April 18, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PAGE 18 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in ¢cOhristmastown, U.B.A.", ghelton, Washington
Forester Group Grapeview Residents Observe Easter
Honors Research With Numerous Family Gatherings
GRAPEVIE\\;V In spite uf the ty from a recen tonsillectomy.
Worker At Heet
Dr. Jack Duffield research di-
rector fo' the Industrial Forestry
Association, was special guest at
a me(King of the Southwest Wash-
ington Chapter of the Society of
Anlrican Foresters last week at
Ihe Olympian Hotel in Olympia.
l)r. l)uffield, a fellow of the
sociely is leaving Washington lt
accept teaching position at North
Carolina State College,
A native of Brooklyn. he receiv-
ed a B. g, deree in Forestry from
Cornell University in 1934, a. Mi,
V. flora Harwrd University in
1935 and a Ph.D. in forest gene-
tics from the University of Cali-
fornia in 1951.
Since 1954 Duffield has been in
charge of the nursery and of re--
search in tree improvement and
nursery practices for the Indus-
trial Forestr}¢ Association at Nis-
The Foresters and their wives.
who were special guests for the
evening, were entertained by Mr.
and Mrs. Hal MeClary, Shelton
McClary is General Manager of
Pharmacy Phacts
From Nell Evander
Are yOU old enough to remem-
forbidding, gray, rainy atmosphere
which prevailed Easter Day, many
Grapeview residents altended re-
ligious services en famille. Many
easter egg hunts had to be re-
scheduled to indoors, the Easter
Bunny apparently balking at the
possibility of getting ears and
whiskers wet !
Mr and Mrs. Walter Eckert
were chauffeured to Port Town-
sen by daughter and husband. Ann
and Eke Eacrett, early Sunday
morning. After enjoying a leisure-
ly breakfast there, they ferried on
over to Oak Harbi' where they
spent the day and enjoyed Easter
dinner with the Bob Eacretts and
their three youngsters. Although
heavy ram was encountered both
coming and going, none fell during
their entire visit, maybe a special
[favor to "our" weatherman from
the Easter Bunny.
Mr. and Mrs. AI Okonek spent
a happy Easter Day in Shelton
with son Ed and family. VJhile
there, they had the opportunity to
closely sc]'utinize the bowling tro-
phy presented to granclson Bobby
at the party held Saturday at the
Timber Bowl in Shelton for the
Bantam League bowlers. This
pleasant family Gathering conclud-
ed a week'a vacation for A1 who
took it plenty easy having suffered
a rather severe fhl attack recently.
• Part of the "taking it. easy" includ-
ed spending from Tuesday morn-
mg until Thursday evenm G with
her when the drug store used tO,daughter ' Mrs. Marian Wick and
display those great bi G glass but
tles filled with beautifully col- ', family in Seattle Friday was
spent with Hilda's sister and rum-
ored liquids? And that really was- lily, the Elmer Wesserlings, at their
n't so very long Gig' Harbor home. Young Ricky
ago, was it? \\;¥esserling was recuperating nice-
t .........................................................
Things have
changed so much
and so fast-and
so much for the
better, haven't
they? We just
don't look like
that any more.
!:,:. _.'i ....... We're no muse-
um! We t a k e
pride in carrying all of the newest
marvels of American drug re-
search They are all here when
your doctor prescribes them for
you. It's a fast-changing world
that we all live in-.a much heal-
thier and better world for every-
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 - 6:00
Heirs Pharmacy
the International Trade Depart-
merit of Simpson Timber Company
m Shelton.
Through the use of colored slides
the MeClary's described their se-
veral business trips to the Orient
and South America. Countries they
have visited include Japan, Korea,
the Phillipines. Perl, Brazil and
Hung Kon G. In addition to a dis-
cussmn of the social customs anti
living standards of these nations,
McClary described the construe-
lion and operation 01 plywood
mills in Japan and the Phillipines.
