April 18, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 18, 1963 |
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ALL THIS FOR $11,000
Transferred owner must travel
so he offei's quick occupancy of
this country dandy. It features
King sized living room with huge
stone fireplace. Two bedrooms,
bath has shower and tub. The
kitchen has dishwasher, rauge and
+ w+
and dryer in utility room. A
workshop, 2 car garage, small
I" - _
stream, plus a swimming pool. We
re:state know o, no+,+ comparable in
comfort, convenience and location.
Ask to see this soon.
Starter home for .......... A. ROY DUNN ........
and work- Much waterfront on the bay,
and shop- close to town, is worth up to $50
infl clean home a foot. We now have a 246 foot,
cozy liv- low-bank tract, 12 acres in all)
kitchen, with nice cottage, well, garage
with 3rd and dock. The house features wall
room. Don't hes- to wall carpet in large living
SPecial, call today, room. New kitchen with natural
wood cabinets and formica coun-
-- ter tops. The beach is first-class
.anOther home an- for swimming and lounging. The
large Angles(de frontage alone is almost worth
rally situated on
lot. Four spac-
full baths, a
rge living-dining
complete the
home. FHA
,000. Call now
the $13,000 price . . . owner will
toss in the house!
How can you beat that deal.
----- A. ROY DUNN --
Everything is convenient. She
will love the colorful built-in range
and, oven, breakfast bar and lazy
for a handyman, susan cupboLrds. The large unique
fireplace divides this home so the
rated just at the traffic pattern lends to easy care.
one acre of land. She will have laundry located in
0ore. Full base- the center where it should be for
started. Pric-
easy access. The tile on all win-
dow sills resists dirt and makes
T cleaning a breeze. There are 3
bedrooms, lfi baths, king-size
yard for the kids and double car-
bedroom Hillcrest port. You had better show her
for just $7500. this today -- $16,500.
ra large living
dinette, plus A. ROY DUNN
you will find
)rkshop, plus a 513 SO. 14TH STREET
garden area. This is an excellent 3 bedroom
Soon so you can home in a very good Angleside i
area. It is in top condition
throughout and features a love-
kRMER __ ly family room, compact kitchen,
farm with both large living room with fireplace,
frontage. Rich, tile bath with shower, and coy-
for choice gar- ered patio. The yard is well
area. Large old- groomed and the back is fenced.
Place and large Why not drive by, then contact
Also a good- us for an appointment to see it.
Small chicken The price is $14,900.
8,000 with some A. ROY DUNN
And wouldn't it be nice in your
been arran€ new home on the lake. This one
this conven- has 100 ft. frontage and good
home, beach. There are 3 bedrooms, 2
a most beautiful fireplaces, family room in the
knotty pine basement, electric heat and many
ent with more dandy features. You'll even
(aromatic oil fur- like the low price -- $13,500. Call
!oft, fenced yard.
like to see it?
see the excellent
n 190' of low-
----- A. ROY DUNN
This one is a well built 4 bed-
room home on a large secluded
miles from lot. You will have a 2 car gar-
With tidelands age, living room, kitchen and nice
aeess, large sun- bath. There is spring water, a
S0 With terms, z +well kept yard and it is in nice
I Condition. Priced at $9500. Now
ORTSMEN!! is the time to buy.
cot With large --__ A. ROY DUNN
)edroom, home.
ge-work shop, FULLY FURNISHED
and Well Iocat- ,lust move in and make the beds.
and fishing. It's located on a 5-acre tract a
OWner will con- short distance front town. The
*r Shelton proper- house has 3 bedrooms and room
for a 4th. There is a large living
FIT! room, kitchen, utility and bath.
Good drilled well and a number
ew Hstirig that of fruit trees. This is a choice
This charming buy at $7950. Call now!
many ex-
a most A. ROY DUNN ........
tile roan-
Carport-storage, TREASURE ISLAND
Plus a fenced= The lot is 140 x 60 and located
to sel$ at $7500. just across from the Treasure
Island Community Beach. You'll
have a grand view of Mt. Rainier
and the water. The lot is cleared
and will be an exceptional home
or summer cabin site. The price -
$2800. on terms.
Eves Call:
Mary Voss ................ 426-8074
A. Roy Dunn 426-4601
PHONE 426-6363
126 Railroad
Ilitner, Herb Rotter
Associates, Inc.
