April 18, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PAGE 16 SHELTON--MA0N COUNTY JOUNAL-- Published in " '
Chvzsimaston, U.g.A.", helton, Washington ,Thursday
i i
Savage To Speak
To Democrat Gluh
ReD. Charles Savage will report
on the session of the State Uegisla-
tnre just completed at a meeting
of the Mason County Democratic
Club at 8 p.m. tonight in the PUD
Auditorium in Shelton.
A white elephant sale will be
held following the meeting-.
Lynn Jeffrey, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Jeffrey, l lth, Shel-
ton, will perform in the University
of Colorado Porpoise Club swim-
ming show entitled "Isms - an
Interpretation," April 18 20.
Groups of 2 to 24 will execute
synchronized numbers of stunts.
stroke variatoins• comedy and tan-
dem swimming in a colorfully ligh-
ted and costumed show. Miss Jef-
frey is a freshman majoring in
Use Journal Wahl
Les Young
2325 Phone
Callanan 426-2428
Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois
.... 59--19
Beifair Fire Department Sponsors I aa.e's a0TTmS IAIlyn Woman Returns Home From Kam!!00heoHoas New
Easter Egg Hunt for Children Sunday I I Visit To Son and Family in Florida 'ho neighboChol(e00 s at: c00l;ida: d NEXdviJU
"--'-= ' " : ,evtv-'- :' " " . i ." ! : ." "'- lynhas ustretmnedhome• "'ts "" ""' ':;" • • ":" :' ' " ''• ":" ['" ]iittl'n'nt°dieM'i•;'z!eic)i'it°'Ha:vei";! \\;ile!cca{n!l;eS'llYi
BELFA/' R'sl,')',ll::eel::st :n,;: lm ment appointment was d Le;:YeV:':;eunp::g AlALLff,,lyr:),;o?;::¢,tOCal;to M,alteEdDCe:;cletiot:?ast::,ls Mry
ed the old saying, "If it rains on Mr. Christianscn has had 22 with yeast breads. We'll rely on flying down to Miami. Fla. to see be made from the floor, former Quinn residence. The Kamilche
Easter Sunday, it will rain for years of experience, beginning' his the expert advice of Mrs. Roy " Mrs. Davis asks all members to Guests at the Orville Taylor school attendance
son. Wes Stock and family. Doris make an effort to get more can- home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Easter Sunday W.B.
seven Sundays", which is pretty work in the Bremerton office, set- Walter of Odessa and Mrs. H. and her danghter-in-law and presented lecitati0
gloomy news for those who have ring as mail orderly with the
just sogged their way through a Navy during W()rld War II in Brit-
very vvel Easter, lish West Aft'lea and Casa Blanea,
The rain slackened a little for
the annual Easter Egg Hunt for
children of Belfalr Fire Depart-
merit members, held at 12:30 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. Alice Pope.
Some 45 youngsters, divided into
three age groups, hunted for eggs t
and collected their prize money!
between the worst of the down-
pours, and had fun in spite of the
weather. Mrs. John Pope and Mrs,
Robert Henningsen were m charge
of arranging the hunt, with Auxi-
liary members boiling and coloring
the eggs used.
April seems to be the month for
election of new officers, and at the
last meeting of the Elementary
P.T.A. the following were named:
Mrs. Walter Scott. jr., president:
Mrs. Robert Marsh. Mrs. Donald
Beeber• and Mrs. Kenneth Grande.
vice-presidents; Mrs. Edward
Squire. secretary, and Mrs. Ray
Kronquist, treasurer.
The Auxiliary of Nuel Curtis
Post 5372 V.F.W. named its new
Officers as follows: Mrs. Einar
Johnson, president, Mrs. A. M.
Olson. vice president Mrs. Joe
Tschida. junior vice president;
Mrs. Frank Greenler, chaplain;
Mrs. James Huffman. guard; Mrs.
Gordon Squire. conductress; Mrs.
Phil Hanify, treasurer• Trustees
are Mrs. C. G• Nichols and Miss
Valley Willy.
ANOTHER GROUP that elected
its new officers was the Frances
F. Gladwin Orthopedic Guild, meet-
ing last week at the home of Mrs.
