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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 8 m IN STEREO - SOUND NEW BLUE OX FRI. - SAT. - ONLY ONE COMPLETE SHOW il Ha0000INE,MOHTANO l II cuM0000,i00008 I II bm II ie --', ii 't ,, SHELTON--ASON C0 30.UPNAL-- INNished ir"Chri,tmasfown, U.S.A.", IRENE S. REED NEWS Students Enjoy Variety Of Activities During Spring Vacation, April 10-15 By Molly Murdey seniors an opporhmity to question I With six glorious days of vaea- the students whom they have at- I tion, Irene S. Reed students epjoy- tended high school with and are ed a rest from school work. Dur- now going to college, l ing spring vacation, Apr!l 10-15, Ralph Hoard, John Sells, Ken suments found ime to pray ten- Olson Bill R'tvmond Nancy nis and golf and.go skiing. Car- Bi'iggs, Sheryll Sc'hlegel' and Cof- l;ain stt[aen[s enoyecl more t.m- lean Dombroski spoke to the stud- usual acliviries sucn as swlmmmg o " ....... ent who ae lannm to attend in the icy waters of the bay, and the University of Washington. worse yet. \\;vorRing on term pro- jeers for composition and French classes. Last Tuesday the juniors and sophomores returned to school af- ter vacation with their hair neatly combed, as this was the day that individual pictures were taken. The pictures will be placed on next year's Student Body Cards for identification. During the week before vacation student representatives from the University of Washington. the University of Oregon, Westet Wasljngton State College and Central Washizigtd'n State College, who were 1962 graduates of ISR returned to speak tO college-bound seniors. The purpose of the Infor- nml conferences was to give the ', i i i i • NOL. 1]H$ YOU CAN TURN SHELTON UPSIDE DOWN--BUT YOU WON'T FIND: ........ BETTER ALL-AROUND SERVICING FOR YOUR CAR THAN YOU CAN GET AT... L & £ SERVICE 426-3959 RICHFIELD PRODUCTS, 1804 Olympic Hiway N. i Joan Bayley, Who is studying at the University of Oregon, gave the girls a brief outline of smrity procedures. Janice Daemon and Gerald Spi- ker spoke about Central Washing- ton State College and the seniors planning to attend Western Wash- ington State College discussed campus life with Darlene Bloom- field. BOBBLE HILDEBRANDT has .been chosen for the position of editor of next year's handbook. The handbook is a booklet issued to each student at the beginning of the school year, which contains school rules and information on clubs and athletics. According to Bobble. it wilt take all spring and part of the summer to complete the handboot¢. Assisting Bobble will be juniors in the journalism class. These in- clude Denny Wagner, Toby Vii- lines Molly Murdey, Sue Gilliland, Bill Wolden, Lois Bowman. Roy Kadoun and Colin Sutherland. The Latin Club, under the super- viio of Mrs. Charlotte Hilligoss, Js busy organizing a Roman fair, which will be open to the public. The fair will be held Friday, :May 10, 7-9:30 p.m. and will feature varibils booths and entertainment, including a battle in thearena be- tween a brave gladiator and a lion. Latin Club also plans to enter horse-drawn chariot in the For- est Festival parade. Another organization which has been active lately is the Math Club or, aa its members are more commonly called, the Radicals. They plan to earn money for pur- chasing a small analog computer by sponsoring a guessing contest. WINNER, AA TRAFFIC SAFETY PO5TER CONTEST Those who wish to guess the num- I bet: of beans in a jaz' may estimate the number for 5c a guess. A stuf- fed animal will be awarded to the person submitting the most accu- rate guess. Recently Dexter Edge, a chem- ical engineer at Rayonier, visited a meeting of the Math Club and presented an informabive talk on computers. Another project plan- ned by the Radicals is a trip to the McChord, Air Force Base to see the Sedge Command. which con- trols the air defense of the North- west. THE BOYS ARE preparing to display their talent in a show which they are required to put on for the girls as a penalty for being the losers in the annual T.B. Drive contest. The Girls' Club challenged the Boys' Club to collect more con- tributions than they and won. The results of the contest were known last February and the girls have been waiting patiently since that time. April 23 is the date set for the talent show. Rehearsals for the sophomore play "My Three Angels", have been underway for several weeks. The play, which will be presented May 6 and 7, is under the direction of Dean Tarrach assisted by stud- ent director, Terri Turner. The cast consists of Gary Hughes, Reta