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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 18, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 18, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 20 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington ' , m ThursHay, For Sale GLIDDEN Spred-Satln and pants are your best buy at Shelton Electric Co. 419 Railroad 12/13 tfn "CHRISTMASTON, U.S.A." rubber stamps for eale at the Journal, $1.25 each. 227 West Cota. 12/1 tfn D%ITCH BOY PAINTS -- We are open Sundays, Sheltou Marine, Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn PACIFIC PRIDE apple trees, Simlton Marine -- Hillcrest Hardware on Hillcrest. 3/28 tfn iONEER SWS sales and service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hlllcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn 3 TD9 Internationals $1,995, $4.500. $5,950, Sawmills $950. $1,150. $2,150. Call 426-4810 for appointment. "B 4/11 tfn ELECTROLUX SALES,' service and supplies. John Rice, Phone 426-6108. Free demonstrations. R 1/7 tfn NEW 1000 TATT i10 volt light plant, tilers, boats: campers. $198.50. aeger Motor Shop, 426-4602. 12/7 tfn YOU CAN PUMP more water and longer with Fairbanks Morse pumps. See them at Shelton Electric Co.. 419 Railroad. 3/16 ttn ICH, BLACK TO-SOIL, fill dirt, road and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea ravel for driveways. Norman An- lerson, phone 426-3552. John's Creek Sand and Gravel Bayshore. 7/25 tfn FoR SALE  sed steel, plates pipe, pulleys and shafts. All type's sal- vage. Shelton Junk Ce., First and Mill, phone 426,8626. 9/8 tfn FOR SALE -- Large selectien of re- conditlened ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eclls & Valley Ap- _plianes Center. 6/5 tfn LOVE' ORGAN SALES--Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota St., phone 426- 4302. 2/1 tfn S :' OUR FINE stoCk of fireplace uipment. From fireglow to Frank- 1 n stoves, grates to glass doors. Carlsons Tile and Fireplace. Mt. View. " 11/15 tfn SLAB WOOD for sale, You-h--aul.50 per cord. We haul $12.50 cord. Length desired, Call 426-4363, Niell on Olympic Hiway So. Mac 10/11 tfn EERSON TV and stereo. See them at Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cota St. 4/12 tfn tOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E, Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tfn ui i-zTd-=- ing machine repossessed with full balance due of only $41.20. Want responsible party to assume balance at. only $5.00 per month. Machine will zlg-zag, overcast, sew on but- tons, make buttonholes, all wlthout attachments. Guaranteed. For further information call Olympia 352-8551, anytime, ll-ltfn COW FERTILIZER for sale. Delivered iu 2 yard loads. $9.00 in Shelton. Phone 426-6{)77 L 3/7 tfn INSECTICIDE and garden secd time. For Sale FOR SALE --- 35-foot Angeles trailer. fm.nished. Phone 426-3104, W 4/11 tfn BIG bench vice. Little 2-wheel bicycle. Two tool boxes, picmc table for kids. Jerome Kerhart. 204 E. Pine, K 4/11-25 FOR SALE Pole wood 16 in. and over $16 per cord. Phone 426-4867 S 1/31 tfn FOR SALE--Ferguson tractor, good mechanical condition, excellent tires. with 3 point hydYaulie lift and Made. $475 or will trade for pickup of equal value, Call 426-2420 after 7 p.m. D 4/11-25 Sp2.rfi-g Goods FOR SALE or trade 20 ft Alaska ce- dar inboard, sleeps 2. Coast Guard equipped for univLproved property, trailer house or what have you. 426-6769 E 4/18 tfn EVINRUDE and Homeflte outboards. Sabre Craft boats. Sales and service. Hood Canal Marina, Union. Wash. Phone 898-2252 3/21 tfn EVINRUDE SAL an(I eerlce. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn 5 HORSEPOWER, air-cooled Clinton outboard motor, 36 lbs, only $142. Cooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 S. First. 4/4-18 Used ears 1955 STUDEBAKER V8, overdrive, good tires. $250. Phone 426-4225. A 4/11-18 FOR SALE--1957 Ford. Real sharp* Lots of extras. Phone 426-8415, eve- nings. R 4/18-25 1947 CHEVROLET two-dopr sedan, four new tires. Best offer takes. See at 634 Dearborn. S 4/18-5/2 For Rent irOR RENT -- Small house snitable for couple, one bedroom unfurnished except fer stove and refrigerator. Inquire 722 Pine st. P. 4/11 tfn APT. for rent--unfurnished one bed- bedroom, heated, with stove and re- frigeratoP. Adults only. Elevator service. 