€" BOOkkeeping __ Some very cheap money on
FHA Loans
laI'IONE 426-6642 -- HOME PHONE 426-3530
.HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, garage, Lot 60' x 120' --
nice corner lot downtown close to
with property. Some groceries
five acres, good well and water,
large work shop. Full price $8,500.
three bedrooms, fireplace, electric heat
ft. of waterfront, close to town. $12,000
acres. 1½ acres cleared. Other outbuild-
USEI garage, part basement. Priced at
payment $350.
HOME, 4 lots, good concrete foundation.
$500 down, $50 per month.
dining room, fireplace, garage and car-
R3ME CLEARED. Old house, drilled well, $2,800.
4-bedro0m house. One acre of land, spring
garage, workshop $9,500.
*ME, corner lot, hot water heat, fireplace,
d, on Angles(de -- $10,500.
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.", Shelton Washin
Legal Publications
STATE ()F \\;VAS111N(ITON ]i't) I{ I
In tile Matter of the Estate of I
in acem'dan('e with tile order of this[
Court entered ileretofore, the nnder-
Sig'll((l adnl nisirator (1[ till! above-en-
titled eslale will sell at l)rivaie sale,
on or after the 30th day t)I7 Al)ril. 1963,
-:it llle hollr of 9:00 A.M. or said day,
or within six nlollths aJlt)I' dale of lirst
t)ublieation of this nolice, at 552 CellL-
ral Building, Seattle ,1. Wasllington,
the I:olhwing described r+}al l)rot)erty
sittlated ill the CoIlllties (,I What(loin
and llaS()ll. State of "vVashinKton , to-
(1) Lot Ten (10). Bh)ck Fourteen (14),
Smith and Bean's Addition to So,-
hen/e, situated ill tile Connty Of
Whateoln. State of vVashhlglon.
(2) Thai parcel of real prot}erty situ-
ated in the Connty of Mason, State
Of Washington. described as fol-
lows :
A tract of land situaled partly in
overnlllent Lot one (1) and the
Star Values,
r 60' Beach and Cove with
Tidelands. Low bulkhead, float.
Delightful 2 bedroom, quality
home. Fireplace, circ. fog-free
windows. Excellent garden.
Breezeway cmmected hobby-
shop. Worth more than $18,800.
Terms can be arranged.
65' Beach W/TL low bank.
Modern summer home, 1 bed-
room. Largely furnished. Ten
minutes town. $12,200. Terms
* 110' Beach W/TL. Low bank,
2 acres. Three minutes down-
town. Custom-built 3 years.
Lovely 3 bedroom home, two
baths, two patios, ttu'ee-car ga-
rage. Well designed living, din-
ing rooms, fireplace. Deep-flow
spring water. May be seen by
* 200' Beach, W/TL. Boat-
house. Three acres in grass.
Built 1956. Three bedrooms on
2 levels. Fireplace in family
room. BB elec. heat. plus stand-
by oil. Magnificent views. Min-
iature farm. Nine miles $18,500.
Consider part trade 2 bedroom,
downtown, Grays Harbor.
125' Hood Canal W/TL. Peb-
ble beach. 42" concrete bulk-
head. Fine location, west ()t
Twanoh Park. Fern' bedrooms
includes 1 multi-bedroom.
Guest house potential. Large
living room w/fireplace;' fam-
ily dining. Cold Spring water.
Garage, shop. Lawns, shade,
lots of loafing areas. Full price
$29,500. Bank terms.
101' Drive-on Beach. Cedar
grove. Secluded. Fine location.
$50 per front foot.
250' Beach W/TL. No bank.
Close in. Excellent building
sites. $65 per front foot.
100' tract. Sweeping views.
Overlooks waterfront. Three
rooms, furnished. $3,000 full
price, $700 down, $27 monthly.
A summer retreat, yet close to
We have listed several ex-
cellent 3 and 4 bedroom prop-
erties, well located. Call us for
Briefly lived in. Beautiful
hardwood floors. Lovely 2 bed-
room home, possible 4. (Let us
explain) Exceptionally nice li-
ving and dining rooms. Dream
kitchen includes brand new
electric range, trash burner• Fi-
nest cabinets, closets. Corner
lot. Compare this Star Value
at only $10,700. FHA $575 dn,
Call us for evening showing.