James Huff man. Mrs. William
Hunt will be the new president;
Mrs. Edward Harris, vice presi-
dent; Mrs. Walter Baselt, secre-
tary; and Mrs. Charles Walsh
treasurer. Memorial Chairman for
the group is Mrs. Boyd Hunter.
April also seems to be the month
for moving, and the return of some
of the summer i,esidents of the
area• New trailerites at Terra Lin-
da are Mrs. Grace Hunt, formerly
of Bellingham. and the Robert
Shelly 4family formerly of the
South Shore. The William Gibsons
of Long Beach are back at their
North shore summer home, and
friends in this area are welcom-
ing the return of the Orin Soules.
Marking another change, BeN
fairites are welcoming a new Post-
master. Arvith M. Christiansen,
whose appointment is now in for
confirmation by the U.S. Senate.
He replaces Joe Peters, who has
served as acting postmaster until
If you are not a subscriber, come in anyhow,
and see our representative,
Mr. Harry Bodenschatz, at:
Eells and Valley Appliance Center
Friday, April 19, between 10 AM and 12 Noon
No jingles! No box tops!
No sentences to complete!
$250,000 worth of Beltone hearing aids to be
given away absolutely FREE!
Daniel E. Bruner
nnd returned to work at the Bre-
merton office at the war's end.
He has been a Belfair resident
for the past five years, living on
Union River. near the North Shore
Road with his wife and son. David.
a North Mason junior.
So Goodbye and Thank You to
Mr. Peters. and Welcome to Mr.
Christiansen from the community.
Club will celebrate its 15th anni-
versary when it holds its April
meeting at the home of Alice Pope
on the 24th. A potluck luncheon
is planned for noon and all past
officers are invited to attend this
commemorative meeting of the
The new home of the Jack Ro-
mings at Seacliff Estates near Gig
Harbor was the scene of the last
meeting of the Belfair Weaver's
Guild. The Romings, former North
shore residents, are well-known
for their weaving skill, and enjoy-
ing their hospitality for the day
were Mesdames: W• Evans, Tom
Gibson, George Oakhmd, Metthew
Bischoff, E. Crabtree; Miss Bea-
trice Evans and Mrs. W. Scott of
The 82nd birthday of Walter
Scott. pioneer Mason County log-
ger, was observed at a family
gathering at the home of his son,
Ralph Scott. Celebrating the occa-
sion were the Ralph Scotts, with
Susan. Sally, Gary, and Tom; the
junior Walter Scotts, with Sandra,
Kenny and Richard; the Carl Mat-
tuses with daughters, Carol, home
from the U. of W. for the occasion,
and Nancy; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hendry and Brian; and Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Anderson and Mark.
Mr. Scott has been a resident
of this area for over 20 years com-
ing here from Harstine Island,
where he had lived for a number
of years. He began his logging
work at Seabeck.
The veteran logger still has his
pilots license and on occasion flies
his own plane. Just before his
birthday he and a pilot made a
flight to RenD ;and Los Angeles,
reporting a fine trip and a wonder-
ful time.
FORMER P. So N.S. employees
who are enjoying catching up on
work around home after their re-
cent retirement are C. W. (Slim)
Henningsen, Helen Mitchell, and
Start Freelin, all of the North
The William Cummings gave a
dinner party last week. marking
not only the retirement of two of
the guests, but that of a beat-up
station wagon, in'hich most of
those present had traveled t0uadL
from work for a number of years.
A clever theme of "No riggin' just
diggin' ", was arranged by the
hostess in honor of the driver.
Attending the dinner were Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Kisler. Roy Mit-
chell. Jack Harris. J. V. Jacobsen;
Start Freelin; Mrs. Earl Roche,
Mrs. Mildred Davis, and Jim Jes-
Congratulations go to: The Jer-
ry Heaths, on the arrival of a new
daughter: Miss Susan Clappe, who
as Theta Rho Dist. 7 president,
presided at the District's semi-an-
nual meeting in Port Orchard; and
Miss Nancy Mattus, who repre-
sented North Mason at the D.A.D.
luncheon honoring Good Citizen-
ship\\;award winners.