311 No. 1st. 426-3025. P 4/11 tfn IeOR RENT - unfm'nished 2 bed- room house. $40 month. Also 2 room furnished cabin $30 month, Phone 426-4276, C 4/4 tfn FOR RENT clean furnished one-bed- room house. Call 426-4644 S 4/,1 tfn SMALL honse on Hillcrcst. 1512 Boundary. Newly redecorated. Hot water heater, elcetric stove with trash burner, movable 220 electric heater. Inquire John Getty, 1601 Franklin. Phone 426-6265. 4/4 tfn. Get them now at Shelton Marine ................................... FOR RENT -- One-bedroom furnished house, water and garbage furnished. Phone 426-8150. N 5/25 tfn HOUSEKEEPING rooms, sleeping ttillcrest Hardware, 2/21 tfn DYKE mobile homes Quality at .a practical price! DeTray's Mo- bile Homes. 1617 Fones Road, Olym- pia, Wash, Phone 3522907. 2/21 tfn RHODODENDRONS--small razes nlany in bud $1.79 eael]. Peony roots short time only. $1.00 per division. Roses in containers both bush and climl)ers 1.49 each. Garden Shop open 11. a.m. 426-3710 3/28 tfn CIAL flowers, singles or ar- rangements all types and kinds from 10c. Wholesale and retail. Shelton Marine -- Hiltcrest ttardware. 3/28 tfn BRIGGS and STRATTON replacement engines, short blocks, parts in stock Cooke's Feed and Hardware. 219 S. First, Phone 426-2412. 3/28 tfn FOR SALE--3-year-old Kenmorc, auto- rustic washer, excellent condition. i26-6257, R 4/11 tfn SMALL upright piano, good tone ex- cellent eonditimt, bench and light, Reasonable. French Evetfe wood clarinet, half price. Outdoor swing set. sturdy $5.00, Call 426-3029 R 4/18-5/2 $2,500. Phone 426-6585. betwee, n 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. D 4/18-25 ",5MPL'E;rE reloading outfit-i-urr tool, four sets of dies• powder meas- ure. powder scales. Over $100 worth equipment, like new. $50 takes all. Phone 426-3415. evenings. R 4/18-25 FOR SALE--Studio eouchnevcr used, $25. Phone 426-8415 evenings. R 4/18:25 120 i,Ss'---Enrico Rosselli accordion, pink ad gold, Phone 426-8377. $300. H 4/18 tfn BATTERY charger. 2 screw jacks, 10 tons, Gasoline engine, 9 hp Small electric range. BUffet• Small gas heater. Jerome Kerhart, 204 E. Pine. 147, 4/18-5/2 FOR SL-L- -----TPg O-]VI-({iil h- -6haF,{ a : Two 24" bars. one new. $95. Phone 426-8287. M 4/18-25 FRUIT-T---Tal-e--adnt-age of our early spring, complete selection of very fine stock, Oregon grown. Pears, peaehes.'cherries and plums. Flower- ing crabapple and pitons. Shade trees, Roses, Pink Dogwoods. Weep- cherries.. Camellias, Rhododendrons. Extra fine Magnolias in several kinds. Evergreen shrubs, Island Belle grapes. Many spring blooming shrubs. Heathers, tulips, daffodils. The Garden Shop, Olympia Highway South. Phone 426-3710. 2]21 tfn WAX NO MO- PYLON liquid wansparent plastic coating, never needs waxing, polishing or scrub- bing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside or out. See Grayston 5/25 tfn account on food ? Below retail prices, free honte delivery, no gimmicks, no high prices. Unconditional guaran- tee to satisfy you. Olympia 943-3720. Dll-ltfn R'Dfood -- Shelton :Marin Hillcrest ttardware. 3/28 tfn BATHTUBS. toilets, wash bowls, gas hot water heater windows, doors, 2x4's 2x6's 2x8's, ship lap, flooring, rustic siding, composition brick sid- ing, also bricks. Cleave Robinson. Phone. 426-3710 alter 5 p.m, or be- fore 8:00 a.m. 3/28 tfn GARDEN p SPNCIALS -- Grapes, red and black rasl)bC, rrios. strawberries, cur rant gooseherries rhubarb, asparagus, chives, lavender, delpiliniunis, primroses, pansies, Hel- laborus, bleeding hearts. 15 types of dwarf fruit and flowermg trees. Gar- den Shop open 11 a,m. Rt, I Hox 43 Shelton. 