Cush- man. north of Shelton, City Light provided over $200,- 000 for State Fisheries and Game Departments and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for fish research and is assisting the University of Washington in a fish breeding program, pioneered by Dr. Lauren Donaldson. at a neat 6A lbs, Steve and BobIwith in 1½ games of the top rung. Herrick each hit with 2½ and 5½ [ LaEissoniere Agency (Bob pounders respectively while old re- I Wuench 558) is only one game liable Charlie Dahlman nabbed a away after offsetting Clark's pin- 5-0 Saturday. VINGARD'S SPORT SHOP UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Sale of Wingard's Sport Shop to Farnum and Millie Loitz, former • Sheltonians who have recently re- turned from several years in Alaska. was completed last week. The HoodsporL Marina, also owned by MerriLt and Verda Win- gard, was not involved in the transaction, only the sporting goods store on Mt. View. 2:00 P.M. BANTAMS (Final) W L Jay Birds ........................ 53 25 Lumbermens Merc ........ 43½ 34½ Willour Insurance ........ 42 36 V.F.W. Auxiliary ............ 35½ 42½ High game --- Don Purvis 121. High series -- Bill Besch 233. Sue Speeee increased her aver- age 32 pins during the season and earned the .trophy as most im- proved bowler in the 2:00 o'clock Bantam bowling league. David Graffe had the best single game at 158, Randy Stanley the top ser- ies at 290. edge teammate banged a pair Robinson onee. dulled his chance work for an odcl-game victory over Beckwith Jewelry Olson's Barber & Beauty Shop. inson 427) and In tomorrow mght's finale Tim- Wilson 401) ber Bowl. which won the first match. f, fOM£Ll'rlE Don't be a Gas Pure • cuts gasar half • As IiZtle as $9,00 GOLF CLUB CALENDAR CLIMBERS LOSE OPENER Port Angeles spoiled Shelton's Olympic league high schol golf inaugural Monday by claiming a 90-80 victory on the Bayshore links as Bob Jeffery, No. 2 Climb- er linksman, was the oniy home swinger to best his opponent. Bob Walker shoL an 80 to turn in the besL Climber card in his No. 1 spot buL ran up against a par-matching 72 banged by his rival. The match was played on a point basis rather than straight match play. Two earlier non- league practice matches, played on match basis ,resulted in victories for Raymond by 9-7 and St. Mar- tins by 11-4. Next Tuesday the Climbers g'o to Central Kitsap and next Thurs- day Port Townsend comes here for Olympic pairings. Monday's scoring: Port Angeles _90] Shelton ............ 80 Dunlap 72 ...... 36 Walker 80 ........ 28 Zaccardo 93 ..15 Jeffery 87 ........ 21 Hargr'ves 100 12t Donahoe 105 ..11 Schuller 92 .... 17 T. Fredson 97 ..13 Jaeger 104 ...... 10: G.Holt 111 .... 7 POTLUCK DUE SATURDAY A potluck dinner this Saturday night at the Bayshore clubhouse will be next social event on the calendar for members of the Shel- ton Golf Club. Social hour starts at 6:30 with dinner scheduled at 7:00 and a game program following. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Rowe and Dr. and Mrs. Hal Nordeng are co-chairmen for the event. DOT HILLIER WINNER Dorothy Hillier won Lhe prize ball for the best nine competition featuring the weekly ladies dsy play Tuesday at the Shelton Golf Club. weekly after • small down payment 55 H P no ability Don't limit ing to gas docks! Homelite you go twlC every dollar s and oil. motive-type gasoline ture of gas a) tests prove more power . speed.. • more dollar with a HOOD GANAL MARINA L.m I IfIIl ;(If AT UNION -- PHONE 898-2252 COME/IV AND HA VE A FREE TRIAL RUN ToA LOT00 OF 00tlRPRI0000,00 INTHE CL]IgBIFIED HE CLASSIFIED AD columns of the Shelton-Mason County Journal are one big happy "sur- prise party" for those looking to buy, sell, trade, rent or whatev- er. You'll be amazed and de- lighted at how often you'll find exactly what you're seeking... in anything.from a new home to a new job! A classified ad of your own, too, will often work wonders.., at very small cost. For surprising RESULTS . . . read and use the classified ad columns in the