Carte, Jill Jeffery, Susan Ogden, Ralph Robinson, Foster OZT, David Miltenberger, Bill Surratt, Jack Bryant and Terry Carpenter. Tickets to the play can be purcha- sed from members of the sopho- more class. Birth, Death Ratios In County Told The ratio of births to deaths was 2.5 to 1. The official tabulation shows a total of 3.533 births locally during the period as against 1.393 deaths. Not included in these figures are births and deaths of non-residents that occurred wiLhin the county. The report, issued by tte De- partment of Commerce is based on data compiled by t he U. S. Pub- lic Health Service. DESPITE TIlE FACT that there has been a decline in the birth rate in recent years in most of the nation, the rate in Mason County has remained relatively high. The annual average locally, over the 10-year period, was 22.6 births per 1,000 population. For a number of years after World War 2. there was a rapid increase in the number of births in the United States. Larger faro- flies were the thing. More recently, there has been a change in atttitude. It appears that many couples have decided to have smaller families than they had originally planned. Various factors and influences had a part In that decision, a'ceord- ing to sociologists who have com- mented on it. ONE OF THESE 1S the high cost of sending children to college. The financial burden involved in making such pzvisions for more than one o,' two children has led to second thoughts in a large number of families. Other influencing factors include the growth of unemployment in recent years and the fear that East-West tefisions might lead to WaP. HARY H. KNIGHT SCHOOL Taxhlermy Class Mounts Coypo, Rat-L'] e Annimal From South America, For Display If you've never seen a rat *ahat The announcement last Thurs- measured more than 41 inches in day by Jack Hogben, coach and length and weighs in the neigh- science teacher, of his acceptance borhood of 40 pounds you should for enrollment in the School of visit Mr. Hogben's science class Veterinary Medicine at rashing- where the taxidermy students have ton State University means the one mounted and on display. There high school students' will face an is no exaggeration as to the phv- entire new faculty next fall. Only sieal dimensions of the animal a limited numbe]; of highly quail- which resembles a rat in appear- fled candidates are selected for ad- anee although it is actually a coy- mission to the study of veterinary po (pronounced COY poo), more medicine --- a fine tribute to Itog- commonly known as a nutria, ben's background The nutria, a native of South and preparation America, has been brought to the for the type of llnited States and raised commer- work in which he cially on "fur farms." The species is interested. has become established in the wild H o g b e n has in several loeaties in western made not only an Washington an,t at the CoIville In- outstanding eon- dian reservation in northeastern tribution toward Washington. These animals reach building and sys- a large size slightly smaller than tematizing t h e a beaver, have reddish brown fur science depart- a long rat-like tail and the hind ment here but al- feet are webbed for swimming. A so developing an few nutria were brought to Louis- excellent and di- ana to breed in 1930 and since that versified athletic Jack Hogben time have multiplied rapidly and program. We greatly regret to are now existing in a wild state learn of his leaving Mary M. there. Louisiana's harvest of the Knight bnt wish him success in pelts was 50,000 in 1940. his chosen field. SHORTLY AFTER World War Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy II many :fast buck boys persuaded have announced they will return people that raising ;mtria would to Montana where Murphy plans make them independently wealthy to conduct a professional guide and breeding stock was sold for and outfitting service for hunters, exhorbitant prices. The principal fishermen and campers. He is well victims were elderly people, many qualified for this work as he is of whom invested their life savings familiar with the area and the in what proved to be a worthless problems involved. venture. When they discovered Murphy has conducted wood- nutria fur had little or no commer- working and auto mechanics clas- cial value many of the animals ses here and has brought the shop were turned lose to shift for them- department to a high state of ef- selves. This they have done and at ficiency. least the animals have prospered Mrs. Murphy has been employed and are increasing at a steady as librarian and