3/28 tfn 'R-TI-T-/'es, plants, shrubs. Shelton Marine -- Hillcrcst Hardware on ttillerest 3/28 tim l"6---FT-'--G,-age door for sale. with heavy-duty Stanley fixtures. One year old. $I00. Phonc 426-3375 or 426-2411, K 3/28 tfn 638 Arcadia 426-4378. call evenings, V 4/,i tfn chine, reasonable. Phone 42G3779. W 4/11 ViTgF¢-d --gV2--i-/;iSA/ - i;ffK, C-{};-i-ib this area. Must be sold. Purchaser may assuIlle Sl/lal] nlonlhly Payments or will sell for cash. Phone or write Credit Maoager, Talhnan's ,t759 " : } " " .  • .. Seattl( Unnts t) Wy N l, LAkeview 2-5859. /11-18 will open riday at :Bar-Dins 526 Fraaklil, B 4/II tfn Classified Service HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior and interior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed• Bennett Painting Co. Phone 426-3248. 5/10 tfn JEROME BURKE Garden rotovating, field plowing, well- aged older sawdust, pit-run grave. Phone 426-3678. B 10/4 tfn JACOBSEN SALES and service. We are open Sunday. Shelton Marine, Hillcrest Hardware, 426-8163. 3/29 tfn FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, In- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton Sheet Metal Co., 321 So. Third, Dial 426-6121. EXPERT AUTO GLASB Installation. Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231. 4/23 tl REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re, conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- frigeration Service, 315 Ceta, phone 426-8082 day or night. 1/18 tfn FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces, chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason. 426-2278. 3/1 tfn ROOFING, blown roeR wool insula- tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn CHAIN SAW SHARPENIN accurate precision grinding. Now at aeger Motor Shop. Hfllcreet Phone . 426-4602. 1/15 tfn WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Co•, First and Mill Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn INDIVIDUAL and Family Counseling. 210 Union ave.. Olympia. Daily, some evenings. For appointment call Olym- pia 943-3602 R 4/18-6/6 PREPARE FOR REAL ESTATE EX £ AMINATION. No experience neces- sary. Eleven evenmg classes, spon- sored by the Tacoma Board of Realtors, begin Monday, April 22. Inquire Alberta Smoke. P.O. Box 1405. Tacoma or BRoadway 2-1818, 4/18 Pets, Livestock FOR SALE -- Registered Shetland Sheepdog (miniature collie} puppies-- sables and tri-colors--males and fe- males, Call 426-6940. A 3/21 tfn COW, half Jersey, one 2-year-old heif- er. one 8 months old bull Phone 4264931. D 4/18 Wanted WANTED to Buy Fern. fTill pay 2 cents bonus. Located on Cole Road. Phone 426-3051. W 4/4-18 WOMAN wants housework or ironing. Call .evenings 426-4378--638 Arcadia. V 4/4 tfn TREES TOPPED, trimmed, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4823. 2/13 tfn FOUNDATION work. repairs leveling, re-posting, Reasonable. free estima- tes, Call Olympia FL 2-3551. C 3/14 tfn SAW FILING, grinding and re-tooth- ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2433. 3/8 tfn WATERFRONT wanted. Tacoma pro- fessional family disires unimproved waterfront. Cash or contract with interest. No realtors. Write Box S. "_  rooms and 2-room apartments, tin- e/o The Journal. 2/21 t'fn ens. dishes, utilities supplied. 426- 2t)83. B 2/28 tfn WANTED -- 1000 recappable tires. OI£ ................................................... Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn GIG 3 ro,m at)artment ust $60 per Robert Shumate, Olympia. 9/20 ttn month. New ground-floor apartloent, exeellen: location $65 per month. HOUSE TRAILER towing anywhere in Three bedroom Hillerest home. only state. Phone FL 7-5358 or FL 2-4940. $65 per month. Call 426-8277 IIA=NDY- ----()dl--joi)d!-i-f-yoll 4/18 think it can't be fixed call Henry O--i'"-RE-r--2j-eibz¢-)o%7"l:m--{i(5.fir2 Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn place, full basement. Excellent vmw. -'I-LL," do ironing in my home. down- $70 per month. References. Mann town area. $1 per hour, 426-8514. Mrs. Real Estate, 426-6592 any time. Charles Lombard. 2/14 tfn N[ 4/18 WANTED: Alders and maple logs, 10 t,()Y--]ENT--)2i{r0.--ious}.--lll,- inches and up. 8, 10. 16. and 20 foot tric range, refrigerator, garage. 