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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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18, 1963 SHELTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "'Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton. Washington PAGE 17 | TV Club Party Nell Vance, Corn- dinner and evening was Dayton Community Saddened By Death Of Long-Time Resident By Mabel Kidd to Terri Hannah and Mike Nichols were the C. G. Chapins. Lilliwaup, grandsons, Larry and Leslie Pear- DAYTON. Our comunity was for finding the two gold eggs. I Mr. and Mrs. Curt Bagley and chil- son to Olympia to catch a bus for saddened by the death of Mrs. [ Prizes also went to Patty Eagle, [dren, Tacoma, R. S. Huey, Silelton Mary Chappell on Thursday who Davis Bachtell, Penny Mm'e and and Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson. paRed away at Bott's Nursing Philip Anderson. Donna Anderson!Enjoying hunting eggs every bit Home. Mary was born and raised md Joanne McQuilkin assisted the [ as much as the cMldren was Tami, in this community and lived here children in the hunt for ine the Boston bull belonging to the I Rumpff family. all her life. She is sm¢ived by five sons, Bill of Coos Bay, Ore.; Bud of Cordova, Alaska; Henry of Matlock and Walter and A] of dozen egs. Weekend gamsts in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Dougherty were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Price and THE IIAVE IVALKER family had Easter diner in the Shelton home of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Me- their home in Seattle after spend. ing spring vacation. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke en- joyed Easter dinner in Kent in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil MeLain. Little Diane McLain was honored on her third birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts and sons had Sunday dinner at the Is- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pharris Seat- children visited in Kamilche on tle, had laster dinner with his pat'- Sunday afternoon in the home of cnts. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pharris. Mr, and Mrs. Keneth Selvidge. Judy Brown acompanied the 4- H Builders on a trip to Seattle. The Marvin Lunds. Bayshore, and the Jack Ghramm families were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lurid. Laurene and Marlene visited on Monday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin HulberL Darlene Blomnfield made an un- expected trip home on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd were Tuesday ealers in the L. A Todd honle. Mr and Mrs. Fred Siuller had as Easter dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Larson and Arnie Aronson. Mrs. James Norris. Lost Lake was a Monday visitor of Mrs. Allen Tibbits. Mrs. L. B. Pharris motm'ed m eting was called the president, morn- Call. Then tables played, high Haines and second high to Max Schmidt, Haines and Martin and a hand of Nell Vance of the door the first in a next card party 26. Doris Bear- and as host- ned back Karl spent several rn California, and family. of Seattle, and Paul Ger- vaup Motel, and Jr., spent Jean's moth- :lIr. and Mrs Port Angeles. C. Burg and Paul and visited Yahoos, Week. Mr. and enjoyed East- Parents, the Mr. of "Cle granddaught- nd Claudia Cor- Dayton, eighteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; a brother, Charles Dug, Shelton, and a sister, Mrs. Dorothy Goldy, Day- ton. Our sympathies to Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Stoner in the loss of her [father, George King, who pared away in Oklahoma, Sunday. The Traveling Pinochle Club will hold its next meting Saturday, April 20, in the A. E. Lemke home with the Leaker hosting. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutherford nd children were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Ru- therford. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Start Rutherford, Shelton. The third birthday of litle Terri, daughter of Don and Sue, was celebrated. The Run Moore family have pur- chased the home formerly occupied by Mr. Shaver• Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts and sons wer Fiday: guests of Mrs. Nena Roberts, Shelton. The oc- casion was the celebration of Pete's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Den- nis Dewell and daughter, Shelton, were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Leonard en- tertained at an Easter and birth- day diner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Schnabel as guests in honor of Mrs. Schnabel. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Heminger were hosts to almost sixty adults and children on Sunday who en- joyed a delicious dinner and egg- hunt. GARTH, PENNY AND KIM McQuilkin had as Saturday gazests thirty-five youngsters who had great fun searching for eggs. Prizes of a live bunny each went children of Seattle. Easter dinner gmests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rishel were, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Carlson and chil- dren, Tacoma, Pete and Freddie Weckhosts, Mr. and Mrs. Richard CoL, Ernest Leimback, and the Cliff Leimback family of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Garbat and chil- dren, Skokomish Valley, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Leimback and Mrs. Robert Dullenty. and children, Hoodsport and Mrs. Mabel Briggs, Bremerton. Mrs. Dtfllenty and chil- dren were also Sunday overnight guests. For Easter, tbe Delmer Schurs and Geraldine motored t Seattle and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schur. Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Scab Combs had Mrs. Clyde Mieh- ler, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Combs and sons and Los Bozarth in for birthday cake and ice cream in observance of Scab's birthday. Visiting one day last week in the James Hickson home were Anna Morris and E. Croft of Ta- conla. Easter dinner gamsts in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams were Mr. and Mrs. aGry Cole and children, Chehalis, Mrs. Esther Kidd, Shelton, and Bill Kidd. Steve and Tina Cole had spent the week with their grand- parents. Easter breakfast guests in the A. E. Lemke home were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wolden and sons Shelton, and the Robert Lemka family of Seattle• For Sunday diner and Easter egg hunt in the Cliff Rumpff home friend, Sally Seattle. The girls back to joy Easter Sun- with the 'irginia and from Sol Duc Hot Port Angeles. untts, din- pools re- Matlock Grange Plans Dance At Grange Hall For Saturday Night By Dora Hearing from Everett and their daughter MATLOCK. -- Matlock Grange and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. will have its regular dance this Chamblin and children, Mike, Sol Due is Long hot springs Solution which lime and combina- zing or swim- :o health. included sun- a SUdden spring pool re- 80 to 86 of the trip for in the wild goose falling for the presum- Raymond of enjoyed the son Arthur for the past they readied trailer for its Alaska high- Where Arthur a highway en- a Second so- ,r the young eager to re- ) Saturday evening, April 20, every- body is welcome and the regular Grange meeting on Friday evening the 19th is postponed so the Grangers can attend the Gavel meeting at Shelton Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wescott and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Evers and fam- ily, all of Shelton, spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Evers. Mr. and Mrs. Roy. Martin of Elma were Easter Sunday dinner, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert' }-Ielin. Mr: and Mrs. Elvin Hearing were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Fredenburg of Hoquiam. MR. AND MRS Russell Rich- ardson of Eugene, Ore., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift. Mrs. Richardson is Mr. Clift's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gunderson a,d girls of Trout Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers and fam- ily called on Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing Sunday evening. Mr: and Mrs. J. D. Simpson of Bremerton, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe and family of Hoquiam, !Mrs. J. R. Singleton and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer, Jr., and' family were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs, Max Cash were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cash and daughter, Holly Jean, catlio "I'V SERVICE Ph, 426-3172 DIRECTORY Floor Coverings------- • Linoleum • Tile • Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View , Ph. 426-2292 m WELDERS Ph. 426-4832 Radiator Repair . Boiling OUt • Soldering . New cores BOON'S PLUMBING HEATING, SHEET METAL 623 S. 1st, Ph. 426-3483 i i Pumps ApPliances 426-6283 CO. Florist I . Plants for all occasions • Flowers EVERGREEN FLORISTS 4th , Birch 8 to 8 426-8479 co3- eOSrnetie h. 426-3327 Auto Glass Expert installation • JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroa d Ph. 426-8231 trees kg, leveling NbBCAPING 426-4718 !lent UT0 ODy Shelton n, =..aper, es free estimates work