through her ef- fete. According to Mr. Hogben forts this important department they make their homes in swamps now meets all the exacting stand- and ponds and are driving out the ards of the State Department of muskrats which are commercially Education. The igIurphys are leav- valuable. Mr. Hogben says that ing for health reasons as neither since neither nutria fill' nor flesh has been able to cope with the is of any value and about all that damp elinmte in this area. can be said for them is that they Carl W. Hoisington also will not are fast becoming a pest and a ,,- . , nlans to spend the nuisance, summer conduct- "The Marines have landed and ing research and have the situation well in hand," f i n i s h i n g his .:::¢ ::::t has invariably been report on ex- peditions of .the United States Marine Corps. This aura of invin- cibility took a revolting turn last MAYTAG week and might well have read, '.'The measles landed and put the Marine flat on his back." Yap, that's what happened to Gene "The Marine" Brehmeyerwho suf- ject surrender to an attack of the measles virus. This most recent Leatherneck recruit from Mary M. Knight school was pulled out of the front lines, sent home to bed and was unable to participate E L L S & V A L L E Y in the "Battle of Quinault" v/here he was scheduled to appear in the • - ........ . track events. Gene is again back I! H"   in school and we hope he will use A V lu .......... : the proper evasive action to escape sneak attacks of the mumps and chicken-pox, two other maladies u/13 UNi. l[ ¢ ,!!!;ii% iiii!i i dubiousWhich have recently won us someTHE P:HKENTJ]['EACHERfame" meet- Thurs. Fri. Sa. •  :rrou; ;::ii iii!iiiiii desing scheduled for WednesdaY,will be presented April 10 has been postponed until cth tonight because of a power failure. ........................... planned. DEMONSTRATOR and FLOOR MODEL 1 J"i!ili!i!iiii!}g?:>!J}: measles,The worStmumpsOf OUrandSeries of flu, chicken-pox epidemics appears to be over and attendance is nearly normal again.  u. ,., ,j k  m ]t   ?    lllli' (.,, Hogben's th*'ee-'ing circus is .fi.  another eve n t postponed bees use of epidemics. So many students " l -J were absent that it was impossible to hold rehearsals. The eh'cus is  , .. Hill n owplanned for theea rlypart of May. • _ ON FAMOUS " " , //A v'r / aP' • w00s,.s I IV! i, ll li I,,I i'I • DRYERS ! ---r00llrl 00iii" WIRINSERS I MANY MODELS .., MANY - FEATURES . . . MEANINGFUL | SAVINGS... AND ALL WITH l000000[00lil[l00l - 00v41illiilllili!ii00 FAMOUS MAYTAG ulrl ,O|l_|| ![, @ forthcoming book "Shotgun Behind the Door," an ac- count of pioneer newspaper opera- tion in a tough Logging town of Northern Idaho. Hoisington work- ed in his father's offiee and has personal know- Hoisingon ledge o f t h e events narrated, all of which are authentic and do l stretching of the He says, crooks were of their activities  to tear the the douk "O" buck and come in and have also had a couple in strategic most certainly them. You either bluff or leave tow to stay." There is a and dagger author chanced on committed and ed for knew too much. until years sponsible citizen self and around for thugs. Hoisington next year in also prefers a dry' PITTSBURGH Our €orn DUOLITE ® SOLEX ® GIRIHES 3rd & J PERFOR ! AND ECONO | give you both. First theY : Chevron gasolines for your climate, to give you faster warr l-uPs l*, lain Methyl* -- first new antiknock (omP u Ethyl@-- to step up octane performance. : Second, they have Detergent-Action, the ca cleaning additive that dissolves gums and dirtl protects the fuel system against rust. TheSe cost you nothing extra. O1NN. FOR &NTIKNOCK COMPOUND [ For any Standard Oil product, call 0,0. So., ' 118 South 3rd Ph. 426-4411 HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: I. An outgoing envelope Ready to mall t= [ your customerl. I Notet YOur corn- (Customedl Nirl pany name and I Address. Itddress is in up- [ City and State) per left hand l F_ corneL', 2. Detachable form (Return Envelop| Customer detachel your statement, or- der form, €olLcc tlott notice, dues, etc,. and Inserts cheer In pocket of return envelope. Detael}- able flap. provides customers with n Irgor Of @XSnsGSe Ideal for r 'Savings Accounts Statements Past Due Personnel Inquiry Contract Payments Fund Mail Order Selling the following colored Mail-Well and Pink, Green Autumn in Glowtone Stock. Mail. Well envelopes for your THE 3. Return envelope Customer folds  edge down and lels. Now 8 In 1 envelope hes bs- €me a retirn e 1 velope, ready, for" It speedy, accurate urn Envtlop nturn to you.