1102 lengths. Also aller stumpage. Phone Fairmont Street. Pbone 426-2153. Union" 898-2457 or Port Angeles 452- .............................................. __ B 4/1825 2175 after 7 p.m, or write 104 Co- FURNISHED ground floor apartment, lumbus st. Port Angeles, Wash down town adults only. Inquire 201 C 1/24 tfn Aider. Phone 426-6450. R 4/lg tfn oWANTED---Huekleberry and slal. FOIrR-ROOM furnished apartment for Competitiw prices paid for bunch rent. Call 426-6345. S 8/30 tfn brush Phone 426-4244. P 4/18 tfn SLEEPING ROOMS, with kitchen pri- vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth. phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn FURNISHED APARTNfENT available at Goldsborough APts. S 4/4 tfn house, 214 East Pine. Cheap, Phone 426-6981. Y 4/4-18 FOR RENT -- Large two-bedroom, heated apartment. Close in. Call 426-6283. S 10/13 tfn GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water, At highway bridge. S 4/4 tfn EIGEWOOD APARTMENTS -- Cheer- ful one and two bedroom furnished apartments, lots of closets. Near Shelton Airport and prison site, phone 426-3772. S 10/11 tfn . BEDRM. dupmx for rent, garage and utility room, electric heat, water, garbage furnished. 426-8150. N 11/22 tfn b---b--- for rent. tHeat, water and garbage fm'nished. Inquire 1119 Franklin st, Apt. 5 Phone 4266496, B 3/14 tfn iAWTON APARTM'NTS, Bachelor units ideal for single men or wo- men. Also attractively fnrnished one bedroom apartments, All untilties furnished except lights. Reasonable. Phone 426-2121 or 426-g177. 12/4 tfn FOR RENT -- Ree Apt. 2 bedroom, unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4836. D 3/29 tfn C-LEAN, comfortable, one mad two bed- room furnished cottages with or without linens or TV. Heat, elec- tricity, water, garbage collection in- cluded in low weekly or monthly winter rates, Mill Creek Motel. Call 426-4420. 9/6 tfn ished apartment. Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or 426-2493, or 426- 2446. B 5/18 tfn RENTAL E QUTP-IENT- HAIN SAWS, Rotary Lawn Mowers, Reel Lawn Mowers, Garden Tillers. Floor Waxers and Polishes, Wheel Barrows, Electric Saws, Electric Drills, Saber Saws. Sanders, Exten- sion Ladders, Step Ladders. Pipe Wrenchem Shelton Marine Supply, _ 42-8163: 6/7 tfn FOR RENT -- One bedroom, up- stairs apartment. Ceramic tile kit- ehen and bath. Ample closets, Phone 426-6424 after 5 p.m. J 7/19 tfn FOR RENT lia'ht housekeeping rooms, everything furnished but dishes. 426- 4679 or Inquire ]00 West Pine. R 2/7 tfn FOB RENT --- l"urnished t.wo bedroom hollle, vca[er and garbage inehlded, lllttlil'e :25 N(,rth Fifth. .t ;t/14 tin ", Classified Service FII E SHOP SERVICE ..... do it your- "s'lf or cxpe'rt lie] l) available, day or nig It we k( n is b days Roy G t(y, I01't Franldin. phone 426-,1850. G 4/11-25 LET;S IAiE-'aqiii'-6"-dO"eoTa2gT-F}iF expert painting and wall papering, call Bennett Iainting Company, 426-3248 B 1]./8 tfn nlakes a.lld lllode[s. Leln ]e- £rigcration, 2ad ;it Cota. Phone d26- "2 -5 3/14 tfn McCULLOCH SALES and Serwce. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marne Hlllcrest Hardware. 426-8163, /9 tfn Miscellaneous MEAT COOLING cutting and wrap- ping. Phone 426-6779 Lemke service. L 2/7 tfn GARDEN PLOWING and Rototilh. Small plots or large. W. A. Vander Veer. phone Hoodsport 877-5393. Shel- ton 426-3529. V 2/7 tfn CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindness and sympathy of neigh- bors and friends in our recent sorrow w.ill always remain with us as a pre- ClOUd memory Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all tltose comforting acts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Walker Prompt - Guaranteed Service WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 S. 1st 426-4553 BOAT BUILDING Repairing an fiberglaing. Glass boats repaired or re- finished. 3 1/3 miles east of Agate Store. Phone 426-6977. 4/4 - 5/9 . ur u.u i WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE Phone 426-2411 HELP WANTED Experienced cook. Seasonal or year around. Living quarters available. LAKE CUSHMAN RESORT Hoodsport- Ph, 877-5388 3/14 tt'n Hay & deeds ALFALFA DAIRY HAY Fine stemmed, soft, leafy, green, 2700 tons, first, second and third cuttings. Also tops, bottoms and feeder hay, delivered anywhere -- lead lots only. Call collect evenings SU 1-2180, George, Wash. If no answer call eL 9-2003, Marysville, Wash. Miscellaneous NOTICE On and after this date. April 18. 