He pointed out that the products
from these modern and effeeient
mills are being placed on the world
markets in increasing quantities
in competition with similar pro-
duets manufactured in the United
BRILIdANT sunshine greeted
our Grapeview youngsters last
Tuesday and. l(x the Mother's Club-
sponsored Easter Egg Hunt was a
huge success by any measure of
Ihe word. The pre-school tots were
the first group to hunt and Becky
Query won the prize for finding
lhe most eggs while Virginia Que-
ry and Kristi Somers found the
silver eggs and were rewarded for
same. Peter Hill was the most sue-
cessful hunter in the "little room."
while Cathy Query and Mike Ben-
son fonnd the silver eggs. In the
upper room. Sam Gatlin and Geor-
-gin Clayton tied for the most eggs
round Donnie Pogreba and Art
Nieklaus found the silver eggs and
,Joel Zehe was awarded an im-
promptu "booby" prize, having
been unable-to find a single egg!
Vortunate to have recuperated
enough to retut,n to school Tues-
day noon in time for the hunt was
Bomlie Benson. By then. Leslie
Okonek had managed to learn to
bundle crutches and weighty leg
lcast well enough to also rejoin
his classmates for" the occasion.
Friends and relatives of Gott-
leib Stock were quite disturbed
to learn of his hospitalization Wed-
nesday evening and the ensuing
stroke which he suffered Thurs-
day. Fortunately, the doughty oc-
togenarian talmost nonagenarian!
weathered this storm and was re-
turned to his Allyn home Saturday
where he is at present resting
quietly. Best wishes to him for a
speed.y recuperation.
It's' good to see the Orin Soules
back in Grapeview again at their
comfy cottage. A family dinner
was enjoyed by them Easter Day
with daughter and husband, Ir.
and Mrs. Donald Earl, driving up
from Oregon for the weekend.
Grandson and family, Mr. and Mrs.
I Michael Guinn and their four chil-
dren, drove over from Hood Canal,
assurin G plenty of jolly activity
for the occasion, in spite of the
dreary weather.
les were Mr and Mrs. Cleve Spin-
ner of Elma. Long-time friends,
t the two couple have for years ce-
lebrated their wedding anniversa-
ries together, with their 55th to be
t.he next.
The John Stevens' home must
have seemed exceedingly quiet this
week] First• grandson Steve Brass-
field, spent a week with them. fol-
lowed by a week's visit from
grandson Morgie. Last Wednesday
Kay (Mrs. Morgan Brasield
joined her folks here with all three
4th & Railroad 426-3327 . M|II=| lWQ||| iqU.'i0 "l''|--w-----•- children, staying until Friday,
when she left to join husband Mor-
gan and his folks in Olympia to
Les Joslin
Give your youngster a head start
toward security through a West
Coast Life Juvenile policy• Age . .
one day up. Cost,.. as little as 5¢
perday per $1,000. Phone for de-
spend the Easter weekend•
Saturday afternoon the Art Nick-
laus family drove into St. David's
Episcopal Church in Shelton where
Ernestine and their three sons,
Art. Kim and Kristofer were bap-
tized Serving as the ehlldren",
godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Bob'!
Cleveland of Skokomish Valley
and Don Query. Conferring the
Sacrament of Holy Baptism was
Rev. ClarenCe Lody.
We are sorry to see one of our
most cheerful and friendly neigh-
bors. Mrs. Susie Syrjala. leave
Grapeview after many years re-
sidence here. Mrs. Syrjala recent-
ly sold her home to Fred 'oster
of Seattle and bought the hom in
Shelton's Hillcrest area that was
formerly owned by Eke Eaerett's
mother. Sons-in-law Ben Board-
man and "Swede" Johnson, as well
as \\;¥eb Etherton helped Susie
move into her new Shelton resi-
dence last week and, by now, she
is pretty well settled.
No doubt, most happy to be able
to join her husband, Art Barrett,
Long Distance Rates Were Always Lower After 6 R M..,
Now they're even lower after 9 P.M. How low? Example...
Now, after 9 P. M. to 4:30 A, M. you can phone anywhere in
the state for 70* (or less).