Zoned heat is on.
You will ilke this attractive
Mr. View home. Five rooms,
plus. Spacious living room, well
carpeted w/log-size fireplace,
Smart dining room. Open kit-
chen. Restful bedrooms. Two
car garage. Large fenced patio.
Breezeways. Pricked well under
FHA at $14,750. Only $750 dn.,
includes FHA closing.
4 Clear, level acres; large
plot raspberries in. Finest
strawberry area. 8 miles. 4
room home, hardwood floor.
$8,950. Full price. $1,500 dn.
k 33 Acre Stock Farm. Large-
ly clear. Some wooded. 6 miles
west. Spacious 5 bedroom
home. lZ baths. Basement,
shower, furnace. Two car ga-
rage, shop. Drilled well Small
barn. $12,500 on conventional
"k 40 Acres, 22 acres seeded.
Bumper, crops, Excellent barn.
Two family homes, two and
three bedrooms. 1,300' river-
front. Well worth $17,500. Con-
ventional farm mortgage.
r 40 Acres in grass. Plus 3 in
woods. Small creek, fenced. 20
miles, on black-top. Two bed-
room farm home. Barn, other
buildings. $8,500 on convent(D1 -"
al farm mortgage.
CALL 426-4666
119 So. 4th -" Shelton, Wash.
Stmlh'asl tltlarl,q (SE i ) .f thc thee 28 of Deeds. plg 241. Mason CALl, FOR nlI), NO. 340(i price as set forth for each descril)tion.
S, mihw++sl <ltlarter (S\\;I, r 1j/. Section Collllty roe,+l'ds, wherein tile laTantor Illder the provisions of BCW NOTIC1,; TO (7RED1TOR. TO FILEt l)lns advertising cos]s, lo Ill( hi'hest
1:1. aud I)artly ill (,l)v,|'ll)n(']lt Lots s/ves, excel)IS and reserves all oils 36.82.130 sealed bids wilt h.. received I'LAIMS ] and best bidders, all ]be riR'ht title.
i'iw, c)) and (6). Section 2.t: all in 2ases. coal. ores. olinerals and l'os- at the Office of the Mason County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE and interesl ,,f said Mason County. and
"I' wasilip 21 Nortll. ihulge 2 \\;Vest• sils. ]o).I'olher with the right ta Conuuissioners until 11:30 A.M. April STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND leontaining furtbq" the exceptions :tnd
V(.M.. l)ariicularly d,-scril,ed as fol- t*nter upon said lands for the pur- 29. 1963. for rurnishin. Mas,m C(maty FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. reserva].ions set ont in Cllat)t,?r 19 of
lows: pose of opening, dcvelol)ing' and with the foib),.in: (IN I'IlOIIATE) Session Laws of the State ,f \\;.'ash-
t)I,](IINN1NG al |he qnal•ler c(irn- w(,rkinu nllnes, eic. : i)rovided, that ()lie (]) lle- Rubber-th'ed Front- In the Matter ef tile Estate oft JllK|t)n for 1943 or as elate/ideal in alld
(H' (.olllnlon h) Set'lions 1:{ and 24. no rigllts shall be exercised undcr end Loader of 21 CU, yd. (SA GRACE CHARLOTTE BUXTON. it) the followina- described i'oai tH+t)lh.r -
said T,vaship and l{ano; t]lonce ttlis reservation until provision has rated) lnintnlllnl capacity. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That ty. situated ill said County and State.
Nm'I}l 2:11 feet. n!ol'e OF h*SS. tO tile b(,en made by t}le State. its suc- Specifications and Bid Iol'nl i/lay be Letters Tostan)entary on the Estate to-wit:
c,'nl,q' of a little sIrealll, t]lence e ,ssors or assigns, for full payluent obtained at the Office el the Mason el Grace Charlotte Buxton. were Assessor's Tract I of N,V 1 SEI.
S(,llih 32" West 457 feet lhen(..e of :ill dalnaKes snstained i)y thc ('ounty Engineer. Shelton. ,rashington. granted "o the nndersilned (,n the [ ex(-ept Bight of Vay S(etiOll :]1.