1963. we will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than ourselves. Lionel L, Day Mrs. Lionel IMary) Day D 4/13 CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends m our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious nlemory. Our shlcere thanks and gratitude for all those com- forting acts. Mrs. Audrey Hammond and Children. 4/18-25 CARD OF THANKS May we extend to our nmny friends and neighbors and especially to the Simpson employees, our deep thanks for the flowers, sympathies and dona- tions of blood given us during the ill- ness and loss of our loved one. Mrs. Sherning Thompson Mr. and Mrs. A1 Pile and family. Mrs. Lila Heglin CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindpess and sympathy of neigh- bors and friends in our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a pre- cmus memory, Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. Mrs. Ly]e S. Wilson Mr.and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson and family Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wilson and family Lost and Found LOST--Year old male Sealpoint Siam- ese cat, Missing since March 21. 720 Cedar. Phone 426-4725, W 4/4-13 Real Estate OUR EQUITY in a Hillcrest four bed- room home -- cheap: Phone 426-8613. Fireplace, 2 car garage. O 3/14 tfn THREE bedroom, fenced patio, large utility, fireplace, hardwood floors, plastered. Reasonably priced. We will paint. 2128 Jefferson. Phone 426- 4652. H 2/21 tfn OLDER 3 BEDROOM rmuse on Angle- side for sale. No Friday night or Sa- turday calls. 426-8563. A3/7 tfn [PeR SALE -- Duplex 84x2 with 10 lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone 426-8150. N 7/23 tfn TRADE good house in Skokomish val- ley, close to highway 101, for Christ- mas tree or timber land, Phone 426-6084. R 11/8/ tfn 4 ROOM HOUSE. some furniture, ear- ,*)ort. lU/ lots. $4.500.00, (:an bc pur- classed on rental purchase agree- meat. at $50 per month. LaBissoniere Agency, 426-4666 L 4/18 $1.00 DOWN--Must sell 3-bedroom. large living room. 7 miles from Shel- ton. neat" Bay. 2 acres. $6,000, Im- mediate possession. Call 426-3806. L 4/18-25 WANTED to move about Jnne 10th: Will trade equity Shelton. large, clean house for country property equity. Privat( party only. Phone 426-8012 weekends only, M 4/18-5/23 TE-BE--D-kO6M--hde--3 -ibiS, -f926 Summit Drive, $8:500, phone 426-2154 ,,,or 426-3024. Garage. Fruil. P 1/24 tfn THREE BEDROOM home. 5 acres, fi- replace modern and neat. $9850. Call 426-6692 evenings, 426-4475 days. S 1/24 tPn BECAUSE OF DEATH in family, am forced to sell income property. Also four large cleared lots. 426-3477. Call evenings. A 10/18 tfn MODERN 3-bedroom home with fire- place and 100 ft. of waterfront on Island Lake. Call 426-4962 after 5 p.m. C 3/14 tfn FOR SALE: 4- bedroom modern home located near hospital. Exc.ellent double garage, sprmg water. Phone 426-4648. M 3/14 tfn MT. VIEW 3 bedroom homc, patio, fireplace, electqd 'heaC" Phone 426- 4___504 afler 6 p.m. H 3/28 tfn THREE-bedroom modern home on Is- land Lake. Private party. Garage, breezway. Fireplace, Phone 426- 3265. P 4/11 tfn PLANT BLUEBERRIES NOW Berries this summer and beauti- fy grounds year round. Dis- counts for field plantings. Whips. Eberhardt Blueberry Nurseries, Rt. 1 Box 392, Olympia. Phone 352-8031. 2/21 tfn BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 fin NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, long-lasting, western red cedar fences of distinction by Versapanel. Installed or do-it- yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de- livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 V 7/26 tfn JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS! Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (mnimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional insertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ads on request. Classified display $1.25 per column inch. Card of thanks $1.50. Read- er notices 15 word minimum $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" notices $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance• Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10¢ will be made when billing is necessary. Real Estate WELL built five-room house. ]and- seeped yard, drilled well; 185 ft on blacktopped road. $7,000. Phone 877- 5207 at Hoodsport. 4/4-18 fi ACRE. Skokomish Valley. House with large living room, kitchen, bath and utility, two upstairs bedrooms. New roof. New septic tank and drainfields. Reasonable. Phone 426- 8303 D 3/28 tfn 3 bedroom home with full basement corner lot. completely fenced. Near school and stores $9,900. Call 426- 6373. J 3/28 tfn NORTHCLIFF home--three bedrooms. rec. room. fireplace, automatic oil furnace. 100'xl50' lot. Fine home for children. Phone 426-3375 or 426-2411. K 3/28 tfn MODERN, comfortable four-bedroom home, beautiful view Olympics, near school, excellent condition, living room -- dinette have wood paneled fireplace wall. Family kitchen, birch cabinets, dishwasher. Double carport, 1½ baths, private patio. Must see to appreciate. Phone 426-442. .l 1/17 tfn FOR SALE -- Ten room house and re- pair shop, with or without tools, This property on Paved street and Alley, money maker for right man. C. L. Pettit. 414 Esst 8th St. Port Angeles. Washington. Phone 457-7767. P 4/4-18 SMALL equity in race 2% bedroom home. fireplace. 3/4 basement with oil and wood furnaces. Nice neigh- borhood, walking distance to schools and town. Phone 426-8058 T 4/4 tfn 4-BEDROOM. fireplace, earpeting and draperies, double garage, room over garage, wash room and fruit trees Large corner lot. 426-6510. B 4/11 tfn FOR SALE or take nice older rural home as part payment for Island Lake 4-bedroom finished house on 100-foot lake frontage. Phone 426- 6259. F 4/4-18 FOR 'SALE or trade for home in or near Shelton--33-acre farm with five bedrooms, modern, double garage. Phone 426-6981. 6 miles out, Y 4/4 tfn WATERFRONT stucco home North of Twanoh State Park for sale by owner. Rt. I Box 415. Belfair CR 5-5456. M 4/11 tfn MODERN 2-bedroom home. attached double garage, electric heat, patio. Mt. Vic.w. Phone 426-8428. Z 4/11 tfn 1 ACRE. Bays[de building site. two ,septic tanks well foundation. $3,500. Call 426-4820 for appoinlment. B 4/1 tfn LARGE 3-bedroom home, on corner lot. Radiant heat. fireplace, newly re- decorated. Phone 426-8078. S 4/11 tfn WiL-L---s  EL--i-EGb-gY-XP PRXiXf;7 Beautiful waterfront home and acre- age. Best reasonable offer. Owner will help finance. Pimne 426-8132. R 4/11 tfn FOR SALE--Downto%vn property, on 1 lots. 2-bedroom homc. garage, woodshed, cabin and good garden plot. Phone 426-4219. B 4/11 tfn REMODELING GUARANTEED WORK No job too small. PHONE 426-8078 S 4/4 ---25 ,,no SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS I0-gal., 250-gal., 500-gal., 750-gal. Drain Fields. Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 R-1Rt fr, The JOURNAL QUICK CASH FOR REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS Any Size or Location - call - J. L. ItENDRICK Tacoma MA 7-4192 Evenings - SK 2-6044 METROPOLITAN MORTGAGE & SECURITY COMPANY, INC. 2525 So. Tacoma Ave., Tacoma HOOD CANAL IN HOODSPORT ON THE BEACH. 2 bedroom, plus attic room, patio, low bank, tidelands. $13,900 Two bedroom, fireplace, pano- ramic view. $6,750 Three bedroom and guest house, fireplaces, hot water heat. $27,500 200 ft. Potlatch beach, 3 bed- room, vicw of mountain. $24,500 EASY TERMS  4 bedrooms. furnished, at Potlatch, al on one floor, large family home with view. $12,500 No-bank beach lots $200 down. For Rent--l, 2, & 3 BR homes. ltOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5575 Evenings Journal Waft Ads Pay Legal Publications NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE BINGMAN SALVAGE SALE Public notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provmions of Section 5 of Public Law 273. 