I Oiympla.Walla Walli 65 cents {old rate 80 cents) I
| Spokane-Yakima 60 cents (old rate 75 cents}
I Seattle-Spokan 65 cents {old rate 80 cents}
• ill I I
"After 9" out-of-state rates are lower, too. You can call any-
Where in the continental U.S. for $1.00' or less.
Enjoyed a visit wRh family or friends lately? Long Distance
is the next best thing to being there. Now, a bigger bargain
than ever-- tnJ it tonight]
,roinuLe latlon rare, plus ta,
for Easter was the former Judy
Johnson daughter of Mr. and Mrs
"Swede" Johnson of Grapeview. as
well as Mrs. Syrjala's granddaugh-
ter. Judy left early Friday morn-
ing by plane from the "Sea-Tac"
airport and travelling via Los An-
geles to New Orleans was able to
arrive at her Biloxi. Miss. destin-
ation by Friday evening. The
young couple tentatively plan to
be in that area for the next year,
m as much as Art is stationed at
the Bitoxi Air Force Base. pre-
sumably for this lenght of time.
I[|OME FI[IOiE[ the Shelton Gene-
ral Hospital in record time is Art
Zehe. Having undergone surgery
Monday morning, Art was home
by Thursday afternoon but must
restrict his activities considerably
fro' a while yet. Needless to say, a
quiet Easter Day was spen by the
Zehes at home
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rowe have
just returned from a three-weeks
trip into the Southland. They tra-
velled to San Francisco through
the Redwoods and then to Oaldand
where they visited with Maude's
niece. The next stop was-at Santa
Anna where they visited with re-
latives. On their way across the
desert to Phoenix, Ariz. they stop-
ped by Palm Springs, Calif. and
found it to be as beautiful as it is
reputed to be. Seven days were
spent at Phoenix by the Rowes
amid 80 degrees temperatures. On
their return trip they were able to
tour the Grand Canyon and Hoo-
ver Dam. In all. they had travel-
led about 4.000 miles by the time
they had returned to Grapeview,
glad to be home once again.
Highlight of the week's vaca-
tion taken by Don Pogreba last
week was. no doubt, in the eyes of
young Don. at any rate. their
Thursday fishing trip. On this
thrilling outing, young Don brought
in a beautiful ten pound salmon
while daddy Don had to be content
with a somewhat smaller speci-
The setting: the attractive Har-
old Retzman residence at Stadium
Beach; the menu: a sumptuous
turkey dinner complete with plum
pudding; the occasion: a belated
birthday dinner combined with a
friendly Easter Eve dinner. The
honored guest was Mrs. Ray Uhly
whose Jan. 18 birthday was being
celebrated with good friends, the
Walter Eckerts. the Eke Eacretts,
the Don Penneberas. as well as
Ray Uhly and, of course the host
and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Retzman. Sounds like an excellent
recipe for a perfect evening-!
MISS P&I RICHEY and bro-
ther of Seattle were delighted to
be able to spend their spring vaca-
tion with Auntie Paye (Mrs.
Lloyd) Riehey. Faye picked the
children up at the Bremerton ferry
Sunday and Monday she and Irene
Fredricks escorted the youngsters
to Coos Bay, Ore. where all four
enjoyed visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Cavanagh and children and
the Jim MeGlothlines until Thurs-
day. Friday the children's mother,
also Mrs. Faye Riehey, came over
from Seattle to spend the night
before returning to Seattle Satur-
,d ith.' her little family.
A deIFcious potluck dinner was
enjoyed by a group of friends at
the Jack Milner's beach cottage
Saturday night. Joining the four
Milners were Ed, Louise and Les-
lie Okonek. Russ and Ruth Wells,
Speck and Irene Fredrieks and
four Seatt]e friends of the Milners.
the ABCs
125 Cota St.
Phone 426-3953
7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Also on Sundays
of EATING at
Next to Pantorium
A is [or lhe GOURTEDUS ATTENTION you get, right now.