Ragan Plans 'Open
House' In New Office
106 E 4th, Olympia 'phone 357-3521
Serving Mason County since 1950
Kaputa of Harrington who came grandson drove up froln Miami to
to our county recently to demon- Baltimore and to take in first
strate for the Washington Wheat
game of the season of the Balti-
Growers' Association. These tips more Orioles. Glad to see you back
might help:
1. Count on using 1 yeast cake
for 4 to 5 cups of flout'. This
should be ample for fine grained
but light bread.
2. Use 110 degree water for get-
ting dry yeast into solution and
use only 90 degree water for com-
pressed yeast.
3. Be sure to scald homogenized
and other fresh milk. Evaporated
and dry milk don't need this be-
cause the heat of processing this
has already killed the enzymes
that can work on flour gluten and
break down its rnbbery quality
that is needed to hold the gas
generated by the yeast.
5. Knead 5 to 10 minutes, It
can even go as high as 20 minutes
if you can stand this exercise,
Using your electric mixer at the
first when the dough is soft, helps
out and cuts your kneading time.
5. Be careful about raising
dough next to high heat. You get
a prebaking of the part next to
the heat and a hardness of crust
and cracking above that. Just rely
on 72 degree room temperature
fora little longer time•
7. For delicious cracked wheat
flavor, add cooked Bulgar or ala
when you shape the loaves.
8. Try these baking tempera-
tures: 350 degree for 20 minutes
for clover leaf rolls and dinner
rolls; 375 degree for 45 minutes for
loaf bread in dull finish metal
pans; 350 degree for 60 minutes
for whole wheat bread in metal
dull finish pans.
Here is a delicious Recipe for
Caramel Bubble Loaf given at the
Divide your sweet dough into
pieces about the size of a walnut.
Shape into balls, Place one layer
of balls ½ inch apart on the bot-
tom of a greased bread loaf tin.
Arrange the second layer on top
of the first, placing over spaces in
the first layer. Arrange a third
layer of balls. Pour a caramel
glaze over all. Let rise until double.
Bake in a moderate oven 350 de-
gree for 35 to 40 minutes. Let it
stand in the pan five minutes ,be-
fore turning out.
The recipe for the Caramel Glaze
is A cup dark corn syrup, I table-
spoon melted butter or margarine,
V.., teaspoon lemon extract and
teaspoon vanilla extract.
in the Post Office, Doris, we know
you had a wonderful trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Von Osten
have had guests from Canoga
Park Calif• this past five days.
Shale's brother, Frank Kalishok
and wife June. and Susie's dad.
John Kalishok came up to spend
Easter. While they were here they
took in the Space Needle. drove
around the Hood Canal and all
the men went fishing up neat' Har-
stine Island• It had been several
years since Susie and Frank had
been together and they had a won-
derful time talking over old times.
They spent Easter together and
the Kalishoks left Monday morn-
We are happy to hear Otto Bemp
of Victor is now home from the
Veterans Hospital in Vancouver.
He is reported feeling better than
he has for a long time.
didates for next year's offices,
Every candidate is'entitled to com-
petition, because if he oz' she wins
an election, the winner has the
confidence of a majority of the
members, and if he or she loses,
the loser can feel relieved at being
free of that responsibility for the
coming year.
Beachcombers Garden Club held
its regular meeting at Fireside
Room at Belfair Baptist Church
April 11. Business meeting was
called t() order at 11 a.m. by Mrs.
Edward Grigg, president after
which a pot luck hmcheon was
served. Feature of the afternoon
was a flower show anlong mem-
bers, which was judged by Mrs.
Eleanor Meyers of Bremerton.
Mrs. Elma Anderson won the
sweepstakes for her arrangement.
Several blue ribbons were won by
various other members showing
the club is really improving in
this line. Next meeting at Mrs.
Betsa Reynolds.
Grandpa Stock is now home
Don Valley a former resident of from the hospital and feeling much
Allyn and grandson of Mr. and better.
Mrs. Elmer Beeson is staying with We hear Howard Wynn caught
the Beesons and finishing high s nice fish near Harstine on Satur-
day also Jewel Von Osten caught a
school at North Mason.