Soulh 2|7.4 fetal, lnore (n' less, to owner by reason of such entering; The Coualy reserves the right h) re- 29/h day oI March. 1963. by the said Townshil) 21 North Range R ,.\\;V.M..
t e Sllh'ly i Ile of sa d Govern- and lho ri'ht of the State of Wash- jeet ally or all bids or to accel:)t the Superior Contr. pat'ti(+ulal'ly desevibed as Ill(" South
nlent lot 5; thence Nol'th 79 < East inEton, or /1113" gl'antee, or Iessee bid deenled ])lOSt advan(ageollS 1() the All l)ersons having eIainls against 20S feet of the Easl 208 feel of Sald
216.7 feet. m<,re or less. along lbe thereof, lo acquire 1he right-of-way Ci)'L/nty. said estate are requil•ed to serve ttleln N71_I SEll containing on(" acre nh)ro
Sollthcqqy line of said Governlnenl t)vel' said second-class tide lands for DONE this 15th day of April, I963. will/ the necessary VOtl(!hers lll)t,n me or h,ss. Appraisal $126.06.
L(,I 5 to a l)oinl directly Sotlth ot private raih'oads, skid roads, canals. MASON COUNTY at the office of nly a]IormWs Foster JOHN B. COLE
file point of beginning; thence "'ater courses or other easelnents COMMISSIONERS. & Fostel •, 501 Se('tlrity Bldg.. Olympia. TFeasUl'er ef Ttls(n Chllnt.-
Xt,l'lh It, I]le poini of beginning, for |he purpose of and to be tlS¢6 [)Y: C+ NOLAN MASON within six iP, ollths after the date of (Seal) 4/4-:1t-18 31
contahlinK an area (t 2.32 acres, mm' in Hie transportation and nloving Clerk of the Board. the first publieation of this notice, le-
er less; said land beillK also known o[ tind)er, stone, lninerals or other 4/18 it wit. within six Illonths after the 4th '
and des('riiwd as Tract l(iA ol the products fron/ other lands, upon day of April. 1963. and file (he sanle
nnrccorded plat of Stadium Beach. paying reas)nablc compensation. NO. 3145 MT. VIEW
ALSO. th, Vesi 160 feet of Gov- (b) Easenmnt for road and right- NOTI('E TO CREI)ITOIIS TO with the clerk of this Court. together
eminent Lot one (l). Section 13 said with proof ,)f su,'h service .... • tby Alliance Church
of-way purposes over and acl'oss the PllESENT AND FILE (LAI31S shall he forever barred.
Townshilt and Range. and all that North forty (40) feet of the with- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE
lm]'tion of Government Lot six (6), ill described upland, in Governnmnt STATE OF WASHINCTON FOR Dated at Shelton. WaslL. this 2rid Washington and J Sts.
Section 24, said Township and Lot 1 said Scction 13. MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) day of March, 1963.
Range. whi(.b lies framed ately ((.) Easement granted by Harrj, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE CARROLL E. BUXTON. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m.
South of said Vt*st 160 feet of Gov- K Snlytil. a bacheh)r, and Charles OF CARRIE L. GIFFORD Deceased. Executor of the Estate of 3orning Worship .... 11:00 a.m.
ernnmnt Lot 1. said Section 1:1: said Sonmrs and Clara A. Seiners. has- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Grace Charhtte Buxton. de- A.. Y. F, 6.00 p.m.
land being also known and described 1)and and wife, to Peninsula Light the undersigned. B. Franklin Houston deceased , ........................
as Tract 16 <)f the unrecorded plat Company, a corporation, dated has been appointed and has qualified FOSTER & FOSTER. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m.
of Stadiunl Beach. March 20, 1940. recorded October 7, as Executor of the L/st Will and Attorneys for Exeeulor. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30.p.m.