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16. U,S.C.A. 583-583i) and the Cooperative Agreement for the Manage- ment of the Participating Forest Pro- perties in the Shelton Cooperative Sus- tained Yield Unit entered into by and between/the United States of America and the Simpson Timber Company, dated December 12. 1946, all merchan- table timber marked or designated for cutting on an area embracing 483 acres, more or less. within Sections 25, 26. 27. 28. 33, 34. 35. 36. T. 22N., R.. 6W., W.M. partially surveyed, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, :I0, 11, T. 21N., R. 6W.. W.M. surveyed, Sections 31 and 32, T. 22N., R. 5W. W.M. partially surveyed, in the Bingman Block, Mason County, Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit, Olympic National Forest Wash- ington, will be sold to the Simpson Timbei" Company, Seattle, Washington, on May 1. I963, The estimated volumes are: 3,200 M board feet of Douglas-fir, 2,400 M board feet of westei'n hemlock and other species. The minimum ac- ceptable bid per M board feet is as follows: Douglas-fir $13.75, western hemlock and other species $7.90. This includes the following rates, per M board feet for stumpage (including de- posit for sale area betterment). $3.00 base rate plus an additional $9.70 for 'Douglas-fir, $2.00 base rate plus an additional $4.85 for western hemlock and other spemes, and $1.05 for slash disposal for all species. The prices bid for stumpage shall bc considered as tentative rates subject to quarterly calendar adjustment upward or down- ward by 0.5 of the difference between the average of the monthly Douglas- fir region indices• as calculated by the Forest Service for the three previous months, and [he following base in- dices: Douglas-fir 111.23 (D). western hemlock and other species 92.98 (A). Such adjustments in the price for stumpage shail be applicable to timber scaled during the three-months period following the quarter for which the adjustment is computed. In no event, however, shah the payment rates for each quarter be less than the base rates as stated above. When the ad- lusted rates by species are lower than the i)ase rates, the difference between the fetal dollar value of the timber cut. at adjusted rates and at base rates will be recorded for each species The stnmpage rate for any species will not be increased al)ove the base rate until the subsequent adjusted rates above base rates for all species develop an ac- cunmlated tol al dollar wdue in excess of the total recorded accumnlated differ- ence for all species. Ir requested by the State of Washington or by Mason County or by any person deemed to have a i'easonable interest m the pro- posed sale, or in its terms, a public hearing will be held. in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Building, Olympia, Washington on the 19th day of April 1963 at 2:00 p.m. Re- quests for public hearing will not be considered unless received in the office of the Forest Supervisor Post Office Building, Olymi)ia Washington, on or before April 10. 1963. Dated March 25. 1963. Lloyd G. Gilmor. Forest Super- visor. Olympic National Forest. Wash- ington. 3/28-4/4-11-18 4t NO. 3450 NOTICE TO CRI':DITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF VASHINGTON FOR , MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE P. O'MALLEY Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the nndersigned has been appointed and has qualif,ied as the Executrix of the Estale of George P. O'Malley, de- ceased: that. all persons having claims aga.inst said deccascd are hereby re- quired tO se, rvc the same. duly verified. ,n the undersigned Executrix or her attorney of record at [he address be- lo stated and file the same with the Clerk of tile said court, together with proof of such service" wit]lin six:lllonths after the date of first puhlicati.n of this noHee or the san)c will be barred. Date of first publication: April 18. 