B is for ihe body-building BREAKFASTS we feature.
C is ]:or GLEANLINESS, a riluai at Manley's.
D is [or DINNER, which we serve Ioo.
Mrs. Lee Pearson of A'berdeen.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Polk play- S for ENERGY, which ou ! from our Food,
ed host; to Lotfise's sister, Mrs. -- .
Leona Farrington of Port Angeles,
from Wednesday to Friday of last
week.most fullyThe appreciatedl°vely weatlerand madeWaS !S for FRENCH FRIES, In :hich w? excel.
the visit especially pleasant. G IS [or GUIDE BOOKS, which we give Free.
That bright newly-painted play-
room floor at the Grapeview
Schoolhouse is the result of ala- H is for HOME MADE," like pies
bur of love performed by three lit-
tie mommies and two big daddies " our u
last Saturday morninG. Mothers'
Club President, Shirley Engen, I !
Iurial Somers and Louise Okonek S for IOEOREAM, to eat here or lake out=
were most ably assisted by Don
Query and Walt Clayton in the
env°ri-Ioward Somers and Walt IS for our flavorful JELLO SALADS.
Clayton crammed their cars to ca-
pacity with younGun's Saturday
tersCircusaftern°°nwerein madeOlympia'and headedmosttWelVehappy.fOr theyoungS.BuckyElk's !S For our special brand of "KITOHEN KNOW-HOWm"
Cathy Jamie and Becky Query,
Don, Susah and Janie PoGreba , IS for the LUNOHES in which we speoialize,
Leslie Okonek. Judy Engen, Don
and Kristi Somers and Georgia M iS fO gi
Clayton attended as the guests of
Howard, Walt and Julie Stock, r the MAPS, which we also ve free.
proceeds from the tickets being
donated totheElks'YouthActi. N iS for
vity Fund. the NUTRITION our dishes are full of,
Seattle Sunday for Vancouver, B.
C.. on the first lap of a trip to
Europe that will in two weeks,
take hereto Prague. She will be in
Europe for several months, with
an itinerary that is still indefinite.
A granddaughter's wedding, babies
expected in both grandsons' fami-
lies. the thousandth-anniversary
celebration in Luxemburg, are
among the magnets that are at-
tracting her this time. gathering
material for writing bein G a con-
stant pastime. Mrs. Mitchell sends
a general farewell to her friends,
whocan expect to hear from her
from time to time, as usual. Also,
as usual, any mail sent to her
home will be forwarded.
The William Spooner family
spent the weekend in Seat£1e to see
Mrs. Mitchell off. They visited
with friends and with daughter !
Linda at the University. Linda, in S for our UNEXCELLED hamburgers .. "ust try 'em!
the University Choir, took part in w...,,,,,,,,,..,...,.,,--. • J
the sunrise service at Washelli.
Ann and Marcella Westber G took I
advantagesprinG vacation°f the byGrapeviewspendingSCh°°lFri- !S ,or the VARIETY of Manley's Menus,
Not only did they visit with Ann's
sister and family, the Max Reidels, IS or the WONDERFUL VALUES you always find here.
but also with other friends and
0 is for that oh-so-good OYSTER STEW of ours.
P is for for PRAWNS servediin a basket.
Q is for the QUIOK SERVIOE you'll gel at Manley's.
R is for lhe REASONABLE PRIGES you find on our Menus.
T is for TOURIST INFORMATION, anolher free service.
even managed to find time to take
in a little bowling, as might be
expected !
The Sarah Eckert Orthopedic
Guild will meet at the home of
Mrs. Marie Givens this Friday,
April 19 at 11 a.m. This will be a
regular work meeting and Mrs.
Myrtle Soule will set,re as co-hos-
4-H'ers: Don't forget'Demonstra-
tion Day will be this Saturday,
April 20, in Shelton.
X is [or our XTRA FINE FOOD.
Y is for our YUMMY SUNDAES, you can't lop 'em!
Z iS for the ZEST with which we strive to please you.