ALSO. all tide lands of the second- 1940 in Volume 72 nf Deeds. l)ag Testsment and of the estatc of CarrieL. 501 Security Buildina.
class, formerly owned ])3" the State 297. under Auditor's File No Gifford. de,rased: and that all pet +- Olympia. Washinuton. Robert S. Wick, Pastor
nf Washington siluale in front of. 95015, for a Perl)etual right-of-way sons having claims against the said 4/4-11-18 3t
adj'c.cnt to or abuttina upon the 20 feet in width with right priv- estate or the said deceased are tiereby , LL
abm'e described upland and extend- liege and authority to eonstruct, required to serve the same duly veri- NOTICE OF ALE OF TAX TI'rlA$ , , ,
ing to tie line of mean low tide. oDerate and nlaintain a high tension fled in duplicate with the necessary PROPERTY
SUBJECT TO: electric line over and across that voucher. attaclled upon the undersigned Foursquare Church
(a) Provisions. exceptions and res- portion of the within described up- Executor at the law office of B. Frank- (53)
ervations' as expressed in the deed land described as follows: lin Heuston. Angle Building, Shelton, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 910 East Dearborn
fr(+m the State of Washington under Commencing at the quarter Sec- Washinglon, and file suel] claims to- pursuant to and in conformity with all
hieh title to said second-class tide tion corner for Sections 13 and 24, gether with proof of service with the order of the Roard of County Commis- Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
lands is claimed, recorded in Vol- Township 21 North. Range 2 West, Clerk of the above entitled Court sloners of Mason County. State of ............
W,M.: thence North 0°4I'20 '' W'est within six (6) months after the date Washington. duly made and entered Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m.
a distance of I8.07 feet to the true of the first lmblication of this notice, on the 26th day of March. 1963. order- C.Y.'s & Cadets 6:00 p.m.
point of beginning; thence the strip to-wit: 4 April 1963. or all claims not ing the undersigned to sell. in the nmn- " .......
EXCEPTIONAL her previded by £aw. the undersigned Evening Service .... 7:00 pxn.
, Ofor landlhe layingfolh)wing10 feetdescribedon each lille.side barred.s° presented and filed will be forever will on Friday, the 19th day of April,
• Frmn tile lrue point of beginning B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON 1963. at the hour of Ten O'eh:)ek. in the Bible Study (Wed.) .... 7:00 pro.
VALUES Iorenoo,, of said day, at the. front door Lewis B. Wysong, pastor
thence South 80 ° West a distance of Executor. Estate of Carrie L. of the Courthouse_ in the City of
62.8 feet to the intersection with Gifford. deceased.
the Section line between Sections 13 Address: Angle Bldg., Shelton. said County and State. offer 1/31 tfn
and 24; thence continuing in Sec- Shelton. Washington for sale at not less than the mininmm ,
LOCATION DOWNTOWN, tion 24. South 80 ° V.rest a distance 4/4-11-18-25 4t
LOTS OF ROOM of 97.2 feet. tnakin+ a total dis- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH
tance of 160 feet in Sections 13 and NATIONAL FOREST TIMBEI
Just two blocks from city Cen- 24. Township 21 North. Range 2 k'Olt SALE
ter. Large living room with room West. W.M. CANYON RIVER SALVAGE
for dining' area. Compact meal- Also. commencing at the quarter Public notice is hereby given that
ern kitchen, formica counters, util- Section corner for Sections 13 and pursuant to the provisions of Section Rev, E,C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cota
24. Township 21 North. Range 2 5 of Public Law 273. 78th Congress (58
ity room handy to kitchen. Two West. V¢,M.: thence North 0°41'20 '' Slat. 132-16. U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the Roy. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education
bedrooms down and one largo, West for 8 distance of 18.07 feet to Cooperative Agreement for the Man- SUNDAY, APRIL 21 --
agement of the Participating Forest
roolny one upstairs. Fenced yard, the true point of beginning; thence Properties in the, Shelton Cooperative 9:30 a.m. Sunday SchoOl_wA ]iKMAS
• the strip of land laying 10 feet on Broadcast over
separate garage. All this for $9.- each side of the following described Strata(ned Yield Unit entered into by 11:00 a.m--Morning Worship
000. lille, l'Onl the true point of be- and between the United States of ITING DISCIPLES"
ginning tllenee North 32 55' East Ameri0a and the Sinlpson Timber Corn-
TOWN CONVENIENCE WITH ;3.distance of 294.5 feet in Section party, dated December 12. 1946. all 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups
Township 21 North. Range 2 merchantable timber marked or desig- 7:00 p.m.
COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE West. W.M. nated for cutting on an area embrac- "Dangerous Aftermaths" 1280- 11:00 a.m,
This is a brand new listing anc Upon the following conditions: the sd- ing 1.270 acres, more or les., within
worth a look. Four bedrooms, ministrator reserves tile right of Te- Sections 24. 25. 26, T. 22 N.. R. 7W.. ILLUSTRATED IN COLOR!
fnsal of any offer; no offer to pin.- W,M.. surveyed. Sections 4. 5, 6. 7. 8,
large living room with dining chase the property hereinabove de- 9. T. 21N.. R. 65V.. W.:M.. surveyed. WED. -- 7:00 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer for the family.
Sections 5, 26 7, 8. 16, 17. 18. 19, 2(],
room separate. Compact kitchen scribed will be considered if it offers 29. 30. 31, 3 22N., R. 6W.. W.I.,
with lots of cupboards. Bath and less than $7.000.00 in cash: the offer
shall clearly state the terms thereof unsurvcyed. Canyon River ]Block, ' , , ,, ....
a half, full basement, separate ga- and shall l)e in writing addressed to Grays Harbor and Mason Counties.
rage. Fruit trees. Situated on 3 his attorneys, KUMM. MAXWELL. Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH
lots so has lots of rooln, for $13,- PETERSEN & LEE 552 Cenral Build- Unit, Olympic National Forest. Wash-
500. ing. Sealtle 4. Washingon. and de- ington, will be sold to the Simpson 7th and Franklin Street
livered to said address or filed with Timber Company on April 30. 1963,
the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. The estimated volmnes are: 5.700 M 8:15 and 11:00 Morning Worship Services
LOCATION IDEAL -- The time of notice of this sale has board feet of Douglas-fir. 5.000 IV( 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Class
FHA APPROVED been shortened by the Court to eight board feet of western hemlock and CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor
days from elate of first publication, other species. The lninlnunll acceptable
This is truly a fine home for the DATED this llth day of April. 1963. hid per M board feet is "as follows: Affiliated with American Lutheran Church
large family. Elegant living room RAYMOND J. PETERSEN. Douglas-fir $11.45 western hemlock
with fireplace, separate dining" Administrator of the Estate of and other species $5.45. This includes ' ' '
room, botb carpeted Kitchen has Harry Kinikel Smyth. Deceased. salothe following ratcs, per$3.001Vi boardbase feet ST, l EPISCOPAL
4/11-182t for stumpage (including- deposit for
eating area. Two large bedrooms area bette,'ment), rate :VID'S ,i
plus an additional $7.75 for Douglas- uurth and Cedar, Shlton, Washington i
down, complete tiled bath and NOTICE OF GROUNI) WATEB fit.. $2.00 base rate plus an additional The Rev. Clarence A. L0dy, Priest '
two bedrooms up with complete 111(11t'11' AI'I'LICATION NO, 6496 $2.75 for western benflock and other
pink tiled bath Full baselnent I State of SVashinglon species, and $0.70 for slash disposal Thursday, April 4 -- 7:30 p.m. evening prayer and sermon. |
with plenty of room for recreation OFFICE Ol" SIPEIIVISt)R OF for all species. The prices bid for Sunday, April 7 -- Palm Sunday k Distribution of Palm erosse.. I
room. Secluded and surrounded by WATER RI,,'SOUI{CEN slunlpage shall be considered as ten-
Olympia tative rates subject to quarterly cal- Services -- 7:o0 a.lTl. 9:30 a.m. -- 11 a.m. I
trees. Top neighborhood on An- TAKE NOTICE: endar adjustment upward or down- The Church is always open for meditation and prayer I
That ROBERT F. HENDRY of el- ward by 0.5 of the difference between
gleside for $16 250. fair. Washington on Jannary 31, 1963. the average of the ntonthly Douglas-fir .. I
filed al)plication for permit to with- region indices, as calculated by the r , , •
SPRAWLING RANCH-STYLE draw pal)lie ground waters through a For*st Service for lhe three previous
WITH LOTS OF ROOM well situated. .within Tract 8 NWI,.. nonths, and the folh)wing hase in- TIlE m=mnumol unun=n UlCTutnloP .aUlllnu
NWI ot Sechou 1, Township 22 N., diee: Douglas-fir 1t7.31 (E), western
This well-built three bedroom Range 2 V, r. W.M.. in Mas(fi County hemlock and other species 99.06 (B).
home is all plastered. Has a whoo- ill the anlmnll of 5 gel ons per minutia. Such adjustments in the pl-me for North 4th and, Pine Streeta
ping big living room witb a high, existing rights continuously, each year stmnpage shall be applicahle to tin)-
for the purpose of group domestic m]p- ber scaled during the three-nlonths ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister
wide and ltandsomc f i r e p 1 a c e. pty.. lmriod following the quarter for 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Morning Worship.