Donations for Fire Department
and First Aid Car this past week:
Mr. and Mrs. James Jones Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Okonek. Mr. and
Mrs. Roland Baker, Mr. and Mrs,
Elmer Beeson.
"Mexican Education" will be the
subject of Junior Senior ;High
School PTA meeting in the high
school library April 18 at 8 p.m.
This will be a continuation of
the Elementary PTA's program.
Mr. Lamb and other members of
the faculty will discuss Mexican
education particularly concerning
the high school age students. They
also plan to show slides and pic-
tures which were not ready in
time for the elementary meeting.
21 Junior-Senior High School
P members are asked to sug-
gest names for the Life Member-
ship Award to be presented in
May. Usually the person chosen
has done a great deal for the wel-
fare of children-and youth, either
in home, school, church or com-
School PTA nominating committee
reports the following candidates
for next year's offices: president,
Mrs. Thomas Davis; vice president,
Mrs. Wilson Fortman; secretary,
Pioneer PTO Blood Doners Get
, ID r
Fu st Call For Donations
By Betty Ann Shero ton were in Seattle a week ago
PIONEER. Your correspondent to attend the wedding of their
had quite an experience last week daughter, Shirley to William
at news time and I'm still shak-
ing--I hit my first deer and I
hope my last. There were no in-
juries except to my nezwes and
the poor deer was listed on the
sheriff's report as unfit for hu-
man consumption. The car re-
ceived only minor damage but I
will be a little more alert each
time I pass that spot.
Pioneer P.T.O. blood donors re-
ceived their first call a week ago
Friday for two pints of O positive
blood for Mrs. Gene Lambert• The
Jiick Shero's answered the S.O.S.,
both being of the type needed, but
only Jack's blood was acceptable.
Others in the Pioneer area who
hadn't signed-up on the list fur-
nished the additional blood.
Pioneer P.T.O. met April 2 and
an interesting talk was given by
Irvin MeArthur on the proposed
Attorney John Ragan announced
this week he is moving his office curfew in Mason County. The
to a new location in the Title In- majority at the meeting was for
suranee Building, 122 Railroad the curfew. The next meeting will
be held May 7 and the P,T.O. fath-
ers will be hosts for the evening.
A movie titled "Our Land" which
is sponsored by the Department of
Natural Resources will be shown
at the meeting and the election of
officers will also be held.
MR.. AND MRS. Harry Hamil-
Ragan said he plans open house
in his new quarters Monday.
Ragan has had his office in the
Bell Building, 121 S. Fouth St. the
past 18 months, where he has been
in association with Glenn Correa.
Raga n is city attorney.
Exciting new blend of beauty and action.., in the low-price fieldl
What a simple, saving way to move into an Oldsmobile! The stylish,
longer-looking F.85 sports a spirited aluminum V-8... maneuvers
around tight turns and into snug parking places with equal ease! Yet it's
priced right down in the low.price field! Fun.drive an F-85... today_!
There's "Something Extra" about owning an OLDSMOBILEI
1st and Grove Sts,
i r
Towner at the University Chris-
tian Church• Returning home with
the Hamilton s Sunday were their
five grandchildren. Jim and Shar-
on Richards of Seattle. and Jeff,
Aim and Gary Stroud of Bain-
bridge Island for a week's visit.
Recent visitors in the Ray
Walker home, were Mrs. Grace
Taylor. mother of Mrs. Walker and
her brother, Bill Walker. and Ann
Beck, all of Vancouver, B. C.
Recent visitors in the Jack
Shero home. were Mr. and Mrs."
Pete Miller of Matlock: the Gar-
land Foltz's of Seattle; Walt Carl-
son of Deer Park: Ken Herman.
Sedro Woolley: the John Dallam's,
Shelton; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Shero,
Connie and Mike of Quinault, and
Betty Ann's father, Alex Johnson,
Castle Rock.
There seems to be a spot of
danger that the residents of Leed's
Loop Road should be aware, in
fact there are two open, old wells
located below the old Weaver
place. One of them is partially
concealed by an overgrowth of ivy.
These could be fatal if not taken
care of soon especially since that
area is becoming more populated•
Sunday. visitors in the Vic Au-
seth home were the Buzz Hovind's
of Arcadia Road.
residents died in the Clinic Hos-
pital last Saturday night--it was
Mrs. Jennie Grunert. mother of
Clarence Grunert. The community
offers its ondolences to the Gun-
erts and the rest of the family.