1963. WILLETTA EYLEENE DURKIN Executrix GLENN E, CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton. Washington 4/18-25-5/2-9 4 NOTICE' OF SIIERIFF'S SAEE ()F ABANDONED VEil ICLES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ileal on Monday, the 22nd day of April 1963, at the hour of 10:00 A.M. of said day at Doran Shell Service. Olympia I-tigh- way North. Shelton Washington, I will sell the following described ve- hicle to-wit: 1953 Oldsmobile Sedan. Motor No. R280643. License No. UAL 722. Wn. D. S. CLARK. Sheriff Mason County, Washington, 4/18 it Art's Bulldozing! Excavating  Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tfn HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE 426-4867 H 4/4 tfn RENT A TELEVISION SET AT OLSEN FURNITURE 328 Cota Ph. 426-4702 Legal Fublication NATIONAL FO::ST T:'.II;G FOR SALE WYNOOCHEE SALVAGE S.2=•G NO. 1 Public notice is hereby gven that pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Public Law 273, 78th Congress calendar adjustment ward by 0.5 ot the average of the fir regmn indiceS, the Forest Service for pus montis, and (58 Slat. 132-16. U.S.C.A. 583-583[).'and indices: Dougl the Cooperative Agreement for the ern redcedar and other species justments in the Management of the Participating For- est Properties in the Shclton Co- operative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the United States of America and the Simpson Timber Company, dated December 12. 1946, all merchantable timber marked or desig- nated for cutting on an area embrac- ing 787 acres, more or less, within Sections 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13, 14, 16, 17, 19. 20, 21. 22, 23. 24. 25, 26. 27, 28, 33, 34, T. 23N. R. 7W.. W.M. un- surveyed, Wynoochee Block, Grays Harbor County, Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit. Olympic Na- tional Forest. Washington, will be sold to the Simpson Timber Company, Seattle. Washington, on April 29, 1963. The estimated volumes are: 4,400 M board feet of Douglas-fir, 800 M board feet of western redcedar, 6,900 M board feet of western hemlock and other species. The mininmm acceptable bid per M board feet is as follows: Doug- las-fir $6.60, western redcedar $3.60, western hemlock and other species $3.65. Tiffs includes the following rates, per M board feet for stumpage (including deposit for sale area better- ment). $3.00 base rate plus an addi- tional $3.00 for Douglas-fir. $3.00 for shall be during the lowing the justment is however, shall the each quarter rates as justcd rates by the base rates. the total dollar cut at adjusted will be stumpage rate not be until the subseqa above base rates velop an value in excess accumulated If requested by t ton or by Grays any person able interest in in its terms held in the visor. Post Washington, on 1963. at 2:00 hearing will received in the western redcedar, $2,00 base rate plus Supervisor. an additional $1.05 for western hemlock Olympia, and other species, and $0.60 for slash April 10. 1963. disposal for all species. The prices bid Lloyd G. Gillm( for stumpage shall bc considered as Olympic tentative rates subject to quarterly SELL OR TRADE A 3 Bedroom, Full Basement Home, Well Located View of Olympics. Forced Air Automatic Inside And Out. PRICED AT $10,500 WILL TAKE YOUR EQUITY AS DOWN CALL KURT MANN MANN REAL ESTATE 426-6592 Anytime FOR SALE 2-Three bedroom, plastered, homes, built-in ove electric heat, fireplace, hardwood floors, bath ad garage, paved street and close to grade schoOl on 1-Three bedroom, all plastered home, electric and range, with birch built-ins, fireplace, sing le fenced in yard on paved street close to Mt. Phone 426-2240. GENE McLARTY RouTE 1, fl( Belfair, Washington • Blocking and Complete • Prompt Service Set and Reset "LARGEST TRUCKS IN THE AFI BELFAIR CR 5-2207 & CR GEl A "WIILLEIt ON YOUR APPLIANCE CALL 426-8215 and your service worries to S MulUer s of Shellon 3rd & Railroad CALL CASH PAID FOR Good, Clean, Used and Appliances KELLY'S FURNITURE WANTED n . • DINERS WHO DESIRE EXCELLEHT ,CUISIHE • WHO WISH TO BE PAMPERED BY OUR --Oilr Specialty • Char-Broiled Steaks • Seafood • Chicken COCKTAILS In The Liars' Den PHONE 877-5388 for reservations if desired Dine over the Panoramic Dining LAKE RES Dining 6 ,til Danein * Group