guaranteed J, C. PENNEY CO. 30 RR Ave. Ph. 426-8283 i Electrical , House wiring & rewiring • Electric Heating • Trouble Shooting • LicenSed & Bonded Contractor JIM EINARSSON ELEC. Star Rte. 2, Box 37, 426-6520 Linda, Diane and Timmy from AI- derwood Manor and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Tviet of Lake Nahwatzel were drop-in visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nelson and family of Simpson's Salmon Hatch- ery, moved Monday to the new Kalina Hatchery, near Castle Rock and the Dick Cockburn family are moving to the Simpson Salmon Hatchery. MR. AND MIlS Carl Johnson of Pickering, where Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gwinnette. Drop-in guests were Mr. and Mrs. H, Johnson and Axel Petersen of Shelton. • Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing called on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Daw- son of Deckerville, Thursday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier were host and hostess to the Ross- racier family dinner at tile Mat- lock Grange hall for Ea:ster Sun- and and 35 guests attended for a potluck dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Dave DeFoer and sons spent Easter vacation at Prosser with relatives. Supt. and Mrs., Eugene French and family spent the holidays at LaCenter with Mrs. French's mother and other relatives. THE FOLLOWING teachers of Mary M. Knight spent their Easter vacation in Portland: Mr. Carl Housington, Mrs. Blanch Hummel and Mrs. Catherine Vance. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mitchell and children, Sandy and Scott Mitchell visited the Andrew McGat.'ie fam- ily last week Monday and Sandy Mitchell spent all of last week with the McGarvies and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon of Chicago were visitors at the McGarvie home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGar- vie spent Easter Sunday in Ta- coma with the latter's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker spent Easter in Tacoma with relatives. Mrs: Augusta Portman and Carl Portman spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of Shelton. Kerrie L.m and Jimmie Kim- merly of Slmlton, spent from Tues- day to Saturday with their grand- pa.rents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer, Sr. and family. TIDES OFTHE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and 50 mba. later and pluB 3.0 ft. Friday, April 19 High ................ 1:42 a.m. 11.6 ft. Lox ................. 7.50 a.m. 5.8 ft. High .............. 1_2:37 p.m. 8,7 ft. Low ................ 7:19 p.m. 1.4ft i Sahzrday, April 20 High .............. 2:19 a.m. 11.9 ft. Low ................ 8:32 a.m. 4.5 ft. High .............. 1:54 p.m. 9.3 ft. Low ................ 8:14 p.m. 1.7 ft. Sunda.y, April 21 High .............. 2:53 a.m. 12.1 ft. Low . ............... 9:11 a.m. 3.1 ft, High .............. 3:00 p.m. 10.2 ft. Low ................ 9:06 p.m. 2.0 ft. Mon(la3, April 22 High .............. 3:25 a.m. 12.3 ft. Low ................ 9:51 a.m. 1,6 ft. Higit .............. 3:59 p.m. 11,0 ft. Low . ............... 9:54 p.m. 2.6 ft. Tnesday, April 23 High .............. 3:58 a.m. 12.3 ft. Low ................ 10:31 a.m. -0,7 ft. High .............. 4:56 p.m. 11.7 ft. Low ................ 10:43 p.m. 3.4 ft. %Vc(Inesday, April 24 i Nigh .............. 4:31 a.m. 12.3 ft. Low ........ 11:13 a.m. -1.8 ft. High .............. 5:52 p.m.' 12.1 :ft. Low ......... 11:31 p.m. 4.4 ft. Thursday, April 25 r High .............. 5:06 a.m. ,12.2 ft. Low -.- 11:58 a.m. -2.5 ft. High .............. 6:49 p.m. 12.2 ft. Phee. Cindy and Clint Tibbits. Chehalis are spending a few days this week with grand parents• Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams. reekend guests in the Dell Adams' home were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams and children. Ta- coma. Saturday visitors in the John Anderson home were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Anderson and sons. Agate, Mr. and Mrs. C. G Chapin. Lilli- waup. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Sloan. Shel- ton, visited Thursday evening in the Alvia Chapman home. Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McQuilkin were Mr. and Mrs. Eber Furister and Rose and Imry Horvath. Seattle and Fred Reeves, Shelton. Mrs. Gertrude Scott had as Sun- day dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. George Purves and girls. Kent. and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Scott and children, Shelton. This dinner also celebrated the birthdays of Leon Scot and Hazel Purves. Monday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kidd were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Dyson, Tenino. Mr. and Mrs. Seab Combs took land Lake home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roberts. The James Hickson family, Noel Magnuson and Patsy and Marty Chappell and Sharon Mofatt at- tended the dinner and Easter egg hunt held Sunday in the Jerry Heminger home. ROENAE McQUILKIN had as Thursday luncheon guests, Mrs. Robert McNish and daughters and Ferrill McQuilkin. from college at Bellingham and Tacoma, Monday to attend a spent the night and Easter in her Stanley meeting. parents home. 'Wednesday evenmg Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rickards Mrs. Jerry Bloomfield and Mr. and and children wer Saturday dinner Mrs. Pete Bloomfield. Peggy and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Susan attended a farewell party DuGalo. Skokomish Valley. for Barbara Bloomfield held in Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Howard and the hmne ot" Mr. and Mrs. Ken- sons were Sunday dinner guests in neth Selvidge, Kamilehe. Barbara 1 the Vernon Stewart home Shel- has joined the "Waves and will take ton. her basic training m Cambridge, Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Md. LOCAL lrlI&IEM&RKIL Penny McQuilkin spent Monday Eugene Evers and family visited 'overnight as guests of 3anie with the Ed Rivers at Matlock Green on Arcadia Road. Tuesday visitors in tile Pete Bloomfield home were Mrs. Los Bishop and Mrs. Paul Keever and granddaughters, 3ane and Connie Taylor. Donna Hulbert was home for the Easter weekend from Seattle Pacific 'College. Sunday callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tibbits were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cochran and Linda, LOst Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bloomfield and Stephanie were Sunday turkey dinner gamsts of her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Luhm. The Morton Adams family were Thursday callers in the L. A. Todd home. and had hmeh with them. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd motored to Manchester for dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tod. They also spent the night and Monday stopped to visit the Robert Todds at Port Orchard. THE ALLEN TIBBITg had as dinner guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and Lester, Chehalis. LOW COST HOME LOANS NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING PURCHASE 6 % On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges Mason Gounly Savings & Loan Assodalion TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING SHELTON 00:pdngt'ime Shut-Fresh Pkg. of Six MAPLE BARS Shut-Fresh Poly Bag of 3 MAPLE HORNS Shur-Fresh 15-oz. Poly Bag FANTAN BREAD 9¢ 29* 25' CRISC ALL VEGETABLE SHORTENING 3 LB. TINS PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 18-19-20. RIGHT TO LIMIT, ROUND STEAK ' 5 ,: LB. ,) GROUND ROUND-'-  69 ° .=m Lean ................................. LB. SPARERIBS ........ Fresh-Small - Lean .................................... LB. 11 ¢ RU M P ROAST u.s. cc0. Easy/Care ............................ LB. s, € POR SAOSAGE 39 ¢ our own make ................................................ LB. HA'IT 49 Fresh - First of the Season - Sliced or Bake LB. .,LI,T 39 ¢ Roast .................................................................... LB. TSUP .u,,,, 6/'1 THIGK 'N R|O'H 14-OZ. BOTTLES SKINLESS WIENERS Vori,ine - ¢ Quality Controlled ......... LB. Peanut Butter ' 3!q" SUNNEE STEAKS @ C AND H HAWAIIAN GROWN 10 LB. BAG PURE CAKE SUGAR BIG "G" CEREALS o00oo00o,,oy.z oooo Wheaties 12-oz ........................ C IH ,,OWN o, SUGAR .u.. Cane 4/49 ° POWDERED 1 LB. Carton ............................ BATH ROOM TISSUE :,:o:,V: K ............................ l/' 1 II ] I I ' II I CORNED BEEF ........................................................... 39* SALAD DRESSING ................................................... 0, 49 ° MA :;G TASTEWELL /$1 I POUND OARTONS RINE ! WIt0LE ¢IIIgKEN ,w,,,, ................................... ,,0.0oz. 89 L'  v o, u ,,, k.00J "-- R,ADY NOW !--- c, ........... € ='I$ e .............. ';!.: ) ", : Onions Radishes Or Green ;;::: ::::: '2o 2/09 LETTUCE ;::.o,,0, ................................ ................... 2/29' p AVOCADOS ........... .......................................... ,h 2/29 °   HOME'°Pu"'"c"'"'cs'"""""HANDYMAN ENCYCLOPEDIA & GUIDE ONIONS J :xa:° Nwhit::°P ..... /i ................ i ...................... LS. 2/23 ¢ I" Still Time To Get VOLUME i .. I / Introductory Bfi / • LO..,, ool. '7 / 69' FROZEN 8-oz. PKG.