Gourmet designed kitchen with Any objections nmst 1)e accompanied whicll the adjustment is computed. In :[1:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p,m. Youth Fellowship
builtin stove and oven. formica by a two dollar ($2.00)recording-fee no event, however, slh'dI thc payment
counters, lovely birch cabinets, and filed with the State Superviso" of raes for each quarter be less fhan , , , ,,
Water Resources within thirty (30) llle base rates as stated above. "When
Gleaming hardwood floors, drapes days from Alu'il ]8. I963. the adjusted rates by species are low- "
included. Electric heat. large car- Witness my hand cud official seal er than the base rales, the difference
for $19,000. State Supervisor (,f Water Resources. base rates will be recorded for each
WHY SIT THERE READING, ......................... species will not be increased above a
the base rate until the snbsequent ad- rd n
HURRY! NOTICI,; OF PUBLIC ltEARING justed rates above base rates for all
This well designed home has three SItELTON CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL species develop an accumulated total
DISTRICT NO. 309 dollar value in excess of the total re-
bedrooms---one down and two up. Pursnant to law, notice is hereby corded accumulated difference for all t e s uventle ,-.;,*,:-
Lots of storage space, large faro-gil.en that the Schoel Directors of species. If requested by the State of 10Mf;:l. chrst risen' Ma On CO' J- :00 a.m--A BETTER WAY 7
ily size living room. separate din- SHELTON CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL Washington or by Grays Harbor
ing 1"0011], both carpeted. Extra DISTRICT NO. 309 will hold a public County or Mason County or by any
hearing in said school district at the person deenled to have a 'easonable
large bath downstairs and half EVERGREEN SCHOOL. oil the 22nd
interest in the proposed sale, or in
bath up. The sunny kitchen has day of April, 1963. at 8:00 o'clock P.M , Its lerms, a public hearing will be ' "
cupboards galore dishwasher new (or the following purpose: held in the office nf the Forest Super-
stove. Large utility room. double SCHOOL BUDGET FOR 196321961 All Washington. on the 19th day of April,
garage easy to care for yard. Ex- interested taxi)avers are inviled to be 1963. at 2:00 P.M. Requests for public Arcadia and Lake Boulevard
cellent neighborhood. This home presenl
hearing will not be considered unless Charles D. Wigton
is completcly furnished for $13,- DORIS K. HILLMAN, received in the office of the Forest
• Clerk of the Board. Supervisor. Post Office Building, Bible School ....... 9:45 a.m. Youth :eeting 5:30 p,m.
500. By Order of lhe Board of Direc.tors Olympia Washington. on or before Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m.
of Shelton Consolida]ed School Dis-
THIS HOME HAS THE SECUR- trict No. 309. April 10. 1963. Dated March 25. 1963. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m.
Lloyd G. Gilhnor. Forest Supervisor,
ITY OF AN ESTABLISHED Dated this 9th day of April, 1963. Olymi)ic National Forest. Child Care Service Available at ll:00 Service
AREA -- I 4/11-18 2t 3/28-4}4-11-18 41
This well designed two bed-I
room home is in the best condi-
tion. Built to last, all plastered.
new roof, extra lot goes with this I Preferred Properlies ,o Aider St,, Sheltn. We,h,
bargain. Large living room, built I Sunday School 11:00 a.m, -- Church 11 a.m,
in china closets. Easy to heat. hy Wedneeday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m.
Room upstairs for another bed- Reading loom located in churcl Reading room hours to
roOm•sibilities.ThiSonlyhOme$9600.has lots of pos- Waterfront Ii i|leal|" 4p.m. Men. & FrL Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:5.