Sibert Auseth celebrated his
eleventh birthday by taking- a
group of his friends to the swim-
ming pool in Shelton.
The Agate Sewing Club met last
Wednesday evening in the home
of Lou Younglove with seven mem-
bers present. The next meeting
will be held at Doris Auseth's.
April 24 .
A baby shower was given for
Mrs. Bonnie Baxter at the home
of her parents, the James Bax-
ter James Baxter of Deer Creek.
Nine ladies were present to en-
joy the blue and pink cake which
was decorated with a crib scene
on top. The cake was baked and
decorated by Mrs. Ralph Endicott.
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Strope and
girls were Easter dinner guests
of the Cliff VanderWal,s.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shero and
sons attended the wedding of
Betty Ann's sister, Mrs. Bonnie
Johnston to Freeman Grisvold,
both of Castle Rock, Sunday after-
noon. The marriage took place in
the Gloria Dai Lutheran Church
in Kelso with only the immediate
families present. The reception
was held in Sunset Lodge near
Castle Rock. Mrs. Shero cut the
wedding cake and another sister,
Mrs. Walter Agren poured. A niece
of the bride ary Agren pre-
sided at the punch bowl. Betty
Mac Grisvold. sister of the groom,
opened the wedding gifts.
Kathy Dickinson, daughter of
was recently interviewed by a
group of Junior 4-H Leaders and
• the taped recording Will be played
soon on KMAS radio.
real nice fish by Harstine on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Don Beeson enter-
tained Margies brother and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Dove. Judy,
and Debbie on Easter Sunday.
MR. AND MRS. Russ Schillinger
and family spent Easter in Taco-
ma with Russ's sister and her
family, Mr. and Mrs. Holstin
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rasmussen
and family had a very lovely Eas-
ter with Mrs. Rasmussen s tool:her
in Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Beeson spent
Easter Sunday with their daugh-
ter and her family, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Eldridge of Grapeview.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Van Slyke
and daughter, Kim had Easter
dinner with her folks, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Jolley.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dishon had
30 guests for dinner on Easter.
Several of the guests came from
Tacoma and around. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Lockwood, Nina's parents,
were also in attendance and there
were 15 grandchildren and 4 great
grandchildren present. So nice to
have a reunion to celebrate Eas-
A group of friends of the Earl
Terrells who have made it an an-
nual affair met this year at the
Beachcomber restaurant in Port
Orchard. Although the group was
slightly smaller this year because
of illness they had a grand time.
After dinner they-all gathered at
the Earl Terrell home and spent
the evening reminishing oldtimes
together and listening to one of
the couples tell of their recent
trip around the world.
C. M. Mercer and daughter Mar-
gie and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tay-
lor and two sons. Mark aud Ben.
Because of the rain which damp-
ened the area, an Easter egg hunt
was held in the house.
to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark,
March 7 when their daughter,
Mary and husband. Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Jones who now live in Frank-
lin. Pa.. became parents of their
second child. %rilliam Lloyd.
Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Graham
and children of Tacoma ,gpent
Easter Sunday with their daugh-
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Phil
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty had
Sunday dinner with their son,
Robert Petty, and family who live
in Skokomish valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Otto and
children made a business trip to
Tacoma last Thursday.
The Herb Nelson's spent Easter
Sunday with their son Bruce Nel-
son and family in Shelton.
Thursday Mrs. Sarah Butts,
Olympia, called at the Eugene
Tavlor home.
IR. AND MILS. Eugene Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Sargent had
several out of town visitors for
Bible truth of
a a the •
was • g" in proclai !
number gathered f!,
morning service fora
chm'ch dining ro0m.,
There will be a.,
Grange hall Saturday(
Easter dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Martin of Long Beach. and Music
their daughter Laura of Seattle.
Ernest Wynn of Rochester, and
Pb. 4253903 or see Gale &
128 No. First St.
'SURE.BET" l'reut
Your Family wafts, always and it's available a!
Stores everywhere OR DELIVERED TO YOUR
Shelton Mai
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