Three lovely bedrooms, large li- 317 Railroad Ave. Call 426-8277
ving room with cornel" fireplace. • Full Gospel In Message - Fundamental In Doctrine
Compact kitchen. Deck all around CAREFREE SUMMER LIVING! 130 East Pine Street Mason Younglund. pastor
front of house. Big picture win-
Let the youngsters enjoy swimming and boating on 60' of Sunday School- Classes for all ...................................... 9:45 A.M,
dows with excellent view. 55 feet finest pebble beach, while you relax and watch from the deck or Morning Worship .......................................... '. ................. 11:0 A.M.
of waterfront, large deck over- from shaded patio area! Just t;o years old, a well-planned sum- Christ's Ambassadors
looking water. Dock. All this for .......................................................... 6:00 P,M.
$10,500. Owner will hold contract mer home with many extras including a fireplace. Immediate Revival Service ................................................................... 7:00 P.M.
possession. $12,000. Bible Study and Prayer -- Wednesday ............................ 7:00 P.M.
Two bedrooms, large entertain- Enjoy a three bedroom home overlooking a large fishing
ing size living room with fire- stream and park-like grounds. Located close to town. Let the MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH
place. Well designed kitchen with three good rentals fatten your pocketbook: If your credit is
lots of cflpboards, ready to move good, the price is very low and the terms are excellent! By ap- MISSOURI SYNOD
right in. Also has small rental in pointment only. Call Dick Bolliug and see this one. Olympic Hiway So. & Cascade. The Rev. Gerald Herman, pastor.
back that rents for $45 per me. e "
Never empty. All this for $15.500. LOTS OF ROOM! Maundy Thursday, Communion S trice ............................ 7:o0 p,m.
A large home for your family to enjoy! In excellent condi- Good Friday Service ................................................................ 7:30 p,m.
ESTATE IS ALL SETTLED tion, this home has many fine features that include a fireplace, "
This family home is located recreation room, and separate dining room. Landscaped grounds Easter Festival Services .................................... 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
downtown only a few blocks from for easy-car and beauty. Sunday school and Adult Bible Class .................................... 9:45 a.m.
City Center. Four bedrooms, ex-
tra large living room. Kitchen has LIKE TO GARDEN?
breakfast nook, newly painted This cozy home can easily grow to fit your family needs.
half basement. Nice back yard On half an acre of excellent soft and has good well ad pump.
for garden. Garage and tool shed. Immediate possession. $3750.
HOOD CANAL LIVING "Today's Hottest Buy Is Acreage" Cordially Invites You To Attend a
AT THE VERY BEST 104 ACRES, excellent stream, 4000' of county road +frontage. Free Leclure on Ghrislian Science
This lovely home is a yea(-- Full price is just $13,000.
around home. Two large bedrooms.
All plastered. Living room with 20 ACRES, ideal for homesite or divide into 4 - 5 acre lots. Just
fireplace, large picture windows 6 miles southwest of Shelton. Your terms. Entitled
give 3,ou an elegant view of Can- 85 ACRES, only 2,., miles from town, ideal for subdivision or
al and ,nountains. Full basement investment. Less than $200 per acre. Trades or "HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE
with one bedroom and half bath, terms. DESTROYS FEAR"
Manicured yard. separate garage. 30 ACRES, surrounding a truly beautiful 6 acre lake, spr,ing-
Full attic in this home. Also in- fed and perfect for building or development. \\; 0'H0 G Z genhagen C,S B
cluded in this buy is 100 feet ot 103 ACRES, 3 miles from Shelton, lake and stream, view of , re , , .
excellent waterfront and room to Olympics. No finer investment. Contract terms or of Chicago, Illinois
build the home of your dreams, trades considered.
All this for $25.000. 50 ACRES, of exceptionally well-stocked timberland just a few 1V[ember of the Board of Leetnreship of The Mother Church
ANGLE AGENCY, miles south of Shelton. Will consider some terms. The First Church of Christ, Scientist. in Boston, Massachuselts
Real Estate- Insurance -- Evenings Call- Thursday, April 25, 1963 at 8:00 p.m.
HERB -- Phone 426-8272 DICK
Mrden Stroud 426-4000 Shelton Junior High School
SUE DANIELS ....................
DONALD (Bean) DANIELS Dick Belling ........................ 426-8162 12th and Franklin